How To Measure Annual Report Narratives Disclosure
How To Measure Annual Report Narratives Disclosure
How To Measure Annual Report Narratives Disclosure
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1 author:
Basil Al-Najjar
Northumbria University
All content following this page was uploaded by Basil Al-Najjar on 05 November 2017.
Suzan Abed
Basil Al-Najjar*
Clare Roberts
Aberdeen University
*corresponding Author
How to Measure Annual Report Narratives Disclosure? Empirical Evidence from
Forward-Looking Information in the UK Prior the Financial Crisis
Purpose: The study aims to investigate empirically the common alternative methods of
measuring annual report narratives. Five alternative methods are employed, a weighted and
un-weighted disclosure index and three textual coding systems, measuring the amount of
space devoted to relevant disclosures.
Findings: The results reveal that while the alternative methods of forward looking voluntary
disclosure are highly correlated, yet important significant differences do emerge. In
particular, it appears important to measure volume rather than simply the existence or non-
existence of each type of disclosure. Overall, we detect that the optimal method is content
analysis by text-unit rather than by sentence.
Originality: This paper contributes to the extant literature in forward looking disclosure by
reporting important differences among alternative content analyses. However, the decision
regarding whether this should be a computerised or a manual content analysis appears not to
be driven by differences in the resulting measures. Rather the choice is the outcome of a
trade-off between the time involved in setting up coding rules for computerised analysis
versus the time saved undertaking the analysis itself.
How to Measure Annual Report Narratives Disclosure? Empirical Evidence from
Forward-Looking Information in the UK Prior the Financial Crisis
1. Overview
Disclosure is an abstract concept that cannot be measured in an unambiguous or precise
manner and there is therefore a continuing debate in the literature on how to best measure
disclosure and the impact of using different measures (Healy and Palepu, 2001). While a
large number of alternative content analysis methods have been employed these tend to fall
into one of two types, either textual content analysis or what Joseph & Taplin (2011) call
disclosure abundance, which measures the amount of space devoted to relevant items and
disclosure incidence or disclosure indices which instead measure the occurrence of specific
items. Although there has been a debate regarding the optimal way to design disclosure
indices (eg Marston & Shrives, 1991; Chow and Wong-Boren, 1987) and similar debates on
how to conduct textual analysis (eg Unerman, 2000; Beattie et al., 2004; Beattie and
Thomson, 2007) there has been few studies that have compared textual content analysis and
disclosure indices.
Cerf (1961) is considered to be the first to use a disclosure index to evaluate the extent of
disclosure, and since then, disclosure indices have been used extensively in corporate
disclosure studies. Un-weighted indexes treat all disclosure items as equal, irrespective of the
amount of space devoted to the topic, the number of times a topic is returned to or the
importance of the topic. In contrast, a weighted index uses different weights for various
disclosure items. These weights may reflect the importance of the information as seen by
various types of users (Singhvi and Desai, 1971), the type of measurement, for example
qualitative versus quantitative (Botosan, 1997), or the extent of disclosure (Robb et al., 2001).
Other differences include the treatment of items that may not apply to all companies with
some studies omitting these (e.g., Hossain et al., 2005) and others instead including them and
adjusting the resultant scores for non-applicable items (e.g., Meek et al., 1995). Finally,
studies vary considerably in the number of items included in the index. However, while the
construction of disclosure indices involves subjective judgments, such indices are clearly
valuable research instruments (Marston and Shrives, 1991; Botosan, 1997; Healy and Palepu,
Other studies have used manual content analysis to measure the extent of forward-looking
information. While this may avoid the need to design a disclosure index or a list of items that
are then searched for, it typically involves a choice of measurement unit. For example, words
(Campbell, 2004), sentences (Milne and Adler, 1999; Deegan et al., 2000; Celik et al., 2006)
and page proportions (Campbell, 2000; Gray et al., 1995) have all been used. Recently, a
number of explanatory studies have employed automated content analysis to score narratives.
There is evidence that it probably does not matter if manual content analysis records
disclosure in terms of pages or sentences (see for example, Hackston and Milne, 1996).
However, the issue of how the results of studies seeking to explain disclosure decisions are
affected by the choice of measurement metric is still far from clear. In particular, the issue of
whether or not more sophisticated content analysis methods result in more useful or more
valid measures of disclosure remains underexplored (Hackston and Milne, 1996).
Several studies have examined the alternative methods of disclosure in different areas. For
example, Joseph and Taplin (2011) found out whether “disclosure occurrence” or “disclosure
abundance” is more appropriate proxy for sustainability reporting. However, Unerman (2000)
highlighted that coding by sentence or word is considered to be incomplete, since it only
captures narrative disclosure which is un-useful for measuring SER. Despite this, Unerman
(2000) provided a useful discussion for measuring the volume of SER disclosure in terms of
proportions of pages, or paragraphs, taking into consideration non-narrative SER disclosure
such as charts, tables, and pictures. On the other hand, Milne and Alder (1999) discredited
coding a single word or phrase on reliability grounds; as such words and phrases have no
intrinsic meanings without sentence or sentences for context. In their analysis of intellectual
capital disclosures, Beattie and Thomson (2007) argued that coding by sentences appears to
be straightforward if sentence coding intellectual capital refers only to one-sub-category of
intellectual capital. However, different sub-categories of intellectual capital could be
disclosed in the same sentence.
