Cables: Tipos, Calibres y Usos
Cables: Tipos, Calibres y Usos
Cables: Tipos, Calibres y Usos
Application Gauge/Conductor
Application Gauge/Conductor
All wire must be fused according to amp. Rating ampacities are based on
NEC® Table 310-16.
Underground Feeder • Plastic jacket and plastic Direct burial in the earth as feeder or
Cable insulation branch circuit cable. Indoor or outdoor
• 2 or 3 conductors with wiring, where subject to damp or corrosive
or without ground conditions. Inside hollow brick, tile or
masonry walls. Barns when acids, fungus,
alkalis or moisture are present.
Service Entrance Cable • For neutral (third wire) May be used without conduit from pole
twist bare strands that are to building and down the side of building
wrapped around insulated where not subject to mechanical injury.
conductors Use as service entrance cable.
• Available with either
copper or aluminum
XLP-USE Underground • Flame and moisture Suitable for direct burial in the earth as
Service Cable resistant a service entrance cable, feeder or
• Available with either branch circuit cable at 75°C service. Can
copper or aluminum also be used in conduit or duct, in wet
conductors or dry locations.
90°C Small Diameter • Nylon jacket over PVC 600 Volts building wire, suitable for new
Building Wire insulation work and in re-wiring of existing raceways.
• Type-2 8 AWG and larger Use in conduit, duct or EMT. THHN rated
75°C in wet location, 90°C. THWN-2
rated 90°C wet/dry locations. See code
ampacity for size.