CVR College of Engineering: UGC Autonomous Institution
CVR College of Engineering: UGC Autonomous Institution
CVR College of Engineering: UGC Autonomous Institution
1. What are the causes of amplitude and frequency distortion in power amplifiers? CO1
2. Draw circuit diagram of class A push-pull amplifier. CO1
3. Define CMRR and slew rate. CO2
4. Draw the inverting and non-inverting amplifier circuits and derive the gain of the circuits. CO2
5. What type of feedback is used in amplifiers and oscillators? CO3
6. Write two conditions of Barkhausen criteria. CO3
7. An engineer measures the 3-dB frequencies of a symmetric bandpass filter as 9.34 kHz and
10.21 kHz. What is the resonant frequency ( f 0 ) and Q of the filter? CO4
8. Define the terms related to PLL. CO4
9. What is the advantage of ECL over other families? CO5
10. State ideal Op Amp characteristics. CO2
11. a) Explain the operation of Class A series fed Power Amplifier with neat diagram.
b) Derive the expression DC power, AC power, Power dissipation and efficiency of the
above circuit. CO1 [5+5]
12. a) With a neat sketch, explain the complementary Push-Pull amplifier.
b) Derive the expression DC power, AC power, Power dissipation and efficiency of the
above circuit. CO1 [5+5]
17. Explain the operation of Monostable multivibrator using 555 timer. Derive the expression
of time delay of a Monostable multivibrator using 555 timer. CO4 [10]
18. Explain in detail the following terms with reference to PLL. CO4 [10]
i) Lock range ii) Capture range iii) Capture transient
iv) Pull-in-time.