Table A: List of All Commitments/contributions and Pledges As of 20 January 2010

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HAITI - Earthquakes - January 2010

Table A: List of all commitments/contributions and pledges

as of 20 January 2010 (Table ref: R10)

Compiled by OCHA on the basis of information provided by donors and appealing organizations.

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted

USD Pledges

Abbott Laboratories UN Agencies, In-kind: Donations of medicines and nutritional 1,000,000 0

NGOs and Red products
Advent Software PIH Humanitarian assistance 0 25,000

Adventist Development ADRA-Haiti Emergency assistance 0 1,000,000

and Relief Agency
Air Products American RC Humanitarian assistance 0 25,000

Albanian Red Cross IFRC for victims of earthquake in Haiti; for the 15,000 0
emergency appeal of the International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Albanian Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 15,393 0

Alcoa Foundation American RC Assist the victims of Haitis devastating 0 100,000

Alcon Laboratories NGOs in-kind: $1 million worth of eye drops and 0 1,000,000
eye-related antibiotics and ointments: in
partnership with Project Hope, AmeriCares,
Direct Relief International and Heart to Heart

Allocation of unearmarked GOAL GOAL has allocated Euro 250,000 from its 360,750 0
funds by GOAL emergency fund as an immediate response

Allocation of unearmarked UNICEF Humanitarian Response (SM099906) 479,205 0

funds by UNICEF

Allocation of unearmarked UNICEF in kind - 2,500 kitchen kits and 5,000 1 litre bags 3,400,000 0
funds by UNICEF of water; supplies to assist 10,000 people,
including oral rehydration salts to combat
deadly diarrhea episodes, water purifications
tablets, tarpaulins and tents to provide
temporary housing; blankets, emergency health
kits, jerry cans and some other supplies

Allocation of unearmarked WFP in kind - seven logistics staff and three 0 0

funds by WFP telecommunications staff to help support relief
efforts through the activation of the Logistics
and Telecommunications Clusters; Two Staff

Allocation of unearmarked WFP Emergency Operation in support of relief 500,000 0

funds by WFP efforts

Allocation of unearmarked WHO in kind - 100,000 water purification tablets 0 0

funds by WHO

Allocation of unearmarked WHO Emergency assistance(funds from WHO Rapid 75,000 0

funds by WHO Response Account)

Allocation of unearmarked WHO Emergency assistance to affected population 200,000 0

funds by WHO

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Allstate Foundation American RC Relief assistance 0 50,000

Altria Group American RC Relief assistance 0 100,000

America Continental 2000 UN Agencies, in kind - 5 pallets of medical supplies 0 0

NGOs and Red

American Express UN Agencies, Relief assistance 0 250,000

Company NGOs and Red
American Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 50,875 0

American Red Cross American RC Assist communities impacted by todays 200,000 0

earthquake in Haiti
American Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 629,295 0
Emergency Appeal
American Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 5,000,000 0

Americares Americares To be allocated to specific projects 0 5,000,000

Amgen UN Agencies, Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 2,000,000

NGOs and Red
Amway NGOs; Red Relief assistance for American Red Cross and 0 100,000
Cross SOS Children´s Villages
Angel Network American RC For Haitian Relief 1,000,000 0

Argentina Bilateral (to in kind - a planeload of medical equipment and 0 0

affected relief supplies to Haiti
Astoria Federal Savings American RC Humanitarian assistance 25,000 0

AstraZeneca BRCS Relief assistance 0 163,150

AT&T Foundation TSF Emergency telecommunications 50,000 0

Australia IFRC Humanitarian relief and reconstruction support 899,281 0

to Haiti
Australia CDERA For immdeiate life-saving support to those most 899,281 0
affected by the earthquake
Australia NGOs Additional contribution to meet urgent and 899,281 0
emergency humanitarian needs such as food,
water and sanitation, shelter and medical
Australia OCHA Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in 899,281 0
Australia NGOs Humanitarian relief and reconstruction support 1,348,921 0
to Haiti (Australian NGOs)
Australia WFP WFP for special operations supporting logistics 1,348,921 0
and communications
Australia WFP Food aid 2,697,842 0

Australia UN Agencies, Emergency humanitarian relief and 4,496,403 0

NGOs and Red reconstruction assistance for those affected
Cross by the earthquake in Haiti

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Australia Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 473,575 0

Austrian Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 30,263 0
Emergency Appeal
Austrian Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 1,000,000 0

Austrian Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 1,252,403 0

Bahrain Bilateral (to Humanitarian aid to victims of massive 1,000,000 0

affected earthquake
Bangladesh Bilateral (to in kind - a medical team to Haiti to help its 0 0
affected earthquake-stricken people

Bank of America NGOs Humanitarian assistance 500,000 0


Bank of America American RC Earthquake relief 500,000 0


Baxter International NGOs; Red Immediate, acute-care and longer-term needs; 0 1,000,000
Foundation Cross support to ARC and CARE

Becton, Dickson and UN Agencies, Medical equipment 0 500,000

Company NGOs and Red

Becton, Dickson and NGOs; Red Support to American Red Cross, U.S. Fund for 0 550,000
Company Cross UNICEF, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission
Board, Direct Relief International, Heart to Heart
International, Partners in Health, Project HOPE,
and Save the Children
Belgium Bilateral (to in kind - Une soixantaine de personnes quipe 651,876 0
affected B-Fast pour porter secours aux victimes du
government) violent tremblement de terre une quipe
d´intervention (mdicale avec un hpital de
campagne (20 personnes); une quipe USAR
(Urban Search and Rescue Team) de 33
personnes, avec quatre chiens pisteurs; une
installation de purification de l´eau potable,
avec deux accompagnateurs

Bill and Melinda Gates PIH To provide immediate-and-medium-term medical 500,000 0

Foundation care through PIH´s existing 10 health facilities
and temporary/mobile clinics

Bill and Melinda Gates CRS Response to the needs of the victims 1,000,000 0
BMO Financial Group RC/Canada Assistance to Red Cross effort 250,000 0

Bolivia Bilateral (to in kind - blood and food to the victims of the 0 0
affected earthquake.
Botswana ERF (OCHA) ERRF Haiti (OCT 2853) 128,000 0

Botswana Bilateral (to Aid to the humanitarian crisis caused by the 1,000,000 0
affected recent earthquake