This study focuses on changes in the UK regulatory environment which resulted in a change
of contents and forms of the UK financial disclosure practices before the period of financial
The rest of this paper is organised in the following manner; Section 2 provides an overview
of the ways in which prior studies have measured voluntary corporate disclosure; Section 3
describes the research design; Section 4 discusses, in more detail, how each of the five
disclosure measures are calculated; Section 5 evaluates the alternative disclosure measures.
Section 6 discusses the alternative disclosure methods. Finally, Section 7 provides a summary
and an overall conclusion.
2. Literature Review
There has been some considerable debate about the use of various weighting schemes,
especially in terms of their subjectivity (Ahmed and Courtis, 1999; Coy and Dixon, 2004), it
has generally been thought that providing the index is ‘sufficiently’ extensive, it makes little
difference whether a weighted or un-weighted index is employed (Chow and Wong-Boren,
1987). However, even if this is the case, one problem with the use of disclosure indices
remains. They necessitate the selection of a predetermined list of items that should not only
be fairly extensive, but to be capable of being used to generate replicable scores. This means
they are more suitable for areas where the researcher not only knows what might be found,
but can also describe this using a series of unambiguous, mutually exclusive and exhaustive
descriptors, but it is less suitable for topics where disclosures might be more varied or more
difficult to categorise into a number of relatively small data subjects. However, even if a
relatively unambiguous and exhaustive list of possible disclosures can be developed, the
problem remains that all disclosure indices, whether weighted or not, are based upon an
implicit assumption that the existence of an item is more important than the amount of space
devoted to it (Marston and Shrives, 1991). This may be true for some items, in particular
items that can be fully reported in a simple and succinct manner, but for many items, the
amount of space devoted to the disclosure is likely to be important. Firstly, it may affect the
way in which the reader of the report processes the information, either because it is seen as
being indicative of the importance accorded the item by the company itself, or because
decisions made are subconsciously affected by the length of disclosures. Alternatively, it may
simply be the case that, while information quality and disclosure length are not uniformly
related to each other, lengthier disclosures will tend to contain more information. That is,
using a binary system to capture the disclosure score may be misleading, as it treats a
company who makes one disclosure the same as a company that makes 50 disclosures
(Hackston and Milne, 1996). That is, detecting the presence or absence of an item does not
capture the disclosure volume. While previous studies have used weighting to reflect the
relative importance of items, doing this also ignores the volume of disclosure. Empirical
studies do not clarify the distinction between quality and quantity: it is generally assumed that
the quantity of corporate disclosure has implications in determining the quality of disclosure.
Previous studies have used quantity of disclosure as a proxy for quality of disclosure.
Nevertheless, the questionability of this assumption is quite evident, and a debate has been
commenced on the need to develop better proxy for quality (Core, 2001).
This study contributes to the findings of the previous studies by providing a comprehensive
discussion of alternative disclosure indices and content analysis methods used to measure the
extent of forward-looking information. As explained previously, prior studies used alternative
methods to measure the extent of FL information. For example, Walker and Tsalta (2001) and
Lim et al. (2007) used un-weighted disclosure indices to measure the extent of forward-
looking information; they limited their disclosure indices to a few sets of items. Robb et al.
(2001) and Vanstraelen et al. (2003) employed both weighted and un-weighted disclosure
indices. Clarkson et al. (1999) contacted sell-side analysts to score the disclosure quality of
MD&A using a survey questionnaire, the average analysts’ scores were used as a measure of
disclosure quality. Celik et al. (2006), Beretta and Bozzolan (2008), and Abad et al. (2008)
used manual content analysis to investigate the extent of forward-looking information.
Hussainey et al. (2003), Beattie et al. (2004), Aljifri and Hussainey (2007), and Athanasakou
and Hussainey (2009) employed automated content analysis to investigate the extent of
forward-looking information. Thus, the current study investigates what has been ignored in
previous studies by examining the impact of method choice on the measurement of forward-
looking information.
Because of this, various measures incorporating the volume of disclosure or textual content
analysis have become more common. The manual textual content analysis would involve the
researcher in reading the entire narrative report and then recording the incidence of all
relevant disclosures. However, while this may avoid the need to design a disclosure index or
a list of items that are then searched for, it typically involves a choice of measurement unit.
Manual textual content analysis has several advantages over computerised textual content
analysis. For example, it easily permits the use of both quantitative and qualitative analyses,
and it allows researchers to better interpret the meaning of specific words and phrases
(Deumes, 2008). Nevertheless, it is subject to several disadvantages: it is extremely time-
consuming and therefore less cost-effective if there is a large amount of textual data
(Deumes, 2008) meaning that prior studies in the field of accountancy have typically
employed a small sample due to the difficulty of data collection (Beattie and Thomson,
2007). Moreover, a researcher can make mistakes and it is prone to bias, because it is very
difficult to design a reliable coding techniques and classification rules (Krippendorff, 2004).
Computerised content analysis is, in contrast, both more cost-effective and more flexible.
However, while it has been used in previous studies to identify certain themes in texts
(Abrahamson and Amir, 1996; Breton and Taffler, 2001; Beattie et al., 2004; Kothari et al.,
2009: Cho et al., 2010; Davis and Tama-Sweet, 2012; Al-Najjar and Abed 2014), it has been
argued that electronic word searches are not as reliable as manual reading of the annual
reports (Milne and Alder, 1999; Beattie and Thomson, 2007). This may relate to the fact that
to understand disclosure, the whole sentence needs to be considered, while individual word
unlikely to convey much meaning (Beattie and Thomson, 2007).
3. Research Design
We employ five alternative methods of measuring disclosure are employed. Two of these use
the same pre-identified list of items, with one being un-weighted and one weighted index.
