Development of An Underwater Robot
Development of An Underwater Robot
Development of An Underwater Robot
Capstone Design
Oumaima Lamaakel
Spring 2018
Capstone Report
Student Statement:
The work submitted is solely prepared by Oumaima Lamaakel and it is original. Excerpts from
other’s work have been clearly identified, acknowledged and listed in the list of references.
The engineering drawings, computer programs, prototype development, and testing protocols
reported in this document are also original and adhere to the engineering design ethics and
safety measures.
Oumaima Lamaakel
Dr. Kevin Scott Smith
I am highly indebted to my supervisors prof. Kevin Smith and prof. Lorraine Casazza for their
guidance, constant supervision and support throughouts the whole year.
I would like to express my gratitude to prof Veronique Van Lierde for helping understand the
kinematics behind manipulators, prof. Asmae Khaldoun for her feedback regarding materials
selection, prof. Yassine Salih Alj for his support and coordination work, the lab technician Mr
Abderahim Boulakrouch, and Al Akhawayn University and the School of Science &
Engineering for giving me the opportunity to pursue this project.
My gratitude extends to the members of the ROV team, who helped me assemble the
prototypes, especially Jade El Haimer for his invaluable help.
I would also like to thank my dear family, friends for their support throughout my
undergraduate education.
List of Tables and Figures
Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 7
I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 8
II. Design Rationale .............................................................................................................. 12
A. Design Process and Evolution ..................................................................................... 13
B. Mechanical Design....................................................................................................... 14
Mechanical Overview ...................................................................................................... 14
1. Frame ....................................................................................................................... 14
2. Propulsion System ................................................................................................... 17
3. Electronics Housing ................................................................................................. 19
4. Buoyancy ................................................................................................................. 20
5. Manipulator .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Electrical Design .......................................................................................................... 20
Electrical Overview ......................................................................................................... 20
1. Power Distribution ................................................................................................... 20
2. Propulsion System ................................................................................................... 21
3. Main Control Unit .................................................................................................... 23
4. Tether ....................................................................................................................... 24
D. Software Design ........................................................................................................... 25
Software Overview .......................................................................................................... 25
1. Camera Feed ............................................................................................................ 25
2. Control ..................................................................................................................... 25
III. Cost Analysis ............................................................................................................... 27
A. Estimated Cost of Mizuchi Vody................................................................................. 27
B. Comparison to Other Products in the Market .............................................................. 28
IV. STEEPLE Analysis ...................................................................................................... 29
V. Conclusion and Future Work ........................................................................................... 30
Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 31
A. System Interconnect Diagram ...................................................................................... 31
B. Table of Parts Expenditure for the ROV...................................................................... 32
C. Master Arduino Code ................................................................................................... 33
D. Slave Arduino Code ..................................................................................................... 37
E. Matlab Code: Von Mises Stress Simulation ................................................................ 40
I. References ........................................................................................................................ 41
Remotely Operates Vehicles, ROVs, are underwater robots controlled by an individual on the
surface. They usually communicate with the control station through a tether. This work presents
the design of a low cost small-scale underwater robot for mud samples pick up and compares
its estimated overall cost with the ROVs existing in the market. The design study presented in
this document covers the mechanical, electrical, and software parts of the vehicle.
I. Introduction
The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the planet’s surface. It has always been
critical to human welfare by being a source of food and other resources such as oil and gas;
besides driving weather, regulating temperature, and ultimately supporting all living
According to NOAA (2017), 95 percent of the ocean realms remain unexplored and unseen by
human eyes and its exploration has been gaining lots of interest in the past decades with the
emergence of offshore mining for metals and pressing needs to understand the driving forces
of natural occurring phenomena such as hurricanes and tsunamis that continue to threaten
human safety and damage infrastructures.
