Types of Muscles: Muscular System
Types of Muscles: Muscular System
Types of Muscles: Muscular System
The muscular system animates the bones and joints of the skeletal system which provide a
framework for it
The skeletal muscles are responsible for every body movement
The cardiac and smooth muscles handle less visible motions
Muscle tissues accounts for roughly 40% of the total body weight
Three basic muscle types are found in the body
o Skeletal muscle
o Cardiac muscle
o Smooth muscle
Differs in cell structure, location and functions
Types of muscles
Characteristics of muscles:
Muscle cells are elongated
(muscle cell = muscle fiber)
Contraction of muscles is due to the movement of microfilaments
All muscles share some terminology
Prefix myo refers to muscle (myocardial)
Prefix mys refers to muscle (myastenia gravis)
Prefix sarco refers to flesh (sarcolema)
Muscle tissue consists of fibers that contain the protein actin and myosin
Myosin – most abundant protein in muscle
Myosin and actin are responsible for muscle contraction
Each muscle is innervated by sensory and motor neurons
Functions of muscles:
Produce movement
The integrated function of muscle bones and joints produces body movements
Maintain posture
Skeletal muscle contractions maintain posture by holding body parts in postural
Stabilize joints
Keeps joints stable
Generate heat
Muscles generate during contraction
Has no striations
Spindle-shaped cells
Single nucleus
Involuntary – no conscious control
Found in walls of hollow organs
Has striations
Usually has a single nucleus
Joined to another muscle cell at an intercalated disc
Found only in the heart
Types of muscles
Prime mover – muscle with the major responsibility for a certain movement
Antagonist – muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover
Synergist – muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement and helps prevent rotation
Fixator – stabilizes the origin of a prime mover
Deep trunk and arm muscles