Systems: Lubrication & Filtration, Turbine Foundations
Systems: Lubrication & Filtration, Turbine Foundations
Systems: Lubrication & Filtration, Turbine Foundations
Lubrication &
Filtration, Turbine
» Profile:
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AMSOIL products are perfected in the
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Let the AMSOIL team show you how to
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Bonus: Market Outlook AUGUST 2017
Lubrication Technologies 30 Foam rings and turbine foundations
for the Wind Farm
Finding the proper lubrication for wind turbines is
32 Profile: ExxonMobil
essential for the best performance and longevity.
36 Conversation: Jesse Dilk
with Klüber Lubrication NA LP
2 AUGUST | 2017
SECTIONS Volume 09 Issue 08
DIRECTION to be exclusive sales partner
for SikaCor SW-1000 RepaCor 8
3M™ Fall Protection launches Trade-In, Trade-Up
program 38
LiDAR wind buoys to be used in China
Siemens Gamesa to supply 752 MW to Dong Energy
in the Netherlands 42
RES to construct Copenhagen Wind Project in New York
Brief Relief’s products help field workers answer
the call of nature properly 48
Wind Systems (ISSN 2327-2422) is published monthly by Media Solutions, Inc., 266D Yeager Parkway Pelham,
AL 35124. Phone (205) 380-1573 Fax (205) 380-1580 International subscription rates: $72.00 per year.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Pelham AL and at additional mailing offices. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to Wind Systems magazine, P.O. Box 1210 Pelham AL 35124. Publications mail
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hat’s the future of wind?
That question, more than any other, is more than likely
always on the minds of anyone and everyone who is involved
in the wind industry.
It’s a question I contemplate daily, and after working with many experts in
the industry whose job it is to answer that question, I can say with confidence
that the future of wind looks strong.
And in this special issue of Wind Systems, I want to share those experts’
findings with you.
Every year, Wind Systems publishes a special Market Outlook issue where
experts and insiders offer their prognostications of the industry backed up
by hard facts about where we are now.
In this issue, Hannah Hunt with AWEA offers her insights on how
wind power will continue to boom in the years ahead.
Anthony Logan with MAKE consulting firm looks at the eventual
PTC phase out and beyond, and how it could spur unprecedented growth. Kenneth Carter, editor
And energy writer Lisa Cohn talks with many in the industry who say Wind Systems magazine
that the PTC, as well as innovation in the industry, will continue to drive
growth in the wind market, including O&M and jobs. (800) 366-2185, ext. 204
Also as part of the Market Outlook, I offer up a story about Oklahoma
and its amazing success in the industry as it has just jumped up the wind
energy chart to become third in the U.S. for installed energy.
But the Market Outlook is only a part of what you’ll find in this issue.
Our monthly inFocus topics feature articles on lubrication and filtration,
as well as turbine foundations.
Included in that section is a company profile with ExxonMobil, in which
a company official discusses its breakthroughs in synthetic lubricants spe-
cifically designed for wind turbines. And in this month’s Conversation, we
chat with the marketing manager with Klüber Lubrication and the strides
it is making in innovative solutions that save energy and resources.
There’s a lot of good news and information bundled up in this issue, so
enjoy it. According to the experts, wind’s future — and ours — is strong.
Thanks for reading!
6 AUGUST | 2017
F .Y . I
History is full
of wind firsts
Courtesy of AWEA
130 Acre
10 AUGUST | 2017
an American
Success Story
Wind power to keep booming
in the years ahead.
By Hannah Hunt
ver the past few years, wind, solar, and nat-
ural gas have made up nearly all new electric
generating capacity in the U.S. And ear-
lier this year, wind energy surpassed conventional
hydropower to become the country’s largest
renewable resource, with enough installed to power
25 million homes.
But what about the years ahead? Will this Amer-
ican success story continue, bringing more low-cost
clean energy to families and businesses across the
country, while creating thousands of new well-paying
jobs along the way?
A trio of new data points clearly show the answer to
these questions is ‘yes.’
New data from the second quarter of 2017 indicate
the wind-energy development pipeline is bigger than
ever. More than 25 GW of wind capacity are under
construction or in the advanced stages of develop-
ment — enough to power millions of homes.
From April through June, 5 GW of new wind
started construction. Of that, 3 GW came from Wy-
oming’s Chokecherry and Sierra Madre wind farm.
Once completed, it will be one of the world’s largest
wind projects, satisfying demand for renewable ener-
gy across the western United States.
Fortune 500 companies also committed to power-
ing more of their operations with wind during the
second quarter. Notable buyers included T-Mobile,
Goldman Sachs, General Mills, Apple, and Part-
ners HealthCare. Long past the trend stage and now
American wind power will drive more than $85 billion in economic
activity between 2017 and 2020, while wind-related employment
will reach 248,000 jobs in 50 states. (Courtesy: AWEA) 11
12 AUGUST | 2017
Deepwater Wind. The move will allow the financing replace vintage turbines with modern equipment.
of both projects to move forward, and takes us one Good examples of this process occurred during
step closer to having a second American offshore wind the second quarter of 2017. Salka LLC continues to
farm, following Deepwater Wind’s groundbreaking repower the Summit wind farm in California’s Al-
Block Island project off the coast of Rhode Island. tamont Pass. Just 27 modern wind turbines will re-
place 569 first-generation machines.
BOOM YEARS AHEAD NextEra Energy Resources just broke ground on
Second quarter data confirm the earlier findings of a a full repowering at the Golden Hills North wind
Navigant Consulting report: The U.S. wind industry farm, replacing 283 turbines from the ’80s with just
will see strong growth through 2020. 20 modern ones capable of generating significantly
American wind power will drive more than $85 more electricity.
billion in economic activity between 2017 and 2020, “(This) allows us to breathe new life into an old
while wind-related employment will reach 248,000 project, reduce the impact on the environment, and
jobs in 50 states. By 2020, Navigant expects 33,000 provide good jobs and meaningful economic benefits
Americans will be working in wind-related factories, for the local economy,” said Daryl Hart, director of
114,000 Americans will be building, operating and development for NextEra Energy Resources.
maintaining wind turbines, and another 102,000 will Other companies are repowering old California
have jobs supporting the industry. projects, too. EDF Renewable Energy recently up-
Beyond job creation, wind’s growth will bring graded the Shiloh IV wind farm, originally built in
enormous economic development opportunities to 1989. Just 50 new turbines replaced 235 old machines
rural America. Land lease payments for farmers and while quadrupling the project’s capacity to generate
ranchers hosting wind turbines are expected to grow electricity.
from $245 million a year to more than $350 million Elsewhere in California, 21 modern turbines re-
by 2020, according to Navigant. placed 145 vintage machines at the San Gorgonio
And entire communities stand to benefit from in- project in Riverside County in 2015.
creased revenue, not just landowners. Navigant fore- Repowering helps these pioneering projects gen-
casts that new wind farms built over the next four erate more electricity with increasing reliability and
years will provide $8 billion in property-, income-, lower costs, all while significantly decreasing their
and sales-tax payments, on top of payments from the environmental footprint. It also boosts the local
many projects already in existence. economy.
As Washington continues to look for homegrown “Repowering the Altamont Pass wind farm will
success stories it can promote, particularly ones hir- have a profound impact on the Alameda County
ing good-paying manufacturing jobs across the Rust economy,” Salka chief executive Jiddu Tapia said.
Belt and investments in rural America, wind power “Not only will the redevelopment process create local
clearly works for America. jobs, but the energy produced at the site will provide
an affordable, dependable way for the east San Fran-
TECHNOLOGY GAINS cisco Bay Area to meet its expanding power needs for
Bringing 1980s wind farms into the 21st century also generations to come.”
offers another path for wind-energy progress. The forecast for American wind power remains
American wind power was born in the Golden strong, though, with wind staying on track to produce
State, where the first large-scale wind farms were 10 percent of the country’s electricity by 2020. That
built three decades ago. Many still generate electrici- means more jobs, low-cost electricity, and economic
ty today, more than 30 years later. But through a pro- development. Any way you look at it, wind works for
cess known as repowering, companies are starting to America.
Hannah Hunt is a senior research analyst with AWEA focused on wind-industry data and analysis, with
applied GIS experience. Hunt joined AWEA in July 2014 after receiving her master’s of public affairs
(MPA) degree at the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA), with previous
positions at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO). 13
The Block Island Wind Farm off the coast of Rhode Island was the first offshore wind farm in the U.S. (Courtesy: Deepwater Wind/GE)
By Anthony Logan
he global wind industry is no stranger to seizing terms of key drivers and barriers. Drivers supporting
opportunity as incentive schemes expire. In key MAKE’s outlook include the PTC, wind’s steadily falling
markets, including China and Germany, instal- levelized cost of energy (LCOE), capacity retirements,
lation totals ballooned in the months and years before state renewable portfolio standards (RPS), and increas-
subsidy expirations. The U.S. is no different, and the leg- ing interest from commercial and industrial off-takers
islated phase-out of the Production Tax Credit, or PTC, (C&I). Key barriers, by contrast, include persistently low
will drive an unprecedented four-year installation total of natural gas prices, solar power’s falling LCOE, a dearth
nearly 40 GW from 2017 to 2020. of transmission availability, and anemic growth in de-
In a twist of irony and barring substantial policy mand for electricity.
changes, the administration of President Donald Trump, The Trump administration itself remains a potent
a vocal skeptic of wind energy, will oversee the largest wildcard for the U.S. wind industry. The president is
four-year rollout of new onshore wind capacity in U.S. typically hostile to wind in his public statements, but
history — roughly 5 GW more than was installed from many of his signature policy proposals affect wind in
2009 to 2012 under President Barack Obama’s first term. unexpected ways, sometimes benefiting and hindering
A wind market forecast can be broadly spoken of in wind in a single stroke. The case of corporate tax reform
14 AUGUST | 2017
illustrates this duality: A sharp re- passage through Congress on bi- er states. Amid federal abdication on
duction in the corporate tax rate, in partisan terms in 2015 gives it some climate change policy, MAKE antic-
this case from 35 percent to the 15 much-needed staying power, are gen- ipates several left-leaning or other-
percent preferred by the president, erally “fixed” drivers that are not an- wise environmentally-minded states
would reduce overall tax equity ap- ticipated to react dramatically to like- to increase their RPS mandates sub-
petite and starve projects of critical ly market or political developments. stantially in the near-term to provide
funding, but if the reform encour- The scale and pace of non-renewable a counterpoint to the Trump admin-
ages a broad repatriation of overseas capacity retirements, state RPS ex- istration while avoiding unnecessary
assets, a large pool of firms with a pansions and C&I participation in compliance costs by leveraging expir-
tremendous one-time tax liability wind off-take arrangements, on the ing wind and solar tax credits.
could be eager to leverage the PTC other hand, are key “variable” driv-
to reduce their overall tax burdens. ers that can fluctuate widely based on NON-RENEWABLE
political and market conditions. RETIREMENTS
POLICY AND TECHNOLOGY An international uproar over The pace of non-renewable retire-
The sense of urgency caused by its Trump’s decision to step back from ments is primarily dependent on
looming phase-out is not the only the Paris Agreement was echoed plant-level economic decisions, but
characteristic of the PTC that is in several states, mostly those with the administration’s statements and
driving wind-installation growth. Democratic majorities in their state actions carry weight in some circum-
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) legislatures. Many of these states stances nevertheless. In early 2016,
provided a particularly generous have existing RPS programs that are before both the election results and
guidance for the implementation of nearing the end of their mandates or the dimming prospects of Obama’s
this final PTC extension, allowing are modest in aim compared to more Clean Power Plan (CPP), more than
developers four years to complete recent RPS policies enacted in oth- 80 GW of coal assets were expected to
projects after initial qualification.