The scientific understanding of the deep sea has been expanding rapidly through the use of a
variety of technologies, among them, underwater robots such Autonomous Underwater
Vehicles (AUVs) and Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). According to researchers J. Juh
et al (2001), the first vehicle, POODLE, was built in 1953, and the ROV evolved through the
1960s and 1970s, mostly for military purposes such as recovering test weapons and deep-sea
salvage. In the 1980s, they have become established for use in the commercial offshore industry
such as pipeline repair, shipwreck investigation, etc and began to emerge for scientific
applications such as survey tasks, oceanographic sampling, underwater archeology and under-
ice survey.
ROVs usually operate beyond diver depths or in shallow installations. Today, the offshore oil
and gas installations is serviced almost exclusively by ROVs tethered to a control station.
According to R. Christ el al (2007), modern ROVs are categorized by size, depth capability,
onboard horsepower and whether they are all-electric or electro-hydraulic as follows:
Micro - typically Micro class ROVs are very small in size and weight. Today’s Micro
Class ROVs can weigh less than 3kg. These ROVs are used as an alternative to a diver,
specifically in places where a diver might not be able to physically enter such as a sewer,
pipeline or small cavity.
Mini - typically Mini Class ROVs weigh in around 15kg. Mini Class ROVs are also used
as a diver alternative. One person may be able to transport the complete ROV system out
with them on a small boat, deploy it and complete the job without outside help.
Occasionally both Micro and Mini classes are referred to as "eyeball" class to differentiate
them from ROVs that may be able to perform intervention tasks.
General - typically less than 5HP (propulsion); occasionally small three finger
manipulators grippers have been installed, such as on the very early RCV 225. These
ROVs may be able to carry a sonar unit and are usually used on light survey applications.
Typically, the maximum working depth is less than 1,000 meters though one has been
developed to go as deep as 7,000 m.
Light Workclass - typically less than 50HP (propulsion). These ROVs may be able to carry
some manipulators. Their chassis may be made from polymers such as polyethylene rather
than the conventional stainless steel or aluminum alloys. They typically have a maximum
working depth less than 2000 m.
Heavy Workclass - typically less than 220HP (propulsion) with an ability to carry at least
two manipulators. They have a working depth up to 3500 m.
Trenching/Burial - typically more than 200hp (propulsion) and not usually greater than
500 hp (while some do exceed that) with an ability to carry a cable laying sled and work
at depths up to 6000 m in some cases.
As part of their research in Antarctica, Ramesh et al (2016) have successfully developed and
tested a mini work-class hybrid ROV in a temperature range from -5°C to -20°C where is has
dived up to a depth of 62m successfully and collected scientific data such as water temperature,
salinity, irradiance and water samples.
The 6 degrees of freedom vehicle consists mainly of video cameras, four electrical brushless
direct current (BLDC) thrusters attached to a polypropylene frame whose marginal positive
buoyancy is compensated by synthetic foam fitted to the upper part of the frame. The electrical
enclosure is equipped with mini deck power converters, control console, compass module,
depth sensor, water entry sensor, current, and voltage sensor.
The ROV and all of its components have been designed for the low temperature polar
environment and have been tested successfully up to a depth of 61m where a water leakage in
the electronic enclosure was noticed due to a failure in the rubber connector as a result of the
combination of low temperature and high pressure acting on the connector. Additional dives
revealed that the connectors failed again at the same depth due to environmental factors.
S. Pang et al (2015) explain in their paper the development of a small inspection-class ROV
carrying a video camera. The $4000 vehicle’s total weight in air is less than 10kg and reaches
a depth of 150m with a maximum speed of 4 knots using 4 thrusters.
The main challenges encountered during the design were waterproofing, depth rating, corrosion
and expandability. These challenges were solved by using watertight Unplasticized Polyvinyl
Chloride (UPVC) tube to hold the electronics with aluminum end caps to better dissipate the
heat generated from the electronics. As for corrosion, the aluminum caps are treated using
antioxidant and most of the other major material are plastic which doesn’t corrode in salt-water.
For expandability, additional space is kept not only inside the electronics enclosure, but also
on the frame to be able to add extra features to the ROV if needed.
Initially, the Bilge pump motors were used as the thrusters, however, due to their low
efficiency, they have been replaced with 400HFS-L thrusters from CrustCrawler Inc.
