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July 2014

The effects of increased learning

time on student academic and
nonacademic outcomes:
Findings from a
meta‑analytic review
Yael Kidron
Jim Lindsay
American Institutes for Research

Key findings

This report summarizes a review of rigorous research studies on increased

learning time. Findings across studies have been combined using meta-analysis
• Increased learning time programs improved literacy and math achievement when
instruction was led by certified teachers, though the effects were small.
• Effects varied by type of instruction. Programs that used a traditional instruction
style improved literacy and math achievement. Programs that used an experiential
learning instruction style improved student social-emotional skills. In both cases
the effects were small.
• Increased learning time improved the literacy achievement of students performing
below standards and the social-emotional skills of students with attention deficit/
hyperactivity disorder.

U.S. Department of Education At CNA

REL 2014–015

The National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE) conducts
unbiased large-scale evaluations of education programs and practices supported by federal
funds; provides research-based technical assistance to educators and policymakers; and
supports the synthesis and the widespread dissemination of the results of research and
evaluation throughout the United States.

July 2014

This report was prepared for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) under Contract
ED-IES-12-C-0005 by Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia administered by
CNA. The content of the publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of
IES or the U.S. Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial
products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

This REL report is in the public domain. While permission to reprint this publication is
not necessary, it should be cited as:

Kidron, Y., and Lindsay, J. (2014). The effects of increased learning time on student academic
and nonacademic outcomes: Findings from a meta-analytic review (REL 2014–015). Washing-
ton, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center
for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory
Appalachia. Retrieved from

This report is available on the Regional Educational Laboratory website at


Interest in increased learning time programs delivered beyond the regular school day has
grown (Stonehill et  al., 2011). These programs provide additional instruction in English
language arts, math, and other subjects and are meant to enhance students’ academic
interests and success (Redd et  al., 2012). The most common approaches include out-of-
school programs (before- and after-school and weekend programs); summer school; schools
with longer school days, weeks, or years; and year-round schools.

Numerous evaluations have tested the effects of such programs on students’ academic
knowledge, study skills, social skills, and motivation to learn. This meta-analysis examined
more than 7,000 studies, sorted them by scientific rigor, and identified 30 that used research
designs capable of yielding strong evidence about the outcomes of increased learning time.
In some cases the 30 studies found that increased learning time programs had a positive
effect on student outcomes; in other cases the studies found no positive effect. This sug-
gests that no single increased learning time program fits the needs of all students.

The information in this report should help practitioners decide how best to select and
implement an increased learning time approach. The programs were found, for example,
to improve academic outcomes when instruction was led by certified teachers. Ten studies
reported that literacy instruction was delivered by certified teachers and found a statisti-
cally significant positive effect on literacy achievement. Five studies reported that math
instruction was conducted by certified teachers and found a statistically significant positive
effect on math achievement. In both cases, however, the effects were small.

Programs that used a traditional instruction style (with the teacher responsible for the pro-
gression of activities and students following directions to complete tasks) improved academ-
ic outcomes in literacy (nine studies) and math (four studies). The effects were small for
both subjects. Programs that used an experiential learning instruction style (such as hands-
on, inquiry-based instruction) improved student social-emotional skill development (for
example, self-confidence and self-management; four studies). Again, the effects were small.

The findings also show that increased learning time can benefit students at risk of aca-
demic failure. Increased learning time improved the literacy achievement of students
performing below standards (three studies). Increased learning time also promoted the
social-emotional skill development (for example, emotional well-being and externalizing
behavior) of students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (three studies).

Programs that targeted specific student subgroups (such as struggling readers) and used
explicit instruction to teach well specified skills tended to show a positive effect on student
outcomes. Practitioners who wish to use increased learning time programs might there-
fore set goals and design activities based on a deep understanding of student needs and

Because this study examined the data one category at a time, it does not provide informa-
tion on potential interactions among implementation features, such as how the effective-
ness of experiential learning, might vary with teacher–student ratio or the frequency and
duration of classes. As the evidence base grows, studies like this one will be able to assess
the effects of increased learning time using multiple factors at the same time.


Summary i

Why this study? 1

What the study considered 3

Findings of the research review 5

Out-of-school programs had a positive effect on students’ academic motivation but not on
literacy or math achievement 5
Certified teachers and traditional instruction each had a positive effect on students’ academic
outcomes; experiential instruction had a positive effect on social-emotional skill development 6
Increased learning time had a positive effect on students performing below standards 10
Increased learning time can be effective in urban, suburban, and mixed locales 12
Increased learning time programs had a positive effect on the academic achievement of
elementary school students but a negative effect on the literacy achievement of middle
school students 13

Implications of the study 16

In sum, districts and schools should choose increased learning time programs based on a
program’s features as well as the student outcome targeted for improvement 16
Further research is needed on increased learning time 17

Study limitations 18

Appendix A. Research methodology A-1

Appendix B. Program descriptions of the 30 reviewed studies B-1

Appendix C. Program implementation in the reviewed studies C-1

Appendix D. Narrative summaries of the increased learning time programs evaluated in the
studies reviewed D-1

Notes Notes-1

References Ref-1

1 Approaches to increased learning time 2
2 Data sources and methodology 4
3 Comparison of findings to past meta-analyses of increased learning time 6
4 Definitions of instruction style and at-risk student subgroups 9

A1 Literature search and screening process A-1
A2 Number of studies, by sample characteristics A-7
A3 Number of studies, by program and study design characteristics A-8

1 Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by approach 5
2 Additional evidence on the effects of increased learning time programs, by approach 7
3 Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by instructor qualifications 8
4 Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by pedagogical approach 8
5 Additional evidence on the effects of increased learning time programs, by pedagogical
approach 10
6 Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by student subgroup 11
7 Additional evidence of the effects of increased learning time programs, by student subgroup 12
8 Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by locale 13
9 Additional evidence of the effects of increased learning time programs, by locale 14
10 Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by grade level 14
11 Additional evidence of the effects of increased learning time programs, by grade level 15
12 Program features, student groups, and circumstances under which increased learning
time produced a statistically significant effect 16
A1 Keywords used in academic database and Internet searches A-2
A2 Reasons for excluding studies during the advanced screening process A-6
B1 Program descriptions of the 30 reviewed studies B-1
C1 Program implementation in the reviewed studies C-1
D1 Effect sizes for 21st Century Community Learning Centers D-2
D2 Effect sizes for After School Matters D-3
D3 Effect sizes for After-School program (Baltimore, Maryland) D-3
D4 Effect sizes for AfterZone D-4
D5 Effect sizes for the Challenging Horizons Program D-5
D6 Effect sizes for District summer literacy program D-6
D7 Effect sizes for Early Risers’ Skills for Success D-6
D8 Effect size for Extended Learning Opportunities D-7
D9 Effect sizes for full-day kindergarten D-8
D10 Effect sizes for KindergARTen Summer Camp D-8
D11 Effect sizes for Los Angeles’ Better Educated Students for Tomorrow D-8
D12 Effect sizes for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Science,
Engineering, Mathematics, and Aerospace Academy D-9
D13 Effect sizes for reading clubs D-9
D14 Effect sizes for Read to Achieve D-10
D15 Effect sizes for Skill Building Summer School D-10
D16 Effect size for small group tutoring by Intervention Services, Inc. D-11
D17 Effect size for Teach Baltimore Summer Academy D-11
D18 Effect sizes for the Higher Achievement Program D-12
D19 Effect sizes for the Investigators’ Club D-13
D20 Effect size for writing clubs D-13
D21 Effect sizes for Youth Services–Child Care, Academic Assistance, Recreation, and
Enrichment D-13

Why this study?

Interest in increased learning time programs has grown in recent decades (Stonehill et al.,
2011). Such programs offer additional instruction in English language arts, math, and other
subjects to enhance students’ academic interests and success (Redd et al., 2012). Some stu-
dents lack vital foundational skills; these students may need several weeks of instruction
that delivers a supplemental curriculum. Increased learning time provides an opportunity
to offer supplemental instruction to enable struggling students to catch up (Gersten et al.,
2009; Gersten et al., 2008) and to match instruction with students’ learning styles (Beckett
et al., 2009).

Increased learning time programs are typically funded by federal grants, private founda-
tions, or other local resources. For example, in 2011 the U.S. Department of Education’s Given the variety of
21st Century Community Learning Centers funded afterschool programs for more than increased learning
1.6 million students in more than 10,000 school- and community-based centers across the time approaches,
country; the Appalachia Region is estimated to have more than 700 centers (Hammer & schools and
White, 2012; King, Kemp, Muller, Simmons, & Gorrell, 2005).
need credible
Given the variety of increased learning time approaches from which to choose (see box 1), about the types
schools and districts need credible information about the types and features of programs and features of
that are most likely to produce desired student outcomes. This systematic review of the programs that
empirical literature is therefore meant to provide information to both education prac- are most likely to
titioners and researchers. It is intended to help practitioners select and implement an produce desired
effective increased learning time program and help researchers identify areas for future student outcomes

A growing evidence base on the academic, social, and other benefits of increased learning
time programs has accompanied the growing interest in the programs. Several systematic
literature reviews have been conducted over the past decade. However, each review adopted
a specific focus. For example, two systematic reviews examined research on summer reme-
diation and enrichment programs (Cooper, Charlton, Valentine, & Muhlenbruck, 2000;
Terzian, Moore, & Hamilton, 2009), and two others investigated the effects of afterschool
and summer programs (Lauer et al., 2006; Zief, Lauver, & Maynard, 2006). Another review
focused on the effects of afterschool programs on social-emotional skill development
(Durlak, Weissberg, & Pachan, 2010). In addition to promoting academic knowledge and
skills, increased learning time programs may lead to other personal growth opportuni-
ties, including higher self-confidence, better interpersonal or study skills, and greater com-
mitment to school and learning (Davies & Peltz, 2012). A meta-analysis of afterschool
programs demonstrated a connection between these skills and success at school, finding
that participants in afterschool programs that included explicit instruction in social skills
significantly increased their positive social behaviors and academic achievement compared
with students in a control group (Durlak, Weissberg, & Pachan, 2010).

The specific focus of these reviews makes it difficult to consider findings across types of
programs and populations. This evidence review moves beyond past reviews by including
more recent research and employing a more rigorous approach for selecting studies. It also
draws on a broader evidence base, reviewing research on multiple types of increased learn-
ing time programs and student outcomes, with the aim of producing a more comprehen-
sive understanding of the characteristics of successful increased learning time programs.

Box 1. Approaches to increased learning time

This report defines increased learning time as programs that extend students’ exposure to
instruction beyond the traditional school day and, in some cases, beyond the traditional school
year (Stonehill et al., 2011). The most commonly adopted approaches include:
• Out-of-school programs: Enrichment and academic programs that operate during the school
year but outside regular school hours. These programs may take place before school, after
school, or during weekends. They may operate on school campuses or at other sites such
as community centers and college campuses.
• Summer schools: Study programs held during the summer, chiefly for supplementary and
remedial study.
• Expanded learning time schools: Schools that increase the number of hours in the school
day or the number of days in the school year for all students in one or more grade levels.
• Year-round schools: Schools that operate year-round and replace the long summer recess
with shorter breaks between school sessions (referred to as intersessions). Extended
school days may be offered during intersessions.

In addition to types of programs, other factors might also affect program effectiveness,
such as instructors’ qualifications and pedagogical practices used. For example, teaching
during increased learning time can augment the instruction that occurs during the regular
school day without replicating that instruction.  Afterschool, weekend, and summertime
instruction offers opportunities to recruit additional instructors from the community (such
as college students, parents, and individuals with an interest in teaching) and integrate
them into programs to boost teacher–student ratios. Instructors can connect their teach-
ing to students’ interests and experiences and encourage inquiry and exploration (Beckett
et al., 2009).

Two examples of programs that employ additional factors to increase their effectiveness are
reading clubs and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Science,
Engineering, Mathematics, and Aerospace Academy out-of-school science program. The
reading clubs are before- or after-school programs for grade 2 students who struggle with
reading (Berninger, Abbott, Vermeulen, & Fulton, 2006). The club format is intended to
motivate students to spend extra time on reading. Students have to whisper the secret
password chosen by each club and have their hand stamped every time they enter a club
session. Activities are designed to be fun and engaging. Each session begins with an activ-
ity called “You [sic] Got to Laugh.” Students select riddles and jokes from a collection
provided by the teachers and read them to each other. Once a month students vote on
their favorite jokes, scoring them on a “laugh-o-meter.” The NASA out-of-school science
program, which operates from institutions of higher education that target racial/ethnic
minority students across the country, is directed to populations typically underserved and
underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (Martinez and Cosenti-
no de Cohen, 2010). The program teaches elementary and secondary school students to
problem solve real-life situations while completing projects and learning science.

This review also estimates the effects of increased learning time on various student sub-
groups. Knowing the effects of increased learning time on specific student groups (rather
than on the overall student population) can guide program planning. For example, research
has shown that students from economically disadvantaged households tend to have fewer

learning opportunities and experience a less supportive learning environment than their
more affluent peers (Reardon, 2011). One example of difference in learning opportuni-
ties is loss in reading skills during summer recess (Allington, 2010; Cooper, Nye, Charl-
ton, Lindsay, & Greathouse, 1996; Downey, von Hippel, & Broh, 2004). Lack of access to
books, encouragement to read, and reading support during summer recess, compounded
year after year, may be one of several reasons that students from disadvantaged households
are consistently outperformed in reading by their more affluent peers (Allington, 2010).
Offering additional reading support beyond the regular school day to students from eco-
nomically disadvantaged households might help close the achievement gap.

Increased learning time is intended not only for struggling students but also for high-
potential students with limited learning opportunities and for students who perform well
at school and seek additional learning opportunities (Mahoney, Parente, & Zigler, 2009).
Such enrichment activities might boost the skills, academic engagement, education aspi-
rations, and self-confidence of high-potential students from low-income backgrounds who
otherwise might not have access to such education programs (VanTassel-Baska & Stam-
baugh, 2007). For example, some programs use new educational technologies to help stu-
dents understand ideas in science and the physical world. Some of these programs allow
students to express their understanding and ideas in creative ways (Finkelstein & Mayhew,

What the study considered

The meta-analysis was guided by five research questions:

• To what extent do the four types of increased learning time approaches (out-of-
school programs, summer schools, expanded learning time schools, and year-round
schools) affect student outcomes?
• What are the effects of increased learning time program characteristics, such as
instructors’ qualifications, instruction approach, and teacher–student ratio?
• Are increased learning time programs effective for students at risk of academic
• Are increased learning time programs effective for students in urban, suburban,
and rural schools?
• Are increased learning time programs effective for students in elementary and sec-
ondary grade levels?

