Enterprise-Class API Patterns For Cloud & Mobile: CITO Research
Enterprise-Class API Patterns For Cloud & Mobile: CITO Research
Enterprise-Class API Patterns For Cloud & Mobile: CITO Research
May 2012
Enterprise-class API
Patterns for
Cloud & Mobile
Sponsored by
Enterprise-Class Security 3
Monetizing an API 12
CITO Research
Advancing the craft of technology leadership
CITO Research
Advancing the craft of technology leadership
Figure 2. REST versus SOAP: Simplicity wins again (Source: Programmable Web)
CITO Research
Advancing the craft of technology leadership
• The more APIs you consume, the more you have Enterprise-Class Security
to worry about management and compliance.
Enterprise-class security includes authentication, autho-
Compliance is a major issue if you are an insurance,
rization, and perimeter defense.
healthcare, financial, or banking company. You
need to implement proper policies for exposure, Authentication in APIs provides a way to ask the ques-
consumption, and availability of services based on tion: “Is the entity making this request really who they
the standard that you need to comply with (such as say they are?” OAuth is the predominant API authentica-
HIPAA, SOX, COBIT, PCI, and so on). tion model, used especially by organizations with APIs
associated with websites or mobile applications that
• Exposing an internal application may require medi-
require passwords.
ation with existing infrastructure, which is not nec-
essarily primed for communication on the open By creating a token that exists only during application
Internet. handshake, OAuth prevents password propagation
around the Internet. It is best suited for large groups
Individual applications are exposed on app servers
of unknown developers trying to access your API. It is
that may not be security-hardened or scalable. The mix
also lightweight and relatively easy to use; “new school”
of technologies in a large enterprise, from mainframe
developers are quickly becoming fluent in OAuth.
applications to web servers, all speak different lan-
guages and use different transport and security proto- Enterprise developers may be more familiar with
cols (see Figure 3). Commonly, management of API keys authentication mechanisms such as X.509 certificates,
presents the single biggest challenge for IT. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and
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Advancing the craft of technology leadership
two-way Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which are imple- firewalls, load balancers, and network connections
mented as part of web service standards colloquially based in large data centers. The cloud user is usually
known as WS- *. responsible for patching and maintaining the oper-
ating systems and application software. Providers
However, an authenticated client can still pose a threat.
bill IaaS services on a utility basis—cost reflects the
Attacks such as denial-of-service, code injection, mal-
amount of resources consumed.
ware, and data leaks must all be accounted for when
designing an enterprise API strategy. Tactics such as • Platform as a Service (PaaS): The cloud provider
data validation, input validation, pattern-based scan- delivers a computing platform that includes an
ning, heuristics, antivirus scanning, and malware scan- operating system, programming language execu-
ning can mitigate these threats. tion environment, database, and web server. In
some offerings, resources scale automatically to
Authorization provides a means of asking, “Is this entity
meet demand.
allowed to do what it is attempting to do?”
• Software as a Service (SaaS): Application software
The most prominent API authorization model is XACML is installed by cloud providers and cloud users access
(eXtensible Access Control Markup Language), which the software remotely. This “hands-free” approach
decouples authorization from the point of use (in other means the software can scale and apportion itself
words, the application itself ). With XACML, authoriza- according to demand without intervention by the
tion policies can be updated on the fly and affect all cli- user. Typically users do not manage the infrastruc-
ents immediately. ture or platform.
Perimeter defense must also be considered. Every time SaaS and PaaS providers are circumventing traditional
your data crosses the edge of an application, enter- enterprise architecture. Compliance and visibility has
prise firewall, or the cloud, a vulnerability is exposed. decreased. Simply put, your enterprise is likely already
Enterprise, cloud, and application edge security must be part of the app economy. The question is, how are you
built into any enterprise API scheme, as it provides the managing your API traffic? Do you have a control point
earliest form of detection. to manage that participation?
Visibility and Control Enterprise APIs are not science projects; they’re conduct-
ing enterprise-class business and require enterprise-
Most enterprises lack overarching visibility into and
class visibility and control. What path can enterprises
control of APIs. Departments often provision their own
take to prepare for secure use of APIs?
computing services from the cloud, frequently provided
via APIs. Typically, these services include the following
three major categories:
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Cloud provid-
ers offer physical and virtual machines, storage,
Enterprise-class API Patterns for Cloud & Mobile 5
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Figure 4. API gateways serve as an intermediary between the enterprise and external APIs
Enterprise-class API Patterns for Cloud & Mobile 6
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Use of an API gateway delivers a key technology enablement platform so that your IT department can become what
Gartner Group calls a “cloud service broker” (CSB). Additionally, many third-party companies are becoming CSBs them-
selves to package and deliver services or integrations for vertical industries. Analyst consensus estimates that by 2015,
20% of all cloud services will be intermediated by CSBs. A cloud service broker is an emerging role for IT or intermediar-
ies, and an API gateway is the centerpiece technology platform that enables this usage model.
