Monologues: A Project For Creating Monologues
Monologues: A Project For Creating Monologues
Monologues: A Project For Creating Monologues
A project for creating monologues
Ask for the scene to take action and watch the story unfold for
SPONTANEOUS IMPROVISATION a few minutes before stopping the scene and asking them to
Spontaneous Improvisation is when
return to the original still image.
action takes place without any prior
rehearsal or preparation taking place.
What happens on stage is literally Recap on the story that unfolded in the spontaneous
spontaneous. improvisation. Ask someone to write down the story as a log of
what happened.
Activity 4 (15mins)
Split the group up into smaller groups. Run the same exercise
again, but with each group creating something different. Make
sure that as a facilitator, you go through the same stages and
don’t just let the groups create it for themselves, it is important
for them to understand the process of creation rather than just
skipping to create the end product.
Plenary (5mins)
I think that it is important to reflect on every lesson and start
the group thinking about setting targets for themselves. For
assessment it is important to keep a log book of activities, so
ask the students to write a reflective log for this lesson.
A project for creating monologues
Activity 3 (35mins)
Hand out to the class a monologue from a play such as
Shakers, Bouncers or Too Much Punch for Judy. Before you
give it to the students break it up into 4 or 5 units. Explain
to the class the concept of Stanislavsky's Units of Action
and that the monologue is broken up into what could
possibly be called Units of Action.
A project for creating monologues
Plenary (5mins)
I think that it is important to reflect on every lesson and start
the group thinking about setting targets for themselves. For
assessment it is important to keep a log book of activities, so
ask the students to write a reflective log for this lesson.
A project for creating monologues
Plenary (5mins)
I think that it is important to reflect on every lesson and start
the group thinking about setting targets for themselves. Ask
the students to evaluate their performance and the
performance of another, setting targets for each.
A project for creating monologues
Ask for one person to play the role of the monologue character
and the rest to form two lines with space for someone to walk
A project for creating monologues
As they do so, those forming the alley way are going to say
Session 4 aloud what other people might think of them. Ask those people
forming the alleyway to think about ways of delivering the line,
not just saying it, but using different tones of voice or volume
to add depth to what is being said.
Discuss as a class what was said and how the central character
felt about it.
Plenary (10mins)
Bring the class together to discuss the findings from the Role
on the wall and make a list of single words or phrases that
come from the discussions.
A project for creating monologues
Activity 3 (15mins)
Ask each group to then select their favourite image and
recreate that image with the characters then coming
forward and performing a monologue about who they are
and how they are related to the central character (i.e. “my
name is Rosie, I feel isolated from my friends because I
don’t fit in” “my name is Charlie, I hate Rosie, she doesn’t
belong here with us, she has no fashion sense what-so-
Activity 4 (15mins)
Ask the participants to then sit down and write for 15
minutes as much as they can about that character they’ve
just created.
A project for creating monologues
Plenary (5mins)
The participants are going to perform their monologues in the
next session so they need to prepare for that by sourcing any
costumes or props they want to use and by learning their lines.
A project for creating monologues
Plenary (5mins)
Give the students opportunity to reflect on their performances
and set targets to improve when they complete their next