Alien Agenda - Investigating The - Jim Marrs
Alien Agenda - Investigating The - Jim Marrs
Alien Agenda - Investigating The - Jim Marrs
Also by Jlm Marrs
ALIEN AGENDA. Copyright © 1997 by Jim Marrs. All rights reserved. Printed
in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or repro
duced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For infor
mation address HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New'
York, NY 10022.
Marrs, Jim.
Alien agenda : investigating the extraterrestrial presence among us /
Jim Marrs. — 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-06-018642-9
1. Unidentified flying object—Sightings and encounters. 2. Life on other
planets. 3. Human-alien encounters. I. Title.
TL789.M264 1997
001.942—dc21 96-52017
97 98 99 00 01 ❖/RRD 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21
A Silent Bright Light xv
The Aurora Crash of 1897 xix
The Thing in the Pond xxv
To the best of my knowledge I have never seen a UFO. The only pos
sible exception occurred when I was nine years old. The year was 1952
and my family was living in a suburb of Jackson, Mississippi. It was
Christmas Eve. Filled with the excitement and expectation of the holi
day, I was unable to sleep. Well past midnight I lay tossing and turning
in my bed when, on a whim, I got to my knees and looked out the win
dow. The neighborhood of moderate frame homes was bathed in
moonlight and especially quiet. Not even the usual barking dogs could
be heard.
As I stared out the window contemplating the activities of the
coming day, I became aware of a bright light in the sky moving from
my left to right. It passed low over the house next to ours. I saw no
colored lights and nothing blinking. It was a steady and very’ bright
light that I immediately thought must be an aircraft’s landing light. I
decided an airplane must be coming in for a landing.
But then two thoughts struck me. One, there was no airport
anywhere in the vicinity, and secondly, there was no sound. I listened
intently. Like many young boys of that time, I was fascinated with air
craft and could recite names and specs at will. The P-51 Mustang and
the P-38 Lightning, two World War II workhorses, were still flying
and among my favorites. The reliable C-47, known in its civilian role
as a Douglas DC-3, was still widely in use. And, thanks to the Korean
War, I and my friends were familiar with the F-86 Sabre and MiG mil
itary jets. The ever-present threat of nuclear annihilation made the big
B-52 and Soviet Bison bombers only too well known to us. Even at
that tender age, I was no babe in the woods when it came to aircraft.
Yet, I could hear no sound from the bright light passing over my
neighbors house. No piston engine sounds. No scream of a jet. I was
perplexed, yet I was not amazed. I was not well read enough to be
aware of the flap over “flying saucers.” I thought perhaps I was upwind
and the engine sound blew away from me. Or perhaps it was a meteor.
I went back to bed and finally fell asleep. But the incident stuck in my
mind, and as I grew older and learned about UFOs, I have often won
dered about that bright, noiseless light.
Many people have had a similar experience or know someone
who has. Fast-moving lights in the sky, bright flashing illuminations that
hover in midair are common experiences. My own father-in-law once
described a most unusual-acting shining object he observed oft the east
coast of Mexico. This man had a responsible lifelong career with Braniff
.Airlines. He was not given to daydreams and wild imaginings.
Yet such episodes prove nothing. My own experience could have
been a low-flying aircraft or a spaceship from Alpha Centauri. After
the event, there is simply no objective way of determining for certain.
Unimaginative debunkers would probably say I saw only Venus or, like
Ebenezer Scrooge, it was only the product of undigested beef. And
they might be right.
So one must take a longer view of the UFO issue. Consider all
the facts, including the human anecdotes. After all, we are all the sum
total of not only what we have personally experienced in life but also
of what we have heard along the way.
My Mississippi experience piqued my curiosity in the unusual
and I began reading science fiction. Authors such as Ray Bradbury,
Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, and Arthur C. Clarke broadened my
horizons and stimulated my imagination as well as increasing my sci
entific knowledge of the universe.
My mother, a devout Southern Baptist, complained that I was
cluttering my mind with nonsense. After all, as she patiently explained,
everyone knew that there was nothing outside our own planet and the
idea of space flight and orbiting satellites was preposterous.
But on October 4, 1957, she stopped saying such things.
I can still recall the confounded expression on my mother’s face
when I showed her the headlines proclaiming that the Russians had
placed Sputnik 1 in orbit around the earth. I too learned something
from Sputnik. I learned that just because authority figures say some
thing is impossible does not make it so.
One authority figure who appeared to think nothing was impos
sible was President John F. Kennedy. On May 25, 1961, shortly after
taking office, he committed the United States to placing humans on
the moon within the decade when he stated, “Now is the time to take
longer strides, time for a great new American enterprise, time for this
nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in
many ways may hold the key to our future on Earth.”
The year after Kennedy spoke those words I was in college and
had a most disquieting conversation with one of my roommates. By
this time I had read much about UFOs and was thoroughly confused
on the subject. Many credible people claimed they were real and that
they were craft from other worlds, but the U.S. government, to
include the United States Air Force, had more mundane explanations.
One evening I was discussing the subject with my current room
mate, whose father was an air force colonel stationed in the Pentagon.
Doug grew quite serious and told this story: Only a few years back
Doug and his father, whom he saw only infrequently due to military
assignments, took a fishing trip together. Late at night, around the
campfire and after several beers, the topic of UFOs came up. Doug
asked his father what he thought about the subject, and his father began
to describe how he was part of a military7 team that had made contact
with an alien craft that landed at a military installation on the West
Coast. His father began to describe the craft’s occupants when he sud
denly broke off the conversation, saying he had said too much. Despite
Doug’s pleadings, he refused to say another word on the subject.
Here was a story that might or might not be true. Doug could
have been ribbing me, but I don’t think so. He was too serious about
the matter and his story clearly brought out the strained relationship
with his father, a subject I doubt he would treat lightly. It was obvious
that Doug believed the story. So perhaps the air force colonel was jok
ing with his son. But, if so, why confound his son by refusing to elabo
rate or even finish his account? I was also struck by the credentials of
Doug’s father. He was no jokester, but a ranking air force officer. Why
tell something so outrageous if he was only joking with his son? And
why not admit to the joke later? Instead, Doug said he was later
instructed by his father never to repeat what he had been told.
Unfortunately, at this late date I have no way of checking on
this story. I have long since lost contact with Doug and I can’t remem
ber if I ever knew his father’s name. But it is a story that typifies many
I have heard through the years as a journalist covering aviation, police,
government, and the military.
I have heard extraordinary reports from police officers, pilots,
military officers, air traffic controllers, and many others. While some
possibly were misinterpretations of explainable occurrences or the
product of an unbalanced mind, most came from credible sources who
were sincere in what they reported. But while these stories have
remained with me, few can now be substantiated. Other stories regard
ing now-famous UFO cases stuck with me.
For example, in the mid-1960s while working for the Lubbock
Avalanche-Journal I met many people who clearly recalled the “Lub
bock Lights” of 1951. They remembered how the U.S. Air Force con
cluded the lights were the underside of ducks reflecting streedights.
They hooted in derision, certain that w hat they had seen could not be
explained as “duck butts.”
Later, working as a news reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram
during the late 1960s and 1970s, on three separate occasions I met for
mer air force personnel who claimed they were stationed at Fort
Worth’s Carswell Air Force Base in 1947 when the infamous Roswell
UFO crash allegedly took place. All three said pieces of the crashed
object were brought through Carswell, and two of the men claimed to
have actually seen the debris. None of the three believed it to be a
the story was never published, leaving the Lake Worth Monster free to
roam through accounts of the strange and bizarre.
Then in 1973, I got to investigate a genuine mystery. It con
cerned a UFO crash that occurred only a few miles from where I now
live. It was an investigation illustrative of the problems and issues
involved in attempting to solve the UFO mystery; To tell the whole
story again requires a personal narrative.
About six o’clock this morning the early risers ol Aurora were aston
ished at the sudden appearance of the airship which has been sailing
throughout the country. It was traveling due north, and much nearer
the earth than before. Evidently some of the machinery was out of
order, for it was making a speed of only ten or twelve miles and hour
and gradually settling toward the earth. It sailed over the public
square and when it reached the north part of town collided with the
tower of Judge Proctor’s windmill and went to pieces with a terrific
explosion, scattering debris over several acres of ground, w recking
the windmill and water tank and destroying the judge’s flower gar
den. The pilot of the ship is supposed to have been the only one
aboard, and while his remains are badly disfigured, enough of the
original has been picked up to show that he was not an inhabitant of
this world.
Mr. T. J. VVccins, the U.S. Signal Service officer at this place
and an authority’ on astronomy; gives it his opinion that he was a
native of the planer Mars. Papers found on his person—evidently the
eluded, “The events demonstrate that when the public has been condi
tioned by the news media to believe that there are strange objects in
the skies, many people will report having seen such objects—even
when the objects do not really exist” While Klass’s thesis undoubtedly
is sometimes true, it does not hold up when considering the slow
transportation and communication of 1897. Radio was nonexistent and
newspapers took days, even weeks, to be delivered. Many of the airship
witnesses in small Texas towns could not have heard of the other far-
flung sightings.
After reviewing the airship literature, I could not draw any firm
conclusion, so I began interviewing people in Aurora.
The population of the little hamlet in 1973 was less than five
hundred. They seemed almost evenly divided in their beliefs concern
ing the crash—half claimed it really happened, while the other half
claimed it was merely a hoax perpetrated by Hayden, a “stringer” for
local newspapers who had previously written several satirical pieces.
I learned that Etta Pegues, a “stringer” for the Fort Worth Star-
Telegram in 1973, was a major source for the news media regarding the
crash. “It’s all a hoax,” she said flatly. “I have talked to people who
were alive then. They all said Judge Proctor had no windmill.” Her
primary source of information was Robbie Hanson.
Robbie Reynolds Hanson said, “They’re still trying to bring up
the hoax about the spaceship.” She was twelve years old on the day of
the crash, her family lived outside of town, and no one knew anything
about it until a man rode by several days later and told the story. “I
remember my father remarked that the judge outdid himself that
time,” she recalled. Wise County Historical Commission chairwoman
Rosalie Gregg has consistently decried the Aurora story as a hoax. Her
primary source of information was Etta Pegues.
Brawley and Etta Oates bought Judge Proctor’s property in
1945 and lived there for years. Brawley died about the time the 1973
publicity about Aurora broke. “I heard the story' for years,” said Mrs.
Oates, adding, “Nothing grew for years in that one spot in the field
where that spaceship is supposed to have hit.” The Oates family all
suffered serious health problems, including cysts and goiters, which
they told me were caused by drinking water from the old well where
the crash occurred. “I’ve been told it’s radioactive,” Mrs. Oates con
By 1973, there were only three people still living who may have
had direct knowledge of the crash. One was Robbie Hanson, who
admitted she had no personal knowledge. Another living witness was
Mary Evans, then almost ninety-two years old. She said, “I was only
fifteen at the time and had all but forgotten the incident until it
buried without headstones and that early maps did not list all burials,
“There are a lot of people out there we don’t know about,” she told a
On it went. For every claim, there was a counterclaim. All I was
left with was one witness, Stephens, some bits of metal gathered from
the crash site, and the grave. Hardly convincing evidence.
Then the story took an intriguing twist. After analyzing some of
the metal from the Aurora crash site, physicist Dr. Tom Gray of the
University of North Texas in Denton stated in a news release that at
least one fragment was “puzzling.” Gray said three of four samples he
studied using “highly sensitive” equipment had “properties and con
tent common to metals of this area.” But the fourth “may require
more investigation,” he said, the fourth fragment appeared melted
and looked as if it had been “splattered on the ground.” Gray said the
most intriguing aspect of the fragment was that, although it was made
up primarily of iron, it displayed no magnetic properties. He added
that the piece was shiny and malleable instead of dull and brittle like
iron. The piece was determined to contain 75 percent iron and 25 per
cent zinc with “a few trace elements.” Yet it was not magnetic like
stainless steel, which contains only 15 percent iron.
Debunker Klass later wrote, “Subsequent analysis of the frag
ments by scientists at the National Aeronautical Establishment of
Canada reportedly showed the metal fragments to be commonplace,
without unusual composition or structural characteristics.” However,
Klass offered no citation for this statement, and I have remained
unaware of this development. Anyone with a suspicious mind might
asked if the Canadian study actually took place and if so, did they
receive all of the original fragments or just the commonplace ones? As
will be seen, there is a reason for my suspicions.
While the fragments were being studied, Bill Case and I had
written further on the Aurora story and had generated some interest in
exhuming the small grave. I was excited. An exhumation might settle
the matter once and for all. But it was not to be.
Despite the fact that no legal action had been taken to seek an
exhumation, several Aurora residents, including cemetery directors,
stood guard at the cemetery to prevent any unauthorized digging and
threatened to seek a restraining order against anyone who tried. “They
are afraid you’ll dig up Grandma,” explained Decatur attorney Bill
Nobles. H. R. “Pig” Idell, then Aurora’s city marshal, “rode shotgun”
on the cemetery for about two weeks to prevent any digging. “We
didn’t call out the National Guard,” Idell recalled. “There was me, the
sheriff, and a couple of deputies. That was enough.” The night after
the patrols stopped, the strange headstone was stolen.
even carry the story at all. But I was not satisfied that the whole story
had been told. My journalistic instincts were aroused. So I began tele-
phonically checking out the story of the thing in the pond. Here’s what
I learned:
A few days after the incident I got an account from Mrs.
McCarthy, who told me her husband was still outside trying to clean
up the mess left by officials and the news media.
She said McCarthy discovered the hole on Monday, January 10,
after a particularly heavy snow, which made it all the more conspicu
ous. Peering into the hole, McCarthy saw what appeared to be a black
cube resting on the bottom of the pond. Growing more curious, he
probed the bottom of the pond with a six-foot-long piece of wood.
“He couldn’t feel anything and since the pond is only about three feet
deep, he thought that was curious,” said his wife. “In fact, he couldn’t
really tell if he was hitting bottom. It felt like it was all squishy, which
was strange because the bottom of that pond is like rock.”
She said later that day, her husband notified the local police,
who came out and checked the pond with a small Geiger counter.
“They came running back up to the house saying they had found high
radioactivity,” she recalled. About 2:00 A.M. Tuesday morning, she said
the police returned accompanied by a Civil Defense official. “They
wanted to know if they could make some tests, so we said, ‘Sure,’ and
went back to sleep. We didn’t hear any more until morning.”
Later on Tuesday, according to Mrs. McCarthy, the governor’s
office called and wanted permission to conduct further tests, which
they granted. After waiting for some time, the McCarthys left to run
some errands. “When we came back home, the state people were
there,” she said. “They were walking all around and then they inter
viewed my husband. Then this assistant to the attorney general went
off to make a phone call. I thought that was strange. I don’t understand
why he didn’t call from our house.”
Mrs. McCarthy said both the state authorities and the local
police told her and her husband not to say anything to anyone about
the object in the pond. By Wednesday, everyone had left and the
McCarthys thought the incident was over. But about 4:00 P.M. she said
they received the first of more than five hundred phone calls inquiring
about the object, mostly from the news media. Later dial evening the
local police called to inform the McCarthys that state officials would be
at their home on Thursday to drain the pond and retrieve the object.
Early Thursday morning the local road maintenance engineer
arrived and said rhe state had ordered him to plow snow from the field
around the pond so a pump truck could be brought in. He said they
told him to be at the McCarthy farm at 6:00 A.M. “[That’s] like the
Was there anything in the pond? Was there radiation? Was the
object sneaked away in the middle of the night? Or was it taken away
by officials in those plastic bags? Or was there never anything there in
the first place? If there was, could it have been a meteorite? A secret
weapon? A piece of a satellite? A part from a UFO? A child’s toy? Your
guess is as good as mine.
But the Wakefield story clearly illustrates how the news media
can be manipulated and how authorities can bypass what is supposed
to be an open and democratic system. Almost no one knew of this
story when it happened and no one remembers it today. How many
other stories like this one have been swept under the rug? And what
became of the black cube, if there was one? Could it be sitting next to
the Ark of the Covenant in that government warehouse depicted by
Steven Spielberg?
The sum total of my experiences has left me open and receptive
to all information—no matter the source—but likewise, skeptical of
all, particularly official pronouncements. The black cube story and
many others like it engendered in me a deep distrust for the facile and
self-serving explanations of officialdom.
Has the government obtained solid evidence of UFO activity? I
can’t say yes or no with any confidence. But based on my experience, I
can say with considerable confidence that there are persons within the
government who know a lot more about UFOs than they will publicly
admit. I am not alone in that belief. A 1995 poll by Scripps-Howard
News Service and Ohio University asked the question whether or not it
is likely that the federal government is covering up the existence of
UFOs. Forty-three percent responded it was “unlikely,” but a full 50
percent replied such a cover-up was likely and 7 percent were uncertain.
As long as there is official reticence to address the issue of
UFOs, it will remain a matter of personal belief and conjecture based
on mind-set. And the question of belief is compounded by the undeni
able fact of a concerted effort on the part of certain authorities to con
ceal the reality of the subject. This effort amplifies a natural and innate
desire to deny their existence to ourselves. We all fervently wish to
preserve our belief systems about our world and the universe. Most
telling is the established fact that the government has denied the exis
tence of UFOs and any interest in the issue, while internal documents
made public through the years show that a very real and serious inter
est has—and continues—to exist.
This documented interest supports the confident statement that
UFOs represent a real phenomenon. They are not simply will-o’-the-
wisps or hallucinations. They are real.
But what is their agenda? In the following chapters, the many
issues surrounding the UFO mystery will be addressed. Veteran stu
dents of UFO literature will be reminded of classic cases and contro
versies. Their inclusion is necessary to present the full spectrum of the
UFO experience. But there are also many unpublicized or forgotten
issues along with some new accounts. Hopefully everyone will gain
some new knowledge or insight along the way.
I have sought out what I believe to be the most authoritative
sources, although this does not necessarily always mean the main
stream corporate media. I also have relied on sources that over time
have proven to be credible in both facts and assertions. A world-
renowned physicist undoubtedly is more susceptible to government
pressure than a private citizen who has quietly made his own in-depth
study of UFOs over many years. Therefore, scrutiny should be given
more to the information and its source rather than the person who
presents it. In this work, the emphasis will be on issues rather than
personalities. Information is where you find it. The trick is to study it
all, looking for consistencies and agreement. The overview usually
yields discernible lines of truth.
So dropping back into a more formal journalistic style, let us
seek the alien agenda.
—-Jim Marrs
Six moon landings later, the public perception was that we had
learned all we needed to about the moon. However, those same lunar
scientists were no closer to agreement on how to answer even the most
basic questions—such as how the moon was created. Despite the
return of some 842 pounds of rocks and soil samples, photos and
videotape, and the placement of five nuclear-powered scientific sta
tions on the lunar surface, there are still no clear-cut solutions to the
moon’s mysteries.
Quite the reverse: what we have learned about the moon in the
wake of the Apollo missions has only raised more questions. Science
writer Earl Ubell declared, “The lunar Rosetta stone remains a mys
tery. The moon is more complicated than anyone expected; it is not
simply a kind of billiard ball frozen in space and time, as many scien
tists had believed. Few of the fundamental questions have been
answered, but the Apollo rocks and recordings have spawned a score of
mysteries, a few truly breath-stopping.”
Consider some of these “breath-stopping” mysteries, or anoma
lies, as scientists prefer to call them:
The moon is extremely dry and does not appear to have ever
had water in any substantial amounts. None of the moon rocks,
regardless of location found, contained free water or even water
molecules bound into the minerals. Yet instruments left behind by
xXpollo missions sent a signal to Earth on March 7, 1971, indicating a
“wind” of water had crossed the moon’s surface. Since any water on the
airless moon surface vaporizes and behaves like the wind on Earth, the
question became, where did this water originate? The vapor cloud
eruptions lasted fourteen hours and covered an area of some one hun
dred square miles, prompting Rice University physicists Dr. John Free
man Jr. and Dr. H. Ken Hills to pronounce the event one of “the most
exciting discoveries yet” indicating water within the moon. The two
physicists claimed the water vapor came from deep inside the moon,
apparently released during a moonquake. NASA officials offered a
more mundane, and questionable, explanation. They speculated that
two tanks on Apollo descent stages containing between sixty and one
hundred pounds of water became stressed and ruptured, releasing their
contents. Freeman and Hills declined to accept this explanation, point
ing out that the two tanks—from Apollo 12 and H—were some 180
kilometers apart, yet the water vapor was detected with the same flux
at both sites, although the instruments faced in opposite directions.
Skeptics also have understandably questioned the odds of two separate
tanks breaking simultaneously and how such a small quantity of water
could produce a hundred square miles of vapor. Additionally, Apollo 16
astronauts found moon rocks that contained bits of rusted iron. Since
oxidation requires oxygen and free hydrogen, this rust indicates there
must be water somewhere on the moon.
moon mystery,” wrote Wilson. “It now appears that the mascons are
broad disk-shaped objects that could be possibly some kind of artificial
construction. For huge circular disks are not likely to be beneath each
huge maria, centered like bull’s-eyes in the middle of each, by coinci
dence or accident.”
There are many indications that the moon may be hollow. The
moons mean density—about 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter, or 3.34
following the impact. The phenomenon was repeated when the Apollo
75’s third stage was sent crashing onto the moon by radio command,
striking with the equivalent of eleven tons of TNT. According to
NASA, this time the moon “reacted like a gong.” Although seismic
equipment was more than 108 miles from the crash site, recordings
showed reverberations lasted for three hours and twenty minutes and
traveled to a depth of twenty-two to twenty7-five miles. Subsequent
studies of man-made crashes on the moon yielded similar results. After
one impact the moon reverberated for four hours. This ringing cou
pled with the density7 problem on the moon led some to conclude the
moon may have an unusually light—or even no—core. They hoped to
record the impact of a meteor large enough to send shock waves to the
moon’s core and back and settle the issue. That opportunity came on
May 13, 1972, when a large meteor stuck the moon with the equiva
lent force of two hundred tons of TNT. After sending shock waves
deep into the interior of the moon, scientists were baffled to find that
none returned, confirming that there is something unusual about the
moon’s core. According to author Wilson, one NASA scientist has
admitted that the U.S. government has conducted experiments “which
were not publicly announced” to determine if the moon is hollow or
contains large cavities. Dr. Farouk El Baz was quoted as saving,
“There are many undiscovered caverns suspected to exist beneath the
surface of the moon. Several experiments have been flown to the moon
to see if there actually were such caverns.” The results of these experi
ments have not been made public.
It seems apparent that the moon has a tough, hard outer shell
and a light or nonexistent interior. The moons shell contains dark
minerals such as titanium, used on Earth in the construction of aircraft
and space vehicles. Many people still recall watching our astronauts on
TV as they vainly tried to drill through the crust of a moon maria.
Their specially designed drills could penetrate only a few inches. The
puzzle of the moon’s hard surface was compounded by the discovery of
what appeared to be processed metals. Experts were surprised to find
lunar rocks bearing brass, mica, and amphibole in addition to the near-
pure titanium. They conclude it is the large amount of titanium in the
black mineral illeminite that gives the dark tone to the lunar seas. Ura
nium 236 and neptunium 237—elements not previously found in
nature—were discovered in moon rocks, according to the Argone
National Laboratory. While still trying to explain the presence of
these materials, scientists were further startled to learn of rustproof
iron particles in a soil sample from the Sea of Crisis, in 1976, the
Associated Press reported that the Soviets had announced the discov-
ery of iron particles that “do not rust” in samples brought back by an
unmanned moon mission in 1970. Iron that does not rust is unknown
in nature and well beyond present earth technology.
inclined to the earth’s ecliptic by more chan five degrees. Add to this
the fact that the moon’s bulge—located on the side facing away from
Earth, thus negating the idea that it was caused by the earth’s gravita
tional pull—makes for an off-balanced world. It seems impossible that
such an oddity could naturally fall into such a precise and circular
orbit. It is a fascinating conundrum, as articulated by science writer
Wiliam Roy Shelton, who wrote, “It is important to remember that
something had to put the moon at or near its present circular pattern
around the Earth. Just as an Apollo spacecraft circling the Earth every
90 minutes while 100 miles high has to have a velocity of roughly
18,000 miles per hour to stay in orbit, so something had to give the
moon the precisely required velocity for its weight and altitude. ...
The point—and it is one seldom noted in considering the origin of the
moon—is that it is extremely unlikely that any object would just stum
ble into the right combination of factors required to stay in orbit.
‘Something’ had to put the moon at its altitude, on its course and at its
speed. The question is: what was that ‘something’?” If the precise and
stationary orbit of the moon is seen as sheer coincidence, is it also
coincidence that the moon is at just the right distance from the earth
to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? While the diameter of
the moon is a mere 2,160 miles against the sun’s gigantic 864,000
miles, it is nevertheless in just the proper position to block out all but
the sun’s flaming corona when it moves between the sun and the earth.
Asimov explains, “There is no astronomical reason why the moon and
the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only
the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”
How does one explain these and many other moon mysteries?
Scientists are a conservative lot who all too often tend to ignore any data
not pertaining to their own particular area of expertise. They are as lost
at explaining our nearest satellite as they are at explaining tektites—
small glassy extraterrestrial blobs found at only a few sites on Earth. For
years scientists believed tektites were blown to Earth by meteorite
strikes on the moon. However, this theory was overturned when the
Apollo missions failed to find anything comparable on the moon.
In July 1970, two Russian scientists offered a bizarre theory’ of
the origin of the moon—but one that provided an answer to all the
“Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?” After all, who could
take seriously such an outrageous concept?
They advanced the theory that the moon is not a completely
natural world but a planetoid that was hollowed out eons ago in the far
reaches of space by intelligent beings possessing a technology far supe
rior to ours. Huge machines were used to melt rock and form large
cavities within the moon, spewing the molten refuse onto the surface.
Protected by a hull-like inner shell plus a reconstructed outer shell of
metallic rocky junk, this gigantic craft was steered through the cosmos
and finally parked in orbit around the earth.
In their article Vasin and Shcherbakov wrote, “Abandoning
the traditional paths of ‘common sense,’ we have plunged into what
may at first sight seem to be unbridled and irresponsible fantasy. But
the more minutely we go into all the information gathered by man
about the moon, the more we are convinced that there is not a single
fact to rule out our supposition. Not only that, but many things so
far considered to be lunar enigmas are explainable in the light of this
new hypothesis.”
The Spaceship Moon theory was revitalized in 1975 with the
publication of Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon by Don Wilson, who col
lected an impressive array of supporting facts. Wilson urged the sci
entists of the world to take the Vasin-Shcherbakov theory7 seriously,
stating, “Too many pieces of evidence seem to fit to reject the ‘wild’
theory without investigation.”
Wilson said he rejected the theory at first as “unbelievable” but
changed his attitude in light of the information gained through the
Apollo missions. “Scientists themselves are continuing to uncover
bewildering and baffling scientific facts that indicate the moon is not
what it seems, but a world that may not be entirely natural,” he wrote.
Outrageous as the spaceship moon theory might first appear,
consider how all of the mysteries of the moon are reconciled by this
It explains why there are three distinct layers within the moon,
with the most dense materials in the outside layer. This is exactly the
type of “hull” one would expect to find on a spacecraft.
This theory could explain why no sign of water has been found
on the moon’s surface, yet there is evidence it exists deep inside.
Finally, the Spaceship Moon theory may come closer than any
other in reconciling the questions over the origin and amazing orbit of
the moon.
lasted during the ages in which the moon has been in existence.” Fur
ther confirmation came from Patrick Moore of the British Astronomi
cal Association, who declared the “bridge” had “popped up” almost
Another most amazing structure is known as the “Shard”
located in the Ukert area of the moon, which is at a point nearest the
earth. The Shard was photographed by Orbiter 3 in preparation for the
Apollo missions. This odd monument towers up a mile and a half from
the moon’s surface. Dr. Bruce Cornet, an independent geologist who
has studied photos of the Shard at length, said, “No known natural
process can explain such a structure.”
Perhaps even more amazing is a huge upright structure in the
Sinus Medii region dubbed the “Tower.” Dr. Cornet said, “The Tower
represents an enigma of the highest magnitude, because it rises more
than five miles above the surface of the moon, and has been pho
tographed from five different angles and two different altitudes. In all
four photographs the same structure is visible and can be viewed from
two different sides. The Tower exists in front of and to the left of the
Shard in the Lunar Orbiter III-84M photograph. The top of the
Tower has a very cubic geometry and appears to be composed of regu
lar cubes joined together to form a very large cube with an estimated
width of over one mile!”
Private researcher George H. Leonard came to a startling con
clusion regarding activity and structures on the moon. In 1977, after
years of “haunting” NASA photo files, Leonard claimed to have found
enough evidence to convince him that “the moon is occupied by an
intelligent race or races which probably moved in from outside the
solar system.” “The moon is firmly in the possession of these occu
pants,” he added. “Evidence of their presence is everywhere: on the
surface, on the near side and the hidden side, in the craters, on the
maria, and in the highlands. They are changing its face. Suspicion or
recognition of that triggered the U.S. and Soviet moon programs—
which may not really be so much a race as a desperate cooperation.”
Leonard published a book in 1977 entitled Somebody Else Is on the
Moon in which he discussed more than two dozen NASA photos. While
many of these photos were indistinct to the untrained eye and might
have shown almost anything, some were indeed curious. Some seem to
show “bridges” across lunar chasms, evidence of “stitching” connecting
surface splits, domed-shaped objects in the center of lit craters, and
lengthy “tracks” in the moon dust. “The professionals choose io ignore
these signs. They do not fit into the orthodoxy.” wrote Leonard, adding
that an unnamed NASA scientist confided to him that “discoveries” had
been made but not announced to the public.
Apollo astronauts has been—or still is—on the moon. What, then, do
the astronauts have to say about their space experiences? Again, it’s
hard to determine the truth because of official denial and obfuscation.
Yet Cooper, who claimed to have reported the UFO landing, was
selected as a Mercury astronaut only two years later. In a 1996 inter
view, Cooper said he discounts any conventional explanation for his
experience. Asked his thoughts on UFOs, the astronaut said, “Well, I
figured it was somebody coming from some distant place to visit us.”
One account of how the astronauts were muzzled came from ex
NASA space program member Otto Binder, who accused his former
employer of censoring transmissions from Apollo 11 and other missions
by switching to radio channels unknown to the public. He claimed that
unnamed ham radio enthusiasts monitored Apollo 11 transmissions after
the astronauts landed in the Sea of Tranquility and overheard one of the
astronauts exclaim, “These babies are huge, sir ... enormous.... Oh,
God, you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other spacecraft
out there . .. lined up on the far side of the crater edge ... they’re on
the moon watching us. ..
Binder’s account of an unexpected Welcome Wagon on the
moon was dismissed out of hand by all but the most credulous UFO
researchers. However, a variation on this story was repeated by Mau
rice Chatelain in his 1978 book, Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space.
Chatelain wrote, “When Apollo 11 made the first landing on the Sea of
Tranquility and, only moments before Armstrong stepped down the
ladder to set foot on the moon, two UFOs hovered overhead.” He
added, “The astronauts were not limited to equipment troubles. They
saw things during their missions that could not be discussed with any
body outside NASA. It is very difficult to obtain any specific informa
tion from NASA, which still exercises a very strict control over any
disclosure of these events.”
It would be easy to dismiss Chatelain as quickly as Binder except
for the man’s credentials. Chatelain had every opportunity to know
what he was talking about, since he was in charge of designing and
building the Apollo communication and data-processing system for
NASA. Since coming to the United States from French Alorocco in
1955, Chatelain established a reputable career in the aerospace indus
try. He was in charge of engineering new radar and communications
systems for Ryan Electronics in the late 1950s, receiving eleven
patents, including an automatic radar landing system used in the
Ranger and Surveyor moon flights. He began working on the Apollo
project after joining North American Aviation
Chatelain acknowledged that NASA had the capability to hide
secret Apollo transmissions among a wide variety of radio channels.
“When Apollo arrived within proximity of the moon, the communica
tions carriers previously used could not reach that far so all communi
cations went through one single, very powerful, transmitter with a
tie. One object appeared to exit the earth’s atmosphere, then pro
ceeded to fly parallel to the planets curvature until a bright flash was
recorded by the shuttle camera. At that moment, the object abruptly
changed course by almost 120 degrees and accelerated into space. A
second object that appeared stationary before the flash also accelerated
in the same direction as the first object. Meanwhile, in the right bot
tom portion of the picture, two more bright objects moved parallel to
each other toward the top of the picture. Other objects were seen
moving in a variety of directions.
With the tape in the hands of the public, NASA was forced to
respond. A spokesman stated that the bright moving objects were
merely frozen droplets of water reflecting sunlight floating near the
shuttle. UFO researchers were unconvinced, since the shiny objects
obviously7 were accelerating, decelerating, and changing course—an
absolute impossibility7 for any7 natural floating object.
The issue became even more contentious when Dr. Jack Kasher,
a physicist at the University7 of Nebraska and a NASA consultant since
1991, determined to prove once and for all that the moving objects
were indeed ice particles as NASA claimed. Dr. Kasher carried impres
sive credentials, having worked from 1975 through 1992 at the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in connection with the
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) “Star Wars’’ program. However,
after careful study of the STS-48 tape and working through the math
ematics, Dr. Kasher was forced to conclude that NASAs statement of
ice particles was a “completely untenable position.”