This extended run time, well in excess
of the typical one- or two-year com-
Powering the future through
pletion runway in previous iterations education and sustainability.
of the PTC, mitigates the impact of
the de facto cap on the U.S.’ annual
installation potential, which is set by
the availability of project sites, engi-
neering, procurement and construc- • Water Quality & Sustainable Aquatic Resources
tion (EPC) resources, investor ap- • Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
petite, and manufacturing capacity, • Construction Technology
among other variables, and allows for • Wind Energy & Turbine Technology
roughly 20 GW more wind capacity
• Environmental Studies
than a two-year runway would have.
Additionally, the market stability en- • Electrical Technology
gendered by a four-year runway for • Engineering Technology
project installation and a four-year + Industry Training
phase-out has created a markedly
improved investment climate that
would have boosted investor confi-
dence more, but for the post-election
uncertainties in tax reform and trade.
The unsubsidized LCOE of on-
shore wind will continue to decrease, 1-866-IA-LAKES
driven by improved turbine technol-
ogy and increasing rotor diameters. ALGONA • EMMETSBURG • ESTHERVILLE • SPENCER • SPIRIT LAKE
LCOE, as well as the PTC, whose 15
retire before 2026. The apparent demise of the CPP and LCOE — module costs in the U.S. have fallen more than
Trump’s pro-coal policy measures incentivize utilities and 40 percent since the start of 2016 — will also increasingly
IPPs to slow coal retirements. While a promising num- threaten wind’s market share of new capacity additions.
ber of coal retirements have been announced or reaffirmed
since November, a substantial percentage of the anticipat- INSTALLATION TIMELINES
ed retirement capacity will be deferred, especially facilities The extended four-year project completion runway under
in Midwestern and Northeastern markets that succeed in the PTC has generally led to two strategies: One, favored
winning at capacity auctions. by developers and manufacturers on the supply side, in-
An increase in the pace of in nuclear retirements will volves reaching commercial operations as quickly as possi-
pick up some of this slack in coal retirements. As nucle- ble to mitigate political risk (border adjustment, tax reform,
ar facilities increasingly fail to win at those same capac- etc.), secure cash-in-hand and, for projects with off-takers,
ity auctions, states are forced to either heavily subsidize meet pre-established construction timelines.
nuclear generation, typically the decision when the state On the demand-side, three types of off-takers underpin
has an RPS or other carbon-reducing aim, or retire them the 2017-2020 boom: Utilities, often acting on state-level
ahead of license expiration. Much of the retired capacity RPS mandates; C&I players, especially owners of large
in the PJM and MISO markets will be replaced with new and energy-intensive facilities in manufacturing or data
gas-fired capacity, but retirements in New York and New storage; and financial entities, who provide hedging ar-
England may translate to substantial demand for new rangements that are popular in deregulated electricity
wind capacity, given those states’ commitment to reduce markets with an excellent wind resource, like the Texas
carbon emissions and the severe disparity between wind Panhandle. These players generally hold to the opposite
and nuclear capacity factors. strategy, scheduling projects in 2019 and 2020 to fully
leverage the IRS’ extended installation runway and allow
SYNTHETIC PPAS AND THE C&I SPACE for technology evolution to aid in reducing wind energy’s
While contract volume from C&I off-takers has not in- LCOE while hoping for better power pricing as more leg-
creased as steadily as many in the industry would like, pur- acy generation assets are retired to fulfill mandates or meet
chasing wind power, particularly through “synthetic PPAs” expected demand projections. The investment decisions of
in markets that allow them, is an increasingly attractive the demand-side ultimately decide market size, but these
option for companies. Large, power-hungry manufacturers players should be careful to consider the risks inherent in
and technology firms such as Google, Apple, and General delayed project executions.
Motors have signed several off-take deals in the past three
years, and this trend is expected to continue throughout the THE COMING MARKET RECALIBRATION
forecast period. Much work remains, however, by utilities Installations in 2021 will be subject to the 80 percent PTC
and so-called aggregators to court smaller power consum- value, which keeps wind power competitive in most states,
ers, who typically desire smaller or syndicated off-take ar- though most developers will avoid intentionally using
rangements for shorter terms. the lower-value PTC, and utilities complying with RPS
requirements are likely to focus on solar investments in
KEY BARRIERS 2021, the last year for that technology’s full-value tax cred-
Among barriers to wind development, a delay in adequate it, which is subject to a similar phase-out to the PTC on
transmission build out looms large. Virtually all outstand- a delayed schedule. The 60 percent and 40 percent PTC
ing plans for privately financed HVDC lines, which send values erode the economics of new capacity additions, and
electricity generated in the central U.S. “wind belt” toward MAKE does not expect either value to pencil out for most
coastal demand centers, are either delayed or have been oth- developers, leading to a severe drop in 2022 installations as
erwise scaled back in scope. Delays abound in other trans- the U.S. begins a transition to an “economic build” market,
mission projects as well; developers unable to secure off- dependent upon LCOE competition, except for in a hand-
take agreements due to lack of transmission availability can ful of RPS-driven markets.
sign hedge deals to at least build projects before the PTC In this post-PTC environment, the quality of a proj-
expiration, but such arrangements may seem disturbingly ect’s wind resource will be paramount in achieving the low
cavalier to investors in 2019 and 2020 if it becomes appar- LCOE required to wrest market share from new solar and
ent transmission will not be able to close the gap and cur- natural gas generation. Developers will particularly prize
tailment begins to occur in increasingly congested regions. projects in states with abundant land, favorable wind re-
Burgeoning utility-scale solar markets, especially in highly sources, and access to transmission given the impact those
irradiated Texas, coupled with a drastic reduction in solar project parameters have on LCOE. What were once minor
16 AUGUST | 2017
hurdles under the PTC, such as state-level tax policies and A labor and equipment shortage is not a purely hypo-
permitting difficulties, threaten to become project-killing thetical scenario. If projects are pushed into the 2019 and
obstacles in the new marginal environment. In all, onshore 2020 timeframe en masse, many may well be abandoned
wind installations from 2022 to 2026 will number a frac- as EPC resources fail to cover all desired installations. The
tion of the 2017 to 2020 total, almost entirely confined to previous U.S. installation peak, some 12 GW in 2012, re-
a handful of states in the center of the country, on land far quired the import of equipment from Mexico and Cana-
from the largest U.S. load centers. As a result, regional da. In 2020, the Mexican market alone will be larger than
transmission development, whether through successful pri- the combined Mexican and Canadian markets of 2012.
vate investment or a federal infrastructure policy, will be Compounding the shortage, new installations will vie for
critical in realizing post-PTC wind power installations. resources with a partial-scope repowering drive aimed at
extending the PTC eligibility of roughly 7 GW of existing
THREATS TO WATCH wind farms.
The wind industry must take care to guard against what The threat of a border adjustment provision in the U.S.
might be termed myopic oversight, in which individual tax code follows the fortunes of broader tax reform, but
players or sectors within the wind market are unaware of a tariff action remains a real concern: Trump has shown
a threat that appears eminently obvious to other players a pointed willingness to use trade as a negotiating tool,
and sectors, and vice versa. An EPC contractor, for ex- particularly with China over its handling of North Korea
ample, may be keenly aware of a coming labor and equip- and with Mexico over his border wall proposals. Either
ment shortage, and may succeed in communicating this trade action would destabilize a domestic supply chain
to a developer client, but a small regional utility drafting that has grown increasingly reliant on turbine compo-
its integrated resource plan may be completely unaware of nents sourced from abroad given continued price pressure
the coming disruption. Opportunities for such oversights and PTC instability that resulted in a series of factory
abound in the next decade of wind development; notable closures in 2013 and 2014.
examples include the dangers in tax reform, the lack of The final oversight affects the post-2020 market: If coal-
EPC resource availability, disruptions to the wind supply fired facility operators are particularly loath to retire assets
chain in the event of a trade action under Trump, and an and new natural gas installations do not slow from the 8
oversupply of the U.S. electricity market in the face of ane- GW annual average of the past six years, the subsidized
mic growth in demand for electricity. installation booms of both wind and solar power from 2017
The U.S. market is more dependent on tax equity in- to 2021 will substantially oversupply the U.S. market and
vestment than at any other point in its history, so a decline collapse demand in the later years of the forecast for all util-
in investor interest from a sharp drop in the corporate tax ity-scale generation sources, including wind.
rate would have outsize effects on the broader wind mar-
ket. It must be noted, however, that the threat of tax re- PLENTY OF OPPORTUNITY
form is rapidly receding as Congressional gridlock fails to Ultimately, the 10-year outlook highlights yet another
move healthcare reform legislation to the president’s desk boom-and-bust cycle for the U.S. wind industry. Still, the
and distracts from meaningful work on taxes. If reform is boom, unprecedented in scale, offers plenty of potential.
delayed past 2017, Republicans are unlikely to risk such a The supply side is working furiously: More than enough
major reform package in an election year, meaning a reform equipment to cover the four-year outlook qualified for the
package in 2019 would take effect in 2020 and have far less full-value PTC through safe harboring turbines and tur-
impact on the accelerated depreciation benefits of new wind bine components; interconnection queues across the coun-
build. Tax equity providers will continue to be thorough to try are bloated, and developers are hunting for high-quality
a fault in due diligence activities; as they grow more confi- projects. If demand materializes, and supply is not jeopar-
dent in these legislative odds, they should be willing to sign dized by external disruptions, this market looks set to make
off on more projects scheduled for COD in 2018 and 2019. the most of a loud boom.
