Admit Card
Admit Card
Admit Card
1. The examination will commence as per detailed programme published by the institute . It will be the responsibility of the candidate to know the correct
date, time and place of the examination.
2. The doors of the examination hall will be opened each day half an hour before the time specified for distributionof the question paper. All candidates
must be in the examination hall five minutes before the time fixed for commencement of the examination.
3. No candidate shall be admitted into the examination hall without the Admit Card issued by the Institute.
4. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall until the expiry of an hour after distribution of the question paper or re-enter the
examination hall after leaving it on final submission of his answer script.
5. A seat with Roll No. will be allotted to each candidate. Candidates must find and occupy their allotted seats.
6. Candidates are forbidden to carry into the examination hall or have in their possession while under examination any book, mobile
phone, notes, papers scribbling or any other material than the admit card and writing requisites. Before entering the examination hall,
candidates shall leave all such articles with the Supervisor at the candidate's own risk and responsibility.
7. Answer should be written in the answer script supplied to the candidates. No candidate shall tear off any leaf from an answer script.
8. No candidate shall be admitted into the examination hall who is late by half an hour or more.
9. Each candidate shall write his Name, Roll No. Reg. No. and particulars of paper only on the upper portion of the cover page of the answer script. No
particulars shall be entered nor any identification mark be made at any other place of the answer script or the additional copies.
10. Candidates must not write on the question paper or blotting paper carry away any scribbling from the exzminztion hall.
11. Candidates are forbidden to resort to unfair means during the conduct of an examination or to attempt to influence the supervisor. The Institute may,
on receipt of a report to that effect from any person duly authorised to conduct the examination, remove the name of such candidate from the list of those
allowed entry for the examination and may direct that a candidate whose name has been so removed shall not be admitted to the next or to any
subsequent examination.
12. An examinee who is found to have in his possession any book, note, paper, scribbling or any material whether used or not or resort to any sort of
unfair means in the examination hall shall be liable to be expelled from the examination.
13. Candidates must sign their names when required by the supervisor to do so.
14. Notwithstanding the issue of the Admit Card, the Institute reserves the right, for any reason which may appear to them sufficient, to cancel the
admission of any candidate to any examination, whether before, during, or after the examination.
15. During examination hours candidates shall not make noise or raise voice to draw the attention of the invigilator/supervisor. To draw the attention of
the invigilator/supervisor, they will simply rise in their seats.
16. Taking of tea and other refreshments inside the examination hall will not be allowed.
Printing Date:
Sun Aug 15 2021
3:02:01 PM