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Brazil Bilateral (to Six flights of the Brazilian Air Force sent to 0 0
affected Haiti, carrying personnel, food items,
government) medications and an emergency portable
hospital; Rescue team sent to Haiti, composed
by fifty specialists in disaster relief, besides
tools and rescue dogs
Brazil ERF (OCHA) To contribute to the efforts underway to bring 0 5,000,000
relief and emergency assistance to the Haitian
Brazil Bilateral (to Aid funds for Haiti earthquake response 0 10,000,000
Brazil Bilateral (to Local purchase of food, by the Brazilian 50,000 0
affected Embassy in Port-au-Prince, for school feeding
government) rehabilitation programmes in Haiti
Brazil UNFPA Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Brazil WFP School feeding 130,000 0

Brazil FAO Humanitarian assistance 250,000 0

British Airways NGOs; Red in kind - a relief aircraft to aid agencies 0 0

Cross travelling to Haiti
British Red Cross Society IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 101,833 0

British Red Cross Society IFRC In-Kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 421,645 0
Emergency Appeal

Build-A-Bear Workshop BRCS Relief effort 8,000 0


Build-A-Bear Workshop American RC Haiti Earthquake Relief Effort 15,000 0

Bulgaria Bilateral (to One and a half tons of humanitarian aid 0 0
affected consisting of tents, blankets and bedding
Cambodia Bilateral (to Relief efforts to the people of Haiti 50,000 0
Campbell Soup CO UN Agencies To be allocated to specific projects 200,000 0
and NGOs
(details not yet
Canada Bilateral (to in kind: A Disaster Emergency Response Team 0 0
affected deployed to Haiti; C-17 aircraft full of medical
government) aid and a pair of search and rescue helicopters
Canada MCIC Emergency response efforts in Haiti (Province 0 96,339
of Manitoba)
Canada Bilateral (to Immediate aid including emergency shelter, 0 4,816,956
affected medical services, food, relief items, water and
government) sanitation services and protection
Canada UN Agencies to be allocated to specific projects/sectors 0 5,780,347
and NGOs
(details not yet
Canada IFRC To meet the emergency needs of an estimated 0 8,188,825
300,00 people affected by the Haiti earthquake

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Canada NGOs to allow Canadian NGOs assist more than half 0 11,078,998
a million people affected by the earthquake
Canada UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects/sectors 0 14,450,867

Canada WFP to be allocated to specific projects/sectors 0 37,572,254

Canada UN Agencies, Haiti Relief Fund - to match individual donations 0 48,169,557

NGOs and Red to charities intended to help the Caribbean
Cross nation recover from devastation caused by the
Canada RC/Canada Relief effort in Haiti (Nova Scotia) 96,339 0

Canada RC/Canada Immediate medical and emergency support 481,696 0

(British Columbia)

Canadian Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 406,005 0
Society Emergency Appeal

Canadian Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 6,183,305 0
Canon Group American RC Humanitarian assistance 220,000 0

CareSource Foundation American RC Provide supplies, technical assistance, efforts 10,000 0

to reconnect families and reconstruct hospitals,
schools, child care centers and neighborhoods
Cargill UN Agencies Humanitarian assistance (WFP and CARE) 50,000 0
and NGOs
(details not yet

Caribbean Development Bilateral (to Immediate relief to Haiti following the 0 1,000,000
Bank affected widespread devastation caused by the
government) powerful earthquake (potable water, food,
medicines and temporary shelter, restoration of
critical facilities and services)
CARITAS CARITAS Emergency assistance to affected population 252,525 0

Carry-over (donors not ERF (OCHA) To be allocated to specific 2,111,391 0

specified) agencies/projects/sectors
Caterpillar, Inc. ICRC Relief efforts 200,000 0

Catholic Relief Services CRS To be allocated to specific projects 0 5,000,000

Central Emergency WHO CERF rapid response grant to project: Outbreak 177,024 0
Response Fund control and environmental health (CERF

Central Emergency WHO CERF rapid response grant to project: 407,024 0

Response Fund Reactivation of basic health care services
(CERF 10-WHO-002)

Central Emergency WFP CERF rapid response grant to WFP: Common 782,460 0
Response Fund emergency telecommunication services to
humanitarian community in Haiti (CERF

Central Emergency UNICEF CERF rapid response grant to project: 850,292 0

Response Fund Emergency nutrition for children and women
(CERF 10-CEF-004A)

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Central Emergency WFP CERF rapid response grant to project: Logistics 1,000,000 0
Response Fund augmentation and coordination for relief
operations in response to earthquake in Haiti
(CERF 10-WFP-006)

Central Emergency IOM CERF rapid response grant to project: 1,000,000 0

Response Fund Immediate shelter and NFIs assistance to
vulnerable earthquake victims in Haiti (CERF

Central Emergency WFP CERF rapid response grant to project: Provision 1,000,000 0
Response Fund of humanitarian air services in response to the
earthquake in Haiti (CERF 10-WFP-006)

Central Emergency UNICEF CERF rapid response grant to project: Provide 1,201,075 0
Response Fund access to safe water and sanitation facilities to
families affected by the earthquake (CERF

Central Emergency WHO CERF rapid response grant to project: 1,470,308 0

Response Fund Availability of adequate drugs and medical
supplies (CERF 10-WHO-002)

Central Emergency WFP CERF rapid response grant to project: Food 2,893,426 0
Response Fund assistance to earthquake affected populations
in Haiti (CERF 10-WFP-005)

Central Emergency UN CERF CERF rapid response grant to UN agencies: 15,000,000 0

Response Fund Awaiting allocation to specific
Chile Bilateral (to in kind - a 767 jet and a Hercules C-130 plane 0 0
affected with medical assistance.
China Bilateral (to in kind - A 50-member rescue team; three 0 0
affected sniffer dogs
China RCSC Emergency aid to affected population 0 1,000,000

China Bilateral (to Humanitarian aid, including medicines, tents, 4,405,286 0

affected food, emergency lights, clothing and water
China Red Cross Society IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 25,500 0

China Red Cross Society IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 157,722 0
Emergency Appeal
Chubb Corporation Share our Humanitarian assistance 125,000 0
Chubb Corporation MSF Humanitarian assistance 125,000 0

CIGNA American RC Humanitarian assistance 50,000 0

Cisco Foundation American RC Humanitarian assistance 250,000 0

Citigroup UN Agencies, Relief team, medical equipment, humanitarian 0 0

NGOs and Red supplies, and satellite phones to Haiti
Citigroup NGOs; Red Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 2,000,000
Coca-Cola Company American RC Provide immediate relief and long-term support 1,000,000 0
through supplies, technical and financial
assistance, and other support to help those in

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Cogeco Cable American RC Humanitarian assistance 50,000 0