Anthony Logan focuses on market developments, future scenarios, supply chain dynamics as well as
competitive strategies across the wind power value chain in North America, Central America, and the
Caribbean. He is based in MAKE’s office in Chicago, Illinois. 17
18 AUGUST | 2017
Sooner, Not Later
Oklahoma’s wind industry
has moved to third in the
nation for installed energy,
as well as surpassing its
renewable energy goal two
years ahead of schedule.
By Kenneth Carter
Editor | Wind Systems
klahoma, where the wind comes sweepin’
down the plain…
Renowned composers Rodgers and
Hammerstein are much better known for their
iconic musical numbers than being energy
prognosticators, but when their first collabo-
ration, “Oklahoma!,” premiered on Broadway
in 1943, no one could have foreseen their lyrics
coincidentally giving a nod to the future of re-
newable energy in the Midwestern state.
But that wind sweepin’ down the plain was
exactly the inspiration state officials needed to
introduce wind energy to the state.
And introduce it, it did. Since the first wind
farm went online in Oklahoma in 2003, the
state is now home to 6,600 MW of installed
wind power, according to Michael Teague,
Oklahoma secretary of Energy and Environ-
ment. Those thousands of megawatts of energy
now account for more than 25 percent of Okla-
homa’s total electrical generation.
According to the American Wind Energy As-
sociation’s recent 2016 4th Quarter Report,
Oklahoma jumped in the state rankings to be-
come the third-ranked in the U.S. for installed
wind energy.
“Oklahoma is historically an energy state
with its natural resources,” Teague said. “Being
home to a top-10 wind resource in the nation,
we knew it was just a matter of time before the
wind industry would take off in the state. As 19
That education is important as wind continues to supply a big part of the
state’s energy needs, according to Teague.
“Not only is Oklahoma historically an energy state, we also have a strong
CareerTech program,” he said. “Oklahoma is home to multiple nationally rec-
ognized wind technician training programs through our CareerTech system.
This, combined with our continued growth in the market and Oklahoma
being a great place to live due to our low cost of living, makes Oklahoma a
prime location for wind techs and other wind-related jobs.”
The future looks bright — and windy — for Oklahoma’s wind industry • Pampa Energy Center
with few hurdles on the horizon.
“As it relates to production, the state has had minimal challenges,” Teague
Industrial Park
said. “Wind forecasting has improved over time, and the geographic diversity • Class 4+ Winds
of wind projects across the state has also enabled integration of the resource
into the grid.”
• BNSF Rail Line
• Industrial Manufacturing 21
At the May 2017 AWEA Wind Power Conference, the AWEA policy committee concluded that the Trump administration is not targeting
renewable energy. (Courtesy: Lisa Cohn)
he wind energy market boom is expected to tions, Hamilton said.
continue in 2017 as the federal Production Tax “We saw a lot of projects accelerated to qualify for the
Credit (PTC) drives new wind-project develop- full PTC, which caused a spike in wind installations in
ment and boosts the already lively O&M market. early 2017,” said Hayden Baker, a partner at Sullivan
In fact, the industry has seen so much growth that & Worcester. “But there remains a robust pipeline for
“wind-turbine technician” was the fastest growing job this year; we expect to see several more sizeable projects
in the U.S. last year. announced in the second half of 2017.”
The past year saw the installation of 8.2 GW from
new plants. Continued high growth in 2017 is expect- PTC SAFE HARBOR CLAUSE
ed, with the additional installation of 7.8 GW in wind A vital component of the PTC that’s driving the boom
energy, said Bruce Hamilton, director of Navigant Re- in growth is the 5 percent safe harbor clause. Wind
search’s energy practice. projects are eligible for the current-year PTC subsidy
This year’s growth will be driven principally by de- if a minimum of 5 percent of the project’s total capital
velopers who are accelerating wind projects in order to cost is incurred before the end of that year, Hamilton
take advantage of PTC subsidies, which will be grad- said. Projects also must comply with the four-year rule,
ually phased out by 2020. PTC credits in 2017 will be which says that project construction must be completed
stepped down to 80 percent of 2016 values, 60 percent within four years after starting.
in 2018, and 40 percent in 2019, Hamilton said. “Virtually all new projects we are seeing in the market
In a study that Navigant conducted for AWEA, de- are taking advantage of the ‘begin construction’ rules in
velopers and OEMs were interviewed for their near- order to capture the full, rather than the reduced, PTC
term plans and reported that many of their planned amount,” said Ed Einowski, renewable energy project
projects for the 2021-2023 timeframe are being pushed finance and development partner at Stoel Rives.
forward in order to be eligible for high PTC subsidiza- Because one of the largest expenses invested in a
22 AUGUST | 2017
wind project are the turbines, one of out, wind O&M will likely continue er Conference, the AWEA policy
the ways to meet the 5 percent re- to see new customers.” committee concluded that the new
quirement is to purchase wind tur- administration is not targeting re-
bines before the end of the current LONG-TERM GROWTH newable energy. This was confirmed
calendar year. This has generated a Bruce Bailey, vice president of Re- by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven
booming market for turbines, Ham- newables in UL’s energy and power Mnuchin, who, during his nomina-
ilton said. This safe harbor market technologies division, said he also tion hearing, said the current phase-
was responsible for the 10 GW of sees long-term growth in the wind out of the PTC will not change.
turbines ordered last year, which market after the PTC has expired. Further, many of the predominantly
qualified for 100 percent of the PTC “The PTC makes wind cheaper windy states, which are led by Re-
that’s eligible to be installed any for customers and was very import- publican governors and legislators,
time during the next four years. This ant in giving wind a shot in the won’t want to change the timeline
year, Navigant predicts the turbine energy markets when the playing of the PTC phase-out because that
market will drop somewhat because field wasn’t level,” he said. “In a could undermine those states’ econ-
purchases this year will qualify for world of much cheaper wind-en- omies and jobs.
only 80 percent of the PTC credit. ergy prices and market acceptance, “Although the Clean Power Plan
Navigant predicts the high growth the need for the PTC to promote is pretty much dead, it is encourag-
of the wind market will continue for wind is waning.” ing to see that states are already pro-
the next four years as more projects Whether the need for the PTC ceeding with their own policies as if
are accelerated to take advantage of is waning, many wonder how the those federal requirements are still
the PTC. In fact, Navigant predicts results of the recent presidential in effect,” Hamilton said.
that wind-energy growth will in- election and the changing political However, with the elimination of
crease every year and peak in 2020, landscape in Washington will affect the Clean Power Plan, coal-plant
which will be the year that acceler- the U.S. wind-power industry. At retirements will happen more slow-
ated projects — which entered the the May 2017 AWEA Wind Pow- ly, and initially will be down by
pipeline in 2016 with a 100 percent
subsidy under the PTC —will be
required to be completed under the
four-year rule.
Increasing state RPS require-
ments and improved transmission
also will contribute to this increase
in growth, Hamilton said. Begin-
ning in 2020, after the PTC phases
out, the growth will subside over
several years. This fall-off will occur
as additional projects, whose devel-
opment was accelerated in order to
be eligible for PTC subsidies, are
However, Meghan McIver, busi-
ness development associate at Apex
Clean Energy, sees a rosy long-term
forecast for the wind market after
the PTC phase-out, especially for
“Many of the long-term projec-
tions forecast wind as the largest
source of electricity in the U.S. for
a number of reasons, including dras-
tically falling costs,” she said. “This
means even after the PTC phases 23
30 percent from what was predicted a year ago, he said. The biggest increase in employment in the wind-pow-
But states are expected to pick up their activity in re- er industry will be in construction and operations and
sponse to the federal government’s withdrawal from the maintenance, accounting for 114,000 of new jobs.
Paris Climate agreement and its killing the Clean Pow- O&M will see an increase of 62,000 jobs while con-
er Plan. Subsidies for wind-project development will struction jobs will increase by 84,000. Manufacturing
increasingly come from individual state RPS require- jobs will see a somewhat smaller increase of 33,000,
ments. Many states are raising their RPS, which will be Hamilton said.
a major force in driving wind-energy development after Navigant’s wind-market forecast, prepared for
the PTC phase out in 2020, Hamilton said. AWEA, notes that the project pipeline at the beginning
of 2017 was 28 percent larger than the pipeline at the
MORE INVESTMENT MONEY beginning of 2016. As of January 2017, 9.4 GW were
In addition to increased attention to renewable energy at under construction, and 11.6 GW were in advanced de-
the state level, businesses are showing interest in using velopment.
renewable energy sources for their electricity needs. The employment boosts over the last year were so high
“In spite of the current administration, people are go- that wind-turbine technician was the fastest growing
ing for renewables,” said Marlene Motyka, U.S. Global profession in the country last year, according to the U.S.
and Renewable Energy Leader for Deloitte. “Climate Department of Labor.
change and green energy have moved beyond politics; it’s “Wind-turbine operations and maintenance represents
past the tipping point. Sixty-one percent of businesses a growing sector of the industry, and the future seems
are demanding that their company acquire a portion of even brighter as companies are bringing more wind proj-
their electricity from renewable sources. That won’t stop ects online before the PTC wanes,” McIver said
regardless of what’s happening on the political front.”