In a 1994 taped interview, Dr. Kasher said he determined that
the Discovery's camera was focused on “infinity7” when taping, which
made it impossible to record small ice particles near the shuttle. He
said the objects in the tape were about twenty' miles from the shuttle.
Dr. Kasher said nearly a half-dozen separate pieces of evidence proved
conclusively the objects were not ice particles. “And once the idea of
ice particles has been discarded,” he said, “there aren’t many options
left. . . . These objects are clearly above the air glow, the atmosphere,
maneuvering in outer space. Therefore, they arc some sort of space
“The only viable alternative [to the ice particle theory ],” stated
Dr. Kasher, “is that these anomalous glowing objects arc intelligently
directed spacecraft that clearly arc accelerating and maneuvering
above the Earth’s atmosphere.” Despite Dr. Kashers findings and the
movement plainly seen in the STS-48 tape. NASA continued to sup
port the ice particle idea.
Adding more fuel to the fire of rumors that NASA covered up
many encounters between astronauts and UFOs, former space worker
Maurice Chatelain claimed, “It seems that all Apollo and Gemini
flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite
closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin—flying saucers, or
UFOs (unidentified flying objects), if you want to call them by that
name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Con
trol, who then ordered absolute silence.” Chatelain went to far as to
state that rumors within NASA were that Apollo 13 carried a small
nuclear charge to be set off on the moon for seismic testing but barely
managed to return to Earth after being disabled by a UFO apparently
protecting “some moon base established by extraterrestrials.”
For years it has been the topic of discussion among UFO
researchers why the moon missions came to a complete halt after
Apollo 17. An obviously disheartened Chatelain wrote, “The program,
which had started in the 1960s with so much enthusiasm, ended amid
growing indifference and even some hostility from many Americans,
who were shocked to find out how high the cost of landing on the
inoon really was. Some even complained that the live TV coverage of
the moon missions had pre-empted their cherished football games.”
Many people, including most scientists, bemoaned the end of
the moon missions when new mysteries remained begging for solu
tions and were dubious of the official explanation—lack of funding.
“It’s like buying a Rolls-Royce and then not driving it because you
want to save money on the gasoline,” groused Dr. Thomas Gold, pro
fessor of astronomy at Cornell University.
Others offered a more sinister explanation. “For years, rumors
abounded that we were ‘asked’ to leave early on—by the much-
speculated ‘somebody else on the moon’—but that would have
caused massive questioning and perhaps panic if we suddenly
stopped, so we completed the program and then went into hiatus . . .
this idea is pure speculation and rumor,” wrote UFO researcher Don
Author Timothy Good, generally respected as a diligent jour
nalist, added to this rumor when he published an unattributed report
on a conversation involving astronaut Neil Armstrong. According to
Good, an unnamed personal friend overheard .Armstrong at a NASA
symposium say, “It was incredible . . . the fact is, we were warned off.
There was never any question then of a space station or a moon
city. ... I can’t go into details, except to say that their ships were far
superior to ours both in size and technology—boy, were they big! . . .
and menacing.” Armstrong reportedly explained that the final Apollo
missions were completed because “NASA was committed at that time
and couldn’t risk a panic on Earth.”
Moon researcher George Leonard noted that prior to the lunar
the $75 million Clementine might transmit photos that could resolve
many moon mysteries. But control over the craft failed after a motor
reportedly misfired and yet another space probe with military connec
tions was lost. In early 1996, hope was renewed that contact with the
Clementine might be restored.
It is reasonable to conclude that if indeed someone is tampering
with our space probes, our moon would be a logical base of operations.
The evidence suggests that someone has been there for a long time. As
an artificial world created billions of years ago to travel through space
containing timeworn ruins on or under the lunar surface, the moon
presents indications of activity obviously predating man’s history—per
haps even man himself.
Since man has made such a tremendous effort to send astro
nauts to the moon—thought by most to be a lifeless world—it must be
considered that someone might have made a similar effort to send
their astronauts to Earth. This could be happening today or it may
have taken place in man’s dim early history; leaving evidence that led
to the present widespread belief in ancient astronauts.
Until well into the twentieth century scientists believed that both the
earth’s history and man’s were marked by gradual, evolutionary
This idea was set on its ear by the theories of a Russian Jew
named Immanuel Velikovsky. A practicing physician and psychiatrist,
Velikovsky traveled to the United States in 1939 intending to write
about the historical figures of Moses, Oedipus, and Akhenaten in con
nection with the psychological concepts of Sigmund Freud. However,
in the course of his studies he discovered evidence leading to his the
ory that the cultures of the world all describe sudden and violent cata
clysms in man’s early history. Velikovsky theorized that these upheavals
were caused by the near miss of a comet that caused global disasters
and later moved into orbit around the sun, becoming the planet Venus.
Besides threatening the gradual-evolution theory of his day,
Velikovsky’s work was seen as a radical departure from the traditions of
religion, cosmology; geology; archeology, sociology; and psychology.
In a discussion of new or alternative theories, it is instructive to
consider the reaction to Velikovsky’s ideas. After failing to interest the
scientific community in his theories, Velikovsky' finally published his
ideas in the book Worlds in Collision, released in 1950 to great popular
interest. “What followed was a modern classic case of academic dema
goguery,” commented researcher Arthur Bloch. “Scientists and schol
ars who supported Velikovsky’s thesis—and even those who simply
defended his right to be heard—were shouted down. Some, like the
astronomer Gordon Atwater and Macmillan editor James Putnam,
were summarily dismissed from their positions. Favorable reviews of the
book were killed before their publication, to be replaced by fervent
attacks on 'irresponsibility’ in the publishing industry. All too frequently,
these attacks were written by scientists who admitted they had not read
Worlds in Collision, while those who had read the book grossly misrepre
sented the author’s position and ignored or distorted his evidence.”
There was even an attempt to create a scientific “theory-censoring
board” to prevent publication of the “wrong kinds of scientific books.”
Since then, many of Velikovsky’s theories have been proven correct,
and today the theory of planetary upheavals, such as Noah s flood and
the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs, is generally accepted as fact.
Playing off Velikovsky’s thesis that early legends had some
basis in fact, Swiss author Erich von Daniken advanced the notion
that ancient astronauts may have visited Earth centuries ago. In the
1970 American publication of his book Chariots of the Gods?, von
Daniken boldly stated, “I claim that our forefathers received visits
from the universe in the remote past even though I do not yet know
who these extraterrestrial intelligences were or from which planet
they came. I nevertheless proclaim that these ‘strangers’ annihilated
part of mankind existing at the time and produced a new, perhaps the
first, homo sapiens”
Like Velikovsky’s, von Diiniken’s theories were greeted by great
interest on the part of the public but were savagely attacked by tradi
tionalists, who accused him of both sloppy research and writing. Even
British author Colin Wilson, himself a collector of occult and super
natural lore, chastised von Daniken for “absurd guesses” and “distor
tion of fact.” Wilson pointed to von Daniken’s description of space
flight and a loudspeaker in the Assyrian Epic of Gilgamesh, saying, “In
fact, a careful perusal of the [epic] reveals that these events do not
occur.” He even accused von Daniken of deliberate deceit in a later
book in which he described his visit to a cave system in Ecuador but
later admitted he had never been there. According to Wilson, von
Daniken excused this lapse of journalistic integrity7 by explaining that
writers such as himself are permitted to “embroider their facts.”
Another critic named Wilson was Clifford Wilson, a former lec
turer with Australia’s Melbourne Bible Institute, who attacked von
Daniken based on theological beliefs. In a 1972 book whose cover was
modeled after Chariots of the Gods? and entitled Crash Go the Chariots,
Wilson asserted, “Von Daniken is not the first—nor will he be the
last—who has foundered when he presumed to attack that impreg
nable Rock of Holy Scripture.” His arguments against the ancient
astronaut theories, usually based on the premise that those who believe
the Bible simply knew better, were generally as weak as some of von
Daniken’s stretches of logic.
Von Daniken found himself attacked from all sides—from the
scientific establishment to religious conservatives. “The result of all
this,” commented Colin Wilson, “is that Daniken has now been totally
discredited and that the ‘ancient astronaut’ theory associated with his
name has few serious supporters. This is a pity; for there is far more
convincing evidence than that presented by Daniken.”
Indeed, many other serious writers, among them Andrew
Tomas, Maurice Chatelain, Zecharia Sitchen, Harold T. Wilkins,
Peter Kolosimo, Serge Hutin, W. Raymond Drake, and Jacques Vallee
have presented compelling evidence for the appearance of UFOs in
man’s early history. “There is, in short, no way around von Daniken,”
wrote science writer Richard C. Hoagland, who found himself at the
center of controversy with his theories of alien artifacts on the moon
and the Cydonia region of /Mars. “In order to look for the shadow of
Cvdonia on Earth—however faint the shadow—I must turn to the
Monuments of Egypt. In order to suggest transport between worlds, I
must invoke images of ‘humanoid’ astronauts and giant starships. As
soon as I do, they will find their way into blond, white space explorers
and—possibly—anti-gravity machines . . . Chariots of the Gods.”
Striking evidence connecting cultures from opposite sides of the
earth came in September 1996, when Han Ping Chen, an authority7 on
the ancient Chinese Shang dynasty; confirmed that markings found on
Central American figures dated to more than three thousand years ago
were clearly Chinese characters. The figures were from the Olmecs,
forerunners of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations, and were discovered
in Mexico in 1955. Smithsonian archeologist Betty Meggers supported
Chens analysis, stating, “Writing systems are too arbitrary and com
plex. They cannot be independently reinvented.”
Furthermore, a close study of mythology' from around the world
reveals striking similarities. Legends from different peoples living in
all corners of the earth seem to tell the same essential story—that in
the dim distant past certain individuals with “godlike” powers molded
mankind into a civilized state following a period ol cataclysmic
I he great teacher of the Aztecs was known as Viracocha, to the
Mayans as Quetzalcoatl, and to the ancient Egyptians as the Sun God
Ra. Sargon, the first great leader of the Akkadian dynasty, which suc
ceeded the Sumerians, attributed his knowledge to the god Anu, while
the Babylonian king Hammurabi was said to have gained power
through Marduk.
In India, it is believed that man is descended from gods who
flewr in fiery craft. The Teutons point to ancestors in flying “Wanen.”
The ancient Mayans thought their predecessors came from the
Pleiades, while the Incas said simply they were the “sons of the sun.”
Native Americans claim to be the sons and daughters of the great
“Thunderbird.” Chinese texts tell of long-lived rulers from the heav
ens who sailed through the skies in “fire-breathing dragons.”
One common denominator of these ancient gods was their abil
ity to fly through the air. Interestingly, these gods did not just appear
or disappear as one would expect of a god, but were constrained to fly
through the use of devices—flaming wheels, chariots, bright globes,
and the like.
Scholars have always faced two choices in dealing such ancient
texts and legends—assume they are allegorical fantasy or take them lit
erally. For too long, they wrote off the old stories as myth. But in the
modern world, with recent advances in geology, archeology, and even
spaceflight, a whole new view of our past is taking shape.
It was once thought that the Greek poet Homer’s accounts of
the Trojan Wars were sheer fiction until Troy’s ruins were located by
Charles McLaren in 1822. Even then, it was not until the extensive
excavations of Heinrich Schliemann in 1870 that the reality of Troy
was accepted. Likewise, the ancient Mesopotamian city of Ur was
thought to be largely myth until it was discovered and excavated by
Leonard Woolley following World War I.
Author Zecharia Sitchen, who has made an extensive study of
ancient documents in their original language, stated, “Archeological
finds and the deciphering of Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite,
Canaanite and other ancient texts and epic tales increasingly confirm
the accuracy of the biblical references to the kingdoms, cities, rulers,
places, temples, trade routes, artifacts, tools and customs of antiquity.”
If the Bible is nowr being more and more accepted as containing
historical accuracy; perhaps other ancient writings deserve more seri
ous inspection.
For example, three important Hindu texts—the Bbagavata-
Purana, Mahabharata, and Ramayana scriptures—date back to at least
3000 B.C. They are among the oldest writings known to man. These
works speak extensively about flying machines called vimanas that
could travel not onlyr through the air but also to other worlds. Richard
L. Thompson, an expert on India’s Vedic culture who has worked on
ment dating back to the seventh century, states that the first seven
Tibetan kings came from the stars to which they eventually returned.
In Babylonia some 4,700 years ago a poem entitled the “Flight
of Etana” was written. It seems to be a lucid account of an ascent into
space, much as a modern astronaut might describe:
Etana looked down and saw that the earth had become like a hill and
the sea like a well. And so they flew for another hour, and once again
Etana looked down: the earth was now like a grinding stone and the
sea like a pot. After the third hour the earth was only a speck of dust,
and the sea no longer seen.
Biblical UFOs
In the Bible, the foundation of Western thought and philosophy, there
are many accounts that seem to describe events with decidedly UFO
The Book of Genesis describes how Jacoh, founder of the
twelve tribes of Israel, camped while on a journey from Beersheba to
Haran. After bedding down for the night, Jacob dreamed he saw a
“ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven” and
he saw “the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” At the top
of the ladder stood a being who proclaimed himself “Jehovah, the God
of Abraham,” who told Jacob his descendants would proliferate and
spread to the four corners of the earth like “dust.” While most Bible
scholars see this story as an allegorical dream, some believe Jacob may
have seen ancient astronauts exiting a UFO.
The beginning of Psalm 104 seems to be an account of flight,
stating, “O Lord my God ... Who coverest thyself with light as with a
garment; who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: Who layeth the
beams of his chambers in the waters; who maketh the clouds his char
iot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind ...”
Zechariah 6:1-7 (Living Bible) also can be interpreted as an
observation of flying machines on a reconnaissance mission when it
states, “Then I looked up again and saw four chariots coming from
between what looked like two mountains made of brass. The first
chariot was pulled by red horses, the second by black ones, the third
by white horses and the fourth by dappled-greys. ‘And what are these?’
I asked the angel. He replies, ‘These are the four heavenly spirits who
stand before the Lord of all the earth; they are going out to do his
work. The chariot pulled by the black horses will go north, and the
one pulled by white horses will follow it there, while the dappled-greys
will go south.’ The red horses were impatient to be off, to patrol back
and forth across the earth, so the Lord said, ‘Go. Begin your patrol.’
So they left at once.”
Another familiar Bible story with UFO-visitor overtones con
cerns the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the year
2024 B.C. Some progressive Bible scholars tend to explain the fire and
brimstone destruction of the twin cities as the result of some natural
disaster such as a volcanic eruption or earthquake that was interpreted
as an act of God. But the evidence denies this view.
The biblical account is quite clear that the devastation was
known in advance, since Abraham, a direct descendant of Noah and
the first Hebrew patriarch, was warned and even managed to bargain
with his God, revising the number of righteous persons for which the
cities might be spared down from fifty to ten.
According to the story, Abraham’s nephew Lot met two men at
Sodom’s gate, whom he somehow recognized as being very special, for
he bowed clown to them. The Bible calls them “angels,” although the
original Hebrew word Mal'akbim actually means “emissaries.” This
pair apparently appeared quite human, since Lot brought them to his
home and fed them fresh bread. Later that night when a crowd of
Sodomites demanded that the pair be given to them for sexual plea
sure, Lot protected them, even offering his own virgin daughters in
exchange. Undeterred, the men attempted to force their way into the
house only to be temporarily blinded by the two strangers.
Following this incident, the strangers revealed to Abraham that
the cities would soon be destroyed. Lot tried to warn his neighbors,
but none would listen. The next day, the two strangers told Lot it was
urgent that he and his family leave immediately, indicating that a spe
cific time frame for the destruction was in motion. “Escape for thy
life,” Lot was told. “Look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the
plain; escape to the mountain, lest thee be consumed.”
The two strangers then accepted Lot’s proposal that he flee only
as far as the small nearby city of Zoar rather than the mountains. Once
Lot was in Zoar, “Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon
Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And he
overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the
cities, and that which grew upon the ground. But Lot’s wife looked
back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.” Ancient docu
ment scholar Zecharia Sitchen argues that the literal meaning of the
term Netsiv mclab (pillar of salt) should be “pillar of vapor.” Thus,
Lot’s wife was vaporized by the explosive destruction of the cities, seen
miles away by Abraham as “columns of smoke and fumes, as from a
furnace, rising from the cities there.”
As some writers have pointed out, this account sounds eerily
like those of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. But is
there anything to support this idea? According to Sitchen, archeolo
gists have found evidence that communities near the southern end of
the Dead Sea—thought to be the site of Sodom and Gomorrah—were
suddenly abandoned in the twenty-first century B.C. and not reoccu
pied for several centuries. Furthermore, one report claimed that water
in the area was found to be contaminated with harmful amounts of
radioactivity. This, plus the claim of a Soviet scientist that fused sili
cone or glassy sand was discovered in the region, indicates an atomic
blast may well have leveled Sodom and Gomorrah.
Is this story of grand destruction simply a fanciful tale concern
ing the consequences of immorality, or were the cities destroyed by
nuclear fire? Was it a deliberate act by or the result of warfare between
ancient astronauts? Or could it have been a crippled UFO whose
nuclear power went critical and exploded?
Another biblical story often connected with UFOs is the
account of Ezekiel and the fiery wheel. Again, most Bible scholars
believe Ezekiel, a sixth-century B.C. prophet during the Babylonian
exile of the Israelites, presented his messages in allegorical stories
derived from visions. However, a close study of the Old Testament
book indicates that Ezekiel was more a precise journalist than a starry-
eyed visionary.
In opening his book, Ezekiel docs not merely state that one day
he had a vision. He is very detailed in giving the time frame of his
experience. “Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth
month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by
the river Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of
God,” he wrote. If he was this precise with his dating, the remainder of
his book should be considered a literal account of his experiences.
Much confusion has stemmed from the semantics of the various
biblical translations. For example in the King James Version, Ezekiel
speaks of seeing “visions of God,” indicating he saw something that he
could only describe as a vision of something Goddike, beyond his
experience. This idea is reinforced in subsequent verses in which
Ezekiel states that the “visions of God” carried him to a city on a very
high mountain (Ezekiel 40:2); that the “spirit” of God took him up
accompanied by a “great rushing” noise (Ezekiel 3:12); and that the
“Glory of God” appeared out of the east with a sound “like the roar of
rushing waters and the whole landscape lighted up” (Ezekiel 43:1-2).
It seems plain enough that Ezekiel was attempting to described a
material object that he both saw and heard and that later even carried
him into the air.
Yet in recent translations, such as the Living Bible, Ezekiel 1:1
reads, “One day late in June, when I was 30 years old, the heavens
were suddenly opened to me and I saw visions from God.” “Visions
from God” implies a holy hallucination, a small but very critical depar
ture from “visions of God,” implying a tangible object for which
Ezekiel has no word of description. Where the King James Version
says “In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel”
(Ezekiel 40:2), the Living Bible states, “and in a vision he took me to
the land of Israel.” With such slight, but significant, differences in
translation—compounded over the centuries by changes due to edit
ing, copying, and interpretation—it is easy to see why there is such
confusion over the meaning of biblical verses.
It is clear that Ezekiel seems to be trying hard to describe the
“vision of God.” “I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the
north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by
brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal and in
the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their
form was like a man but each of them had four faces and four
wings. ... As I looked at the living creatures, I sawr a wheel on the
ground beside each creature with its four faces. This was the appear
ance and structure of the wheels; they sparkled like chrysolite [a yellow'
or greenish gem] and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made
like a wheel intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in any
one of the four directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not turn
about as the creatures went. Their rims were high and awesome, and
all four rims were full of eyes all around. When the living creatures
moved, the wheels beside them moved, and when the living creatures
rose from the ground, the wheels also rose... . Above the expanse over
their heads was what looked like a throne of sapphire, and high above
on the throne was a figure like that of a man.” Later in the book,
Ezekiel has two more encounters with the same “vision of God,” stat
ing in Ezekiel 43:3, “... and the visions were like the vision that I saw
by the river Chebar; and I fell upon my face.”
Von Daniken and others saw in these accounts the plausible
depiction of UFO encounters, with Ezekiel trying his best to describe
something totally foreign to him. One of Von Daniken’s readers was
NASA official Josef F. Blumrich, who said, “I began to read von
Daniken with the condescending attitude of someone who knows
beforehand that the conclusions presented can by no means be correct.
However, von Daniken quotes, among other things, passages from the
Book of Ezekiel, whose vague technical information he thinks is a
description of a spacecraft. With that he touches on a field very famil
iar to me, since I have spent the greater part of my professional life
with design and analysis of aircraft and rockets. So I decided to use the
statements of the prophet to refute von Daniken and to prove the fal
lacy of his allegations. Seldom has a total defeat been so rewarding, so
fascinating, and so delightful!”
Blumrich, after an exhaustive study allowing for the fact that the
Book of Ezekiel was fragmentary and written by someone other than
Ezekiel many years after the events, nevertheless concluded that not
only was the craft described by Ezekiel “technically feasible” but “very
well designed to fulfill its functions and purpose.” He said such a craft
is within today’s technological capabilities. “Moreover,” added Blum
rich, “the results indicate a spaceship operated in conjunction with a
mother spacecraft orbiting the earth.”
“I want to say that I have carried it out from the viewpoint of
an engineer, out of technical curiosity, so to speak. Aly interest was
primarily focused on those parts of the Book of Ezekiel that contain
statements describing shapes and procedures relevant to my profes
sional area of activity. These parts, incidentally, are almost without
exception clearly distinct from the prophetic content,” Blumrich
explained. “At all times we must remember that Ezekiel does not
interpret what he sees, because he cannot interpret it. What he does
is describe to the best of his ability the optical and acoustical
Blumrich proceeds to depict a subspace landing module drawn
from Ezekiel’s account, which seems to be a cross between a space cap
sule and a helicopter. Fie said rhe craft is “superbly suited” for tip-first
entry into the earth’s atmosphere, where it then could extend four
40 A L I E N A G E N D A
2309 B.C. in a craft “mounting the current of luminous air.” Once high
above the earth, Hou Yih said “he did not perceive the rotary move
ment of the sun,” an accurate description that can be made only from
outside the earth’s atmosphere. Both Hou Yth and his wife claimed to
have visited the moon, which was described as “a luminous sphere,
shining like glass, of enormous size and very cold; the light of the
moon has its birth in the sun.” This is a most accurate depiction of the
moon’s hard, cold surface, which reflects sunlight.
But if accounts of ancient astronauts and fabulous flying
machines are accurate, why have there not been many more detailed
stories handed down over the centuries? Wouldn’t additional and even
more descriptive documents be available today?
The answer is a simple “no” thanks to the destructive nature of
man. Only some of Homer’s epic poems survived the destruction
of the collected works of the Greek tyrant Pisistratus in Athens.
Nothing survived the destruction of the Egyptian library in the
Temple of Ptah in Memphis. Likewise, an estimated two hundred
thousand volumes of priceless works disappeared with the destruction
of the library of Pergamus in Asia Minor. When the Romans leveled
the city of Carthage, they destroyed a library said to contain more
than five hundred thousand volumes. Next came Julius Caesar, whose
war against Egypt resulted in the loss of the library at Alexandria,
considered the greatest collection of books in antiquity. With the loss
of the Srnzpezzw and the Bruchion, a total of some seven hundred
thousand volumes of accumulated knowledge went up in flames.
What little survived was destroyed by Christians in 391. European
libraries also suffered under the Romans and later from zealous
Christians. Between the sacking of Constantinople and the Inquisi
tion during the Middle Ages, an inestimable number of ancient
works were irretrievably lost. Collections in Asia fared little better, as
the Chinese emperor Tsin Shi Hwang-ti ordered wholesale book
burning in 213 B.C.
“Because of these tragedies we have to depend on disconnected
fragments, casual passages, and meager accounts,” wrote researcher
Andrew Tomas. “Our distant past is a vacuum filled at random with
tablets, parchments, statues, paintings, and various artifacts. The his
tory of science would appear totally different were the book collection
of Alexandria intact today.”
We are left with fragmentary writings mostly from oral tradi
tions to inform us of our distant past. Yet these stories arc filled with
strange and inexplicable accounts that continue to intrigue modem
researchers. But compelling as these stories may be, they hardly
constitute documentation of ancient visitations. Does any tangible
proof exist today to support the idea of high technology in the dis
tant past?
The answer would seem to be a clear “yes” after considering
some of the world’s known mysteries.
Ancient Artifacts
In 1900, Greek sponge divers discovered an ancient ship lying in
waters near Antikythera, a small island off the coast of Crete. After
much work and a second trip to the site later that year, the divers man
aged to retrieve several bronze and marble statues from the wreck,
which were taken to the National Archeological Museum in Athens,
Awed by both the quality and quantity of the statues, observers
initially gave little notice to some lumps of corroded bronze among
the find. When finally studied by archeologist Spyridon Stais in May
1902, it was discovered the lumps contained complex cogwheels and
gears. There was an immediate dispute as to what this mechanism rep
resented. One thought was that it may have been an astrolabe used for
measuring the elevation of heavenly bodies.
Only one thing seemed certain: Based on inscriptions found on
the mechanism’s case, its date of manufacture was about 80 B.C.
The Antikythera Mechanism, as it came to be called, remained
an enigma until 1958, when British scientist Dr. Derek J. de Solla
Price pronounced the device a predecessor to our modern computer.
“It appears that this was, indeed, a computing machine that could
work out and exhibit the motions of the sun and moon and probably
also the planets,” he wrote in 1962. Price was amazed by the piece,
stating, “Nothing like this instrument is preserved elsewhere,” he
wrote. “Nothing comparable to it is known from any ancient scientific
text or literary allusion. On the contrary, from all that we know of sci
ence and technology in the Hellenistic Age we should have felt that
such a device could not exist.”
The device consists of dials set into a wooden box containing at
least twenty wheel gears plus an astounding system of differential
gears, not known to exist prior to clocks made in the late 1500s. In
1971, X-ray photographs showed a full array of meshing gears inside
the machine far more complicated than even the earliest known clock
works. The sophistication of the device prompted Price in 1959 to
state, “Finding a thing like this is like finding a jet plane in the tomb of
King Tutankhamen.”
Despite the fact that the Antikythera Mechanism has been
described as “one of the greatest basic mechanical inventions of all
time,” most modem Americans are unaware of its existence, and even
those who are have never considered it as evidence that someone with
technological superiority may have visited the earth nearly two thou
sand years ago. Scientist and acclaimed science fiction writer Arthur C.
Clarke admitted, “Looking at this extraordinary relic is a most disturb
ing experience.” However, Clarke cannot allow himself to view it as
evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, instead commenting, “We can be
absolutely certain that the Antikythera computer is the product of
human skill; but if there is anywhere one might expect to find crashed
spaceships or other alien artifacts, it would be in the oceans that cover
three-quarters of our world.” Clarke may have rebutted his own argu
ment when he wrote, “If the insight of the Greeks had matched their
ingenuity, the Industrial Revolution might have begun a thousand
years before Columbus. By this time we would not merely be pottering
around on the moon; we could have reached the nearer stars.” Since
man has not yet reached the stars, couldn’t this be evidence that the
Antikythera Mechanism was given to humans or perhaps copied from
one of nonhuman origin?
Giving credence to the idea that our forefathers may have used
electricity, an energy source we are taught was only discovered by
Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani about 1786, is a series of vessels dis
covered in Iraq that can only be ancient batteries. In 1936, a German
scientist named Wilhelm Konig was working in the Iraq Museum
when he found several odd pieces, including a clay vase containing a
copper cylinder held by asphalt. In the center of this was a protruding
iron rod tipped by oxidized lead. “After all the parts had been brought
together and then examined in their separate parts, it became evident
that it could only have been an electrical element. It was only neces
sary to add an acid or an alkaline liquid to complete the element,”
Konig wrote.
Naturally, Konig’s conclusions were hotly contested by tradi
tional scientists, but became muted after another German scientist,
Egyptologist Dr. Arne Eggebrecht, came across yet another pot and
tube device among treasures on tour from Iraq. Testing his theory,
Eggebrecht poured freshly pressed grape juice into the copper cylin
der, which promptly caused an attached voltmeter to register half a
volt of electricity. Eggebrecht has stated that the electric current pro
duced by the “Baghdad battery” may have been used to electroplate
gilded statuary more than a hundred years before the birth of Christ.
Many other mysterious objects support the concept of either
unknown early civilizations or visits by technologically adxanced trav
elers. The so-called Skull of Doom is especially perplexing. A near
life-size human skull, this intricate artifact is caned from pure quartz
Mystifying Maps
The Greek geographer Strabo, who lived during the time of Jesus,
wrote that there were people living in the temperate zone north of the
parallel passing by Athens and west of the Atlantic Ocean. Lucius
Annaeus Seneca, the Roman tragedian, wrote in Medea. “Another
Tiphys shall disclose new worlds, and lands shall be seen beyond
Thule.” This was a clear reference to North America, as Tiphys
referred to the pilot of the legendary ship Argos and Thule has been
identified as Iceland.
Even the sacred Hindu text Vtsbnu-Piirana speaks of a continent
composed of two lands lying south of the North Pole, a fitting enough
description of North and South America. A timeworn chart found in
Tibet was deciphered by the Soviet philologist Bronislav Kouznetsov
in 1969 as a map referring to the ancient nations of Bactria, Babylonia,
Persia, and locations including the Persian city of Pasargady,
Jerusalem, Alexandria, and the Caspian Sea. This map provided some
of the first hard evidence to support the idea that prehistoric Tibetans
had links with Persia and Egypt centuries ago.
Researcher Graham Hancock told of a Chinese map copied
from an earlier one onto a stone pillar in 1137, which indicated sophis
ticated concepts of longitude and spherical trigonometry. “Indeed, on
close examination, it shares so many features with the European and
Middle Eastern maps that only one explanation seems adequate: it and
they must have stemmed from a common source,” he wrote.
But one of the most compelling bits of evidence indicating a pre
historic knowledge of the world’s geography is found in the two surviv
ing maps of the sixteenth-century Turkish cartographer Admiral Piri
Reis. Under the translated title Book of the Seas. Piri Reis published 210
well-drawn maps. One of his maps, still in the possession of the National
Museum of Turkey, is dated 1513 and depicts the western coast
of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of
Antarctica. In a letter dated July 6, 1960, Air Force Colonel Harold Z.
Ohlmeyer of the 8th Reconnaissance Tactical Squadron of the Strategic
Air Command stated, “The geographic detail shown in the lower part of
the [Piri Reis] map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seis
mic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British
Antarctic Expedition of 1949. This indicates the coastline had been
mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap.”
The English explorer Captain James Cook attempted the first
scientific visit to Antarctica in 1773 but returned thinking the entire
area was nothing but frozen ocean. Mainland Antarctica was first
sighted by the American sea captain Nathaniel Palmer in 1820. Explo-
ration of the Antarctic region continued well into the twentieth cen
tury. It was once believed that the southernmost continent had been
covered by thick ice since its creation. However, the discovery of ice-
encased Cenozoic unicellular algae in 1983 indicated that Antarctica
may have been at least partly free of ice as late as three million years
ago. The discovery of meteorites in the ice sheets has allowed testing,
which indicates some sheets formed as recently as ten thousand years
ago. The late Professor Charles Hapgood, who taught the history of
science at Keene College in New Hampshire, advanced the theory in
1953 that Antarctica may have moved further south by some two thou
sand miles due to “Earth-crust displacement” and therefore could have
been partially free of ice until as late as 4000 B.C. This is still a thou
sand years before traditional academicians believe that the first true
civilizations of Egypt and Sumer with their seafaring explorers began.
So the puzzle is how Piri Reis could have accurately drawn the
contours of Antarctica, since it was not discovered until some three
hundred years after he drew his map and is covered with an ice sheet
more than six thousand feet deep and at least six thousand years old.
Fortunately, Piri Reis was helpful. He left behind notes telling
how he acquired the information used in his maps. Piri Reis said that
in the year 1501, when he was thirty-one years old, he joined an uncle
in fighting against Spain. Following a naval battle, maps were found on
a Spanish sailor who claimed to have sailed with Columbus. The cap
tive said he had obtained the maps from Columbus, who had made
them after reading an old book dating from the time of Alexander the
Great. However, Piri Reis said the Columbus map was not his sole
source of information. In a marginal note to his map, he wrote, “In
preparing this map I made use of about 20 old charts and eight Mappa
Mundis, i.e. of the charts called Jaferiye by the Arabs and prepared at
the time of Alexander the Great, in which the whole inhabited world
was shown.” It is known that Piri Reis had access to the Imperial
Library in Constantinople, where many ancient manuscripts were
kept. Obviously, Piri Reis was making use of charts and maps drawn
farther back than ancient Greece, whose intellectuals admittedly drew
from even older Egyptian and Sumerian sources.
But the idea that someone had accurately mapped an ice-free
Antarctica in prehistoric times paled beside the fact that Piri Reis’s
1513 map also depicted the correct position of the Falkland Islands,
not discovered until 1592, and the rivers of South /Vmerica—the
Orinoco, Amazon, Parana, Uruguay, and others not fully charted until
the advent of satellites.
