Chromosome Numbers and Genome Size Variation in Indian Species of Curcuma (Zingiberaceae)
Chromosome Numbers and Genome Size Variation in Indian Species of Curcuma (Zingiberaceae)
Chromosome Numbers and Genome Size Variation in Indian Species of Curcuma (Zingiberaceae)
Received: 1 February 2007 Returned for revision: 5 March 2007 Accepted: 15 May 2007 Published electronically: 8 August 2007
† Background and Aims Genome size and chromosome numbers are important cytological characters that signifi-
cantly influence various organismal traits. However, geographical representation of these data is seriously unba-
lanced, with tropical and subtropical regions being largely neglected. In the present study, an investigation was
made of chromosomal and genome size variation in the majority of Curcuma species from the Indian subcontinent,
and an assessment was made of the value of these data for taxonomic purposes.
† Methods Genome size of 161 homogeneously cultivated plant samples classified into 51 taxonomic entities was
determined by propidium iodide flow cytometry. Chromosome numbers were counted in actively growing root tips
using conventional rapid squash techniques.
† Key Results Six different chromosome counts (2n ¼ 22, 42, 63, .70, 77 and 105) were found, the last two repre-
senting new generic records. The 2C-values varied from 1.66 pg in C. vamana to 4.76 pg in C. oligantha, represent-
ing a 2.87-fold range. Three groups of taxa with significantly different homoploid genome sizes (Cx-values) and
distinct geographical distribution were identified. Five species exhibited intraspecific variation in nuclear DNA
content, reaching up to 15.1 % in cultivated C. longa. Chromosome counts and genome sizes of three Curcuma-
like species (Hitchenia caulina, Kaempferia scaposa and Paracautleya bhatii) corresponded well with typical hex-
aploid (2n ¼ 6x ¼ 42) Curcuma spp.
† Conclusions The basic chromosome number in the majority of Indian taxa (belonging to subgenus Curcuma)
is x ¼ 7; published counts correspond to 6x, 9x, 11x, 12x and 15x ploidy levels. Only a few species-specific
C-values were found, but karyological and/or flow cytometric data may support taxonomic decisions in some
species alliances with morphological similarities. Close evolutionary relationships among some cytotypes are
suggested based on the similarity in homoploid genome sizes and geographical grouping. A new species combi-
nation, Curcuma scaposa (Nimmo) Škorničk. & M. Sabu, comb. nov., is proposed.
Key words: Chromosome number, Curcuma, cytology, DNA C-value, flow cytometry, genome size, India, intraspecific
variation, polyploidy, taxonomy.
Takano and Okada, 2002), including Curcuma (Prana et al., The infrageneric classification (subgenera Curcuma and
1978; Apavatjrut et al., 1996; Joseph et al., 1999; Ardiyani, Hitcheniopsis) generally followed the treatment of
2002; Sirisawad et al., 2003). It is well documented, in both Schumann (1904), with some modifications. In particular,
plants and animals, that an increase in ploidy level is com- C. petiolata and C. roscoeana were included in subgenus
monly associated with blurring of morphological bound- Curcuma based on the presence of two floral epigynous
aries between taxa (see Stace, 2000). glands (derived from gynopleural nectaries). This hitherto
The occurrence of different ploidy levels in Curcuma was neglected character (well developed in subgenus Curcuma
highlighted in early cytological studies (e.g. Suguira, 1931, but absent in subgenus Hitcheniopsis) seems to be pivotal
1936; Raghavan and Venkatasubban, 1943; Venkatasubban, for the updated subgeneric delimitation, better reflecting
No. of chromosomes
TA B L E 1. Continued
No. of chromosomes
TA B L E 2. 2C nuclear DNA content with standard error, mean value for a species, intraspecific variation, 1C-value expressed in DNA picograms and megabase pairs
level (x)
DIPLOID (x ¼ 11)
C. vamana M. Sabu & 84156 1.663+ 1.66u 0.83 813 22! 2 0.83 0.83b L Kerala, Trichur SW
Mangaly 0.008 Dt.
C. amada Roxb. 71421 1.882+ 1.86st 3.6 0.94 920 6 0.31 0.31lmnopqrs G W. Bengal, NE & E
0.002 Kolkata
71472 1.854+ 0.93 907 42 6 0.31 L W. Bengal,
0.007 Darjeeling Dt.
73440 1.816+ 0.91 888 6 0.30 L Bihar, Bhagalpur
0.002 Dt.
73482 1.873+ 0.94 916 6 0.31 G W. Bengal,
0.004 Kolkata
73484 1.875+ 0.94 917 6 0.31 G W. Bengal,
0.006 Kolkata
st lmnopqrs
C. aromatica Salisb. 73423 1.900+ 1.86 3.5 0.95 929 42 6 0.32 0.31 L Sri Lanka, Kegalle SW & SL
s.l.– sp. 1 0.008 Dt.
