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Maraka (Sanskrit: मारक) in Hindu astrology refers to the

planet or planets that cause death at the end of a particular
life-span, if the assessed life-span is not over they cause
accident, ill-health, poverty and misery during the course of
their dasha or antra-dasha or in the period of the planet
associating/influenced by them. Each lagna has a fixed
maraka or marakas. The two luminaries, the Sun and the
Moon, and the lord of the 9th house generally do not
become marakas. The lords of the 2nd and the 7th house, or
the malefic planets occupying anyone of these named
houses and associated with their lords are the Primary
determinants of death. The Secondary determinants of
death are the benefic planets in association with lords of
2nd and 7th house or the lords of the 3rd and 8th house, or
the lord of the 3rd or the 8th associating with the lord of the
2nd or the 7th house. The Tertiary determinants of death are
Saturn associating with any of the afore stated marakas, the
lord of the 6th or the 8th associated with a maraka, and the
least powerful planet in the horoscope. The transit
influences of the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are taken into
account for determining the time of death.


The results of the good and the bad karmas collected by

man between intervals of births become known in this birth,
and the pattern of life the aggregate of man’s karma shape
are comprehended with the aid of Jyotisha.[1] For the
purpose of ascertaining the possible span of life the
Amsayu method should be adopted if at the time of birth the
Lagna is vested with strength; the Pindayu method, if the
Sun is strong, and the Nisargayu method, if the Moon is
strong.[2] If at the time of birth the lord of the 8th house
counted from the lagna happens to occupy a kendrasthana
the person will be long-lived; if the lord of the 8th house or
the lord of the lagna is in the 8th house afflicted by
inauspicious planets the person will be short-lived.[3]

The use of Nisargayu, the Pindayu, the Lagnayu, the

Amsayu, the Rashmiayu, the Chakrayu, the Nakshatrayu and
the Ashtakavargayu methods are employed for determining
longevity, but longevity is determined on the basis of the
strength of the horoscope in its entirety, and the dasa of
planets. The planets most afflicted by maraka-propensities
by aspect, association or occupation are cause of death,
death indicated on the basis of transits can occur only when
the directional influences in the birth-chart warrant. The
ordinary span of man’s life rarely exceeds one hundred
years. Parasara has on a very broad basis classified three
categories of life-spans – Alpayu up to thirty-two years,
Madhyayu beyond thirty-two years but less than seventy-one
years, and Poornayu beyond seventy years up to the
maximum of one hundred twenty years. Diseases alone are
not the cause of all deaths, but diseases resulting from bad
karmas cannot be cured. The grant of term of life depends
on Bhagya (luck), and a person not blessed with good health
does not enjoy to any extent his granted term of life.[4]

Planets causing death

The moment of death is indicated by the Chhidra grahas; the
Chhidra grahas are a) the lord of the 8th house, b) the planet
in the 8th house, c) the planet aspecting the 8th house, d)
the lord of the 22nd drekkana from the lagna, e) the planet in
conjunction with the lord of the 8th house, f) the lord of the
64th navamsa from the Moon and g) the Atisatru (the bitter
enemy) to the lord of the 8th house.[5]

Vaidyanatha Dikshita, in his Jataka Parijata, takes note of

six Arishta- dashas – even one papagraha devoid of
strength and benefic influence indicates death during the
course of its dasha in the period corresponding with the
mandala occupied by it, the dasha of the planet in rasi-
sandhi brings illness and disease, a person suffers set-
backs and reverses in the antra-dasha of the planet situated
in the 6th or the 8th house from the lagna in a sign owned
by a papagraha, death occurs during the course of the 5th
dasha of Mars or Rahu, or the 6th dasha of Jupiter or the
4th dasha of Saturn or the dasha of the debilitated planet
occupying an inimical sign or occupying Vipata, Nidhana or
Pratyari nakshatra, the person suffers loss of things
indicated by the planet situated or aspecting the 2nd or the
7th during the antra-dashas of the lords of the 2nd and the
7th ; death is likely to occur when the lord of the sign
occupied by the lord of the drekkena falling in the 8th house
or its dispositor, transit the navamsa occupied by them. He
also takes note of the dasha or antra-dasha of the weakest
Chhidra-graha ( छ ह) during which period death is likely;
the lord of the 8th, the planet situated in the 8th, the planet
aspecting the 8th house, the lord of the 22nd drekkena, the
planet combining with the lord of the 8th, the lord of the
64th navamsa counted from that occupied by the Moon and
its bitter foe are the seven Chhidra-grahas.[6]

