Sagostarch Noodlequality

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Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science 7(1), 2006: 8-14 E.Y. Purwani et al.


E.Y. Purwania, Widaningruma, R. Thahira, and Muslichb

Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development, Jalan Tentara Pelajar No.12 Bogor 16114,
West Java, Indonesia
Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga Bogor 16680,
West Java, Indonesia

ABSTRACT Philippines (Mindanao). The world estimated area of

sago palm was 2.25 million ha of wild stands and 0.2
Sago starch has potential as source of flour for noodle. million ha of semicultivated (Flach 1997). Indonesia
However, noodle made of sago starch has only been limitedly has the largest sago palm area followed by Papua
utilized due to the absence of gluten and lack of desired
New Guinea, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Sago
functional properties. Heat moisture treatment (HMT) is a
promising technique for improving quality of sago noodle. The produces higher starch compared to other crops; it
objectives of the present work were to study the effect of HMT yields around 2-3 tons starch per ha per year, com-
of sago starch on its noodle quality. Four different origins of pared to cassava which is 2 tons and maize 1 ton
sago starch, i.e. Tuni, Ihur, Molat, and Pancasan, were treated (Stantan 1992).
with HMT method. HMT was performed by exposing the starch
Sago starch has been the staple food for many
to high temperature (110 oC for 16 hours) at moisture content
of 25%. Sago starch was then processed into noodle. It was
people in eastern areas of Indonesia, especially
prepared by mixing the sago starch with binder (completely Papua. They have various traditional food such as
gelatinized starch and additive) into dough. The dough was papeda (sago pudding), colo-colo (a hot sour soup
pressed manually through a container with holes in the base. and tuna fish), and sagu ega (sago paste wrapped
Noodles strains were steamed for 2 minutes and dried at 50 o C with sago leaves). In recent years, sago consumption
in a convection drier. As the control, non-HMT sago starch was
in Papua decreased; in 1994 sago consumption was
used and evaluated. Parameters evaluated were starch pro-
perties, physical strength, and cooking and sensory quality of 126 kg per capita, but in 1997 it was only 95.53 kg per
the noodles. Analyses of variance was subjected to all capita (Hutapea et al. 2003). This may be due to the
parameters. Research results showed that the starch exposed to psychological barrier associated with sago as poor
HMT changed its pasting profile from initial type A before and primitive food.
treated to type B after treated. The noodle quality was also
One prospective use of sago is noodle, a popular
improved. Noodles resulted from starch treated with HMT
showed higher firmness and elasticity, but they have lower
product for Indonesian people. Currently, most
stickiness compared to those of non-HMT. Less cooking loss noodles are made from imported wheat flour. In 2002,
and rehydration weight were also found, however, HMT Indonesia imported wheat flour about 400,000 tons
increased cooking time of the noodles. HMT on Pancasan sago (Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan 2003);
starch resulted in noodles which were preferred most by 29.7% of it was processed to noodles (wet noodles
panelists. However, consumer testing is recommended to
and instant noodles). Interestingly, noodles made of
further validate consumers' preferences to the sago starch
noodles. The study indicated that sago starch could be po- sago starch are commercially found in West Java,
tentially used as raw material for noodles to increase the especially in Bogor, Sukabumi, and Cianjur. Starch
consumption of sago-based food. noodles are obviously different from other types of
[Keywords: Sago starch, noodle, heat moisture treatment] noodles, such as pasta and wheat flour, since it is
made from gluten-free starch. Thus, starch itself
plays an essential role in both starch noodle
processing and the final starch noodle quality.
Sago palm (Metroxylon sp.) is one of the important Excellent starch noodles would have clear or trans-
sources of starch. The plants are mostly found in parent and fine threads, high tensile strength, and low
Papua New Guinea (Sepik and Gulf Province), Indo- cooking loss even with prolonged cooking (Collado
nesia (Papua, Maluku, Sulawesi, Riau Island, and et al. 2001).
Mentawai Island), Malaysia (Sabah, Serawak and Studies on the use of different starch for noodles
West Malaysia), Thailand (South Thailand), and the conducted by Lii and Chang (1981) and Galvez et al.
Effect of heat moisture treatment of sago starch on it's noodle quality 9