For the control system, a ODROID-XU3 single board computer is used as server connected to
the control station on the surface and displayed onto a regular screen. The control station sends
control signals to the Arduino Mega2560 microcontroller to command the four thrusters, lights
and collect data from the sensors.
The whole system was tested in a test chamber capable to simulating pressures at 2000m depth
and the vehicle has survived at 1.47Mpa without damage before being deployed in the sea.
According to G. Antonelli et al (2008), the sensors that can be found on an underwater vehicle
Compass - A gyrocompass can provide an estimate of geodetic north accurate to a fraction
of a degree. Magnetic compasses can provide estimates of magnetic north with an accuracy
of less than 1° if carefully calibrated to compensate for magnetic disturbances from the
vehicle itself.
Inertial measurement unit (IMU) - provides information about the vehicle’s linear
acceleration and angular velocity. These measurements are combined to form estimates of
the vehicle’s attitude including an estimate of geodetic (true) north from the most complex
units. In most cases, for slow-moving underwater vehicles, an independent measurement
of the vehicle’s velocity is also required to produce accurate estimates of the translational
velocity or relative displacement.
Depth sensor - Measuring the water pressure gives the vehicle’s depth. At depths beyond
a few hundred meters, the equation of state of seawater must be invoked to produce an
accurate depth estimate based on the ambient pressure. With a high-quality sensor, these
estimates are reliable and accurate, giving a small error of order 0.01%.
Altitude and forward-looking sonar - These are used to detect the presence of obstacles
and distance from the seafloor.
Doppler velocity log (DVL) - By processing reflected
acoustic energy from the seafloor
and the water column from three or more beams, estimates of vehicle velocity relative to
the seafloor and relative water motion can be obtained. Bottom-tracking velocity estimates
can be accurate to ≈ 1 mm/s.
Global positioning system (GPS) - This is used to localize the vehicle while on the surface
to initialize or reduce drift of estimates from an IMU/DVL combination. GPS only works
at the surface.
Acoustic positioning - A variety of schemes exist for determining vehicle position using
acoustics. Long- baseline navigation can determine the position of the vehicle relative to
a set of acoustic beacons anchored to the seafloor or on the surface through range estimates
obtained from acoustic travel times. Ultrashort-baseline navigation uses phase information
to determine direction from a cluster of hydrophones; this is most often used to determine
the direction of the vehicle (in two dimensions) from a surface support vessel, which is
then combined with an acoustic travel-time measurement to produce an estimate of relative
vehicle position in spherical coordinates. These techniques will be discussed later in the
localization section.
Vision systems - Cameras can be used to obtain estimates of relative, and in some cases
absolute, motion using a type of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
algorithm and used to perform tasks such as visual tracking of pipelines, station keeping,
visual servoing or image mosaicking.
In his study on terrain tracking algorithms for marine systems, S.B Williams (2003), explains
why localization in the underwater environment is a complex task due to the absence of single
external sensor that gives the vehicle position such as the GPS ; and highlights some of the
most reliable methods still being researched today such as the baseline systems (long, short,
and ultrashort) which are based on the presence of a transceiver mounted on the vehicle and a
number of transponders located in known positions, or terrain aided navigation which is based
on the use of bathymetric maps in the case of well-known locations. Often, these techniques
are used together in a redundant system and the effective position is obtained by resorting to
sensor fusion techniques such as the Kalman filtering approach.
The effectiveness of ROVs decreases as depth increases mainly due to the cost increase of the
materials used and the difficulties of handling long tethers. On the other side, AUV overcome
these limitations imposed by ROV tethers, however, current AUVs are still incapable of
complex sampling or manipulations tasks in unknown environment like those done routinely
by ROVs, as typical work environments tend to be complex and challenging even to skilled
human pilots. Future research should focus on Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicles (HROV),
which can easily transition from being remotely controlled to autonomous while; and on better
acoustic communication with high bandwidth enabling human supervision without the tether
wavelengths into water because of the high attenuation energy of the later. A lower RF would
penetrate further into water, but would results in poor data transmission rates. (4)
2. Compact Size: in order to navigate in confined space and within strong ocean currents,
components must all be internal and the vehicle must have minimal appendages to avoid drag
and getting stuck.