Box 2 summarizes the data sources and methodology used for this literature review; appen-
dix A provides more detail.

Box 2. Data sources and methodology

More than 7,000 studies of increased learning time programs were identified for possible
review. Of these studies 165 experimental and quasi-experimental studies were identified and
screened (see appendix A for more on the review process). Reviewers excluded 135 of these
studies in the advanced screening process (see table A2 in appendix A for the primary reasons
for excluding each study). Two-thirds of the studies that did not meet the advanced evidence
screen were quasi-experimental design studies that did not establish the baseline equivalence
of the intervention and comparison groups. That left 30 relevant studies.
The 30 studies were conducted relatively recently (half were published within the last five
years). The most commonly represented increased learning time approach in the data was out-
of-school time. No studies of expanded learning time schools or year-round schools met the
screening criteria (except studies of full-day kindergarten), so no conclusions could be drawn
for those approaches. Appendixes B and C detail the study, program, and sample characteris-
tics for each of the 30 studies. Appendix D describes the 21 programs implemented in these
Meta-analysis was used to summarize the findings across the 30 studies that met  all
screening criteria (see appendix A for the statistical techniques used). The effects of all
relevant studies were combined to arrive at a single estimate of the size of the effect (the
summary effect). Meta-analysis increases the power of statistical analyses, detecting interven-
tion effects in a set of studies that individually could not detect effects (Cohn & Becker, 2003).
Meta-analytic techniques can also be used to determine whether particular features of studies
are related to the size of the effect estimate.
Several features of the meta-analysis should be kept in mind when interpreting the results:
• This review uses an effect size of 0.25 as a benchmark of “educational significance,” as
recommended by Hill, Bloom, Black, and Lipsey (2008). The What Works Clearinghouse
terminology of “substantively important” is used when referring to this benchmark.
• Not all studies focusing on a particular program type examined the same outcomes. For
example, some studies that examined the effect of out-of-school programs focused on
academic outcomes (such as literacy or math achievement) while others looked at non-
academic outcomes (such as social-emotional skill development).
• Research evidence that is based on fewer than three studies may be insufficient to provide
confident answers to the study’s research questions. Therefore, effect sizes based on one
or two studies are presented separately.

Findings of the research review

This section details the findings for the report’s five research questions. These are based on
the 30 studies that were analyzed using meta-analysis approaches, which are outlined in
appendix A.

Across all student subgroups, increased learning time programs had a positive effect on students’
academic motivation but not on literacy or math achievement

Out-of-school programs (before- and after-school and weekend programs) had a statistical-
ly significant but small1 positive effect on students’ academic motivation (table 1). There
was no evidence of effect on literacy achievement, math achievement, or social-emotional
skill development.2 Box 3 compares the findings of the current study with those of other There is insufficient
meta-analyses of the research on increased learning time. evidence to
suggest that
These results portray the extent of change in students’ knowledge and skills regardless increased learning
time is an effective
of their academic needs, grade level, or socioeconomic background. There is insufficient
approach for
evidence to suggest that increased learning time is an effective approach for promoting the promoting the
academic outcomes of all students in all settings. academic outcomes
of all students
There are other studies (from the set of 30 in this synthesis) that are suggestive of a few in all settings
program effects. As noted in box 2 however, there are too few (that is, only one or two
studies) that examined the effect of the same increased learning time approach on the
same student outcome from which to draw a firm conclusion. In the interest of being com-
prehensive, statistically significant findings from this limited evidence base are described
here separately (table 2). Findings from the limited research base are shown because, in
addition to suggesting possible program effects, the information also highlights areas in
which more research is needed.

Table 1. Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by approach

95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Increased Hedges’ ga
Number learning time (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies approach deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

Literacy 7 Out-of-school –0.04 0.08 –0.21 0.12 –0.51 0.61

achievement 6 Summer school 0.16 0.10 –0.04 0.36 1.57 0.12
5 Out-of-school 0.03 0.02 –0.02 0.08 1.34 0.18
10 Out-of-school 0.04* 0.02 0.00c 0.08 2.05 0.04
11 Out-of-school 0.03 0.04 –0.05 0.10 0.73 0.46
skill development

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant.
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
c. Greater than 0 but less than 0.005.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Box 3. Comparison of findings to past meta‑analyses of increased learning time

This review’s findings on the effects of out-of-school programs on literacy and math achieve-
ment are consistent with the summary effects reported by Zief, Lauver, and Maynard (2006).
Their meta-analysis, which was based on six experimental design studies, did not find a statis-
tically significant effect on literacy or math achievement. In contrast, a meta-analysis by Lauer
et al. (2006) found statistically significant effects on literacy (0.13) and math (0.17), though
the summary effects were not substantively important (the effect sizes were smaller than
0.25; see box 2).
This review found that out-of-school programs had a negligible effect on social-emotional
skill development (0.03). This is in contrast to a meta-analysis of 67 studies of out-of-school
programs that reported a statistically significant effect on social-emotional skill development,
including reduced problem behavior (effect size = 0.19), increased positive behavior (0.19),
increased school bonding (0.14), and more positive self-perceptions (0.34; Durlak, Weissberg,
& Pachan, 2010). Unlike the current review, which includes only group-based increased learn-
ing time programs, the 67 studies included both one-on-one and group-based interventions,
some of which offered interventions during the regular school day as well.
This review found that full-day kindergarten had a small, statistically significant effect on
math achievement; however, this finding is based on only two studies and should be interpret-
ed with caution (see table 2). Promising results for full-day kindergarten were also found in a
meta-analysis of 40 studies, which showed a statistically significant and substantially import-
ant effect on academic achievement (Cooper, Allen, Patall, & Dent, 2010). Yet, unlike the
current review, that meta-analysis included mostly studies with a less rigorous study design
(for example, the studies did not use comparable control groups).
This review did not find that summer schools had a statistically significant effect on student
outcomes. Another meta-analysis, with 41 studies of summer schools, reported a statistically
significant positive effect on literacy achievement (effect size = 0.26) and math (0.26; Cooper
et al., 2000). However, the 41 studies in that meta-analysis included mostly studies with less
rigorous study design (for example, the studies did not use comparable control groups). In
addition, the 41 studies evaluated remediation programs for struggling students (for additional
information about increased learning time programs for struggling students, see the findings
for the third research question).

Two studies suggest that full-day kindergarten may have a statistically significant but small
positive effect on math achievement. Evidence from two other studies suggests that out-of-
school programs may have a statistically significant and substantively important positive
effect on study skills. However, these findings should be interpreted with caution because
they are based on limited evidence.

Certified teachers and traditional instruction each had a positive effect on students’ academic
outcomes; experiential instruction had a positive effect on social-emotional skill development

Employing certified teachers had a statistically significant but small positive effect on stu-
dents’ literacy achievement and math achievement (table 3). These findings support expert
recommendations to employ certified teachers in increased learning time programs. Certified
teachers are more familiar with state standards and can help align instruction in out-of-school
programs and summer schools with the curriculum and expectations of schools and districts
(Beckett et al., 2009). Analyses focusing on the teacher−student ratio did not find that group

Table 2. Additional evidence on the effects of increased learning time programs, by approach
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Increased Hedges’ ga
Number learning time (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies approach deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

2 0.13 0.14 –0.14 0.41 0.96 0.34
2 time (school year 0.09 0.15 –0.20 0.38 0.62 0.53
and summer)
2 0.10* 0.02 0.06 0.14 4.91 0.00
2 time (school year 0.08 0.05 –0.02 0.19 1.61 0.11
and summer)

1 Summer school –0.23 0.17 –0.57 0.11 –1.33 0.18

2 Out-of-school 0.87* 0.23 0.42 1.32 3.78 0.00

1 Summer school 0.14 0.14 –0.14 0.41 0.97 0.33

1 time (school year –0.02 0.10 –0.23 0.18 –0.24 0.81
and summer)
1 Summer school 0.12 0.17 –0.20 0.45 0.75 0.45
skill development

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant but reflects findings of a small number of studies.
Note: Bold value indicates substantively important effect size (at least 0.25).
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

size in academic instruction was associated with the statistically significant or substantively
important effects of increased learning time programs, so those findings are not reported.

Traditional instruction programs had a statistically significant but small positive effect on
students’ literacy achievement and math achievement (table 4; see box 4 for definitions
of instruction styles). Experiential education programs had a statistically significant but
small positive effect on students’ social-emotional skill development. Although educators
have conceptualized experiential education as a means for engaging students and sparking
their interest in learning (Petress, 2008), the four studies reviewed that measured academic
motivation provide no evidence that this instruction style led to improved academic out-
comes. Guided practice showed no statistically significant effect on any outcome.

Additional evidence from a more limited research base of one or two studies suggests that expe-
riential education may have a statistically significant and substantively important positive effect
on literacy achievement (table 5). In addition, two studies (that focused on students with atten-
tion deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD) suggest that increased learning time programs that
used guided practice (with academic materials such as textbooks and worksheets) may have a
statistically significant and substantively important positive effect on students’ study skills.

Table 3. Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by instructor qualifications
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Hedges’ ga
Number Instructor (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies qualification deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

6 Noncertified –0.08 0.07 –0.22 0.06 –1.08 0.28

10 Certified 0.18* 0.07 0.04 0.32 2.60 0.01

5 Noncertified 0.03 0.03 –0.02 0.09 1.35 0.18

5 Certified 0.09* 0.02 0.05 0.13 4.90 0.00

8 Noncertified 0.04 0.02 –0.01 0.08 1.55 0.12

3 Certified 0.04 0.04 –0.03 0.11 1.05 0.29

9 Noncertified 0.04 0.04 –0.04 0.13 1.01 0.31

skill development
3 Certified 0.01 0.06 –0.12 0.13 0.08 0.93

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant.
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Table 4. Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by pedagogical approach

95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Hedges’ ga
Number Pedagogical (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies approach deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

6 Guided practice –0.11 0.07 –0.25 0.03 –1.61 0.11

9 Traditional 0.14* 0.07 0.01 0.27 2.04 0.04

6 Guided practice 0.03 0.02 –0.01 0.08 1.44 0.15

4 Traditional 0.10* 0.02 0.06 0.13 5.01 0.00

4 Experiential 0.06 0.04 –0.02 0.14 1.52 0.13

6 Guided practice 0.03 0.03 –0.03 0.09 1.08 0.28

4 Experiential 0.11* 0.01 0.09 0.13 11.32 0.00

skill development
8 Guided practice –0.02 0.02 –0.06 0.01 –1.19 0.23

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant.
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Box 4. Definitions of instruction style and at‑risk student subgroups

Instruction style

Experiential education: A form of explicit instruction. It differs from traditional instruction

because it uses hands-on activities, project-based learning, and field trips as the main learn-
ing activities. Examples of experiential education activities reported in the studies reviewed
include working with lab equipment in science centers, writing for the school newspaper, and
designing projects in science and technology.

Guided practice: Instruction that provides students with time and supervision as they work
independently on their tasks. Students may interact with adults as they ask questions and
receive feedback on their work.

Traditional instruction: A form of explicit instruction and the most common instruction
approach in schools today. The teacher is responsible for the progression of activities and the
explicit instruction of the concepts and skills. Students follow directions to complete tasks,
and the teacher checks on their understanding through participation in class, student prod-
ucts, quizzes, and exams.

At‑risk student subgroups

Students from low-income households: Students enrolled in schools with high rates of student
poverty as defined by eligibility for Title I, Part A, funds.

Students performing below standards: Students performing below academic standards who
are identified based on teachers’ observations of performance in class or on district assess-
ments (for students in kindergarten–grade 2) and based on academic grades and scores on
state standardized tests and teacher concerns about academic progress (all other students).

Students with chronic behavior problems: Students with a high number and severity of dis-
ciplinary infractions on school grounds, such as disrespect for school personnel and school
property, and involvement in violent or illegal behavior.1

Students with individualized education programs: As mandated by the Individuals with Dis-
abilities Education Improvement Act, students with disabilities who are eligible for special
education services (Kleiner, Porch, & Farris, 2002). The research team reviewed studies that
included students with different types of special needs. However, only one type of disabil-
ity, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), was analyzed in studies with sufficient
rigor to be included in the review. The disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of
inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more frequently displayed and severe than is
typically observed for a specified age group. These difficulties interfere with developmentally
appropriate social and academic functioning (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). About
8.4 percent of children ages 3–17 are diagnosed with the disorder (Bloom, Cohen, & Freeman,
1. Because of the small number of studies that included students with behavior problems (one measuring
literacy skills and another measuring social-emotional skills), it is not possible to draw conclusions about the
effectiveness of increased learning time for this student subgroup. Moreover, one study focused on literacy
instruction only and did not address students’ social-emotional skills, and the other study included explicit
social-emotional learning instruction.

Table 5. Additional evidence on the effects of increased learning time programs, by pedagogical approach
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Hedges’ ga
Number Pedagogical (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies approach deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

2 Experiential 0.53* 0.19 0.16 0.90 2.80 0.01

1 Experiential 0.14 0.14 –0.14 0.41 0.97 0.33

2 Guided practice 0.87* 0.23 0.42 1.32 3.78 0.00

1 Traditional –0.02 0.11 –0.24 0.19 –0.23 0.82

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant but reflects findings of a small number of studies.
Note: Bold values indicate substantively important effect size (at least 0.25).
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Increased learning time had a positive effect on students performing below standards

Increased learning time programs had a statistically significant and substantially important
positive effect on the literacy achievement of students performing below standards (table 6;
see box 4 for definitions of “students performing below standards” and other at-risk student

Increased learning time programs also yielded a statistically significant but small effect on
the literacy and math achievement of students who are not at risk.

