OS 2nded Rules (WEBSITE)
OS 2nded Rules (WEBSITE)
OS 2nded Rules (WEBSITE)
G a m e p l a y ! to play again. On
top of that, I am
also nervous over
playing it again.
Ava i l a b l e !
1 Ottoman Sunset 2.0 Game Rules
fourth Rule.
Important information is in red text.
The Great War in the Near East References to examples of a Rule or Case
1914-1918 are in blue text and this font.
Table of Contents Text in shaded boxes, like this, provides
the voice of the game’s designer, who is
[1.0] INTRODUCTION .................. 1 addressing you to explain an idea or
[2.0] GAME EQUIPMENT ............ 2 concept that is not, itself, a Rule or a
[3.0] SET UP ................................ 3 Case.
[4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY .......... 4 [1.0] INTRODUCTION
[5.0] EVENT CARDS .................... 4 Ottoman Sunset is a stand-alone
[6.0] EVENT RESOLUTION ......... 4 solitaire States of SiegeTM game on
[7.0] ARMY MOVEMENT ............ 6 World War One in the Near East from
[8.0] PLAYER ACTIONS .............. 7 1914-1918. The player controls the
[9.0] KAISERSCHLACHT ............. 9 Young Turks (CUP or Committee of
Union and Progress) as they try to keep
[10.0] NATIONAL WILL............ 10 the Ottoman Empire alive amidst the
[11.0] VICTORY & DEFEAT ..... 10 struggles of the Great War.
[12.0] OPTIONAL RULES .......... 13 After many years of being the “Sick man of
[13.0] EXAMPLE OF PLAY ........ 18 Europe,” by the late 19th century the
Ottoman Empire attempted to reform and
[14.0] DESIGNER’S NOTES ....... 20 modernize itself. Ironically, such attempts
convinced restive nationalities such as the
[0.0] USING THESE RULES Greeks, Romanians, Bulgarians, etc., to
New gaming terms, when they are assert their independence and/or seek to
initially defined, appear in dark red expand their territory.
lettering for quick referencing. This weakness caused other Imperial
The instructions for this game are Powers to seize Ottoman territory, both
organized into major “Rules” sections as formally and informally. By the outbreak
shown in large green CAPS font, and of World War One, the Ottoman Empire
represented by the number to the left of was reduced to a core of territory in Asia
the decimal point (e.g., Rule 4.0 is the Minor, the Levant, the Hejaz,
fourth Rule). These Rules generally Mesopotamia, and a sliver of European
explain the game’s components, territory. This collapse led the military-
procedures for play, the game’s core political leadership in Turkey to take over
systems and mechanics, how to set it up, under the guise of the Young Turks.
and how to win. When war in Europe broke out in 1914, the
With each Rule, there can be “Cases” Ottoman Empire, pursuant to secret
that further explain a Rule’s general protocols, agreed to provide shelter to the
concept or basic procedure. Cases might fleeing German Battleship Goeben, which
also restrict the application of a Rule by was renamed Yavuz after joining the
denoting exceptions to it. Cases (and Ottoman Navy. After Britain refused to
Subcases) are an extension of a Rule deliver newly ordered Turkish battleships,
shown in the way that they are numbered. the Turko-German fleet bombarded Russian
For example, Rule 4.1 is the first Case of
Ottoman Sunset 2.0 Game Rules 2
forts, signaling the Ottoman Empire’s outward from it like spokes (Salonika,
entrance into World War One. Gallipoli, Caucasus, Mesopotamia, Arab,
The Ottoman Empire began with lofty and Sinai). The map also includes inset
strategic goals, but soon faced a hard maps of Gallipoli and The Narrows of
slog, defending its core empire against the Dardanelles, various holding boxes,
far-flung British-led forces, Russian tables, and data tracks to facilitate play.
armies, and a Hashemite Arab revolt. There is a half-box located in the
Furthermore, ongoing campaigns on
Northwest corner of the map (“Baghdad
other fronts, such as those with Austria
Railway”). You’ll find the remaining half
against Romania in the East, against Italy
on the Isonzo, and of course the draining
of the marker box on the Southeastern
stalemate of the Western Front had a corner of the Hapsburg Eclipse map. This
direct impact on events in this theater. box is used to hold a marker indicating the
Like Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Berlin-Baghdad Railway is open, allowing
Empire needed direct German aid to keep for transfers of reserves and other military
it in the conflict. assets in the Combined Game. The rules
Despite victories at Kut and Gallipoli, by governing its use are included with
October 1918, the Turks had about all Hapsburg Eclipse. This box is not used
they could take and surrendered. Can you when playing Ottoman Sunset alone.
lead the Ottomans in the Great War and Event instructions Associated piece