3. Maneuverability: in order to complete its tasks, the vehicle should be easily maneuverable
with thrusters allowing for various motions to be accomplished.
The presented vehicle design concept addresses all of these three important requirements; it is
designed with minimal tether, compact shape, and high maneuverability.
This design is also based on the concept of modularity. In addition to the main basic features
needed in every ROV, it should allow the addition of extra features and be customizable
depending on the user’s need such as adding manipulators, sampling devices, mapping units,
B. Mechanical Design
Mechanical Overview
The mechanical design of the ROV seeks to present a robust vehicle whose components
are all rated to the maximum operating depth, with a robust propulsion system and functional
gripper and samples collector.
1. Frame
The frame is one of the most critical parts of every ROV. It needs to be rigid, formable
and able to withstand increasing pressure underwater in order for the vehicle not to fail. It also
serves as the mounting platform for all the necessary mechanical, electrical, and propulsion
1.1 Choice of Materials
Materials constituting the frame are chosen to give the maximum strength while being
low in weight. To test the strength, we simulate different materials for maximum stress to
determine the safest among them.
The failure analysis depends on the frame’s behavior as we go deeper in water. The Von Mises
stress is calculated to check the factor of safety of each material.
The equations are solved in Matlab (Appendix F) for a depth of 100m for the various materials
and the results (figure 4) suggest that Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Polypropylene, and High
Density Polyethylene all have a factor of safety above one meaning that structures with these
materials are safe.
Both Stainless Steel and Aluminum are the strongest materials, but they are also the heaviest
and would corrode in water while Polypropylene and HDPE are low weight and are corrosion
resistant plastics. In addition to that, HDPE is also easily machined so it is chosen as the
material for the frame.
Two additional vertical plates and a horizontal one are linked to the mainframe to allow the
addition of other features to the ROV.
The design of the frame was kept simple and compact in order to help maintain a steady
streamline water flow at a high stability.
The durability of the frame was tested in Solidworks using static structural analysis. The
program simulates the additional payload and pressure that would be applied to the frame at a
depth of 70 meters and displays the Von Mises stress and total deformation the frame. (figures
6 & 7)
Figure 7 Von Mises Stress Simulation Results of Modified Frame Design
Continuous improvement were made in order to enhance the design to withstand more stress
by strengthening the stress concentration areas.
The frame withstood the forces applied to it during the simulation with a maximum stress less
than 1.560e+006 N/m2 at the center of the frame. This stress is within the tolerance used in
engineering designs. (Philbot, 2008)
To enhance the design, additional joints are added between the HDPE plates, namely, tenon
joints, static hinges, and shoulder screws in high stress areas.
2. Propulsion System
In addition to the frame structure and geometry, the propulsion system plays an
important role in keeping the vehicle stable. In general, the highest the stability, the easiest is
the control of the vehicle.
A six thrusters vectored propulsion system (figure 7) is chosen to allow good stability, powerful
horizontal movement, and a more intuitive control for the pilot.
Set up this way, the six thrusters give the ROV six degrees of freedom (figure 8), allowing it
to yaw, heave, surge, roll, pitch, and sway.
The ROV is powered by two T100 brushless thrusters from Blue Robotics and four modified
A2212 1400KV brushless motors (figure 9). The A2212 are waterproofed using epoxy resin.
For better efficiency, the two T100 brushless thrusters are used for vertical motion and the four
A2212 brushless thrusters are used for horizontal motion and positioned at 45° from the neutral
axis allowing for maximum torque.
When rotating, propellers produce cavitation and propeller-tip vortices causing turbulence
around the thrusters and drag to the whole vehicle. By forming a basic hub around the propeller,
kort nozzles (figure 10) substantially reduce the intensity of tip vortices and channel the water
in the desired vectored direction.