However, whether a disclosure index is weighted or un-weighted, it ignores the volume of
disclosure and treats a company who makes one limited disclosure the same as a company
that makes very extensive disclosures. Three textual content analysis measures were therefore
also employed. These instead search for each instance of disclosure and then count the space
devoted to all relevant disclosures. The first of these manually counted the number of
relevant text units, then the computer program QSR NVivo 8, has been employed to gain
code and count relevant text units as adopted by Beattie et al. (2004) and Beattie and
Thomson (2007) and finally, QSR NUD*IST 61 is employed to perform coding by sentences
as used by Hussainey et al. (2003) and Hussainey and Walker (2009). These five methods are
then used to investigate the voluntary disclosure of forward-looking information in the
narrative disclosures2 in the 2006 annual report of 30 UK companies3. The sample is
randomly chosen from the largest UK listed firms by market capitalization as listed by
Financial Times on 30 March 2007, from eight different industries4. In order for the firms to
be included in our models their annual narrative should be at least 50 pages. Several sets of
analyses are employed to compare the resulting scores. Firstly, they are compared using
correlation analysis to gain information on how similar or dissimilar they are. However, the
correlation is a measure of the overall level of agreement between two measures and it says
nothing about how any differences in relative scores of the sample companies are distributed.
Therefore, the scores for each method are also converted into ranks and these are compared
by a company to company basis to explore the issue of whether differences in the ranks are
randomly distributed across the sample or whether instead some, or all, of the methods
generate very similar results for some companies, but very different results for the other ones.
Regression analyses are then used to gain some insight into the potential impact of using the
different disclosure measures in empirical studies, to provide evidence on whether or not the
results of prior empirical studies might depend crucially upon the choice of disclosure metric.
Hence, our main question in this study is: Are alternative methods of measurements
providing quite similar inferences of FL disclosure?
4. Disclosure Measures
In order to create a comprehensive list of disclosure items, previous studies on FL
information disclosure were reviewed (e.g., Cahan and Hossain, 1996; Robb et al., 2001;
Walker and Tsalta, 2001; Vanstraelen et al., 2003; Hossain et al., 2005) as was Accounting
QSR NVivo 8 supersedes N6; it includes the features of N6, as well as the ability to work with PDF
documents, photos, videos, and audio files.
For all methods, all images, charts, tables, pictures, and graphics were ignored, as were the financial
statements, notes and audit report and any narrative sections which are considered to be highly standardised, i.e.
directors’ reports, corporate governance report, remuneration report, list of content, list of directors and
advisors, statement of directors’ responsibilities, financial history and financial summary, and shareholder
information. This is consistent with previous studies (e.g., Walker and Tsalta, 2001; Hussainey et al., 2003;
Beattie et al., 2004) and leaves the narrative, largely voluntary sections, such as, chairman’s, CEO’s and
financial director’s statements, operating and financial review, business review or review of the operation,
community and people, and environmental report.
2006 was the first year that the requirement to follow the ASB’s Reporting Statement 1 : Operating & financial
review, was removed.
Financial companies were excluded because the very different activities and market characteristics of this
industry suggest that they may consistently report different levels or types of FL information.
Standard Board (ASB) RS1 Operating and Financial Review (2005), resulting in a
preliminary list of 54 items. This was then pilot-tested on 10 UK non-financial companies
randomly selected to ensure that all relevant items are included and irrelevant or misleading
items are excluded from the final list5. This process has resulted in a final list of all the
original 54 items plus 10 additional items that were also disclosed by the pilot companies.
These 64 items were classified into two main categories: non-financial and financial items.
The former category comprises four sub-groups: (a) the market and other external
information (10 items), (b) company trends (9 items), (c) strategic information (8 items), and
(d) other information (8 items). The financial category consists of 29 items.
The un-weighted index was generated using a dichotomous approach; if the company
discloses a specific item at least once, it is scored as 1, and 0 otherwise. Following Haniffa
and Cooke (2005) a relative “Disclosure Score Ratio” (DSR) was then calculated for each
company by converting the absolute score into a percentage score. While some items (for
example backlog/new orders and R&D) might be expected to be more often disclosed in
some industries than others, the index contained no items that would necessarily be irrelevant
for a particular industry or company included in the sample. Therefore, the DSR was
calculated on the basis that the maximum possible score for all companies was 64. To gain
further insight into the issue of whether or not the weighting system chosen is important, one
weighted disclosure score was also employed. Based upon the argument that there is more
information contained in a quantitative than a qualitative forward looking disclosure item,
quantitative items were more highly weighted. Following Botosan (1997), Bozzolan, (2003),
quantitative items were assigned a weight of 2 and qualitative items a weight of 16. Again, the
absolute scores were converted to percentages.
Textual content analysis requires selection of a unit of analysis, or “the specific segment of
content that is characterised by placing it into a given category” (Holsti, 1969, P. 116).
There has been debate regarding the use of words, sentences, or paragraphs as a basis for
coding. The earlier content analysis studies were generally concerned with social and
environmental disclosures, and most commonly used sentences as a basis for coding
decisions (Gray et al., 1995). Sentences were used because, as Milne and Adler (1999)
These are a different set of companies from the 30 employed in the main analysis.