Finally, increased learning time programs had a statistically significant and substantive-
ly important positive effect on the social-emotional skill development of students with

Table 6. Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by student subgroup
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Hedges’ ga
Number Student (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies subgroup deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

3 0.56* 0.13 0.29 0.82 4.13 0.00
below standards
Literacy From low-income
11 0.02 0.02 –0.02 0.06 1.03 0.30
achievement households

4 Not at risk 0.10* 0.02 0.06 0.14 4.99 0.00

From low-income
7 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.08 1.84 0.07
Math households
3 Not at risk 0.09* 0.02 0.06 0.13 4.72 0.00

Academic From low-income

9 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.08 1.82 0.07
motivation households

3 With ADHD 0.46* 0.20 0.08 0.85 2.36 0.02

skill development From low-income
9 0.01 0.04 –0.06 0.08 0.30 0.76

ILT is increased learning time. ADHD is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

* Statistically significant.
Note: Bold values indicate substantively important effect size (at least 0.25).
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Additional evidence from a more limited research base of one or two studies suggests that
increased learning time programs may have a statistically significant and substantively
important negative effect on the literacy achievement of students with chronic behavior
problems (table 7). In contrast, increased learning time programs may have a statistical-
ly significant and substantively important positive effect on study skills for students with

Table 7. Additional evidence of the effects of increased learning time programs, by student subgroup
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Hedges’ ga
Number Student (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies subgroup deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

Literacy Behavior
1 –0.78* 0.08 –0.95 –0.61 –9.19 0.00
achievement problems
Math Below
1 0.19 0.24 –0.29 0.67 0.78 0.44
achievement standards

2 With ADHD 0.87* 0.23 0.42 1.32 3.78 0.00

skills Behavior
1 0.14 0.14 –0.14 0.41 0.97 0.33

1 With ADHD 0.29 0.30 –0.31 0.88 0.94 0.35

1 Not at risk 0.04 0.11 –0.17 0.25 0.34 0.73

Social-emotional Behavior
1 0.12 0.16 –0.20 0.45 0.76 0.45
skill development problems

ILT is increased learning time. ADHD is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

* Statistically significant but reflects findings of a small number of studies.
Note: Bold values indicate substantively important effect size (at least 0.25) but reflect findings of a small number of studies.
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Increased learning time can be effective in urban, suburban, and mixed locales

Increased learning time programs had a statistically significant and substantively important
positive effect on literacy achievement for students in suburban school districts (table 8).
Increased learning time programs had a statistically significant but small positive effect
on math achievement and academic motivation of students in mixed locales. Researchers
have pointed to the greater accessibility of community-based resources in suburban and
urban areas compared with those in rural areas. These resources may include partner-
ships with local colleges and nonprofit organizations that can provide curriculum devel-
opment expertise and support staff (Grineski, 2003; Khashu & Dougherty, 2007). In two
of the studies reviewed, the program was developed and supervised by a higher education

Table 8. Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by locale
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Hedges’ ga
Number (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies Locale deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

3 Mixed 0.08 0.11 –0.14 0.30 0.74 0.46

3 Unknown 0.09 0.17 –0.24 0.42 0.52 0.60

3 Suburban 0.28* 0.14 0.01 0.56 2.00 0.05

8 Urban –0.02 0.07 –0.16 0.13 –0.24 0.81

4 Mixed 0.09* 0.02 0.05 0.12 4.97 0.00

4 Urban 0.04 0.03 –0.02 0.09 1.28 0.20

4 Mixed 0.05* 0.02 0.00 0.09 2.15 0.03

6 Urban 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.06 1.89 0.06

3 Mixed –0.03 0.04 –0.10 –0.05 –0.64 0.52

skill development
7 Urban 0.06 0.04 –0.01 0.14 1.62 0.11

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant.
Note: Bold value indicates substantively important effect size (at least 0.25).
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Additional evidence based on a more limited research base of one study suggests that
increased learning time programs may have a statistically significant and substantive-
ly important positive effect on study skills for students in urban and suburban districts
(table 9). However, this finding should be interpreted with extreme caution because it is
based on a single study.

Increased learning time programs had a positive effect on the academic achievement of elementary
school students but a negative effect on the literacy achievement of middle school students

Increased learning time programs had a statistically significant positive effect on the lit-
eracy and math achievement of elementary school students (table 10). However, among
studies that looked at students in middle school, increased learning time programs had
no effect on math achievement and a statistically significant negative effect on literacy
achievement. Neither the positive effect for elementary school students nor the negative
effect for middle school students was substantively important.

Table 9. Additional evidence of the effects of increased learning time programs, by locale
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Increased Hedges’ ga
Number learning time (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies approach deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

1 Unknown –0.23 0.17 –0.57 0.11 –1.33 0.18

1 Rural 0.19 0.24 –0.29 0.67 0.78 0.44

1 Rural 0.14 0.14 –0.14 0.41 0.97 0.33

1 Suburban 0.73* 0.35 0.05 1.41 2.10 0.04

1 Urban 0.97* 0.31 0.37 1.57 3.19 0.00

1 Unknown 0.35 0.31 –0.25 0.95 1.16 0.25

skill development
1 Rural 0.12 0.15 –0.17 0.42 0.81 0.42

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant but reflects findings of a small number of studies.
Note: Bold values indicate substantively important effect size (at least 0.25) but reflect findings of a small number of studies.
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Table 10. Summary effects of increased learning time programs, by grade level
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Hedges’ ga
Number Grade (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies level deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

13 Elementary 0.07* 0.01 0.04 0.09 4.7 0.00

4 Middle –0.21* 0.05 –0.30 –0.12 –4.64 0.00

6 Elementary 0.07* 0.02 0.03 0.11 3.38 0.00

4 Middle 0.05 0.06 –0.06 0.16 0.94 0.35

3 Elementary 0.02 0.04 –0.06 0.10 0.49 0.62

6 Middle 0.07 0.04 –0.01 0.16 1.65 0.10

4 Elementary –0.03 0.03 –0.08 0.03 –0.88 0.38

skill development
7 Middle 0.01 0.04 –0.06 0.08 0.32 0.75

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant.
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Additional evidence from a more limited research base (of one study) suggests that
increased learning time programs may have a statistically significant and substantively
important positive effect on students’ study skills at the elementary and middle school
levels, as well as a statistically significant but small positive effect on the social-emotional
skill development of high school students (table 11). However, these findings should be
interpreted with extreme caution because they are based on a single study.

Table 11. Additional evidence of the effects of increased learning time programs, by grade level
95 percent Hedges’ g and 95 percent
confidence intervalb confidence interval
Hedges’ ga
Number (standard Standard Lower Upper –1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Outcome of studies Grade level deviations) error limit limit Z‑score p‑value Favors non-ILT Favors ILT

1 Elementary 0.14 0.14 –0.14 0.41 0.97 0.33

Study Elementary
1 0.73* 0.35 0.05 1.41 2.10 0.04
skills and middle

1 Middle 0.97* 0.31 0.37 1.57 3.19 0.00

1 0.04 0.11 –0.19 0.26 0.32 0.75
Academic and middle
1 High 0.03 0.05 –0.08 0.14 0.55 0.58

1 High 0.11* 0.03 0.05 0.17 3.77 0.00
skill development

ILT is increased learning time.

* Statistically significant but reflects findings of a small number of studies.
Note: Bold values indicate substantively important effect size (at least 0.25) but reflect findings of a small number of studies.
a. Average weighted effect size.
b. There is a 95 percent probability that the “true” effect size lies between the lower and upper limits. If the interval includes 0, the
average weighted effect size is not statistically significant.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

Implications of the study

Given the variety of increased learning time programs from which to choose, schools and
districts need credible information on the types, features, and conditions under which
increased learning time programs are effective. Researchers also need direction on areas for
future research. The evidence base reviewed for this report identified 15 statistically signif-
icant positive effects of increased learning time programs on student outcomes (table 12).

In sum, districts and schools should choose increased learning time programs based on a program’s
features as well as the student outcome targeted for improvement

Not all increased learning time programs are equally effective. This review shows that the
details about the programs—from the types of students targeted to the specific conditions of Not all increased
implementation—matter. For example, increased learning time programs had a small but sta- learning time
tistically significant positive effect on the literacy and math achievement of elementary school programs are
students. In contrast, increased learning time programs had a small but statistically significant equally effective.
This review
negative effect on the literacy achievement of middle school students and no discernible effect
shows that the
on the mathematics achievement of middle school students; this finding indicates that little is details about the
known about effective increased learning time programs for middle school students. programs—from
the types of
The primary findings from this review indicate that increased learning time programs were students targeted
effective when: to the specific
• Certified teachers delivered the increased learning time academic instruction. Increased conditions of
learning time programs that employed certified teachers had a statistically implementation—

Table 12. Program features, student groups, and circumstances under which
increased learning time produced a statistically significant effect
Positive effect from increased learning time
Negative effect
from increased Implementation
Outcome learning time features Student groups Settings
Literacy Middle school Certified teachers Students performing Suburban locales
achievement students (10 studies) below standards (3 studies)
(4 studies) (3 studies)
Traditional Students not at risk Elementary school
instruction (4 studies) (13 studies)
(9 studies)
Math Certified teachers Students not at risk Students from a
achievement (5 studies) (3 studies) variety of locales
(4 studies)
Traditional Elementary school
instruction (6 studies)
(4 studies)
Academic Out-of-school Students from a
motivation program variety of locales
(10 studies) (4 studies)
Social-emotional Experiential Students with
skill development instruction attention deficit/
(4 studies) hyperactivity
disorder (3 studies)

Note: Bold cells indicate findings that are substantively important (effect size of at least 0.25).
Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

significant but small positive effect on students’ literacy achievement and math
achievement. In contrast, programs that employed instructors who were not certi-
fied (such as graduate students and volunteers) had no effect on students’ academic
• Program facilitators used traditional instruction. Traditional instruction includes
organized and focused lessons, clear articulation of learning objectives, and a
sequenced demonstration of skills. Increased learning time programs that used
traditional instruction had a statistically significant but small positive effect on
students’ literacy and math achievement. In contrast, programs based on guided
practice (that is, time and supervision as students work independently on their
tasks) without initial, explicit instruction did not improve students’ academic
• Program facilitators used experiential instruction. Experiential education uses hands- Additional rigorous
on activities, project-based learning, and field trips as the main learning activities. research evidence
Increased learning time programs that incorporated experiential education had a on expanded
statistically significant but small positive effect on students’ social-emotional skill learning time
schools and year-
development, including self-esteem, prosocial behavior, and self-regulation.
round schools is
• Specific student subgroups were targeted. Broad program inclusion criteria using clas- needed to inform
sification categories such as “low-income households” are not sufficient to inform increased learning
effective program design. In the research reviewed, effective programs targeted time practices as
specific subgroups of students (for example, students performing below literacy part of the regular
standards) based on district, school, and program assessments and teacher reports school schedule
and offered a curriculum designed to address students’ needs, such as:
• Students struggling to meet grade-level standards in English language arts.
Increased learning time programs in reading and writing had a statistically
significant but small positive effect on literacy achievement for students at
or above academic standards and a statistically significant and substantively
important positive effect on literacy achievement for students below academic
• Students with ADHD. Afterschool activities for middle school students with
ADHD produced a statistically significant but small positive effect on their
social-emotional skill development (see caution below).

Further research is needed on increased learning time

The results of this report point to the need for additional studies to improve the knowl-
edge base on increased learning time programs. Effective implementation features were
identified based primarily on evaluations of increased learning time programs implement-
ed outside the regular school day. Of the 30 studies in the analysis, 26 evaluated out-of-
school programs and summer schools. Additional rigorous research evidence on expanded
learning time schools and year-round schools is needed to inform increased learning time
practices as part of the regular school schedule. Additional work is also needed to help
practitioners understand the tradeoffs when adopting different types of programs.

The conclusions of the analysis reported here are based primarily on outcomes of ele-
mentary and middle school students. Only one study reported an effect on high school
students. Furthermore, experts suggest that increased learning time programs for high
school students should be conceptualized differently from programs for elementary and
middle school students in terms of goals, content, structure, and organization (Friedman &

Bleiberg, 2007). Additional rigorous research is needed on the effects of increased learning
time programs on high school students’ academic and nonacademic outcomes, including
their career and college readiness.

Finally, this review and meta-analysis identified only studies that examined increased
learning time programs in urban and suburban locales. No recently conducted rigorous
studies on the effects of increased learning time programs in rural settings were found.
Future studies should examine whether the effects found for increased learning time pro-
grams in urban and suburban settings apply in rural settings as well.

Study limitations

This meta-analysis used a systematic search and screening process that prevented the
research team’s personal biases from affecting the findings and interpretations. Despite this
strength, the review is not without limitations. First, readers can have more confidence in
findings that are based on a larger number of studies (three or more). When the summary
effect is based on a small number of studies (one or two), the estimates are often less stable,
leading to misleading measures of effect sizes and confidence intervals.

Second, the analyses involved in examining research questions 2–5 only suggest the con-
ditions under which student effects are largest. However, there are instances when the
characteristics being examined are confounded with program effects, making interpreta-
tion difficult (Lipsey, 2003). One example involves interpreting whether increased learn-
ing time programs are especially effective at improving the study skills of students with
ADHD. The same studies that looked at this relationship also noted that university staff
implemented these programs. Thus, with the meta-analytic findings alone, it cannot be
determined which program or student characteristic actually influenced the outcome.

A third limitation involves the limited breadth of characteristics that have been rigor-
ously examined within the pool of 30 relevant and rigorous studies. Schools and districts
looking to apply the findings of this report to their programs should take into consider-
ation other factors that have received less attention in the research but may influence
the effectiveness of their programs, such as the nature of the facility (Tanner, 2009) and
program management and social climate, as indicated by supervision styles, staff turnover,
and program policies pertaining to student behavior (Cross, Gottfredson, Wilson, Rorie, &
Connell, 2010).

Appendix A. Research methodology

This appendix discusses the literature search and screening process, coding program char-
acteristics, and the calculations and meta-analytic procedures used in the study.

Literature search and screening

Figure A1 shows a flow chart of the literature search and screening process.