The lords of 2nd and the 12th house cause death; the
malefic planet situated in the 2nd house is stronger than the
lord of that house, and the malefic planet in conjunction with
the lord of the 2nd house, who also has the powers of the
12th house lord, is stronger than the malefic planet which
happens to be in the 2nd. The 7th house lord becomes a
stronger maraka if it also owns a trika-bhava (the 6th, the
8th or the 12th house counted from the lagna), malefic
planets acquire the power to kill when associated with the
8th, 2nd or 7th house or their lords, the dashas of the
marakas (lords of 2nd, 7th, 6th and 12th) can bring about
death, lord of 12th and planet in the 12th bring about death
when all else has failed. When Saturn is malefic and is
associated with planets causing death or with the lord of the
3rd or the 11th house then Saturn becomes the prime
effective maraka to cause death. Saturn situated in the 6th
house prolongs life. Death can occur in the dasha of a weak
benefic planet occupying the 8th house or the lord of the
lagna can give yoga and kill the native. Venkateswara, the
author of Jataka Chandrika, also states that in the antra-
dasha of a maraka in the dasha of a Raja yoga-karaka, Raja
yoga effects will be experienced but the same will break in
the antra-dasha of a malefic planet; that the benefic
associated with a maraka does not kill but a malefic can. If
the lagna is strong Amsayurdaya method is to be applied for
calculating longevity, but if the Moon is strong then it is the
Naisargika Ayurdaya method that is required to be applied.[7]

Marakas & Marakasthanas

The 8th house from the lagna is the house of longevity; the
8th house counted from the 8th i.e. the 3rd house, is also
the house of longevity. The 12th house counted from the 3rd
and the 8th i.e. the 2nd and the 7th houses from the lagna,
are the marakasthanas (the death-inflicting houses), and the
lords of the 2nd and the 7th are designated as the principal
Marakas (the inflictors of death or the killers).


Maraka means the one that causes death at the end of a

life-span or causes ill-health. The maraka for Aries lagna is
Venus for it owns both marakasthanas; Mars, Moon, Venus
and Jupiter are the marakas for Taurus lagna; the Moon for
Gemini lagna; Saturn for Cancer and Leo lagnas; Venus for
Virgo lagna; Mars for Libra lagna; Venus for Scorpio lagna;
Venus and Saturn for Sagittarius lagna; Mars, Moon and
Jupiter for Capricorn lagna; the Sun, Mars and Jupiter for
Aquarius lagna, and for Pisces lagna, Mercury and Saturn
are the designated marakas. The marakas and the planets
associated with the marakas, and all malefic planets can
cause illness and death during the operation of their dashas
but if longevity is over but the dasa of maraka is not
operating then the lord of the 12th house acts as the
maraka and its dasha or the dasha of a malefic can cause
death. Saturn and Rahu are the Mrityu-karakas or
significators of death. A Maraka does not kill in its own
antra-dasha in the dasa of a benefic planet but it does so in
its antra-dasha the dasha of a malefic. Saturn associated
with a maraka kills, and death generally occurs during the
course of the antra-dasha of the lords of the trikabhavas in
the dasha of a maraka. The lords of the 2nd and the 12th
bhavas counted from the sign and bhava occupied by the
Moon behave as marakas if they are natural malefic.
Moreover, death can occur in the antra-dasha or dasha of
the lord of the 3rd nakshatra from Janam nakshatra
(asterism occupied by the Moon at birth) for a person of
Alpayu (short-life), in that of the 5th nakshatra for a person
of Madhyayu (Middle-life) and in that of the 7th nakshatra
for a person blessed with Poornayu (long-life).

The manner of death can be known from the yoga-

formations occurring at the time of birth, e.g. if the Sun
combines with Saturn and Rahu in the 7th house the person
will be bitten by a cobra or if the Sun and Mars are in the 4th
house aspected by or in conjunction with the lord of the 4th
and the 10th, the person will be stoned to death or die by
falling on a stone or by a falling stone.[8] Death from
punishment by ruler can occur if the Sun is in the 3rd or is
influencing the lord of the 3rd house or by fire if it in the 8th
or influencing the 8th house; similarly the Moon can cause
death either by Tuberculosis or from excess fluids (or
drowning); Mars from either a surgical operation, burns,
injuries or from weapon or surgery; Mercury from either
Febrile, illness, or from fever; Jupiter from either Tumours,
swelling or from prolonged illness; Venus from either
Diabetes or renal disease or from starvation; and Saturn and
Rahu from poison, drowning, fall from height, injury,
incarceration or from thirst or dehydration. Natural malefics
cause illness or death in their dasha or antradasha; disease
is possible in the body that is susceptible to diseases; a
strong lagna and the strong lord of the lagna, and the
natural benefics in the kendras prevent early or pre-mature
death caused by illness or disease.[9]