(1994) using starch from legume, and Collado and mately 14.77 g of distilled water, then the dish was
Corke (1997) and Collado et al. (2001) using sweet ovened at 110 oC for 16 hours. The starch was occa-
potato starch, revealed that in the absence of gluten sionally shaken by using a mixer glass to get even
in the starch, pregelatinized starch must be used as distribution of heat. After treatment (HMT), the starch
binder then mixed with ungelatinized starch to faci- was dried at 50 o C overnight and then processed to
litate extrusion in producing qualified noodle. It was noodle.
found that a qualified noodle depend on its bra-
bender amylogram/visco amylogram pasting profile Noodle Preparation
which is characterized by constant or even increase in
Twenty grams of the non-HMT or HMT treated sago
its viscosity during continuous heating and shearing
starch was pregelatinized in distilled water (1:7 w/v) to
process. To produce such good hot-paste stability,
serve as binder and then mixed with the remaining
starch can be treated with heat moisture treatment
(180 g) of the starch. The mixture was kneaded into
(HMT). In principle, the HMT involved exposing of
uniform dough then it was manually extruded in a
the starch to higher temperatures (normally above
self-made lab-scale cylindrical extruder (200 g capa-
the gelatinization temperature) at very restricted
city). Noodle strains were steamed for 2 minutes,
moisture content (<35%) (Collado et al. 2001). HMT
dried at 50 o C in a convection drier, cooled into room
is considered to be more natural and safe compared
temperature, and finally sealed in a plastic bag until
to chemical treatment.
used for analysis and sensory evaluation.
HMT is potential to improve sago starch for noodle
since sago starch lacks of stability during heating
Analytical Method
process. Ahmad et al. (1999) observed two types of
pasting properties on sago starch. Some samples Analyses were subjected to both non-HMT and
were characterised by a maximum consistency imme- HMT sago starch, including starch characteristics
diately followed by sharp decrease in consistency, and noodle evaluation as described below.
while the others were characterized by a plateu when
the maximum consistency was reached. The present Starch Characteristics
work aimed to study the effect of HMT of sago starch
from different origins of sago palms on its noodle Chemical compositions of the starch before HMT
quality. were analysed. Amylose content was determined
using iodine colorimetry at 620 nm (Yuliano 1979),
whereas moisture, ash, crude fiber, and fat were ana-
MATERIALS AND METHODS lysed according to the AOAC (2000). Crude protein
was determined by using Micro Kjeldahl method with
Sago Starch Samples a conversion factor of 6.25.
Pasting characteristics of the starch were examined
Sago starch of four origins used in the study were in a Brabender Amylograph using 75 rpm and torque
Tuni, Molat, Ihur which were widely distributed at of 700 cm.g equivalents to 1000 BU. The starch slurry
Maluku, and one from Pancasan, Bogor West Java. (40 g in 360 ml water) was heated with a heating rate
According to Haska (1995), Tuni, Molat, and Ihur of 1.5oC from 30oC to 93oC, held at 93oC for 20 minutes,
belong to Metroxylon rumphi, M. sagu and M. cooled to 50 o C at the same rate, and finally held at
sylvestre, respectively, whereas Pancasan sago palm 50 o C for 20 minutes. Measurements assessed were
was identified as M. sagu (Haryanto and Pangloli gelatinization temperature ( oC), peak temperature (oC),
1992). Tuni and Ihur are categorized as spiny palms, peak viscosity (BU), viscosity at 90 oC and after being
while Molat and Pancasan are spineless palms. All held at 90 oC for 20 minutes (90/20), viscosity at 50 oC
the sago starch was sun dried and sieved using 100 and after being held at 50 oC for 20 minutes (50/20).
mesh before being processed to noodles.

Heat Moisture Treatment Noodle Evaluation

One hundred gram of sago starch was weighed and Physical characteristics of the noodles such as firm-
placed in an uncovered glass petri dish. Lid of the ness, stickiness, and elasticity were measured using a
petri dish was put on then the starch was equilibrated Texture Analyzer TA-XT2 conducted at the Food
at 4 oC overnight. Moisture content of the starch was Technology Laboratory of Bogor Agricultural Univer-
adjusted to 25% by mixing thoroughly with approxi- sity. The noodles were first rehydrated as follows:
10 E.Y. Purwani et al.