The initial literature search cast a wide net to include all published and nonpublished
research on increased learning time. The purpose of this extensive search was to ensure

Figure A1. Literature search and screening process

Researchers and
Twelve literature References Foundation Internet funders of increased
databases of reports and association search engine learning time
websites programs and

Initial pool: 7,000 studies

Initial screen criteria

• Focus on increased learning time programs with academic component
• Published since 1998
• Journal articles, technical reports, and doctoral dissertations
• Students in grades K–12
• Conducted in the United States
• Randomized controlled trial or quasi-experimental design

Screened pool: 165 studies

Advanced screen criteria

• Meets WWC standards (with or without reservations)
• Measured and analyzed at least one student-level outcome

Final pool: 30 studies

Review of implementation characteristics

(for example, duration, instructional approach, instructor qualifications)


Source: Authors.

that the review included all the relevant research about increased learning time. This
strategy identified more than 7,000 research reports.4

Five strategies were used to locate reports:

1. Used search strings in 12 literature databases (see table A1 for keywords):

• Academic Search Premier.
• Education Research Complete.
• Education Full Text (H. W. Wilson).
• Professional Development Collection.
• ProQuest.
• PsycEXTRA.
• PsycINFO.
• Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.
• SocINDEX with Full Text.

2. Searched references of reports

Many research studies mention the results of prior evaluations. Therefore, reviewers
examined the references in each of the studies located through databases search. In
addition, the reviewers examined references of the meta-analysis and research review

Table A1. Keywords used in academic database and Internet searches

Topic Intervention Evaluation
Increased learning time Program Evaluation
Expanded learning time School Effects of
Extended learning time Intervention Experiment
Expanded learning school Tier 2 Comparison group
Expanded learning opportunities Tier 3 Control group
After school Response to intervention Outcome
Before school Remediation
Weekend Acceleration
Summer Credit recovery
Longer school day College readiness
Longer school year Transition to middle school
Out-of-school Transition to high school
School calendar Enrichment
Year-round school Clubs
Full-day kindergarten
All-day kindergarten
Extended day
Expanded day
Length of day

Source: Authors.

reports (Cooper et al., 2010; Cooper et al., 2000; Beckett et al., 2009; Durlak et al.,
2010; Lauer et al., 2006; Terzian et al., 2009).

3. Reviewed foundation and association websites

The review team searched websites to identify research reports and references to pub-
lished articles. The list below includes the links of websites searched.
• Afterschool Alliance:
• Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement: http://www.
• Find Youth Info:
• Harvard Family Research Project:
• Harvard Family Research Project Out-of-School Time Program Research and Eval-
uation Database:
• National Association for Year-Round Education:
• National Center on Time and Learning:
• National Institute on Out-of-School Time:
• National Summer Learning Association:
• National Network of Statewide Afterschool Networks: http://www.statewideafter
• Time to Succeed Coalition:
• Southern Regional Education Board:
• U.S. Department of Education website, including the National Center for Educa-
tion Evaluation and Regional Assistance pages:
• The Wallace Foundation: Summer and Extended Learning Time: http://www.

4. Used Internet search engine

The same keywords used to search academic databases were also entered into the
Google search engine to identify publicly available research reports.

5. Made inquiries to researchers and funders of increased learning time programs and

The research team sent e-mails to increased learning time researchers and to foun-
dations that have funded research on increased learning time. This data collection
activity aimed to identify unpublished research.

Screening process

Study abstracts and in some cases full study reports of the more than 7,000 experimental
and quasi-experimental studies identified in the literature search were reviewed. To pass
the initial screen, studies had to meet several criteria to ensure that they were relevant to
the topic, were relevant to the current education system, and used a quantitative research
design that included a comparison group.5 This process screened out 6,835 studies, leaving
165 studies that progressed to advanced screening.

To be included in the review, a study had to meet the following relevancy criteria:
• Topic relevance. The report had to summarize a study about the effect of an
increased learning time program or school on student outcomes. Eligible increased
learning time programs included expanded learning time schools (schools that
add to the state-required minimum annual instruction hours by lengthening the
school day, week, or year) and out-of-school programs that included academic
instruction (out-of-school programs that included only sports activities were not
eligible for review, nor were afterschool care programs that included homework
help but no purposeful academic instruction). Evaluations of multicomponent
educational initiatives (such as evaluations of charter schools) in which the effects
of increased learning time cannot be disentangled were excluded from the review.
• Timeframe relevance. The scope of the review was limited to reports of studies made
available since 1998. This timeframe complements earlier reviews on similar topics
conducted in the 1990s and is more relevant to the current education system; bud-
getary constraints prohibited reviewing studies published earlier.
• Publication status. To be reviewed, a study report could be published or unpub-
lished.6 In either case the manuscript had to be considered final by the study
authors (versions labeled “draft” were not reviewed).
• Sample relevance. The study had to satisfy two sample-related criteria:
• Grade levels. The study assessed outcomes of K–12 students. Studies assessing
preschool students only were not eligible for inclusion. Studies that assessed
outcomes of college students were included if the intervention evaluated was
conducted within the range of K–12 grade levels (for example, a high school
summer bridge program to promote academic outcomes during the freshman
year in college).
• Location of the intervention. Eligible studies included samples in the United
States or its territories. Because of the difference in formal and informal edu-
cation systems internationally, studies conducted outside the United States
were considered as outside the scope of the review.
• Design relevance. The report had to summarize a study that included a counter-
factual condition (defined as a likely result had students not been exposed to the

The results of the initial screening were documented in a database that tracked the bib-
liographic information of all studies screened. A trained researcher sorted and organized
the database to ensure that multiple reports of the same study were linked together to
avoid duplication in review.

The second step of the screening process focused on the studies’ methodologies to identify
those that could reliably assess causal relationships between increased learning time and
student outcomes. Eligible studies also had to meet evidence standards established by the
What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)7 and to analyze outcomes at the student level (as
opposed to the school level).8 Reviewers certified to perform reviews for the WWC con-
ducted the advanced screening and identified the studies that met WWC standards (see

The following criteria were used in the advance screen:

1. Study meets WWC standards (with or without reservations).

• Full reports. Full reports were required for the completion of the advanced screen-
ing. When shortened project summaries (such as research briefs, Web-based sum-
maries, and nontechnical summaries) were identified in searches, the literature
review team attempted to find the full technical version of the report and base its
eligibility on that version.
• Study design relevance. Only empirical studies that used quantitative methods and
inferential statistical analysis and that met WWC standards or met WWC stan-
dards with reservations were included. Studies met WWC standards if they ran-
domly assigned units (students, classrooms, teachers, or schools) to experimental
conditions and showed low overall attrition of units from the study and low differ-
ential attrition from the study (that is, units from one group discontinue study at
higher rate than another experimental group). Studies met WWC standards with
reservations if they were a group design (involving two or more groups, including
groups from randomized controlled trials studies with high overall or differential
attrition or naturally occurring groups with one exposed to the program and one
not exposed to the program) and demonstrated that the groups were equivalent on
a measure of the outcome at baseline.
• Reliability and validity of outcome measures. Only findings from outcome mea-
sures that were reliable and valid and not overaligned with the intervention were
included. Reliability was indicated by internal consistency (minimum of 0.60;
Cronbach’s alpha), temporal stability/test-retest reliability (minimum of 0.40), or
interrater reliability (minimum of 0.50; percent agreement, correlation, Cohen’s
kappa). Validity refers to whether a measure assesses what it is supposed to measure
for the intended purpose; it was determined based on a description or sample items
of the measure. Overalignment of measures is evident when an outcome measure
assesses constructs that are explicitly used in the intervention. Most measures of
academic constructs (that is, achievement on assessments, graduation rates, and
school attendance rates) were eligible for inclusion in the review. However, student
grades, grade point averages, and office referrals were not considered as reliable or
valid due to variations in how they are defined and practiced across schools.

2. Study measured and analyzed at least one student-level outcome. Classroom-level and
school-level effect size were regarded as noncomparable to student-level effect size and
could not be averaged together to estimate mean weighted effect sizes. Therefore,
studies that reported classroom-level or school-level data only were excluded from the

Of the 165 studies screened in the advanced screening process, 135 were excluded; table A2
lists the primary reasons. Two-thirds of the studies that did not meet evidence screens did
not establish baseline equivalence for the intervention and comparison groups used for
the statistical analysis. Instances in which reviewers were unable to determine whether
two groups in a study were equivalent were removed from the pool of eligible studies. The
short project timelines did not allow the research team to query report authors for more

Table A2. Reasons for excluding studies during the advanced screening process
Number Share
of studies of total
Primary reason for exclusion excluded (percent)
Baseline equivalence was not demonstrated.a 91 67
The study did not use a “business-as-usual” comparison group. 16 12
There was only one unit assigned to one or both conditions (confounding). 7 5
The increased learning time program did not include an academic component. 5 4
Analysis did not use student-level data. 4 3
Increased learning time is not the main program component. 3 2
The study used a regression discontinuity design. 2 1
Participants were not enrolled in grades K–12 during the study. 2 1
The increased learning time program was not conducted in a group setting. 2 1
The study was conducted outside the United States. 1 1
The outcome measures were not shown to be valid and reliable. 1 1
None of the outcome measures fall within the scope of this review. 1 1
Total 135 100

a. According to What Works Clearinghouse standards, baseline equivalence should be demonstrated for
quasi-experimental design studies as well as randomized controlled trials with high attrition or randomization
Source: Authors.

Figure A2 summarizes the 30 studies identified by the advanced screen as eligible for inclu-
sion in the meta-analysis by sample characteristics, and figure A3 summarizes the studies
by program and study design characteristics.

Coding program characteristics

Reviewers used the WWC study review guide from Beckett et al. (2009) to code program
characteristics. A study review guide is a macro-enabled spreadsheet on which certified
WWC reviewers record characteristics of the study and descriptive and inferential sta-
tistics from the study report. The guide automatically calculates an effect size based on
descriptive or inferential statistics. The characteristics of most interest for this evidence
review include:
• Internal validity of the study (whether groups were equivalent at baseline, con-
founding problems). (Studies with no major threats to their internal validity were
included in the meta-analysis.)
• Characteristics of the study sample (for example, student grade level, gender, prior
academic performance level, socioeconomic background).
• Characteristics of the increased learning time program (specifically, duration of
the program in hours, qualifications of instruction staff, instruction approach, and
teacher–student ratio).
• Statistical results of the study that can be used to calculate effect sizes.

Using the study review guide, reviewers collected information about the study design,
sample, and findings and confirmed or rejected the judgment made during full screening
about whether the study met WWC standards with or without reservations. Reviewers
based standards for determining threats to internal validity (such as thresholds for allow-
able differential attrition) on What Works Clearinghouse (2010).

Figure A2. Number of studies, by sample characteristics

Number of studies



K–5 6–8 K–8 9–12 Low Mixed Cannot 0–5 6–10 11–20 21 0–50 51–100 101– 1,001
tell or more 1,000 or more
Grade range Socioeconomic Number of schools Number of students
status in the study in the study




Cannot National Northeast Midwest West South Cannot National Rural and Rural Suburban Urban Below ADHD Behavior
tell study tell study urban standards problems
Region Locale Student needs

ADHD is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

The evidence review team completed study review guides for 13 of the 30 studies that
passed the screening process. After the team completed these study review guides, the
primary investigator sent the spreadsheets to the WWC contractor for quality assurance
review. The contractor reviewed several of the study review guides multiple times based on
the project team’s clarifications. The contractor had already reviewed the other 17 studies
for Beckett et  al. (2009) and provided the evidence review team with the study review
guides for those studies.

Outcome measures. The review included any academic outcome that was measured
in a valid and reliable way, including reading and math achievement, graduation rates,
and attendance, as well as nonacademic outcomes that were valid or reliable, including
self-perceptions, self-management, and positive behavior. Outcome measures were first

Figure A3. Number of studies, by program and study design characteristics

Characteristics of increased learning time programs (number of studies)




Unknown Small Medium Large Guided Traditional Experiential Noncertified Certified Out-of- Summer Full-day Out-of-school
practice school time school kindergarten time
(school year
Type of Teacher and summer)
Group size instruction certification Type of increased learning time program

Characteristics of studies reviewed (number of studies)




Journal Technical Dissertation 1998–2002 2003–07 2008–13 Meets WWC Meets WWC
article report standards standards
with reservations
Publication type Year of publication Study rating

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from the studies reviewed.

classified into one of five domains: math achievement, literacy achievement, academic
motivation, study skills, and social-emotional skill development. The first two domains
were considered academic domains, and the remaining three were considered nonacadem-
ic domains.

The vast majority of the studies did not evaluate long-term outcomes (that is, more than
one year after the end of the program). Therefore, the review focused on immediate out-
comes (which makes them more comparable for the meta-analysis).

Coder reliability. Two certified WWC reviewers coded each study. If there was a discrep-
ancy in coding, the reviewers first discussed the discrepancy. If the two reviewers could
not resolve the disagreement, a third certified WWC reviewer, in consultation with a
senior researcher with methodological expertise and deep understanding of WWC stan-
dards, conducted a reconciliation. Because all studies were independently coded twice and
continuing disagreements were resolved by a third independent coder, researchers did not
calculate reliability for this process. The reconciled coding was documented in a master
study review guide. All review results were documented in detail in an Excel-based data-
base. Completed study review guides that were not previously in the WWC database were
submitted to the Institute of Education Sciences. The WWC conducted quality control
reviews of these guides and, if acceptable, uploaded them to the WWC database.

Calculations of effect sizes and meta-analytic procedures

This section provides detailed information on how effect sizes were calculated, how weights
were applied to effect sizes based on sample sizes, and the adjustments made to fixed-effects
models to create random-effects models.

Calculating Hedges’ g. Findings of the 30 studies were converted into a common metric
(or effect size), Hedges’ g. This statistic represents the standardized mean difference, or the
difference between an intervention group and a control group, gauged against the average
standard deviation of the two groups (equation 1).9

1 – 2
(1) g =
(n1 – 1)s 2
+ (n 2 – 1)s 22

n1 + n 2 – 2

where χ 1 is the mean for the intervention group, χ 2 is the mean for the comparison group,
n1 is the student sample size for the intervention group, n2 is the student sample size for the
comparison group, s21 is the variation in outcome measure for the intervention group, and
s22 is the variation in outcome measure for the comparison group.

The conversion of findings to Hedges’ g involved entering the research findings into a
study review guide, or a spreadsheet-based form, created by the WWC contractor to aid in
standardizing study summaries across reviewers. Reviewers summarize key components of
each study in different cells and enter findings from reports in the “data” tab. The spread-
sheet includes macros that use the information available to calculate Hedges’ g.