And the Piri Reis maps were not simply flukes. Perhaps drawing
on the same sources as Piri Reis, mapmakers Gerard Kremer, known
The theory that Stonehenge and other stone circles were used
to calculate the movement of the stars was confirmed in the 1960s with
the restoration of the Newgrange Tumulus tomb located near
Drogheda, Ireland. Professor Michael O’Kelly of University College
in Cork discovered that a small quartz “shutter” above the tomb’s five-
ton stone entryway illuminated the tomb on precisely midwinter sun
rise each year. Another monument clearly designed on astronomical
knowledge is the Maes Howe tomb in the Orkney Isles north of Scot
land, which aligns with a monolith each winter solstice. Teacher Mag
nus Spence, who first recorded the connection in 1893, wrote, “The
alignment formed with this long passage of Maes Howe and the
Standing Stone of Barnhouse indicates directions too remarkable to be
merely accidental.”
More remarkable than simple celestial alignments is the theory
that Stonehenge is an energy transmitter. Support for this concept
came in 1979 when a scientist-led team detected ultrasonic energy
pulses emanating from the Rollright Stones, a circle of seventy-seven
stones near Oxfordshire.
The greatest astronomical calculator of them all—and another
structure claimed to contain powerful energy—is the Great Pyramid of
Cheops. The last surviving member of the Seven Wonders of the
World, the Great Pyramid has been a source of mystery and contro
versy throughout man’s history’.
tion of Cheops has ever been found; the lack of any other inscriptions
and the fact that the markings contained mistakes in both spelling and
grammar. In fact, Vyse and his assistants were caught in one hoax con
cerning a wooden coffin and human remains reported discovered by
Vyse in a smaller pyramid. Author Zecharia Sitchen reported, “The
fact, however—known to scholars for some time now but for some
reason still hardly publicized—is that neither the wooden coffin nor
the skeletal remains were authentic. Someone—undoubtedly that
Colonel Vyse and his cronies—had brought into the pyramid a coffin
... and bones from the even much later Christian times, and put the
two together in an unabashed archeological fraud.”
Other Egyptian documents, such as the Inventory Stela, made it
plain that the Great Pyramid was already built prior to Cheops’s rule.
These, however, have been ignored or dismissed by traditional Egyp
tologists. It is also interesting to note that the Bible, which, theology
aside, is a detailed history of the Hebrew people, never mentions work
on the pyramid, although they were the slaves of the Egyptians for
many years.
The questions concerning the purpose of the Great Pyramid
equal that of its construction. Traditionally, it was thought to have
been the tomb of Cheops. However, no inscriptions or funeral regalia
have been found. In fact, as Graham Hancock pointed out, “Not a sin
gle one of these monuments had ever been found to contain the body
of a pharaoh, or any signs whatsoever of a royal burial.” So what was
its purpose?
While theories abound, the most credible involve a connection
to the stars. In the 1930s, American architect James A. Kane presented
a detailed study that he saw as proof that the three Giza pyramids were
built according to geometrical and surveying principles connected to
astronomical observations. The idea that the pyramids’ design was
based on the stars has been supported by Egyptologist I. E. S. Edwards
and archeologist Martin Isler. R. O. Faulkner, a translator of the Pyra
mid Texts, wrote: “It is well known that the Ancient Egyptians took
great interest in the stars ... inscribing star-maps and tables in their
coffins and tombs ... in which the stars were regarded as gods or as
the souls of the blessed dead.”
A look at the orientation of the Great Pyramid confirms its
well-planned and sophisticated design. Each of its four sides precisely
face the four points of the compass with only a one-twelfth degree of
variation, which has been explained by the gradual movement of the
earth’s axis rather than any mistake on the part of its designer. Also,
although there are slight differences due to damage by both man and
nature, the height of the Great Pyramid is proportional to the radius
have found the secret astronomical reference point for the Great Pyra
mid. In studying ancient religious writings found in Fifth and Sixth
Dynasty pyramids known as the Pyramid Texts, they found continual
references to Osiris, including a passage stating, “O Horus, these kings
are Osiris, these pyramids are Osiris, these constructions of theirs are
Osiris. . . .” Osiris was the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld
with life-giving powers connected to the constellation Orion.
After extensive study, Bauval determined that the configuration
of the three Giza pyramids—two in line while the third is offset—
indeed match that of Orion. Furthermore, one of the small tunnels
inside the Great Pyramid long described as an “air shaft” indeed
aligned with the star cluster of Orion’s Belt.
But to their astonishment they realized that the arrangement of
the Giza pyramids reflected the position of Orion as it would have
only appeared about the year 10,450 B.C.—a date more nearly match
ing the growing body of evidence confirming a prehistoric genesis for
the Great Pyramid.
Just as strange energy readings were found at the ancient Roll
right Stones in England, similar results have been found in Egypt’s
pyramids, leading to tales of mystic magic and psychic power.
Although largely discredited in the public mind, the sensational stories
of “pyramid power” carry elements of truth. Many studies indicate that
razor blades stay sharp longer and fruit ripens slower when placed
within a properly oriented pyramid.
In the late 1960s, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, with
the full cooperation of the Egyptian government and Ein Shams Uni
versity of Cairo, devised an investigation of the Khafre pyramid—the
second largest—utilizing cosmic rays. Since such rays would register
higher intensity in hollow spaces, it was hoped that any hidden rooms or
passageways would be revealed. But, according to the London Times,
nothing worked properly. Instrument readings differed from one day to
the next. Computer analysis of the readings produced “garbled non
sense” so that not even the direction the instruments were being aimed
could be determined. The equipment was rechecked. It worked fine
except within the pyramid. Frustrated, Dr. Alvarez returned to America.
“As impossible and improbable as it may seem,” commented
Chatelain, “apparently the ancient Egyptians must have been capable
of predicting the future and set up radiation barriers against us, impen
etrable even to electronic scouting. It looks as if somebody or some
thing thousands of years ago had installed electromagnetic radiation
sources in at least one of the pyramids or their vicinity just to prevent
the electronic devices of later generations from discovering their hid
den secrets.”
that many people believe was the progenitor of all the early civiliza
tions. The question now is whether such a civilization was a strictly
human one that evolved naturally, then mysteriously vanished, leaving
few traces, or if such a civilization, perhaps in some ways technologi
cally superior to our own, was the result of extraterrestrial contact.
The latter idea cannot be summarily dismissed due to the numerous
and obvious connections between the ancients and advanced astro
nomical knowledge. Furthermore, almost all of the world’s cultures tell
of “gods” coming from the heavens in antiquity.
Zecharia Sitchen, a New York author who made a detailed study
of ancient literature for more than thirty years, often reading from the
original texts, has written a series of books entitled The Earth Chroni
cles, which present his interpretation of many early writings—princi
pally from Babylonian and Sumerian sources. Sitchen recounted how
man’s early history was shaped by visitors from a twelfth planet in our
solar system called Nibiru by the ancient Sumerians and Marduk by
the Babylonians. This planet reportedly is on a thirty-degree inclined
orbit to the parallax of our solar system, which takes it far into space,
preventing viewing today. It comes close to the earth every 3,600 years
and is due back between the years 2060 and 2065.
Incredibly enough, in 1983—twelve years after publication of
Sitchen’s first Earth Chronicles book, The 12th Planet—the Washington
Post News Service reported, “A heavenly body possibly as large as the
giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to the earth that it would be
part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constella
tion Orion by an orbiting telescope called the Infrared Astronomical
Observatory (IRAS).” For some astronomers, the discovery was no
surprise. In 1981, astronomer Thomas Van Flandem reported to the
American Astronomical Society that irregularities in the orbit of Pluto
indicated that our solar system contained a tenth planet. The Detroit News
commented, “If new evidence from the U.S. Naval Observatory' of a 10th
planet in the solar system is correct, it could prove that the Sumerians, an
ancient eastern Mediterranean civilization, were far ahead of modern man
in astronomy.” Sitchen’s idea of a twelfth planet and the discovery of a
tenth planet are compatible, as Sitchen, like the ancient Sumerians,
counted the sun and the moon as “bodies” in the solar system.
In an elaborate and compelling analysis of ancient literature,
Russian-born Sitchen, one of fewer than two hundred persons who can
read the Sumerian language, began with this new planet, which was
said to have entered our solar system about four billion years ago and
demolished a planet, creating the asteroid belt beyond Mars. His
translations wove a story of alien civil war, personality clashes, and col
onization efforts on Earth to include the creation of modern man.
keep the being from capture and care for him themselves. Taking him
to their home, they found the being could communicate with them
through a crystal device that conveyed images.
One of the rescuers was the now-deceased grandfather of
Robert Morning Sky, a Native American of Hopi and Apache extrac
tion, who today tells his ancestor’s story and lectures on an alternative
history of Earth as pieced together from the crash victim. His account
of the being’s rescue has been supported by other Native Americans
who claimed they too have heard the story of the being called the
“Star Elder.”
Morning Sky said the basic message of the “Star Elder,” whose
name was Bak’Ti, was simple. “Star Beings have been here since Earth
was a barren rock. They were here throughout evolution. In some
cases their involvement was benevolent; in some cases it was not. Man
has been guided ... and he has been misled. The Star Beings have
been our gods ... and our devils. They have always been here, and
they are still here now.”
The story of man’s history as recounted by Bak’Ti is strikingly
similar to those of Sitchen and other sources. According to Morning
Sky’s work entitled “The Terra Papers,” humans were created by DNA
manipulation to provide labor for alien mining operations. The leader
of these creator aliens was vying for control of Earth with his brother.
To gain an edge, this leader placed some of his own DNA in the
human gene pool, thus making them his own “children” after a fash
ion. Other alien DNA was contributed by a birdlike race that were
“emotional and soulful.” As humans began to breed and grow in num
bers, two distinct groups came into being—one a docile bunch easily
controlled by their alien overlords and the other an emotional and
intelligent group that quickly developed independent will.
One faction of aliens, headed by the creator’s ambitious brother,
tried to destroy the willful humans by first casting them into the
wilderness to the and later allowing a great flood to consume
them. However, the creator leader managed to save a small group of
This conflict over the stewardship of the human race continues
today, according to Morning Sky, with one alien faction using ele
ments of the U.S. government to hide their activities. Another faction
has bases on the moon, which has been declared “off-limits” to
“We do not realize the extent of alien influence behind the
scenes of our world’s political and economic systems, so we are easily
manipulated in favor of alien agendas,” wrote Karen Degenhart, who
reported Morning Sky’s story. “They use our planet’s natural
resources, they use our bodies for genetic material to continue their
each other. In 1566, a similar sight was seen over Basel, Switzerland.
Most of these events were seen as “signs” from God.
By the 1800s, although descriptions of lights and objects in the
sky continued, they were couched in more modern terminology.
Objects were described as dirigibles or airships, and less religious con
notations were placed on them. Such sightings continued well into the
twentieth century but, with the exception of the previously mentioned
Great Airship Mystery of 1896-97, received scant media attention.
Two great military conflagrations—World Wars I and II—over
shadowed any concerns over flying objects. Unidentified artillery
shells, mortar rounds, observation balloons, airplanes, and dirigibles
were all too common, particularly near battle zones. The public had
became accustomed to ever-advancing technology and lost interest.
They were more concerned with personal safety and comfort. What
ever was in the skies seemed to be drawn primarily to military activity.
In the early and mid-1930s, there were reports of “ghost” air
craft passing over military installations in the United States, Britain,
and Scandinavia. No one could identify them and no nation admitted
responsibility. Most people dismissed these reports as secret reconnais
sance missions by the Germans or Soviets. Yet there was definitely a
strangeness to the reports. The flights often came in weather that
would have grounded conventional aircraft. Reports stated the craft
would cut power, yet circle several times. Their flight paths seemed to
indicate a point of origin inside the Arctic Circle, and they often were
accompanied by powerful searchlights and flashing colored lights,
hardly advisable on secret missions. Others claimed Europeans were
simply getting jumpy during this time when Adolf Hitler and Benito
Mussolini were rearming their nations.
War nerves also were blamed for a never fully explained inci
dent in wartime Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles Air Raid
By late February 1942, just three short months after the Japanese
bombing of Pearl Harbor, tensions were high on the West Coast—
with just cause. America had been attacked without warning and there
was a fear of imminent invasion. Air raid drills had been conducted
regularly since the attack, and on February 23, a Japanese submarine
had shelled the Banldine Oil Company refinery in Goleta, just north
of Santa Barbara.
At 2:25 A.M. on February 25, Los Angeles County residents
were awakened by the wail of air raid sirens. Most believed it was sim
ply another drill. They were blissfully unaware that one of America’s
In late 1944, Lt. Donald Meiers of Chicago was flying in a British-made
twin-engined night fighter called a Beaufighter over Germany’s Rhine
Valley when what appeared to be flaming globes suddenly appeared and
moved toward his plane. “I turned starboard and the balls of fire turned
with me,” Meiers recalled. “I turned to port side and they turned with
me. We were doing 260 miles an hour and the balls were keeping right
up with us.... When I first saw the things ... I had the terrible thought
that a German ,.. was ready to press a button and explode them....
They just seemed to follow us like will-o’-the-wisps.”
This was one of many such reports of circular objects chasing
Allied aircraft. They became known as “foo-fighters.” There has been
some confusion regarding the origin of that name. Some have said
“foo” is an adulteration of the French word for fire, feu, thus indicating
a “fire fighter.” However, author Paris Flammonde reasoned that since
the term originated with young American flyers, it more probably
came from a play on the term Beaufighter by using the words of a pre
war comic strip character named Smokey Stover, who frequently
voiced the gag line “Where there’s foo, there’s fire.”
it read. The A-4 rocket was later designated by Hitler as the V-2—V
for Vengeance weapon, the V-l buzz bomb being the first. The V-2
was Germany’s most secret high-tech weapons system. Himmler then
placed Kammler in overall command of the rocket program.
According to Speer, Kammler insinuated his way into all phases
of the V-2 program until Hitler finally put him in charge of all air
armaments, including any possible secret saucer project. “Thus—just a
few weeks before the end of the war—he had become commissioner
general for all important weapons,” wrote Speer, who bemoaned the
fact that as the war drew to a close, Himmler’s SS gradually assumed
total control over Germany’s weaponry production and research.
Working closely with Kammler on the V-2 project were Wem-
her von Braun, who after the war headed America’s National Aeronau
tics and Space Administration, and his superior, Luftwaffe Maj. Gen.
Walter Dornberger, who later became vice president of Bell Aircraft
Company and of Bell Aerosystems Company in the United States.
Alarmed by progress on the V-2 rockets, Britain’s Bomber
Command sent 597 bombers on the night of August 16-17, 1943, to
raid Peenemunde—Germany’s top-secret rocket facility7 built on an
island at the mouth of the Oder River near the border of Germany and
Poland. Because so much of Peenemunde was underground or well
camouflaged, much was left undamaged. Author Brian Ford described
the results: “Even so, over 800 of the people on the island were
killed. . . . After this, it was realized that some of the facility had better
be dispersed throughout Germany; thus the theoretical development
facility was moved to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, development went to
Nordhausen and Bleicherode, and the main wind-tunnel and ancillary
equipment went down to Kochel, some 24 miles south of Munich.
This was christened Wasserbau Versuchsanstalt Kochelsee—experimen
tal waterworks project—and gave rise to the most thorough research
center for long-range rocket development that, at the time, could have
been envisioned.” It has been noted that a certain portion of top-secret
Nazi weaponry development was moved to an area near Blizna,
Poland—the same area w’here Allied air crews first encountered the
As Kammler, von Braun, Dornberger, and company worked
feverishly to perfect the V-2s and other secret weapons, Himmler was
taking steps to separate his SS from normal party7 and state control. “In
the spring of 1944 Hitler approved Himmler’s proposal to build an
SS-owned industrial concern in order to make the SS permanently
independent of the state budget,” wrote Albert Speer.
In moves that w ere to be copied in later years by America’s Cen
tral Intelligence Agency, SS leaders created a number of business
the SS missiles has sunk into oblivion. There is the Bormann mystery,
the Mengele enigma; as far as I know, no one, to this day, has taken
much interest in the fate of Obergntppenfiihrer SS Hans Kammler.”
Michel, along with others, wondered “why had the ‘cold and brutal
calculator’ described by Speer so abruptly discarded the trump cards
he had so patiently accumulated?” Did Kammler escape with weapons
plans even more technologically advanced and secret than the V-2
rocket? Did the Reich, or an extension of it, have the capability to pro
duce a UFO or the clout to deal from a position of strength with one
of the Allied nations?
Information, principally from Dornberger, suggested that
Kammler committed suicide when the Czech resistance overcame SS
troops in Prague. However, there was no proof of this, and the issue is
far from settled. As Michel mentioned, there was a long-standing con
troversy over the proclaimed deaths of Hitler’s deputy Martin Bor
mann and the notorious SS Dr. Josef Mengele.
Mengele reportedly died in recent years after hiding in
Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay for decades. Another ranking SS offi
cial, Obersturmbannfiihrer Adolf Eichmann, escaped to Argentina but
was abducted to Israel in 1960, where he was tried for war crimes and
But the biggest fish to get away was Reichsleiter Bormann.
Rumors persisted for years that Bormann was living in South America
and running a worldwide Nazi empire, which included the infamous
organization to aid escaping Nazis, Organization der Ehemaligen
SS-Angehorigen (ODESSA). In 1972, Munich bishop Johannes
Neuhausler made public a church document stating that Bormann
had escaped Berlin during the final days and gone to Spain by airplane.
Later that year, Berlin workmen unearthed two skeletons near the
ruins of the Lehrter railroad station and, in 1973, West German offi
cials held a news conference proclaiming that one of the skeletons had
been identified as Bormann and that he had died in 1945 trying to
escape Berlin.
Bormann’s identification was based on dental records prepared
from memory in 1945 by Dr. Hugo Blaschke on orders of a U.S. Army
investigation team. By 1973, Blaschke was dead and the actual identifi
cation was made by a Fritz Echtmann, a dental technician who claimed
to have made fittings for Hider, Eva Braun, and Bormann. The entire
case for the Berlin death of Bormann rested on dental records pre
pared from memory by a dentist who had been a loyal Nazi for many
years and the sole statement of a dental technician who had been
imprisoned in Russia due to his proclaimed knowledge of Bormann’s
dental work. Adding to suspicions that Bormanns death announce-
ment was a bit too convenient was the fact that Willy Brandt’s govern
ment canceled all rewards and warrants for Bormann and instructed
West German embassies and consulates to ignore any future sightings
of the Reichsleiter. These suspicions were compounded by statements
from several persons who claimed that the body found near the rail
road station was placed there in 1945 by troops commanded by Waf-
fen SS Gen. Heinrich “Gestapo” Mueller, who was known to have
used decoy bodies on other occasions. Bormann’s death notice did not
convince Simon Wiesenthal of the Documentation Center in Vienna,
who said, “Some doubts must remain whether the bones found in
Berlin are really those of Bormann.”
Was it possible that Bormann and other Nazis wielded enough
power to misdirect West German investigations and silence foreign
governments and news organizations? The simple answer appears to
be yes. To understand, one must look at German business history and
Bormann’s activities beginning in mid-1944.
part of this plan, Bormann, aided by the black-clad SS, the central
Deutsche Bank and the powerful I. G. Farben combine, created 750
foreign front corporations—58 in Portugal, 112 in Spain, 233 in Swe
den, 214 in Switzerland, 35 in Turkey, and 98 in Argentina.
Bormann’s efforts were substantially helped by close connec
tions with foreign banks and businesses begun long before the war. As
documented by former New York Times writer Charles Higham, Amer
ica’s International Telephone & Telegraph Corp. (ITT) sold Germany
communication and war material, including as many as fifty thousand
artillery fuses per month, more than three years after Pearl Harbor.
Illustrating the interconnecting business associations of this time was
ITT’s German chairman Gerhardt Westrick, a close associate of John
Foster Dulles, who would become U.S. secretary of state under Presi
dent Dwight Eisenhower, and partner to Dr. Heinrich Albert, head of
Ford Motor Co. in Germany until 1945. Two ITT directors were
German banker Baron Kurt von Schroder and Walter Schellenberg,
head of counterintelligence for the Nazi Gestapo.
Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil also came under investigation
during World War II for a series of complex business deals that
resulted in desperately needed gasoline reaching Nazi Germany.
“None of these transactions was ever made public,” reported Higham.
“The details of them remained buried in classified files for over 40
years. However, it proved impossible for Ralph Gallagher and Walter
Teagle (both Standard chairmen)... to conceal the fact that shipments
of oil continued to fascist Spain throughout World War II, paid for by
[Spanish dictator Francisco] Franco funds that had been unimpounded
by the Federal Reserve Bank while Loyalist funds were sent to Nazi
Germany from the vaults of the Bank of England, the Bank of France
and the Bank for International Settlements. The shipments to Spain
indirectly assisted the Axis through Spanish transferences to Hamburg.
At the same time, there were desperate shortages in the United States,
long lines at gas stations, and even petroleum rationing. While Ameri
can civilians and the armed sendees suffered alike from restrictions,
more gasoline went to Spain than it did to domestic customers.” Ques
tioned about this situation by the New York Times, a spokesman for
U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull explained that rhe oil was coming
from the Caribbean, not the United States. What was not explained
was that Standard Oil, under the leadership of William Stamps Farish,
had early on changed the country of registration tor Standard s tanker
fleet to Panama. Higham pointed out that both Standard chiefs Farish
and Teagle were “mesmerized by Germany” and were close associates
of I. G. Farbens Hermann Schmitz.
Such ties were buttressed by banking connections such as the
that America could be “attacked by fighters that are able to fly from
one pole to the other with incredible speed.”
Advancing the idea that the Nazis continually shipped men and
materiel to the South Pole throughout the war years, Harbinson wrote,
“Regarding the possibility of the Germans building self-sufficient
underground research factories in the Antarctic, it has only to be
pointed out that the underground research centers of Nazi Germany
were gigantic feats of construction, containing wind tunnels, machine
shops, assembly plants, launching pads, supply dumps and accommo
dation for all who worked there, including adjoining camps for
slaves—and yet very few people knew that they existed.”
But, while tales of a secret Nazi base in Antarctica may appear
plausible to some, the idea that it has remained undiscovered and no
one has escaped or deserted the place in more than fifty years stretches
belief to the breaking point. It is more likely that Antarctica was
merely a way station for Nazi leaders traveling on to their new homes
in Argentina and Paraguay.
The second theory of Nazi UFOs—and a much more believable
one—is that the German saucer program was used as bargaining lever
age by the Nazis and secretly developed by one or more of the Allied
nations after the war.
If this theory is correct, it could solve one of the postwar UFO
mysteries—the “ghost rockets” of Sweden.
Ghost Rockets
Beginning in May 1946, strange objects spouting fire were seen over Swe
den. By August, reports of the UFOs were coming in from all over
Europe and even from the northern and eastern portions of the Mediter
ranean. On August 11, after investigation by a special committee of
military and aviation officials, Swedish authorities acknowledged the phe
nomenon, stating, “Ghost rockets—mysterious spool-shaped objects with
fiery tails—have become a common sight in Sweden.” In addition to the
description of the objects as metallic rocket-shaped devices, some with
small fins, about thirty fragments reportedly fallen from the objects were
studied. They were determined to be pieces of slag that did not seem to
be part of any rocket. By December 1946, reports of the “rockets” waned
and Swedish authorities claimed that 80 percent of the sightings had con
ventional explanations, leaving only 20 percent “unidentified.” They seri
ously considered the idea that the craft were captured German V weapons
being sent over Sweden by the Russians for purposes of intimidation.
British researcher Mark Birdsall, after an intensive study of Nazi
secret weapons, concluded, “Without question, nearly all Foo-Fighter
Frost for AVRO Ltd., which reportedly were first flown in 1959.
When the United States began working with the Canadians, the
idea of a circular aircraft was not new. It had produced its own flying
saucer in 1942 when Charles H. Zimmerman designed the V-173 “Fly
ing Flapjack” for the U.S. Navy. This experimental, disc-shaped craft
was built and test-flown by Chance-Vought Corp, but reportedly was
abandoned in 1947 as impractical. An original V-173 was on exhibit in
the Smithsonian Institution for several years. Likewise, the AVRO-Car
saucer project reportedly was termed a failure and canceled in 1960.
“However,” wrote Harbinson in 1991, “while the Canadian and
U.S. governments have insisted that they are no longer involved with
flying saucer construction projects, there are many who believe that
they are lying and that the Canadian, British, U.S., and even Soviet
governments are continuing to work on highly advanced, saucer
shaped, supersonic aircraft based on the work done in Nazi Germany.”
Lending weight to this allegation was a CIA memorandum dated
October 19, 1955, which stated, “[AVRO-Car designer] Mr. Frost is
reported to have obtained his original idea for the flying machine from
a group of Germans just after World War II...
A stranger variation of this charge came from former U.S. Air
Force Lt. Col. George Edwards, who claimed he worked on the AVRO
project and came to understand that it was a cover for testing a “real
alien spacecraft.” Edwards said, “The VZ-9 was to be a ‘cover’ so the
Pentagon would have an explanation whenever people reported seeing
a saucer in flight.” This theme was taken up by writer Robert Dorr, an air
force veteran who claimed to have learned of an alien saucer recovered
from a crash on the East Coast in 1953. Dorr said use of the AVRO-Car
as a “smoke screen” to shift public attention away from the real UFO
answered many questions about the AVRO program—such as why the
weapons system was never designed to be armed, why as the current
aerospace leader the United States entered business with a secondary
power like Canada, and why the AVRO was so publicized when first
announced in 1955 but not publicized when test-flown in 1959.
It is intriguing to note that as will be seen shortly, Americas
first highly publicized UFO sightings took place in the northwest
United States and, in both cases, the UFOs flew off toward Canada.
But before the first great UFO “flap” occurred, it should be
mentioned that a literary endeavor may have built up both public
reception and perception of the coming events.
In 1938, a Wisconsin-bom hunchbacked dwarf named Raymond
A. Palmer had been named editor of Amazing Stories, a pulp magazine
targeting adolescent boys with tales combining heroic adventures,
robots, science fiction, ghosts, and wartime patriotism. For example, one
story in the March 1943 issue concerned “A new asteroid [which] came
to the solar system and circled Earth—and became a base for Nazi
bombers!” In January 1944, Palmer ran a letter from a Richard Sharpe
Shaver, a worker in the Philadelphia shipyards, who claimed to hear
"voices” coming from his welding equipment. Encouraged by having his
letter published, Shaver sent Palmer a rambling manuscript penciled
onto envelopes, sacks, bills, and other scraps of paper entitled, "A Warn
ing to Future Man.” Shaver said his writings were based on memories of
life on the long-lost continent of Lemuria induced in him by "alien
minds” who had come to Earth 150,000 years ago and were still living in
vast caverns within the earth. Palmer expanded Shaver’s manuscript
threefold and published it in March 1945 as “I Remember Lemuria!”
Despite the outre nature of Shaver’s narrative, Palmer published
it as a true story, though in later years he admitted to being aware that
Shaver had spent some years in a mental hospital. Magazine sales
soared to more than 250,000 a month, and stories about spaceships
and aliens increased. In mid-1946, Palmer wrote, “If you don’t think
space ships visit the Earth regularly . .. and if you think responsible
parties in world governments are ignorant of the fact of space ships
visiting the Earth, you just don’t think the way we do.”
Author Curtis Peebles commented, “One would be hard pressed
to find a more concise summary of the flying saucer myth. Yet this was
a year before the first widely publicized sighting.” The stage was set
for the first major UFO reports, with visiting extraterrestrials, flying
craft with miraculous energy systems, and government secrecy already
a part of the public lore.
later reported. “They didn’t fly like any aircraft I had seen before ...
they flew in a definite formation, but erratically ... like speed boats on
rough water or similar to the tail of a Chinese kite that I once saw bob
bing in the wind ... they fluttered and sailed, tipping their wings alter
nately and emitting very bright blue-white flashes from their surfaces.”
As the objects were moving almost directly across Arnold’s
flight path and passing behind some of the mountains, he had no trou
ble in calculating their speed. Arnold checked his watch as the first of
the nine objects passed Mount Rainier and again as the last object
passed the crest of Mount Adams. One minute and forty-two seconds
had passed. Later, after checking the distance between the two peaks,
Arnold determined the objects were flying close to 1,700 miles per
hour—twice the speed of sound. No aircraft of that time had achieved
speeds anywhere close to this.
After landing, Arnold related his experience to other pilots,
many of them military veterans. The suspicion grew that he had
encountered the secret testing of new military devices, either ours or
the Soviets’. Arnold later wrote, “They were guided missiles, robotly
[sic] controlled. I knew that speeds of this velocity the human body
simply could not stand, particularly considering the flipping, erratic
movements of these strange craft.”
That evening after flying to Pendleton, Oregon, Arnold dis
cussed his encounter with a staff member of the East Oregonian news
paper. He said the objects “flew like a saucer would if you skipped it
across the water,” describing not the appearance but the flight charac
teristics of the UFOs. News of Arnold’s sighting reached the Associ
ated Press, which called the UFOs “saucer-like objects” and wired the
story all across America. The term “flying saucer” quickly become part
of the language. “The significance of this,” wrote John Spencer, vice
chairman of the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), “is
that it shows the power of the media in influencing the public’s per
ception of events and indeed it could be held that the media misrepre
sentation of Arnold’s phrase has created part of the mythology around
UFOs which is incorrect, and worse, masks the reality.”
While Arnold’s sighting certainly did not initiate the modern
UFO age—with no supporting witnesses, no photos, and no radar
confirmation, it was a rather weak case—it did ignite the first
widespread media attention. And it was media attention that precipi
tated the next phase of the Maury Island story, which brought together
Kenneth Arnold, editor Raymond Palmer, and the Maury Island wit
nesses—and a story filled with insoluble puzzles that presaged the cur
rent bewilderment over UFO cases.
A few weeks after his sighting, Arnold said he was visited by a
Cpt. William Davidson and Lt. Frank M. Brown, who said they were
with Military Intelligence of the Fourth Air Force, Hamilton Field,
California. The officers listened wide-eyed as Arnold recounted his
experience, then returned to their base.
Meanwhile Amazing Stories editor Palmer was quick to direct his
readers to the nationwide reports of flying saucers as proof of Richard
Shaver’s claims of unearthly visitors in spacecraft. He had received a letter
from Dahl and Crisman relating the Maury Island story. Interestingly,
Crisman had written to Palmer previously, claiming to have battled in a
cave with a mutation created by one of Shaver’s aliens. Later Palmer even
said he recognized Crisman’s voice as that of a man who had telephoned
him at various times from different parts of the United States.
Having communicated with Kenneth Arnold regarding his
Mount Rainier sighting, Palmer wrote again asking the pilot to inves
tigate the Maury Island case.
Arnold, his curiosity piqued by the avalanche of saucer reports
plus an advance of $200 from Palmer, agreed and flew to meet Dahl on
July 29. Here the story began moving into the bizarre. Incredibly—
and largely unknown even to serious UFO researchers—Arnold expe
rienced a second UFO encounter on this trip. During a descent for
refueling at LaGrand, Oregon, Arnold said about twenty-four small,
brass-colored UFOs similar in configuration to those he had seen five
weeks earlier passed rapidly within four hundred yards of his plane.
But these objects appeared to be much smaller than the earlier ones,
measuring only two or so feet in diameter. Arnold filmed this flight of
UFOs, but due to the brevity of the encounter, his film only showed a
few small dots and was not considered strong evidence.
Arriving in Tacoma for his meeting with Dahl, Arnold found
there were no hotel rooms available. In a final attempt at accommoda
tions, he tried the most expensive hotel in town and was shocked to
learn there was a room reserved in his name, although no one was sure
who had made the reservation. On July 30, Arnold met with Dahl,
who said he was hesitant to speak after his experience with the man in
black. At Arnold’s insistence, Dahl relented and repeated his story but
failed to produce the photographs of the UFOs, claiming Crisman had
misplaced them. Dahl did provide Arnold with a specimen of what he
said was UFO debris from Maury Island. Arnold was unimpressed, as
the material appeared to be nothing more than volcanic rock.
Arnold was even more dumbfounded when Dahl told him about
an anonymous letter he had received once word of the Maury Island
incident got out. As later recounted by Arnold in a book with Ray
mond Palmer entitled Coming of the Saucers, the letter writer claimed
that saucers were occupied by beings less dense than ourselves who
The year 1947 was a watershed for both UFOs and the United States
military. The Kenneth Arnold and Maury Island stories were widely
disseminated by the news media, and UFO reports began to pour in to
authorities. The military, always concerned over new foreign technol
ogy; began to consider the possibility of recovering a crashed speci
men—either by accident or design.
Media pundits wondered aloud if growing reports of flying
saucers represented some new invasion of the skies or if UFOs had
been there all along and were only just now being publicly acknowl
edged. In hindsight, it would appear to be the latter.
In the mid-1990s, Jan Aldrich, a retired U.S. Army Field Artillery
noncommissioned officer, began his one-man Project 1947, an effort to
cull North American and foreign newspapers published between June
24 and July 15, 1947, for UFO reports. Aldrich, who eventually enlisted
other researchers in his project, discovered more than a thousand docu
mented UFO incidents alter screening more than 3,200 publications
worldwide—and those were just the reports that found their way into
print and were located. Aldrich said there were indications that thou
sands more cases might be uncovered with continued effort.
