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On the return of our spiritual mentor, Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar
Sahib (Damat Barakatuhum) from his second journey to South Africa, some close
associates of his asked him to render some advice on the occasion of the completion
of the Holy Quran in their musjid. In spite of his extreme exhaustion, Hadhrat
accepted their request due to his close association with them. This discourse took
place although Hadhrat had for several years discontinued delivering talks in the
mosques in Ramadhan due to his physical weakness.
This discourse was delivered in the Khulafa-e-Rashideen Masjid of Shabe Mi'mar
Avenue in Gulshan Iqbal No.4 on 25 Ramadhan 1414 (7 March 1994) after Taraweeh
at 10.00 pm. It lasted for approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. Hadhrat
explained the temporariness of this world and man’s aim in life in a unique manner.
By listening to the discourse, the heart became detached from the love of this world
and desirous of the hereafter. It has been named 'Maqsad e Hayat' - The Purpose
of Life. May Allah accept it and make it beneficial for the ummah. May He make it a
perpetual charity for Hadhrat, the compiler and all those who assisted in its
publication. Ameen.
Compiled by Sayyid Ishrat Jameel (Meer Sahib)
By: Arif Billah Hazrat-e-Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab (damat barkatuhum)
Khanqah Imdadia Ashrafia - 4 -
What is the aim of Allah sending us to this world. When a person does not
understand the aim of any work, that work can never be correct. We should
therefore understand what is the aim of our life in this world. This world is a foreign
place for us while the hereafter is our actual homeland. First listen to the examples
of this world being a foreign place. People come from Kashmir, Quetta and different
parts of Pakistan to earn a living in Karachi. They earn some money and collect it.
When they return to their homeland, that is Kashmir, Quetta, Manserah, Hazarah or
wherever they come from, they take the money in cash and live there with
splendour. Or they purchase items like a chair, become a chairman and go from
here. They are then well respected and people praise them for having earned well in
Karachi. Thereafter they are invited everywhere for meals. The teacups of Karachi
are used for them. This shows that they understood their aim of going to a foreign
place. They did not use their foreign earnings in the foreign place. They did not use
their Karachi earnings in Karachi. They took it back to their homeland where they
were respected. Had they spent their Karachi earnings in Karachi, they would not
have been respected and people would have called them fools.
A Good Ending
Mulla Ali Qari lived in Hirat and then emigrated to Makkah. His grave is in Jannatul
Ma'la. He writes in the explanation of this hadith that whoever is granted the
sweetness of Iman will most certainly die with Iman because Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta'la will not grant the sweetness of Iman to one and then snatch it away. This is the
third reward for protecting the gaze. Therefore, do a transaction of a good ending
with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'la by protecting your gaze wherever there are women
eg. on the streets, airports, railway stations, shopping malls, etc. When the
sweetness of Iman enters the heart, it never comes out again.
Mulla Ali Qari (Rahimahullah) states that this hadith contains an indication to a good
ending - a life that ends on Iman. Today the sweetness of Iman is being distributed
in all places like the streets, airports and shopping malls. The condition is that one
must not stare at the shops fo these sweets, namely ghair mahram forms. If
someones's sugar is over the limit and he looks at a sweet shop, his sugar will not
increase by merely looking but one's gaze is such a dangerous thing that by merely
looking, the poison enters one.
Rasûlullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the one who merely looks at strange
women; he does not use her or speak to her has committed adultery of the eyes.
This is a hadith of Sahih Bukhari. I request the Ulama to have a look at this hadith in
Sahih Bukhari (vol.2 Kitabul Istizan). An evil glance is the adultery of the eyes. This
includes staring at beardless youth. Therefore, those who commit adultery of the
eyes and see dreams of becoming a saint should beat their heads. Is this the way to
become a saint?
By: Arif Billah Hazrat-e-Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab (damat barkatuhum)
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