CITO Research
Advancing the craft of technology leadership
To successfully expose assets, legacy protocols need tential security holes very quickly. This contrasts tradi-
to be translated. Attempting to do this sequentially, tional partner integration, where partners were a mere
partner-by-partner, seriously inhibits scalability and handful.
Mobile devices can bring potentially millions of mes-
API gateway solution: The API gateway mitigates risk sages a day from thousands of devices. You need a con-
by offering enterprise-edge security. In this model, the trol point to handle traffic and minimize impact on back-
REST API is exposed on the gateway, which can be on- end application servers—a type of “mobile middleware.”
premise in a secured DMZ or a virtual appliance in a
API gateway solution: The gateway maintains security
trusted network. REST requests are translated to SOAP
and manages volume and complexity as you expose
so that backend applications don’t have to be rewritten.
enterprise applications via mobility. The gateway man-
Security is enforced at the gateway, not on the backend.
ages perimeter defense, scanning messages for mali-
Supporting Mobile Use of Enterprise Services cious content. It also manages changes to mobile plat-
form APIs centrally. The gateway speaks REST and JSON,
Business usage model: In order to reach consumers
which, combined with the volume of API calls, demands
(and increasingly, partners and employees), you need
a responsive, scalable platform that can serve requests
mobile apps. A mobile API, however, can open up access
while maintaining the integrity of enterprise apps. In
to enterprise systems, which creates a security problem.
this use case, the gateway authenticates the client and
Via mobile device, anyone could send a function call
obtains authorization using OAuth. API responses are
directly into your enterprise. Worse, mobile devices are
typically sent as a JSON payload for native mobile appli-
mass-market devices, multiplying the number of po-
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cations, which interpret them into an object for use in the infrastructure can be managed from a central place. The
native mobile application programming environment. gateway can also act in a client capacity by securing and
mediating these REST API calls. The API gateway pro-
Controlling Use of Cloud Infrastructure as vides a façade or standard abstraction layer for develop-
a Service (IaaS) ers. This allows the enterprise to easily switch between
Business usage model: With service providers such as multiple cloud IaaS providers without expensive rip-
Rackspace or Amazon Web Services, your organization and-replace of custom code.
runs virtual machines (VMs) on hardware in third-party
The gateway can prevent VM creations or deletions from
data centers. Savings accrue because you can run ap-
rogue users or unauthorized users. Role-based rules can
plications on rented computing power without paying
help manage the sprawl of multiple VMs in the cloud
for on-premise resources. To offer more direct and rapid
for cost savings and provide audit controls on external
integration, these providers offer VM control via HTTP-
VM usage. Further, the gateway can interface with your
based API calls rather than through a web console.
enterprise LDAP, extending existing roles, and access
Simply put, they offer API controls for virtual machines.
control policies for provisioning new VM infrastructure,
These APIs allow administrators to apportion the infra-
without creating a need to twist your existing identity
structure devoted to a given enterprise application with
system to meet the whim of the cloud provider.
simple, easy to use REST function calls.
Without a gateway, setting up rules about who can set up
API gateway solution: The gateway lets organizations
or terminate a VM in the cloud becomes a custom devel-
take advantage of API controls for running VMs in the
opment project, done ad hoc, per provider. Terminating
cloud. The configuration of, and access to, cloud-based
a VM might lead to the loss of a vital business service.
CITO Research
Advancing the craft of technology leadership
Adding a raft of unauthorized VMs to your cloud wastes API gateway solution: Using an API gateway for PaaS-
money. Without a gateway, IT must hard-code authenti- created applications offers better authentication and
cation tokens into every application it hosts in the cloud, encryption protection, including OAuth, SSL, shared
a barrier to the promised savings and efficiency of cloud secrets, or signatures. A gateway in a virtual form factor
computing. allows you to put your enterprise security policies in the
Controlling Use of Platform as a Service (PaaS)
The gateway applies policies to data as it enters a hosted
Business usage model: Many enterprises are building
application or database, so your enterprise policies can
software as a service (SaaS) apps themselves, using PaaS
be protected while still gaining the advantage of a
providers such as Heroku, Force.com, and Engine Yard.
cloud-based deployment.
A gateway can secure, propagate, and manage these
apps. Building SaaS apps on PaaS providers’ platforms API gateways are available as cloud-based virtual
implies a heavy reliance on the providers’ security con- machines, which means the same cost savings offered
trols, which are generic to attract the widest customer by the cloud provider can be extended to the gateway
base, but often weak. There is no guarantee that enter- itself—and it will be operationally closer to the cloud
prise policies will work in a cloud-based app built on assets you create.
these platforms with their given toolsets.
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Advancing the craft of technology leadership
Projecting Security Policy on Data in the tifiable information (PII) or intellectual property. With
Cloud encryption, the enterprise keeps the keys and can deter-
mine how to protect data before it is sent to the cloud.