Colombia Bilateral (to in kind - flight with 600 kg of drugs, gloves, 0 0

affected surgical masks, a military hospital with 7 military
government) doctors able to perform complex surgeries and
trauma management, 20 SAR experts (pairs
man-dog), 3 satelite phones donated by the
National Police, and 2000 kg of provisions for
Colombian police men present in the area.
Colombia WFP Food aid 50,000 0

Comcast Corp American RC Emergency relief 0 25,000

Comcast Corp TSF an emergency team with communications 0 25,000

equipment to Haiti.
Comcast Corp Various in kind - goods and services (free airtime for 950,000 0
earthquake-related public-service
announcements for the Red Cross and other
ConAgra Foods American RC To be allocated to specific projects 0 100,000

Congo, Democratic UN Agencies, Humanitarian aid 0 2,500,000

Republic of NGOs and Red
ConocoPhillips American RC Humanitarian assistance 1,000,000 0

Credit Agricole UN Agencies, Humanitarian assistance 1,450,000 0

NGOs and Red
Credit Suisse Swiss RC Humanitarian assistance 500,000 0

Credit Suisse American RC Humanitarian assistance 500,000 0

Croatia RC/Croatia For victims of earthquake 0 197,691

Crocs, Inc. UN Agencies, Donating thousands of pairs of shoes 0 0

NGOs and Red
Cuba Bilateral (to in kind: 30 doctors to add to its medical staff 0 0
affected already in Haiti.
Cyprus Bilateral (to Emergency relief (food, health and medical) 144,300 0
Czech Republic UNICEF Reconstruction of Water Infrastructure 288,600 0
Czech Republic UN Agencies, Relief, recovery and rebuilding 865,801 0
NGOs and Red
Danchurchaid Danchurchaid Relief work 194,175 0

Danish Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 118,473 0
Emergency Appeal
DELL American RC Humanitarian assistance 250,000 0

DELL UNICEF Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector 250,000 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Denmark ERF (OCHA) Emergency Relief Response Fund (ERRF) Haiti 0 3,883,495
[OCT 2844] (46.Haiti.5.b.)
Denmark SC - Denmark Urgent relief (46.h.5.drk.) 96,957 0

Denmark Danchurchaid Urgent relief (46.h.5.drk.) 145,434 0

Denmark Danish RC Urgent relief (46.h.5.drk.) 145,434 0

Denmark OCHA OCHA country office in Haiti (46.haiti.5.b.) [OCT 289,201 0

Denmark DEMA UN Base Camp Module (46.H.5.BRS.) 1,163,476 0

Denmark ERF (OCHA) OCHA ERRF for Haiti (46.haiti.5.b.) [OCT 2842] 1,638,807 0

Desjardins American RC Humanitarian assistance 292,000 0

Deutsche Bank AG NGOs Immediate disaster relief in partnership with 4,000,000 0

AmeriCares, Doctors Without Borders, Oxfam
America and Partners in Healths. Some
resources e deployed over the coming year by
the Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation to
help Haiti with longer-term rebuilding strategies.
Longer-term work with Fondation
Connaissance et Liberte (FOKAL), Habitat for
Humanity and Fonkoze.
Development and Peace CARITAS First aid supplies, food, shelter and other basic 50,000 0
DHL International UN Agencies, To provide on-the-ground logistics support to 0 0
NGOs and Red the international relief effort in Haiti, including
Cross transfer and distribution of incoming relief
Diageo UN Agencies, 45,000 pounds of food and emergency 0 0
NGOs and Red supplies
Digicel Group UN Agencies, To be allocated to specific projects 0 5,000,000
NGOs and Red
Direct Relief International DRI in kind - 40-foot and 20-foot containers, 420,000 0
containing essential medicines, supplies, and

Discover Financial American RC Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 100,000

Dollar General Corporation American RC To help vicitms recover from the devastating 100,000 0
earthquakes in Haiti
Dominican Republic Bilateral (to in kind - food, medicine medical aid, and rescue 0 0
affected crews to Haiti; 20 technicians to help
government) re-establish telecommunications, 12 disaster
management specialists, 8 mobile clinics, 6
ambulances, a medical team water supplies
and drugs.
Dominican Republic Bilateral (to Assistencia destinada a los Centros de la Red 0 4,976,499
affected Pblica de Salud, canalizados a travs de la
government) Secretaria de Estado de Salud Pblica y
Asistencia Social (SESPAS).
Dow Chemical Corporation American RC Assistance to emergency relief and rescue 0 500,000

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

DuPont American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Eastman Kodak Charitable American RC Relief for Haiti Earthquake Survivors 100,000 0
Eaton Corp American RC Response to the earthquake 100,000 0

Ecuador Bilateral (to in-kind: search and rescue teams and 5 tons of 0 0
affected food
El Salvador Bilateral (to in kind: a SAR team of 12 members 0 0
Equatorial Guinea UN Agencies Relief and humanitarian aid to earthquake 0 2,000,000
victims in Haiti
Ericsson UN Agencies, Provision of complete GSM system, perform 0 0
NGOs and Red technical test of the system, provision of
Cross technical staff, provision of 1000 sim card for
humanitarian community
Estonia ERB ICT support module for the UNDAC team in the 27,417 0
framework of IHP
Estonia ERB Urgent relief to the victims of the earthquake 98,124 0

Estonia IFRC To help victims of the earhquake 230,880 0

European Commission UN Agencies, Short term recovery and rehabilitation and 0 154,401,154
NGOs and Red re-establishing the government´s capacity to
Cross operate effectively.
European Commission UN Agencies, Longer-term reconstruction from EDF funds 0 288,600,288
NGOs and Red and Intra-ACP and Caribbean Regional
Cross Allocation

European Commission UN Agencies, Second ECHO decision 0 38,961,038

Humanitarian Aid Office NGOs and Red

European Commission WFP Food aid 1,587,302 0

Humanitarian Aid Office

European Commission UN Agencies, Commission Decision on the financing of 4,329,000 0

Humanitarian Aid Office NGOs and Red primary emergency humanitarian Actions in
Cross Haiti from the general budget of the European
Union (ECHO/HTI/BUD/2010/01000)
FedEx UN Agencies, Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 2,000,000
NGOs and Red
Finland OCHA in kind - Two IT experts and IT module through 0 0
Finland UNICEF Emergency response 288,600 0

Finland Finnchurchaid Life saving activities/water + food 721,501 0

Finland Finland RC Mobile clinic and personnel 1,082,251 0

Finland Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 11,532 0
Emergency Appeal
Finland Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 1,142,833 0