Figure 11 Kort Nozzle Over the Propeller for the A2212 Brushless Thruster
3. Electronics Housing
The electrical components, electronics, and main camera are housed in a cylindrical
enclosure (figure 11) due to its high inherent strength under pressure.
The main enclosure is made using a 13mm transparent acrylic tube with 3D-printed coupling
epoxied to the tether and thrusters’ cables. The couplings prevent the large diameter tube from
flexing and provide a constant sealing surface for the end cap O-rings.
The tether and thruster cables traverse the end caps in cable penetrators machined in a CNC
machine that are also epoxied to prevent water from entering the enclosure.
For higher strength, these end caps are coated with epoxy resin and an electronics tray is placed
inside the enclosure in a vertical manner to allow good space management.
4. Buoyancy
All underwater vehicles are designed for neutral buoyancy, or slightly negative
buoyancy that would be counteracted by the tether allowing the vehicle to easily maintain a
constant depth unless acted upon by the thrusters.
Flotation materials are used to balance the heavy vehicle materials. Among the most common
of these materials are rigid Polyurethane foam and syntactic foam.
After experimenting with both foam and polystyrene cushioning, the later (figure 12) turned
out more efficient and helps maintain an aerodynamic shape (figure 12) reducing the vehicle’s
C. Electrical Design
Electrical Overview
The ROV’s electrical design facilitates easy and reliable command over the vehicle. It
provides power distribution to the various electrical and electronic components, and control of
the various actuators and sensors of the vehicle.
1. Power Distribution
The power distribution unit is used to convert high power voltage 48V to 12V and
lower. This conversion is accomplished using step down DC-DC converters in continuous
mode instead of using linear voltage regulation that may cause disordering of the components
due to overheating.
The 12V output directly powers the six thrusters, and an IC7805 voltage regulator allows a 5V
to be transmitted to power the Arduino microcontroller board used for control, LEDs, camera,
and servo motors.
2. Propulsion System
The propulsion system is used to give the ROV high versatility. To achieve that, a lot
of parameters are taken into consideration; namely, the type of thrusters, and their
Table 1 Comparison of Thrusters
The DC motors (5) are a cheap but very limited option that is only by hobbyists. Besides not
providing good thrust (less than 1 kgf), they usually do not withstand a lot of pressure and
therefore cannot go deeper into the water. The brushless motors (3) are a relatively better
solution, they provide better thrust and can go deeper in water, but corrode due to the salinity
of water which reflects on their performance as time goes by. Bilge pumps used in ROV
applications are the SEAFLO pumps modified by removing the outer housing and nozzle. They
are also a good solution as they provide relatively good thrust for low weight ROVs, however,
they’re also limited in their depth rating.
Another good solution is the 400HFS-L thrusters from CrustCrawler Inc (6), they’re robust and
provide very high thrust, but are expensive ($3,594).
The best solution for low-cost ROVs is the Blue Robotics thrusters T100 and T200 as they
provide very good thrust and can go as deep as 3000m (310 Bar). Their ESC (Electronic Speed
Controllers) are water proof and embedded in the structure.
In this ROV, we will be using 2 T100 thrusters from Blue Robotics driven by ESC for vertical
motion and 4 modified A2212 Brushless motors for horizontal motion.
Figure 15 T100 Thrusters Pulse Width (PWM) Input Signal to ESC (us)
Figure 16 T100 Thrusters Pulse Width (PWM) Input Signal to ESC (us)
In order to keep the current and power consumption low and to keep the maximal efficiency,
the T100 thrusters will be driven with 1400uS and 1600us respectively for max and min speed
and with 1500us for full stop of the motors instead of 0us. As for the A2212, we use 1000us
for minimum speed, 20us for maximum and 0us for full stop.
Since the ESCs used with brushless motors do not support reverse motion, a set-up of three
relays is used to reverse the polarity of the brushless motor. Two rated 12V are activates using
a 5V relay linked to the main control unit.
