IT0025 - M7 - Decisions in Software Development
IT0025 - M7 - Decisions in Software Development
IT0025 - M7 - Decisions in Software Development
IT0025 - Social and Professional Issues
- Software suppliers frequently write warranties to - Agile development concentrates instead on maximizing
attempt to limit their liability in the event of the team’s ability to deliver quickly and respond to
nonperformance. emerging requirements.
- Although a certain software application may be
warranted to run on a given machine configuration, Waterfall System Development Model
often no assurance is given as to what that software will
IT0025 - Social and Professional Issues
2. Avoidance - An organization may choose to eliminate
the vulnerability that gives rise to a particular risk in
order to avoid the risk altogether.
3. Mitigation - Risk mitigation involves the reduction in
either the likelihood or the impact of the occurrence of a
4. Redundancy- is the provision of multiple
interchangeable components to perform a single
function in order to cope with failures and errors.
5. Transference - A common way to accomplish risk
transference is for an individual or an organization to
purchase insurance, such as auto or business liability