noodles (10 cm long) were cooked in 100 ml boiling and cooking quality mean. All analyses were done
water for 9 minutes, taken out and drained. Two using SPSS 10 (Santosa 2001).
strains of the rehydrated noodles (10 cm long) were
placed in a test cell and subjected to deformation by
compression with a cylindrical probe (35 mm) speed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of 1 mm per second using a single cycle. The maximum
force to compress the noodle (gf) was noted as Starch Characteristics
firmness. The stickiness is expressed as gfs, i.e. force Sago starch used in this study had distinctive colors.
(gf) times s (period) in second required for the The starch of Molat, Tuni, and Pancasan origin were
noodles to return to original position. Elasticity (gf) white in color, while Ihur was red (Fig. 1). The sago
that is maximum force to break noodles by extention starch color is greatly affected by genetic factors and
was determined by attaching a noodle strain on a starch extraction conditions. No further information
sample holder. was available on the genetic and extraction condi-
Cooking time of the noodles was measured as tions of the starch used in this study since the starch
follows: noodles (5 g) were cut into 2-3 cm long then was obtained from local starch producers. However, it
cooked in 200 ml boiling distilled water in a covered was reported that heavy metal ions in the processing
beaker. Every 30 second, a noodle strain was removed water promote the oxidation of polyphenols that dye
and pressed between two pieces of watch glass. the starch irreversibly (Flach 1997). Red color of Ihur
Optimum cooking time was achieved when the center might be contributed to phenolic compound.
of the noodles was fully hydrated. The chemical compositions of the starch showed
Cooking loss was measured by evaporating the that in general there was no distinctive difference
cooking water to dryness. The noodles were rinsed amongst characters evaluated (Table 1). The moisture
with fresh distilled water, placed in a preweighed glass content of sago starch ranged from 14% to 17%,
beaker, dried in an oven at 110 o C for 10 hours and which is typical for commercial starch. The ash
weighed. Percentage of weight differences before and content of all sago starch was low (0.18-0.27%), and
after cooking was calculated as cooking loss. the crude protein and fat contents were also low, i.e.
Rehydration weight was assessed by cooking 3 g of 0.25-0.48% and 0.03-0.12%, respectively. The amylose
noodles in 40 ml boiling water for 9 minutes, placed it content, however, which ranged from 37.24% to
in a strainer and allowed to drain and weighed. 42.13%, was higher than that reported by Ahmad et
Rehydration weight was presented as percentage of
initial weight.
Color was determined with a chromameter CR-300
(Minolta, Japan). Noodle strains were spreaded on a
white paper. Lightness (L), color hue (a *), and satura-
tion (b * ) values were recorded. A provided white
standard tile (L * = 100, a * = 0, b * = 0) was used to
calibrate the chromameter.

Organoleptic Quality
Fig. 1. Sago starch from four different kind of origin: (a)
Plain noodles were boiled and cooked at optimum non-heat moisture treatment (HMT), (b) HMT.
condition, and presented to 25 panelists of the Indo-
nesian Center for Postharvest Agricultural Research
and Development for evaluation. Panelist preferences Table 1. Chemical compositions of four different origins
of sago starch used in this study.
were rated in 9-point scales; 1 was extremely rejected,
9 was extremely liked. Sago starch origin
Tuni Molat Ihur Pancasan
Statistical Analysis Moisture (%) 16.90 17.03 17.03 14.01
Ash (%) 0.27 0.22 0.26 0.18
Mean data of all parameters evaluated were subjected Protein (%) 0.30 0.48 0.25 0.37
to an analysis of variance (ANOVA). When signi- Fat (%) 0.06 0.03 0.12 0.09
ficant differences were found, the means were tested Carbohydrate (%) 82.55 82.37 82.27 85.29
by least square differences. Pearson correlation co- Crude fiber (%) 0.87 0.63 0.70 0.62
Amylose (% db) 40.70 42.13 37.24 39.71
efficients were calculated on physical characteristics
Effect of heat moisture treatment of sago starch on it's noodle quality 11

al. (1999) which found around 24-30%. This diffe- Cooking quality of the sago starch noodles was
rence may be due to genotype factor, environment, presented in Table 4. In general, increase in cooking
starch processing, and analysis method. time decreased the cooking losses and rehydration
Data of the brabender amylogram curve (Table 2) weight of the noodles. Cooking time of the sago
showed that the pasting profiles of the four sago starch noodles ranged from 7 to 9 minutes which were
starch were classified as type A of the Schoch and comparable to cooking time of commercial spaghetti
Maywald (1968) in Chen (2003). Type B also has a marketed in Indonesia which was 9 minutes.
high pasting peak, but much less thinning during
cooking. Type C has no pasting peak but rather a
very high viscosity which remains constant or Table 3. Firmness, stickiness, and elasticity of sago starch
increases during cooking, whereas for type D, the
amount of starch must be increased two or three fold Firmness Stickiness Elasticity
Sago Treatment
to give a significant hot-paste viscosity of type C. (gf) (gf.s) (gf)

