Invoice Guide For Vodafone VPC: Mandatory Information Required On The Invoice
Invoice Guide For Vodafone VPC: Mandatory Information Required On The Invoice
Invoice Guide For Vodafone VPC: Mandatory Information Required On The Invoice
When issuing an invoice please note that the invoice must fulfill all relevant VAT requirements
and contain all mandatory information.
To enable a smooth and timely processing of your invoice, please ensure that all additional
contractual requirements for invoices and attachments are considered.
For your information we have summarized the principles regarding the requirements for
invoicing. In individual cases, if necessary, additional tax details might be required.
o Invoice date
o The applicable Value Added Tax (VAT) rate and the total VAT amount
o The Purchase Order (PO) number provided by Vodafone (in case the invoice is
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issued on PO). If no PO number is mentioned on the invoice, it will be rejected
except for site rentals, electricity, Gas, water, interconnect and roaming
Suppliers. If the PO has multiple line items, make sure to always specify the
line numbers as well
o If invoices are issued in any other curreny than the local currency please
please mention the EUR to GBP exchange rate/Calculation (EUR to GBP or GBP
to EUR)
Invoicing options:
1. E-invoicing is the primary, most preferred invoicing option due to its wide range of
benefits. For suppliers, these key benefits are faster payments, less costs, fewer
rejected invoices, increased productivity, enhanced accounts reconciliation as well as
improved customer relationships and cash management.
Suppliers that are registered on the Taulia or Ariba e-invoicing solutions should send
their invoices electronically. For further information or enrollment, please reach out
2. If e-invoicing is not possible, suppliers should send their invoice via Email:
o Please ensure that PDF/TIFF file is monochrome (black and white) and that
the invoice quality is readable. Handwritten instructions (like PO number) on
C2 General
PDF invoices are not identified by scanning application. If this is required,
please use TIFF invoice image.
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