FPL Group Foundation American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

France UN Agencies to be allocated to specific 0 14,430,014

and NGOs agencies/projects/sectors
(details not yet
France WFP Food aid 2,453,102 0

France Bilateral (to Emergency food aid 2,886,003 0

France Bilateral (to in kind - 246 sauveteurs et 235 personnels de 11,544,012 0
affected soutien et de commandement, 29 gendarmes et
government) 9 chiens avec 130 tonnes de matriel. Un hpital
de campagne, (avec 70 personnes et 33
tonnes de matriels), un poste mdical avanc ( 70
personnes et 6 tonnes) et 10 quipes mdicales
mobiles; fait installer une station de
potabilisation deau dont la capacit dalimentation
est de 20.000 personnes par jour.
Un hlicoptre de la scurit civile a t mis
disposition des sauveteurs pour les assister.
Trois hlicoptres militaires effectuent des
rotations quotidiennes entre Hati et les Antilles
franaises. Ils ont achemin Port au Prince 27,5
tonnes de matriel et vivres de premire urgence.
French Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 150,000 0

French Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 161,502 0
Emergency Appeal
French Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 369,000 0

Gabon Bilateral (to Aid for the victims of earthquake in Haiti 1,000,000 0
General Electric US Fund for Emergency assistance 0 500,000
General Electric American RC Emergency assistance 0 1,000,000

General Electric UN Agencies, Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 1,000,000

NGOs and Red
General Mills Foundation American RC Support disaster relief 100,000 0

General Mills Foundation CARE Support disaster relief 150,000 0

General Motors American RC Relief assistance 100,000 0

GenNX360 American RC Humanitarian assistance 25,000 0

Georgia Bilateral (to in kind - 15 rescue rangers and 5 medical 0 0

affected doctors; 40 tons of emergency supplies
Germany Bilateral (to deployment of 1 assessment team (4 experts 0 0
affected from THW); deployment of 2 water purification
government) modules by THW; deployment of 1 basic health
unit and 1 field hospital by German Red Cross
Germany UN Agencies, Health, water and sanitation, non-food items 0 4,806,300
NGOs and Red and food aid. (unallocated from total pledge of
Cross Euro 7.5 mn)
Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Germany Bundesanstalt Consulting to the German Embassy, Evaluation 65,706 0

Technisches of humanitarian need, water facilities (VN05
Hilfswerk 321.50 HTI 01/10)
Germany Bilateral (to In-kind - Provision of drugs, medical supplies 577,201 0
affected and non-food items in a Portuguese C-130
government) airplane to transport urgent humanitarian relief
items (IS 97/Dasc/CGII/2010)
Germany GTZ Emergency Aid with food after the earthquake / 721,501 0
new budget beside the project for the
reconstruction and compansation of sensitivity,
which started in December 2009 and continues
until April 2012 (BMZ-No.: 2009.1989.4)
Germany German RC Indemnification of basic medicare (VN05 321.50 865,801 0
HTI 03/10)
Germany ICRC To establish a center for basic health care in 900,000 0
Port-au-Prince for a period of 3 months
Germany WFP Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector 2,886,003 0
(BMZ-No.: 2010.1802.7)
Go Daddy UN Agencies, Aid to quake victims 500,000 0
NGOs and Red
Goldman Sachs Group UN Agencies, Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 1,000,000
NGOs and Red
Goldman Sachs Group UN Agencies, Relief aid 1,000,000 0
NGOs and Red
Google UN Agencies, To be allocated to specific projects 0 1,000,000
NGOs and Red
Greece Bilateral (to in kind - special team of physicians and rescue 0 0
affected unit as well as pharmacueticals
Greece WFP Food aid 288,600 0

Grenada Bilateral (to Emergency relief 100,000 0

Guyana Bilateral (to Emergency assistance 0 1,000,000
Guyana Bilateral (to Haiti relief (from private companies and local 893,000 0
affected body churches in Guyana handed over to
government) Guyana National Committee for Haiti Relief and
Civil Defence Commission)
Handicap International HI To be allocated to specific projects 217,657 0

Hanesbrands CARE To be allocated to specific projects 0 25,000

Hanesbrands UN Agencies, Humanitarian assistance 25,000 0
NGOs and Red
Henry Schein Inc. NGOs Medical supplies 1,000,000 0

Hess Corporation IRC Relief effort 250,000 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Hess Corporation UNICEF Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector 250,000 0

Hess Corporation IMC Relief efforts 500,000 0

Home Depot Foundation American RC Aid for the victims of earthquake 100,000 0

Honda American RC Cash and in-kind support (portable generators, 300,000 0

water pumps, and other Honda products for
use during humanitarian relief and recovery
efforts in Haiti)
Hudson's Bay Company RC/Canada To Support Haitian Earthquake Relief Efforts 200,000 0

Humana Foundation MSF Support of earthquake relief efforts in Haiti 25,000 0

Humana Foundation SC Support of earthquake relief efforts in Haiti 25,000 0

Humana Foundation American RC Support of earthquake relief efforts in Haiti 50,000 0

Hydration Technology UN Agencies, To provide thousands of single-use water 0 0

Innovations NGOs and Red filtration pouches as well as eight community
Cross supporting hydro-wells that can purify 5,600
liters (1,480 gallons) of water a day
Iceland Bilateral (to in kind - Icelandic International Search and 0 0
affected Rescue Team (ICE-SAR) [35 search and
government) rescue specialists, fully equipped and self
sufficient for up to seven days in the field, with
10 metric tons of their own tools and
equipment, three tons of water, tents,
advanced communication equipment and have
their own water purifying capability.]
Iceland WFP Food adi 56,000 0

Iceland Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 50,000 0

IFRC Disaster Relief IFRC Emergency assistance to affected population 491,265 0

Emergency Fund
India Bilateral (to in kind - for immediate emergency relief in 1,000,000 0
affected quake-devastated Haiti
Indonesia Bilateral (to in kind - contingent of humanitarian workers (75 1,700,000 0
affected personnel, comprising 30 doctors, 10 rescuers,
government) 10 electricity technicians, 25construction and
telecommunication experts); 15 tents, 3 tons of
medicine, 5 tons of food, 5 tons of baby and
children kits, one ambulance, one truck and
water purifying tool (No:044/POL-101/I/10)

Inter-American Bilateral (to Immediate emergency aid to help Haiti deal with 200,000 0
Development Bank affected the devastating earthquake (to provide food,
government) potable water, medicines and temporary shelter
to victims of natural disasters)