Weighting effect sizes. Per standard practice within meta-analytic research syntheses,
effect sizes were weighted to reflect the sizes of samples within the studies or, put another
way, the standard error of each estimate (equation 2).10 The logic underlying the use of
weights is that studies with larger sample sizes should produce effect sizes that are better
reflections of the “true relationship” within the population (that is, the standard error of
estimate is smaller). Thus, the effect sizes from studies with larger samples should be given
more weight in the calculation of the collective effect size estimates than studies with
smaller samples.11

The method of weighting studies is described in Cooper (2009) but is equivalent to that
cited by Borenstein, Hedges, and Rothstein (2007).

2(ni1 + ni 2 )ni1 ni 2
(2) wi = 2
2(ni1 + ni 2 )2 + ni1 ni 2 d i
where wi is the weight for each effect size, ni1 is the sample size for group 1, ni2 is the sample
size for group 2, and di is the effect size. Conceptually, the weight represents the inverse of
the standard error of the estimate.

Combining effect sizes across studies. For fixed-effects models—or meta-analytic models
that assume that the variation of effect size estimates gathered through the literature
search and screening process is due only to sampling error—the weighted average effect
size is calculated to be the sum of the products of the effect sizes and the corresponding
weights, divided by the sum of the weights alone (equation 3; Cooper, 2009; Borenstein
et al., 2007):
g i wi
i =1
(3) g . = k
i =1

where g i is the g-index of the ith comparison, wi is the weight for the estimate based on
sample size (see equation 2), and k is the total number of comparisons.

Calculating confidence intervals. The confidence intervals represent the range of values
within which the true effect or parameter is likely to exist. By convention, this study has
adopted the 95  percent confidence interval, leaving a 5  percent likelihood of a Type 1
error (false positive).

If the value of 0 falls within the confidence interval (that is, one boundary is negative, the
other positive), the average effect size is indistinguishable from 0.

For fixed-effects models the lower and upper bounds of the 95 percent confidence interval
are calculated using equation 4 (Cooper, 2009):

(4) CI g .95% = g . ± k
i =1 k
where CI is the 95 percent confidence interval, g. is the weighted average effect size, i =1 i
is the sum of the weights across the studies, and wi is the weight associated with a particu-
lar effect size w.

For random-effects models the confidence intervals are calculated differently to acknowl-
edge additional possible sources of error. This is done through an alternative calculation

for effect size weights (equation 5). All confidence intervals presented in the text are based
on random-effects models.

(5) wi =
se + vˆ

where wi is the random-effects weight associated with a particular effect size w, sei is the
standard error of the estimate, and v̂θ is the added error component (see equation 7).

Calculating the Hedges’ Q statistic. The test for homogeneity of effects represents a test
of the assumption that all effect sizes are estimating the same population value. Values
derived from the test used in this review—the Hedges’ Q statistic—follow an χ 2 distri-
bution with k–1 degrees of freedom when effect sizes are estimating the same population
value. When the Q statistic is statistically significant (that is, it exceeds the critical value
for χ 2 with the appropriate degrees of freedom), it suggests that factors associated with the
particular samples may be affecting the effects. Thus, a significant Q statistic provides jus-
tification to explore whether particular features of samples or research conditions may be
related to magnitudes of effect sizes (Valentine, Piggott, & Rothstein, 2010).

The method used to calculate Hedges’ Q for this research synthesis is (Valentine et  al.,

(6) Q= wi (g − g w )2

where wi is the weight associated with a particular effect size, g is an effect size within a
particular report, and gw is the average weighted effect size for that outcome category.

Adjustments for random effects. In this study results are presented under the random-ef-
fects model. This analytical model assumes that the true effect may  vary from study to
study. For example, the effect size might be a little larger if the students are older, if the
students are in greater need of academic support, or if the study used a more intensive
or comprehensive increased learning time program. The increased learning time pro-
grams included in this review represent a wide range of out-of-school, summer school, and
expanded school day models. While this review examined one implementation feature at
a time in its estimation of increased learning time effects, there may still be variability in
programs that share the same implementation feature. Given the wide range of increased
learning time programs and study characteristics, the review team adopted the random-ef-
fects model for the analyses (Borenstein et al., 2007).

To account for random effects, an extra component, v̂θ, is added to the standard error
associated with an effect size estimate. The inverse of the standard error estimate becomes
the new weight for the effect. The formula for v̂θ is taken from Lipsey and Wilson (2001):

QT − k −1
(7) vˆ =

where QT is the Hedges’ Q statistic, k is the number of effects, and w is the weights.

v̂θ was recalculated for each point estimate, even when point estimates were calculated for
categories of studies (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2005).

In practice, adding the additional error to the standard error has two effects. First, it
reduces the impact of the sample size weights on the average weighted effect size. Second,
it increases the confidence interval around the average effect size, thereby making it less
likely to find a significant effect.

Sensitivity testing of average weighted effect sizes (summary effect). To test the robust-
ness of summary effects, analyses involving four or more effect sizes were rerun after first
making adjustments to the tails of the distribution of effect sizes. One adjustment involved
a 10 percent cut (removing the most extreme 5 percent of effect sizes from both positive
and negative tails of distribution, with a minimum of one effect size per tail). Another
adjustment involved fixing the most extreme 5 percent from each tail of the distribution
of effect sizes to the same value as the next nearest effect size (called a 10 percent Win-
sorizing). Winsorizing is a common technique in meta-analysis that is used to ensure that
extreme values do not distort the results (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001).

Appendix B. Program descriptions of the 30 reviewed studies

Table B1. Program descriptions of the 30 reviewed studies

What Works Socio‑
Clearinghouse Publication economic Social‑emotional State and
Citation Program Type rating type statusa Academic needs needs Sample size Grades locale
August, Early Risers’ Summer Meets standards Journal article Mixed Not an inclusion History of 245 students, K–2 Not
Realmuto, Skills for school criterion aggressive 20 schools reported,
Hektner, & Success behavior rural
Berninger, Reading clubs Before- or Meets standards Journal article Mixed Students at Not an inclusion 98 students, 2 Washington,
Abbott, after-school risk of reading criterion 8 schools suburban
Vermeulen, & difficulties
Fulton, 2006
(study 2)
Berninger, Writing clubs Before- or Meets standards Journal article Mixed Students with Not an inclusion 94 students, 4 Washington,
Rutberg, et al., after-school weak writing criterion 10 schools suburban
2006 (study 4) skills
Bissell, Dugan, Youth Services– Afterschool, Meets standards Technical Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 700 students, 1–5 California,
Ford-Johnson, & Child Care, summer with reservations report criterion criterion 28 schools urban

Jones, 2002 Academic school

Recreation, and
Black, Somers, 21st Century Afterschool Meets standards Technical Low Students Not an inclusion 905 students 2–5 Not
Doolittle, Community report performing below criterion (cohort 1) and reported,
Unterman, & Learning Centers standards 626 students urban
Grossman, program and (cohort 2),
2009b (reading enhanced 12 schools
study) academic
Black, Somers, 21st Century Afterschool Meets standards Technical Low Students Not an inclusion 1,144 2–5 Not
Doolittle, Community report performing below criterion students reported,
Unterman, & Learning Centers standards (cohort 1) and urban and
Grossman, program and 367 students rural
2009a (math enhanced (cohort 2),
study) academic 15 schools

Table B1. Program descriptions of the 30 reviewed studies (continued)
What Works Socio‑
Clearinghouse Publication economic Social‑emotional State and
Citation Program Type rating type statusa Academic needs needs Sample size Grades locale
Borman & Teach Baltimore Summer Meets standards Journal article Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 686 students, K–2 Maryland,
Dowling, 2006 Summer school with reservations criterion criterion 10 schools urban
Borman, Goetz, KindergARTen Summer Meets standards Journal article Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 128 students, K Maryland
& Dowling, Summer Camp school criterion criterion 4 schools
DeCicca, 2007 Full-day Extended Meets standards Journal article Mixed Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 5,559 K Nationally
kindergarten school day with reservations criterion criterion students, representa-
714 schools tive sample
Ellers, 2009 Skill Building Summer Meets standards Doctoral Mixed Students Not an inclusion 10 students, 7–8 Alaska, not
Summer School school with reservations dissertation performing below criterion 10 schools reported
Evans, Schultz, Challenging Afterschool Meets standards Journal article Mixed Students with Students with 49 students, 6–8 Virginia, not
DeMars, & Horizons with reservations ADHD, students impulsivity, 2 schools reported
Davis, 2011 Program with academic hyperactivity,
impairment or inattention;
students with

social impairment
Goldschmidt, Los Angeles’ Afterschool Meets standards Technical Low Not an inclusion Students 4,662 K–6 California,
Huang, & Better Educated with reservations report criterion from schools students, urban
Chinen, 2007 Students for in high-crime 24 schools
Tomorrow neighborhoods
Gottfredson, After-School Afterschool Meets standards Journal article Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 447 students, 6–8 Maryland,
Cross, Wilson, Program with reservations criterion criterion 5 schools urban
Rorie, &
Connell, 2010
Grolnick, The Afterschool Meets standards Journal article Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 90 students, 7 Not
Farkas, Sohmer, Investigators’ with reservations criterion criterion 1 school reported,
Michaels, & Club urban
Valsiner, 2007
Hirsch, Hedges, After School Afterschool Meets Technical Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 535 students, 9–10 Illinois,
Stawicki, & Matters standardsb report criterion criterion 10 schools urban
Mekinda, 2011

Table B1. Program descriptions of the 30 reviewed studies (continued)
What Works Socio‑
Clearinghouse Publication economic Social‑emotional State and
Citation Program Type rating type statusa Academic needs needs Sample size Grades locale
Hobbs, 2012 21st Century Afterschool Meets standards Doctoral Low Students Not an inclusion 66 students, 6–8 Georgia,
Community with reservations dissertation performing below criterion 1 school rural
Learning Centers standards
James-Burdumy 21st Century Afterschool Meets standards Technical Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 2,308 K–5 Nationally
et al., 2005a Community report criterion criterion students, representa-
(elementary Learning Centers 18 schools, tive sample
grades study) program 7 school
James-Burdumy 21st Century Afterschool Meets standards Technical Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 4,262 6–8 Nationally
et al., 2005b Community with reservations report criterion criterion students, representa-
(middle grades Learning Centers 61 schools, tive sample
study) program 32 school
Jenner & Jenner, 21st Century Afterschool Meets standards Journal article Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 1,192 3 and Louisiana,
2007 Community with reservations criterion criterion students, 5 rural and
Learning Centers 4 school urban

program districts
Kauh, 2011 AfterZone Afterschool Meets standards Technical Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 763 students, 6–8 Rhode
with reservations report criterion criterion 6 schools Island,
Langberg, Challenging Afterschool Meets standards Journal article Mixed Students with Not an inclusion 37 students, 4–7 Ohio,
Epstein, Horizons ADHD criterion number of suburban
Urbanowicz, Program schools not
Simon, & reported
Graham, 2008
Langberg et al., Challenging Afterschool Meets standards Journal article Low Students with Students 48 students, 6–7 South
2006 Horizons ADHD; students with general 2 schools Carolina,
Program performing below behavioral urban
standards difficulties
Lee, Burkam, Full-day Longer Meets standards Journal article Mixed Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 8,455 K Nationally
Ready, kindergarten school day with reservations criterion criterion students, representa-
Honigman, & 504 schools tive sample
Meisels, 2006

Table B1. Program descriptions of the 30 reviewed studies (continued)
What Works Socio‑
Clearinghouse Publication economic Social‑emotional State and
Citation Program Type rating type statusa Academic needs needs Sample size Grades locale
Lightner, 2010 Small group Afterschool Meets standards Doctoral Mixed Students at risk Students who 51 students, 6–8 Florida,
tutoring by with reservations dissertation of dropout have been 1 school urban
Intervention expelled due
Services, Inc. to serious
Linden, Herrera, The Higher Afterschool, Meets standards Technical Low Students Not an inclusion 951 students, 5–6 District of
& Grossman, Achievement summer report performing below criterion number of Columbia,
2011 Program school standards schools not urban
Martinez & National Weekend Meets standards Technical Mixed Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 662 students, 4–8 District of
Cosentino Aeronautics report criterion criterion number of Columbia,
de Cohen, 2010 and Space schools not Georgia
Administration’s reported Maryland,
Science, Michigan,
Engineering, New York,
Mathematics, North

and Aerospace Carolina,

Academy Ohio, urban
Molina et al., Challenging Afterschool Meets standards Journal article Mixed Students with Hyperactivity 23 students, 6–8 Pennsylvania,
2008 Horizons ADHD or inattention 1 school urban
Program problems
Schacter & Jo, Read to Achieve Summer Meets standards Journal article Low Students Not an inclusion 162 students, 1 California,
2005 Summer Literacy school with reservations performing below criterion 3 schools urban
Day Camp standards
Sunmonu, Extended Summer Meets standards Technical Low Not an inclusion Not an inclusion 968 students, K–3 Maryland,
Larson, Van Learning school with reservations report criterion criterion 18 schools suburban
Horn, Cooper- Opportunities
Martin, & Summer
Nielsen, 2002 Program
Zvoch & District summer Summer Meets standards Journal article Low Students Not an inclusion 47 students, K–1 Oregon,
Stevens, 2013 literacy program school performing below criterion 1 school urban
standards in

ADHD is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

a. Defined in all studies as eligibility for free or reduced-price lunch.
b. The study met standards with reservations for one outcome (absenteeism) due to high attrition rates.
Source: Authors’ literature search and screening process.
Appendix C. Program implementation in the reviewed studies

Table C1. Program implementation in the reviewed studies

Duration/ Nonacademic Student Academic
Citation Program intensity Academic subjects subjects Instructors group sizea curriculum coding Approach/curriculum
August, Early Risers’ 7 hours a day, Core subjects Social skills Certified teachers — Prescriptive, Highly structured
Realmuto, Skills for 4 days a week, (unspecified) training, arts, locally developed physical and educational
Hektner, & Success 6 weeks sport, and group activities with strategies
Bloomquist, recreation to promote self-
2001b regulated behavior;
parent education
Berninger, Reading clubs 1 hour a day, Reading instruction None Certified teachers Small Prescriptive, Word play (letters
Abbott, twice a week, and graduate locally developed and sounds), word
Vermeulen, 6.5 months students work (accuracy and
& Fulton, automaticity of the
2006 (study 2) alphabetic principle
and its application to
word context), and story
Berninger, Writing clubs 1 hour a day, Writing instruction None Certified teachers Small Prescriptive, Comprehensive
Rutberg, et al., twice a week, and graduate locally developed writing instruction