This strong interest in renewable energy by businesses MERGERS AND CONSOLIDATIONS
has prompted vigorous U.S. investment in wind energy. The high growth and maturation of the wind market is
“The administration’s withdrawal from Paris and re- driving consolidations and mergers in O&M, which has
versal on the Clean Power Plan left little doubt about traditionally been handled by independent service pro-
the trajectory of federal policy under (President Donald) viders. These companies have not usually been affiliated
Trump, but as a practical matter those measures were not with OEMs or the owners of wind plants. For example,
driving wind development or investment,” Baker said. during 2015-2016, Vestas acquired several independent
“There is currently a great deal more investment mon- service providers, including UpWind Technologies, as
ey seeking wind projects than there are wind projects well as Availon.
available,” Einowski said. “The industry overall has seen a number of buyouts
While most of the explosive growth in the U.S. of smaller operations and maintenance companies,”
wind-power industry has occurred in the onshore wind McIver said. “These strategic partnerships broaden
market, new offshore wind markets are opening in sev- the offerings of various O&M providers, creating a
eral key states. In 2016, Massachusetts passed legisla- streamlined contract and process for customers. In-
tion that requires procurement of 1,600 MW offshore stead of working with different businesses for their
wind by 2030. In 2017, New York voted to approve the various needs, customers are now seeing one-stop ser-
nation’s largest offshore wind farm, a 90-MW develop- vice providers.”
ment 30 miles southeast of Montauk. This project is part Along with buyouts, wind-power growth is driv-
of the state’s mandate to produce 50 percent of the state’s ing the creation of new business offering specialized
electricity from renewable energy by 2030. services. One example is Strat Aero, which uses un-
manned drones to perform turbine-blade mainte-
CONSTRUCTION AND O&M nance inspections. Using unmanned aerial vehicles
The high growth of the wind market over the next four and advanced proprietary software, the company in-
years will drive the creation of many new jobs in the spects up to eight turbines per day, which is signifi-
wind-power industry. Navigant predicts employment cantly more turbines compared to the two-per-day of
in the wind-power field will reach 248,000 in 2020, up conventional manual inspection methods.
from 180,000 in 2017. These new jobs will be in all as- “Throughout the wind-energy industry, drones are
pects of the wind-power industry, including manufac- becoming more prevalent for site and blade inspection
turing, construction, and operations and maintenance, because they offer clear views of every angle of the tur-
Hamilton said. bines,” McIver said. “Using drones improves our effi-
24 AUGUST | 2017
ciency and enables us to better ensure the health of our
turbine blades.”
Other areas of the wind-power industry are the focus of
intensive R&D efforts.
One such focus is the use of “smart” data analytics
to provide more accurate forecasts of wind, allowing
more wind power to be integrated into the existing
power grid. This technology helps address fluctuations
in wind production that create the need for backup pow-
er. When these backup sources are conventional power
plants, it’s expensive and inefficient to keep these plants
idling. Software developed by the National Center for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado,
can generate accurate forecasts of how much power to
The use of “smart” data analytics can provide more accurate fore-
expect from a wind farm in 15-minute increments, for casts of wind, allowing more wind power to be integrated into the
up to seven days, allowing more efficient utilization of existing power grid. (Courtesy: Lisa Cohn)
backup power plants.
According to UL’s Bailey, “Everything is getting ers. The towers are assembled from precast concrete
smarter, thanks to inexpensive sensors, big data and panels and columns that are tied together on-site by
data analytics, advanced controllers. Smart means bet- cables to form hexagon-shaped cells. The cells can be
ter energy productivity, longer component lifetimes, stacked to form towers as high as 140 meters, said Sri
and, consequently, improved economics.” Sritharan, Professor, Wilkinson Chair in Engineering,
For example, GE uses big data and analytics to help Iowa State University, College of Engineering, who is
predict turbine failures and also to help decide when developing the product.
wind can be best used in the market, said Kimberly “Taller towers have benefits in both the wind-rich re-
Brown, head of GE’s product marketing for renewable gions and regions like the Southeast where renewable
energy digital solutions. energy production is fairly low,” he said. “The Hexcrete
One example is predictive monitoring, she said. This technology will facilitate the use of tall towers through-
involves gathering vibration data from sensors on wind out the nation as it eliminates transportation logistics
turbines. and other challenges that are associated with building
“We can model analytics and look outward and say, them.”
based on the trends, we’re seeing potential escalation Taller wind-turbine towers will be crucial in expand-
and can predict gearbox failures,” she said. ing wind power nationwide, enabling wind energy pro-
Big data also can be used to make decisions on fore- duction in all 50 states, according to studies by the U.S.
casting and bidding into the market, Brown said. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, based in Golden, Colorado.
TALLER TOWER CHALLENGE Overall, these R&D efforts are expected to help keep
In addition to big data, R&D is focused on taller towers the industry competitive, even after the PTC expires.
“The wind resource is better the higher you go, but tall- “Renewables and wind specifically are born of inno-
er towers are more expensive so you have a tradeoff,” said vation and change,” Brown said. “What makes it spe-
Daniel Laird, director, National Wind Technology Cen- cial is the industry understands the need for change and
ter (NWTC), NREL. innovates change. What’s really unique is the rate of
One solution is called “Hexcrete” wind turbine tow- change.”
Lisa Cohn s a freelance writer who specializes in energy issues. Her work has appeared in Mother
Earth News, Natural Home Magazine, Horizon Air Magazine, Oregon Business, the Portland
Tribune, The Oregonian, Renewable Energy World, EnergyBiz, and other publications. Visit her at 25
Lubrication Technologies
for the Wind Farm
Finding the proper lubrication for wind turbines is essential
for the best performance and longevity.
By Dayananda Raju
hen wind turbines go and resolve these and similar
down due to equipment questions can make all the dif-
failure or maintenance ference in minimizing the
issues, the resulting unplanned shut- need and costs of main-
downs and time-consuming mainte- tenance and promoting
nance fixes can exact a heavy toll. reliable performance
When such incidents occur, wind of equipment.
farms must deal with exorbitant
crane mobilization expenses, lost DELIVERY
energy production, soaring costs per SYSTEMS
kilowatt-hour, and untimely delays Whether grease or
in obtaining replacement parts in a oil, lubricants for
burgeoning industry where demand bearings in rotating
for necessary components routinely machinery — wind
outstrips supply. Onshore and par- turbines included —
ticularly offshore, anything that can serve to prevent wear
prevent a service trip will help boost and damage between a
overall wind-turbine return on in- bearing’s rolling and sliding
vestment (ROI). contact surfaces, reduce fric-
Ultimately, the reliability of equip- tion and heat generation, help protect
ment stands tall as a central challenge against corrosion, and keep out contam- grease guns rank high on the list.
for wind-farm operators. This challenge inants. A recent innovation in grease guns
extends to the rolling bearings at all A lack of proper lubrication can bring for wind farms uses a 12-volt lithi-
points in wind turbines, whose proper a turbine to a standstill. Vibration, high um-ion battery for maximum power
lubrication is essential for optimized mechanical loads, contamination, and and efficiency with the capability to
performance and longevity. moisture are all threats to turbine bear- quickly deliver grease at up to 8,000 psi
Supplying the right lubricant in the ings. And improper lubrication certainly (551 bar). Its three-point base keeps the
right quantity at the right time is crit- will take a toll on bearings: 36 percent tool upright for user convenience and
ical, but adhering consistently to this of all premature bearing damage histor- helps prevent dirt and debris from en-
practice can present challenges of its ically has been attributed to poor lubri- tering the motor. The tool is relatively
own: What is the most practical way cation-related practices. lightweight and ergonomically con-
to dispense the lubricant — manually One of the most important steps on structed to help reduce operator fatigue
or automatically? How can over- or un- the road toward proper lubrication is and allow for easy access to tight areas.
der-greasing be avoided? Are lubricant deciding how to deliver lubricant ef- Such grease guns can further allow for
points difficult to reach, or are they in- fectively to all the lubrication points in secure hose storage and easy threading
accessible? Will maintenance staff be a nacelle. A variety of manual-lubrica- of the grease barrel by integrating a hose
placed in harm’s way? tion tools have been developed — some holder and tube guide.
How wind-farm operators approach quite advanced and user-friendly — and As an alternative when hoses may get
26 AUGUST | 2017
There is no “universal” one-size-fits-all lubricant solution for every application.
in the way, a handheld and rechargeable battery charge level, amount of grease
battery-driven grease gun combines dispensed, pump/motor speed, and even 30 Foam rings and turbine
portability with a user-friendly inter- blocked lubrication points. foundations
face to maximize efficiency and accu- But what if lubrication points are diffi-
racy. With such a tool, lubricant flow cult and/or unsafe to access? What if too 32 Profile: ExxonMobil
rates can be precisely adjusted and an much or too little lubricant is dispensed?
integrated grease meter dispenses the When manual lubrication will be im- 36 Conversation: Jesse Dilk
proper amount of lubricant to prevent practical for these or any other reasons, with Klüber Lubrication
possible over- or under-greasing. A vi- single-point or fully automatic central- NA LP
sual display assists workers by showing ized lubrication systems can deliver the 27
Single-point automatic lubricators. These inject the pre-
cise and correct amounts of contaminant-free grease and
often will be used for the re-lubrication of pitch bearings
and other bearings in moving parts. They inherently min-
imize the risks of over- or under-greasing and can supply
lubricant 24/7 for periods up to a year as governed by a pre-
set automatic timer.
Single-line lubrication systems. In this centralized
configuration, a central pump station automatically deliv-
ers lubricant through a single supply line to a lubricant me-
tering device. Each metering device serves one lubrication
point and can be adjusted to deliver the precise amount of
required grease or oil. A single-line system can pump long
distances and within a wide temperature range. Compo-
nents in corrosion-resistant designs will especially benefit
offshore applications.
Progressive lubrication systems. These dispense small
measured amounts of lubricant at frequent and intermittent
intervals. The grease flow created by the system’s pump is
proportioned by progressive metering devices and distrib-
uted to each bearing according to need. Metered quantities
of lubricant are fed progressively in predetermined ratios
from master feeders to the lube points. The lubricant does
not leave the respective feeder until the preceding one has
discharged its volume.
According to industry averages, 10 to 20 percent of the uptower time
If a lube point does not receive any lubricant, regard-
involved in servicing a turbine is spent on re-lubrication. (Courtesy: less of the reason, or if a secondary feeder is blocked, the
SKF USA) entire lubrication cycle is interrupted, and the system will
28 AUGUST | 2017
bearings, lubrication systems can be
equipped with a follower plate.
Decision-making for the most appro-
priate lubrication system will depend, in
general, on the application and, in par-
ticular, on a range of other parameters,
such as the operating conditions (varia-
tions in the operating temperature and
lubricant viscosity), accuracy require-
ments for lubricant quantities, turbine
system geometry (size, dimensions, and
symmetry), and monitoring demands,
among others.