International Committee of IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 391,500 0

the Red Cross

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

International Federation of RC/Haiti in kind - 7 Emergency Response Units 0 0

Red Cross and Red deployed: 1 Logistics, 1 Rapid Deployment
Crescent Societies Hospital, 1 IT/Telecom, 2 Relief/Shelter, and 2
Basic Health Care from American RC, Spanish
RC, Benelux RC, Norwegian RC, Canadian RC,
Swiss RC, French RC, German RC, Finnish RC);
2 Mobile Wat/San Modules deployed (from
Spanish RC and French RC); 3,000 family kits
already prepositioned in country

International Monetary Bilateral (to Emergency assistance to Haiti; to assist it in 0 100,000,000

Fund affected dealing with the aftermath of the massive and
government) devastating earthquake that has hit the country
Iran RC/Iran 30 tonnes of humanitarian aid including food, 0 0
tents and medicine to quake-ridden Haiti
Iran Red Crescent IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 106,194 0

Ireland UN Agencies, Humanitarian assistance for the recent 0 1,659,452

NGOs and Red earthquake in Haiti (unallocated from orig
Cross pledge of Euro 2 mn)
Ireland IFRC Emergency Relief (IFRC 10 01) 360,750 0

Ireland ERF (OCHA) to be allocated to specific 432,900 0

Ireland WFP to be allocated to specific projects/sectors 432,900 0

Ireland Red Cross Ireland RC aid to Haiti from its Emergency Relief Fund to 36,075 0
deal with the devastating earthquake which
struck the country
Ireland Red Cross Ireland RC Emergency aid to Haiti 144,300 0

Israel Bilateral (to in kind - a delegation which includes rescue 0 0

affected forces, 40 doctors,24 nurses and
government) representatives of the IDF Medical Corps to set
up a hospital capable of treating 500 patients
Italy WFP To assist affected population (cash and in kind) 0 202,417

Italy WHO In-kind: 5 Trauma Kits A and 5 Trauma Kits B 108,000 0

Italy WHO in kind - 4 inter-agency emergency health kits 133,000 0

(IEHK) without malaria module; 4 Post-exposure
prophylaxis kits (PEP) supplementary module
Italy OCHA To support OCHA´s coordination activities and 721,500 0
RC coordination of humanitarian international
community in the field
Italy WHO Reactivation of Basic Health Care Services 721,500 0

Italy IFRC Emergency healthcare programme (MDRHT008) 721,501 0

Italy WFP To meet the emergency food needs of the 739,645 0

populations affected

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

Page 13 of 24 Click here to download the latest updated report version

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Italy Bilateral (to in kind - Kitchen set, family type(700); Water 900,433 0
affected tank, collapsible, 3500lt, w/ram (5); Blanket
government) 50% wool 50% synthetic fibers (1950); Blanket
50% wool 50% new fibers (540); Jerry can,
collapsible, with screw cap, 10 lt (3000); water
tank, collapsible, 7500lt, w/ram (5); Water tank,
collapsible, 1000lt, w/ram (20); Water
purification unit, 4cu.m/hrs (3); Tent,
multipurpose, 25 sq.m. (52); Tent, multipurpose,
32 sq.m approx (18); Roll, plastic, 4x60mt (33);
High energy biscuits, 10 kg (6.3 tons); Emerg.
kit, trauma profile, Italian (5); Emerg. kit, supp. to
trauma, Italian (5); Interag Emerg Health Kit
BASIC (4); Interag Emerg Health Kit
SUPPLEMENTARY (4); Interag Emerg Health Kit
06 PEP MODULE (4); Interag Emerg Health Kit
Oxytocin module (4).
Italy Bilateral (to in kind - beds, generators, tents, body bags, air 4,329,004 0
affected conditioners, medicines, water purification unit,
government) razioni K, medical items. field hospital.
Japan Bilateral (to in kind - emergency medical team 0 0
Japan Bilateral (to in kind - emergency relief goods 327,154 0
Japan UN Agencies Emergency grant aid 5,000,000 0
and NGOs
(details not yet
Japanese Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 76,069 0
Emergency Appeal
Japanese Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 226,114 0

Japanese Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 436,864 0

Jefferies Group Inc UN Agencies, Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 1,000,000

NGOs and Red
John Deere Foundation Red Cross aid recovery efforts in Haiti 0 250,000

Jolie-Pitt Foundation MSF Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 1,000,000

JP Morgan Chase NGOs; Red Humanitarian assistance 1,000,000 0

Kellogg Corporation American RC Relief efforts 250,000 0

Knight Foundation Internews Grant to keep the country´s radio stations 200,000 0
broadcasting key information to survivors

Korea Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 92,709 0
(Republic of)
Korea, Republic of Bilateral (to In-Kind: Relief goods worth $1 million. 0 10,000,000
affected The Korea International Cooperation Agency
government) (KOICA) sent five relief workers to Haiti.
Kraft Foods Foundation American RC Help victims of the earthquake 25,000 0

Lance Armstrong MSF Humanitarian assistance 125,000 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

Page 14 of 24 Click here to download the latest updated report version

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Lance Armstrong PIH Humanitarian Assistance 125,000 0

Liberia Bilateral (to Aid to Haiti quake victims 50,000 0
Limited Brands American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Lowe's Companies Inc. American RC Humanitarian assistance 1,000,000 0

Lutheran World Relief LWF To deliver water containers and purification 0 150,000
materials and temporary shelter items.
Luxembourg Bilateral (to in kind - search and rescue team (7 dogs + 11 72,150 0
affected canine search experts) plus 6 civil protection
government) technical staff with localization material to Haiti
Luxembourg OTM Emergency relief 72,150 0

Luxembourg CARITAS Emergency relief 72,150 0

Luxembourg Red Cross Emergency relief 72,150 0

Luxembourg CARE Emergency relief 144,300 0

Luxembourg WFP Emergency relief 288,600 0

Major League Baseball UNICEF Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 1,000,000

Massachusetts Mutual Life UN Agencies, Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Insurance Company NGOs and Red
Mastercard UN Agencies, Humanitarian assistance 250,000 0
NGOs and Red
Mattel SC Humanitarian assistance 10,000 0

Mauritius Bilateral (to Humanitarian aid 500,000 0

McKesson Corporation NGOs; Red Cash and Medical Supplies to Support Relief 400,000 0
Cross Effort in Haiti (crutches, orthopedic braces,
gauze, masks and mosquito nets)