Business usage model: Many enterprise applications
now use data from a combination of internal databases The gateway can keep a copy of the API call before it’s
and data from cloud-based PaaS providers, such as Dun sent, in case the data payload doesn’t come back, by
& Bradstreet, Data.com, and Salesforce. When data is caching a copy in a secure area or database under the
split between the cloud and the enterprise, business risk enterprise’s control.
is increased because core business systems are exposed.
The gateway can abstract the interface to the cloud ser-
It’s vital that security and control mechanisms for exter-
vices so that authentication can be managed in a stan-
nally hosted data are as robust as those for on-premise
dardized way, regardless of the combination of methods
data. The enterprise application needs to authenticate
used by the cloud service.
itself to the cloud service using a method such as API
keys or shared secrets. Each cloud service is likely to use Securing Cloud Applications (Software as a
a variant of several of these methods. Service)
API gateway solution: The API gateway can manage Business usage model: Self-service is one of the big-
sharing of sensitive data between the enterprise and gest trends in today’s enterprise. Many popular business
cloud-based PaaS providers. The gateway can encrypt or services are offered in the cloud. However, resolving se-
tokenize portions of the data, such as personally iden- curity issues associated with these services may neces-
Enterprise-class API Patterns for Cloud & Mobile 11
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sitate expensive development on the provider side. The The gateway offers advanced, out-of-the-box security
multiple relationships between business users in de- features to improve the security posture provided by
partments have become a management nightmare for SaaS operators, which often lack these features. The
IT, which has no practicable way to enforce enterprise built-in security of a gateway saves tremendous amounts
policies in cloud-based apps hosted by third parties. of money and resources that would otherwise be spent
on patching the security holes left by SaaS providers.
API gateway solution: The API gateway is a valuable
architectural addition when Enterprises or Service An API gateway is a critical component that extends the
Providers are building their own SaaS applications. It standard three-tier architecture for modern SaaS appli-
lets you scale your SaaS applications more easily while cations. Without a dedicated gateway, API channels and
protecting a wide range of clients, internally and exter- their accompanying security controls such as OAuth,
nally. Alternatives to this architecture place more soft- SAML, SSL, X.509 processing, or shared secrets become
ware development, security and performance burdens a custom coding project on top of the application
on the web server and application server tier, which are server. Worse, complex heuristics for malware scanning
really designed for end-user communication, not API and data leak protection cannot be easily added. Large
transactions.. SaaS applications that require security and enterprise-
grade security may benefit from a security gateway for
reduced coding time and increased performance.
Enterprise-class API Patterns for Cloud & Mobile 12
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Advancing the craft of technology leadership
This paper was created by CITO Research and sponsored by Intel & McAfee Cloud Security Platform
The API Gateway design pattern outlined in this paper can be implemented by deploying Intel®ESG as a soft-
ware appliance, virtualized appliance in the cloud, or as a tamper resistant hardware appliance form factor
with Common Criteria EAL L4+ certifications. Also, available as part of the McAfee Cloud Security Platform as
McAfee Service Gateway. Intel®ESG is a mature product offering that has been deployed widely by fortune
100 corporations, federal governments, and cloud providers to protect SOA, Cloud, and Hybrid service imple-
mentations. Intel®ESG has been ranked a “top developer focused product” by leading analysts and offers true
developer level customization & flexibility. For more, visit: cloudsecurity.intel.com or mcafee.com/cloudsecurity
for video white board tutorials, cloud powered trial evals, and our webinar series on API Management.
Enterprise-class API Patterns for Cloud & Mobile 13
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Advancing the craft of technology leadership
CITO Research
CITO Research is a source of news, analysis, research, and knowledge for CIOs, CTOs, and other IT and busi-
ness professionals. CITO Research engages in a dialogue with its audience to capture technology trends that
are harvested, analyzed, and communicated in a sophisticated way to help practitioners solve difficult busi-
ness problems.
Andy Thurai, Chief Architect & CTO, Application Security and Identity Products, Intel
Andy Thurai is Chief Architect and CTO of Application Security and Identity Products with Intel, where he is respon-
sible for architecting SOA, Cloud, Governance, Security, and Identity solutions for their major corporate customers. In
his role he is responsible for helping Intel/McAfee field sales, technical teams and customer executives. Prior to this
role he has held technology architecture leadership and executive positions with L-1 Identity Solutions, IBM (Data-
power), BMC, CSC, and Nortel. His interests and expertise include Cloud, SOA, identity management, security, gover-
nance, and SaaS. He holds a degree in Electrical and Electronics engineering and has over 20+ years of IT experience.
He blogs regularly at http://www.thurai.net/securityblog on Security, SOA, Identity, Governance and Cloud topics.
Blake Dournaee, Product Manager, Intel Application Security and Identity Products
Blake is currently the product manager responsible for Intel© Expressway Service Gateway and an expert on API se-
curity. Blake was a specialist in applied cryptography applications at RSA Security. Blake is an established author who
wrote the first book on XML Security and co-authored SOA Demystified (Intel Press).