2006 (study 4) 6.5 months students (transcription, text

generation, and
executive functions)
Bissell, Dugan, Youth Services– Afterschool: Math, social studies, — Trained hired — Prescriptive, Instructors develop
Ford-Johnson, Child Care, 4 hours a day, reading, and science instructors locally developed daily lesson plans with
& Jones, 2002 Academic 10 months integrated engaging
Assistance, Summer: activities and age-
Recreation, and 6 hours a day, appropriate educational
Enrichment 8 weeks support materials
including literacy kits
and the Brainchild
computer system and
Black, Somers, 21st Century 3 hours a day, Reading Enrichment and Certified teachers Medium Prescriptive, Success for All’s
Doolittle, Community 4 days a week recreational purchased Adventure Island
Unterman, & Learning throughout the activities curriculum
Grossman, Centers and school year
2009b (reading enhanced
study) academic

Table C1. Program implementation in the reviewed studies (continued)
Duration/ Nonacademic Student Academic
Citation Program intensity Academic subjects subjects Instructors group sizea curriculum coding Approach/curriculum
Black, Somers, 21st Century 3 hours a Math Enrichment and Certified teachers Medium Prescriptive, Harcourt Mathletics
Doolittle, Community day (including recreational purchased curriculum
Unterman, & Learning 45 minutes activities
Grossman, Centers and of math),
2009a (math enhanced 4 days a week
study) academic throughout the
instruction school year
Borman & Teach Baltimore 2.5 hours a day Reading and math 45 minutes a day Undergraduate — Prescriptive, Phonics-based
Dowling, 2006 Summer of reading and of enrichment university students locally developed instruction materials,
Academy math, 7 weeks activities (such reading comprehension
a summer, as science and vocabulary
3 summers investigations, instruction, hands-on
arts and crafts, math, and science
foreign language, projects
music, and
Borman, Goetz, KindergARTen 6 hours a day, Reading and writing Physical activity, Certified teachers Medium Prescriptive, Language and word
& Dowling, Summer Camp 5 days a week, fine arts, science and college locally developed study, shared reading,

2008 6 weeks enrichment, and student interns interactive writing,

weekly field trips guided reading,
Reader’s Workshop, and
Writer’s Workshop
DeCicca, 2007 Full-day 3 hours a day, Kindergarten — Certified teachers Large Prescriptive, —
kindergarten 5 days a week curriculum locally developed
throughout the
school year
Ellers, 2009 Skill Building 4 hours a Reading, writing, and Physical Certified teachers — Prescriptive, Curricula purchased
Summer School day, 5 days a math education purchased from education vendors
week, 6 weeks
a summer,
2 summers
Evans, Schultz, Challenging 2 hours a day, Study skills, Interpersonal Undergraduate Small Nonprescriptive Homework Organization
DeMars, & Horizons 2 days a week, note taking, and skills university students and Planning System,
Davis, 2011 Program 20 weeks summarizing notes assisted homework,
math games, literacy
training, and project-
based learning

Table C1. Program implementation in the reviewed studies (continued)
Duration/ Nonacademic Student Academic
Citation Program intensity Academic subjects subjects Instructors group sizea curriculum coding Approach/curriculum
Goldschmidt, Los Angeles’ 5 days a week Math, science, Computer Trained instructors — Prescriptive, Curricula purchased
Huang, & Better Educated throughout the reading, and writing skills, conflict and adult purchased from education vendors,
Chinen, 2007 Students for school year resolution skills, volunteers such as KidzLit and
Tomorrow arts and crafts, KidzMath and additional
program cooking, games, activities developed by
holiday activities, the school district and
and sports site staff
Gottfredson, After-School 3 hours a day, Reading and math Social skills Trained, hired — Nonprescriptive Academic assistance
Cross, Wilson, Program 3 days a week, training, sports, instructors and All Stars curriculum,
Rorie, & 30 weeks and crafts which aims to reduce
Connell, 2010 substance abuse,
fighting, bullying, and
unsafe sexual activity
Grolnick, The 1.5 hours a Science None Trained Small Prescriptive, Manual-based set of
Farkas, Investigators’ day, 3 days apprentices locally developed curricular units, each
Sohmer, Club a week, supervised by the with a particular content
Michaels, & 15 weeks program developer focused on science
Valsiner, 2007 (such as air pressure,

sinking and floating, and

mass and motion) that
did not overlap with that
of the science class
Hirsch, Hedges, After School 3 hours a day, Science and Arts and job Paid instructors Small Nonprescriptive Apprentices are
Stawicki, & Matters 3 days a week, technology skills (who are generally supervised by
Mekinda, 2011 20 weeks not teachers, but instructors who provide
professionals information, guidance,
in the field of and feedback, and
apprenticeship) introduce students
to the standards,
language, and culture of
that line of work.
Hobbs, 2012 21st Century 12 hours a Reading and math Enrichment Certified teachers Small and Nonprescriptive Homework help
Community week, 116 days (unspecified) and college large and whole-group
Learning during the students academic instruction
Centers school year supplemented by
program individual or small-group

Table C1. Program implementation in the reviewed studies (continued)
Duration/ Nonacademic Student Academic
Citation Program intensity Academic subjects subjects Instructors group sizea curriculum coding Approach/curriculum
James-Burdumy 21st Century 4 hours a day, Reading, writing, Sports and Teachers, Small Nonprescriptive Homework help, direct
et al., 2005a Community 5 days a week, math, and additional recreational paraprofessionals, instruction; educational
(elementary Learning 129 days academic electives activities, college students, technology packages to
grades study) Centers during the (such as Spanish, cultural and parents reinforce basic skills or
program school yearc technology, and enrichment, and supplement classroom
science) interpersonal instruction; practice
development drills, worksheets, and
(such as games; preparation for
leadership, standardized tests; and
character and electives that include
education) project-based learning
James-Burdumy 21st Century 4 hours a day, Reading, writing, Sports and Teachers, Small Nonprescriptive Homework help; direct
et al., 2005b Community 5 days a week, math, and additional recreational paraprofessionals, instruction; educational
(middle grades Learning 129 days academic electives activities, college students, technology packages to
study) Centers during the (such as Spanish, cultural and parents reinforce basic skills or
program school year technology, and enrichment, and supplement classroom
science) interpersonal instruction; practice
development drills, worksheets, and

(such as games; preparation for

leadership, standardized tests; and
character electives that include
education) project-based learning
Jenner & 21st Century School year Core academic — — — Nonprescriptive —
Jenner, 2007 Community subjects
Learning (unspecified)
Kauh, 2011 AfterZone 2.5 hours a Science and writing Art and sports Hired, trained — Prescriptive, Academic enrichment
day, 4 days instructors and locally developed activities developed
a week, AmeriCorps locally by staff and
10 weeks members program sites and
in the fall, science activities
6 weeks in the involving project-based
winter, and learning
11 weeks in
the spring

Table C1. Program implementation in the reviewed studies (continued)
Duration/ Nonacademic Student Academic
Citation Program intensity Academic subjects subjects Instructors group sizea curriculum coding Approach/curriculum
Langberg, Challenging 75 minutes a 55 minutes of 20 minutes Trained university Small Nonprescriptive Lesson plans following
Epstein, Horizons day, twice a homework, math, of individual undergraduate the program manual,
Urbanowicz, Program week, 8 weeks outlining chapters in counseling psychology with progress toward
Simon, & school textbooks for study and students individual academic and
Graham, 2008 behavior skills behavioral goals (as
identified by teachers
and parents) rewarded
by incentives
Langberg et al., Challenging 2 hours a day, Study skills, note- Planning and Trained university Large Nonprescriptive Lesson plans following
2006 Horizons 4 days a week, taking skills, and organizational junior and senior (academics) the program manual,
Program 1 semester written language skills, behavior psychology majors and small with progress toward
(September– skills (such as management and trained school (behavior individual academic and
December) summarization) skills, and teachers management behavioral goals (as
recreational and study identified by teachers
activities skills) and parents) rewarded
by incentives
Lee, Burkam, Full-day 2–3 additional Reading and math — Certified teachers Large Prescriptive, —
Ready, kindergarten hours a day locally developed

Honigman, &
Meisels, 2006
Lightner, 2010 Small group 1.5 hours a Reading None Instructors hired Small Prescriptive, Head for Success by
tutoring by week, twice and trained by the purchased Pearson Educational,
Intervention a week, provider Inc.
Services, Inc. 24 weeks
Linden, The Higher 25 weeks of Afterschool: Math, College Afterschool: Small Prescriptive, Homework help and
Herrera, & Achievement afterschool English language knowledge, volunteer mentors locally developed academic instruction
Grossman, Program during the arts, and technology weekly field Summer: trained using a curriculum
2011 school year, Summer school: trips, three-day faculty design to challenge
followed by Math, science, social university trip, students
6 weeks of studies, and English and high school
summer school language arts placement

Table C1. Program implementation in the reviewed studies (continued)
Duration/ Nonacademic Student Academic
Citation Program intensity Academic subjects subjects Instructors group sizea curriculum coding Approach/curriculum
Martinez & National 3 hours each Science, None Trained, certified — Prescriptive, Hands-on science
Cosentino de Aeronautics Saturday, engineering, math, teachers with locally developed curriculum that includes
Cohen, 2010 and Space 8 weeks and technology math or science field trips, guest
Administration’s background, speakers, and career
Science, college professors, exploration; Aerospace
Engineering, graduate Education Laboratory
Mathematics, engineering for working with
and Aerospace students, and simulations; and Family
Academy parent volunteers Café with activities for
to coordinate some parents
Molina et al., Challenging 2 hours a day, Daily academic Social problem- Undergraduate — Nonprescriptive Use of Challenging
2008 Horizons 2 days a week, instruction solving and students closely Horizons Program
Program 10 weeks (unspecified) communication supervised by manual, individualized
skills, study a doctoral-level academic targets, and
skills, note- clinician positive reinforcement
taking skills, and
test-taking skills

Schacter & Jo, Read to Achieve 9 hours a day, Reading and writing Recreational Certified teachers — Prescriptive, Open Court Reading
2005 Summer 5 days a week, activities (such purchased series for grade 1,
Literacy Day 7 weeks as swimming, basal reading program
Camp dance, drama, for additional practice
crafts, music, in oral reading and
arcade, field comprehension skills;
trips, and other and journal writing
summer camp
Sunmonu, Extended 4 hours a Reading, writing, and Recreational Certified teachers Medium Prescriptive, Curriculum based on the
Larson, Van Learning day, 4 weeks, math group activities locally developed district’s language arts
Horn, Cooper- Opportunities plus optional and math curriculum
Martin, & Summer enrollment in frameworks and
Nielsen, 2002 Program afterschool performance indicators

Table C1. Program implementation in the reviewed studies (continued)
Duration/ Nonacademic Student Academic
Citation Program intensity Academic subjects subjects Instructors group sizea curriculum coding Approach/curriculum
Zvoch & District summer 3.5 hours a Literacy — Certified teachers Small and Prescriptive, Grouping based on skill
Stevens, 2013 literacy program day, 4 days a large locally developed level; direct modeling
week, 5 weeks of literacy skills and
opportunities for
practice with corrective

— is not reported.
a. Small refers to an instructor–student ratio of 1:2 to 1:5, medium to an instructor–student ratio of 1:6 to 1:15, and large to an instructor–student ratio of 1:16 or higher.
b. Only Year 1 outcomes are included in this evidence review. Year 2 outcomes are not included because they represent the effects of the summer program combined with
mentoring, counseling, and tutoring services.
c. Refers to operating hours. Actual attendance averaged 2.7 days a week.
Source: Authors’ literature search and screening process.
Appendix D. Narrative summaries of the increased learning
time programs evaluated in the studies reviewed

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Black, Somers, Doolittle, Unterman, and Grossman (2009a, 2009b) evaluated the imple-
mentation of a more academically intensive approach for afterschool centers for elemen-
tary and middle school students (table D1). With funding from the National Center for
Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance at the U.S. Department of Education Insti-
tute of Education Sciences, enhanced afterschool programs providing instruction in either
reading or math were implemented in afterschool centers during two school years. Most of
the program sites included in the evaluation received funding for 21st Century Communi-
ty Learning Centers. The reading study assessed the effects of enhanced academic instruc-
tion using a reading curriculum developed by Success for All. The math study assessed the
effects of the Mathletics and Adventure Island programs developed by Harcourt School
Publishers. The enhanced academic instruction was offered for 45 minutes a day, four days
a week (for a total of 180 minutes a week). Sites hired certified teachers who received train-
ing, ongoing onsite technical assistance site visits, continued support by locally based staff
members, and daily paid preparation time.

Hobbs (2012) analyzed results from an afterschool program in a rural county in northeast
Georgia that provided a 21st Century Community Learning Centers program for students
in grades K–8. The program site served at-risk students who were identified based on their
standardized test scores, school grades, and teacher recommendations. The study author did
not report implementation quality, and the level of academic support across sites is unknown.

James-Burdumy et  al. (2005a, 2005b) conducted a national evaluation of 21st Century
Community Learning Centers afterschool programs. Many sites employed certified teach-
ers, although staff turnover was high. The average elementary school student attended
these programs two to three days a week, and the average middle school student attended
one day a week. At the elementary school level the evaluators found that centers most
commonly offered homework help. In addition, classes for reading, writing, and math were
offered at least once a week at a majority of centers, while classes focused specifically on
improving test scores were offered at least weekly at almost half the centers. About half
the programs included in the evaluation had aligned their academic instruction with the
regular school day curricula. Most centers also provided recreation and cultural enrich-
ment activities such as music, art, or dance classes. At the middle school level program
sites commonly provided homework help. Other academic activities generally focused on
smaller numbers of students who needed to work on particular skills or practice for state
assessment tests. Coordination with the school day curriculum was uncommon.

Jenner and Jenner (2007) conducted a statewide evaluation of 21st Century Community
Learning Centers programs in Louisiana. The students in this study were drawn from four
areas of Louisiana: Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Grant Parish, and Bienville Parish.