The master is located at the control station and transmits joystick data to the slave Arduino
that’s linked to the sensors and actuators in the ROV. This connection is established through 4
distinct wires linking the Serial Clock, Master Out Slave In, Master In Slave Out, and Slave
Select of both boards.
The slave board interfaces with the sensors and modules on the ROV: water sensors,
temperature sensors, gyroscope, ESCs, and servo motors.
For vehicle safety, two water sensors (figure x) are places at the extremities of the electronics
enclosure to signal water presence in case of a breach immediately. The circuit consists of a
signal amplified that senses water presence as an electric short and outputs a HIGH signal to
the Arduino board.
Figure 18 PCB Design of the Water Sensor
4. Tether
The tether shields multiple cables in one single casing (figure 20). This allows for ease of
storage and use and also protects the cables from wear and tear. It consists of two Cat5 Ethernet
cables for communication between the main control unit and control station and camera
display, of airline tubes to supply and exhaust pressurized air if needed, and two 12 AWG
power cables transmitting DC.
Alternative current allows longer transmission distance, but requires power conversion on top
the ROV into DC and shielding of all conductors in close proximity to the power line due to
inductance noise while DC costs less and has low inductance noise. The DC method of power
transmission predominates the observational-class ROVs (4) and the 13 wire gauge is chosen
due to its low resistance (table 3).
D. Software Design
Software Overview
The software is designed to achieve full and easy control of the ROV. It consists of two
main parts: control and camera feed display; and was designed in both Python 3 and C++
respectively for the graphical user interface and Arduino control.
1. Camera Feed
The camera feed enables the pilot of tracking the robot’s motion and its surroundings.
It is displayed in real-time in the GUI using the library OpenCV and the function imshow().
2. Control
Control of the ROV is done through a PlayStation2 controller linked to the master
Arduino board (figure 21). The thrusters are controlled using both the up-down-left-right
buttons and left joystick while the other buttons control the lighting and other actuators.
Figure 20 Wiring Diagram of the PS2 Controller and Arduino Setup
After multiple tests, the two-by-two thruster activation set up explained in table x was chosen.
With this set-up the software sets limitations so that no more than two thrusters could be
activated at the same time allowing for controlled current draw (less than 12Amps at a time)
and a slow speed of the vehicle allowing for scaled speeds. It has been proven through trials in
the swimming pool that not enough amperage is supplied if more than two thrusters were to be
activated at the same time with at least one of them rotating at maximum speed.
M1 M2
M3 - - - 1 - 1
M4 - - - 1 1 -
M5 - - 1 - - 1
M6 - - 1 - 1 -
While Table x only shows when a certain thruster is activated, the software allows the thrusters
to run at variable speeds using the mapping function:
Speed=map(Speed, 0, 1023, 1000, 2000);
Table 5 Indirect Costs of the ROV
The proposed product price is estimated at $2,613.00. This price was calculated after including
the indirect charges related to the production of 100 vehicles with a markup percentage of 15%,
usually used in the computers and robotics industry. Appendix C provides detailed tables of the
price projection calculations.
Table 7 includes the low cost ROVs present in the market today. Their prices range from
$1,500.00 to $12,999.00 depending on the depth rating and the features included in the vehicle.
The ROV’s main competitor is BlueROV2 pricing between $2,784.00 and $4,663.00
depending on the tether’s length with a maximum of 100 meters.
Figure 22 Pictures of some ROVs in the Market
Legal: The Moroccan government bans the use of drones through a Royal degree, but there are
no legal constraints or regulations with regards to underwater drones. Still, permits need to be
acquired from the authorities before deploying the ROV for field work in public waters.
Ethical: This system is controversial ethically. Its applications depend on the user’s intentional
and can take a wrong turn. However, this should not stop the advancement of technology and
its applications serving society.
Fuse Calculations:
The maximum current consumption is computed by measuring the amperage draw of the
thrusters at theoretical full speed with four thrusters running at once: two brushless motors and
two T100 motors.