James Ragsdale, a camper who saw a fiery object crash near his
camp on the night of July 4. The next day, Ragsdale discovered a
crashed circular craft and small bodies. He fled when the military
arrived, thinking he might get in trouble.
Maj. Jesse Marcel, the Roswell intelligence officer who was first
on the scene and announced the crash of a “flying disc,” took pieces of
strange metal that would straighten out after bending home to show his
family. Although Marcel did not contradict the balloon explanation at
the time, in later years he said he was correct the first time about a craft
from space and that he was muzzled by military authorities. “It was not
anything from this Earth. That, I’m quite sure of,” Marcel said. “Being
in intelligence, I was familiar with all materials used in aircraft and in
air travel. This was nothing like this. It could not have been.”
Sgt. Thomas C. Gonzales, one of the guards at the site, later con
firmed the recovery of “little men'’ with large heads and eyes.
Helen Wachter also was at Wright Field and said she overheard
the husband of a friend tell excitedly about the arrival of “alien bod
ies.” At first, she thought he meant people from outside the country,
but she quickly understood he was referring to extraterrestrials.
Maj. Ellis Boldra, who may have studied the same piece of metal
as Kromschroeder, told his family that the fragment was incredibly
strong and did not melt when he subjected it to an acetylene torch but
in some way dissipated heat.
Bill Brazel, Mac’s son, said his father was held for eight days by
the military and released only after swearing not to discuss the inci
dent. He told his son he was better off not knowing about it but swore
what he saw was not a balloon. Bill Brazel said his father was muzzled
by military authorities. He also said he handled some of the debris
found later on his father’s ranch and that it resembled aluminum foil
but when wadded into a ball, it would straighten itself out smooth. He
too said it could not be cut or burned. The younger Brazel said he
showed pieces of the metal to friends.
Brig. Gen. Arthur E. Exon was a World War II combat pilot who
spent time in a German POW camp and later was stationed with the
Air Material Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, as it was
known after Wright Field and Patterson Field merged. In recent years,
Exon became the highest ranking officer to confirm that a quantity of
beyond question that it was a fake. Such is the fate of issues mired in
the uncompromising battle between mind-sets.
Without resorting to convoluted speculation with little or no
supporting evidence, it would appear that the most straightforward
explanation of the Roswell story is that a very unusual craft crashed
and the occupants—whether dead or alive—were taken into custody
by the U.S. military, which then conducted a cover-up.
The military’ is the key here.
Certainly bv the time of the “foo-fighters,” ranking members of
the military' establishment must have known that something new and
unusual was in the skies. Some researchers even contend that authori
ties became aware of UFOs prior to World War II. Contingency plans
must have been drawn up with an eye toward the eventual capture or
recovery of unusual aircraft. Such plans would have been activated
after an examination of whatever was recovered at Roswell.
It is fact that this period marked a definite turn in the mili
tary’s response to UFOs. Prior to Roswell, the military had been
intensely interested in UFOs and open to the idea that they repre
sented extraterrestrial visitation. But with the knowledge gained
from the Roswell incident, the military' became secretive and pub
licly offered every mundane explanation possible to account for
UFO sightings. It may even be that the Maury Island affair was a
military intelligence contingency' plan to plant a discrediting UFO
story in the public mind that was activated after the Roswell crash.
Although the incident reportedly' happened on June 21, 1947, there
was only the word of Dahl and Crisman to substantiate that date, as
it was not reported until after the time of the Roswell crash. And the
intelligence background of Crisman added considerable weight to
this consideration.
Whether Roswell play’ed any role in subsequent events or not, it
is a fact that on September 15—less than four months after Arnold saw
discs soaring over Mount Rainier and only two months after the Roswell
incident—President Harry S. Truman signed into law the Nation
al Security Act of 1947, which among other things created the National
Security Council (NSC) and the air force as a separate branch of service,
united the military’ branches under a Department of Defense, and cre
ated Americas first peacetime civilian intelligence organization, the
Central Intelligence Agency. According to unauthenticated docu
ments—collectively known as the MJ-12 papers—a small, select group
of prominent military officers and scientists answerable only to the
president was created at this time to deal with UFOs.
Shortly after this establishment of our modern military and
intelligence institutions, the U.S. military took its first official step to
tioned this verdict. A friend and fellow pilot said, “The only thing I
can think was that he was after something that he believed to be more
important than his life or his family.”
Soon after Mantell’s death, UFO researchers were able to
demonstrate that at the time of the incident Venus was only thirty-
three degrees above the horizon, hardly in a position to be “above”
Mantell, and it was at only half its maximum brightness, which would
have made it nearly invisible, especially in midafternoon. Discomfited
by these facts, the air force officers of Project Sign began to seek a
more defensible explanation. They found one in the Office of Naval
Research, which on September 25, 1947, began launching large “Sky
hook” balloons designed to test the atmosphere high above the limits
of conventional aircraft. Until well into the 1970s, the navy launched
an average of about a hundred Skyhook balloons a year. Thus, air
intelligence officers were able to shift the object of Mantell’s chase
from Venus to a balloon, although they were unable to locate any
records showing that such a balloon had been sent aloft during the
time in question.
It was obvious, however, that the air force did not wholeheart
edly believe UFOs to be nonexistent. Immediately following the Man
tell incident, Air Force Directorate of Intelligence Brig. Gen. Charles
P. Cabell—who later would become deputy director of the CIA—sent
a secret memo on February 12, 1948, to the director of Plans and
Operations urging that all air force bases in the United States and
Alaska provide a minimum of one fighter plane “or interceptor type
aircraft” equipped with “gun camera and such armament as deemed
advisable” to obtain data on “any reported and sighted unusual phe
nomena, of the ‘flying disc’ type, in the atmosphere.” Although
Cabell’s request was turned down as impractical, the memo showed
how concerned the air force had become to obtain further intelligence
on UFOs.
It should be noted that Mantell’s UFO—or another like it—was
seen in the days following his death. On January 9, 1948, residents of
Clinton, North Carolina, reported a red cone-shaped object with a
green tail dancing through the sky at an amazing speed. It was so
bright they could see its outline even behind clouds. On February 1, a
metallic UFO emitting a bright orange light was sighted near the
ground at Circleville, Ohio. By the end of February*, strange sightings
were reported as far north as Boise and Emmett, Idaho.
Another extraordinary incident—which has never been satisfac
torily explained—occurred on October 1, 1948, and has been
described as a dogfight or aerial duel between a plane and a UFO.
George F. Gorman, a twenty-five-year-old construction company
and probably from another world was kept secret, Project Grudge offi
cers began a public relations effort assuring the public that all UFO
reports could be explained away. “The change to Project Grudge sig
naled the adoption of the strict brush-off attitude to the UFO prob
lem,” commented Hynek. “Now the public relations statements on
specific UFO cases bore little resemblance to the facts of the case. If a
case contained some of the elements possibly attributable to aircraft, a
balloon, etc., it automatically became that object in the press release.”
Air Force Cpt. Edward J. Ruppelt, who would later head
another UFO project, stated, “This drastic change in official attitude is
as difficult to explain as it was difficult for many people who knew
what was going on inside Project Sign to believe. . . . Here were peo
ple deciding that there was nothing to this UFO business right at the
time when the reports seemed to be getting better. From what I could
see, if there were any mind-changing to be done, it should have been
the other way....”
This official lack of interest in and disdain for a phenomenon
that was stirring the public imagination is indeed difficult to under
stand unless it played a part in another controversy in the UFO issue.
dead about two miles east of the wreckage site. The document added,
“Civilian and military witnesses in the area were debriefed, and news
reporters were given the effective cover story that the object had been
a misguided weather research balloon.”
It was believed the dead beings, termed ‘‘Extra-Terrestrial Bio
logical Entities or EBEs” in the documents, possibly came from Mars
or even “another solar system entirely.” It was stated that efforts to
decipher “a form of writing” found in the wreckage and to determine
the method of propulsion were unsuccessful, and added, “It is assumed
that the propulsion unit was completely destroyed by the explosion
which caused the crash.” The documents explained that “a need for as
much additional information as possible about these craft, their perfor
mance characteristics and their purpose” led to the creation of Air
Force Projects Sign and Grudge. To assure security “only two individ
uals within the Intelligence Division of Air Material Command”
passed along information from the projects to Majestic 12.
The “briefing” papers ended by stating, “Implications for the
National Security are of continuing importance in that the motives
and ultimate intentions of these visitors remain completely unknown.
In addition, a significant upsurge in the surveillance activity of these
craft beginning in May and continuing through the autumn of this
year [1952] has caused considerable concern that new developments
may be imminent. It is for these reasons, as well as the obvious inter
national and technological considerations and the ultimate need to
avoid a public panic at all costs, that the Majestic-12 Group remains
of the unanimous opinion that imposition of the strictest security
precautions should continue without interruption into the new
As listed in the documents, Majestic-12 members included:
“In late 1949 another Alien aircraft crashed in the United States
and was recovered partially intact by the military. One Alien of
extraterrestrial origin survived the crash. The surviving Alien was male
and called itself, ‘EBE.’ This being came from a planet in the Zeta
Reticula star system, approximately 40 light years from Earth. EBE
lived until June 18, 1952, when he died [due] to an unexplained illness.
During the time period EBE was alive, he provided valuable informa
tion regarding space technology, origins of the Universe, and exobio-
logical matters.”
The living alien, EBE, stated “that 2,000 years ago his ancestors
planted a human creature on Earth to assist the inhabitants of Earth in
developing a civilization. This information was only vague and the
exact identity or background information on this homo-sapien was not
obtained. Doubtless, if this information was released to the public, it
would cause worldwide panic.”
He was also involved with secret research programs for more than
thirty companies and made frequent trips for the government to
Washington and to New Mexico. Menzel also was closely associated
with MJ-12 listees Bush, Bronk, and Berkner. Friedman was convinced
that no hoaxer could have known of Menzel’s secret connections to
government intelligence, thus indicating the MJ-12 documents were
But the arguments continued. What was needed was yet
another official document that could substantiate the MJ-12 papers.
Just such a document conveniently turned up in the National Archives
in 1985—but its discoverer was none other than Moore again. He was
at the archives with Jaime Shandera when they said they found an
unsigned carbon copy of a memo to Gen. Nathan Twining from Presi
dent Eisenhower’s special assistant Robert Cutler. Dated July 14, 1954,
and stamped “Top Secret Restricted Security Information,” the
memo’s subject was “NSC/MJ-12 Special Studies Project.” The text
stated that the President had decided that a MJ-12 briefing should take
place during an already scheduled White House meeting on July 16
rather than afterward as planned. Here was another document that
substantiated the existence of the MJ-12 group—or did it?
Immediately, this document came under fire, with Klass arguing
that the memo used a large pica type while the Eisenhower White
House used a small elite type. Yet Friedman claimed to have found
more than a dozen examples of the memo’s typeface used on other
White House messages. Furthermore, Friedman said, “In the case of
the Cutler-Twining memo, we have the original paper, so you can see
the watermark on the onion skin with the name of the company that
made the paper. We contacted them to find out when they made this
particular paper, and we were told between 1953 and 1973. That’s
good, it covers our time period.”
However, critics pointed to the “Top Secret Restricted Security
Information” classification, staring that the Eisenhower Library’ agreed
that “Top Secret” and “Restricted” were two separate classifications
never seen together on any other Eisenhower document. Furthermore,
an official with the Freedom of Information Office of the National
Security Council said the classification “Top Secret Restricted Infor
mation” did not come into use until the Nixon administration.
Next Klass attacked a memo signed by President Harry Truman
that accompanied the MJ-12 documents, claiming that the president’s
signature was identical to one on a letter to Vannevar Bush, an impossi
bility for two separate signatures. T hen he found a document expert who
said the Truman memo was typed on a Smith-Corona typewriter first
sold in 1963, fifteen years after the memo was supposedly produced.
knew from my research had been connected with the UFO issue. Over
time I got to know Mrs. Fuller quite well and found out that since
World War II she had been an executive secretary for several top-
ranking Army generals. She finally showed me many files relating to
her work and told me that there was a secret group in control of the
UFO situation. She said it was not then called MJ-12 but it operated
the same way that MJ-12 was described. She said this group was still in
“According to Mrs. Fuller, most early UFO sightings involved
aeronautical experimentation with captured Nazi technology. Later
the issue grew to include psychological warfare and disinformation
campaigns. However, she said that within all this was some real but
unknown things bordering on magic. She said these things were classi
fied at a much higher level. Some of the generals said there was a con
nection between the unknown UFOs and spiritualism.
“Mrs. Fuller said she had photographs of most of the original
members of this UFO group and she was looking for them the same
week she had a heart attack. As they were wheeling her out of her
apartment, she grasped my arm and said, ‘Tommy, don’t let my family
get those files.’ They took her to a hospital in Nashville. She died
while in the hospital. A relative told me that she saw a nurse give Mrs.
Fuller medication which was not prescribed for her. Some people who
claimed to be her family came, sacked up her files in plastic bags and
took them away. It was all highly unusual.”
But while anecdotes such as this might be easy for some to dis
miss, other evidence that the government had laid its hands on real
UFOs—if not alien bodies—is harder to disregard.
strong support for the idea that a UFO was recovered and being stud
ied within the government.
The FBI continued to receive UFO information. A March 22,
1950, office memorandum to Hoover from the special agent in charge
of the FBI’s Washington office reported, “An investigator for the Air
Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in
New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with
raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occu
pied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in
metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a
manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test
More support came from a foreign source. In November 1950,
Wilbert B. Smith, an official with the Canadian Department of Trans
port, wrote a secret memorandum to his superiors recommending that
a UFO research project be created. Smith said he had learned from
American scientist Dr. Robert Sarbacher that “flying saucers exist” and
that the issue was considered to be of “tremendous significance” by
U.S. authorities, who had classified the matter at a “rating higher even
than the H-bomb.” He also wrote that the study of UFOs by a “con
centrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Doctor
Vannevar Bush.” The Canadian Department of Transport responded
to Smith’s recommendation by creating Project Magnet in December
1950, downplayed later as “a small program of investigation in the
field of geomagnetics.” Yet, another Smith report on August 10, 1953,
stated, “It appears then, that we are faced with a substantial probability
of the real existence of extraterrestrial vehicles.. ..”
Smith’s source of information, Dr. Robert Sarbacher, was a
respected scientist on the U.S. governments Research and Develop
ment Board as well as president and board chairman of the Washing
ton Institute of Technology. On November 29, 1983, in response to
queries from UFO author William Steinman, Sarbacher wrote a
provocative letter, stating, “Relating to my own experiences regarding
recovered flying saucers, I had no association with any of the people
involved in the recovery and have no knowledge regarding the dates of
the recoveries. ... Dr. Vannevar Bush was definitely involved, and I
think Dr. Robert Oppenheimer also. ... I did receive some official
reports when I was in my office at the Pentagon but all of these were
left there as at the time we were never supposed to take them out of
the office. .. . About the only thing I remember at this time is that cer
tain materials reported to have come from flying saucer crashes were
extremely light and very tough. I am sure our laboratories analyzed
them very carefully. There were reports that instruments or people
In the early 1950s, the shift of attitude toward denial of UFOs solid
ified within the highest levels of military and civilian leadership.
Like a pebble in a pond, it rippled down through the lower levels of
Project Grudge foundered, strapped by political, economic, and
manpower problems. Edward J. Ruppelt, who soon would head the
new official air force UFO investigation, said, “Project Grudge lapsed
more and more into a period of almost complete inactivity.” He
termed it the “Dark Ages.” One of the only reports to come out dur
ing this period was characterized by a newsman as “quite impressive,
but only in its ambiguousness, illogical reasoning, and very apparent
effort to write off all UFO reports at any cost ... to cover up the real
story.” Ruppelt himself spoke of a “schizophrenic approach” at the Air
Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC). “On the surface they sided with
the belly-laughers on any saucer issue, but if you were alone with them
and started to ridicule the subject, they defended it or at least took an
active interest,” he said.
This all changed in the fall of 1951 when ranking officers in the
Pentagon, irritated that the public and news media would not drop the
flying swiftly over Lubbock in far West Texas. Four professors from
Texas Technological College—a geologist, a physicist, a chemist, and a
petroleum engineer—witnessed the lights on several successive nights.
After careful study, the academicians decided they were under intelli
gent control. A college freshman named Carl Hart Jr. managed to take
five photographs of the V-shaped formation of lights. The air force
eventually decided the whole incident was caused by mercury vapor
streetlights reflecting off the backsides of birds, first identified as
plovers, then changed to ducks when it was pointed out that plovers
usually traveled only in pairs. This explanation was not well received
among the hundreds of Lubbock residents wrho witnessed the flyover.
Ruppelt, who personally investigated the Lubbock Lights, also
was not convinced by the bird story. He stated the photographs could
not be proven to be a hoax and discounted the streetlight reflection
theory, since people far from the city also saw the formation. Further
more, there were radar tracks and sightings as far away as Albuquerque
to support the sightings. He stated that government scientists and
intelligence officers “were convinced that some of the UFOs that were
being reported were interplanetary spaceships and the Lubbock series
was one of these reports.” But in his 1956 book, Ruppelt finally stated
that, after he received information from a source he could not identify,
the lights were a “very commonplace and easily explainable natural
phenomenon.” It was a most unsatisfying conclusion.
Ruppelt generally brought a fresh and objective viewpoint to
the air force investigation. He claimed to have dismissed three staffers
for being either too skeptical or too accepting of the spaceship theory.
And he quickly immersed himself in the quagmire of UFO reports. In
January 1952, Ruppelt and a scientist met with employees of General
Mills in Minneapolis, who claimed they had witnessed UFO sightings
for more than a year. These people had a special place in the ranks of
UFO witnesses. Ruppelt explained, “The Aeronautical Division of
General Mills, Inc., of Wheaties and Betty Crocker fame, had
launched and tracked every Skyhook balloon that had been launched
prior to mid-1952. They knew what their balloons looked like under
all lighting conditions and they also knew meteorology, aerodynamics,
astronomy, and they knew UFOs. I talked to these people for the bet
ter part of a full day and every time I tried to infer that there might be
some natural explanation for the UFOs I just about found myself in a
fresh snowdrift.” This set the theory that many—if not most—UFO
sightings had been Skyhook balloons on its ear.
With new hopes of resolving the growing UFO phenomenon,
the name Project Grudge was finally scrapped in March 1952. The air
force investigation, now working closely with the Air Defense Com
Over the ensuing days, the UFOs reappeared, first here and
then there. The sightings came as a surprise to the Blue Book staff,
although, in hindsight, they shouldn’t have. Ruppelt reported later
there had been a steady buildup of sightings along the East Coast for
some months.
When the sightings first began, news reporters and photogra
phers pressed into the radar room at National Airport to watch the
UFOs cavort. Quickly, however, the media were ordered out with the
explanation that classified radio frequencies and procedures would be
used to vector fighters to the UFOs. “I knew that this was absurd
because any ham radio operator worth his salt could build equipment
and listen in on any intercept,” Ruppelt later wrote. He said he learned
that the real reason for dismissing the media was to prevent them from
learning the reality of the UFOs, should one be brought down.
F-94 military jets were sent aloft to intercept the bogies, which
were flying through restricted airspace. But every time the jets would
close in, the UFOs would accelerate and disappear. Radar positions
would be given, but ground observers couldn’t see anything. It was all
very frustrating. And the news media had a ball. “Fiery Objects Out
run Jets over Capital—Investigation Veiled in Secrecy Following Vain
Chase” and “Jets Alerted for Saucers—Interceptors Chase Lights in
D.C. Skies” screamed the headlines.
Responding to the clamor, Maj. Gen. John Samford called a
news conference for the afternoon of July 29. It was the largest and
longest press conference convened by the air force since World War
II. According to Ruppelt, General Samford hedged on some questions
simply because he didn’t have an answer. He finally passed the buck to
an intelligence officer who speculated that the hubbub over Washing
ton was caused by temperature inversions, a phenomenon creating
pockets of warm air unable to rise due to similar temperature layers in
the sky. Temperature inversions might reflect light and might be
picked up on radar, it was explained. The news media then reported
“Air Force Debunks Saucers as Just Natural Phenomena.”
The Civilian Aeronautics Authority, forerunner of the Federal
Aviation Administration, conducted a study and concluded that “tem
perature inversion had been indicated in almost every instance” of the
Washington sightings. It was an explanation warmly embraced by
debunker Peebles but systematically picked apart by Ruppelt. Blue
Book’s investigation determined that UFOs had been seen frequently
over Washington—fifty targets were tracked on May 23 alone—and that
each night there was a sighting the temperature inversions were never
strong enough to affect radar . Ruppelt also found that while inversions
occurred almost every night during June, July, and August,
Thornton L. Page, set the tone. “At the start I thought it was a lot of
nonsense and said so,” he recalled. Page was silenced by Robertson,
who went to some length to assure everyone present that the CIA-
created study was to be serious and open-minded. He and his allies on
the panel then set out to debunk every bit of UFO information pre
sented, including a “very hot and very highly controversial study” initi
ated by Ruppelt and Blue Book government liaison officer Maj. Dewey
Foumet. “The study was hot because it wasn’t official and the reason it
wasn’t official was because it was so hot,” wrote Ruppelt. “It concluded
that the UFOs were interplanetary spaceships.”
J. Allen Hynek, who had returned as an adviser to both Blue
Book and the Robertson panel, later wrote he was dissatisfied with the
panel’s cursory examination and lack of curiosity. Furthermore, he
stated, “The panel was not given access to many of the truly puzzling
“Supposedly, this was to be a careful, objective examination of
the best verified reports,” wrote Keyhoe. “Actually, the CIA-selected
scientists were known skeptics. Most of them had no real knowledge
of UFOs and they considered the subject nonsense.” The CIA men
in charge of the scientists limited the material and skewed it in such a
way that led the willing panelists to a negative view of UFOs. Key
hoe said he was told by one of the AF officers at the meeting, “We
were double-crossed. The CIA doesn’t want to prepare the public—
they’re trying to bury the subject. Those agents ran the whole show
and the scientists followed their lead. They threw out the Utah
film—said the Navy analysts were incompetent. We had over a hun
dred of the strongest verified reports. The agents bypassed the best
ones. The scientists saw just 15 cases, and the CIA men tried to pick
holes in them.”
Under these circumstances, it was not surprising that the Robert
son panel concluded that “evidence presented on Unidentified Flying
Objects shows no indication that these phenomena constitute a direct
physical threat to national security” but added that “the continued
emphasis on the reporting of these phenomena does, in these perilous
times, result in a threat to the orderly functioning of the protective
organs of the body politic ... that the national security agencies take
immediate steps to strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of the special
status they have been given and the aura of mystery they’ have unfortu
nately acquired.” They were more concerned with public perceptions
than with the phenomenon itself.
Al Chop, Project Blue Book’s civilian press officer, told Keyhoe,
“They killed the whole program. We’ve been ordered to work up a
national debunking campaign, planting articles in magazines and
pass Blue Book to the Air Research and Development Command, but
the ARDC declined. The AF Office of Public Information also wanted
nothing to do with the headaches connected with UFO investigations.
It was even suggested that NASA take over the investigation of UFOs.
However, this idea was nipped in the bud when it was pointed out that
such a move might convince even more people that aliens and their
spaceships were something real. In the end, Blue Book remained
within the air force, a quiet office where only the most explainable
sightings were sent for filing and public dissemination.
But if the air force was quiet, the entire UFO situation was any
thing but.
world. And he did have a UFO experience about the same time as
Kenneth Arnold.
Shortly before 5:00 P.M. on July 10, 1947, Tombaugh, his wife,
and his two daughters were driving down a New Mexico highway when
he observed a “curious shiny object” hovering in the air. It was a well-
defined elliptical object whose surface appeared polished. The object
began rising and accelerated through some cloud cover at a speed esti
mated by Tombaugh at between six hundred and nine hundred miles
per hour. The astronomer concluded, “The remarkably sudden ascent
convinced me it was an absolutely novel airborne device.”
It is most interesting that a scientist with such an experience was
selected to head a satellite search program four years before the Sovi
ets put Sputnik 1 into orbit. It is also interesting to note that in March
1954, after word of Tombaugh’s secret satellite search project w as pub
lished in an article in the newsletter of the Astronomical Society of the
Pacific, Army Ordnance officials at White Sands issued a press release
stating that the military was searching for small “moonlets” similar to
asteroids that had come from space and entered orbit around the
This story was picked up by Time magazine, which carried the
headline “Second Moon?” in its March 15, 1954, edition. According to
this article, “Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, who spotted the planet
Pluto (1930), is looking for a nearer and even more elusive object: a
second satellite of the Earth. [Army Ordnance] may merely want to
know what opposition from nature their rockets are apt to encounter
when they climb deep into space. Or they may have a more ambitious
interest: a nearby, natural satellite might be a more convenient base in
space than the much-discussed artificial satellite.” The article said Dr.
Tombaugh refused to give any details of his program, referring all
questions to Army Ordnance in Washington. This prompted Time
writers to comment, “It is fair to assume that the famous rocket men
who work for Army Ordnance are interested in the project.” The arti
cle then discussed the possibility of a new satellite, but in a strange,
ambiguous manner: “A small satellite close to the Earth would be hard
to spot. It might circle near the Equator, invisible to most of the
world’s observatories. In any case, it would spend nearly half its time in
the shadow of the Earth, where it would be invisible.”
Speculative as this sounded, the article then prompted its read
ers to help look for such an object, stating, “Best time to look for a
small satellite would be at dawn or dusk, when it would be shining
brightly. . .
Further notice of this story came in the March 20, 1954, edition
of Science News Letter, which noted that “a telescopic search for the cir-
cling nioonlets is being made for the armed forces by Drs. Clyde
Tombaugh and Lincoln La Paz, director of the Institute of Meteoritics
of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.” The
article quoted Dr. G. M. Clemence, director of the U.S. Naval Obser
vatory, as saying that chances that one or more small satellites exist
between the earth and the moon are “very good” but “spotting them
will be difficult.” “Such tiny objects, which could serve as ready-made
space platforms, might have made Earth-splashing meteorites if they
had not been captured by our planet’s magnetic field,” he added. This
article also advised the best way to both observe and photograph the
new satellites. “Move the camera at the same speed as the satellite
being hunted would flash through the sky,” it advised.
Were there satellites there or not? The record remained
ambiguous. In its October 1955 edition, a writer for Popular Mechanics
described Tombaugh’s small metal shed on the grounds of the Lowell
Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, where “a close watch will be kept on
the satellite that the United States plans to launch in 1957-58.” “From
this shed,” the article continued, “the United States already is main
taining a surveillance of the space that surrounds the Earth, all the way
out to the moon. From here, presumably, regular observations are
being made of the Earth’s first artificial satellite that is rumored to
have been launched into space a year ago. Exclusively reported in the
May, 1955, issue of Popular Mechanics, the existence of this manmade
moon has not yet been officially confirmed. But unofficially it is
understood that our first artificial satellite is still sweeping around the
Earth. The latest information is that its orbit is slowly changing into
an ellipse because of the pull of the moon. Possibly the success of this
first experiment lies behind the announcement that we will launch an
instrument-carrying satellite two years from now, in connection with
the International Geophysical Year, to gather new information about
outer space.”
The May 1955 Popular Mechanics had indeed reported that for
some time “persistent” reports from “various independent sources”
had described a satellite traveling more than sixteen thousand miles
per hour at a distance of eight hundred miles out. The magazine
noted, “The implication is that this was an experiment which worked
too well. A rocket that was expected to return to Earth inside a certain
impact area kept on going ... at an angle and speed that put it into
orbit around the Earth.”
Popular Mechanics editors stated that Dr. Tombaugh's satellite
search equipment was so sensitive “it could detect a white tennis ball
1,000 miles away.” Then they presented a most peculiar quote: “Pro
fessor Tombaugh is closed mouth about his results. He won’t say
could come in from space and somehow find just the right speed and
trajectory to enter orbit is dubious at best. Since there were no reports
of giant meteors falling to Earth, this leaves only the possibility of
giant UFOs that entered orbit, then departed.
Whatever was circling the globe did not fall but left orbit before
the launching of Sputnik I—an impossibility for any natural object.
Even odder was the naivete of the American public in accepting the
military’s story that two “moonlets” had suddenly moved into orbit
around the earth, then disappeared. It was another example of mind
set overcoming critical thinking.
A Landing at Socorro
One UFO incident that took place during the time that Keyhoe and
others were trying to interest Congress in the subject concerned a
police officer and a landed UFO. Hynek called it “one of the classics of
UFO literature.”
About 5:45 P.M. on April 24, 1964, Patrolman Lonnie Zamora, a
five-year veteran of the Socorro, New Mexico, police department, was
chasing a speeding black Chevrolet north on U.S. 85 when he heard a
roaring sound that changed from high frequency to low frequency and
then stopped. He then saw a flame in the southwest sky and became
concerned that a dynamite shack in that area belonging to the Socorro
mayor might have exploded. Abandoning his chase, Zamora turned off
the highway and drove over rough gravel road toward the flame, which
he described as blue and orange, pointing downward, and narrower at
the top.
After being slowed attempting to drive up a steep incline,
Zamora reached the top and noticed a shiny object between 150 and
200 yards south of his position. He thought at first glance it was a car
turned upside down. Then he saw it was an egg-shaped object that
appeared to be made of aluminum or some shiny white metal. He saw
two figures in white coveralls standing beside the object. They
appeared normal in shape but diminutive, either “small adults or large
kids.” One of them turned to look at his patrol car and appeared star
tled, jumping slightly.
Zamora lost sight of the pair and the craft as he maneuvered his
car around some low hills toward the site. When he reached the
object, it began ascending into the sky with a roar “not like a jet.” He
noticed a two-and-a-half-foot insignia on the side, which looked like a
stick arrow pointing up over a horizontal straight line enclosed in a
semicircle. Much later, UFO author Jacques Vallee, who reportedly
was portrayed as the French scientist Lacombe in Steven Spielberg’s
film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, would identify this insignia as
the Arabic astrological sign for Venus.
Fearful of the noise and the flames now issuing from the craft,
Zamora sought protection behind his car but stumbled and lost his
prescription glasses. The object, after rising straight up, moved off
horizontally, “traveling very fast.” Zamora said the craft left behind
smoldering plants that were oddly cold to the touch.
Very soon, Sgt. M. S. Chavez of the New Mexico State Police
joined Zamora, and they both examined indentations in the earth
where Zamora said the UFO had rested. These marks were still there
some time later when Hynek arrived to investigate. “I visited the site
several days later and verified the landing marks and the charred
plants. Chavez had, he told me in a long interview, verified the marks
and the burned greasewood plants, which had still been smoldering at
the time he first met Zamora at the site.”
Although Hynek was unable to interest the air force in
making an in-depth investigation of the Socorro incident, he
personally continued to look into the affair for nearly a year. “My original
investigations , directed toward breaking apart Zamora ’s account by
seeking mutual contradictions in it and also by seeking to establish
Zamora as an unreliable witness , were fruitless ,” wrote Hynek . “I was
impressed by the high regard in which Zamora was held by his colleagues
, and I personally am willing today to accept his testimony as genuine ,
particularly since it does fit a global pattern.”
Impressive as the Zainora story was, mind-set once again came
into play. Dr. Donald Menzel, the longtime UFO debunker whose
name was on the infamous MJ-12 list, speculated that Zamoras speed
ing motorist was a decoy who lured the officer to the remote site, then
used a walkie-talkie to signal hoaxers, who released a balloon with a
phony flying saucer attached to it. This grasping-for-straws theory was
put to rest by Hynek, who noted that a brisk wind was from the south
that day and the UFO flew west. Debunker Philip Klass discounts
Zamora’s accounting of the landing because the marks at Socorro don’t
correspond to the symmetrical landing legs of NASA spacecraft. Both
Klass and, more recently, Peebles take particular note that the landing
site was on property owned by the Socorro mayor, who later discussed
a tourist attraction. “The implication was the landing was a hoax, to
bring in tourist dollars,” he wrote.
Neither Peebles nor Klass took note that two days after the
scientists, Hynek spoke of the possibility that the lights were caused by
marsh gas, swamp lights, will-o’-the-wisp, or fox fire. This tentative
explanation was picked up by Blue Book officers, who made it sound
like an official position.
The nation’s news media convulsed. “Air Force Insults Public
with Swamp-Gas Theory” was one typical headline. Particularly
incensed were the people of Michigan, who quickly pressured their rep
resentatives in Congress to counteract public perceptions of Michigan
as the “Swamp Gas State.” Responding to this clamor was Representa
tive Gerald R. Ford, who in a letter to Armed Services Committee
chairman L. Mendel Rivers wrote, “In the firm belief that the Ameri
can public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the
Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investiga
tion of the UFO phenomena.”
Ford’s recommendation resulted in a hearing by the Rivers
committee on April 5, 1966. Although literally hundreds, if not thou
sands, of UFO witnesses along with scientists, pilots, and officers of
NICAP and APRO conversant with the best UFO cases could have
been called to testify, the committee restricted testimony to only three
representatives of the air force—Air Force Secretary Harold D.
Brown, Blue Book commander Cpt. Hector Quintanilla, and Hynek,
none of whom ever claimed to have seen a UFO.