Following are the marakas in their descending order of

strength – a) The malefic planet (as per Parasari
qualification) in sambandha (association) with the lord of a
marakasthana, b) The malefic planet in sambandha with
lord of the 7th situated in the 2nd or the 7th house c) Lord of
the 2nd house d) Lord of the 7th house e) Malefic planet in
the 2nd house f) Malefic planet in the 7th house g) Natural
benefic planet owning two kendras associated and with a
maraka h) Rahu or Ketu in the 2nd or the 7th house
combining with a maraka or situated in the 7th from a
maraka i) Lord of the 12th house j) Malefic planet in
sambandha with the lord of the 12th or situated in the 12th
house k) Lord of the 3rd or the 8th weak and afflicted l) Lord
of the 6th or the 11th house m) Any malefic planet as per
Parasari qualification. The lord of the 8th house associated
with a malefic planet, combining with Saturn or with the lord
of the 10th house becomes a maraka if it is not situated in
the 8th house; but if it also happens to be the lagna-lord
then it will not act as a maraka if it occupies the 8th or the
lagna. If Saturn is a functional malefic and also associates
with a maraka then it becomes a very strong maraka, it will
then supersede all other marakas and cause death during
its own period or adverse transit.[10] Planets associated with
the lord of the 6th, the 8th, the 12th or a marakasthana
cause suffering, misery and financial strain. Planets
associated with the lord of a trikabhava and also
simultaneously with marakas bereft of influence of the lords
of the 5th and 9th bhavas, or the lagna-lord occupying the
12th house and the lord of the 12th situated in the lagna
influenced by marakas, or the lord of the lagna in the 6th
house and the lord of the 6th in the lagna influenced by
marakas, or the lagna or the Moon afflicted by marakas, or
the lagna occupied by Ketu and the lord of the lagna
situated in the 8th, or the lord of the 5th is in the 6th and the
lord of the 9th is situated in the 12th house influenced by
marakas, or malefic planets, other than the lords of the 9th
and the 10th house, are in the lagna influenced by marakas,
or the lord of the navamsa occupied by Moon or the lagna-
lord is located in a trikabhava associated with a maraka,
they produce poverty and intense misery, and indicate loss
or destruction of wealth, and troublesome period during the
course of their antra-dasha or dasha.[11]

The dashas of marakas are important in determining the

time of death but they should not always be taken to mean
actual death. The dasha of a maraka not meant to cause
death or the dasha of a malefic for a particular lagna not
death-inflicting affects the health of a person.[12] During the
course of those dashas one may experience certain
obstacles, death of someone close, change of place or of
way of life and the like. The 7th house also indicates
residence and long travels. The 22nd Drekkena is generally
examined to ascertain the nature of death even though
Varahamihira relates this drekkena with the disposal of the
dead which falls on the 8th house, and is treated as an evil
one. Any planet can acquire death-inflicting powers but the
aspect of a strong Jupiter on the Moon, the Sun, Mars or
Saturn neutralises their power to cause an early death.
Jatakalankara states that if at birth the lagna-lord
associated with a malefic is in a trikabhava or if the trika-
lords occupy their own respective bhavas or if a malefic
planet is in the lagna and the lagna-lord is weak, one suffers
from acute mental and physical pressures and ailments.
Sarvartha Chintamani states that the Moon in Cancer lagna
aspected by Mars from the 10th and by Jupiter from the 7th
while giving yoga gives a life span of sixty years only,
whereas Jupiter exalted in the lagna and aspecting the two
trikonas occupied by benefics makes one live for eighty
years. Three or more planets situated in the 8th house not in
their own or friendly or exaltation sign curtail term of life.[13]

Timing death

The present day Hindu astrology favours the use of the

Vimshottari dasha system along with the Gochara system
for the purpose of prognostication and for the timing of
events. The correct determination of longevity, and the
timing of death is a difficult. Parasara states that the 8th
house counted from the house occupied by Saturn at the
time of birth is the Mrityu-bhava or the House of Death. Add
up the number of Rekhas (malefic points) contributed by
Saturn in the houses from the lagna to that occupied by
Saturn, this figure will indicate the age at which adversity
will strike the native; add up the rekhas contributed by
Saturn from the house occupied by Saturn to lagna, this
figure will indicate the age at which the native will suffer
most severe physical adversity, and even death if so
indicated by the maraka-dasha operating. Alternatively, add
the number of rekhas contributed by Saturn in the houses
from the house occupied by it to the Mrityu-bhava, multiply
this figure by the Yoga-pinda and divide by 27 the remainder
will indicate the nakshatra transiting which or the trine
nakshatra therefrom Saturn will cause death, or add the
number of rekhas contributed by Saturn in the houses from
the house occupied by it to the Mrityu-bhava, multiply this
figure by the Yoga-pinda and divide by 12 the remainder will
indicate the sign or its trine that will be transited by Saturn
at the time of death.[14]

Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka states – “Death will take

place in places similar to the rasi occupied by the lord of the
navamsa, in which birth falls. Further details or specialities
must be described by conjunctions and planetary aspects.
The time of death has to be identified by the unrisen number
of navamsas in the birth. If the birth lord aspects it, the time
must be doubled; aspected by benefics the time will be

Narayanan Nambutiri, the author of Prasna Marga, who

follows Varahamihira, in Chapter XXXII St.116-118 states
that firstly total the bindus (before reduction) in Saturn’s
Ashtakavarga from the lagna to the sign occupied by Saturn;
and from the sign occupied by Saturn to the lagna, these
two numbers will indicate the age when the native will be
attacked by disease or misfortune; the total of these two
figures also indicates the age of troubles. If the end or a
beginning of a malefic dasha coincides with the age
represented by these three figures, then death may take
place. Multiply the Sodya Pinda of Saturn by the bindus in
the 8th house from Saturn in his own Ashtakavarga, divide
the product by 27; when Saturn transits the nakshatra
represented by the remainder or trinal nakshatra, then death
may take place. Multiply the bindus in the sign occupied by
Jupiter or the Sun in Saturn’s Ashtakavarga by Saturn’s
Sodya Pinda and divide the product by 12, the remainder will
be the sign transited by Jupiter or the Sun respectively at the
time of death.[16]


1. Dhundiraja. "Jataka Bharanam" (

8181358/jataka-bharanam) (1951 ed.). Varanasi: Jaikrishan
Haridass Gupta.

2. Roopnarain Jha. Janampatra Prabodhsamhita Manasagari

(2001 ed.). Savitri Thakur Prakashan. p. 354. "Ayurdaayasadhan
3. Parasara. Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra. Manoj Pocket Books.
p. 106. "Ch.Sl.1&2"

4. Ravinder Kumar Soni. Planets And Their Yoga Formations (htt

7166) . Pigeon Books India. p. 403.

5. K.S.Charak (2003). Yogas in Astrology (

m/books?id=Ac28DogcQVgC&q=chhidra+grahas&pg=PA212) .
Institute of Vedic Astrology. p. 212. ISBN 9788190100847.

. Vaidyanatha (2008). Jatakaparijata (With translation and

commentary by Gopesh Kumar Ojha (
arsidass) . Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 315–317.
ISBN 9788120822641.

7. Venkateswara. Jataka Chandrika (

6603635/Jataka-Chandrika) . "Slokas 21-26,31, 37"

. B.Suryanarain Rao (2006). Learn yourself Vedic Astrology (http

death+Hindu+astrology&pg=PA46) . Sura Books. pp. 63, 64.
ISBN 9788174788306.

9. K.S.Charak (2007). Subtleties of Medical Astrology (https://boo
19) . Institute of Vedic Astrology. p. 17. ISBN 9788190100854.

10. Dinesh Shankar Thakur (1999). Predictive Astrology: An Insight

a&pg=PA335) . Motilal Banarsidass. p. 335.
ISBN 9788120816275.
11. K.S.Charak (2003). Yogas in Astrology (
1) . Institute of Vedic Astrology. pp. 174, 190.
ISBN 9788190100847.

12. K.S.Charak (2002). Essentials of Medical Astrology (https://boo
&pg=PA63) . Institute of Vedic Astrology. p. 33.
ISBN 9788190100830.

13. Ravinder Kumar Soni. Planets And Their Yoga Formations (htt
7166) . Pigeon Books India. p. 404.

14. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (http://viswanadhajyothirnilayam.c

om/pdf/BrihatParasaraHora.pdf) (PDF). "Chapter 70"

15. Varahamihira (1986). Brihat Jataka (

books?id=3Qw1Tio9jPwC&q=death&pg=PA6) . Motilal
Banarsidass. p. 539. ISBN 9788120813953.

1 . Prasna Marga (

Marga%20-%20II.doc) . Motilal Banarsidass.
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