A common alternative approach is to instead ask users what weights they would employ (eg Chow & Wong-
Boren 1987) but this is still subjective, as it not clear which user groups should be consulted.
argued, sentences were seen to be the most reliable unit of analysis, being more likely to
provide complete, reliable, and meaningful data for further analysis in contrast to coding on
the basis of a single word or phrase. However, Beattie et al. (2004) argue that sentences can
often be too large a unit of code, and that it is necessary to split sentences into text units, or a
group of words containing a single “piece of information that was meaningful in its own
right” (p. 216). For example, in the analysis of forward-looking information, using the text
unit as a unit of analysis results in coding the sentence: Despite continuing high raw material
prices we are optimistic that our Polymer business will once again deliver strong results
(Yule Catto, 2006 Annual reports and Accounts) into two text units, one about likely material
costs and one about future results. Given this disagreement over the most appropriate unit of
analysis, the current study, therefore, uses both sentences and text units.
Once the content has been coded on the basis of text units, quantification can be achieved in a
number of ways, the most common being by word, sentence or proportion of the page. The
choice is important as the accuracy of recording is likely to vary across the alternative
measures, suggesting that sentences may be the most objective measure (Hackston and Milne,
1996). However, Unerman (2000) argue that using sentences as a unit of measurement
ignores the possibility that differences in sentence length may lead to very different scores for
companies that in practice disclose the same amount of information. While Unerman (2000)
suggest measuring the proportion of pages as a solution to grammatical differences, using text
units would also seem to solve the problem of how to cope with systematic differences in
sentence structures. Therefore, again sentences and text units are both used in the
computerised content analysis. Thus, the manual content analysis was a fully manual one,
involving reading the annual report narratives and then counting the number of text units that
provide FL information, while QSR NVivo 8 software was used to conduct computerised
content analysis using the text unit both as the unit of analysis and unit of quantification and
N6 (NUD*IST) was used for a similar analysis using sentences for both unit of analysis and
unit of measurement (Al-Najjar and Abed, 2014).
In order to perform the automated content analysis of NVivo 8, a list of FL keywords and a
list of topic keywords was generated and the software used to count the occurrence of at least
one FL keyword associated with a topic keyword by searching for the intersection of the two.
Hussainey et al.’s (2003) list was used as a preliminary list of keywords. This was then
modified and potential keywords added based upon the manual content analysis (for example,
“possible”, “probable”, “opportunity”, “further”, “chance”, “future”, “commitment”, “near
term” and “medium term”) while others were instead excluded due to their very low
frequency of occurrence (for example, “envisage”, “eventual”, “novel”, “scope for”, “scope
to”, and “shortly”). The final list of 36 forward looking words is shown in Table 1.
The selection of disclosure topics was then undertaken using four steps. Firstly, a list of topic
keywords was generated based on previous textual content analysis studies (Breton and
Taffler, 2001; Hussainey et al., 2003; Beattie et al., 2004), disclosure index studies (Robb et
al., 2001; Walker and Tsalta, 2001; Vanstraelen et al., 2003), or frequency count studies
(Cahan and Hossain, 1996; Hossain et al., 2005; Bozzolan and Mazzola, 2007). Then, when
carrying out the manual content analysis, forward-looking statements were identified and any
additional main topic keywords found were added to the preliminary list. This resulted in a
modified list of topics which were then classified into four main themes, as employed by a
number of prior studies (Robb et al., 2001; Hutton et al., 2003; Vanstraelen et al., 2003;
Bozzolan and Ipino, 2007).
This list includes: financial information: sales, profit, cost, asset, liability, equity, capital, and
cash; strategy information: mission, policy, and objective; structure information: expansion,
development, improvement, growth, merger, and progress; corporate environment
information: legal, politics, technology, competition, and risk. Again, synonyms were then
added and text search-queries used to assess the applicability the list. Table 2 presents the
dominant themes and the main keywords related to these themes.
Again, synonyms were then added and text search-queries used to assess the applicability the
list. Table 2 presents the dominant themes and the main keywords related to these themes.
Before importing the annual reports into NVivo, the annual reports were transferred from
PDF files into standard text format files. All images, charts, tables, pictures, and graphics
were therefore automatically deleted. The financial statements, notes and audit report were
then deleted from the text file as were those narrative sections which are considered to be
highly standardised, i.e. directors’ reports, corporate governance report, remuneration report,
list of content, list of directors and advisors, statement of directors’ responsibilities, financial
history and financial summary, and shareholder information. This is consistent with previous
studies (e.g., Walker and Tsalta, 2001; Hussainey et al., 2003; Beattie et al., 2004) and leaves
the narrative, largely voluntary section, such as, chairman’s, CEO’s and financial director’s
statements, operating and financial review, business review or review of the operation,
community and people, and environmental report.
Text search queries were used to find the recurrence of a particular word or phrase or group
of keywords in the narratives. To do this, the forward-looking keywords were classified into
four groups. Keywords involving plural or singular forms, such as “chance” and “chances”;
where the use of the question sign (?) after “chance?” enables the software to capture both
forms. The second group is phrases consisting of two to four words, for example, “coming
year” or “coming financial year”. In this case, the double quotes (" ") mean the phrase is
searched for. The third group is verbs, such as “forecast”. However, since verbs may
sometimes launch information related to the past, different forms derived from the verbs are
used to reduce noise that may otherwise be introduced. These forms include “forecast”,
“forecasts”, “is forecasted”, “are forecasted”, “is forecasting” and “are forecasting”. Hence,
they exclude past tenses such as “forecasted”, “was forecasting”, “were forecasting”, “has
forecasted”, “have forecasted”, “was forecasted” and “were forecasted” (e.g., Hussainey et
al., 2003). Furthermore, in some cases an adverb and/or (not) distinguishes between the
auxiliary and the main verb; an example of this would be “is not also forecasted”. In this
case, NVivo provides an option to use the Tilde (~) to indicate proximity (e.g., Wasley and
Wu, 2006). As a result, the following text search query is written: “is forecasted”~2, where 2
represent the number of words between the auxiliary and the main verb. The fourth group is
differentiated by the occurrence of a preposition before the year number; the text search
queries which are written to find a year number should be preceded by one of the following
prepositions “in”, “into”, “for”, “of”, after”, “before”, “through”, “throughout”, “by”, and
“during” and also followed by a year number from 2007 successively until 2030. For
example, the following text search query is written to search for year number
30]". Based on the above, a number of text search queries are written to search for FL
keywords and similar procedures were applied to search for topics keywords.