When planning, installing, and
subsequently implementing a central-
ized lubrication system inside a wind
turbine, these guidelines can help: Single-point automatic lubricators inject the
• Determine the number of lube points. precise and correct amounts of contaminant-
free grease and often will be used for the
• Choose the proper lubricant for
re-lubrication of pitch bearings and other
the temperature, speed, and load bearings in moving parts. (Courtesy: SKF
conditions. USA)
• Calculate appropriate dispense rates
and quantities for the application. erally populated with older and/or
• Choose pumps consistent with the smaller machines, operators have the
type of actuation and system capacity. option to upgrade their lubrication
• Consider monitoring as an inte- programs with the latest advanced
gral requirement for the lubrica- technologies. It’s never too late.
tion system. Regardless of application or sys-
The Lincoln 20-volt PowerLuber grease
gun can be used for multiple lubrication tem, close attention should always be
applications. (Courtesy: SKF USA) After a lubrication system is up and paid to the specific type of lubricant
running, measurable benefits can be required for the turbine main shaft,
provide a signal to alert operators to the realized at every turn: yaw, and blades. There is no “univer-
problem. Integrated system control and • No more chances of over- or un- sal” one-size-fits-all lubricant solu-
monitoring is another plus for this and der-greasing. tion for every application. The proper
other centralized systems. • Lubricant consumption can be grease will provide proper lubrica-
brought into line with requirements. tion whether the turbine is operat-
TIPS FOR SUCCESS • More informed and timely lubricant ing or in standstill mode, installed
Centralized lubrication systems can purchasing decisions can be made. onshore or offshore, or in extreme
be applied to all bearings at a turbine’s • Lubrication-related breakdowns can temperatures or conditions.
rotor shaft, blade pitch, and azimuth be reduced. One more guideline on the path
positions, as well as non-rotating ap- • Turbine productivity, reliability, and to sustained success: partnering
plications inside the turbine. Stationary availability can be improved. with a knowledgeable specialist can
systems can supply grease accurately help in implementing the best lubri-
to main shaft, generator, blade, and In the case of existing equipment in cation practices for any installation,
yaw bearings. For the rotating blade the wind-turbine aftermarket, gen- new or old.
Dayananda Raju is application engineering manager — wind energy at SKF USA Inc., based in Lansdale,
Pennsylvania. He can be reached at (267) 436-6495 or For more information,
go to 29
Foam rings are still predominantly used today and the process is no more sophisticated than it was at the beginning.
(Courtesy: NTC Wind Energy)
By Joe Bruce
hen it comes to wind-tur- moving into the bolt sleeve, which the grout trough and often have to be
bine foundations, it spans the full depth of the pedestal wrapped with common duct tape to
seems appropriate to re- and allows the rod to move within keep them from splitting when the
flect on the traditional way founda- the foundation as the tower sways base is set. It’s a throwback from the
tions have been built and how their back-and-forth, acting like rubber days of the backyard mechanic. It’s
structural integrity can be improved bands alternatively under compres- hard to believe a multimillion-dollar
and, at the same time, save money sion and expansion. machine is being built using caulk,
and enhance safety. foam pipe insulation, and duct tape.
One of the traditional ways foun- SAME PROCESS Right now, a couple of employees
dations are built has been by using Foam rings are still predominant- are handed sharp knives and told to
foam rings in the grout trough to ly used today and the process is no cut 14,000 two-inch rings (enough
prevent grout from making contact more sophisticated than it was at the for 100 average foundations) by quit-
with the foundation anchor bolts. beginning. First, the bolt sleeves are ting time and then make sure the
Should the grout make contact with sealed at the top by placing a bead of first aid kit is ready. After a day of
the rods, it could interfere with ten- caulk around the rod within the bolt cutting foam, those two-inch rings
sioning by not allowing the rod to sleeve. Then, someone has to cut the end up being long or short, either of
pull through the grout as it is being foam into rings equivalent in length which diminishes their functionality.
pulled from above. Theoretically, the to the prescribed grout depth. The Then comes the job of caulking and
foam also would prevent grout from rings are dropped over the rods in taping — a tedious task at best.
30 AUGUST | 2017
Back in the early days, grout was poured into an open
foundation, and the base was set in the grout. It was not
uncommon to find the foam rings floating in the grout.
Cementitious grout also was used, which, if allowed to
contact the rod, would generally break away from the rods
as they were pulled through the grout during tensioning.
Occasionally, while setting the base on the grout-bed, the
grout would push into the base-flange boltholes where it
would interfere with the proper seating of the washer and
nut during tensioning.
Happily, some things have changed for the better.
Now high-strength, f lowable epoxy grout is used,
and the grout is applied with the base in place us-
ing forms. This has proven to be a superior material
and method of grouting. But the superior grout also Grout sleeves are useful for over-wintering foundations. (Courtesy:
makes it that much more important that the rods be NTC Wind Energy)
protected from contact with the grout. But, foam is will not fail. At some point, the cost versus the benefit
still predominantly used. of these design excesses will have to be examined. If
The ongoing trend toward heavier and taller turbines the foam rings in the foundation could be eliminated,
means more grout and supporting leveling shims in the perhaps some money could be saved by reducing the size
grout trough, adding to the potential for voids. Basically, and depth of the grout trough or by reducing the com-
the more hardware in the trough, the greater the poten- pressive strength requirements of the grout in order to
tial for voids. Unfortunately, with the base down, it is have a better foundation.
difficult to detect those voids.
ADDING TO THE PROBLEM The advent of NTC Wind Energy’s patent pending Iron-
The use of foam rings inadvertently adds to the problem. Clad Grout Sleeve addresses all of the concerns listed
Each ring of foam creates a void in the grout, further re- above. These injection-molded parts slide easily over the
ducing the overall compressive strength of the grout bed. rods but fit tightly enough to seal around the bottom
Applying some basic math: a foam ring 2 inches tall and of the rod and stay in place, negating the need to caulk
½-inch thick, having an ID of 1 5/8 inch displaces 6.676 around the top of the bolt sleeve. At the same time, the
cubic inches of grout. If the grout reaches 14,000 pounds thin walls of the polyethylene parts displace little grout.
of compressive strength when cured, the loss of compres- At 3 1/2 inches tall, grout sleeves are intended to proj-
sive strength in a foundation with 140 foundation anchor ect into the flange slightly, protecting the entire exposed
bolts is more than 13 million pounds or 6,500 tons. A to- portion of the rod and allowing the rod to easily move
tal of 6.58 cubic feet of grout in that foundation has been during tensioning. Like foam rings, grout sleeves allow
displaced. Admittedly, the remaining grout is more than the rod to move laterally within the bolt sleeve to line
enough for structural integrity, and in foundation design, them up during base setting.
engineers compensate for potential grout voids. But why Grout sleeves are also useful for over-winter-
not eliminate as many voids as possible, increasing the ing foundations. By placing a ½-inch ring of caulk
quality and structural strength of the foundation? around each rod and installing the sleeves on top of
Though the industry has an excellent record for foun- the wet caulk, the sleeves provide a protective seal
dation integrity, the trend is increasingly toward engi- against water and mud draining into the bolt sleeve
neers building in design excesses to ensure their design within the foundation.
Joe Bruce works with J.W. Bruce & Company, LLC. dba NTC Wind Energy and has a bachelor’s of science
from California Polytechnic State University. Bruce joined Norm Tooman Construction — Wind Energy
Division in 2001 with his father-in-law, Norm Tooman. Together, they developed and patented multiple
products for wind-turbine foundation construction and corrosion protection. Their signature product is
the IronClad bolt cap, which was the first bolt cap for wind-turbine foundation applications and still the
most used in the industry. 31
Providing the right lubricants to ensure wind turbines keep operating
smoothly and for as long as possible can be a challenge, but ExxonMobil’s
innovative lubrication solutions are more than up to that task.
By Kenneth Carter
Editor | Wind Systems
xxonMobil is a company
name that pops into view
practically every time a com-
muter gets behind the wheel of a car.
There’s a reason for that — it’s been
around for a long time.
ExxonMobil is just as well known
when it comes to wind energy for
much the same reason.
“ExxonMobil has been involved
in the wind industry since the
beginning,” said Gary Hennigan,
U.S. lubricants engineer for
ExxonMobil. “We developed one
of the first lubricants specifically
formulated for wind-turbine ExxonMobil works closely with OEMs and operators to understand the specific operating
gearboxes. And, today, our demands for their equipment so it can develop advanced lubrication solutions that can
enhance wind-turbine reliability, performance, and productivity. (Photos courtesy:
lubricants protect more than 40,000 ExxonMobil)
wind turbines around the world
— we’re supporting wind-turbine equipment and business goals.
operators in virtually every market ExxonMobil “The quality of our products has
where the wind industry is active.” always been a key to our success, and
Over the past few decades, Headquarters: it remains a defining characteristic
ExxonMobil has worked with some Spring, Texas of how we support operators across
of the world’s leading manufacturers many different industries,” Hennigan
of wind turbines, gears, and bearings said. “This means working closely
through its Equipment Builder with OEMs and operators to under-
Group to gain insight into key wind- stand the specific operating demands
turbine equipment trends. for their equipment so that we can
“This insight has enabled us to con- INNOVATIVE LUBRICATION develop advanced lubrication solu-
tinuously develop new and advanced SOLUTIONS tions that can enhance the reliability,
lubricant technologies to protect tur- Because of that, ExxonMobil devel- performance, and productivity of this
bine components in even the harshest ops innovative lubrication solutions equipment. We want to help opera-
operating conditions,” Hennigan said. in order to help operators meet their tors keep their equipment running
32 AUGUST | 2017
for as long as possible without the
need for unscheduled maintenance.”
Proper lubrication is critical for the
inner workings of a turbine, so lon-
ger lasting lubricants can translate
into equipment failure being reduced
dramatically and potentially prevent-
ed altogether, extending the perfor-
mance of a turbine even longer.
“Everyone in the wind industry
knows that equipment reliability is
critical to their success, profitability,
and operational safety. They’d likely
all agree that production loss from
unexpected equipment downtime
can be catastrophic,” Hennigan said.
“Here’s where we come in.”
A wind-turbine gearbox operates in uniquely severe conditions. These include heights of up
SPECIFIC FORMULATION to 350 feet above the ground, heavy and varying loads from strong winds, and exposure to
contaminants such as saltwater in an offshore environment.
