Act 18 19
Act 18 19
Act 18 19
2018 - 19
q School, q
Not Cooch
At- Patrakana, Po- Kasarada,
Block- Niali, Dist- Cuttack,Pin -754L05
Sankal CIance
Orissa is an economically poor state, where a round 40 per cent people live below poverty line. Du ring the last 71
years lndependence the Government has not been satisfy the basic necessities ofthe life of the common people
like food, education, health. shelter & drinking water; especiallythe pathetic living condition of the people of KBK
(Koraput Bolangir and Kalahandi )districts and other triba I dominated areas need immediate attention. Keeping in
mind the Development of the Society, some social workers,professiona ls and intellectuals of the state formed the
NGO namely "SANKALP" on the first day of .lanuary 2007 At- Patrakana, Po- Kasarada under Block- Niali in the
district of Cuttack. SANKALP was registered on 26'n October 2007 under the society registration Act, 1850 vide
Registration No.22509/99 of 2oo7-2008. Sankalp registered U/S 12M and obtained approval U/S80G(sXvi)of
the lncome Tax Act,1961. lt is a non-Government, non profit Charitable Organisation.. Since its inception,
SANKALP is dedicatedly working since lastone decade to b ring a bo ut perceiva ble change in the society. itswork
have mostly focused on the care, protection ,
and education, for the poor, neglected, drop out,orphan and
destitute tribal children ofthe state of Odisha
About Us
Sankalp is located at a distance of 35 Kilometres from the city ofCuttack and Bhubaneswar. lt is pioneered by a
group of social workers, philanthropists and young professionals, all of whom are Inspired by the conviction that
individuals with knowledge, resources and empathy for the marginalised must work with communities at the
grass root levels in orderto help them to overcome poverty SANKALP believes that the path towards conquering
economic poverty is through enhancing the livelihood capabilities of the poor and giving them acess to
sustainable ea rning opportunities. ln the process, the poor m ust be a ble to brea k free from their past, develo p a n
alternative vision of their future and set achievable goals. They must be equipped with the technical,
organisational, negotiating, and networking skills that will facilitate the fulfillment of their goals. The aim is to
support and inspire these poor people to dream a better future and stimulate their sense of urgency as they
endeavor to enha nce incomes, improve accessto services or claim rights and entitlements.
The SANKALP team comprises people from different walks of life who have all come together with their varied
experiences to work towards this'one mission'. The team includes people from diverse backgrounds including
social workers, activists, PhD's, MBAs, Ca's, Civil Servants, Bankers, Corporate Professionals, Consultants,
Academicians and iourna lists etc.
linstitute specia I hea lth ca re progra ms for children living on the streets.
Expose exploitative child labour practices through the media and public interestwork.
Ensure thatchildren above 14yearsjoin residentialbridge schools and vocationaltraining programsto lessen their
cha nces of becoming child labourers.
E nsu re the marginalised children their happy childhood and guarantee ofeducation.
About Diganta
Diganta is a residential school for the
tribal children with primaryobjective for
social justice. lt was inaugurated by
Justice Choudhury P. K. Mishra, ODISHA
High Court & Prof. Sangram Mudali,
Directo; NISI, Berhampur, on 13th July
2011. As a venture of SANKALB it is
established in a very beautiful and
peaceful atmosphere on the banks of
Chhinda River, with an aim to educate, to
create/facilitate opportunity for
employment/self employment of the
tribal children who are neglected,
helpless and poverty stricken in the
We Believe:
'Giving education to a deprived child is like giving sight to a blind.,,
Facilities at Diganta
With the help and sponsorship ofS.M Charitable EducationalTrust,Berhampur and many othersponors SANKALP
couldestablishandrunsuchachallenging Charitable project i,e Reside ntia lSchoolfor triba I Children.
Student Strength
DIGANTA is presently home to500children and hascreated the infrastructure to eventually host 1000children.
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M alt
Yoga Class
Excellent achivment in the different compititions held by Fakhir Mohan Smruti Sansada
Teochers lroining & workshop by Mr. Kshyomo kor Behero before beginning of session 2019-20
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At-River Chhinda View(Patrakana), PO-Kasarda,Block-Niali,Dist-cuttack 754105,Odisha
f el -9 437 OO2s26I 8O93O7 77 25 I 8O93A7 7 7 41.
Website: wwwsankalpodisha,org Mail ld: