ADHOC Appointment Notice 2021
ADHOC Appointment Notice 2021
ADHOC Appointment Notice 2021
Applications are invited for the positions of 10 Assistant Professor on ad-hoc basis in the
Department of Political Science. The application in the given format (proforma attached) along
with complete CV should be submitted on or before 29.08.2021 by 5:00 PM. Kindly upload the
proforma and CV using this google form: No
applications will be entertained after the mentioned date and time.
Number of vacancies:
Assistant Professor: 10 nos. (5 UR+ 2 SC+ 2 ST+ 1 OBC)
Interviews in Political Science Department for the position of Assistant Professor on ad-hoc basis
will be held on 31.08.2021 onwards. Interviews may continue on the next day if required.
1. Only candidates of the current Delhi University Ad-hoc panel are eligible.
2. No separate letters are being issued by the Department.
3. The University / Department reserve the right not to fill any or all of the above posts as per
the decisions / approval of the competent authority.
4. Canvassing in any form or on behalf of the candidate, will disqualify him/her.
5. Applications are only invited using the google form.
6. The Proforma must be filled, signed, scanned and uploaded using the google form.
3. Category: __________________________
5. Academic qualifications:
Bachelor’s Degree (%age, University, year): _____________________________________
Date: ________________________________________
1. Applications are subject to scrutiny by the Department. Incorrect information, if found, would
lead to rejection of candidature.
2. The University / Department reserve the right not to fill any or all of the above posts as per the
decisions / approval of the competent authority.