ExxonMobil has a specific lubricant
formulation strategy that enables it “It’s been proven to perform reli- In addition to the Mobil SHC
to develop the industry’s most ad- ably for up to seven years at the very Gear 320 WT, ExxonMobil has also
vanced synthetic lubricants, accord- least, which is 40 percent longer than launched two other synthetic greases:
ing to Hennigan. most conventional lubricants on the
For wind, specifically, ExxonMobil market today,” he said. “This perfor- • Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT: This
has developed novel lubricants and syn- mance is backed by an industry-lead- grease is specially formulated to lu-
thetic oils that include its newest syn- ing seven-year warranty, which cov- bricate wind-turbine yaw, pitch, and
thetic oil, Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT. ers both the oil and the components main bearings. It has become the
The Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT the oil protects.” first fill product of choice for many
synthetic gear oil is a good exam- It practically goes without saying wind-turbine builders and compo-
ple of how the company’s formu- that longer oil life translates into bet- nent suppliers. It has proven out-
lation philosophy dovetails into a ter wind-turbine performance, which standing performance in more than
better product. reduces O&M costs over the life of the 10,000 wind turbines worldwide.
“It is our most advanced syn- equipment as well as enhancing work- Compared to conventional greases,
thetic wind-turbine gear oil, de- er safety. With wind-turbine techni- Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT de-
signed to protect equipment from cians having to work 300 meters above livers longer grease life, enhanced
common issues such as scuffing, the ground, safety among wind farms false brinelling protection and bear-
micropitting fatigue, and rust and is always a paramount issue. ing life, wide temperature range of
corrosion,” he said. “It also ensures “By extending oil life by 40 per- application, and the potential for
proper protection at extreme high cent over conventional lubricants, improved mechanical efficiency.
temperatures and good pumpabil- we can help operators reduce how • Mobil SHC Grease 102 WT:
ity at low temperatures.” often they have to change their oil, This grease is scientifically en-
potentially even eliminating an en- gineered to meet or exceed the
LASTS LONGER tire service cycle over the standard demanding requirements for
And one of the most important as- 20-year life of an average wind tur- severe wind-turbine pitch and
pects of the synthetic oil’s formula- bine,” Hennigan said. “That means yaw applications at extreme
tion is that it lasts years longer than more turbine uptime, less money temperatures ranging from 120
most conventional lubricants, accord- spent servicing the equipment, and degrees C down to as low as mi-
ing to Hennigan. reduced worker exposure.” nus-50 degrees C. 33
To help with educating its clients about the value of its
products, ExxonMobil offers technical services such as
Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis, which utilizes the latest
used oil analysis (UOA) technology to keep lubricants
performing properly and to monitor equipment condition
in real time.
“Almost all operators are familiar with UOA, which
is a tool that enables them to monitor real-time lubricant
performance, so they can identify and address potential
equipment performance challenges before they become a
serious issue,” Hennigan said.
Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis transforms the UOA
process to help improve equipment and operational pro-
ductivity. It streamlines the entire process, from initial
sample gathering to final reporting, using a mobile-en-
abled platform that eliminates the need for paperwork.
Operators use QR-coded scan-and-go bottles to easily
deliver used oil samples to ExxonMobil’s oil analysis
laboratory. Once these samples are analyzed, customers This chart compares the performance of Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT
can access the results and customized equipment rec- synthetic gear oil against other synthetic oils available on the market
today. ExxonMobil’s balanced formulation approach enables superior
ommendations on their mobile or tablet device, accord- performance across a wide range of important characteristics.
ing to Hennigan.
“The launch of this service builds on ExxonMobil’s scientifically proven to not contribute to WEC. So, while
long tradition of providing leading UOA services to lubricants cannot prevent WEC formation altogether,
companies around the world, and it’s yet another tool using the right lubricants can help eliminate one of the
to help wind operators enhance their lubrication pro- causes of WEC.”
gram,” he said.
PERFORMANCE CHALLENGES The products and services ExxonMobil offers are all fo-
Along with making sure its customer have the right lu- cused on providing wind operators with the same benefit
brication for the right job, ExxonMobil is committed to — delivering long lubricant life to help maximize equip-
making sure OEMs understand performance challenges ment uptime and productivity.
common to today’s wind industry. “It’s important because when it comes to long-term lu-
“One of those challenges is white etching cracking bricant performance, there has been increased focus on
(WEC), which are sub-surface bearing failures occur- trying some less effective strategies,” Hennigan said. “I’m
ring under fatigue load that are reported to cause 80 per- talking about mitigation strategies like top treating. To
cent of wind-turbine high speed bearing failures,” Hen- conduct top treating, operators use oil analysis to identify
nigan said. “There are many factors that contribute to the when an oil’s additives start to deplete and then re-ad-
formation of WEC, but we partnered with Schaeffler, a ditize that oil with the addition of after-market additive
leading bearing manufacturer, to better understand the packages.”
role that lubricants play in causing WEC.” But Hennigan said that approach is much like put-
ExxonMobil discovered that metal-based additives, ting on a Band-Aid and doesn’t compensate for good
such as zinc phosphate and/or a combination of over- formulation.
based calcium and sodium, increased the sub-surface “I liken it to baking,” he said. “If you want to bake
stress and enhanced hydrogen diffusion below the con- the best cake possible, then you need to use high-qual-
tact point, causing WEC formation, he said. ity ingredients and ensure that all the needed ingredi-
“In short, they’re one contributor to the problem,” Hen- ents are included in the cake mix at the right ratios be-
nigan said. “During this research, we also confirmed that fore it is baked. You’ll be able to taste their quality in
Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT, our newest gear oil, can help the final product, and poor quality ingredients will not
operators rule out one of WEC’s key suspects. Because of result in a tasty cake. And, most importantly, once the
its metal-free formulation, Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT is cake is baked, you cannot go back and add ingredients
34 AUGUST | 2017
Wind-turbine equipment is often also located in remote areas that experience extreme temperatures. As a result, gearboxes can be required
to operate in temperatures ranging from 120 degrees C to minus-50 degrees C.
without further ruining the cake. Say, for example, that After a thorough inspection, ExxonMobil engineers
you forgot to include vanilla extract. Trying to add vanil- recommended the company convert its gearboxes to one
la flavoring to an already baked cake would not be possi- of its synthetic lubricants, as well as implement routine
ble, and even if you tried to douse the cake in extract, it Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis to monitor both lubricant
would result in an uneven distribution of flavor.” and equipment condition.
Hennigan said these same principles apply to an oil’s “After making the switch, the company was able to
formulation. Additive top treating may introduce new extend its oil drain intervals to more than 49,000 hours
contaminants that could affect equipment performance. — more than twice the industry average — while main-
Top treating also increases how often operators need to taining excellent gear condition,” Hennigan said. “These
interact with equipment. While it may not be as invasive benefits helped generate company-estimated annual sav-
as flushing and changing an oil, it can increase the poten- ings of $176,000.”
tial for safety issues.
LUBRICATION’S IMPACT Maintaining high wind-turbine reliability is no easy
Hennigan noted a case study that showed the impact that task. These machines operate in uniquely severe con-
lubrication can have on enhancing wind-turbine reliabili- ditions. The gearboxes operate up to 350 feet above
ty and operator profitability. the ground and face conditions such as heavy and
“One West Virginia-based wind farm operated 44 varying loads from strong winds, extreme tempera-
wind turbines equipped with Flender gearboxes,” he tures ranging from 120 degrees C to minus-50 de-
said. “These turbines operated in a four-season cli- grees C, and exposure to contaminants such as salt-
mate, meaning they were exposed to regular rain, water in an offshore environment.
snow, and extreme high and low temperatures. While “That’s why proper lubrication plays a critical role,”
the turbines were operating just fine, the operator’s Hennigan said. “By using longer-lasting lubricants, you
maintenance team wanted to see if there was an op- can reduce and potentially prevent wind-turbine equip-
portunity to reduce service interval frequency and ment failures while extending the turbine’s performance
enhance productivity.” even longer.” 35
Jesse Dilk @kluberNA
Klüber Lubrication
+1 (603) 647-4104
+1 (800) 447-2238
Business Unit Manager Wind Energy
Klüber Lubrication NA LP
Klüber Lubrication models the conditions around mechanical and electrical components then builds the best lubricants for the
given conditions. (Courtesy: Klüber Lubrication) 37
Operations • Service & Repair • Inspection • Safety • Equipment • Condition Monitoring • Lubrication
To help safety managers stay ahead of the curve with their safety equipment, 3M Fall Protection has launched the 3M Fall Protection Trade-in,
Trade-up program. (Courtesy: 3M)
For safety professionals, keeping workers safe means pro- ers. We want everyone to benefit from equipment that
viding them with effective, dependable equipment while brings the latest safety technology to workers at height.”
staying compliant with changing safety standards and To participate, workers and safety managers start by
regulations. For workers at height, 3M™ Fall Protec- identifying fall protection products they want to trade
tion designs safety equipment to meet the strictest in- in or trade up, pick their new 3M Fall Protection prod-
dustry standards, as is the case with its DBI-SALA® and ucts offered within the program, place an order with a
Protecta® fall protection products. To help safety man- 3M authorized distributor, and register their purchase at
agers stay ahead of the curve with their safety equipment, to initiate the rebate.
3M Fall Protection has launched the 3M Fall Protection “For safety managers, a key incentive to participat-
Trade-in, Trade-up program. Workers and safety manag- ing is the option to trade in any brand of lanyard with
ers can trade-in qualifying fall protection equipment and non-3,600 pound gated hooks for 3M’s ANSI-rated
trade-up for more than 170 products from the 3M Fall 3,600 pound gated hooks,” said Ray Mann, technical
Protection line as well as receive cash rebates. services for 3M Fall Protection. “In January of this year,
“No matter the current standard or safety requirement, OSHA released a new regulation requiring gated hooks
workers must be free to start every work day with the and carabiners to be proof tested to 3,600 pounds in
peace of mind that comes from knowing they are pro- all directions (1910.140(c)(8)). 3M Fall Protection snap
tected with top-of-the-line equipment designed for their hooks and carabiners comply with the requirements of
safety and comfort,” said Andrew P. Johnson, marketing this new OSHA regulation.”
manager for U.S. 3M Fall Protection. “The Trade-in, Source: 3M
Trade-up program was created to help make the most For more information,
current safety equipment even more accessible to work- go to
38 AUGUST | 2017
Two-year crew transfer vessel extension announced on offshore project
CWind, a leading provider of services to the offshore wind
industry, recently announced that Dong Energy, one of the
key energy groups in Northern Europe, has granted CWind
a two-year extension to its existing three-year crew transfer
vessel contract at the West of Duddon Sands Offshore Wind
Farm in the Irish Sea.