84109 1.846+ 0.92 903 42 6 0.31 L Kerala, Kollam
0.006 Dt.
84114 1.880+ 0.94 919 6 0.31 G Kerala, Kollam
0.006 Dt.
84123 1.876+ 0.94 917 6 0.31 G Kerala, Wynad Dt.
84123-II 1.881+ 0.94 920 6 0.31 G Kerala, Wynad Dt.
84170 1.865+ 0.93 912 6 0.31 G Kerala, Idukki Dt.
84183 1.841+ 0.92 900 6 0.31 G Kerala, Idukki Dt.
84183A 1.836+ 0.92 898 6 0.31 G Kerala, Idukki Dt.
84183B 1.838+ 0.92 899 6 0.31 G Kerala, Idukki Dt.
C. mangga Valeton & Zijp 84101 1.807+ 1.83t 3.2 0.90 884 6 0.30 0.31mnopqrs G Kerala, Ernakulam SW
0.001 Dt.
84115 1.862+ 0.93 911 6 0.31 L Kerala, Kollam
0.008 Dt.
84149 1.851+ 0.93 905 6 0.31 G Kerala, Trichur
0.002 Dt.
84150 1.804+ 0.90 882 42 6 0.30 G Kerala, Trichur
0.002 Dt.
C. montana Roxb. 71484 1.816+ 1.79tu 6.1 0.91 888 42! 6 0.30 0.30rs L Jharkhand, Ranchi E&C
0.006 Dt.
73419 1.854+ 0.93 907 42! 6 0.31 L Jharkhand,
0.008 Paschim
TA B L E 2. Continued
TA B L E 2. Continued
TA B L E 2. Continued
of Otto II buffer (0.4 M Na2HPO4.12H2O) supplemented
with propidium iodide (at a final concentration 50 mL mL –
), RNase IIA (50 mL mL – 1) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2 mL
Karnataka, Udupi
mL – 1) was added. The samples were incubated for 30 min
B, Bellis perennis L. (2C ¼ 3.96 pg); G, Glycine mas ‘Polanka’ (2C ¼ 2.5 pg, primary reference standard); L, Solanum lycopersicum ‘Stupnické polnı́ tyčkové rané’ (2C ¼ 2.21 pg).
S. Garo Hills Dt.
Goa, N. Goa Dt.
Chromosome numbers determined in the present work, ! new species count, !! new count for a genus. Chromosome numbers taken from the literature are given in parentheses.
5000 particles was recorded on a Partec Cyflow instrument
Satara Dt.
1.56 a
ANI, Andaman Islands; C, Central India; E, Eastern India; N, Northern India; S, Southern India; SL, Sri Lanka; W, Western India.
Chromosome counts
Chromosome numbers were counted in actively growing
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed in the SAS 8.1 stat-
istical package (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Between-
R. M. Sm. ( ¼ C. bhatii
(R.M.Sm.) Škorničk. &
Kaempferia scaposa
Paracautleya bhatii
(J. Graham) Baker
Hitchenia caulina
(including undetermined samples) yielded definite chromo- of genome size estimates represent novel records; previous
some numbers, a preliminary count was obtained for one C-values were available for only ten taxa.
tentatively determined specimen (C. sp. ‘ranchi’ with Flow cytometric analyses yielded high-resolution histo-
2n.70), and a single chromosome record referring to grams (Fig. 3). Coefficients of variation (CVs) of G0/G1
Stahlianthus involucratus was taken from the literature (as peaks ranged from 0.89 to 5.93 % (mean 2.60) for
Kaempferia involucrata; Bisson et al., 1968). Six different Curcuma samples and from 1.13 to 6.54 % (mean 2.98)
chromosome numbers were identified (i.e. 2n ¼ 22, 42, 63, for the reference standard. An arbitrary threshold of 3.0 %
.70, 77 and 105). The majority of these are multiples of was not exceeded in 72 and 62 % of Curcuma and internal
x ¼ 7, which may be regarded as a genuine basic chromo-
some number. Consequently, plants with 42, 63, 77 and 105
somatic chromosomes correspond to hexaploids, nona-
ploids, 11-ploids and 15-ploids, respectively.
