Assessment q2 1
Assessment q2 1
Assessment q2 1
1. Which of the following is the correct order of units of length in metric system?
A. (km, hm, dm, m, dam, cm, mm) C. (km, hm, dam, m, cm, dm, mm)
B. (km, hm, dam, m, dm, cm, mm) D. (km, dam, hm, m, dm, cm, mm)
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25
6. What is the total measure of 1.5 dm, 8.2 cm and 62.8 mm in cm?
7. Which unit would you use to measure the weight of a medicine capsule?
A. mg B. cg C. g D. kg
9. A newly married couple consumed 500 grams of rice everyday. How long will it take
for them to consume a 25 kg sack of rice?
A. 20.8 C. 2,080
B. 208 D. 20,800
12. What is the area of a rectangular lot with the dimension of 10 dm by 15 dm in square
meter? (Formula: Area = L x W = 10 dm x 15 dm = _____dm2 = _____m 2)
A. 1.5 m2 C. 150 m2
B. 15 m2 D. 1,500 m2
13. A person needs to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. If each glass is around
175 mL, at least how many liters are needed by a person everyday?
A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12
15. A family consumes about 4.5 m3 of water everyday. How many dm3 is their daily
water consumption?