After School Matters

Hirsch, Hedges, Stawicki, and Mekinda (2011) evaluated After School Matters, the largest,
single-city afterschool program for high school students in the country (table D2). After

Table D1. Effect sizes for 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Type of
Study Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Black, Somers, Attentive 0.0300 Out-of-school Elementary Academic motivation
Doolittle, Unterman, Disruptive –0.0400 Out-of-school Elementary Social-emotional skill
& Grossman, 2009b, development
reading study
Does not complete homework –0.0100 Out-of-school Elementary Academic motivation
Stanford Achievement Test Series,
Tenth Edition, reading total –0.0200 Out-of-school Elementary Literacy
Black, Somers, Attentive 0.0300 Out-of-school Elementary Academic motivation
Doolittle, Unterman, Disruptive 0.0100 Out-of-school Elementary Social-emotional skill
& Grossman, 2009a, development
math study
Does not complete homework 0.1100 Out-of-school Elementary Academic motivation
Stanford Achievement Test Series,
Tenth Edition, math total 0.0600 Out-of-school Elementary Math achievement
Hobbs, 2012 Criterion-Referenced Competency
Tests, math 0.1900 Out-of-school Middle Math achievement
James-Burdumy Academic effort (teacher report) 0.0600 Out-of-school Elementary Academic motivation
et al., 2005a, Discipline problems (student report) –0.0100 Out-of-school Elementary Social-emotional skill
elementary schools development
Discipline problems (teacher report) –0.1000 Out-of-school Elementary Social-emotional skill
Homework completion
(teacher report) –0.1200 Out-of-school Elementary Academic motivation
Stanford Achievement Test Series,
Ninth Edition, reading test –0.0200 Out-of-school Elementary Literacy achievement
Student absences 0.0000 Out-of-school Elementary Academic motivation
Suspensions –0.0800 Out-of-school Elementary Social-emotional skill
James-Burdumy Academic effort (teacher report) 0.1000 Out-of-school Middle Academic motivation
et al., 2005b, middle Homework completion 0.0100 Out-of-school Middle
schools (teacher report) Academic motivation
Peer interaction composite –0.0500 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill
Social engagement composite –0.0300 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill
Student absences 0.1100 Out-of-school Middle Academic motivation
Student expects to graduate from Social-emotional skill
college 0.0800 Out-of-school Middle development
Works out conflicts with others –0.0900 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill
Jenner & Jenner, Iowa Tests of Basic Skills
2007 math score 0.0300 Out-of-school Elementary Math achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

School Matters is a nonprofit organization that partners with Chicago Public Schools to
offer Chicago teens free out-of-school time opportunities. Youth in the program obtain
training in technical skills that enable them to begin to adapt to the culture of the work-
place and develop the “soft skills” increasingly demanded in the 21st century economy.
Some of the apprenticeships focused exclusively on technology, such as Web design or
computer repair; others combined technology and art, such as producing social docu-
mentaries; and still others had a different focus, such as improvisational theater groups.

Table D2. Effect sizes for After School Matters
Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Absences (number of days—whole year) 0.1000 Out-of-school High Academic motivation
Relationships with adult authority figures –0.0400 Out-of-school High Social-emotional skill development
Self-regulation scale 0.2100 Out-of-school High Social-emotional skill development
Sherer’s self-efficacy scale 0.0900 Out-of-school High Social-emotional skill development
Occupational values scale –0.0400 Out-of-school High Academic motivation
Youth self-report measure of problem
behaviors 0.1900 Out-of-school High Social-emotional skill development

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

At the time of the evaluation, After School Matters was located in 65 Chicago public
high schools. Participants attended their assigned apprenticeship sites for 10 weeks in the
fall and 10 weeks in the spring for nine hours per week and were paid stipends for their
participation. Each apprenticeship session involved work in the designated area, learning
and making use of relevant skills to accomplish a task. Instructors were present to provide
information, guidance, and feedback and to introduce students to the standards, language,
and culture of that line of work. The apprenticeship often culminated in a final product
or performance. Two paid instructors direct each apprenticeship and receive training from
After School Matters.

After-School program (Baltimore, Maryland)

Gottfredson, Cross, Wilson, Rorie, and Connell (2010) reported on the results of the
implementation of an afterschool program in five middle schools in Baltimore, Mary-
land (table D3). All schools were low performing and served predominantly racial/ethnic
minority students. The initiative was a partnership among the University of Maryland, the
Baltimore County Local Management Board, the Baltimore County Department of Rec-
reation and Parks, and Baltimore County Public Schools. The program operated for nine
hours per week for 30 weeks and offered academic assistance and recreational activities. In
addition, the program provided the All Stars prevention curriculum, which was designed
to delay the onset of and prevent substance use and other high-risk behaviors. The program
aimed to promote, among other things, a bond with school and a commitment to abstain

Table D3. Effect sizes for After‑School program (Baltimore, Maryland)

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Conduct problems –0.0100 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Maryland School Assessment math 0.0000 Out-of-school Middle Math achievement
Maryland School Assessment reading –0.0399 Out-of-school Middle Literacy achievement
Positive peer influence –0.0499 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Prosocial/drug use attitude 0.0299 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
School attendance –0.0499 Out-of-school Middle Academic motivation
School bonding 0.0100 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Social competency 0.0100 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

from drugs. A county-level government agency hired and supervised all program staff and
carried out all instruction activities.


Kauh (2011) evaluated AfterZone, an afterschool initiative in Providence, Rhode Island, a

city whose youth face significant economic and educational challenges (table D4). The ini-
tiative was developed by the Providence After School Alliance, a partnership of local public
agencies and nonprofit organizations. The alliance provides training and ongoing support to
program instructors. Afterschool programs for middle school students are offered for approx-
imately 2.5 hours a day, four days a week, and include arts activities, including studio arts,
writing, design and performance art; skill enhancement activities that expose youth to aca-
demic enrichment opportunities separate from the regular school day curricula; and sports.

Challenging Horizons Program

Four studies (Evans, Schultz, DeMars, & Davis, 2011; Langberg, Epstein, Urbanowicz,
Simon, & Graham, 2008; Langberg et al., 2006; Molina et al., 2008) examined the effects
of one program (Challenging Horizons Program) on middle school students with ADHD
(table D5). Two of these studies were coauthored by the program developer. The Challeng-
ing Horizons Program was designed to teach students with ADHD the skills necessary
to successfully navigate the school environment, including self-management, note taking,
summarization, and homework management. In all four studies graduate and undergrad-
uate students supervised by a doctoral-level clinician implemented the program using a
treatment manual that outlined all intervention procedures.

The program duration varied from 8 to 20 weeks. Two or three times a week, students par-
ticipated in 55 minute group instruction sessions, which included homework completion,
math worksheets, outlining chapters in school textbooks, and recreation time. In addition,
they had individual or small group sessions with mentors about study skills and behavior
management skills. The program included a point system for rewarding students who met
organizational and behavior goals. Two sessions for parents were provided to discuss how
they could monitor and reward continued use of the organization and homework-manage-
ment interventions at home.

Table D4. Effect sizes for AfterZone

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Absenteeism 0.1500 Out-of-school Middle Academic motivation
Conflict management –0.0100 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Emotional self-efficacy 0.0700 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Future connectedness 0.0900 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Misconduct 0.0900 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Prosocial behavior 0.1200 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
School connectedness 0.1400 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Social self-efficacy/social skills 0.1300 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Tardiness 0.1500 Out-of-school Middle Academic motivation

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D5. Effect sizes for the Challenging Horizons Program
Type of
Study Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Evans, Schultz, Classroom Performance Survey, Academic motivation
DeMars, & Davis, teacher rated 0.270 Out-of-school Middle
2011 Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Social-emotional skill
hyperactive-impulsive, teacher rated 0.210 Out-of-school Middle development
Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Social-emotional skill
hyperactive-impulsive, parent rated 0.860 Out-of-school Middle development
Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Social-emotional skill
inattentive, teacher rated 0.190 Out-of-school Middle development
Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Academic motivation
inattentive, parent rated 0.300 Out-of-school Middle
Impairment Rating Scale, social, Social-emotional skill
parent rated 0.250 Out-of-school Middle development
Impairment Rating Scale, Social-emotional skill
academic, teacher rated 0.240 Out-of-school Middle development
Impairment Rating Scale, social, Social-emotional skill
teacher rated 0.370 Out-of-school Middle development
Langberg, Epstein, Academic performance rating Elementary, Study skills
Urbanowicz, Simon, & scale, total score 0.510 Out-of-school middle
Graham, 2008 Homework Problem Checklist, total Elementary, Study skills
score 0.950 Out-of-school middle
Langberg et al., 2006 Conners Abbreviated Parent Study skills
Organization Symptom
Organization, parent rated 0.677 Out-of-school Middle
Conners Abbreviated Parent Study skills
Organization Symptom Organization 1.571 Out-of-school Middle
Conners Global Index, parent rated 0.670 Out-of-school Middle Study skills
Impairment Rating Scale, Study skills
academic, parent rated 0.974 Out-of-school Middle
Impairment Rating Scale, self- Social-emotional skill
esteem, parent rated 0.553 Out-of-school Middle development
Molina et al., 2008 Aggression and Conduct Problems Social-emotional skill
Scale, adolescent report, development
delinquency 0.610 Out-of-school Middle
Behavior Assessment Scale, Social-emotional skill
adolescent report, emotional development
symptoms 0.700 Out-of-school Middle
Behavior Assessment Scale, Social-emotional skill
adolescent report, school development
maladjustment 0.750 Out-of-school Middle
Behavior Assessment Scale, parent Social-emotional skill
report, externalizing 0.210 Out-of-school Middle development
Behavior Assessment Scale, parent Social-emotional skill
report, internalizing 0.450 Out-of-school Middle development
Impairment Rating Scale, parent Social-emotional skill
report, need for treatment 0.240 Out-of-school Middle development

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

District summer literacy program

Zvoch and Stevens (2013) conducted an evaluation of a district-sponsored summer school

in a medium-size city in the Pacific Northwest (table D6). The program was designed to
close the performance gap between strong and struggling readers in the primary grade
levels by developing early literacy skills as a way to address and prevent initial reading diffi-
culties from progressing to long-term reading failure. The district saw summer as an oppor-
tunity to provide lengthy periods of instruction and practice, unlike the academic year,
where a range of subjects is covered in shorter daily periods. The five-week program provid-
ed instruction for 3.5 hours a day, four mornings a week. Students received a minimum of
two hours of teacher-directed daily literacy instruction in phonemic awareness (oral blend-
ing and segmentation) and alphabetic understanding (letter sounds, decoding, phonic
analysis, and fluency/automaticity [speed and accuracy in reading connected text]). They
then practiced those skills primarily in small groups (three to five students).

Early Risers’ Skills for Success

August, Realmuto, Hektner, and Bloomquist (2001) reported on the results of the Early
Risers’ Skills for Success program for elementary school students who are at high risk for early
development of conduct problems (table D7). Early Risers was founded by Gerald August at
the University of Minnesota Medical School and is currently offered by the Child Develop-
ment and Family Science Department at North Dakota State University. One component
of the program (referred to as “CORE”) included a summer day camp, which was offered
four days a week for six weeks and consisted of social-emotional skills education and train-
ing, reading enrichment, and creative arts as well as biweekly family nights, where students
participated in fun activities while their parents met in small groups for parenting-focused

Table D6. Effect sizes for District summer literacy program

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy
Skills, nonword fluency (kindergarten) 0.750 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement
Test of Reading Fluency (grade 1) 0.590 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D7. Effect sizes for Early Risers’ Skills for Success
Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Academic competence 0.1367 Summer school Elementary Study skills
Adaptability 0.0136 Summer school Elementary Social-emotional skill development
Aggression 0.1577 Summer school Elementary Social-emotional skill development
Hyperactivity 0.0096 Summer school Elementary Social-emotional skill development
Impulsivity 0.1594 Summer school Elementary Social-emotional skill development
Self-regulation problems 0.1422 Summer school Elementary Social-emotional skill development
Social competence 0.1931 Summer school Elementary Social-emotional skill development
Social skills 0.1850 Summer school Elementary Social-emotional skill development

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

education and skills training. During the regular school year these students had access to
friendship groups offered during or after school, which aimed to advance and maintain skills
learned over the summer. Another program component (referred to as “FLEX”) included
visits to family homes to provide further consultation to families. Through case management
some of the students may have received additional accommodations during the school year.

Extended Learning Opportunities

Sunmonu, Larson, Van Horn, Cooper-Martin, and Nielsen (2002) studied the effects of
the Summer Extended Learning Opportunities program in Montgomery County (Mary-
land) Public Schools (table D8). This summer program aimed to enhance student achieve-
ment in the 18 elementary schools receiving federal Title I funds, which have the highest
concentration of students participating in the free and reduced-price meals and English
language learner programs. The program provided elementary school students with addi-
tional instruction in reading, language arts, and math. Certified teachers, instruction assis-
tants, and English language learner teachers received three day of training prior to the
program. The program’s curriculum was directly connected to the Montgomery County
Public Schools core curriculum in that it was based on the district’s reading, language arts,
and math curriculum frameworks and performance indicators.

Full-day kindergarten

Two studies of the effects of full-day kindergarten used data collected through the U.S.
Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics Early Childhood Lon-
gitudinal Study–Kindergarten, which was designed in part to assess the value added of
kindergarten. The students in the study came from diverse socioeconomic and racial/
ethnic backgrounds. DeCicca (2007) included 714 public schools in his study, whereas Lee,
Burkam, Ready, Honigman, and Meisels (2006) included 504 public schools (table D9).
Information about the type of academic instruction included in the expanded part of the
school day was not included in the studies.

KindergARTen Summer Camp

Borman, Goetz, and Dowling (2008) conducted an evaluation of the KindergARTen

Summer Camp program, which was designed to boost reading achievement among low-
income students in Baltimore, Maryland (table D10). The program, which was funded by
a Maryland State Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers
grant, was developed by the Center for Art. Students participated in daily literacy activi-
ties that included word study, shared reading, interactive writing, guided reading, and inde-
pendent writing. During the rest of the day, students participated in physical activity and
science and art classes. The art classes were designed with the input of an art teacher and
a community artist. The instructors were a certified teacher and college student interns.