Mennonite Central MCC Immediate needs 100,000 0

Mercy Corps Mercy Corps in kind - team to assess what the most 0 0
pressing needs are in the earthquake-affected
Mexico Bilateral (to in kind - 6 flights with a rescue team of 202 0 0
affected specialist; rescue equipments; 1,600 tons of
government) emergency relief items
Mexico UN Agencies Assistance to be channeled through UN 0 8,000,000
and NGOs Agencies
(details not yet
Microsoft UN Agencies, Cash and in-kind contributions 1,250,000 0
NGOs and Red

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

Page 15 of 24 Click here to download the latest updated report version

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Monaco IFRC Humanitarian assistance (No22.14-201003903) 72,150 0

Monaco Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 73,790 0

MoneyGram International PADF Humanitarian assistance 10,000 0

Morgan Stanley American RC Humanitarian assistance 1,000,000 0

Morocco Bilateral (to In kind - medical and pharmaceutical products 1,000,000 0

Motorola, Inc. American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Muslim Aid Muslim Aid To provide much needed clean water, 120,000 0
emergency shelters, medicines and food aid to
the earthquake victims
National Bank of Canada RC/Canada Humanitarian assistance 242,520 0

National Basketball Various Relief efforts for victims 0 1,000,000

National Football League American RC Relief and recovery efforts to assist victims of 0 500,000
National Football League PIH Relief and recovery efforts to assist victims of 0 500,000
National Grid American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

NEM Insurance Company UN Agencies, Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 1,000,000

NGOs and Red
Nestle Various In kind contribution in bottled water products 0 1,000,000

Netherlands Bilateral (to in kind - 60-member team with trained sniffer 0 0

affected dogs
Netherlands UN Agencies, Emergency aid 2,886,003 0
NGOs and Red
Netherlands Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 225,038 0
Emergency Appeal

New York Life Insurance American RC Relief aid 100,000 0

New Zealand UN Agencies International relief efforts following the 0 719,942
and Red Cross devastating earthquake in Haiti
New Zealand Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 38,000 0

Nicaragua Bilateral (to in kind - special brigade to repair electric power 0 0

affected lines that have been damaged by the
government) earthquake; 31 military doctors of the
Humanitarian Rescue Unit (URH) and
humanitarian aid for the victims
Northern Trust Corporation American RC Aid to victims of earthquake 0 250,000

Northfield Bank Foundation American RC Humanitarian assistance 25,000 0

Norway NRC in kind - secondments to the UN 866,551 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Norway Direktoratet for in kind - staff support to the UN 1,126,516 0

rhet og
Norway Norway RC Field hospital 1,213,172 0

Norway NCA in kind - tents and water equipments 1,733,102 0

Norway Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 1,169,072 0

Not on our Watch PIH Medical services for victims 1,000,000 0

Organization of American Bilateral (to Emergency relief 100,000 0

States affected

Orthodox Church in IOCC Relief effort 10,000 0


Pan American PADF in kind - additional experts to assist in the relief 0 0

Development Foundation efforts; Shelter kits with tents, tarps, water
purification tablets; Emergency relief supplies;
Food; Medical supplies; Family tool kits,
including shovels; Telecommunications
Panama Bilateral (to in kind - 15 tons of food and other relief items, 0 0
affected 10,000 bags of food,
government) 45,000 pounds of food donated by the people
of Panama, group of specialists comprised of
21 rescue workers and 4 search dogs, 3
forensic doctors, 2 diplomats, 1 volunteer and 6
Panasonic UN Agencies, Relief and recovery 109,962 0
NGOs and Red
Paraguay Bilateral (to in kind - 5,000 kilos of food; 400 blankets; 13 0 0
affected volunteers
Pentair UN Agencies, To fund portable water treatment systems and 200,000 0
NGOs and Red related supplies to Haiti
Pepsi UN Agencies, Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 1,000,000
NGOs and Red
Peru Bilateral (to in kind - 54 tons of food and medicine to Haiti 0 0
affected following Tuesday´s major earthquake in the
government) island state
Philippines Bilateral (to in kind - medical team in the quake-shattered 0 0
affected Haiti.
Philippines OCHA Coordination and advocacy 50,000 0

Plan International Plan To be allocated to specific projects 100,000 0

Plan UK Plan UK To provide water, food, hygiene packs and 0 1,600,000

counselling to children and adults in the various
makeshift camps in Port-Au-Prince, Jacmel and
other quake-affected regions of the devastated
Caribbean island

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

Page 17 of 24 Click here to download the latest updated report version

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Poland Bilateral (to Group of 54 rescuers as well as 10 specially 0 0

affected trained dogs plus 4 tonnes of equipment
Poland ICRC Assistance to population affected by 50,505 0
earthquake (1/2010)
Poland Bilateral (to In kind - Humanitarian assistance to the victims 1,038,961 0
affected of the earthquake through rescue and health
government) personal (2/2010)
Portugal Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 36,895 0

Presbyterian Disaster UN Agencies, To be allocated to specific projects 0 100,000

Assistance NGOs and Red

Principal Financial Group American RC Haiti Relief Operations 50,000 0

Foundation, Inc

Private (individuals & WFP Provision of humanitarian Air Services 25,000 0


Private (individuals & NC/USA Private contribution (Alyssa Milano) 50,000 0


Private (individuals & IOM to be allocated to specific projects 50,000 0


Private (individuals & WFP Food aid 114,025 0


Private (individuals & PIH Humanitarian assistance (from Madonna) 250,000 0


Private (individuals & BA Rescue effort in Haiti from British Airways 480,000 0
organisations) Change for Good programme, which is funded
through onboard donations by passengers.

Private (individuals & IOCC in kind - water purification equipment, 500 620,000 0
organisations) family tents and other supplies (value includes
airlift cost of US$20,000)

Private (individuals & MSF Humanitarian assistance (private contribution 1,000,000 0

organisations) Sandra Bullock)

Private (individuals & American RC Assistance for relief efforts (private 1,500,000 0
organisations) contribution from Giselle Bundchen)

Private (individuals & DEC (UK) Emergency assistance 37,600,000 0

Procter & Gamble Inc. Various Two million packets of PUR water purifier to be 0 0
distributed through its Children´s Safe Drinking
Water partners
Publix American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Qatar Bilateral (to in kind - aircraft loaded with 50 tons of urgent 0 0

affected relief materians to those affected; rescue team
government) of 26 members and to set up field hospital
Qwest Foundation NGOs To assist victims of the earthquake in Haiti 80,000 0

Raygroup SAS ERF (OCHA) to be allocated to specific 5,000 0

Reynolds American Inc. American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Rockwell Collins American RC Humanitarian assistance 10,000 0