An advanced feature of NVivo “coding query” was then used to find the intersection between
forward-looking keywords nodes (Table 1) and topics nodes (Table 2). In an advanced coding
query, more criteria should be identified to find the intersection between the previous nodes.
This is performed using the option to search for text that is in close proximity by employing
the “NEAR content” feature. The option of “Specified Number of Words” was used with
seven words being chosen as the basis for coding text units (e.g., Wasley and Wu, 2006).
N6 (NUD*IST) was used to generate the final measure, disclosure measured by sentence,
where the vector node feature was used to count all sentences containing at least one of the
same set of forward looking words and one of the same set of relevant topics.
QSR NVivo 8 was realised in March 20087 as a replacement for the earlier N6 (NUD*IST).
However, the “command file” in N6 has the same characteristics as “query” in NVivo 8, but
it performs coding at the level of sentences. The forward-looking keywords and the topics
keywords are the same as used for NVivo, but sentences are both the unit of analysis and the
unit of measurement. A special feature in N6 is a vector node (which is equivalent to
advanced text queries in NVivo) which is used to find all sentences containing at least one
forward-looking keyword and one topic. Table 3 presents the command file to search for
“predict”; the left column represents the command and the right column represents the
definition of the command components.
The QSR NVivo 8 home page is at
As might also be expected, automated content analysis using NVivo software results in much
higher scores than those generated by NUD*IST (mean 71.83 vs. 48.13) suggesting that
there are a significant number of sentences that contain more than one relevant forward
looking item. Both NVivo and the manual content analysis use text units as a unit of analysis,
suggesting that the two should be similar. However, they yield quite dissimilar results, with
the manual method yielding a much lower mean score (54.87 vs. 71.83), and a maximum
score (122 vs. 197) but a higher minimum score (25 vs. 16). As expected, the manual method
of counting text units results in a higher score than recorded by NUD*IST which records
potentially longer and less frequent sentences, although the difference is not so great (54.87
vs. 48.13) and again the manual method records a higher minimum score (25 vs. 15) and a
lower maximum score (122 vs. 137).
However, even the distributions are quite similar; they may mask significant differences in
the scores recorded for individual companies if on average such differences cancel each other
out. To examine this possibility, the Pearson correlations are reported in Table 5.
The correlation matrix reports significant and relatively high correlations across all five
methods. The two highest correlations are between the weighted and un-weighted disclosure
indices (0.989), suggesting that companies that disclose more quantitative measures also
disclose more qualitative ones, and between NVivo and NUD*IST (0.922), indicating that it
may matter little if sentences or text units are recorded. However, all correlations are high,
with the lowest being between NVivo (number of the text-units) and the un-weighted and
weighted disclosure indices (0.810 and 0.817 respectively). All of the correlations between
the indices and the textual measures fall somewhere between those found for the log of the
number of items and sentences by Jospeh and Taplin (2011) at 0.78 and the 0.93 (in 1996 or
0.94 in 2002) found by Haniffa and Cooke (2006) for the number of words and the number
of items. Joseph and Taplin (2011) argue that the correlation will depend crucially upon the
number of items reported, with the correlation increasing as the amount of disclosure falls.
However, this is at best only a partial explanation of the differences, given that while the
mean number of items found by Joseph and Taplin (2011) was 15.3 and Haniffa and Cooke
(2006) report an average of 6.9 items (in 2002), this study in contrast found a higher level of
disclosure than either of these studies, with the mean number of items disclosed being 23.7.
While all the correlations are high, they are not perfect and it may be that the differences
between them are important. They may be important if, for at least some companies, the
resultant conclusions drawn about the company differs according to the measures being
considered. In order to gain more understanding about the differences between the five
different methods used we introduce a Mean comparison T-test between the weighted and
unwegited methods and the three different textual coding systems and report the results in
Table 6. We detect that all the comparisons, apart from the manual method and the
NUD*IST, are significant, indicating there are significant differences among these methods.
To explore why these differences emerge, the disclosure scores for each method were
replaced by their corresponding ranks (30 being the highest disclosing company) and for each
company the standard deviation of the five resultant ranks was also calculated, as reported in
Table 7. This shows that, on average, the standard deviation of the five ranks is 2.96.
However, there are a few large differences across the 30 companies, the standard deviations
for each company varying from 0 (GKN) to 8.10 (Premier Oil).
Again, there are very few differences between the weighted and un-weighted indices. They
both agree on the three best companies (GKN, Scottish and Newcastle and British Airways)
while 20 of the 30 companies were within two ranks of each other. Indeed, the maximum
difference in rank was only 4.5 with Uniq disclosing relatively more quantitative information
and less qualitative information and WSP and Yule Catto producing instead relatively more
qualitative disclosures but less quantitative information than the average. Looking at
NUD*IST and NVivo, seven companies have the same rank, these including the best three
(now GKN, British Airways and Smiths group) and the poorest two (Hill & Smith, JJB).
