HI5016 Final Assessment V5
HI5016 Final Assessment V5
HI5016 Final Assessment V5
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of
knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit
Describe the gravity model – specify the variables, use an example of Canada and
the USA, or Mexico and the USA – both situations where the gravity model has
been found to be accurate.
Question 2
(7 marks)
Absolute and Comparative Advantage
2. Assume a world of two nations USA and Australia. The two nations produce
machinery and agriculture. The USA can produce 160 units of machinery or
200 units of agriculture while Australia can produce 140 units of machinery or
50 units of agriculture, in the same time period.
Question 3
(7 marks)
The Standard Model
There are four key relationships upon which the Standard Model is based.
Please list each of the four relationships and give one example for each.
Question 4
Controversies in Trade Policy
After the Seattle 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference,
in the next two years, large anti-globalization demonstrations rocked the
International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington.
Describe the role of WTO with respect to the following 7 aspects: knowledge of
WTO/GATT, fostering trade liberalization, abolishing tariffs, increasing transparency,
seeking resolutions, improving communication within trading blocs, controlling
export subsidies, improving national welfare and competitiveness of developing
HI5016 Final Assessment T1 2021
countries (1 mark each)
Assume you are graduating from Holmes Institute and that you want to begin a
business in Australia. You are aware that there are four different market
structures and that some structures are hostile to new products and services.
You decide upon Australia as a location for an Asian fast-food theme restaurant
because you have expertise in that sector and you believe that it will be popular. You
have also considered the four market structures: perfect, monopolistic, oligopoly and
monopoly competition. You decide on one of the structures.
a. Describe each of the four market structures and explain how each
one may be conducive to starting your new Asian themed small
business. (8 marks)
Submission instructions:
Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HI5016