Table D8. Effect size for Extended Learning Opportunities

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Reading level 0.042 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D9. Effect sizes for full‑day kindergarten
Type of
Study Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
DeCicca, 2007 ECLS-K math, Black students 0.1200 Expanded Elementary Math achievement
ECLS-K math, White students 0.1700 Expanded Elementary Math achievement
ECLS-K math, Hispanic students 0.1600 Expanded Elementary Math achievement
ECLS-K reading, Black students 0.1100 Expanded Elementary Literacy achievement
ECLS-K reading, Hispanic students 0.2400 Expanded Elementary Literacy achievement
ECLS-K reading, White students 0.1900 Expanded Elementary Literacy achievement
Lee, Burkam, Ready, ECLS-K math 0.0900 Expanded Elementary Literacy achievement
Honigman, & Meisel,
2006 ECLS-K reading 0.0900 Expanded Elementary Math achievement

ECLS-K is Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey–Kindergarten.

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D10. Effect sizes for KindergARTen Summer Camp

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Developmental Reading Assessment 0.3963 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy
Skills, letter naming fluency –0.2183 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy
Skills, phoneme segmentation fluency –0.0099 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement
Dictation –0.0992 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement
Word lists 0.2679 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Los Angeles’ Better Educated Students for Tomorrow

Goldschmidt, Huang, and Chinen (2007) evaluated the implementation of Los Angeles’
Better Educated Students for Tomorrow (LA’s BEST), an afterschool program operating under
the auspices of the mayor of Los Angeles, the superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified
School District, a board of directors, and an advisory board consisting of leaders from business,
labor, government, education, and the community (table D11). Each of the LA’s BEST sites
may be autonomous in how it structures its specific programs as long as the site coordinators
and staff members adhere to the foundational principles of the program. The afterschool sites
offer academic support in the form of homework time, tutoring, academic incentive programs,
math and science activities, reading and writing activities, and computer activities. Additional
program activities may include performing and visual arts, sports, health and nutrition pro-
grams, community and cultural activities, and events with parental involvement.

Table D11. Effect sizes for Los Angeles’ Better Educated Students for Tomorrow
Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills-Math 0.0184 Out-of-school Elementary Math achievement
Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills-Reading 0.0164 Out-of-school Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and
Aerospace Academy

Martinez and Cosentino de Cohen (2010) evaluated the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration’s Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Aerospace Academy project,
a science enrichment program aimed at inspiring, engaging, and educating the nation’s
K–12 students in science, technology, engineering, and math (table D12). The evaluation
included students in grades 4–8 and their parents or caregivers and involved six sites. Insti-
tutions hosting academies encompass a wide range of institutions, including historically
Black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, tribal colleges and universi-
ties, predominantly White institutions of higher education, science centers and museums,
and elementary and secondary school districts.

Reading clubs

Berninger, Abbott, Vermeulen, and Fulton (2006) investigated the effects of before- and
after-school reading clubs on grade 2 students who were identified at the beginning of the
school year as at risk for failing to meet state standards in reading (table D13). This study
was conducted as a partnership between the University of Washington–Seattle and Seattle

Table D12. Effect sizes for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Science, Engineering,
Mathematics, and Aerospace Academy
Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Anxiety toward science –0.0779 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Desire science –0.0419 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Engagement in science, technology,
engineering, and math activities 0.0693 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Interest in formal science 0.1153 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Interest in science, technology,
engineering, and math career 0.0497 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Interest in science, technology,
engineering, and math in college 0.1231 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Interest in science, technology,
engineering, and math in high school 0.0000 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Participation in science 0.1304 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Science activities –0.0136 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Self-confidence in science 0.0978 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation
Value of science –0.0435 Out-of-school Elementary, middle Academic motivation

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D13. Effect sizes for reading clubs

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test–Revised
Word Attack subtest, phonological decoding 0.3500 Out-of-school Elementary Literacy achievement
Developmental Reading Assessment 0.5200 Out-of-school Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Public Schools. The school district asked the university research partners to implement
comprehensive research-supported reading and writing instruction programs and evaluate
whether it increased the number of students who passed the state’s high-stakes tests. The
programs were implemented by district teachers and graduate research assistants from the
university’s school psychology program. The instruction teams participated in training ses-
sions prior to initiating the clubs. To motivate the students to spend extra time on reading
before or after school, the intervention was presented to them as a club. Students had to
whisper the secret password chosen by each club and have their hand stamped with a
special club stamp to gain entrance each time the club met. The schedule for each club
included initial word play (with riddles and jokes, sounds, and letters), word work (accuracy
and automaticity of the alphabetic principle and its application to word context), story
reading, and final word play (bingo for structure words and search for long words).

Read to Achieve

Schachter and Jo (2005) reported on the outcomes of the Read to Achieve Summer Literacy
Day Camp in south Los Angeles, California, which was developed by Schachter (table D14).
The program, originally funded by the Milken Family Foundation, received a grant from the
U.S. Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learner Centers program. Read to
Achieve was designed to prevent economically disadvantaged students from losing academic
ground in reading when school was not in session. The summer reading day camp was imple-
mented for seven weeks, five days a week, for nine hours a day. Students participated in two
hours of daily reading instruction, with the remainder of the day being dedicated to summer
camp activities. Reading was taught by credentialed teachers using a commercially available
curriculum (such as Open Court Reading series, 2000), and additional basal readers. Students
were grouped to match their skill level during reading groups and paired reading instruction.

Skill Building Summer School

Ellers (2009) studied the effects of a large school district’s remediation summer program
for middle school students (table D15). The program covered topics in reading, writing,
and math. The district coordinated the curriculum, programs, and daily schedules so
that all program components were consistent across all sites and classrooms. This type

Table D14. Effect sizes for Read to Achieve

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Comprehension 0.6207 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement
Decoding 0.8128 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D15. Effect sizes for Skill Building Summer School

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Alaska Standardized Literacy Assessment –0.2000 Summer school Middle Literacy achievement
Alaska Standardized Math Assessment –0.2300 Summer school Middle Math achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

of coordination reduces individual teacher planning time needed during the summer
months. Daily schedules incorporate fitness and physical activity into the program. The
program was open to all students who wanted to participate. The district provided teachers
with two days of preparation and training, teaching materials and resources, and ongoing
curriculum support throughout the six-week program.

Small group tutoring by Intervention Services, Inc.

Lightner (2010) reported on the results of a short-term afterschool reading program for
middle school students who attended the same waiver school after expulsion (table D16).
All students who had been expelled chose to serve their expulsion at this school. Most of
these students were expelled because of behavioral issues. From January to June the stu-
dents attended an afterschool program funded by a supplemental educational services state
grant.12 Instruction was provided twice a week for 90 minutes through small group instruc-
tion by trained reading tutors. No information about the lesson plans used was reported
except that the objective of the sessions was to increase the reading achievement of at-risk
students in a short period of time.

Teach Baltimore Summer Academy

Borman and Dowling (2006) examined the effects of Teach Baltimore Summer Academy,
a program designed to create high-quality summer learning opportunities for students
from high-poverty communities and to improve teacher recruitment and retention in Bal-
timore (table D17). The program instructors were college students for whom this was a
first-time teaching experience. Therefore, they were selected through an intensive process
and received comprehensive training through the Teach Baltimore Summer Academy.
The seven-week summer program provided elementary grade students with 2.5  hours a
day of intensive reading and writing instruction, physical activities, hands-on math and
science projects, educational games, arts and crafts, and enrichment activities. Students
also learned new skills and knowledge through weekly field trips to museums and partic-
ipation in cultural events offered throughout the Baltimore community. Instructors inte-
grated these outings with classroom activities.

Table D16. Effect size for small group tutoring by Intervention Services, Inc.
Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Reading comprehension –0.7800 Out-of-school Middle Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D17. Effect size for Teach Baltimore Summer Academy

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Total reading 0.0601 Summer school Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

The Higher Achievement Program

Linden, Herrera, and Grossman (2011) reported on the effects of the Higher Achievement
afterschool program, which operates six achievement centers across the Washington, DC,
metropolitan area for middle school students (table D18). The program is time intensive,
offering approximately 650 hours a year of academic instruction, enrichment activities, and
mentoring during afterschool and summer hours. Three days a week, participants (referred
to as “scholars”) attend the Afterschool Academy, which includes homework help, dinner,
an elective, and two hours of small group academic instruction in math, technology, or
English language arts. Volunteer mentors lead these groups as well as monthly field trips
and community service projects. During the summer the six-week Summer Academy
includes four classes a day, taught by trained faculty, in math, science, social studies, and
literature as well as two electives. The summer program includes weekly field trips and a
three-day university trip to experience college life.

The Investigators’ Club

Grolnick, Farkas, Sohmer, Michaels, and Valsiner (2007) assessed an afterschool program
for middle school students called the Investigators’ Club, which was developed by edu-
cation professor Sarah Michaels and her colleagues at Clark University (table D19). The
program was designed to promote motivation in middle school students from an urban,
predominantly low-income neighborhood. This intervention focused on science but was
designed to build skills and attitudes that would transfer to the larger school context. The
Investigators’ Club was developed as a manual-based set of curricular units, each with a
particular content focused on science (for example, air pressure, sinking and floating, and
mass and motion) that did not overlap with that of the science class curriculum and each
with a set of common activities. Each unit began with a scientific question and students’
predictions, followed by an experiment. Participants attended the program three times a
week for 15 weeks and were taught by one of the developers and education students.

Writing clubs

Berninger, Rutberg, et al. (2006) studied the effects of before- and after-school writing clubs
for grade 4 students with weak writing skills who might benefit from Tier 2 special instruc-
tion in writing (table D20). The curriculum included lessons about planning, generating

Table D18. Effect sizes for the Higher Achievement Program

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Ability to change the future, year 2 0.0799 Combined Middle Academic motivation
Self-perceptions of academic ability, year 2 –0.0100 Combined Middle Academic motivation
Stanford Achievement Test, problem-solving, year 2 0.1199 Combined Middle Math achievement
Stanford Achievement Test, reading
comprehension, year 2 0.0899 Combined Middle Literacy achievement
VIA Institute of Character Youth Survey, enjoyment
of learning, year 2 –0.1099 Combined Middle Academic motivation
VIA Institute of Character Youth Survey, industry
and persistence, year 2 –0.0599 Combined Middle Academic motivation

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D19. Effect sizes for the Investigators’ Club
Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Cognitive self-worth 0.1159 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Fixed view of intelligencea –0.2112 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
General self-worth 0.2075 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Malleable view of intelligence 0.7360 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Regulation externala –0.6834 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Regulation identified 0.2864 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
Regulation introjecteda –0.0972 Out-of-school Middle Social-emotional skill development
School engagement 0.7172 Out-of-school Middle Academic motivation

a. Negative scores indicate more positive outcomes.

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

written text, reviewing, and revising. Throughout the project students revised their favorite
compositions and chose their best writing for publication in a newspaper titled Kids Writing
for Kids. The students had also been encouraged to illustrate their writing throughout the
club sessions, and some of these drawings were selected for publication.

Youth Services–Child Care, Academic Assistance, Recreation, and Enrichment

Bissell, Dugan, Ford-Johnson, and Jones (2002) evaluated Youth Services–Child Care,
Academic Assistance, Recreation, and Enrichment, a California program designed to offer
a safe environment after school and during the summer in supervised school sites for stu-
dents in the Los Angeles Unified School District (table D21). Trained personnel supervised
by credentialed teachers provided participants with academic assistance and language
development activities for 40 minutes a day. Academic instruction included reading, math,
science, and social studies. In addition, students participated in nonacademic enrichment
activities such as games, character education, leadership skills building, and arts.

Table D20. Effect size for writing clubs

Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Woodcock-Johnson–Revised, writing 0.6300 Out-of-school Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.

Table D21. Effect sizes for Youth Services–Child Care, Academic Assistance, Recreation, and
Type of increased
Outcome Hedges’ g learning time Grades Domain
Stanford Achievement Test, Ninth Edition, math 0.041 Combined Elementary Math achievement
Stanford Achievement Test, Ninth Edition, reading 0.093 Combined Elementary Literacy achievement

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data obtained through the literature search and screening process.


1. This review follows the guidelines suggested by Cohen (1988): an effect size of 0.01–
0.49 is a small effect, an effect size of 0.50–0.79 is a medium effect, and an effect size of
0.80 or larger is a large effect.
2. As discussed in appendix A, findings were subjected to adjustments to the tails of effect
size distributions as a means of sensitivity testing. The summary effect sizes presented in
this and the following sections do not change when those adjustments are made.
3. All studies that included students with ADHD evaluated the same afterschool
program, the Challenging Horizons Program.
4. The exact number of unique reports is difficult to determine given the numerous dupli-
cates that appeared in multiple databases and the practice among some researchers to
have multiple reports on the same study or multiple reports using the same indepen-
dent sample.
5. This review aimed to assess the benefits of adding time for learning beyond the regular
school day, so a comparison group was defined as “students who did not receive addi-
tional academic instruction beyond the regular school day.”
6. “Published” was defined as made available through a publication vehicle that is mass
disseminated, such as a book, book chapter, academic journal, newspaper, magazine,
or collateral material widely disseminated by foundations or professional organizations.
Unpublished reports are those that summarize a research study but have not been sub-
mitted to one of the above mentioned publication vehicles (examples include doctoral
dissertations, conference presentations, reports on organizations’ websites, or reports
written by researchers but never submitted for publication).
7. The WWC is a repository of studies regarding education-related topics that meet
certain standards of evidence. The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Edu-
cation Sciences uses a competitive bidding process to choose a contractor to establish
and refine research standards and to oversee topic area reviews of studies. The con-
tractor releases numerous products every year. For more information about WWC, see
8. It is not possible to combine studies that assigned schools to conditions and analyzed
data at the school level with studies that assigned students to conditions and analyzed
the data at the student level or at multiple levels. The standard deviations in studies
that analyzed student-level data tend to be larger than the standard deviations in
studies that analyzed school-level data. Consequently, effect sizes based on school-level
data tend to be larger than effect sizes based on student-level data. Therefore, studies
involving school-level assignment and analyses were omitted from this review.
9. For methods of converting other types of statistics into Hedges’ g, see What Works
Clearinghouse (2010), pages 37–41.
10. All analyses were conducted using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software, Version 2
(Borenstein et al., 2005).
11. Hedges (2009) provides additional equations that accommodate for the hierarchical
nature of data often found in education settings (such as when classrooms are assigned
to conditions but data analysis is conducted at the student level). None of the studies
in this increased learning time review used multiple units of analysis.
12. Supplemental education services is a program funded by the U.S. Department of Edu-
cation that appropriates money to state education agencies to support extra academic
instruction through before- or after-school, weekend, or summer tutoring and remedia-
tion programs (


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