New chromosome numbers were found in two species,
C. oligantha (2n ¼ 77) and C. raktakanta (2n ¼ 105).
Both also represent new generic records and the latter is
the highest chromosome number so far determined in
Zingiberaceae. Micrographs documenting metaphase
chromosomes in C. vamana (2n ¼ 22) and C. raktakanta
(2n ¼ 105) are shown in Fig. 2.
F I G . 2. Chromosome complements of (A) C. vamana (species with the
smallest number of chromosomes) and (B) C. raktakanta (species with
Genome size variation the highest number of chromosomes) showing 22 and 105 somatic chromo-
somes, respectively. Scale bars ¼ 10 mm. In (A), two micrographs were
Table 2 summarizes the results for 161 samples belong- taken at different focal planes and computer-merged in order to achieve
ing to 51 taxa of Curcuma and related genera. The majority sufficient image sharpness.
Leong-Škorničková et al. — Chromosome Numbers and Genome Size in Curcuma 519
TA B L E 3. Summary of chromosome counts and genome size were unsuccessful, either using direct karyological counting
estimates for species of Curcuma and related genera or using indirect FCM measurements. Finally, there are
determined in the present study apparent discrepancies in previous chromosome numbers
for C. malabarica (2n ¼ 42) and C. raktakanta (2n ¼ 63;
Ploidy level No. of No. of both published by Joseph et al., 1999). The counts here
or DNA chromosomes taxa/no. of 2C-value 1Cx-value
ploidy (2n) individuals range (pg) range (pg)
based on material from the type localities showed uniformly
2n ¼ 105. These taxa should be treated as one species
Curcuma (C. raktakanta) as also indicated by morphology.
Considering the discrepancies, it is likely that genuine
counts. Actually, this value fits better with the range of histories, as also supported by their distinct distribution pat-
chromosome numbers currently known (see our prime terns (see below).
count 2n ¼ 77). We therefore believe that x ¼ 7 should be Intraspecific genome size variation was low in most taxa
considered a primary basic chromosome number, at least in which multiple individuals were analysed. However,
for the majority of Indian Curcuma species (belonging to values above 4 % (i.e. beyond potential instrumental fluctu-
the subgenus Curcuma). Grant (1982) regarded x ¼ 7 and ation) were encountered in five species. When C. longa with
10 as the most common basic chromosome numbers in about 1.15-fold divergence in C-value is excluded, the
monocots so the present findings are in concordance with extent of intraspecific variation was comparable in all cyto-
a large body of evidence. Following this calculation, types: hexaploids, 0.0 – 6.1 %; nonaploids, 0.5 – 4.9 %; and a
and this species has been widely used in India since Vedic from the methodological point of view. Unfortunately,
times. Perhaps the variation may have adaptive value, as genome size estimates were not linked to a particular her-
previously documented in another crop, Zea mays barium voucher, which lessens their value. We had the
(Rayburn and Auger, 1990). Murray (2005) argued that opportunity to examine several well-prepared herbarium
intraspecific genome size variation may indicate incipient specimens prepared from Islam’s living material and
speciation; the blurred species boundaries in several encountered some misidentifications (e.g. for C. aeruginosa
Curcuma alliances may support such a hypothesis. A and C. zedoaria).
third explanation takes into account heterochromatic poly- In comparison with Islam’s work (Islam, 2004), our esti-
morphism. In vegetatively propagating lines, strains with mates for ten species in common were on average 14 %
Genome size and chromosome numbers as supportive Hitchenia caulina, Kaempferia scaposa and Paracautleya
markers for delimitation of Curcuma species bhatii, reveal a similar situation.
One aim of the present study was to assess whether
Chromosome numbers and/or ploidy levels have long
ploidy and genome size data provide additional information
been utilized as an efficient taxonomic marker, helping
useful for taxonomic decision-making. Genome sizes of the
to delimit boundaries between various taxonomic cat-
three controversial species (Hitchenia caulina: 2C ¼ 2.25
egories or reveal cryptic taxa (Stace, 2000). In addition,
pg, Kaempferia scaposa: 2C ¼ 2.33 pg and Paracautleya
the last decade has seen significant progress in the appli-
bhatii: 2C ¼ 2.18 pg) were found to match hexaploid
cation of FCM to exploit differences in nuclear DNA
Curcuma taxa from the genome group II. In addition, they
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Greilhuber (Vienna) for critical comments on intraspecific from the lost: rediscovery of the presumed extinct Leptosolena
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