B. Table of Parts Expenditure for the ROV
C. Master Arduino Code
#include <Wire.h>
#define PS2_DAT 13 //14
#define PS2_CMD 11 //15
#define PS2_SEL 10 //16
#define PS2_CLK 12 //17
* - pressures = analog reading of push-butttons
* - rumble = motor rumbling
#define pressures true
//#define pressures false
#define rumble true
//#define rumble false
int error = 0;
byte type = 0;
byte vibrate = 0;
void setup(){
delay(300); //added delay to give wireless ps2 module some time to startup, before configuring it
if(error == 0){
Serial.print("Found Controller, configured successfully ");
Serial.println("Try out all the buttons");
else if(error == 1)
Serial.println("No controller found, check wiring, see readme.txt to enable debug");
else if(error == 2)
Serial.println("Controller found but not accepting commands. see readme.txt to enable debug");
else if(error == 3)
Serial.println("Controller refusing to enter Pressures mode, may not support it. ");
// Serial.print(ps2x.Analog(1), HEX);
type = ps2x.readType();
switch(type) {
case 1:
Serial.println("MizuchyVody09水島 Cockpit Controller Ready");
Serial.println("MizuchyVody09水島 Systems all green");
void loop() {
if(error == 1) //skip loop if no controller found
else { //DualShock Controller
ps2x.read_gamepad(true, vibrate); //read controller and set large motor to spin at 'vibrate' speed
if (ps2x.ButtonPressed(PSB_START)){
if (State == true){
State = false;
} else if (State == false){
State = true;
if(ps2x.Button(PSB_PAD_UP)) {
Serial.print("Up held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_UP), DEC);
else if(ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_PAD_UP)) {
Serial.print("Up held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_UP), DEC);
Serial.print("DOWN held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_DOWN), DEC);
} else if(ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_PAD_DOWN)){
Serial.print("DOWN held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_DOWN), DEC);
Serial.print("Right held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_RIGHT), DEC);
} else if(ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_PAD_RIGHT)){
Serial.print("Right held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_RIGHT), DEC);
Serial.print("LEFT held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_LEFT), DEC);
} else if(ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_PAD_LEFT)){
Serial.print("LEFT held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_LEFT), DEC);
} else if(ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_R2)){
} else if(ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_L2)){
D. Slave Arduino Code
#include <Servo.h>
Servo M1,M2,M3,M4,M5;
void setup()
int val ;
pinMode(Lights, OUTPUT);
void loop()
void Potentiometer(int howMany)
char command =;
if (command == 'O'){
if (command == 'o'){
if (command == 'L'){
if (command == 'l'){
if (command == 'R'){
if (command == 'r'){
E. Matlab Code: Von Mises Stress Simulation
%% Materials characteristics
ys(1)= 505; % Stainless steel
ys(2) = 31; %HDPE
ys(3) = 79; %Acrylic % Not sure if yield or ultimate needs more research
ys(4) = 310; %Aluminum
ys(5)= 0.3; % LDPE
ys(6)= 33; %Polypropylene
%ys(6) = 45; % pvc 40
%ys(7) = 340; % titanium 2
%ys(8) = 880; % titanium 5
%% Design characteristics
depth = 0:1:100;
%depth = 0:0.001:20;
r = 0.1524/2 ; % in m
t = 1027 ; % in kg/m^3
p = 101.325 + 9.81*t*depth;
sigmac = p*r/t;
sigmaL = sigmac/2;
%Not sure about the following
To = sigmac;
sigma1 =sigmaL+((sigmaL-sigmaL.^2)/2+To.^2).^0.5 ;%
sigma2 =sigmaL-((sigmaL-sigmaL.^2)/2+To.^2).^0.5 ;
sigmavm = (((sigma1-sigma2).^2+sigma2.^2+sigma1.^2)/2).^0.5;
for i=1:6
SF =ys(i)./sigmavm ;
axis([0 100 0 6])
%axis([0 20 0 80]) to test for 20m
hold on
legend('Stainless Steel','HDPE','Acrylic','Aluminum','LDPE',
xlabel('Depth (m)');
ylabel('Factor of safety')
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