Rogers Communications Various Support to Partners in Health and other relief 250,000 0
Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Rothschild Estates UN Agencies Humanitarian aid to the victims of the recent 0 2,500,000
and Red Cross earthquake in Haiti
Russian Federation Bilateral (to in kind - Deploy Global Radius technology in the 700,000 0
affected affected region (one cargo aircraft with
government) BO-194 or BK-117 helicopters onboard) to
support deployment of field mission of UNDAC
and to assess the consequences of the
disaster and conduct search, rescue and
evacuation operations
Rwanda UN Agencies, Emergency assistance to victims 0 100,000
NGOs and Red
Safeway Inc UN Agencies Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0
and NGOs
(details not yet
Salvation Army UN Agencies, One millio ready-to-eat meals to send to 0 0
NGOs and Red survivors of the Haiti earthquake
Salvation Army UN Agencies, To support emergency and reconstruction 80,000 0
NGOs and Red work
Save the Children SC To be allocated to specific projects 139,300 0

Scotiabank UN Agencies To be allocated to specific projects 0 242,520

and NGOs
(details not yet

Scottish Catholic NGOs Humanitarian assistance 0 160,000

International Aid Fund

Sempra Energy American RC Humanitarian assistance 50,000 0

Senegal Bilateral (to Emergency assistance to victims of earthquake 1,000,000 0
SES World Skies UN Agencies, Donating satellite capacity on five spacecraft 0 0
NGOs and Red and access to teleport facilities
Singapore ERF (OCHA) In support of the international communitys 0 50,000
humanitarian relief efforts for earthquake-hit
Singapore Red Cross IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 73,790 0

Slovenia IFRC Emergency relief after earthquake 72,150 0

Slovenia Bilateral (to in kind - 25 tents for approx 300 people 101,010 0
South Africa Bilateral (to in kind - rescue teams of medical staff and 0 0
affected engineers; 10 tons of search and rescue
government) equipments and medical supplies

Southern Company American RC Humanitarian assistance 50,000 0

Charitable Foundations

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

Page 19 of 24 Click here to download the latest updated report version

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Spain Bilateral (to in kind - A team of 40 experts in rescue 0 0

affected operations and dogs;A plane with a team of
government) doctors and health specialists, and another
plane with medical equipment are departing
from Madrid on Jan 14. 50T of humanitarian aid
(tents, blankets, medical kits, water and
sanitation material, etc.)
Spain WFP Provision of humanitarian Air Services 743,697 0

Spain UNICEF Nutrition for Women and Children 1,154,401 0

Spain WFP For logistics augmentation and coordination 1,363,445 0

relief operations
Spain Bilateral (to in kind - Humanitarian assistance to the victims 5,050,505 0
affected of the earthquake through rescue and health
government) personal and provision and distribution of
shelters, hygiene kits, water and
complementary supplies,sanitary modules,
medicines and medical supplies
Spanish Red Cross Spanish RC in kind - relief materials kitchen kits, jerry cans, 0 0
vehicles to facilitate access
Spanish Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 380,497 0
Emergency Appeal
Spanish Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 655,000 0

Sprint American RC To support the victims of the earthquake that 50,000 0

recently hit the Republic of Haiti
Staples Inc. American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Starbucks Foundation American RC Relief for Haiti Earthquake Survivors 1,000,000 0

State Street Corporation Oxfam Earthquake relief 400,000 0

Suriname Bilateral (to Provide military and police personnel for Haiti; 0 0
affected filling four (4) feet container with drinking
government) water, blankets and rice to provide assistance
in the initial stages
Sweden Church of emergency operations 0 278,940
Sweden UN Agencies to be allocated to specific agencies, 0 13,947,001
and NGOs projects,sectors
(details not yet
Sweden MSB Support to wash cluster 59,492 0

Sweden WHO Humanitarian Relief 60,871 0

Sweden MSB IT experts to assist the UNDAC 61,848 0

Sweden MSB Urgent relief: Humanitarian Information Centre 94,964 0

and 2 ICT Technicians (Information and
Sweden MSB Support to WASH cluster 116,218 0

Sweden MSB Urgent Relief. Basecamp 415,061 0

Sweden RC/Sweden Urgent Relief 687,202 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

Page 20 of 24 Click here to download the latest updated report version

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Sweden ERF (OCHA) ERRF for Haiti (OCT 2484) 742,464 0

Sweden MSB Urgent Relief 2,370,049 0

Swedish Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 90,845 0

Swiss Red Cross IFRC Bilateral contributions to IFRC 100,000 0

Swiss Red Cross IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 351,600 0
Emergency Appeal
Switzerland Bilateral (to in kind - dispatched an inter-disciplinary expert 0 0
affected team (7 persons) to carry out a
government) needs-assessment and a second team with 10
experts in the fields of water and sanitation,
health and shelter.
Switzerland WFP to be allocated to specific projecs/sectors 970,878 0

Switzerland ICRC Humanitarian aid 970,878 0

Switzerland Bilateral (to Emergency aid - 70 t of relief items such as 1,941,748 0

affected tents, plastic sheeting, kitchen sets, jerry cans,
government) construction material, medicine, medical material
and instruments, surgery sets and stretchers
Symantec CARE Humanitarian assistance 50,000 0

Taiwan (Province of Bilateral (to in kind - rescue team 0 0

China) affected

Taiwan (Province of Bilateral (to Humanitarian assistance 0 5,000,000

China) affected
Target American RC Awaiting allocation to specific projects 0 500,000

TD Bank American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Tenet Healthcare American RC Humanitarian assistance 50,000 0

Tesco American RC Humanitarian assistance 81,600 0

Thailand Bilateral (to Humanitarian fund for Haiti in the wake of the 0 20,000
affected powerful quake

The Prem Rawat Mercy and Water aid in Haiti 20,000 0

Foundation Sharing
The Shell Oil Company American RC Relief and recovery efforts in Haiti 100,000 0

TJX Companies American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Toyota Motor Corporation American RC Aid to victims of earthquake 0 166,666

Toyota Motor Corporation MSF Aid to victims of earthquake 0 166,667

Toyota Motor Corporation SC Aid to victims of earthquake 0 166,667

Toys R Us SC Humanitarian assistance 150,000 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

Page 21 of 24 Click here to download the latest updated report version

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Turkey Turkey RC in kind - Field Hospital, 2 Healthcare Survey 0 0

