Department of Teacher Education GE 15 - Course Syllabus
Department of Teacher Education GE 15 - Course Syllabus
Department of Teacher Education GE 15 - Course Syllabus
1. Course Number : GE 15
2. Course Name : Environmental Science
3. Course Description : The course is meant to deliver scientific knowledge in understanding the nature of
environmental science including its concepts and principles in line with the aspects of natural sciences, technology,
natural-historical events, currents environmental conditions, politics, culture, and economics. This course also
promotes an understanding of the interrelationship humans to the environment and vice versa helping students to
undertake the concepts of how the environment is important to human beings and other species.
4. Pre-requisite : None
5. Co-requisite : None
6. Credit : 3 units
7. Class schedule : 6 hours per week
8. Program Educational Objectives (PEO): The program educational objectives are expectations of students after 5
years, the graduates:
1. Understand key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the planning,
and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.
2. Appreciate concepts and methods from ecological and physical sciences and their application in
environmental problem-solving, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues, and also the
links between human and natural systems.
3. Reflect critically on their roles and identities as citizens, consumers, and environmental actors in a very
complex, interconnected world.
9. Student Outcomes (SO) of students and their links to PEO:
Upon completion of the program students will be able to:
1 2 3
Students will possess the capability to use a basic design to provide solutions that meet
SO a specified needs considerately of public health, safety, and welfare, furthermore as global,
cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
Students will possess the capability to acknowledge ethical and professional responsibilities
SO b in situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of scientific
solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
Students will have the flexibility to function effectively on a team whose members together
SO c provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan
tasks, and meet objectives.
Note: * SO being addressed in this course
Upon completion of the course, students of each program are expected to:
a b c
Understand basic concepts and methods from ecological sciences and its application in
CO 1
current environmental problem-solving.
CO 2 Appreciate basic concepts in the evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.
Acknowledge the ethical context of environmental issues and the links between human and
CO 3
natural systems.
10. Course Outcomes (CO) of GE 15 and their links to SO:
I = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have been introduced to the SO.
E = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have enabled themselves to attain the SO.
D = Upon attainment of this CO, students will have demonstrated partly or fully the SO
a) 3G E-Learning. (2018). Earth and life science. New York:NY: 3G-E Learning.
b) Miller, T.G., & Spoolman, S. (2019). Environmental Science. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
c) Reynolds, S.J. 92019). Exploring earth science. New York: NY: McGraw-Hill Publication.
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