In spite of the obvious attempt to narrow the scope of the hear
ing, Hynek took the opportunity to voice his changing attitude toward
UFOs by stating, “Despite the seeming inanity of the subject, I felt I
would be derelict in my scientific responsibility to the Air Force if I
did not point out that the whole UFO phenomenon might have
aspects to make it worthy of scientific attention.. .. [It] deserves close
scrutiny by a civilian panel of physical and social scientists. . . . That
would be the gist of my statement. However, I have been scooped by
Secretary Brown, who has mentioned that the Scientific Advisory
Board has recommended the same thing.”
Indeed, just weeks before the hearing, a letter from the air force
director of information requesting the formation of a scientific panel
to review Project Blue Book had prompted Scientific Advisory Board
chairman Dr. Brian O’Brian to appoint an ad hoc committee that
included astronomer Carl Sagan. This group recommended that
“Contracts be negotiated with a few selected universities to provide
scientific teams to investigate promptly and in depth certain selected
sightings of UFOs.” They also recommended improved Blue Book
reports but added that “anything which might suggest that informa
tion is being withheld ... be deleted.”
By the summer of 1966, several Ivy League schools had been
of his time has been spent in worrying about what kinds of ‘language’
should be used in the final report so as to most cleverly avoid having to
say anything definitive about the UFO problem.”
Armstrong alluded to outside control of the study by pointing
out that Low had instructed her to send certain UFO cases containing
“confidential information” to debunker (and MJ-12 listee) Dr. Donald
Menzel. She also remonstrated against inaccurate conclusions, stating,
“But to say in our final report, as I believe Bob would like to, that
although we can’t prove ‘E[xtra]T[errestrial]I[nteiIigence]’ does not
exist, we can say that there isn’t much evidence to suggest it does,
would not be correct. I do not understand how he can make such a
statement when those who have done the work of digging into the
sighting information do not think this is true.”
The credibility of Low and the study suffered a further batter
ing when staffers discovered a 1966 memo from Low to the dean of
Colorado University’s graduate school. It may have revealed the reality
behind the Condon investigation. Low wrote, “Our study would be
conducted almost exclusively by nonbelievers who, although they
couldn’t possibly prove a negative result, could and probably would
add an impressive body of evidence that there is no reality to the
[UFO] observations. The trick would be, I think, to describe the proj
ect so that, to the public, it would appear a totally objective study but,
to the scientific community, would present the image of a group of
nonbelievers trying their best to be objective but having an almost
zero expectation of finding a saucer. ... I’m inclined to feel at this
early stage that, if we set up the thing right and take pains to get the
proper people involved and have success in presenting the image we
want to present to the scientific community , we could carry the job off to our
benefit .” Infuriated that his memo leaked out, Low argued that his comments
were misconstrued. The memo speaks for itself. And the Condon study followed
Low ’s line of thinking . Two study staffers who openly criticized Condon and
Low’s directed verdict were fired for insubordination.
“No critique of the Condon Report can avoid mention of the
choice of data for study/’ wrote Hynek some years later. “By concen
trating largely on current cases—40 of the 90 cases studied were in the
year 1967—and also on relatively few cases out of the thousands avail
able to them, they could not pay attention to the worldwide patterns of
sightings during the previous 20 years.” Hynek also pointed to Con
don’s definition of the purpose of his committee: “The problem then
becomes that of learning to recognize the various kinds of stimuli that
give rise to UFO reports.” Hynek commented, “The assumption here
is clearly that UFOs are all misperceptions of natural things and that
the entire work of the committee was to learn and memorize the vari
eties of natural stimuli for UFO reports. . ..” Hynek could not restrain
himself from adding, “Scientific method! What sort of scientific inves
tigation is it that assumes the answer before starting.”
Not unlike the Warren Commission before it, the Condon
committee was burdened with predetermined conclusions, selective
choice of evidence, and a report that made pronouncements unsup
ported by—or even in contrast to—its own raw data. Needless to say,
no one was satisfied with the result.
In order to forestall dissatisfaction with the committee’s report,
the air force took steps, including dropping Dr. Hynek as a consultant
after twenty years, attacking scientists who questioned the report, and
arranging for a secret panel of the National Academy of Science (NAS)
to review the report prior to release. In November 1968, the NAS val
idated the Condon Report, which prompted protests from several
quarters, including former Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall,
who characterized the NAS—most of whose members were dependent
on grants—as “a virtual puppet of the government.”
Dr. Paul Tyler, former director of the Armed Forces Radiobiol
ogy Research Laboratory at Bethesda, Maryland, had a long associa
tion with both science and the military as both a navy captain and a
medical doctor. “My experience with the National Academy of Sci
ences is, well, you tell me the answer you want and I will give you a
committee that will give it to you. I can sandbag a committee any way
you want,” said Dr. Tyler, adding, “A classic case of having your mind
made up before you start was the Condon report. Everybody read the
Executive Summary and all everyone got was that there was nothing to
it [UFOs]. But you go back and look at the raw data and maybe 15 to
20 percent of the case reports say, ‘Hey, there’s something here. This
one may be real.’ Now here’s one we know was the northern lights.
But this one, we don’t know what it is. And Condon picked up the case
that was the northern lights and shelved the other, saying, ‘There’s
nothing to it.’”
The Condon Report was officially released on January 9, 1969,
with the pompous title “Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying
Objects.” The report stated, “Our general conclusion is that nothing
has come from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years that has added
to scientific knowledge . Careful consideration of the record as it is available to
us [emphasis added] leads us to conclude that further extensive study of UFOs
probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced
thereby.” In other words—there's nothing here, folks.
Even debunker Curtis Peebles, who undoubtedly embraced the
report’s findings, could not wholeheartedly endorse the committee’s
study. “The final assessment of the Condon Study is this,” he wrote.
“It was impossible for the different factions to come together in a
common effort. Their views were so divergent they could not under
stand each other. The Condon Study was a microcosm of the Sixties.”
Others were less kind. “[The Condon Report is] one of the
most deliberate cover-ups ever perpetrated on the public,” said John
Northrop, eighty-year-old founder of Northrop Aircraft Company
and cofounder of Lockheed Corporation. “The 21st century will the
laughing at the Condon Report.” University of Arizona physicist Dr.
James E. McDonald pointed out that Condon’s conclusions were not
supported by the full study, which contained many unexplained UFO
cases. A review by a subcommittee of the American Institute of Aero
nautics and Astronautics (AIAA) agreed and stated, “There are differences in the
opinions and conclusions drawn by the authors of the various [report] chapters ,
and there are the differences between these and Condon ’s summary . Not all the
conclusions contained in the report itself are fully reflected in Condon’s summary
While the general public, led by the media, turned away from the
topic of UFOs, it is now apparent that behind a curtain of secrecy and
professed unconcern, official interest increased over the years.
In the early 1990s a document made its way around the UFO
research community that may point to where some of the most secret
UFO studies took place. Called the “Pentacle memo” by Dr. Jacques
Vallee, the document was found among the papers of the late Dr.
J. Allen Hynek. It was stamped “Secret, Security Information” and was
dated January 9, 1953—less than a week before the CIA’s Robertson
panel met—and was written by Howard C. Cross, a senior staff mem
ber of Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio. The memo was
written to Mr. Miles E. Coll of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
Ohio, and concerned “a preliminary recommendation to ATIC on
future methods of handling the problem of unidentified aerial objects.”
Cross said the recommendation was based “on our experience to date
in analyzing several thousands of reports on this subject” but added
“our analysis is not yet complete.”
Referring to the upcoming Robertson panel, Cross’s memo
stated, “Since a meeting of the panel is now definitely scheduled we
the late 1950s and worked on such Cold War problems as turning
radios into radiation detectors. The Pentagon Papers revealed that Jason
developed an acoustical apparatus for detecting human movement
along the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Vietnam. Operating in near total
secrecy, the Jason group has consistently refused to file reports in com
pliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, according to
researcher Vicki Cooper. But true to its charter, the Jason group con
tinues to advise the secretary of defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in
secret on matters of science and technology.
Early on there may have been a legitimate rationale behind such
secrecy. When UFO reports first starting coming in, intelligence offi
cers believed they might represent advanced Soviet technology'. Later
they surmised that Soviet spies were using UFO investigations as a
cover to learn about new U.S. technology. But the continued use of
ridicule and deception ultimately convinced many serious researchers
that something very deep and mysterious lay behind the government
facade of Blue BooL
Blue Book files are missing numerous cases and even one whole
report—Report 13. One Blue Book report mentioned that some gun
camera film had been sent for analysis, yet the master index listed no
such film.
Military officers were chagrined to learn that reports they had
filed on UFOs did not show up in Blue Book files. Col. William Cole
man was piloting a B-25 Mitchell bomber over the southern United
States back in 1955 when he spotted a UFO and gave chase, eventually
reaching treetop level. “We were within an eighth of a mile of it and
there was this perfect round shadow of this thing, going over the tree-
tops,” he recalled. Coleman filed a report of his sighting, yet some
years later when he was assigned to Project Blue Book, he failed to
find his report or even any record that it had ever arrived. He later
indicated to author Timothy Good that he became aware that serious
UFO reports were rerouted away from Blue Book.
This, of course, was vehemently denied by the air force. Before
a nationwide TV audience in 1958, Air Force Secretary Richard E.
Homer proclaimed, “The air force is not hiding any UFO informa
tion. And I do not qualify this in any way.” This statement was
ridiculed by every one familiar with Project Blue Book, including for
mer CIA director Hillenkoetter, who commented, “The Air Force has
constantly misled the American public about UFOs.. .
One researcher very familiar with air force secrecy was Leonard
H. Stringfield, who was selected in the 1950s for an “off-the-record”
role in the official UFO reporting system. “[I] worked cooperatively
with the Air Defense Command of the USAF, 1954-1957,” he stated.
few exceptions, official Canadian policy toward UFO reports and the
UFO phenomena consistently reflects official U.S. policy. This is
hardly a surprise. Canadian military is subservient to the U.S. military
through so-called joint commands such as NORAD and NATO, and
police bodies such as the RCMP are closely linked to their U.S. coun
terparts through networks such as FBI and CIA computer centers. As
in the U.S., UFO sightings that have become public are downgraded,
and sightings that have come to the private attention of military or
police personnel are covered up.”
“We have the answer as to why Blue Book failed,” wrote
researcher Art Crockett. “It was merely a cover for the real investiga
tion going on in secret. The most important cases, undoubtedly, did
not go to Blue Book at all, but to the secret agency. This may also
explain why so many of Blue Book’s files are missing. .. . The most
annoying aspect of the whole affair is that the high-ranking Air Force
officials who said that they intended to get the subject of UFOs out of
the public realm have succeeded!”
Paris Flammonde noted, “As far as the newspapers and the tele
vision network news facilities were concerned, at a certain point in the
early 1960s UFOs [had] simply ceased to exist.” The same could be
said today as ongoing UFO reports appear relegated to local media,
the tabloids, or “tabloid” TV programming. By the end of 1969, with
the public confused and divided by conflicting views and the cancella
tion of Project Blue Book, the subject ceased to officially exist for the
U.S. Air Force as well.
Further confirmation of government deceit was found in the
minutes of a meeting of the air force’s Scientific Advisory Board on
March 17 and 18, 1948. In a transcript obtained in recent years by
researcher Bill LaParl, briefing officer Col. Howard McCoy stated,
“We have a new project—Project Sign—which may surprise you as a
development from the so-called mass hysteria of the past summer
when we had all the unidentified flying objects or discs. This can’t be
laughed off. We have over 300 reports which haven’t been publicized
in the papers from very competent personnel. .. . We are running
down every report. I can’t tell you how much we would give to have
one of those crash in an area so that we could recover whatever they
are.” Debunkers pointed to McCoy’s statement as proof that the
Roswell crash of 1947 did not happen. But, as pointed out by Dr.
Bruce Maccabee, who has provided UFO briefings to the CIA, McCoy
was not at liberty to mention a crash at Roswell to the advisor) board,
which was meeting under merely “Secret” security level.
The more important fact of McCoy’s statement was the men
tion of three hundred reports. A review of the master list of Project
Blue Book for this time period showed only about 135 reports cata
loged, leaving 165 reports unaccounted for and adding considerable
weight to statements that Project Blue Book was kept in the dark
about many of the most credible and significant sightings.
At the same time as Project Blue Book was being canceled,
NICAPs battle against government secrecy was lost. With a declining
membership—some claimed due to Major Keyhoe’s obsession with the
secrecy issue rather than reporting UFO sightings—and financial
problems, the NTCAP board of governors ousted Keyhoe as director,
in what he termed a “coup.” Although the organization lingered for
more than a decade, Keyhoe refused to attend any meetings and it was
never again a viable force in the UFO controversy. Its place was taken
by the Midwest UFO Network, which eventually changed its name to
the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
Former NSA employee Todd W. Zechel claimed that Keyhoe’s
removal was orchestrated by the CIA to silence this vocal critic of gov
ernment secrecy. Pointing out several NICAP officials with links to
the agency, Zechel wrote, “Perhaps Keyhoe deserved to be fired from
the organization he built with his own sweat, blood and sacrifice. The
timing couldn’t have been better, in any case. Keyhoe, after all, was
beginning to focus on the CIA in 1969, instead of his tunnel-visioned
attacks on the Air Force. ... If they wanted to destroy the leading
anti-secrecy organization of the 1960s, they couldn’t have done a bet
ter job if they’d tried.”
east gate. “We decided to go on down off base and kind of check the
edge of the woods to see maybe what was going on because it didn’t
seem right. . . . There was radio traffic back and forth and the decision
was made by the shift commander that I should accompany two secu
rity guys into the woods,” Burroughs recalled. Walking into the
woods, Burroughs said he saw “a bank of lights, differently colored
lights that threw off an image of like a craft. I never saw anything
metallic or hard.” One of the security men with Burroughs, identified
only as “James Archer,” however, later described an object “triangular
in shape, with three landing legs ... about 10 to 12 feet in diameter
and eight feet high, with a blue light on top, red lights and a white
light in the middle and a brighter white light emanating from the
underside.” “Archer” was certain he saw something inside the craft. “I
don’t know what, but the shapes did not look human. Maybe they were
like robots,” he said.
Another witness, acting security police commander Sgt. Adrian
Bustinza, recalled that he too was ordered to check out lights in the
forest that night. “When we got to Point A—the sighting of the
object—we had trouble turning the light-alls on. Our truck wouldn’t
run either. It was kind of like all the energy had been drained out of
both light-all units,” he told researchers in 1984. “We proceeded to
look and in the process found kind of like triangular tripods . ..
burned into the [ground] at three different standpoints.. .. They were
like it was a heavy object. They took radiation readings of the holes,
and they got a radiation reading as I recall. Then I recall we were
walking through the woods and we came upon the lights again. And
that’s when I first saw the object. . . Bustinza described the object as
a circular craft, thicker at the center than the edge, with a red light on
top and several blue lights on the bottom. He said it was a “tremen
dous size” and kept moving about in a large clearing.
Yet another witness, then USAF Sgt. Larry Warren, said that as
he approached the woods he saw a strange mist covering the ground.
“It looked like a ground fog but was somehow lit up,” he recalled. “It
glowed very brightly and has the definition of a roughly shaped circle
... as a small red light. . . made a downward arc and was directly over
the fog.” Warren said the red light suddenly exploded in a blinding
flash and a large “arrowhead” craft appeared. “The main body was
pearl white with a rainbow color effect,” he said. “It was constantly
distorting as I looked at it. At the bottom was a bank of extremely
bright cobalt blue lights. Below that, I thought I could make out dark
landing gear. Covering the entire surface were what looked like boxes,
pipes, and strange extensions.”
The witnesses said the craft lingered in the area for more than
an hour and that other air force personnel arrived, including the
Woodbridge deputy base commander Lt. Col. Charles Halt. Report
edly, both American and British authorities made both film and audio
tapes of the astounding event, along with radiation tests.
By 4:00 A.M. on December 27, the giant craft was joined by—or
perhaps divided into—at least five smaller glowing objects that, follow
ing a moving light display, eventually disappeared into the sky.
The Bentwaters event received little media attention at the
time, largely due to denials by the U.S. Air Force. Official spokesmen
denied that any audiovisual recordings were made of the event or that
any official records existed. This statement was proven false in late
1983 following a Freedom of Information Act inquiry that resulted in
the release of a corroborating official report.
The report, entitled “Unexplained Lights,” dated January 13,
1981, and signed by Colonel Halt, stated:
south, all of which were about 10 degrees off the horizon. The
objects moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and displayed
red, green and blue lights. The objects to the north appeared to be
elliptical through an 8-12 power lens. They then turned to full cir
cles. The objects in the north remained in the sky for an hour or
more. The object to the south was visible for two or three hours and
beamed down a stream of light from time to time. Numerous indi
viduals, including the undersigned, witnessed the activities in para
graphs 2 and 3.
many other similar bases were constructed in secret and could house a
much greater population than the small cadre of military and govern-
ment personnel needed to survive and fight a nuclear war.
Richard Sauder, Ph.D., a financial and military researcher in the
Southwest who conducted an in-depth study on the issue of under
ground bases, concluded, “I consider it an absolute certainty that the
military has constructed secret underground facilities in the United
States, above and beyond the approximately one dozen ‘known’ under
ground facilities. ...”
Sauder reported such sites at Fort Belvoir, Virginia; West Point,
New York; Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base, California; Groom
Lake near Nellis AFB, Nevada; White Sands Missile Range, New
Mexico; Table Mountain, near Boulder, Colorado; Mount Blackmore
and Pipestone Pass, Montana.
While the existence of many other giant underground bases has
not been confirmed, there is absolutely no question that both the U.S.
government and private companies have long maintained active plans
for their construction. Sauder presented numerous papers, patents,
plans, and government contracts to prove not only the interest but also
the digging technology to accomplish such an endeavor. This technol
ogy ranges from conventional drilling and boring machines to exotic
“ground disintegration” devices using microwave, plasma, ultrasonic,
electron beam, and laser technology. A 1986 Los Alamos laboratory
report and two 1988 reports from NASA researchers at Texas A&M
University even detail plans for a “Lunar Tunnel er” designed to exca
vate space for a working colony under the surface of the moon.
Sauder noted, “The first thing to understand is that there are
actual tunnelling machines that crawl through the ground like giant
mechanical earthworms with huge appetites. These tunnelling
machines are used on construction projects all over the world to build
perfectly ordinary sewers, subways, utility lines, highways, railroads,
aqueducts, hydroelectric projects—as well as jazzy, high-profile pro
jects like the ‘Chunnel,’ the tunnel underneath the English Channel
that now makes it possible to travel on dry ground between England
and France.”
Some of these underground facilities are not military at all, yet
they are still very secret. In addition to a large Federal Reserve facility
within Mount Pony near Culpepper, Virginia, there is Mount Weather
near Bluemont, Virginia, which was built in the 1950s as a giant gov
ernment bomb shelter. Today it is under the control of the massive
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which under a
variety of executive orders can assume control of the nation in the
event of an “emergency.” “Although it is the headquarters for FEMAs
survive has led some researchers to a chilling conclusion, one that may
be the sum total of all the most paranoid suspicions—the ultimate con
slang such as “We’re right out of beer!” and “Have a proper drink.”
Other participants in the program also were actors.
British author Leslie Watkins, who went beyond the TV show
with a 1978 book entitled Alternative 3, was very forthright in a letter
published by Keith. “This original TV version, which I expanded
immensely for the book, was actually a hoax which had been scheduled
for transmission on April Fool’s Day. Because of certain problems in
finding the right network slot, the transmission was delayed.”
However, it would be premature to completely write off Alter
native 3 as unworthy of study, as has been the case with many UFO
Continuing with his letter, Watkins wrote, “I initially took the
view that the basic premise was so way-out . . . that no one would
regard it as non-fiction. Immediately after publication, I realized I was
totally wrong. In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually
all parts of the world—including vast numbers from highly intelligent
people in positions of authority—convinced me that I had accidentally
trespassed into a range of top-secret truths. ... So, summing up, the
book is fiction based on fact. But I now feel that I inadvertently got
very close to a secret truth.”
Linda Moulton Howe, a respected UFO researcher and author,
said she became acquainted with Alternative 3 as a science and
medicine documentary producer for WCVB television in Boston. She
recalled questions raised among the staff there as to why the Corpora
tion for Public Broadcasting did not want the docudrama broadcast in
the United States.
“I was curious,” Howe said, “and I had a discussion with a BBC
producer about it. I was told that the program began as a BBC docu
mentary on the so-called British ‘brain drain’ of the 1970s. You
might remember that a large number of British scientists were leav
ing, reportedly for better paying jobs in America. I was told that the
program never came off because the BBC could not locate any of
the scientists once they left Britain. It was all very odd. It was like they
Howe said writers Ambrose and Miles wrote a script for Alter
native 3 based on real interviews conducted by BBC. And indeed both
the TV show and the book made much of the disappearance of scien
tists. AVhile the scientists mentioned in the show and book appear to
have been fictitious, author Keith listed more than thirty scientists
from around the world that were connected to the Strategic Defense
Initiative (SDI) “Star Wars” program and either committed suicide,
disappeared, or died under mysterious circumstances. These deaths
and disappearances, along with several bombings of defense installa-
wants to be alone. . . . It’s a terrestrial black hole into which it’s esti
mated millions of tax dollars disappear each day while hardly a word of
explanation escapes.”
Secrecy is nothing new to the Nellis Range. Some of America’s
most top-secret aircraft—from spy planes like the U2 and the new
SR-71 to the recent F-117A Stealth Fighter—have rolled from the
hidden hangers of Area 51. But today, craft that break with conven
tional aviation technology have been sighted in the area. According to
Aviation Week & Space Technology there have been many sightings of
a “triangular-shaped, quiet aircraft seen with a flight of Lockheed
F-117A Stealth Fighters,” “a high-speed aircraft characterized by a
very loud, deep rumbling roar reminiscent of heavy-lift rockets .. .
[which] makes a pulsing sound and leaves a thick, segmented smoke
trail or contrail,” and “a high-altitude aircraft... observed as a single,
bright light—sometimes pulsating—flying at speeds far exceeding other
aircraft in the area, and at altitudes estimated to be above 50,000 ft.”
The publication’s editors noted, “In addition, there is substantial evi
dence that another family of craft exists that relies on exotic propul
sion and aerodynamic schemes not fully understood at this time.”
Another innovation may be the use of private guards to watch
over this government installation. “Five years after the fall of the
Berlin Wall, the lights of Groom Lake burn throughout the night with
wartime urgency,” noted Dane, who made a walking trip to the area
along with curious researchers. “And whatever secrets lie there are
guarded with undiminished vigilance. Armed, unidentified men stalk
the sagebrush in camouflage fatigues. Unmarked Black Hawk heli
copters sweep the hills. Electronic sensors hidden along the approach
ing roads report the presence of vehicular traffic. Keep in mind that
you’re subject to all this on public land, before you make it to the bor
der marked with signs reading ‘use of deadly force authorized.’”
The men in camouflage toting automatic weapons were not
U.S. military personnel but employees of the private security firm
Wackenhut Corporation, whose board of directors is filled with CIA,
FBI, and Pentagon officials such as former FBI director Clarence Kel
ley, former CIA deputy directors Frank Carlucci and Admiral Bobby
Ray Inman, former DIA director Gen. Joseph Carroll, former Secret
Service director James J. Rowley, and former Marine Corps comman
dant P. X. Kelley. Before becoming President Ronald Reagan’s CIA
director, Wackenhuts outside legal counsel was William Casey,
blamed as the primary mover behind the October Surprise and Iran-
contra scandals.
Wackenhut has a long and dubious history of connections with
some of the government’s dirtiest tricks, beginning soon after it was
reactors but only the size of a soccer ball, produced “waves” nullifying
gravity through the use of a superheavy substance he named Element
115 after its theoretical atomic number. “I was the one who identified
115,” Lazar said. “That was my only contribution to the project. And I
don’t stand on the fact that it’s 115, but if it’s not, it’s 114. It’s right in
During his work at S-4, which lasted from December 1988 to
April 1989, Lazar said saw nine alien craft housed in a row of huge
hangars. One he was able to touch in passing and another he witnessed
taking a short test flight. Intrigued, Lazar said he studied the craft
closely. “I gave everything names,” he said, “the ‘top hat’ one, the ‘jello
mold’ and the ‘sport model’ [which] operated without a hitch. I mean
it looked new, if that is what a flying saucer looks like. One of the them
looked liked it was hit by some sort of projectile. It had a large hole in
the bottom and a large hole in the top with the metal bent out like
some sort of large caliber [projectile] had gone through it. ... I got to
look inside, and it had really small chairs. I think that was the first con
firmation [of alien technology] I had.”
Lazar recalled that one day while walking down a corridor at
S-4, he glanced into a room and saw two men in lab coats “looking
down and talking to something small, with long arms.” Knowing that
some people would say he saw a living extraterrestrial, Lazar noted,
“They play so many mind games there. Maybe they stuck a doll in
front of these guys and made me walk by it and look at it, just to see
what my reaction would be. But, when we did turn around to do some
thing, and walk back, it was gone, and the two guys were gone. So, I
don’t know what I saw.”
Interestingly the idea that aliens may be living at Area 51 was
advanced by two unnamed government agents—identified only as
“Falcon” and “Condor”—in the 1988 TV documentary UFO Cover
up? Live!
While Lazar’s exposure to the saucers was short-lived and spo
radic, the most astounding information came from more than two
hundred pages of “briefing” documents he was required to read to pre
pare him for his job. Within these blue booklets, which bore no docu
ment numbers nor secrecy stamps, Lazar said he learned of other
secret projects such as the study of a gravity drive (“Galileo”), looking
back in time (“Looking Glass”), and a neutron beam weapon (“Side
kick”), all under a program called “Project Overview.” Lazar read that
aliens had been visiting Earth—which they called “Sol 3”—for millen
nia and that mankind was the result of sixty-five genetic “corrections”
made over thousands of years. At least one group of small ETs—
referred to as “The Kids”—came from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli
star system. Lazar also was astounded to learn that the saucers in gov
ernment hands were not all the result of accidental crashes. “I think
. . . that we received those craft more by friendly means than by crash
retrieval or stealing them or however else,” he said.
Even after all he had experienced, Lazar said he was still skepti
cal of statements made in a thick document pertaining to religion.
This paper stated that the aliens consider humans as “containers.”
Asked to clarify this, Lazar replied, “Maybe containers of souls. You
can come up with whatever theory you want. But we’re containers, and
that’s how we are mentioned in the documents; that religion was
specifically created so we have some rules and regulations for the sole
purpose of not damaging the containers.. ..”
One intriguing aspect of Lazar’s briefing concerned his descrip
tion of an apparent battle between aliens and humans at a secret base
in 1979. He said he read that a human guard tried to take a weapon
into the alien’s area, which resulted in fatal head wounds to security
personnel. Lazar’s description of this incident matches exactly with an
account by UFO researcher Paul Bennewitz. In a 1985 letter to author
Timothy Good, Bennewitz wrote, “In 1979, something happened.
The alien . . . said [there had been] an argument over weapons ... 66
[security people] were killed, 44 got away.” The story has it that the
aliens departed, leaving behind equipment, some of which was that
studied by Lazar.
Lazar said he was not impressed with the caliber of work taking
place at S-4. Only a handful of people were working on the UFO he
saw and they seemed more like military people out of their league than
world-class scientists. “Everything I saw, every step of the way, just
showed me that such an incredible project is being handled not only in
an unprofessional manner, but it bordered on the ridiculous.” He said
he understood that radioactive plutonium had been tried as fuel for the
antimatter reactor.
If his account is true, it could explain a mysterious and unsolved
UFO case near Houston, Texas. About 9:00 RAI. on December 29,
1980, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and Landrum’s young grandson
were driving home on when a huge, bright diamond-shaped UFO
approached their car spewing sparks. As the craft passed near their car,
the light and heat became intense. The women were shocked to see
about twenty helicopters—some large, twin-rotor craft along with
smaller ones—surrounding the object, as if in escort. Shortly after this
bizarre experience, all three witnesses developed headaches, nausea,
skin sores, hair loss, and other ailments diagnosed as symptoms of
radiation poisoning. Dr. J. Allen Hynek termed the Cash-Landrum
experience a “really crucial case” due to the “absolutely unequivocal
ject. Lazar also produced a W-2 Wage and Tax Statement for 1989
that showed his employer as “United States Department of Naval
Intelligence, Washington, D.C.” and an OMB identification number
was listed as “E-6722MAJ.” According to researcher Robert Oechsler,
a former NASA mission analyst with good intelligence connections, an
official with the Department of Energy (DOE) confirmed that the
number “E-6722” was an Office of Management and Budget number
representing a DOE contract and that the letters “MAJ” represented a
“point of contact.”
Lazar said while at S-4, he was required to wear a white security
badge containing a blue diagonal strip across the top left corner and
the letters “MAJ” printed down the right side. He said “MAJ” was
“Majestic” and was spelled out on the badge of his supervisor. Lazar
admitted that perhaps the “MAJ” designation, which brought to mind
the MJ-12 controversy, was merely an inside joke but added that
everyone wore an “MAJ” badge. Lazar said before being denied a
security clearance, he was given a temporary clearance thirty-eight lev
els above the top-secret “Q” clearance, which he said was reactivated
from his Los Alamos work. One government official denied that any
security levels above “Q” exist. However, author Timothy Good deter
mined that special access levels do exist as part of a Sensitive Compart-
mented Information (SCI) program dating back to World War II. It is
used to inform a person only on the details of secret operation he
needs to know to deal directly with that project. Author Williams E.
Burrows, in his 1988 book, Deep Black: The Secrets of Space Espionage,
stated there were more than thirty SCI categories in use within U.S.
intelligence by 1986.
Dr. Teller did nothing to clarify matters when asked about his
knowledge of Lazar by a TV cameraman. Obviously disquieted by the
mention of Lazar, Teller vacillated, saying, “Look, I don’t know Bob
Lazar. ... I probably met him. I might have said to somebody that I
met him and I liked him, after I met him, and if I liked him. But I
don’t remember him. ... I mean, you are trying to force questions on
me that I simply won’t answer.”
The contradictions in Lazar’s background prompted newsman
Knapp to conclude that Lazar’s education and work records have been
intentionally altered or hidden. More ominously, Lazar said that after
his first TV interview someone shot at him from a white car as he left
the studio.
Following the shooting incident and death threats, Lazar said
his decision to go public with his story was prompted partially by self-
preservation and partially by other considerations. “I tried to protect
myself in several ways. One of them was going on the air and getting
friend indicated that further legal action to reverse the guilty plea
may be forthcoming.
But the controversy over Lazar and his incredible story con
cerning Area 51 and its saucers continues unabated. Although several
researchers claim to have spoken with other Area 51 workers who con
firm Lazar’s account, none have agreed to subject themselves to the
scrutiny that Lazar has undergone. The TV whistle-blowers “Condor”
and “Falcon” corroborated elements of the Lazar story but remain
publicly unidentified. Another source has been identified as a former
CIA officer who worked for Lockheed named Marion Leo Williams.
According to researcher Andrew Basiago, Williams claimed to have
been transported to Area 51’s Dreamland in the 1970s, where he
learned that recovered UFOs were being studied in a supersecret
underground government laboratory.
George Knapp, the Las Vegas TV newsman who spent consid
erable time investigating the Lazar story, said, “We know a lot of
secret stuff goes on in Area 51 . . . and there’s been this lingering, nag
ging voice floating around at the test site for many years that some
thing else, something alien, was up there, but no one’s ever bothered
to check it out. But Bob is the first to come forward to say anything
about it—to have inside knowledge. I’ve spent almost a year on the
Lazar story. We’ve gone over every aspect of the story again and again.
Knowing him really sells a lot of it, because he’s not out to impress
anyone and hes not trying to make a million dollars with this. .. . The
story has been consistent again and again.” Knapp added he knew of
several people who offered to confirm Lazar’s story but were warned
off by men who said they were government agents.
Timothy Good, who examined the Lazar case in great detail,
concluded that “it is my opinion that his story is substantially true”
and may be part of a “public indoctrination process” to accustom the
public to the concept of extraterrestrial visitation. Knapp harbored
similar suspicions. “I sometimes wonder if he wasn’t in fact chosen for
the release of this information,” he said.
Scientist-author Jacques Vallee, while impressed with Lazar’s
sincerity and scientific knowledge, nevertheless came away from an
interview thinking that he had hit a “wall of absurdity.” Vallee ques
tioned the lack of scientific equipment at the S-4 site and the casual
manner in which he was shown the “briefing” documents. “Robert
Lazar’s experience had been pure theatre,” he wrote in 1991. Vallee
indicated his suspicion that the Lazar saucer story may have been used
to screen secret nonalien military research.
Don Ecker, who wrote extensively about the case, also believed
that Lazar is sincere. “But what’s behind all that is the real story. I
think he was fed huge amounts of disinformation, but for what reason?
Something against the Soviets? Against the people in the UFO field?”
he wondered. “I can’t believe that if Lazar actually was involved in
government saucer research and was telling the truth that they would
allow him to live.”
Author Curtis Peebles, who dismisses all UFO stories as simply
misinterpretations of reality, apparently did not know how to handle
the Lazar story. He brushed it off in less than two pages and only
stated that “Lazar’s story has some holes.” Peebles did note Lazar’s
pandering conviction and took special interest in the fact that Lazar
was not listed as a member of the American Physical Society or the
American Nuclear Society.