The present study was in agreement with that Tuni Non-HMT 1303.87e 64.43b 8.47e
reported by Ahmad et al. (1999) who found no HMT 2345.43a 27.30b 16.67a
Molat Non-HMT 1252.13e 73.23a 6.60b
significant variation amongst properties evaluated.
HMT 2137.80b 48.47d 10.20d
The starches exposed to HMT changed their Pancasan Non-HMT 1608.87d 52.73c 10.33cd
pasting profiles from initial type A before treated to HMT 1978.67c 28.47b 11.43bc
become type B after treated. This changing was Ihur Non-HMT 1241.43a 33.83e 8.97e
probably due to alteration of their internal granule as HMT 1621.30d 21.47g 12.13b
found by Stute (1992). Stute (1992) demonstrated that Numbers followed with different letters in the same column
the internal granule of potato starch treated with are significantly different at p<0.05.
HMT was altered as shown from the X-ray diffraction
patterns. The effect of HMT on pasting character-
istics of the Ihur, Tuni, and Molat sago starches were Table 4. Cooking time, cooking loss, and rehydration
weight of sago starch noodles.
higher than that on Pancasan sago. In the Ihur, Tuni
and Molat sago starch, HMT significantly increased Cooking Cooking Rehydration
Sago Treatment time loss weight
setback viscosity values, indicating that the starch is
(min.) (%) (%)
easier to retrograde.
Tuni Non-HMT 7.33b 4.15b 326.89b
HMT 8.50a 2.86d 252.08d
Physical Strength and Cooking Quality of Molat Non-HMT 7.33b 6.19a 324.88b
Sago Starch Noodles HMT 8.67a 3.84bc 301.38bc
Pancasan Non-HMT 7.33b 4.04b 333.46b
Sago starch treated with HMT resulted in improved HMT 8.33a 2.88d 309.01bc
noodle qualities, i.e. having higher firmness and Ihur Non-HMT 7.50b 3.21cd 379.25a
elasticity, but the stickiness was lower compared to HMT 8.33a 2.01e 283.79c
those non-HMT (Tabel 3). More firmer noodles mean Numbers followed with different letters in the same column
that they are not easily broken under cooking condition. are significantly different at p<0.05.

Table 2. Pasting properties of non-HMT and HMT sago starch.

Pancasan Ihur Tuni Molat Pancasan Ihur Tuni Molat
Gelatinization temperature ( C)
71.25 66 72 71.25 72.75 72 71.25 72.75
Peak temperature ( oC) 81 84.75 85.5 87 80.25 82.5 78.75 83.25
Peak viscosity (BU) 1100 1230 990 890 1000 1470 1370 1240
Viscosity at 93 oC (BU) 1000 840 650 720 990 1470 1170 1160
Viscosity 93/20 (BU) 650 520 350 350 860 1390 1090 1160
Viscosity at 50 o C (BU) 1340 1020 710 690 1450 2390 1880 2000
Viscosity 50/20 (BU) 1280 950 710 680 2230 2040 1680 1680
Breakdown viscosity (BU) 450 710 640 540 140 80 280 80
Setback viscosity (BU) 690 500 360 340 590 1000 790 840
Ty p e 1 A A A A B B B B
According to Schoch and Maywald (1968) in Chen (2003)
12 E.Y. Purwani et al.

