General Physics Ourse Outline Final GOLD MARK
General Physics Ourse Outline Final GOLD MARK
General Physics Ourse Outline Final GOLD MARK
1. Brief Information
Target Students’
Major Natural Science Target Year 1st Year
Prerequisite(s) for Capacity
enrollment None (Maximum Number)
TA Name E-Mail:
This algebra based course provides science students with the basic concepts of physics that
enable them to understand describe and explain natural phenomena. Emphasis is laid on
general principles and fundamental concepts in measurements, mechanical and thermal
interactions, fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, oscillations and waves with applications of
physics in various fields of science.
Course Description The course is organized into 7 chapters. The chapters on mechanics introduces the principles
and laws governing the motion of objects and the interaction between them as well as
conservation laws. The chapter on heat and temperature discusses the interaction between
systems through energy transfer and describes some basic thermal properties of such
systems. The chapters on oscillations, waves and optics provide basic concepts of periodic
motions, how waves transfer energy from one place to the other, and use the concepts of
light rays to explain image formation by mirrors and lenses. Electromagnetism and
Course Syllabus for General Physics (Phys 1011)
electronics introduces the basic electric and magnetic phenomena using the concept of field
and treats elementary concepts of semiconductors. Cross-cutting applications of physics
explain the roles of physics in Agriculture, Industries, Medicine, Archeology, Power
Generation, Earth and Space Sciences.
Quizzes/Assignments 5%
Grade Distribution
Department academic council will
Mid Exam 30%
decide on missed Mid Exams.
Final Exam 50%
Neither late assignments nor late projects are allowed
Detailed Content
Chapter Title Week
Course Syllabus for General Physics (Phys 1011)
Fluids Mechanics Properties of Bulk Matter /Stress, Strain/ 6-7
Density and Pressure in Static Fluids
3 (4 hrs) Buoyant Forces, Archimedes’ principle
Moving Fluids and Bernoulli’s Equation
Mid Exam
Application in Agriculture 14
o Energy balance concept, energy balance in soils, moisture
content, soil densities, soil moisture characteristics,
Physics and Industries
o Principle of Motor and generator
Cross Cutting Physics in Health Sciences and Medical Imaging
Applications of o Radiation and its biological effect, x-ray, MRI, Ultrasound
7 Physics (4 hrs) Physics and Archeology
o Radioactive Dating
Application in Earth and Space Sciences
o Geothermal Energy, Seismometer, Radio and TV
Application in Power Generation
o Solar and Wind Energy, Nuclear Power Plants,
Hydroelectric power
Final Exam
Course Syllabus for General Physics (Phys 1011)
3. References
Serway, R. A. and Vuille, C., 2018, College Physics, 11th ed., Cengage Learning, Boston, USA
University Physics with Modern Physics by Young, freedman and Lewis Ford
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics by Douglas C. Giancoli
Fundamentals of physics by David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Gearl Walker
College Physics by Hugh D. Young Sears Zemansky, 9th edition
Herman Cember and Thomas A. Johnson, Introduction to Health Physics, 4th ed., (2008).
William R. Hendee and E. Russell Ritenour, Medical Imaging Physics, 4th ed., (2002).
Tayal D.C. Basic Electronics. 2nd ed. Himalaya Publishing House Mumbai, (1998).
Theraja B.L., R.S. Sedha. Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits, S.Chand and Company Ltd,
New Delhi, (2004).
Introduction to Space Physics, M. G. Kivelson and C. T. Russell, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Stacey, Frank D.: Physics of the earth. 2nd Ed.,Wiley, 1977.
Participant Universities
1. Dr Mesfin Tadesse (Addis Ababa University)
2. Assistant Prof Wondimagegn Anjulo (Arba Minch University)
3. Mr Tamirat Bekele (Addis Ababa Science and Technology University)
4. Mr Berhanu Mengistu (Haramaya University)
5. Mr Wondimeneh Leul (Hawassa University)