Another 12 companies have a difference in rank of no more than three. In contrast, there are
three companies that yield very different results. WSP (9 NVivo and 17 NUD*IST) and
Melrose Resources (4 vs. 21) appear to be unusual with simpler sentences than the average
company, while in contrast, Premier Oil (26 vs. 16) appears to have a more complex sentence
structure than the average company. When all five methods are compared, all agree that the
highest level of disclosure is found in GKN’s report and they also all tend to agree that
British Airways is particularly good, while Hill & Smith produces the least information
across four measures and second lowest only for unweighted index, with Greggs also being
particularly poor. 15 of the 30 companies have a range of ranks of five or less, but in contrast
a few very large differences appear across the five methods for some of the other companies.
However, there appears not to be any discernible pattern in these differences. For example,
for Melrose the largest difference is between NVivo and NUD*IST, (4 vs. 21). In contrast,
InterCon, which has the second highest standard deviation of all companies, yields virtually
identical ranks for NVivo and NUD*IST (22 and 20) but very different ranks for the
frequency and manual content methods (4 and 3). In contrast, Premier Oil, with the highest
standard deviation, yields ranks under the disclosure indices that are out of line with the other
three methods as well as very different ranks for the two automated content analysis methods.
However, while there are no clear patterns of differences two conclusions can be drawn from
this table, firstly, at least for the weighting scheme used, there are few differences in the
ranks of the two disclosure indices. Secondly, while some companies yield consistent ranks
across all five methods, a number of companies instead yield quite large differences in their
ranks across two or more of the three textual content analysis methods or between one or
more of these three methods and the two disclosure indices.
Given that the different disclosure measures yield quite different results, at least for some
companies, it is important to gain an insight into the potential impact of these differences.
Therefore, OLS regression analyses are performed to assess whether the different methods
may, when employed in regression analysis, result in different conclusions being drawn. Four
independent variables are employed. Size is the variable most widely used in the literature to
explain the variation in voluntary disclosure. Previous studies looking at FL information have
generally found size to be important (Clarkson et al., 1994; Frankel et al., 1995; Cahan and
Hossain, 1996; Clarkson et al., 1999; Miller and Piotroski, 2000; Johnson et al., 2001; Robb
et al., 2001; Walker and Tsalta, 2001; Kent and Ung, 2003; Vanstraelen et al., 2003; Hossain
et al., 2005; Celik et al., 2006; Wasley and Wu, 2006; Lim et al., 2007; Bozzolan and Ipino,
2007; Beretta and Bozzolan, 2008). In contrast to this, three other variables; capital need,
earnings volatility and competition rate are also included because prior studies have reached
conflicting conclusions. As such, if the five different measures are to yield conflicting results,
this is likely to be found when including these variables in the regression analysis.
The need for external funds is likely to exert pressure on companies to provide voluntary
information to reduce information asymmetry (Healy and Palepu, 2001). Diamond and
Verrecchia (1991) argued that greater disclosure improves stock market liquidity by reducing
the cost of capital through either decreased transactions costs or increased marketability of a
firm’s securities. Previous studies have examined the relationship between the disclosures of
FL information and companies’ needs for external funds (Clarkson et al., 1994; Frankel et al.,
1995; Cahan and Hossain, 1996; Clarkson et al., 1999; Miller and Piotroski, 2000; Johnson et
al., 2001; Kent and Ung, 2003; Hossain et al., 2005; Bozzolan and Ipino, 2007). For instance,
Clarkson et al. (1994) and Frankel et al. (1995) found that firms are more likely to issue
forecasts if they are seeking external finance. Clarkson et al. (1999), Hossain et al. (2005) and
Bozzolan and Ipino (2007) demonstrated a positive relationship between forward-looking
information and new issues of equity funds. In contrast, Cahan and Hossain (1996), Johnson
et al. (2001), and Kent and Ung (2003) found no support for the need for external finance and
earnings forecasts.
Earnings volatility is likely to increase information asymmetry (Brown and Hillegesit, 2007)
and consequentially increased disclosure may be used to reduce this asymmetry. While a
number of previous studies have examined the relationship between FL information and
earnings volatility (Miller and Piotroski, 2000; Walker and Tsalta, 2001; Kent and Ung,
2003; Vanstraelen et al., 2003; Wasley and Wu, 2006), the results have been conflicting. For
example, Miller and Piotroski (2000) show that firms with more persistent earnings are more
likely to provide FL information and Kent and Ung (2003) detect that companies with less
volatile earnings are more likely to provide earnings forecast information. Walker and Tsalta
(2001) instead document no relationship between earnings volatility and disclosure quality
while Wasley and Wu (2006) found a positive relationship between the disclosure of cash
flow forecasts and earnings volatility. Zechman (2010) report that managers factor voluntary
disclosure into the financing decision to either offset or maintain uninformative reporting.
Consistent with information asymmetry theories, prior studies indicate that firms which
frequently disclosed earnings forecast are less likely to experience volatile earnings than
firms which infrequently disclose forecasts (Waymire, 1985; Lev and Penman, 1990). On the
other hand, Kent and Ung (2003) argued that legal liability occurred from inaccurate
forecasts. That is, if the management frequently provides inaccurate FL information, the
capital market might discredit any future performance.