CWind, the offshore power-focused business of Global
Marine Group (GMG), will provide vessels for Operations
& Maintenance (O&M) to the 108-turbine West of Duddon
Sands site, including a summer campaign to ensure the site
remains operating at peak performance throughout the busier A CTV returns from a wind-farm operation. (Courtesy: CWind)
summer months. The contract extension builds on CWind’s
solid track record over the first three years of the project. Importantly, CWind’s services on site are fully integrated
“This extension to our contract with Dong Energy is a within the whole West of Duddon Sands wind-farm team.
fantastic achievement that reflects the great service we con- Strong relationships built with marine coordinators, site
sistently deliver to customers,” said Lee Andrews, managing teams, technicians, and other contractors, established over the
director at CWind. “Winning a contract from a paper-based first three years of this contract, plus the two prior to that with
submission, as we did three years ago, is one thing, but secur- the company’s involvement in the site’s construction phase,
ing an extension demonstrates our actual on-site performance will make for efficient service provision moving forward.
levels and customer satisfaction. We have delivered on service
and exceeded expectations in many areas, and we are deter- Source: CWind
mined to do the same over the next two years, relying on our For more information,
can-do attitude and resourceful approach.” go to
“The turbines at West of Duddon Sands, which produce go to
enough clean electricity to power up to 340,000 homes
each year, are maintained by hard-working technicians
journeying out to sea each day,” said Steven Clarke, head
of West of Duddon Sands Operations. “The crew vessels
CWind have provided over the last three years have had a Delivering Value with
high utilization factor, and we very much look forward to
continuing our work together.” Wind Energy tooling
Three of the CWind’s 18-strong fleet of crew transfer ves- LARGE SCALE | HIGH QUALITY | PRICE COMPETITIVE | ON-TIME DELIVERY
sels (CTVs) have been dedicated to the project, comprising
a pair of 19-meter resin-infused multi-purpose catamarans
(MPCs) and one small water-plane area twin hull (SWATH)
vessel. The robust and lightweight composite construction of
the CTVs has proved to deliver fuel efficiencies and signifi-
cant CO2 emission savings.
The MPC19 catamarans use a modular three-section-pod
comprising a wheelhouse, accommodation pod, and porch
module to provide enhanced deck space options and excel-
lent operational flexibility. The catamarans can handle tasks
ranging from passenger transfer, generator management, Patterns, Molds, Plugs
refuelling, and food deliveries, as well as straightforward ac- Precision 5-axis machining
commodation duties. Composite Fabrication 360.856.5143
For technicians who face a tough commute and need to ar- Engineering Services
rive on site ready to work, the SWATH hull form is designed
to cut through waves rather than ride over them, dramatically
improving transit comfort, even in rough seas. Motions are
approximately a quarter of those of conventional catamarans. 39
Research & Development • Design & Engineering • Forecasting & Analysis
Consultancy • Certification & Standards • Efficiency • Emerging Technologies
The Fraunhofer IWES LiDAR buoy has already been used multiple times for offshore measuring. (Courtesy: Fraunhofer IWES)
Titan Technologies Corporation has ordered two Fraun- has been engaged by CTG to perform the measurements.
hofer IWES LiDAR measuring buoys for the surveying of The company will also be completing the installation work,
the Zhangpu and Changle offshore wind farms planned for servicing, and data evaluation.
off the coast of China’s Fujian province. This will be the first “We have been working with Fraunhofer for years and ap-
time a floating LiDAR system will be used for offshore wind preciate their proven, highly deployable solutions for complex
measurements in China. The buoys will be used to precisely operational conditions. Paving the way for CTG’s vision of
measure the wind conditions in the designated locations so as reliable offshore wind energy for China is an exciting and
to allow precise calculation of the wind farm’s electricity yield. honorable assignment to which we contribute years of wind
China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG) owns the projected energy experience,” said John Feng, chairman, Titan Tech-
wind farms. nologies Corporation.
Many business hubs are close to the coast in China. This, By providing comprehensive feedback on the buoy’s
coupled with the state’s expansion targets, is stimulating the performance under the specific operation conditions
constant growth of the offshore wind energy sector in China. found in China, Titan contributes to Fraunhofer’s sound
CTG received the contract to build two wind farms with a understanding of the requirements of varying environ-
capacity of 4 GW altogether and wants to obtain precise mea- mental loads, e.g. typhoons.
surements of the conditions on-site using Fraunhofer IWES “We welcome the order from Titan Technologies Corp.
LiDAR buoy technology. Titan Technologies Corporation and believe that CTG’s decision to use two Fraunhofer
40 AUGUST | 2017
IWES LiDAR buoys could set an exam- New wind-power generator uses direct drive
ple in China,” said Bernhard Lange, head and solar for added efficiencies
of Wind Farm Planning and Operation
at Fraunhofer. A new design for
The Fraunhofer IWES LiDAR buoy wind-power generators
has already been used multiple times for uses a conical vortex
offshore measuring, most recently off the that moves air through
Scottish coast for the projected Firth of the unit with as little
Forth wind farm. It measures wind speed interference as possible,
up to 200 meters above the surface of reducing heat and im-
the water. The buoy not only passed the proving efficiency.
Carbon Trust tests for floating LiDAR The cowl-housed de-
devices, but surpassed the requirements sign addresses many
for accuracy and availability. The buoy’s of the problems of the
durability is evident in its robust build wind turbines of today
with double-encapsulated LiDAR and — height requirements,
redundant power supply. whoosh noise, high
Fraunhofer IWES researchers devel- maintenance costs,
oped not only the design but also the cor- downtime for mainte-
rection algorithm, which eliminates buoy nance, high-wind and
movements from the measurements. This low-wind downtime,
algorithm guarantees an extremely pre- and limited access to
cise measurement, even in strong seas, transmission lines —
delivering data that are as reliable as those to name just a few. The This figure from the patent shows how the blades in
the turbine are essentially the armatures of the dyna-
collected with a fixed met mast. design also eliminates mo. According to IPOfferings, this design eliminates
Fraunhofer is the leading organization the weight, drag, and the need for a transmission and drive chain, and that
for applied research in Europe. It en- maintenance of a trans- dramatically reduces weight and drag, as well as
compasses 66 institutes and research fa- mission and drive chain both assembly and maintenance costs. (Courtesy: IP
cilities in locations throughout Germa- since it uses direct drive.
ny. It employs almost 24,000 people and Taking advantage of a second renewable energy source, the patented de-
has an annual research budget of 2 bil- sign uses solar cells to provide power when wind speed is too low or too high.
lion euros. Industry contracts and public Unlike conventional wind turbines, the technology covered by this patent is
research projects account for 70 percent scalable, so units can be manufactured in various sizes and generating capa-
of Fraunhofer’s budget. Fraunhofer has bilities. In addition to industrial, commercial, and residential applications,
branches in Europe, North America, this design is ideal for providing power to charge electric vehicles.
and South America pursuing interna- U.S. Patent No. 8,269,368 for a “Wind and Solar Electric Generator” is
tional projects. Titan Technologies Co., exclusively represented by leading patent brokerage firm IPOfferings LLC.
Ltd., incorporated in 2009, is a system “The ’368 patent represents what is absolutely the next generation in wind
integrator, solution provider, and smart turbines,” said Alec Schibanoff, vice president of IPOfferings. “Its patented
manufacturer. The company is princi- direct-drive design eliminates the cost, drag, and maintenance of the trans-
pally engaged in smart manufacturing missions and drive chains that current generation of wind turbines use to
through products, services, and technol- transmit power from the blades to the actual power-generation unit. The
ogy that enables its customers to conduct question people ask when they see a brilliant invention is always the same:
manufacturing in a cleaner, safer, more Why didn’t someone think of this before? It is amazing that the wind-power
reliable, and efficient way. industry has not considered direct-drive design in their wind-power gener-
ation units.”
Source: Fraunhofer IWES Source: IPOfferings
For more information, For information, contact
go to IPOfferings at 41
Production • Fabrication • Components • Supply Chain • Materials • Tooling • Machinery
The Horns Rev 2 wind farm off the coast of Denmark was inaugurated by Dong in 2009. (Courtesy: Dong Energy A/S)
Siemens Gamesa and Dong Energy have signed an agree- The 8-MW turbine is based on the existing Siemens
ment* for the supply of 94 8-MW turbines (752 MW) Gamesa offshore direct drive platform, which has an ex-
at the Borssele 1 and 2 offshore wind power plant being cellent track record. More than 200 direct-drive wind
developed in Dutch waters. The contract additionally in- turbines in the 6- to 8-MW class already have been in-
cludes maintenance of the turbines. stalled and commissioned in offshore wind farms.
The wind-power plant will be 22 kilometers from the The energy production of one Siemens Gamesa 8-MW
coast of the Dutch province of Zeeland with a water machine is sufficient to supply about 8,000 European
depth of 14 to 38 meters and will cover an area of 128.3 households with electricity. The power supplied from the
square kilometers. 752-MW Borssele 1 and 2 projects will cover the annual
The nacelles for this project will be assembled in Sie- electricity consumption of close to 1 million households.
mens Gamesa’s new factory in Cuxhaven, Germany. The Siemens Gamesa and Dong Energy have collaborated
blades for the Borssele 1 and 2 projects will be produced in on several offshore wind farms including London Array,
Hull, England. West of Duddon Sands and Westermost Rough in the
“We are pleased that Dong Energy has selected Siemens United Kingdom, the Anholt project in Denmark, as well
Gamesa for the Borssele 1 and 2 offshore wind-power as Borkum Riffgrund 1 and Gode Wind 1 and 2 in Ger-
plants in the Dutch part of the North Sea,” said Michael man waters.
Hannibal, CEO Offshore at Siemens Gamesa. “The ad- *These contracts are still subject to notice of effectiveness by
vanced model of our proven direct drive offshore wind-tur- Dong.
bine platform and our advanced services will leverage the Source: Siemens Gamesa
energy output of this lighthouse project and help to move For more information,
offshore wind into the energy mainstream in Europe.” go to
42 AUGUST | 2017
Vestas gets U.S. orders totaling 432 MW
UNDISCLOSED PROJECT Wind Project in upstate New York.
