Incident Response Playbook: Phishing Investigation (Part 1) : Stop / Remove The User / Identity Off The Potential List
Incident Response Playbook: Phishing Investigation (Part 1) : Stop / Remove The User / Identity Off The Potential List
Incident Response Playbook: Phishing Investigation (Part 1) : Stop / Remove The User / Identity Off The Potential List
Start with
initial phishing email / Subject /
email address(es)
Yes Investigate sign-in
To which user(s) is it events for the identity
delegated /
A No
Record destination IP
Did the user click the
Yes address /
link in the email?
destination URL
Investigate sign-in
events for the identity
Is the IP address a
Is password spray No known address or Yes Troubleshoot as per
attack confimed? another explanation for operational process
the alert?
Is the compromised Yes Change user s password and Has the attacker
Follow procedure for
password or mark as compromised in successfully
data loss
account identified? identity protection accessed data?
Is MFA enabled? Enable MFA
Users enumerate
Azure AD poral PowerShell
their app access
Run AzureADPSPermissions
Review users that have Review apps with misspelled names, bland names,
consent granted. If high- hacker-sounding names
profile or high-impact users
have inappropriate consents ISP investigation
granted, then investigate - ReplyURL/RedirectURL
further. - Look for suspicious URLs ( Is the URL hosted on a
suspicious domain? Is the URL compromised, is it
recently registered? Is it a temporary domain?
Apps with - Is there a terms of service/agreement link in the
misspelled names, Check ClientDisplayName app registration? Is the content unique and
bland names, or (column C) for apps that specific to the application/publisher?
hacker-sounding seem suspicious. - Is the tenant that registered the application
names newly created or compromised? (for example, is
the app registered by an at-risk user?)
Confirmed attack No
Revoke application's
permissions using one of
these methods:
Navigate to the Use PowerShell to revoke OAuth Use PowerShell to revoke Disable sign-in for the account, Disable integrated
affected user in the consent grant. Follow the steps Service AppRole Assignment. which will disable app access to applications for your
Azure AD portal. in Remove AzureAD Follow the steps in data in that account. Not ideal for tenancy (Not
OAuth2PermissionGrant RemoveAzureADServiceAppRole user, but useful for short-term recommended)
cmdlets. Assignment. remediation.
Navigate to Admin
Select Applications > In the Azure AD portal,
Remove AzureADOAuth2Permissi Remove AzureADServiceAppRole Center>Settings>Org
the suspicious app select User > Profile > Settings,
onsGrant -ObjectId <string> Assignment -ObjectId <string> settings>Services page,
> Remove. and block sign-in.
select UserConsent to apps.