Healy and Palepu (2001) argue that companies compete primarily on the basis of price or
capacity decisions. Based on this proposition, when companies are competing on capacities,
firms try to disclose more information based on economic theory (Shin, 2002). Companies
facing capacity (product) competition need funds to finance their capital investment to
increase their market share; hence, they are expected to disclose more to reduce information
asymmetry and in turn, to reduce the cost of capital. However, previous studies have
examined the relationship between FL information and competition (e.g., Kent and Ung,
All financial data was taken from DataStream for the 2005 and 2006 financial years. The
natural log of sales was employed as the proxy for size. Capital needs were measured as the
change in capital and reserves deflated by year-end total assets, earnings volatility was
measured as change in after tax profit deflated by after tax profits of 2005 while competition
rate was proxied by total sales of the largest four firms in the industry (based on LSE Industry
Classification Benchmark system) divided by total industry sales.
Table 4 reports on the dependent variables while Table 8 reports on the independent
variables. The independent variables are tested for multicollinearity. Only one correlation
being significant at 5% (Size and competition rate -0.478) and all VIFs being small, hence,
correlations nor VIF indicate any problems of multicolinearity.
Table 9 presents the results of the multiple regressions for the alternative measures. While all
five regressions are significant and all five find that both size and competition are significant
some interesting differences emerge. As expected, the weighted and un-weighted disclosure
indices result in nearly identical regressions, however, these are quite different from the
results generated by the other three methods. For the two regressions based upon disclosure
indices, only size and competition rate are significant. In contrast, when using any of the
other three methods, earnings volatility is found to also be significant, while when using the
manual content analysis method, capital need is also found to be significant at 10% (but it the
opposite direction to what would be expected)8.
Again, these results can be compared to prior studies of corporate social or sustainability
disclosures. Here, the results are quite different from those of Joseph and Taplin (2011) and
also, to a lesser extent, from those of Haniffa and Cooke (2006). Joseph and Taplin (2011)
found a lower R-squared (0.49 vs. 0.57) and fewer significant independent variables when
disclosure was measured in terms of length or abundance while Haniffa and Cooke (2006)
show similar results for 1996 (0.30 vs 0.48) and only slightly higher R square in 2002 (0.45
vs 0.44) for textual analysis or space devoted to disclosure. This is in contrast to the results
found here, when the unweighted index is found to be very much less informative than the
manual text unit count in particular (R-square 0.33 vs. 0.68). Joseph and Taplin (2011) argue
that their results suggest that sentences are a less accurate measure of disclosure, as they may
capture repetition and differences in reporting styles. Now, the R-Square is highest for
manual and NVivo textual analysis, while the manual analysis also results in more significant
independent variables, suggesting that differences in sentence structures may indeed be a
problem. However, these results in contrast suggest that for FL information, there is not a
problem of repetition and all of the quantity measures are much more useful than disclosure
We aim, here, to make a comparison among alternative disclosure indices and textual content
analysis methods. Comparisons were performed using several sets of analyses. While the
results of the correlation reveal a high consistency level, suggesting that the choice of
A possible reason for this is because UK corporate debt is predominately private (Ball et al., 2000). Thus,
private debt reduces information asymmetry between managers and lenders
disclosure measure does not matter, further analyses in contrast clearly suggest that the
method of measurement is important and different measures may result in quite different
conclusions being drawn from any empirical study using disclosure measures as dependent
Similar to previous studies (eg., Chow and Wong-Boren 1987), the correlations, an analysis
of the ranks of each company and the regression analysis all suggest that it does not matter
greatly if a disclosure index is weighted or un-weighted. However, disclosure indices only
record whether or not an item is disclosed, they do not measure the extent of disclosure, so
they ignore the amount of space devoted to the topics. The three textual content analysis
methods instead capture the volume, in that each instance of disclosure is recorded. While the
correlations were all very high across all five measures, suggesting it does not matter which
type of measure is employed, in contrast, the T-test, the rankings and the regression analysis
clearly suggest that this distinction is important. NVivo and the manual content analysis
perform coding at the level of a text unit while Nudist performs coding at the level of a
sentence and the rankings suggest that while some companies are not significantly affected
by which textual content analysis method is employed others are affected, either because they
have a sentence structure that is atypical so that sentences contain more or less text units than
average or because the manual analysis typically recognised fewer relevant textual units.
While the rankings suggest, that at least for a significant number of companies, it matters
which measure is used, the regressions clearly show that the three textual content analysis
measures produce a measure of disclosure that is easier to explain, in that there is a far
stronger relationship between disclosure and the corporate characteristics that theory and past
empirical studies suggest are important determinants of corporate disclosure. To that extent,
these three measures all better capture corporate disclosure in a meaningful way. However,
these results are in conflict with those of Joseph and Taplin (2011), suggesting that sentences
are less useful as they contain repetition. Two possible reasons may account for this
difference. Firstly, there are methodological differences with Joseph and Taplin (2011)
including charts and tables and coding each bullet point or line as a sentence, while this study
followed the more common approach (eg., Walker and Tsalta 2001, Hussainey et al, 2003;
Beattie et al, 2004) of excluding all images, charts, tables, pictures and graphs. Secondly,
Joseph and Taplin (2011) looked at sustainability disclosures rather than FL information.
Thus, their index included items such as a general statement of policy on: the environment;
social activities; and, the local economy. They also included items such as waste management
methods, social activities description and stakeholder engagement. All of these are items
where disclosure might be very short and succinct or it might be very long and verbose. A
long statement might quite easily contain little extra information that will influence users. As
such, it might be that sustainability or social information disclosure is more prone to include
long statements that have an element of repetition or are not very much more useful than
shorter statements. The question of whether this is the case and whether there are systematic
differences in how social and environmental disclosures should be measured in contrast to
information that is more financially orientated remains a question for further research.