Lazar himself has never flatly denied that he may have been an
unknowing participant in some government disinformation scheme,
but he declared, “I am telling the truth—I’ve tried to prove that.
What’s going on up there could be the most important event in his
tory. You’re talking about physical contact and proof from another sys
tem—another planet, another intelligence. That’s got to be the biggest
event in history—period. And its real, and it’s there.” In another inter
view, Lazar was even more emphatic: “I saw what I saw, and you didn’t.
I don’t care who believes me and who doesn’t. Screw the rest of you
The truth behind possible government secret space technology,
cover-ups, disinformation campaigns, and the military possession of
UFOs and aliens remains unproven. If indeed there is development of
craft based on alien technology, what is its purpose—to wage war
against terrestrial enemies or intergalactic visitors ... or could it be to
provide a means of escape for the world’s wealthy elite?
What is clear today is that the UFO phenomenon has spread far
beyond mere sightings of unknown craft in the sky. By the 1970s, even
stranger ingredients had been added to the mix of UFO lore—animal
mutilations, crop circles, and human abductions.
Undaunted by ongoing government secrecy and dismissive media
reports, UFOs continued to appear in the world’s skies. But a new—
and more personal—note was added to the mere sightings of flying
Back in the 1950s, nothing so divided the fledgling UFO
research community than the idea of physical contact between humans
and UFO occupants. To a large extent that division remains today,
straining the faith of even the most enthusiastic UFO devotee despite
ever-in creasing media attention to the subject. Seeing unidentifiable
lights and objects in the sky is one thing. But meeting or being
abducted by unearthly creatures is quite something else. However,
once again history demonstrates that this phenomenon is nothing new.
In the biblical account, Ezekiel not only saw the “wheel” in the
air but was taken aboard. After falling prostrate from the sounds and
dust cloud signaling the arrival of the “vision of God,” Ezekiel was
addressed by a man bathed in a brilliant radiance: “Stand up, son of
dust, and I will talk to you.” “Then the Spirit lifted me up and the
glory of the Lord began to move away, accompanied by the sound of a
great earthquake,” Ezekiel wrote. “The Spirit lifted me up and took
thought were two boys, he yelled and motioned for them to come
see what he had found. As he approached the pair, Johannis was
shocked to see two small beings about three feet tall with overlarge
heads and huge round eyes. They were wearing close-fitting
bluish garments over what appeared to be greenish skin. When
Johannis raised his hand containing a rock pick as a friendly salute,
one of the creatures, perhaps misinterpreting the gesture as an
aggressive move, touched his belt and Johannis was knocked to the
ground dazed. While lying helpless, he saw the beings enter the
craft, which proceeded to move into the air, shrink in size, and silently
But such stories were either lost in history or ignored by the
media of the time, leaving many to believe that strange contacts with
occupants of flying machines began only as the flying saucer era got
under way in the late 1940s. The few contact stories that did surface
were quickly dismissed by early UFO researchers as too fantastic to
even consider. They were having trouble enough dealing with mysteri
ous flying objects.
into all this saucer crap.” Even Adamski’s former publicist, Harold
Salkin, noted that in 1963 Adamski’s account of a saucer trip to Saturn
before a Washington crowd in many ways contradicted the same story
he had told earlier in the day to close friends. Salkin also pointed out
that at least one of Adamski’s UFO photos was proven a “fraud,” since
the UFO image extended beyond the frame of the film. “He appar
ently fell into the trap which had snared many of the contactees of the
1950s and 60s,” Salkin stated. “In order to whet the appetites of his
regular followers, he—like the others—was convinced that he had to
come up with some event that was really spectacular. In Adamski’s
case, it was the trip to Saturn.”
But there is some evidence that indicates a possible darker
aspect to Adamski’s stories. Several UFO researchers have implied that
Adamski may have been “set up” in his role as an early contactee
celebrity. Randles noted that at the same time Adamski was gaining
notoriety, the CIA was convening the Robertson panel in an effort to
turn official opinion against UFOs as real objects.
Agency personnel also wanted to deflect serious public attention
and noted how the contactees had “reduced the credibility of UFO
evidence in the eyes of many people.” Adamski himself lent support to
the idea that he was used by intelligence when in a 1953 speech he
began by saving that his material had been “cleared” by the FBI and
air force intelligence. Adamski backed down from this statement a few
days later when FBI agents questioned him about such clearance.
Author Jacques Vallee noted that Adamski admitted that government
scientists from Point Loma Naval Electronics Laboratory near San
Diego had asked him to cooperate in studying UFOs, thus helping to
launch his career as a contactee. “Adamski’s major supporter abroad
was a former intelligence officer with the British Army,” stated Vallee,
adding, “A man who hosted Adamski during his tour of Australia has
told me that ‘Good old George’ was traveling with a passport bearing
special privileges.” One of the scientists Vallee mentioned, Gene L.
Bloom, denied any involvement with Adamski, saying, “Everything
Adamski wrote about us was fiction, pure fiction.” An associate with
Adamski at Palomar Gardens, Jerrold E. Baker, said he overheard a
tape recording of Adamski’s desert experience before it happened,
leading him to write, “I was able to determine that the desert contact
was not a mere stab in the dark or a picnic in the desert, but a planned
Another intriguing aspect of the Adamski case came with a 1954
attempt to bring the contactee into federal court. Researcher Thomas
Eickoff, incensed that Adamski had written in a later book entitled
Inside the Space Ships that two government scientists could confirm his
Physicist Dr. Tom Gray of the
University of North Texas exhibits a
fragment found at the site of the
alleged 1897 crash of a UFO in
Aurora, Texas. In a 1973 study.
Gray said the fragment was
“puzzling" because it showed no
magnetic properties even though
it was composed primarily of iron.
THE MOTHER SH1P? Jim Kuffel took this photo of whaf appears to be a giant
UFO near Antioch, Illinois, on November 10, 1996 Kuffel, intrigued by this aerial
apparition, used a 35-mm camera with a 52-mm lens to shoot the thing against the
setting sun. In all likelihood, this Independence Day looking "craft" was actually created
by temperature inversion caused by layers of warm air mixing with cooler air. But this well
illustrates the problem of many misidentifications of normal events as UFOs. However
many sightings are harder to explain.
TO 12D1—3—11—1
ONLY document containing compartmentalized MANUAL? This is the
information essential to the national security of reconstructed cover of a
the United States. EYES ONLY ACCESS to the document purporting to be a
material herein is strictly limited to personnel manual issued by the MJ-12
group regarding the recovery
and handling of extraterrestrial
Examination or use by unauthorized personnel is
spacecraft and occupants. The
strictly forbidden and is punishable by federal
manual covers subjects ranging
from the identification of UFO
types to maintaining a press
blackout. Although controversy
still rages over the manual’s
authenticity, many researchers
MAJESTIC-12 GROUP April 1954 claim the extent and format
MJ—12 483 8B
of the manual argue against if
being a hoax.
NAZI FLYING DISK. These drawings depict one of the noiseless and exhaust-free
“flying disks" developed by Austrian inventor Viktor Schauberger for the Nazis.
Schauberger’s disks, at least one of which reportedly was test flown, were powered by a
rotating water system called liquid vortex propulsion. Some researchers contend that Nazi
disk technology was gained through contact with extraterrestrials and that this
technology fell into the hands of the Allies after World War II, thus beginning the modern
flying saucer era.
J. Allen Hynek
UFOs. Pilot Kenneth
Arnold was the first person
to receive widespread A CONVERTED
publicity after reporting UFOs SCIENTIST. The late
flying near Mount Rainier on Dr. J. Allen Hynek was chairman
June 24, 1947, just prior to the of Northwestern University's
Roswell incident. Arnold Astronomy Department and a
reported that the objects longtime consultant on UFOs to
acted “like a saucer would if the U.S. government. Over the
you skipped it across the years. Dr. Hynek moved from
water,” and subsequent writing off UFOs as mere swamp
reporting put the term flying gas to calling for a scientific
saucer in the public investigation of what he
vocabulary. concluded was a genuine ana
tangible reality.
THE UFO SCIENTIST, Physicist Bob Lazar claims to have participated in the
reverse engineering of UFOs in the custody of the U.S. government at a secret base in
Nevada known as Area 51. Lazar said the UFOs were powered by gravity wave amplifiers
that allowed the craft to travel the vast distances between stars by "folding" space. He
also stated that his immediate supervisor during his UFO work wore a badge with the
word Majestic on it.
Photo courtesy of Linda Moulton Htme
George Adamski, back in the early 1950s,
claimed to have been taken on rides in
outer space by a Venusian named Orthon.
While most people discounted Adamski's
stories and crude photographs, more
recent study has shown that his popularity
may have been engineered by
government intelligence agents.
Photo courtesy of UFO Magazine
Jtm M<i
REMOTE VIEWING CENTRAL. For nearly two decodes these two small
wood-frame buildings at Fort Meade, Maryland, were the headquarters of the
psychic spy unit known variously as GRILL FLAME. CENTER LANE, and STARGATE, it
was here that military intelligence officers, using laboratory-tested methods of
psychic remote viewing, furnished information on secret Soviet weapons and
installations. Every viewer also encountered UFOs during their searches for foreign
The American Association of Remote l iewers,
/ .
Several remote
viewers have seen
small objects such as A UFO INVENTORY. Based on remote viewing
this one hovering in sessions, various UFO designs such as these have
orbit, apparently to been sketched by the viewers, who claim that various
enforce a quarantine extraterrestrial races are currently visiting the earth for
of earth. About the a variety of reasons. Although some alien agendas
size of a hand seem less benevolent than others, none are seen as
grenade, these multi overtly hostile. Viewers said that aliens interacting with
faceted objects humans are but a very small percentage of races
reportedly are the that exist throughout the universe.
cause of many space
setbacks such as the
1993 Titan 4 and the
Mors 96 rocket
launches, which
foiled to reach orbit.
TAe American Association of Remote I'irwers, Inc.
Some researchers
speculate that military
and weapons space
flights are being
blocked by
A BLEAK FUTURE. In a structured remote viewing study, viewers foresaw the earth
devastated in the near future by ultraviolet energy due to widening holes in the ozone
layer. In their view, humans will be forced underground and into domed cities (depicted
above) to survive. Various viewers also foresaw extraterrestrials working side by side to
replenish the earth's atmosphere.
nausea. Several small bleeding lesions were found on his body. All this
was consistent with mild radiation poisoning, Dr. Fontes concluded.
By 1978, Villas Boas had become a lawyer and was the father of four
children. In a Brazilian TV appearance, he changed only one portion
of his account—he then said the strange woman had taken a sperm
sample during the act of intercourse. Interestingly, Villas Boas recalled
every detail of his experience without the need for hypnosis.
Fascinating as Villas Boas’ abduction was, it was only a precur
sor to the main event of the 1960s—the abduction of Betty and Barney
the beeping sound, they suddenly came fully awake and found them
selves a few miles south of where Hill had left the car to view the
object. Unable to recall precisely what had occurred, they drove home.
Expecting to be home by before 3:00 A.M., the Hills noted that
it was 5:30 A.M. when they finally arrived. Puzzled by their experience,
Betty called her sister the next day, who heightened her fear by sug
gesting that some type of radiation might have been involved.
Wrongly thinking that a compass might register radiation, Betty went
to the car, where she was surprised to discover “a dozen or more shiny
circles scattered on the surface of the trunk, each perfectly circular and
about the size of a silver dollar.” The compass never moved when she
placed it on other areas of the car, but when placed on one of the shiny
spots, the compass needle began to spin. Convinced that something
strange had happened to them, the Hills filed a report of the UFO
with Pease Air Force Base in Portsmouth just thirty-six hours after the
incident. In recent years, the Hill story gained some substantiation
when it was learned that, according to Report No. 100-1-61 of the
SAC 100th Bomb Wing, Pease radar registered an “unknown” at the
exact time the Hills encountered their UFO.
In October 1961, the Hills met with investigator Walter Webb,
chief lecturer for the Boston Museum of Science’s Charles Hayden
Planetarium and a representative of the UFO group NICAP. Webb,
though highly skeptical, stated, “I was impressed that the Hills under
played the dramatic aspects of the case. They were not trying to sensa
tionalize. They did not seek publicity.” It was through Webb that the
Hills first realized that more than two hours were unaccounted for in
their story. Something more than a simple UFO sighting must have
Shordy after the UFO incident, both Hills began to experience
physical and psychological effects of the experience. Betty had night
mares in which she found herself taken aboard the UFO and examined
by little humanoid beings. Barney began to suffer from high blood
pressure, exhaustion, ulcers, and a strange ring of warts in his groin
area. Both saw a series of medical specialists during 1962 and eventu
ally met Dr. Benjamin Simon, a respected Boston psychiatrist and neu
rologist with an extensive background in hypnosis therapy.
Dr. Simon started six months of hypnosis sessions with both
Hills at their own expense beginning in late 1963. Both Betty and Bar
ney told essentially the same story under hypnosis. They now recalled
that their car stalled and stopped in the road near a band of little men
dressed in black uniforms and that they were taken aboard a nearby
landed circular craft. Barney was terrified, saying he felt like a rabbit
before a predator. He described the craft’s leader as a “German Nazi”
wearing a shiny black jacket, cap, and scarf. Betty said a long needle
was inserted in her stomach as part of a “pregnancy test.” Hill said a
circular device was attached to his groin. Following Betty’s examina
tion, she was given a brief tour of the craft and shown a “star map”
when she asked the origin of the UFO. After being told that they
would not remember the experience, the Hills were released by their
car, and the UFO, appearing like a huge, bright orange ball, departed.
Although the Hill story was circulated among their friends and
some UFO publications, it was largely unknown to the general public
until 1966, when Look magazine publish a two-part excerpt of a book
by John G. Fuller entitled The Interrupted Journey. Fuller’s book soon
became a national best-seller, and the story gained even wider notice
when it was made into a 1975 NBC-TV movie entitled The UFO Inci
dent, starring James Earl Jones as Hill and Estelle Parsons as Betty.
Hill died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1969, while Betty went on to
become a celebrity in the UFO community.
Their reported abduction was so similar to that of Antonio Vil
las Boas, whose story neither of the Hills had heard, that it was consid
ered strong circumstantial evidence for the reality of the experience.
With the proliferation of abduction stories resulting from the Hill
story publicity, it was a circumstance never to be repeated. Once the
general abduction scenario was out in the public, debunkers could
always claim ongoing reports were simply copycat accounts. British
UFO chronicler John Spencer called the Barney case “one of the most
important and significant UFO sightings and abductions in UFO
The credulous saw the Hill story as confirmation of extraterres
trial visitation, while the vast majority of the public was content to be
titillated by this new form of science fiction. The Reverend John D.
Swanson of Christ Church in Portsmouth wrote, “First let it be said
that I do not and cannot doubt the veracity of the Hills’ account and I
believe in the factual reality of their experience. Anyone who has spo
ken with them, has heard the recordings made when they were under
hypnotic recall, and has examined all the evidence, cannot doubt that
what they describe did in actuality happen.”
Those with a doubting mind-set were not persuaded by the
media hype. Dr. Simon, a professional with understandable hesitation
in supporting any outrageous UFO account, gave this caveat in his
introduction to Fuller’s book: “There is little produced under or by
hypnosis that is not possible without. The charisma of hypnosis has
tended to foster the belief that hypnosis is the magical and royal road
to TRUTH [emphasis in original]. In one sense this is so, but it must
be understood that hypnosis is a pathway to the truth as it is felt and
At age five, Meier along with his father had a UFO encounter.
The year was 1942, and when young Meier asked his father what it
was, he was told, “It’s a secret weapon of Adolf Hitler.” Disbelieving
this explanation, Meier described the sighting to the village minister.
“He told me that he knew about these flying objects—back then they
were not called UFOs—this was nothing new to him,” Meier recalled.
“The people who flew in them would come from another world, not
from Earth. He told me that he understood this, but that he could not
talk about it. He was a priest and he would shock people. He told me
to try to learn telepathy, to try to give answers. So I tried as I was told.
After a few weeks it worked, and I was able to answer. I remember very
well that Father Zimmermann told me not to talk about it to anyone,
otherwise everybody would say I was crazy.” Meier said he learned that
he was receiving telepathic messages from a Pleiadian named Sfath,
who informed him that he had been chosen as a contact between the
Pleiadians and humans.
If this experience wasn’t enough, by the time Meier reached
adulthood, he already had lived a lifetime of adventures—not all of
them good. At age fourteen, young Meier was placed in a boy’s home
for being a constant truant from school. He promptly ran away from
the home and finally quit school before completing the sixth grade.
While working a variety of menial jobs, he was arrested for stealing
but ran away from a detention center and joined the French Foreign
Legion. Unimpressed with military service, Meier fled back to
Switzerland and then, in 1958, began a journey to the Middle East.
On the road, Meier traveled to Jerusalem and Bethlehem, then
through Jordan and into Pakistan and on into India, where he studied
Buddhist philosophy. All this time, he hitchhiked and worked at a
number of odd jobs to survive. In August 1965, he was returning to
Europe when the bus he was riding was in a collision near Iskenderun,
Turkey. He was thrown through a window, and his left arm was sev
ered just above the elbow. Left for dead for several hours, Meier finally
was taken to a hospital, where he recuperated.
Continuing his return home, Meier met a seventeen-year-old
Greek girl in Thessaloniki named Kalliope Zafireou. The pair fell in
love and were married. Billy and his bride, nicknamed “Popi,” traveled
to Switzerland and settled in the small town of Hinwel. Meier was
employed as a night watchman, and life settled into a peaceful—if
impoverished—existence for Billy, Popi, and their three children, Gil-
gamesha, Atlantis-Sokrates, and Methusalem.
Throughout this time, he claimed to have maintained telepathic
contact with the Pleiadians, who counseled him and aided him in his
travels. He said he was even forewarned of the loss of his arm, indicat-
ing the Pleiadians had some sort of vision into the future. But it was
not until January 28, 1975, that physical contact with the Pleiadians
was achieved.
That day Meier said he received a telepathic message to take a
camera and go to a remote field near Hinwel. When he arrived on
his moped, he saw a large, silver, circular craft sail in over the trees
and set down nearby. Held immobile by the craft’s energy field,
Meier could only watch as a slender being stepped out onto the
grass. It was a beautiful woman with flowing reddish gold hair and
pale blue eyes, wearing a one-piece suit that reminded Meier of ele
phant skin. The suit had a ring around the neck apparently for con
necting a helmet. Through telepathy, Meier said he learned the
woman’s name was Semjase.
Over a long series of meetings, Meier learned much from Sem
jase. “Semjase first explained briefly that Pleiadian civilization origi
nated many thousands of years ago, not in the Pleiades, a star system
much younger than our own, but in the Constellation Lyra. When war
ensued, before the planet was destroyed, much of the population
migrated to other star systems—in the Pleiades, the Hyades, and to a
planet orbiting a nearby star known as Vega. On one interstellar jour
ney, the new Pleiadians discovered Earth and its early life evolving in
an atmosphere hospitable to [them],” Kinder quoted Meier. “Since
that time, according to Semjase, Earth had been destroyed twice by its
own inhabitants: first by a civilization evolved from early Pleiadians
who remained behind and mated with primitive Earth humans; and
second when a later generation of Pleiadians colonized Earth and pro
duced advanced technology until war again destroyed the planet. Sem
jase and the Pleiadians who had chosen to return again to Earth were
descendants of a peaceful Lyrian faction that now felt responsible for
guiding Earth in its spiritual evolution, so the Earth humans could
avoid the setbacks long ago experienced by their Pleiadian ancestors.”
Semjase explained that allowing Meier to photograph their
saucer ships was part of his mission aimed at alerting humans that they
are not alone in the universe. “The Earth human calls us extraterres
trials or star people, or whatever he wants,” Semjase explained. “He
attributes to us supernatural abilities, yet knows nothing about us. In
truth, we are human beings like the Earth human being, but our
knowledge and our wisdom and our technical capabilities are very
much superior to his.
“We, too, are still far removed from perfection and have to
evolve constantly,” she also told /Meier. “When we choose to come in
contact with an Earth human, we do so because we feel an obligation
to the developing universe, and to life which is already existing
return home and type out detailed notes of the conversations on an old
typewriter. He claimed that Semjase arranged for the conversations to
be “played back” in his mind, allowing him to type them up verbatim
with his right hand. When the contact with Semjase and the Pleiadians
ended in October 1978, Meier had counted 115 face-to-face meetings
that produced more than 1,800 pages of notes, hundreds of unusually
clear and detailed color photographs and slides, and at least one film of
the Pleiadian “beamships.” It was “the hands-down greatest UFO case
of all time,” effused one researcher, “the biggest, most spectacular,
longest-running, most productive case in the history of the phe
But was there proof that any of this was anything other than a
brilliant, complex hoax orchestrated by this near-penniless, one-armed
Swiss security guard?
The arguments for hoaxing start with the fact that the clear and
colorful photos of the “beamships” simply appear to be too good to be
true. Large detailed UFOs can be seen in Meier’s photos hanging in
the clear Swiss alpine air over breathtaking vistas of verdant valleys.
“When someone brings you pictures like this your first reaction auto
matically is, ‘This is a lot of crap,’” said Willy Bar, owner of Bar
Photo, where Meier brought his photos for developing. “I never saw
anything suspicious in the black-and-white film I developed, nor was I
ever told to manipulate anything. ... My personal opinion was always,
‘I don’t know about UFOs, but the pictures are real.’”
The most damaging evidence against the validity of the Meier
photos came from Martin Sorge, one of the hundreds of people who
flocked to Meier’s farm once his story reached the public. Although
Sorge was impressed with Meier and the consistency of his story of
Pleiadian contacts, he remained skeptical. One day after he witnessed
an argument between Meier and his wife, Popi came to him and gave
him several color slides that had been charred by fire. The slides were
of a model spaceship in various settings, and Popi admitted that her
husband had worked with models. Sorge decided to see if he could also
use a model to duplicate Meier’s early pictures. He was partially suc
cessful. He admitted that his photos were not up to the quality of
Meier’s, and author Kinder described them as depicting “a crude and
somewhat stark beamship frozen in an otherwise familiar setting; but
they lacked the feel of Meier’s, the natural relationship that appeared
to exist between his background and his ships. They had no depth.”
Nevertheless, since he had found evidence of models, Sorge became
convinced that Meier was a fraud.
Supporters of Meier have explained that early in his contacts,
Meier decided to build a model to sec if his photos of “beamships”
four planets around the sun Taygeta, in the star system designated by
Earth scientists as M45.
Their home world is the planet Erra, which is very similar to
Earth, being only 10 percent smaller. Manufacturing processes are
confined to other planets, and the four hundred million Pleiadians on
Erra live in a utopian world free of pollution, war, hunger, and disease
thanks to advanced technology and spiritual awareness. Because the
population communicates by telepathy, there is no dishonesty. All basic
necessities are provided freely, and anything beyond that is acquired
through individual barter. There is no money and, hence, no irrational
grasping for wealth and power.
There are no massive cities. The population is spread out across
their world, connected by a series of sentient tubeways that not only
transport the population but educate and inform them along the way.
What government is necessary is provided by a “High Council” com
posed of the wisest and most evolved Pleiadians. Any changes to their
social order must be approved by a vote of the highest percentage of
the population.
According to the Pleiadians, more than three thousand alien craft
visit the earth annually. Most have little or no concern with humans and
only a very small percentage attempt communication, and this is usually
by telepathic means. Due to our common ancestry, the Pleiadians have
taken a special interest in Earth. However, they have agreed to abide by
federation rules, which state that no race shall be allowed to interfere
with the normal evolution of a planet until that world is capable of
leaving its solar system. The Pleiadians state that the earth has almost
reached this ability and they are concerned that earth humans may
reach a point where a hostile alien invasion could occur. Presently, the
Pleiadians prevent such a situation by their mere presence around
the earth.
During conversations with Meier, the Pleiadian Semjase
explained that she was able to travel the five hundred light-years
between Earth and her planet Erra in only seven hours because
“beamship” technology allowed the Pleiadians to move into “hyper
space” and convert themselves and their ships into “fine-matter parti
cles that can travel faster than the speed of light.” The technology7
involved warping time and space. “I am not allowed to give you any
further details,” Semjase told Meier back in the 1970s. “But I can tell
you that your advanced scientific circles are already working on sys
tems known as light-emitting drives and ‘tachyon’ drives. 'The elemen
tal principles are already known to them.” Tom Welch, a friend and
business associate of Lee Elders, was highly skeptical of Billy Meier.
But he was intrigued by Meiers description of the Pleiadian tachyon
drive. “We did learn later that for some period of time specialists
either connected with NASA or with companies like General Dynam
ics had been quietly working on that as a propulsion concept. What’s
interesting is that the man who wrote the notes has a formal education
equivalent to the fifth or sixth grade. He does not live near major
libraries, he does not live near major scientific centers, he doesn’t have
immediate contacts in those fields. At the time, we didn’t know what
‘tachyon’ meant. Most physicists didn’t know what a tachyon was. And
to apply the concept of theoretical tachyon to space propulsion is a
huge step to take,” said an impressed Welch, adding, “But the thing
that was startling to me was that as soon as we started to dig into that,
all of a sudden something else would pop up, in the notes or through
Billy, that was equally sophisticated, unique, and advanced in a differ
ent field.... It all seemed out of context with his personality. It
seemed as if the man had a tutor in various fields who was one incredi
ble tutor.”
Randolph Winters, who claimed that Billy Meier appointed him
to write and lecture on the Pleiadian mission, said Meier’s work was to
prepare mankind for the new major event in history—“open contact
with life forms from other worlds and taking our position in the family
of man in the universe.” Winters said Meier was only one of more
than seventeen thousand humans contacted by the Pleiadians, mostly
through telepathy, and that, while contact with Meier has ceased, the
Pleiadians still man underground bases in Switzerland and Russia
where they maintain a mental connection with a number of humans.
Winters produced a book containing a detailed “history” of cre
ation, alien visits to Earth, and a chronology of human progress,
including views on spiritual growth, death, and reincarnation—all
based on Meier’s notes. While some of Winters’s writings appear quite
rational and well developed—such as his “New Constitution of the
People of Earth”—others still seem outlandish to most. Debunkers, of
course, consider it all hogwash.
But if the UFO researcher ranks were split by rancor and con
tention over the ambiguity of the Meier contactee case, it was nothing
compared to the next great UFO controversy—one that struck much
closer to home.
By the late 1960s, the day of the contactees’ preaching intergalactic
peace and harmony appeared over. Reported contacts with alien beings
became terror-filled experiences involving kidnapping, experimenta
tion, and missing time—yet also filled with awe-inspiring revelations
and portents.
Somewhat ominously, these contacts no longer happened to
people out in the desert or on lonely roads. Now the phenomenon was
taking place as people slept or sat in the perceived safety of their
On the night of January 25, 1967, Betty Andreasson (now Betty
Luca), described as a “simple, unsophisticated country girl,” was in her
home at South Ashburnham, Massachusetts, along with her parents
and seven children, when the lights flickered and then went out. The
family saw a “curious pink light” shining through a kitchen window,
which pulsated and grew brighter. Her father, Waino Aho, looked out
a window and saw small “Halloween freaks” hopping along in line. All
of the family members, except Andreasson, became immobilized and
lost consciousness.
Andreasson was shocked to sec four small beings advancing in a
line through the closed kitchen door. She described them as small
creatures with large pear-shaped heads, gray skin, small slits for ears,
nose, and mouth, and “large wraparound catlike eyes.” She said they
looked like “Mongoloid” people and wore dark blue uniforms with
eaglelike insignia on the left arm. Her daughter, Becky, later had a
conscious memory of the visitors before she too lost consciousness.
Through nonverbal communication—apparently telepathy—
Andreasson learned the group’s leader was called Quazgaa, who indi
cated they knew her name and were there for her particularly. After
some conversation regarding the safety of her family, Andreasson gave
Quazgaa one of the family Bibles, and he presented her with a small,
thin blue book filled with symbols. Andreasson was asked if she would
go with the creatures. Being a devout Christian, she kept asking if they
were men of God. They did not answer this but said they had come to
help save the world, which was “trying to destroy itself.”
Sensing no hostility, Andreasson allowed herself to be floated
inches off the floor, passing through the closed kitchen door along
with the group. Outside, she was taken aboard an oval UFO resting on
struts. On the underside of the craft were three large balls, similar to
those reported by other abductees and depicted in the George
Adamski photos. Once inside, Andreasson was asked to disrobe. After
donning a white robe, she was given a “medical examination” that
included a long needle piercing her navel. When she asked the pur
pose of the exam, she was told it had to do with creation, but that
“there was some parts missing.” Interestingly, Andreasson had under
gone a hysterectomy some years previously. During the examination,
Andreasson was treated very much like a medical patient. One of the
creatures told her, “These things won’t hurt you. Just lie still—very
still.” She said that during this ordeal, something was removed from
behind her eye with a long flexible needle.
After the exam, Andreasson said she was allowed to dress and
then taken down what seemed like an “underground corridor” to a room
where she was enshrouded with a “translucent canopy” that soon filled
with a thick gray liquid or gel. She was told to keep her eyes closed and
breathe through tubes. She then felt she was transported to a different
place. Later, under hypnosis, Andreasson declared, “I left this Earth. I
believe we were in space, and somehow I believe we were in the center
of the Earth. Now how can you be in both?” Author Raymond E.
Fowler, who chronicled Betty’s saga, noted that during the entire experi
ence “Betty felt somehow under their control.” He wrote, “Their polite
requests created an illusion of free will, but in reality, she found that her
choice always corresponded with their wishes. Her willpower seemed
mesmerized by powerful influences beyond her ken.”
Andreasson’s experiences took a yet stranger turn as she claimed
to be escorted into a world where “the atmosphere was a vibrating red
color” and strange lemurlike creatures with eyes on stalks climbed
around on stucco-type buildings. Next, she passed through a green
She said the visitors explained that the blackouts were caused to
show man his true nature, namely that “Man seeks to destroy himself
[through] greed.... Everything has been provided for man. Simple
things. He could be advanced so far, but greed gets in the way . ..
other worlds are involved in man’s world. Man is very arrogant and
greedy and he thinks that all worlds revolve around him.” She claimed
to have been given information that seventy different alien races—
“Some come from realms where you cannot see their hiding place.
Some come from the very Earth”—have been working for the better
ment of mankind on Earth “since the beginning of time.” These races
all work together except for one that is an “enemy.”
Once home, Andreasson said she kept the small blue alien book
for about ten days but that it then disappeared from her closet. She
said she had been told she could not keep it long.
Due to the outlandishness—or “high strangeness,” as some call
it—of Andreasson’s story, a twelve-month investigation was launched
by the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), which included interviews,
hypnosis, background and character checks, and the use of lie detec
tors and a Physiological Stress Evaluator (PSE). The 1972 PSE analy
sis report on both Andreasson and Becky concluded, “They were
telling the truth with regards to the 1967 incident. ... In the opinion
of this analyst, the results are conclusive.”
Betty’s story was first published twelve years after the incident,
leaving little room for the argument that it was concocted for profit.
Andreasson’s hypnosis was conducted by Dr. Harold J. Edelstein,
director of the New England Institute of Hypnosis. Dr. Edelstein con
cluded that both Andreasson and her daughter, Becky, truly believed in
the truth of their story. “During deep trance hypnotic regression ses
sions, Andreasson and Becky relived their traumatic experience in
great detail,” noted Fowler. “They each expressed natural apprehen
sion, fear, wonder, concern, pain and joy. Their facial expressions,
voice tones and tears were obviously genuine.”
In considering the religious connotations of Andreasson’s expe
rience, Fowler considered “that Quazgaa may have paid lip service to
Betty’s religious convictions simply in order to ensure her compli
ance.” He also mused that if the entire trip was “stage managed” by
the aliens as a “reward” for Andreasson, “it’s not inconceivable that
they might have picked a symbol [the Phoenix] that was obsolete by
some 1,500 years!” Such speculation led Fowler to wonder, “Could it
be possible that visiting extraterrestrials might in actuality be interstel
lar missionaries?”
In an introduction co Fowlers book, CUFOS director Dr.
J. Allen Hynek wrote that the Andreasson case revealed how “surpris-
ingly complex” the UFO issue had become. “The man on the street’s
simple opinion that either UFOs are all nonsense or that visitors
from outer space do exist is brutally destroyed by close study,” he
stated, adding, "Those who still hold that the entire subject of UFOs
is nonsense will be sorely challenged if they have the courage to take
an honest look at the [Andreasson] book. For whatever the UFO
phenomenon is—or are—it is not nonsense. It would take an imagi
nation of the highest order to explain the reported happenings
described herein as mere misidentifications of balloons, aircraft,
meteors, or planets! Neither is there the slightest evidence of hoax or
contrivance.” Interestingly enough, vocal debunkers Philip Klass and
Curtis Peebles failed to address the Andreasson case in their books.
They did give space to a 1973 incident involving two
Pascagoula, Mississippi, fisherman who claimed they were abducted
and given a physical examination by aliens. Charles Hickson, forty-
five, and Calvin Parker, nineteen, both shipyard workers, said that on
the evening of October 11, they were fishing on the Pascagoula River
when they heard a “zipping” sound, then saw three small beings exit
from a glowing UFO hovering nearby. The creatures, described as
three feet tall with gray wrinkled skin or covering with slits for eyes
and clawlike hands, floated over and took the immobilized men aboard
their craft. Inside, both men were scrutinized by a football-shaped
device that resembled a large eye. After the exam, which lasted less
than an hour, the men were returned to the river dock.