Vestas has received a firm and uncon- The firm and unconditional or-
ditional order in the U.S. for 60 MW der comprises supply of the wind
of V110-2.0 MW turbines for an un- turbines as well as a 10-year Ac-
disclosed project. The project, which tive Output Management (AOM)
includes previously purchased PTC 5000 service agreement, a full-scope
components, has a total size of 66 MW service package to maximize up-
and consists of 30 turbines. The order time and performance, and energy
includes supply and commissioning production. The project, which in-
of the turbines as well as a multi-year cludes previously purchased PTC
Active Output Management 5000 components, has a size of 80 MW
(AOM5000) service agreement, a full- and consists of 40 turbines. Turbine
scope service package designed to max- nacelles, blades, and towers will be
imize uptime and energy production. produced at Vestas’ Colorado facto-
Delivery is expected to begin in the ries with delivery expected to begin
third quarter of 2017, with commission- A Vestas V110-2.0 MW turbine. in the third quarter of 2018.
ing planned for the fourth quarter. (Courtesy: Vestas) Source: Vestas
“Each turbine manufactured in this uptime and energy production. For more information,
order will support 30 full-time jobs over “The historic Wind XI project will go to
its lifetime,” said Chris Brown, presi- deliver clean, low-cost wind energy to
dent of Vestas’ sales and service divi- MidAmerican Energy’s customers and
sion in the United States and Canada. communities while enhancing the reli-
“These turbines will be produced at our ability and resiliency of the grid. Hun-
Colorado factories, generating econom- dreds of millions of dollars in economic
ic benefits across a diverse and domestic benefits, including landowner lease
American supply chain and supporting payments, tax payments, and long-term
long-term jobs in Colorado and the secure jobs, will be generated to support
project community.” the manufacturing, construction and
operation of this project,” Brown said.
MIDAMERICAN ENERGY MidAmerican Energy is the largest
COMPANY regulated utility owner of wind energy
With reference to Vestas Wind Systems in the U.S. When fully operational, the
A/S’ company announcement in June, Wind XI project will ensure the utility
Vestas has received a firm and uncondi- generates 85 percent of its retail energy
tional order from MidAmerican Ener- load from wind. The Wind XI project
gy Company, a subsidiary of Berkshire consists of multiple sites in Iowa that
Hathaway Energy, for 170 V110-2.0 will be placed into service between 2017
MW turbines for the Wind XI project. and 2019. Potential future order intake
The order includes previously purchased under overall agreement linked to the
PTC-qualifying components. Wind XI project is expected to occur
The turbines will be manufactured at as partial deliveries under the master
Vestas’ Colorado factories and delivered agreement, and will be announced firm
in the second quarter 2018. The order and unconditional consistent with Ves-
includes supply and commissioning tas’ order announcement policy.
of the wind turbines, as well as a five-
year Active Output Management 5000 COPENHAGEN WIND PROJECT
(AOM5000) service agreement, Vestas’ EDF Renewable Energy orders V110-
full-scope service package maximizing 2.0 MW turbines for the Copenhagen 43
BOP/EPC • Project Status • Siting • Equipment • Project Due Diligence • Services
44 AUGUST | 2017
Dong Energy to construct 12 MW of offshore wind energy off Virginia coast
As part of its ongoing commitment to bring cleaner has come the farthest in the transition to renewable en-
energy to its customers, Dominion Energy Virginia ergy, and we are excited to bring our expertise to Amer-
is moving forward on the mid-Atlantic’s first offshore ica,” said Samuel Leupold, executive vice president and
wind project in a federal lease area. CEO of Wind Power at Dong Energy.
Dominion has signed an agreement and strategic “This project will provide us vital experience in con-
partnership with Dong Energy of Denmark, a glob- structing an offshore wind project in the United States,
al leader in offshore wind development, to build two and serve as a stepping stone to a larger commercial-scale
6-MW turbines off the coast of Virginia Beach. The partnership between our companies in the future. We
two companies will now begin refining agreements see the tremendous potential in the Mid-Atlantic for
for engineering, procurement, and construction. Do- emission-free, renewable wind generation, and we are
minion Energy remains the sole owner of the project. excited to help the Commonwealth in reaping the ben-
Engineering and development work on the newly efits of wind power,” he said.
named Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project is
expected to begin immediately by Dong Energy to PHASE-ONE DEVELOPMENT
support the targeted installation by the end of 2020. This phase-one development of two wind turbines will
The timing for construction depends on many factors be built approximately 27 miles off the coast of Virginia
such as weather and protected species migration patterns. Beach on a 2,135-acre site leased by the Virginia Depart-
The project is an important first step toward offshore wind ment of Mines, Minerals and Energy.
development for Virginia and the United States. It would be The project opens the door to long-term commercial
only the second offshore wind project in the nation and the wind development. It will provide the critical opera-
first owned by an electric utility company. Along with clean tional, weather, and environmental experience needed
energy, it will provide Dominion Energy with valuable ex- for large-scale development in the adjacent 112,800-
perience in managing offshore wind resources. acre site leased by Dominion Energy from the Bureau
of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
ENERGY LEADER Full deployment could generate up to 2,000 mega-
“Virginia is now positioned to be a leader in developing watts of energy – enough to power half a million homes.
more renewable energy thanks to the Commonwealth’s The two companies have signed a memorandum of
committed leadership and Dong’s unrivaled expertise in understanding, which gives Dong Energy exclusive
building offshore wind farms,” said Thomas F. Farrell II, rights to discuss a strategic partnership with Dominion
Dominion Energy’s chairman, president, and chief exec- Energy about developing the commercial site based on
utive officer. “While we have faced many technological successful deployment of the initial test turbines.
challenges and even more doubters as we advanced this The project continues what previously was called the
project, we have been steadfast in our commitment to our Virginia Offshore Wind Technology Assessment Proj-
customers and the communities we serve.” ect (VOWTAP). Dominion Energy began work on the
“Today marks the first step in what I expect to be project in 2011 as part of a Department of Energy grant
the deployment of hundreds of wind turbines off Vir- to develop and test new wind technologies that could
ginia’s coast that will further diversify our energy pro- lower the cost and withstand hurricanes.
duction portfolio, create thousands of jobs, and reduce During that time, key achievements were made to
carbon emissions in the Commonwealth,” said Gov. advance the project including: Approval of the Re-
Terry McAuliffe. “Hampton Roads has the ideal port search Activities Plan by BOEM and environmental
assets and talented workforce to attract and house the studies, which included avian and bat surveys, as well
offshore wind business supply chain to support not only as assessments of ocean currents, archeological condi-
Virginia’s commercial wind area, but also wind farms tions, and whale migration patterns.
under development in Massachusetts, New York, and
Maryland. Today’s announcement advances our efforts Source: Business Network
to build a new Virginia economy that is cleaner, stron- of Offshore Wind
ger, and more diverse.” For more information,
“Dong Energy is the energy supplier in Europe that go to 45
Giving Wind
Kenneth Carter Jennifer Jacobson
Editor Associate Editor
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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
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46 AUGUST | 2017
Giving Wind Direction
5 Star Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
American Gear Manufacturers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Amsoil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC
AWEA (American Wind Energy Assn). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Janicki Industries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
TORKWORX LP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 47
Taking Care of Business
Brief Relief’s products help field workers answer the call of nature properly.
By Kenneth Carter the used bags,” he said.
Editor | Wind Systems But wind technicians aren’t the only
ones who find the product useful.
hat happens when you’re Landowners where wind farms are built
on someone else’s massive also find Brief Relief’s products a way to
property, in the middle of keep their property clean.
nowhere, 300 feet above the ground, “The actual land owners of the wind
and nature calls? farms don’t want anything left behind,”
It’s not something a lot of workers Lindemann said. “We call them white
may think about — until they have to flowers (loose pieces of toilet paper
think about it. stuck in the field).”
Thankfully, Brief Relief is a company And if additional privacy is an is-
that has put a great deal of thought into sue, Brief Relief also offers quickly
this leg-crossing predicament, and it has Brief Relief is a disposable urinal pouch. deployed shelters, which, when used
come up with a few solutions. (Courtesy: Brief Relief) in tandem with Brief Relief’s Dis-
“We’re a manufacturer of a field re- able diaper. And now it’s legal to posa-John Portable Restroom Bags,
stroom system, mostly designed for throw away.” allow for the proper disposal of solid
mobile work crews, anyone working The products offered by Brief Relief waste, according to Lindemann.
outside who find themselves with the have been well received by industries “We do have a privacy shelter, which
lack of a proper restroom facility,” said that have workers out in the field, and is a nice all-enclosed system that inte-
Pete Lindemann, Brief Relief’s nation- it’s been a natural progression to intro- grates a tent,” he said. “You can erect the
al sales manager. duce the wind industry to this useful shelter in about two minutes and take it
More often than not, outside workers product, according to Lindemann. down in the same amount of time.”
often run the risk of using unapproved “We started off with telecom com- Ease of use as well as the ease of
containers, which can cause legal prob- panies, and built on from there to elec- erecting it often makes it a better
lems and public relations nightmares. tric utilities, gas utilities, the military, choice to the standard portables found
To stop those problems in their construction companies, anybody who at parks and concert venues, according
tracks, the company has made the Brief works outside,” he said. “We had a few to Lindemann.
Relief system. accounts, and we knew reading about “Portables are good as a long-term
“Our most popular product is called wind power, how much it was growing solution,” he said. “The biggest cost
Brief Relief,” Lindemann said. “It’s a over the last couple of years.” of a portable is relocating it, having it
disposable urinal pouch.” At the recent AWEA WIND- brought out and serviced. With our
The Brief Relief is basically a bag POWER show in Anaheim, Brief product, you can deploy it yourself. You
with a wide opening containing a mix Relief received a lot of interest, can put everything in a dufflebag, and
of polymers and enzymes in the bottom Lindemann said. deploy it anywhere you want. It’s been
similar to a disposable diaper. “In the past, what we had gathered to the base camp at Mount Everest. It’s
“The polymers draw the water out was that techs were bringing up emp- been all over the world. So if you have a
of the urine and help break it down, ty bottles to take care of waste, because short duration job or a job that is hard to
so it’s treated waste,” Lindemann you’re not going to climb down from get to, you can deploy our system quite
said. “It gels instantly, so it’s treated 200 feet up, and they thought it was a easily. It’s a much cleaner, much more
in a gelled state, and you can simply great product they could stick in their hygienic environment.”
close it up and dispose of it in any pocket and take it up there and then For more information,
trash receptacle, just like a dispos- come down at the end of the day with go to
48 AUGUST | 2017
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