Irrespective of the relative advantages of using textual analysis, the regressions suggest that
analysis by text unit is better than the analysis by sentence, supporting the arguments of
Unerman (2000) and Beattie et al (2004) that sentences are not the most appropriate volume
measure. However, this can be done manually or via a computerised count. Manual textual
analysis results in a lower mean score than does computerised textual analysis by text unit,
although the R-square is high at 0.8871 and, while it yields a higher R-square, the
differences are not enormous. It must also be remembered that manual analysis is more time
consuming if large samples are being employed (Hussainey et al., 2003). To this extent,
whether or not a manual or a computerised text-unit analyse is optimal will likely depend on
the nature of research questions being addressed, on the nature of narratives, and on the
sample size. For example, when searching for fairly straightforward subjects such as, for
example ‘employees’ it is easier to capture and measure disclosure, but when the subject is
more complex, for example, “social and environmental information”, more classification
rules are required to measure the disclosures. Establishing relevant computerised coding
queries then proves to be much more labour intensive with many iterations being required
during which computerised and manual content analysis should be compared and the
computerised codes changed to better reflect the results obtained by manual inspections.
However, as the sample size increases, automated content analysis offers significant time
savings which will more than outweigh the additional time required to set-up the search rules.
7. Summary
The aim of this study is to make comparison among alternative disclosure indices and content
analysis methods for the UK non-financial companies before the financial crisis. In the
analysis, we employ alternative methods of disclosure indices and content analyses (un-
weighted index, a weighted index, manual content analysis, and automated content analysis
using NVivo and Nudist) to investigate the impact of method choice on the measurement of
FL information. Comparisons among indices were performed using several sets of analyses.
While the results of the correlation reveal that the disclosure scores generated by the
alternative methods result in a high level of consistency, further analysis suggests that the
method of measurement does matter.
The correlation, t-test, regression and analysis of the ranks of each company suggest that it
does matter if a disclosure index is weighted or un-weighted. However, disclosure indices
only record whether or not an item is disclosed, they do not measure the extent of disclosure.
Content analysis methods instead all capture volume, in that each instance of disclosure is
recorded. The results of the regression analysis clearly suggest that this distinction is
important and that it is easier to explain the volume of disclosure as measured by content
analysis methods.
On average, the results provide quite similar inferences; hence, a trade-off should clearly be
made. Based on this, it has been concluded that computerised content analysis using QSR
NVivo 8 software, while involving considerable set-up costs, offers a significant time savings
when applied to a relatively large sample of narratives. This result is consistent with Beattie
et al. (2007) who perform coding by manual content analysis using text unit as am measure of
unit since sentence is considered too long to capture intellectual disclosure. Automated
content analysis is therefore applied based on an identifying list of FL keywords and a set of
topic keywords. Text search queries in QSR NVivo 8 are employed to search for FL
keywords and topic keywords, and the results are saved in separate nodes. A special feature
in NVivo allows for finding the intersections between the previous nodes using advanced
coding queries. The results of intersections are merged in one node, which represents the
number of text units of FL information for each company. The overall results are exported to
an Excel sheet showing a list of companies’ DataStream codes and the number of FL text
units for each company.
NVivo and the manual content analysis perform coding at the level of a text unit while Nudist
performs coding at the level of a sentence. While often these three methods yielded similar
result it is also clear that some companies have a sentence structure that is atypical so that
sentences contain more or less text units than average. The regressions suggest that analysis
by text unit is the best method and that the choice to be made is simply whether to do this
manually or to use a computerised method. Which should be used appears not to mater in
terms of the impact upon the results generated. Rather, the choice will depend on the nature
of research questions being addressed, on the nature of narratives, and on the sample size. For
example, when the sentence consists of a small number of words it is easier to capture the
disclosure score, but when the length of the sentence increases more classification rules are
required to measure the disclosures. Establishing relevant computerised coding queries then
proves to be much more labour intensive with many iterations being required during which
computerised and manual content analysis should be compared and the computerised codes
changed to better reflect the results obtained by manual inspections. However, as the sample
size or/and classification rules increase, automated content analysis offers significant time
savings which will more than outweigh the additional time required to set-up the search rules.
On the other hand, the use of manual content analysis provides a significant time saving if
there is a small sample size or if it is employed to search only for relatively small range of
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Table 1 List of Forward-Looking Keywords
Themes Keywords
Strategy Mission, vision, strategy, policy, goal, proposal, target, programme, plan,
Environment Legal, regulation, law, environment, rule, politics, social, economical, industry,
technology, competition, risk, uncertainty, market, trade, demand, inflation,
interest rate, service, trend, employee, leadership, oil price, recession, raw
Financial Earning, revenue, sales, turnover, cash, debt, loan, leverage, cost, charge,
backlog, return, outcome, income, profit, contribution, investment, assets,
saving, benefit, dividend, expenditure, expense, payment, tax, liability,
obligation, losses, margin, equity, liquidity, fund, depreciation, research and
“[ Start accumulate keywords to search
Predict Search for the keywords predict
]” End accumulate keywords
Pattern search No pattern search to find words with similar meanings or with different
Whole word Search for the whole word
Case sensitive Do not require case sensitive
Node (216) Save results in Node 216
Node title Name node predict$
) End command file
Table 4 Descriptive Analysis for the Scores Generated by the Alternative Methods
NVivo .922**
Table 6 Mean Comparison T-test
Table 8. Descriptive Statistics for the independent variables
Table 9. The Results of Multiple Regression Analyses for the Alternative Methods