Cooking loss of the non-HMT sago starch noodles cooking losses (r = 0.943), stickiness and rehydration
varied between 3.21% and 6.19%, while those treated weight (r = 0.544) indicating that physical strength
with HMT was 2.01-3.84%, higher than those reported can be used as a tool to evaluate cooking quality of
on sweet potato starch noodles with an average of sago starch noodles.
1.5% (Collado and Corke 1997) and potato starch with
cooking loss of 0.2-1.2% (Kim and Wiesenborn 1996). Color
Apparently, the cooking loss of sago starch noodles
Color evaluation of sago starch noodles before and
was similar to that of mungbean (2.93-7.68%) as
after rehydration (Table 6) expressed in three values:
found by Lii and Chang (1981) and Galvez et al.
(1) L*, index of lightness/darkness, 2) a*, index of
color hue, and 3) b*, index of yellowness. Noodle
The average rehydration weight of the untreated
color was significantly affected by sago starch origin
sago noodles was 324-380%, higher than that of the
(species) and HMT. Low value of lightness and high
HMT (252-309%). Collado et al. (2001) reported that
value of hue and yellowness was observed on the
HMT on sweet potato starch noodles resulted in higher
noodles from Ihur.
rehydration weight (262%) compared to noodles from
untreated sweet potato starch (234%).
Correlation analyses of physical strength and
Organoleptic Quality
cooking characteristics showed negative for the firm-
ness to the stickiness (r = -0.541, p<0.01), but it was Panelists preferred HMT sago starch noodles of Tuni
positive for the firmness to the elasticity (r = 0.799, and Pancasan. These two noodles had lower sticki-
p<0.01) (Table 5). This indicates that measurement of ness level (27-28 gf.s) and firmness (1978-2345 gf),
physical strength could be represented by single but more elastict (11-16 gf) (Table 3). The color of the
parameter. Negative correlation was also found between noodles made from Ihur variety was rated below the
firmness and cooking losses (r = -0.470, p<0.05) and lowest acceptable score, which means that the
rehydration weight (r = -0.716, p<0.01). However, panelists did not familiar with the red Ihur noodle
significant positive correlation (p<0.01) was observed color since most noodles found in Indonesia are
between firmness and cooking time, stickiness and yellow or white.

Table 5. Pearson correlation coefficient for physical strength and cooking characteristics of
sago starch noodles.

Cooking Rehydration Cooking

Firmness Stickiness Elasticity
loss weight time
Firmness 1.000
Stickiness -0.541** 1.000
Elasticity 0.799** -0.851** 1.000
Cooking loss -0.470* 0.943** -0.804** 1.000
Rehydration weight -0.716** 0.544** -0.649** 0.488* 1.000
Cooking time 0.804** -0.705** 0.700** -654** -0.713** 1.000
* = significantly different at p<0.054, ** = significantly different at p<0.01

Table 6. Color of sago starch noodles before and after rehydration.

Before rehydration After rehydration
Sago Treatment
L a b L a b
Tuni Non-HMT 54.41 e 7.193 f 16.06 e 43.56 e 3.28e 10.03 d
HMT 51.81 c 7.37g 13.52 d 42.61 d 3.99g 8.92c
Molat Non-HMT 54.94 f 5.82c 14.06 d 42.74 d 2.12c 6.98 b
HMT 50.11 b 6.36 d 12.17 b 41.48 c 2.52 d 6.79 b
Pancasan Non-HMT 57.37 g 3.22a 12.69 c 47.52 g 0.73a 2.83a
HMT 53.60 d 3.57 b 11.28 a 46.34 f 1.00 b 2.60a
Ihur Non-HMT 51.62 c 7.16e 13.85 d 40.53 b 3.50 f 9.13c
HMT 47.58 a 7.41g 12.88 c 39.19 a 4.04 h 11.54 e
L = index of lightness, a = index of color hue, b = index of yellowness.
Numbers followed with different letters in the same column are significantly different at p<0.05.
Effect of heat moisture treatment of sago starch on it's noodle quality 13

Table 7. Sensory evaluation of rehydrated noodles.

Sago Treatment Color Firmness Elasticity Stickiness Preferences
Tuni Non-HMT 5.58h 4.74d 3.96b 3.78b 3.56a
HMT 4.36d 5.42h 5.44f 5.46g 5.08f
Molat Non-HMT 5.26g 3.74b 3.84a 2.42a 3.94b
HMT 4.24c 5.12g 4.00b 4.98e 4.90d
Pancasan Non-HMT 5.22f 2.96a 5.22e 4.00c 4.10d
HMT 4.76e 4.38c 4.84d 5.00f 5.44g
Ihur Non-HMT 3.82b 4.88f 4.34d 4.52d 4.00c
HMT 2.76a 4.76c 4.36c 5.84h 4.98e
Numbers followed with different letters in the same column are significantly different at

The study showed that HMT improved significant- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

ly sago starch noodles and the noodles were accepted
by panelists especially for their firmness and sticki- We thank Ir. Rosmayati from Maluku Assessment
ness. This indicated that sago starch is potential as an Institute for Agricultural Technology and Wini Pra-
alternative to develope sago-based food, thus in- tiwi for the supply of the sago starch samples and
creasing the consumption of sago starch. Further technical assistance.
study is required to up scale the study involving
more panelists from different back-ground of societies
which may have difference in their preferences for REFERENCES
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