Unit, Medical Unit consists of 17
Personnel/paramedics and 10 tonnes of
medical/first aid items, 20 tonnes of relief
material consisting 200 tents, 2000 blankets,
145 set of kitchen materials, 1000 plastic bags
for corps and 3 relief personel, 1.5 tonnes of
Logistic equipment including food and cloths,
fully equipped 10 SAR Personnel of AKUT
Turkey UN Agencies, Emergency humanitarian assistance 0 1,000,000
NGOs and Red
Turkmenistan UN Humanitarian aid to Haiti 500,000 0

Tzu Chi Foundation Bilateral (to 400,000 packs on instant rice, 30 tons of corn 0 0
affected meal, 50,000 blankets, 10,000 boxes bottled
government) water, 150,000 anti-inflammatories, 5,000 body
bags, other canned food and medical supplies
UBS American RC Humanitarian assistance 500,000 0

UNICEF National UNICEF Humanitarian response (SM099906) 101,156 0


UNICEF National UNICEF Humanitarian response (SM099906) 385,356 0


UNICEF National UNICEF Humanitarian response (SM099906) 500,000 0

Committee/Korea (Republic

UNICEF National UNICEF Humanitarian response (SM099906) 34,662 0


UNICEF National UNICEF Humanitarian response (SM099906) 320,000 0

Committee/United Kingdom

UNICEF National UNICEF Humanitarian response (SM099906) 500,000 0

Committee/USA (US Fund

UNICEF National UNICEF Humanitarian response (SM099906) 3,149,937 0

Committee/USA (US Fund
Unilever WFP Awaiting allocation to specific project/sector 0 500,000

United Arab Emirates Bilateral (to Provision of sheltering materials to the people 0 0
affected who lost their homes

United Arab Emirates Red IFRC Cash contribution to IFRC Emergency Appeal 153,878 0

United Arab Emirates Red IFRC In-kind goods and transport contribution to IFRC 281,708 0
Crescent Emergency Appeal
United Kingdom Bilateral (to in kind - 64-strong UK search and rescue team 0 0
affected with heavy lifting equipment
United Kingdom OCHA Coordination 0 1,600,000

United Kingdom CHASE OT Humanitarian Assesment (201483-102) 96,476 0

United Kingdom IFRC Immediate Humanitarian Relief (201483-107) 1,607,937 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

Page 22 of 24 Click here to download the latest updated report version

Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

United Kingdom UN Agencies Humanitarian relief work in Haiti (unallocated 6,867,169 0

and NGOs balance)
(details not yet
United Kingdom UN Agencies additional humanitarian aid 22,418,556 0
and NGOs
(details not yet
United Nations Foundation Various To address urgent humanitarian and 1,000,000 0
reconstruction needs
United States of America Bilateral (to in kind - teams including up to 72 people, six 0 0
affected search and rescue dogs and up to 48 tons of
government) rescue equipment; USAID disaster experts who
will help assess the situation in Haiti.
United States of America USAID Initial assistance for the implemetnation of an 50,000 0
emergency response program
United States of America USAID Administrative costs 120,930 0

United States of America USAID To provide three Dominican Public Hospitals 1,000,000 0
near the Haiti border crossing at Jiman with
medications and supplies
United States of America USAID Logistics and relief supplies 1,350,000 0

United States of America USDOD Logistics and relief items 1,500,000 0

United States of America USAID Logistics and relief supplies 3,961,371 0

United States of America WHO Basic health services 5,000,000 0

United States of America IOM to be allocated to specific projects 7,000,000 0

United States of America WFP to be allocated to specific projects 10,000,000 0

United States of America USDHHS Health (USAID/OFDA) 13,000,000 0

United States of America USFEMA Search and rescue (USAID/OFDA) 23,500,000 0

United States of America WFP Food aid 48,000,000 0

United Technologies American RC Humanitarian assistance 250,000 0

UnitedHealth American RC Humanitarian aid 100,000 0

UPS Foundation UN Agencies, Relief supplies 500,000 0

NGOs and Red
UPS Foundation UN Agencies, In-kind services for shipment of needed 500,000 0
NGOs and Red supplies
Uruguay Bilateral (to in kind - rescue team of 5 military staff and 5 0 0
affected specialized canines
US Bancorp American RC Humanitarian assistance 100,000 0

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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Channel Description Funding Uncommitted
USD Pledges

Venezuela Bilateral (to in kind - 616 tons emergency relief, 0 0

affected establishment of shipping and air corridor,
government) medical and SAR teams; 116 tons of special
machinery for reconstruction
Verizon Foundation Food for the Aid for the victims of earthquake 50,000 0
Verizon Foundation WV Aid for the victims of earthquake 50,000 0

VICINI and the INICIA UN Agencies, Cash donation 1,000,000 0

Foundation NGOs and Red
Visa American RC Humanitarian assistance 200,000 0

Vodafone Foundation BRCS Support immediate needs, including clean 40,000 0

water, sanitation, healthcare and shelter

Wakefern Food Corp. American RC Humanitarian assistance 250,000 0

(ShopRite and PriceRite
Walgreens American RC Humanitarian assistance; also providing water, 100,000 0
food, and medical supplies to the University of
Miami Global Institute for Community Health and
Development, which set up clinics and triage
units in Port-au-Prince
Wal-Mart UN Agencies, Relief aid (Walmart Canada) 100,000 0
NGOs and Red
Walmart Foundation American RC in kind - pre-packaged food kits 100,000 0

Walmart Foundation American RC Emergency relief efforts in Haiti 500,000 0

Walt Disney Corporation American RC Humanitarian aid 100,000 0

Wells Fargo & CO American RC To be allocated to specific projects 0 100,000

Western Union Foundation UN Agencies, To be allocated to specific projects 0 250,000

NGOs and Red

William and Flora Hewlett American RC To support relief efforts in Haiti 500,000 0
World Bank Bilateral (to Emergency grant funding to support recovery 0 100,000,000
affected and reconstruction

Grand Total: USD 397,096,676 951,729,044

NOTE: "Funding" means Contributions + Commitments

Pledge: a non-binding announcement of an intended contribution or allocation by the donor. ("Uncommitted pledge" on these tables indicates the
balance of original pledges not yet committed.)
Commitment: creation of a legal, contractual obligation between the donor and recipient entity, specifying the amount to be contributed.
Contribution: the actual payment of funds or transfer of in-kind goods from the donor to the recipient entity.

Includes contributions to the Consolidated Appeal and additional contributions outside of the Consolidated Appeal Process (bilateral, Red Cross, etc.)
* Value of contribution not specified
** Estimated value

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