Sheriff Fred Diamond questioned the pair and stated, “They
were scared to death and on the verge of a heart attack.” A tape
recorder was left running while the pair were left alone, yet their
demeanor didn’t change. One was heard to cry out, “God help me.
Don’t let me die.” They were even examined unsuccessfully for radia
tion at nearby Kessler AFB. Investigator Dr. James Harder from the
Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) arrived and con
cluded, “The experience of Hickson and Parker was a real one. It was
not a hallucination.” With Harder was Dr. J. Allen Hynek, by now
head of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), who concluded,
“There simply is no question in my mind that these men have had a
very real, frightening experience.” Hickson and Parker became
celebrities, appearing on a number of radio and TV programs.
Debunker Philip Klass soon arrived in Mississippi and the clash
of mind-sets began. Klass argued that operators of two nearby toll
booths had not reported any UFOs that night. Next, Klass denigrated
the polygraph test that depicted the men as truthful because he
claimed the operator was inexperienced and noncertified. Klass noted
minute discrepancies in Hicksons story; such as first calling the alien’s
rience to respond correctly, but author Philip Klass noted that some
time later Dalis was charged with theft and may have flunked his test
due to the fear of incriminating himself. As to the other five, Gilson
concluded, “These polygraph examinations proved that these five men
did see some object that they believe to be a UFO and that Travis
Walton was not injured or murdered by any of these men. ... If an
actual UFO did not exist and the UFO is a man-made hoax, five of
these men had no prior knowledge of a hoax.”
Early on November 11, Walton called home from a telephone
booth near Heber and shortly was able to tell his own story. He said
the beam of light from the UFO in the woods knocked him out. When
he regained consciousness, he found himself in a strange room. In
pain, his first thought was, “Thank God, I’m in a hospital.” But then
he saw around him three small humanoids dressed in one-piece cover
alls. “They had bulging, oversized craniums, a small jaw structure, and
an undeveloped appearance to their features that was almost infantile,”
Walton recalled. “Their thin-lipped mouths were narrow and I never
saw them open. Lying close to their heads on either side were the tiny
crinkled lobes of their ears. Their miniature rounded noses had small
oval nostrils.” Later he described these beings as overgrown fetuses
with large eyes.
Panicky; Walton picked up a device like a glass rod and was con
sidering attacking the trio when they hurried out of the room as
though they could sense his intent. He then made his way though what
apparently was a spacecraft. Wandering into a dome-topped room
containing a chair and a console of sorts, Walton noticed that as he
approached the chair, one wall became increasingly translucent,
revealing stars against the blackness of space.
Suddenly he was confronted by a man standing in the doorway.
Walton said the man was more than six feet tall, muscular, with coarse,
sandy blond hair that covered his ears. The man wore a blue one-piece
suit and a transparent helmet. This man, with piercing gold-hazel
eyes, did not speak but motioned Walton to follow him. Walton was
led through some sort of airlock and into a large hangarlike area that
contained three small saucerlike craft. He was taken into a room
beside the hangar, which contained two more men and a woman, all
dressed identically to his guide. Walton said all four looked “alike in a
family sort of way, although they were not identical.” Walton lay down
on a table, and the woman approached him with what looked like an
oxygen mask. The next thing Walton remembered was waking up on
the highway outside Heber and seeing a bright circular object rise into
the night sky. Exhausted, Walton was fully dressed but discovered he
had lost eleven pounds during his five missing days.
Star Children
In 1982, New York artist Budd Hopkins published a book entitled
Missing Time dealing with abduction cases he had studied since 1975.
His book prompted twenty-three-year-old “Kathie Davis” to write and
tell of a “missing time” incident involving her sister years before. She
also said that on the night of June 30, 1983, she had seen a strange
“spotlight” in her backyard, then found a burned area in the grass and
the family dog cowering under a car.
After some time, Hopkins met with the woman, and over a
course of months, aided by hypnosis, he learned an incredible story he
published in a book called Intruders. Kathie now has been identified as
Debbie Tomey, who lived near Indianapolis, Indiana.
Under hypnosis, Tomey told of multiple contacts beginning as a
child in 1966 when she recalled a small creature visiting in her home
and leaving her with a small scar on her leg. As a new bride in 1978,
she awoke one night to find two small beings with large heads and eyes
that were “pitch black in color, liquid-like, shimmering in the dim
light” of her bedroom. Over the next few years, Tomey recalled under
hypnosis that she was taken aboard a UFO for gynecological studies
several times.
On October 3, 1983, following an earlier encounter with a
small, gray-skinned creature, Tomey recalled being taken from her
home and placed in a UFO. After yet another physical examination,
Tomey was shown a small infant and led to believe it was hers, the
result on an earlier abduction. In an emotional interview with Hop
kins, Tomey described the event: “A little girl came into the room . . .
escorted by two more of them [aliens].. . . She looked to be about four.
She looked about [my son’s] size. He’s four, and she didn’t look like
them, but she didn’t look like us either. She was real pretty. She looked
like an elf, or an ... angel. She had really big blue eyes and little
teeny-weeny nose, just so perfect. And her mouth was just so perfect
and tiny, and she was pale, except her lips were pink and her eyes were
blue. And her hair was white and wispy and thin ... fine . . . real thin
and fine. Her head was a little larger than normal. especially in the
forehead . . . the forehead was a little bit bigger . . . but she was just a
doll.” Tomey said she somehow sensed that the child belonged to her.
Later the aliens would tell her that this was one of nine children they
had created from tissue taken from her body over the years.
Hopkins believed that the child shown to Tomey was the result
of an abduction in 1978. which would have made the child the right
age. Hopkins gave descriptions of the UFO medical procedures to Dr.
John Burger, director of gynecology and obstetrics at Perth Amboy
Hospital in New Jersey. Dr. Burger said they sounded remarkably sim
ilar to procedures modem medicine uses to take female reproductive
cells for creating “test-tube" babies. Hopkins also compared Debbies
experience with other cases he had studied and commented. “Whether
we Like it or not the patterns exist—fight, clear patterns which are
often buttressed by existing medical evidence.”
“So we are left with two possible lines of explanation." wrote
Hopkins. “The first requires the existence of a new and heretofore
unknown psychological phenomenon, in which women ‘hallucinate’
nearly identical scenes, involving nearly identical semi-human babies.
And this previously unknown psychological phenomenon apparently
affects the results of chemical tests for pregnancy, turning negatives
into positives... . The other remaining explanation is simple but
‘untenable’: The women [Hopkins cited four separate cases] are actu
ally remembering what they saw. Their experiences were real. Both of
these explanations, it is safe to say, violate conventional wisdom."
Author Curtis Peebles raised a valid point by detailing Tomey s
medical history; which included obesity due to hormonal imbalance,
“having had her gall bladder and appendix removed, and having suf
fered from hepatitis. Legionnaires' disease, fused vertebrae, an asth
matic attack, years of insomnia and paralyzing anxiety, a collapsed
lung, heart arrhythmia, hypoglycemia, hvperadrenism, high blood
pressure, chronic allergic reaction co medications, ovarian cysts and
kidney failure." Peebles dryly noted that her medical record “makes
her an extremely dubious donor for high-quality genetic mate
rial.However, as illustrated by the hysterectomies ot Hill and
Andreasson. apparently a deficient medical profile is no guarantee
against abduction.
Naturally, debunkers of the concept of alien hybrid experimen
tation claim that all such reports are the result of psychological unbal
ance aided by reading or hearing of other such stories. Author Peebles
pointed to the precedents set by TV shows and movies. including the
unemotional Air Spock of Star Trek. “The abductee myth has nutncr-
A Time of Communion
Already successful as a novelist dealing with issues such as nuclear war
and environmental catastrophe, Whitley Strieber launched himself
into the maelstrom of the UFO issue in 1987 with the publication of
Comnninion: A True Stony. The book, which quickly hit number one on
the Neiv York Times nonfiction best-seller list and went on to become a
worldwide success, detailed Strieber’s account of his experiences with
UFO occupants.
Strieber claimed his experiences ranged over a period of years
beginning in childhood and later moved between his New York City
apartment and a secluded cabin in upstate New York. It was at the lat
ter residence in December 1985 diat Strieber had his first conscious
meeting with what he came to call the “visitors,” a term deliberately
chosen for its vagueness. His account included all the staples of abduc
tion lore, such as feelings of dread and apprehension, strange lights,
missing time, abduction, and medical examination. As an articulate
person as well as an accomplished author, Strieber was able to convey
the subtleties and emotions of the contact experience much better than
Following his abduction experience, Strieber visited both his
own doctor and psychiatrist Dr. Donald Kline. Both pronounced
Strieber entirely normal. Furthermore, a lie detector test adminis
tered in February 1987 by Jeremy G. Barrett, managing director of
Polygraph Security Services of London, determined Strieber “truth
ful in response to all questions,” including “Are the ‘visitors’ a physi
cal reality?—Yes.” Strieber’s experiences were further corroborated
by hypnosis.
After the success of a second Strieber book, Transformation,
investigative journalist Ed Conroy looked in detail at Strieber’s story
and background. He found childhood friends who confirmed strange
events in the authors past, including balls of light in the sky and a
charred circle in his backyard—although the latter could have been
Midnight Visits
Researcher and California artist Jefferson R. Weekley reported a pleas
ant visit with unearthly beings as the result of a psychedelic experience
in 1992. Although his admitted use of a potent psychedelic may cause
many to discount his story as a drug-induced hallucination, it is worth
noting the similarity of his account with other descriptions of alien vis
Three months after ingesting a mushroom containing psilocy
bin, Weekley said he awoke in the middle of the night to find three
small figures standing by his bed. “They were white with small, frail
bodies, large triangular heads and big luminous black eyes,” he
recalled. “Fear gripped me. I felt helpless. The figures just stood there
staring at me. They were really there! They were emanating a feeling
of surprise and curiosity. Then somehow I knew that they hadn’t come
to me but I had entered their world. I decided to treat this as a lucid
dream and I willed myself to ‘wake up.’ I could sense a feeling of
bewilderment coming from the three creatures as they receded from
me. I returned to my normal state of awareness and I looked around.
The room was empty.”
Weekley said this and other experiences caused him to take an
interest in UFO literature, since the depiction of the popularized
“greys” was very similar to the little beings he saw in his home. “The
little people were curious and playful beings that were more elf-like
than the alien scientists doing frightening genetic experiments on
unwilling subjects,” he added. “I knew these beings were not from
some other planet. They exist in a world that is just next door, and
they are waiting with happy expectation for us to come through.”
While the frightening alien abduction scenarios grab the pub
lic’s attention, there are many people not using drugs who also report
benign contact.
Charlene Adams is a forty-seven-year-old registered nurse in
Dallas, Texas, who is now convinced that she has been the subject of
alien visitations all her life. “I’ve been abducted since a young age,” she
said, “and it scared me very much. I knew I would the of fright, but I
didn’t. It was very strange and unreal and I couldn’t remember much
of w hat happened. So I didn’t tell anybody. But all my adult life I have
had the feeling that aliens—die greys—have been around me.”
Adams said a late-night visitation in 1995 awakened abduc
tion memories within her and finally convinced her of the reality of
her experiences. “One night there was one in my bedroom. I could
couch it in terms of a dream, but it wasn’t. It was reality. I know
because I reached out and touched him. It was real. It felt familiar,
loving. I lost all fear. He told me they had been waiting a long time
for me to awaken. He said his name was Orion. When I asked where
he was from, he replied he was from Waxahatchie [a small commu
nity south of Dallas popular for its Indian name, pronounced Wock-
se-hatch-ee]. He definitely had a sense of humor. He also said I was
part of some 3,000 people on Earth that wrere part of his network.
He said these people were at different levels of consciousness
regarding his presence. Some of these people are consciously aware of
his involvement, but many others are not. I am now one of the con
scious ones. My life is no different now except the fear is gone. Now
I’m a volunteer.”
With her experience, Adams joined a growing but largely unre
ported group of people who view the abductions as an ongoing part of
alien visitation in connection with the evolution of mankind. They
believe they have a role to play in this movement.
Regardless of their view on the issue, abductee self-help groups
have sprung up all across the nation, and many mental health profes
sionals have begun taking a serious look at the matter. These profes
sionals along with researchers have logged a number of common
aspects to the abduction experience over the years.
receive information of battles for the fate of the Earth and the control
of the human mind, between two or more groups of beings, some of
which are more evolved or ‘good,’ while others are less evolved or
Only rarely are abductees seen or found missing during the pro
cess of abduction. “Independent witnessing of an abduction does
occur,” wrote Mack, “but is, in my experience, relatively rare and lim
ited in nature.”
Another facet of the abduction experience involves the reported
implantation of tiny devices in an abductee’s body. This new wrinkle
on the abduction theme is only now being studied carefully by a few
ently from Price’s clothing, which penetrated the skin. The bulk of the
object consisted of “carbon, oxygen and hydrogen plus substances that
looked like collagen, cholesterol, and layers of degenerated cellular
matter” consistent with “an old trauma site on the body.”
The lack of definitive proof that an alien implant came from
Price’s body was typical of the problems encountered with this issue,
despite the object’s sensitive and atypical location.
While this report was disappointing to anyone hoping to find
proof of an alien implant, it should be noted that such evidence cannot
be regarded as absolute proof that such implants don’t exist. Dr. John
Mack noted that it would be “extremely difficult to make a positive
diagnosis of the nature of any unknown substance without having
more information about its origins.”
Mack was given a small, wirelike object by one of his clients,
who said she took it from her nose following an abduction experience.
Analysis showed it was a twisted fiber composed of carbon, silicon,
oxygen, and traces of other elements. “A nuclear biologist colleague
said the ‘specimen’ was not a naturally occurring biological object but
could be a manufactured fiber of some sort. It seemed difficult to know
how to proceed further,” he added.
Dr. Richard Neal, a medical doctor who has studied the UFO
issue since the early 1960s, is cofounder of the Southern California
UFO Research and Abductee Support Group. In an exhaustive study
of abduction cases, Dr. Neal wrote, “The nasal cavity, ears, eyes and
genitalia appear to be the physical areas of greatest interest to abduct
ing aliens. The umbilical region—navel—is as well, but in females
only. Many abductees have described a thin probe with a tiny ball on
its end being inserted into the nostril—usually on the right side. They
are able to hear a ‘crushing’ type sound as the bone in this area is
apparently being penetrated. Many will have nosebleeds following
these examinations.. .. Many researchers believe that alien technology
is being used to insert an implant into this area for future tracking of
the individual. It is interesting to note that many of the individuals
subjected to nasal probing now have a history of chronic sinusitis.”
The idea of aliens using devices to trace individuals—much like
the electronic tags game wardens place on certain animals to keep
track of them—is supported by several abductees, including one of
Mack’s clients, who claimed her abductors told her an object placed
within her body was “to monitor me.”
Abductee Betty Andreasson reported that during her examina
tion, her captors removed something from behind her right eye with a
long needlelike probe pushed up through her nose. Author Raymond
Fowler, who chronicled the Andreasson story, was able to link this
mally found in surface tissues such as hair and nails, in the objects,
which gave off an odd green fluorescence when subjected to ultraviolet
light. Sims said he suspects that the implants may concern behavior
modification. “We have only scant evidence to indicate that might be
true” he said, “but there again, scant evidence is better than none.”
Author and abduction investigator Budd Hopkins urged
extreme caution in dealing with oddities removed from people’s bod
ies. “Mere anomalousness is not enough for the skeptics,” he told one
reporter. “It must be something we all agree is not something of this
Earth. .. . There is sort of an assumption we make that these things
will be monitoring or transmitting devices. But they may have differ
ent functions than anything we can possibly imagine. And when it
comes to non-human or ET technology, we have to assume there will
be implant qualities that we can neither measure nor detect.”
With hard evidence of alien implants still up in the air and
nothing but a multitude of accounts of abductions, UFO researchers
continued to seek that one case that would capture the public’s atten
Several thought they may have found it in a recent incident—
still under investigation—which involved multiple witnesses, including
government agents and a ranking United Nations official. But this
case, like the abduction phenomenon in general, is not susceptible to
an easy explanation or interpretation.
kins entitled, Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO
This would have been only one more typical abduction experi
ence except for activities that began in February 1991, when Hopkins
received a letter from two men claiming to be policemen identified
only as “Richard” and “Dan.” The pair said they had witnessed Linda’s
abduction from their car parked a few blocks away. They said they
were on duty in Manhattan when they saw a woman being floated
from a apartment house into a hovering UFO, which then dived into
the East River not far from the Brooklyn Bridge. After the UFO failed
to return after more than forty-five minutes, the pair became anxious
over the fate of the woman. Hopkins informed Linda of the men’s let
ter and alerted her that they might contact her.
Linda indeed was visited by “Richard” and “Dan” some weeks
later. They appeared greatly relieved to find her alive and well and, on
her urging, agreed to contact Hopkins again. The author soon
received further correspondence from the pair as well as a taped mes
sage. They explained that they could not go public because they were
really security agents who on the night of Corti le’s abduction were
transporting an international political figure to a rendezvous with a
helicopter. Although Hopkins referred to this person only as “the third
man” in his book, several publications identified him as none other
than former United Nations secretary-general Javier Perez de Cuellar.
The agents said their car had suddenly stopped and, while waiting, all
three men witnessed the abduction. This statement led Hopkins to
believe that the entire episode had been a “display” to prove the reality
of abductions staged by aliens for the benefit of Cuellar, who report
edly was accompanied by two U.S. government officials and two other
statesmen plus several security agents. Some of these witnesses recalled
seeing the UFO, while others only remembered that their cars stalled,
according to “Richard.”
Months later, Hopkins said he was contacted by a retired tele
phone operator who said her car also stopped while crossing the
Brooklyn Bridge in the early-morning hours of November 30, 1989.
The woman said she too witnessed the abduction. Drawings made of
the event by this woman reportedly closely matched drawings made bv
one of the security agents. By the publication of his book on the case,
Hopkins claimed to have found a total of six separate witnesses to the
Many ufologists initially thought the Brooklyn Bridge abduc
tion story to be the “case of the century,” the one account that would
prove the reality of the abduction experience. But like so much of the
whole UFO issue, it too fell into disarray as investigation continued. A
September 10. She noted a peculiar medicinal odor at the site, some
thing “like incense.”
Two weeks after Lady’s death, the body was examined by Dr.
John Henry Altshuler, then a pathologist at Rose Medical Center in
Denver. Dr. Altshuler found the horse had been cut from the neck
down to the base of the chest by a “vertical, clean incision.” He also
discovered that the edge of the cut was firm and of a darker color, as if
the flesh had been cauterized with a laser beam. However, as Dr. Alt
shuler noted, “There was no surgical laser technology like that in
1967.” At least there was no such technology as far as the public knew.
The doctor also discovered that some of Lady’s internal organs
were missing, notably the heart, lungs, and thyroid. “Most amazing
was the lack of blood,” Dr. Altshuler recalled years later. “I have done
hundreds of autopsies. You can’t cut into a body without getting some
blood. But there was no blood on the skin or on the ground. No blood
anywhere. That impressed me the most.”
The strangeness of Lady’s death increased when it was learned
that several people reported seeing a UFO in the area just before the
mutilated horse was found. San Luis Valley resident Duane Martin
said he had seen several small “jets” zooming around at very high
speeds but at very low altitude in the area of Lady’s death. Even Harry
King’s eighty-seven-year-old mother, Agnes King, claimed a “large
object” had passed over the King ranch house the night Lady died.
Mrs. King said that due to failing eyesight, she could not be sure what
the object was. By the first week in October 1967, news articles about
the mutilation had been published in nearby Pueblo, Colorado.
In the news reports, Lady was misidentified as “Snippy,” the
name of her mother corralled near the King ranch. But, mistakes aside,
the connection between the horse mutilation and UFOs was too good
a story to pass up. Reports were picked up and disseminated by news
services. One headline read, “Dead Horse Riddle Sparks UFO Buffs.”
It was also the first widely reported animal mutilation case in
the United States, and it set the stage for reports of mutilations that
continue even today. Much later, various theories were advanceded to
explain Lady’s death. One veterinarian, Dr. Robert O. Adams, postu
lated that someone found the horse suffering from a severe infection
and cut her throat to end the pain. Another, Dr. Wallace Leary,
claimed to have found two bullet holes while reconstructing Lady’s
hindquarters, and Dr. Richard O. Norton, drafting a report for the
Desert Research Institute at the University of Nevada, concluded that
since there were thunderstorms in the area at the time of death, Lady'
may have been struck by lightning. “None of these persons, except Dr.
Altshuler, examined the horse at the time of death,” noted mutilation
A Typical Mutilation
A typical mutilation account can be found in the following March 10,
1975, “Officer’s Report” from the Cochran County, Texas, Sheriff’s
Department, filed by Sheriff C. G. Richards:
radiation. There was not enough to hurt any one or thing, and they
left. What I want to know [is] how did it get there in the first place.
I have had reports of UFOs in this area, but have not seen any
myself. The people that have been reporting this all tell the same
story. It is about as wide as a two-lane highway, round and looks the
color of the sun when it is going down and has got a blue glow
around it. I have watched the news and the paper and when these
people see this thing, in two or three days later, we hear about some
cows that have been mutilated. I don’t know what is doing this, but it
sure has got everyone around here up tight, so who knows. . . .
me for a while but now many people are saying it is a condor from
South America.... If I get a safe shot at it, I’m going to shoot.”
Padilla added he thought the big bird might be responsible for recent
cattle mutilations in the area.
Another down-to-earth explanation for the animal deaths was
that bloodthirsty cults were on a nocturnal prowl.
sedate the cattle. Then, after amyl nitrite was held to the animal’s nose
to induce a rapid heartbeat, its blood was withdrawn using a large
syringe. Footprints were concealed by wrapping their feet in card
board, and blowtorches were used to melt snow, obliterating tracks.
Round holes were punched in the earth to simulate landing gear in an
effort to misdirect investigators. Both Bankston and Dugan claimed
the Satanists wanted the mutilations to appear like the result of an
extraterrestrial visitation.
The mens allegations stirred up a spate of news stories. The
public was alternately calmed by the prospect of a human explanation
for the mutilations and horrified at the prospect of rampaging cultists.
But then this fascinating explanation began to fall apart.
Both Bankston and Dugan, in separate incidents, escaped jail.
Both were quickly recaptured, but authorities suspected that the men
had concocted their stories as part of an elaborate escape plan after
reading news accounts of mutilations. Furthermore, an enterprising
Texas reporter obtained the criminal record of the man Bankston and
Dugan identified as the cults leader. The man’s record showed he had
been in jail most of the time Bankston and Dugan claimed he was lead
ing the nightly surgery sessions. Other leaders of the cult the two con
victs fingered passed lie detector tests as to their activities at the times
in question.
The sheer enormity of the Satan-did-it theory worked against
it. For example, in the two years between 1975 and 1977, more than
fifteen hundred cattle were killed and mutilated in twenty-two states.
This would mean that the cultists had to locate, anesthetize, kill, and
butcher more than two cows each day. Counting travel time to each
occurrence, the cultists would have had to spend every waking hour
slaughtering cattle.
“We ran extensive undercover investigations on cults around
that time,” recalled Colorado CBI chief Whiteside. “We could prove
that these groups existed, but we could never prove that they were
involved in any criminal activities, including cattle mutilations. This
doesn’t mean they weren’t responsible for a few of those animals. It
just means we were never able to gather any evidence on it.
“It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. ... [Some] people simply
will not accept an earthly, normal solution to this tiling. They want it
to be flying saucers or a government conspiracy. They won’t accept
anything else. . . .”
No cultist ever broke ranks and talked about this incredible
achievement, and various police agencies could find no hard evidence
substantiating this possibility. It was all too much to swallow, and the
Satanist theory was quickly dropped by the news media.
tion case. This was a step forward, since back in 1975, Senator Floyd
K. Haskell of Colorado had asked the bureau to investigate mutila
tions, but bureau officials declined. Then FBI director Clarence Kelley
said that evidence of interstate activities was not strong enough to war
rant federal involvement.
Schmitt, in welcoming guests, described the 1979 animal muti
lation conference’s purpose as one “to further define the scope of the
problem, the full basis for federal assistance to state and local authori
ties and to examine the possible FBI activities which will be of value in
solving these crimes.”
“Finally, someone is going to do something about this,” said one
jubilant sheriff’s deputy. Cattlemen, ranchers, and lawmen from sev
eral states had flocked to Albuquerque, eager to learn what might be
responsible for the mysterious mutilation deaths.
They were sorely disappointed.
From the start the one-dav conference seemed to pit ranchers,
law officers, and private researchers against a host of state and federal
officials who were obviously taking a “let’s-not-get-excited” attitude.
In fact, almost every government official, especially from the federal
quarter, showed near hostility toward the whole issue.
Even the experts were divided. Dr. James Prine, a veterinarian
pathologist from Los Alamos, New Mexico, said he had examined six
cattle carcasses and concluded the “cut wounds” were probably caused
by animals. He cited one incidence of a family dog making lesions on a
dead horse similar to those in mutilation cases. However, Dr. Clair
Hibbs of the New Mexico State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory said
that while his investigation of Kansas mutilations showed that some
apparendy were the work of coyotes, several others indicated the use
of surgical instruments.
Dozens of law enforcement officers attending the conference
planned to share their mutilation evidence but were warned against
this at the start of the meeting by New Mexico U.S. attorney R. E.
Thompson, who asked the officers “not to bring out any evidentiary
material which might be used at a later trial.” That meant no statements,
no photos, no toxicology reports, no nothing. Although a conciliatory
Schmitt later urged the officers “not to shy away from the evidence too
much,” many of the attending law enforcement personnel privately said
they felt “muzzled.”
Cpt. Keith Wolverton of the Cascade County Sheriff’s Depart
ment in Great Falls, Montana, was one of the lawmen expected to
present sensational evidence he had gathered during his mutilation
investigations. But when requested to present his material, Wolverton
merely announced, “I have nothing to offer at this time.” Later, when
asked if the decision not to present his material was entirely his own,
Wolverton replied, “No.”
So, with law enforcement officials effectively silenced, the con
ference quickly degenerated into spiteful arguments between irate
ranchers and mutilation researchers versus government experts and
spokesmen who offered various explanations, most of which centered
on the discredited idea that predators were mostly behind the mutila
Apparendy even Senator Schmitt began to have second
thoughts on his crusade to learn the truth about mutilations. At the
end of the mutilation conference, Schmitt urged that a multidisci
plinary scientific task force be created to study the phenomenon, then
added, “That’s all I have to say.”
No such task force was ever forthcoming. However, four days
after the ill-fated conference, the Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration (LEAA) announced the awarding of a $50,000 grant to
investigate cattle mutilations. Former FBI agent Ken Rommel, who
had displayed skepticism at the Schmitt conference, was placed in
After a year studying only fifteen of the twenty-nine mutila
tions reported to him, Rommel issued a 297-page report entitled
“Operation Animal Mutilation” in May 1980. Since prior to the
release of his official report Rommel had stated he was convinced
there was nothing unnatural going on, it was no surprise when his
report concluded, “There is simply no concrete evidence to support
the theory that mutilations are being conducted as experiments by
highly skilled individuals using precision instruments. The facts cited
to support this belief are at best questionable, and in many cases
involve incredible flights of fantasy.” It appeared that mind-sets were
again clashing.
But if nothing else, the New Mexico conference was an excel
lent opportunity for persons from several different states interested in
mutilations to compare notes.
Mutilation Traits
Researchers and lawmen discovered that there were certain factors
common to classic mutilation cases. Among these were:
Some mutilated animals were found with broken legs and backs,
even horns pushed into the ground, as if they had been dropped to the
ground from a significant height.
tongue was cut out and its horns and spine were broken as if it had
fallen from a considerable height. Yet there was not trace of blood, no
footprints. Coyote tracks stopped about 30 feet from the body.” Scott’s
experience, multiplied by hundreds more, clearly showed that a gen
uine phenomenon was taking place, not just overheated imaginations
due to media reports.
A former U.S. marshal turned cattle rancher may have gotten a
look at one of the mysterious craft. Late one afternoon in August
1993, Leslie D. Weisenhorn was irrigating fields on his ranch near
Holly, Colorado, when he saw a large silver “dome” squatting on the
ground in a pasture. Based on the distance between fence posts,
Weisenhorn estimated the object as fifty feet wide and about twelve
feet high. “It was almost glowing,” he recalled, “and at first I thought
it was a great big old stock trailer. I figured someone was stealing cat
tle. So I ran back to the house to get my guns. I was going to shoot
them and then call the sheriff to come pick up the bodies.”
Weisenhorn raced back to his house, donned a bulletproof vest,
and grabbed two guns. Returning to the field, he found the object was
gone. He was puzzled that he could find no tracks—neither tires not
footprints—in the muddy field. However, in checking the field early
the next morning, he discovered one of his calves dead from precise
but bloodless incisions. “It was strange,” said Weisenhorn. “You could
tell this 350- to 400-pound calf had been spun in almost a perfect cir
cle by the marks in the mud, yet there was no footprints or tire marks
anywhere. None of the other cows would come to that section of the
field and even the calf’s own mother wouldn’t come close.” Weisen
horn, who retired as a supervisor of marshals after seventeen years of
federal service, said the government knows much more than it admits
about these things. “They don’t want the people to know that on the
evolutionary scale, we’re not much more evolved than the ordinary
pissant,” he commented.
In August 1995, Weisenhorn found another mutilated steer in
the same location. “This is the same kind of substantial link between
mutilations and UFOs that has been going on for forty years,” com
mented Howe.
Howe said the one case that most persuaded her that extrater
restrials were behind the mutilations involved a woman named Judy
Doraty, who may have been one of the only persons to actually witness
an animal mutilation in progress.
The woman suffered from headaches and anxiety for several
years until in 1978 she underwent hypnosis, which revealed memories
of an abduction.
An Abduction Remembered
On March 13, 1980, at the urging of Linda Howe, Judy Doraty under
went hypnosis by Dr. Leo Sprinkle, then director of the Division of
Counseling and Testing at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. It
was then that her entire ordeal came out.
It was a late evening in May 1973 as Doraty, her teenage daugh
ter, her mother, her sister-in-law, and her brother-in-law drove home
from playing bingo in Houston, Texas.
“What’s that light?” asked her mother, pointing out of the car
window. “I think it’s a helicopter,” said the brother-in-law. “See that
big spotlight. They must be looking for something.”
“But it’s not moving,” commented Doraty.
After several miles the light was still hanging in the night sky.
“It’s a helicopter, I tell you. It’s probably heading for Galveston
Airport. It’s heading away from us and that’s why it doesn’t appear to
move,” offered the brother-in-law. The light didn’t change in size.
The whole episode was beginning to puzzle Doraty, so she pulled the
car to the side of the road and listened for the sound of helicopter
rotors. There was no sound on the night air. She stepped out of the car
and could see that there was something of substance behind the bright
light. Walking to the rear of the car, she saw a pale yellow light
extending to the ground from the hovering craft. It was a light that
appeared to have substance to it, like dust particles in a swirling
Looking up, she saw a calf in the light, looking quite small as it
was drawn up toward the light. She immediately had a feeling that she
should not have been seeing this. “I’m not suppose to talk about this,”
she thought. “It is an accident that I am seeing this.”
Suddenly Doraty felt as though she was in two separate places at
once. Part of her was still standing by the side of the road while
another part was inside the hovering craft.
The part in the craft was aware of two little humanoids standing
beside her. They had long clawlike hands and large heads. They were
only about three feet tall. They wore gray body suits, and the skin of
their hands and heads appeared white and somewhat translucent.
Their eyes were large with no eyelids. They were piercing and fright
The “men” were talking to her in English, the voices high-
pitched, as though someone were holding his nose while he talked. She
could not see them talking with a mouth, but she heard them distinctly
nevertheless. She came to feel their communication was mental.
“You’re not suppose to be here,” was the message. She
knew she was in a laboratory where the pair conducted tests. But the
time was not right to explain what the tests were about. The pair indi
cated they were stationed here on earth and were only doing a job.
They indicated their work was necessary and for the betterment of
mankind—that mankind could destroy itself through pollution.
Though she listened attentively, the men said she probably wouldn’t
understand their explanation.
The problem apparently involves man-made toxins working
their way through the food chain. It has something to do with chemi
cals and chemical changes. It has to do somehow with nuclear testing
or wastes, which are causing a change in certain chemical composi
tions. Much more is involved than simple pollution.
She understood that the problem has already passed a certain
state. It has moved from water to vegetation onto animals. She was
told the situation can still be reversed but there will still be loss of life
because it has gotten to the point where there is so much poison in the
water that people are going to the from it. The extent of contamina
tion was being determined by studying the reproduction system of ani
Doraty decided she was being treated like a child by the pair. If
they felt a need to respond to her questions, they would. Otherwise
they ignored her or made her feel stupid for asking questions.
She asked the pair about God and they responded, “He’s the
same to us as He is to you.”
All the while the pair continued to work on the calf that had
been lifted into the craft. It was in a tiny round room. Moving quickly,
the two excised parts from the calf. For some reason the calf’s heart
was not removed and it did not the immediately. Probes were inserting
in various parts of the calf. There were examinations of the teeth,
tongue, eyes, ears, and reproductive organs. They were particularly
interested in the reproductive organs because they said that with each
generation, the poison becomes more pronounced.
Doraty understood that these tests were not confined to cattle,
but done on almost every animal imaginable. She watched as the calf
was dropped to the ground near where it had been taken. It was dead,
and she was sickened by what she had witnessed. She heard the two
beings laughing and saying that she would not remember any of what
happened anyway. “Its like they are busy doing whatever they are
doing and just don’t want to bother to take the time to make me go
away,” she thought to herself.
Then came the most horrible experience of all.
Doraty saw her daughter Cindy stretched out on a table in the
craft. She was afraid they would do to her what they had done to the
calf. The men examined Cindy, taking tissue scrapings from the inside
of her mouth.
But presently Doraty and her daughter were back in their car.
No one in the car remembered the encounter with the craft. But the
strange light in the sky followed them home and was seen by relatives
and neighbors. Several children chased the light into a nearby pasture,
where it suddenly shot straight up and disappeared into the night sky.
This and many other similar reports created a sense of awe in
Howe, the veteran documentary maker. The mutilations obviously
represented a phenomenon that persists right up to today. “There has
never been a year since 1967 when mutilations have not been reported,
so it’s not as if they got what they needed and went away,” she said.
“It’s an ongoing situation.”
Over her years of research, Howe has met and talked with many
people in the government and military. She is convinced that there is
some connection between the government and the cattle mutilations.
Her best guess is that the government—in the form of black heli
copters with no insignia and unmarked trucks with official license
plates—is tracking the mutilations, which are being committed by
someone—or something—else.
She cited one documented case in the 1970s when a sheriff and
his deputies joined some fearful ranchers to stake out a pasture where
mutilations had occurred repeatedly. Nothing was seen or heard, and
when dawn came, the sheriff returned to his office to drop off some
things before heading home for some sleep. No sooner had he arrived
at his office than his phone rang. It was the rancher he had spent the
night with informing him that a mutilated cow had been found right in
the middle of the pasture they had watched all night. This w'as not the
only such report.
“Whatever the phenomenon is, it is able to cloak itself,” com
mented Howe. This assessment is supported by retired Sandia Labora
tories physicist Dr. Henry Monteith. After studying mutilations at
length, Dr. Monteith concluded nonhumans who were able to make
themselves invisible were conducting an “environmental testing pro
gram.” He found that Southwest Indians were particularly terrified of
the phenomenon, burying carcasses as soon as they were found. Nev
ertheless, the Indians advised him not to probe the issue, saying, “The
‘star people’ know what they’re doing and should be trusted.”
“Overall,” Howe wrote, “the strange characteristics of these
mutilations suggest that human technology is not involved, and natural
causes definitely can’t account for it, so that begs the question, How
does it occur? Alien activity has to be considered. ... I am convinced
that one or more alien intelligences are affecting this planet. I would
like to know what they are, what they want and why the government is
so silent. Deception marks the behavior of both.”
Howe is convinced of the government’s knowledge of the reality
of UFOs because of something that happened to her in the early
“On April 9, 1983, I was taken onto Kirtland Air Force Base in
Albuquerque, into an office where an Air Force Office of Special
Investigations agent pulled out an envelope and said his superiors had
asked him to show these pages to me. They contained a summary of
this government’s retrieval of several crashed disks and alien bodies,
including a live alien from a second crash near Roswell in 1949. The
paper said this extraterrestrial had been taken to Los Alamos National
Laboratory, where it had been kept until it died of unknown causes on
June 18, 1952. Then the paper summarized some of the information
that had been learned from this distinctly7 alien life form about our
planet and its civilization’s involvement with this planet. One of the
paragraphs said, ‘All questions and mysteries about the evolution of
Honio sapiens on this planet have been answered and this project is
“I remember reading those words, and reading them a second
time, and reading them a third time as the implications of such a
startling sentence washed over me. Because the paper was implying
that this gray alien life form had been able to answer all of the govern
ment’s questions about the evolution of Homo sapiens. Further, it stated
that these gray7 extraterrestrials had been personally involved in the
genetic manipulations of already7 evolving primates on this planet, sug
gesting that Cro-Magnon was the result of genetic manipulation by
the gray7 extraterrestrials. Well, if any or all of that is true, then what
we are coming up to, after decades of animal mutilations and human
abductions and UFO flaps and all of the drama associated with the
phenomenon over the last four or five decades, might be some kind of
an introduction between them and us.”
But Howe, as everyone who has researched the cattle mutilation
phenomenon, was still puzzled. Why were the mutilations mostly per
formed on cows?
The answer to the latter question may have come from a United
Press International story that was carried on the news wires in Febru
ary 1984: “A scientist has discovered than humans share many of their
innermost genetic secrets, represented by ‘perfect match’ chromo
somes, with another mammal—cows,” UPI reported.
“The discovery was unexpected and just developed in recent
months,” said James Womack, an animal geneticist at Texas A&M
University. “What we are finding are big chunks of cattle chromo
On November 14, 1976, Joyce Bowles and a friend, Ted Pratt, were
driving on Chilcomb Lane near Winchester in Hampshire, England,
when the car’s engine suddenly stopped. The pair watched in amaze
ment as a large UFO landed nearby and a tall being in a silver suit
approached their car.
Mrs. Bowles and Pratt were subsequently taken to a room—pre
sumably inside the UFO—where they were met by three tall beings.
Later, after reporting her experience, Mrs. Bowles said she received
telephone calls from someone who said the British government was
annoyed with the publicity given to her story and warned her to keep
quiet. She reportedly replied to the caller, “This is a free country and I
shall talk to whom I please, and neither you nor the government will
stop me.”
The Bowles experience would have simply been another in the
long line of LIFO sighting and contact stories except for one thing:
Seven weeks after the encounter and some twelve hundred yards along
Chilcomb Lane was discovered one of the first publicized crop circles.
Crop circles are quite simply circles that increasingly have been
discovered in fields of cereal grains such as wheat, rye, barley oats, and
Anatomy of a Circle
Three basic theories regarding the creation of crop circles were
advanced, based on the mind-set of the person offering them. For
debunkers, the circles were obviously hoaxes perpetrated by humans
fueled by mischief, alcohol, or both. The skeptics, which included
many UFO researchers, regarded the circles as the result of some pre
viously unknown atmospheric phenomenon. The mystically credulous
saw in the intricate designs a new form of communication by nonhu
man intelligences.
As these theories clashed in the arena of public opinion, serious
researchers of all stripes worked hard to document the factual evi
dence. It was found that crop circles generally encompassed the fol
lowing characteristics:
The crop remains alive, yet will not grow upwards again follow
ing a circle formation. Instead the crop grows horizontally.
“Despite this double exposure, the crop usually continues to ripen nor
mally and the head remains intact.”
Another curious effect is “combing.” Researcher Vince Migliore
explained: “When a rectangle is seen from the air, there appear to be
distinct edges to the design. But if all the crop inside the rectangle is
laid down bending north, then you would expect at the north end of
the formation that the erect standing stalks would interfere with bent
stalks, creating a tangled confusion of erect and flattened plants. This
is not the case. Instead, the bent stalks are neatly combed and inter
leaved between the standing plants.”
Delgado noted that in a few circles, “Bundles of stems lie one
over the other to form a typical plait or braid, the stems remaining
straight in all cases. Some of the bundles have had two or more bun
dles laid at differing angles over and under them, so they are actually
intertwined. The force field that produced this would have to be oper
ating like a knitting machine. On wo occasions, in two different cir
cles, some bundles of these braids have been laid in opposition to each
other. There seems to be no limit to the complication of lay that this
extraordinary unknown force cannot [wc] produce.”
In addition to the circles themselves, a variety of other effects
have been noted in connection with the phenomenon, such as lumi
nous balls, flashing lights, colors, knocking, whining or humming
sounds, as well as subtle energy fields detected by both humans and
Theories as to how the circles and their effects were achieved
are as varied as the researchers themselves. However, the more preva
lent theories tend to fall into one of wo broad categories—intelligent
or nonintelligent design.
One of the leading proponents of nonintelligent design is Dr.
Terence Meaden, editor of Britain’s Journal of Meteorology and founder
of Britain’s Tornado and Storm Research Organization. Meaden
opined that the circles are formed by an atmospheric anomaly he
called “plasma vortex.” According to this theory, wind currents are
broken up as they pass hills or other obstructions, and when they
rejoin, a vortex of air, similar to a whirlwind or dust devil, is created,
which can dip down and form a circle in the crop. He speculated that
the swirling vortex might separate and concentrate electric energy in
the air, thus creating both visible fireballs and humming sounds. While
this idea sounds perfectly plausible, it describes an exceedingly rare
phenomenon and fails to account for the lack of damage to the plants
or explain the complex noncircular patterns.
In the early 1990s, researcher Donald L. Cyr found supporters
for his technically detailed theory that crop circles were caused by
leaving behind this beautiful record of its visit with no clue how it was
achieved.” But if Delgado and others didn’t have a clue in 1989, they
certainly got one in 1991. Then the entire world learned of the sim
plest explanation of all—the mysterious crop circles were merely the
creations of very human hoaxers.
crop circle with undamaged stalks laid over in a swirl pattern was dis
covered in September 1990 by Roger and Lynda Lowe in a sorghum
field south of their home in Osceola, Missouri,
Furthermore, there is evidence that Doug and Dave gleaned
information used in their story from some young crop circle
researchers. Julie Varden and three companions were watching crops
overnight a few weeks before the Today story broke. “These men are
liars,” she told Wingfield adamantly, “and we can prove that they are
liars. We met them at Cheesefoot Head on August 20th and they have
taken things we spoke about and rehashed them in the Today story.”
Varden said at their meeting she mentioned some jellylike sub
stance found at several circle sites and was told by Doug, “I know what
that was. It’s the discharge from an aircraft toilet.” In the Today story;
Doug indeed tells of being knocked unconscious by “something which
fell from space” while creating a crop circle. “But when we got into the
light I saw the mess on my head was the frozen discharge from an air
craft toilet,” he recounted blandly, apparently repeating his previous
conjecture to Varden unaware that he most probably could not have
survived such an event.
Another of the researchers who met Doug and Dave at Cheese
foot Head, Nick Riley, said he showed the pair some ore he had found
near a crop circle. Despite Riley’s insistence that it was simply iron,
Doug declared it to be a meteorite. In the Today story, Doug claimed
that he and Dave had collected some meteorites and placed them in
one of their circles near Stonehenge. “Theyr did indeed leave stones
there, not that that proves they made the Stonehenge circle,” said
Wingfield. “But I also met the man who found these ‘meteorites’ and
they were, of course, just the sort of stones described by Nick
Riley.. . . Local knowledge and a close study of the various books on
the Circles has given a veneer of authenticity to what then seemed
plausible claims.”
In short, Doug and Dave’s hoax proved to be a hoax itself. Yet
the public—particularly in the United States—is only aware that there
was a brief crop circle craze that turned out to be merely the work of
Is this erroneous view simply a creation of a lazy and inattentive
media, or is it the result of something more sinister? Several crop cir
cle researchers, including Colin Andrews, George Wingfield, and oth
ers, have publicly accused the British government of perpetrating a
“disinformation” campaign using Doug and Dave. And there is cir
cumstantial evidence to support this charge.
First is the way that writers at the tabloid Today ambushed
researcher Pat Delgado. These tactics may have simply been normal
sense belief, that the crop circle phenomenon is nothing but an elabo
rate hoax, is now established as the official doctrine.”
But while the media and the general public seem to have lost
interest in the circles thanks to the Doug and Dave publicity, this has
not stopped new circles from being formed each year, nor has it
stopped a growing legion of researchers studying the phenomenon—
with more surprising results.
Misunderstood Messages
Many researchers, after studying the geometry, complicated swirls and
braiding, cellular changes, and their undetectable creation, have con
cluded that crop circles must involve nonhuman intelligence. Physicist
and astronomer Archie Roy of Glasgow University is convinced
mankind is encountering an advanced intelligence.
Are there indications of intelligent thought behind the circles?
The answer appears to be yes, especially in light of the work of scien
tist Gerald S. Hawkins, already well known for his studies of Stone
henge as an ancient observatory. Hawkins, retired chairman of Boston
University’s Astronomy Department and a science adviser to the direc
tor of the U.S. Information Agency, became intrigued by the crop
circles while visiting England in 1990. He discovered geometric rela
tionships in several circles that matched the diatonic ratios of the
musical scale.
Hawkins explained, “A ratio in the diatonic scale is the step up
in pitch from one note to another. It can be measured exactly. From C
to G is an increase of 1.5 times, or the ratio of 3 over 2. The whole set
makes an octave of eight white notes on the piano.
“As a careful scientist, I’m not saying the patterns are musical,
only that the sizes follow the same mathematical law as the intervals in
western music. The creators [of crop circles] seemed to know of these
fractions, taking care to encode them in the shapes so that they could
be retrieved by somebody studying aerial photographs. The accuracy
required in a typical 20-ineter circle is about 15 centimeters, or six
inches. Without the precisely-made edges, my analysis would not have
been possible.”
Studying the precise measurements of eighteen crop circle pat
terns, Hawkins was able to find an exact match of geometric ratios in
eleven of them. His findings seemed to exclude the idea of natural
causes such as whirlwinds. Hawkins knew these measurements
ently was created within a half hour in July 1996 in a field adjoining
Stonehenge. “A pilot flew over the field at around 5:30 P.M. and there
was no formation,” reported Thomas. “When he returned shortly
before 6 P.M., there it was.”
Hoaxing can account for only a small percentage of the world’s
mysterious crop circles, and natural phenomena have been pretty well
ruled out, especially in light of the latest scientific findings. Other than
to ignore the subject, one is compelled to begin thinking of the circles
in terms of signs from a nonhuman intelligence—whether from Earth
or elsewhere. Many researchers, such as Michael M. Chorost, who has
studied crop circles firsthand since 1990, claim there are two possibili
ties if the circles are communications; Either humans have failed to
interpret them or their content is not meant for us. The question as to
why an advanced intelligence could create these mysterious circles but
can’t seem to find a way to communicate with us lends support to the
latter possibility.
The arguments over the meaning of such messages will
undoubtedly continue for some time. One thing is certain: Attempts to
understand nonhuman or alien intelligence has caused many thought
ful people to search deep within the mental and spiritual nature of
humanity for insights and answers. Some of these people were in the
U.S. military, and what they discovered was almost as unbelievable as
the UFO phenomenon itself.
One day in the fall of 1985, according to author and Pulitzer Prize
nominee Howard Blum, a collection of ranking military officers met in
a lead-lined conference hall on the third floor of the Old Executive
Office Building across from the White House to watch a psychic in
Seated in front of the officers and the president’s science adviser
were two Stanford Research Institute (SRI) scientists and a man
known for his psychic abilities.
The occasion was a demonstration of the phenomenon known
as remote viewing (RV)—the ability to mentally perceive a person,
place, or thing from any distance by other than the normal five senses.
It was a psychic ability that had been studied and developed by U.S.
intelligence and the military’ for more than a decade at that point. But
on this day, what to most people was extraordinary moved into the
After the psychic successfully described the country dacha of
Mikhail Gorbachev by coordinate remote viewing, a second test was
begun. This one was designed to demonstrate the use of RV against
submarines. A series of photographs depicting various submarines
were shown to the viewer. He calmly gave their current locations: One
Soviet sub was oft the coast of Iceland, another located in international
waters off the coast of South Carolina.
But the last photo—that of a Soviet Delta-class submarine—
caused the viewer some consternation. He hesitated as though he had
seen something unexpected.
The viewer announced that the sub was patrolling a sector of
ocean between Maine and Nova Scotia. But he hesitated again. There
was more, but he appeared uncomfortable in saying so. More than one
member of the audience thought the viewer appeared frightened.
"What is it?” asked one of the scientists.
The viewer explained that w hile searching for the submarine he
had seen something else at the same coordinates, something that hov
ered above the submarine.
“Was it an airplane?” queried the scientist. The remote viewer
w ould only shrug his shoulders.
The viewer was asked to sketch w'hat he saw; He rapidly began
drawing circles; one was elongated, apparently the submarine. But
above this was a circle with no wings.
Asked if he saw a rocket, the remote viewer again would only
shrug. Finally, expressing the hopes or fears of many in the room, the
scientist said, “Well, w'hat else could it be? I mean, you’re not going to
tell me it’s a flying saucer.”
“Yes,” replied the viewer, “thats it exactly.”
Despite this brush with the fantastic, Naval Intelligence and the
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) accepted the legitimacy of the
demonstration and within six months launched a classified operation
using remote viewers to seek Soviet submarines called Project Aquarius.
“Over the next 14 months there were at least 17 recorded sightings of
‘hovering unidentified flying objects’ by the scanning participants in
Project Aquarius,” reported Blum. It is unclear if this was the same Proj
ect Aquarius mentioned in the MJ-12 briefing documents.
The 1985 demonstration and its acceptance by high-ranking
military, intelligence, and science officials was just one more episode in
a long history of Washington duplicity. While officially scoffing at any
publicized report on UFOs, various government agencies quietly con
tinued to give serious attention to such matters, even to the extent of
using psychic remote viewers.
And why not? After all, nearly all modem UFO close encoun
ters appear to involve some form of telepathy or mind-to-mind com
munication. Many abductees report that their captors communicate by
mental means. They “hear” alien voices inside their own head.
Abductees Betty and Barney Hill, Betty Andreasson, and Iravis Wai-
ton, among many others, all said they never saw their captors’ mouths
move but instead “felt” their thoughts.
If alien visitors are using mental or psychic powers to communi
cate with humans, perhaps humans could use those same powers to
penetrate the alien agenda. In fact, many people familiar with remote
viewing believe this process may be the best method yet available to
penetrate the UFO enigma. If this is so, the question becomes, do
humans indeed have such a psychic capability and can it be proven
The U.S. government, based on the fact of continued funding
and study by both the military and intelligence agencies, obviously
believes the answers to these questions are in the affirmative. To
understand how they arrived at such a controversial conclusion, one
must study the history of psychic phenomena.
“Can I not number all the grains of sand, and measure all the water
tn the sea?
Tho’a man speak not I can understand;
Nor are the thoughts of dumb men hid from me.
A tortoise boiling with a lamb I smell:
Bronze underlies and covers them as well.”
Viewing Remotely
It was during this work for Dr. Schmeidler and Dr. Osis that Swann and
Mitchell first used the term “remote viewing.” “It was coined to identify
a particular kind of experiment—not a particular kind of psi ability,”
Swann later wrote. “I suggested that we call [these experiments]
‘remote-sensing.’ Shortly, though, it became clear that I didn’t just sense
the sites, but experienced mental-image pictures of them in a visualizing
kind of way. Without at all thinking much about it, and before the end
of 1971, we began referring to the long-distance experiments as remote
viewing ones, since this term seemed the most suitable.”
During this time Swann learned of a proposal from Dr. Harold
E. Puthoff, a physicist at Stanford Research Institute (SRI)—now
called SRI International—in Menlo Park, California. Puthoff wanted
to study basic research into quantum biology and had no interest in
psychic phenomena. But, after several conversations with Swann, both
men agreed to test remote viewing, but only under the strictest scien
tific protocols. This began nearly twenty years of remote viewing
study at SRI. It was “the most severely monitored scientific experiment
in history,” according to Jack Anderson investigator Ron McRae.
During his time at SRI, Swann devised a method of using coordi-
States was lagging behind the Soviets in psychic research based on the
authors’ tour of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
According to Puthoff, two CIA men approached him at SRI in
1972. “They knew of my previous background as a Naval Intelligence
Officer and then civilian employee at the National Security Agency
several years earlier, and felt they could discuss their concerns with me
openly,” Puthoff recalled. “There was, they told me, increasing con
cern in the intelligence community about the level of effort in Soviet
parapsychology being funded by the Soviet security forces; by Western
scientific standards the field was considered nonsense by most working
scientists. As a result they had been on the lookout for a research labo
ratory outside of academia that could handle a quiet, low-profile classi
fied investigation, and SRI appeared to fit the bill. They asked me if I
could arrange an opportunity for them to carry out some simple exper
iments with Swann, and, if the tests proved satisfactory, would I con
sider a pilot program along these lines? I agreed, ...”
This remote viewing study—dubbed Project SCANATE
(SCANning by coordinATE)—proved so successful that CIA funding
continued until 1976, when the psychic program was taken up by the
U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). More
than a dozen military intelligence officers were trained using protocols
developed at SRI and, in 1976, were formed into Detachment G, also
known as Project GRILL FLAME, located at Fort Meade, Maryland.
Over the years, the project was variously known as CENTER LANE,
This unorthodox military unit of psychic operatives—or psi
spies—was the creation of Maj. Gen. Ed Thompson, then the army’s
assistant chief of staff for intelligence. “I became convinced that
remote viewing was a real phenomenon, that it wasn’t a hoax,” recalled
Thompson. “We didn’t know how to explain it, but we weren’t so
much interested in explaining it as in determining whether there was
any practical use to it.”
Although apparently never utilized as a primary intelligence
source—prejudice among ranking officers against anything psychic
remained strong—remote viewing was used to locate enemy military
installations, rocket-launching sites, and submarines. In the Gulf War,
it was used in an attempt to locate Saddam Hussein’s biochemical
weapon stockpiles.
It was learned that multiple viewers strengthened the accuracy
of any remote viewing. The more viewers involved, the more reliable
the information, just as at an auto accident scene where a symthesis of
eyewitness testimony generally produces near 100 percent accuracy.
That the army, and later the DIA, believed there were credible
field. Instead it was in tall grass. They would swoop down and stop at
certain points which would leave these patterns in the grass. The cir
cles were not messages, but simply the result of their maneuvers.”
The report stated that to produce the crop circles, the aliens use
two different devices, which may have been used separately or in con
junction with each other. One produces both heat and pressure waves
that bend and twist plant stalks in different directions. It also produces
a bursting effect within the plant’s cells. The other is a rotating glow
ing globe, about fifteen inches in diameter, that produces a ray some
what like a laser, but there is no transmission of energy. There are only
energetic effects at the ray’s target. This device disrupts and disables
the molecular structure of the plant, which collapses and falls over. It
accomplishes this with surgical, programmed precision, creating intri
cate designs in the crop. It is interesting to note that the description of
these molecular changes perfectly matched recently published scien
tific studies indicating just such effects.
By the time of the crop circle report, the concept of aliens visit
ing the earth was nothing shocking to the military-trained remote
viewers. All had experiences that took them far beyond our world.
“During early training sessions, I was aware that there was some
sort of noise or interference—something outside the realm of my reality,”
recalled former army major David Morehouse, who entered the remote
viewing unit in 1988. “I was told, ‘You’ll find out all about that later.’”
Morehouse went on to have a wide variety of experiences beyond Earth.
He described other planets in other solar systems as well as dimensions
close to ours, all filled with beings both strange and wonderful.
Computer expert Lyn Buchanan said he was “blown away” by
his first remote viewing attempt. “What I got was a tall flagpole with a
large American flag on it,” he recalled. “I saw it from the vantage point
of standing on the wooden front porch of an abandoned dirty white
house nearby. The windows had no curtains and I described a table
with a gingham tablecloth I saw through the kitchen window. But then
I was told that I had missed it—that the target had been a water tower.
“But when we drove out to the water tower to get my feedback,
we found the water tower was blue with red and white stripes. I had
viewed my feedback, not the target. And then we found nearby an
abandoned dirty white house with a wooden front porch and no cur
tains on the windows and we could see a gingham tablecloth on a table
in the kitchen. I was just overwhelmed by the experience but the most
surprising thing was that I was the only one surprised by it. Everyone
else—who had been remote viewing for some time—took it in stride.”
Buchanan recalled the first time he remote-viewed into space.
“It’s just like viewing things on Earth,” he said. “The first time I was
A Dark Future
Unfortunately, all of the remote viewing experiences have not been as
uplifting as Morehouse’s visit to the golden room. Within the “Enigma
Files” are reports laden with foreboding. One of these has to do with
the continuing problem with our ozone layer.
In March 1992, five remote viewers agreed to explore the rami
fications of the ozone problem. Their contract came from the Institute
for Human Potential, a think tank formed in honor of Senator Clai
borne Pell, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Funding for the institute comes primarily from grants by Laurance
“The outlook is grim,” succinctly stated a cover letter with the
final project report, which stated, “Atmospheric ozone depletion/
replenishment was perceived to be driven by a natural ebb and flow
process—a geophysical cycle. But this process has become over
whelmed by manmade activity. ... The complex natural ozone
cycles/patterns, in combination with the manmade alterations, make
it extremely difficult for present scientists to figure out just what is
happening. A long series of tests, research and small-scale experi
ments, using several types of chemicals, will be undertaken . . . but
these efforts to stop the ozone decay will have little or no impact—
they are only ‘Band-Aid’ approaches. A critical point is reached,
circa 2005-2012, where the destruction will begin a runaway course,
in a fashion analogous to metastasis—the transfer of malignant cells
from one location to another. During this period, the problem—and
its potential consequences—will no longer be subject to
question. . . . The ozone decay will not necessarily be slowed down,
but its effects temporarily ameliorated by coincidental volcanic
activity, possibly as early as 1996. One such related event will be the
explosion of an ‘extinct’ volcano in the North American Cascade
chain. . . . The volcanic activity will literally and figuratively eclipse
the ozone problem, but decreased sunlight will wreak havoc with
crop production in many places. Chaotic weather patterns in combi
nation with decreased sunlight will necessitate the construction of
huge environmentally-controlled greenhouses, so that food produc
tion can carry on without being subject to vicissitudes of
climate/weather. Unwittingly, these structures form the templates
for technologies which will become increasingly critical to sustain
ing human life. They will begin to be seen as sanctuaries—then
habitats, as society begins to ‘migrate’ into them. ... A point is
reached where very little life is seen outside of the artificial struc
tures. The atmosphere outside these ‘biospheres’ is almost antisep
tic. The sky is striated and multi-hued. Earth’s remaining (surviving)
inhabitants have either been driven underground or into these very
large, climate-controlled domes which now house complete
medium-sized cities. Our children’s children are residents there.
Once again the psi spies had produced a report that read like a
science fiction story. And again, the question of feedback arose. Was
there anything to prove the validity of what the viewers saw?
Ingo Swann, the father of remote viewing, urged caution when
he stated, “In the case of the ET [extraterrestrial] thing, there may
never be feedback. ‘The public gets very excited....’ ‘Oh gee, a
highly-trained remote viewer is going to try to view the extraterrestri
als.’ I mean, there’s a lot of sensational interest in that!” he com
mented. “But there is a bottom line. The bottom line says ‘feedback,’
and without that [the whole thing] could be a waste of time.”
Swann’s caution is well advised, but in this instance there was
feedback—astounding feedback from the Soviets themselves. It first
came from Alexander Dunayev, chairman of the Soviet space organiza
tion responsible for the Phobos II project. Dunayev announced that the
doomed probe had photographed the image of a small odd-shaped
object between itself and Mars. He suggested the object might have
been “debris in the orbit of [Mars moon] Phobos” or even jettisoned
parts from the spacecraft. His tone was anything but certain.
More detailed—and exciting—news came in December 1991,
when Soviet cosmonauts visited the United States. Retired Soviet air
force colonel and cosmonaut trainee Marina Popovich displayed to
newsmen in San Francisco one of the last photographs received from
the Phobos II. She said the photo was given to her by cosmonaut Alexei
Leonov, a high official in the Soviet space program.
The photo showed the silhouette of an odd-shaped object approaching
the spacecraft. Popovich said the picture was taken on March 25, 1989, in
deep space near the Martian moon Phobos shortly before contact with the craft
was lost. She said the object very well may have been an alien spacecraft but
would not say so. “The reasons for its disappearance are unknown,”
commented Popovich. “The photo is only information for thinking . . .
information for all kinds of decisions.”
Several theories about the object in the photo were advanced;
some thought it might be a small undiscovered Martian moonlet or
simply a product of a Phobos II camera malfunction. Professor Emeritus
James Harder of the University of California at Berkeley and former
director of research for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization,
stated, “No one can answer precisely what it is.”
The photographed object bore an uncanny resemblance to the
object drawn in the remote viewer’s Phobos II sketches. The remote
viewers of PSI TECH saw the photo and its similarity to their vision
as confirmation—feedback—of what they viewed months earlier. And
if their account of the demise of Phobos II is correct, then serious atten
tion must be given their statement that the same fate befell the Mars
“It appears that whoever is up there does not want us to know
about them,” commented Morehouse.
A “micrometeorite” was described by two separate remote view
ers as delivering a coup de grace to the Phobos II. This may have been no
accident. The psi spies said it seems like all of the technology we put
into space is scrutinized closely. If it would reveal alien activities, then
it is decommissioned. They noted the similarity of fetes between the
Phobos II and the Mars Observer and the Titan 4 rocket, which blew up
carrying a supersecret spy satellite in August of 1993.
That same month, we lost our newest weather satellite. The
weather satellite, NOAA-13, was lost shordy after its launch on August
9, 1993, according to the Associated Press. The polar-orbiting satel
lite, designed to permit a view of the entire Earth during the course of
one day, had been operating successfully until contact was suddenly
lost, said officials of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis
tration. Later in 1993, on October 5, a new Landsat 6 satellite was lost
after being released 180 nautical miles from Earth from a Titan 2
rocket launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base. No once knows
what happened to it.
An article in Science News said the loss of the Landsat 6 would
force both private companies and government agencies to rely on the
Landsat 5 satellite for images of Earth. The Landsat 5, which lost part
of its ability to transmit data, was launched in 1984.
The Titan 4 rocket, carrying a top-secret military cargo,
exploded moments after takeoff on August 2, 1993. According to Space
News, the cause of the explosion was thought to have been linked to a
solid rocket motor segment that had undergone repairs by the manu
A less mundane cause was cited in the same article. It stated,
“But in a strange twist, [U.S. Air Force colonel and the Titan 4 pro-
gram manager Frank] Stirling said he has been told that the Air Force
video of the launch shows an unidentified object apparendy striking
the Titan at an altitude of about 110,000 feet, shortly before the rocket
blew up. Stirling is not a member of the Air Force investigation team
and has not seen the official Air Force video of the launch and the
explosion. His office, however, is conducting its own investigation.”
Remote viewers believe all of these mysterious space losses may
be attributable to the same cause: small, faceted objects that remote
viewers have seen dipping out of an earth orbit and striking man-made
These objects are described as “little multifaceted devices whose
facets look like shiny, polished graphite.” These devices, according to
some viewers, measure eight inches wide by about twelve inches tall.
They said there appears to be about fifty or sixty up there at any given
time. Several military remote viewers who wrere familiar with top-
secret projects contend these objects are not the “brilliant pebbles” of
our Star Wars system. They are alien. They are hollow inside, and the
faceted surface comes apart upon striking something, very similar to a
fragmentation hand grenade.
One remote viewer who has seen these small objects is George
Byers, a public affairs officer for a large corporation in the Southwest.
Byers studied RV under a former military remote viewer.
In December 1993, four months after the Titan 4 disaster, Byers
took a mental look at that event. “I ended up identifying what
destroyed the missile,” he said. “It was something like a small projec
tile, about fist sized. It was shiny and hit the missile. It was definitely
not a natural object. It hit and burst apart like a grenade. I did get the
very distinct impression that it was not made on earth and that it was
directed at the Titan 4 for the purpose of destroying it. Whoever made
this thing knew what they were doing. In other words, it accomplished
the job for which it was intended.”
The viewers saw that something illuminated the Titan 4, and
one of these little devices detected that illumination. It then swung
down out of orbit, accelerated, and punched through the Titan 4.
There was no sign of a propulsion system. Some viewers said it cer
tainly appears as if this planet is being kept in quarantine for some
The concept of a quarantine, or embargo, of Earth is not limited
to science fiction writers and remote viewers. Many reputable scientists
such as James W. Deardorff with the Department of Atmospheric Sci
ences at Oregon State University have theorized about the possibility.
In one scholarly article, Deardorff mused, “The arguments are . .. that
our Galaxy is nearly saturated with extraterrestrial life forms, that our
existence requires in hindsight that they were and are benevolent toward us,
and that our lack of detection of them or communications from the implies that
an embargo is established against us to prevent any premature knowledge of
therm... Any sudden lifting of the embargo in a manner obvious to the public
would cause societal chaos and possibly touch off a nuclear exchange, while
any communications received via radio telescope would likely be either
quickly confiscated by government agencies and not revealed to the public, or
heavily censored... It follows that any embargo not involving alien force must
be a leaky one designed to a now a gradual disclosure of the alien message and
its gradual acceptance on the part of the general public cover a very long
Time senior writer Lance Morrow mused publicly, "Perhaps a master
system of intergalactic ethics dictates that no planet may have contact with
another until it has subdued its own selfi-destructive violence, Maybe he
Earth is under a sort of quarantine."
As if the idea of an imposed quarantine of Earth was not hard enough
to swallow, some remote viewers have a so talked about the Martians.
They found that Earth’s surface conditions were not hospitable, but
food was available and survival was possible. This group went deep
underground, where conditions were similar to those they had become
accustomed to on Mars.
There are continuing visits here by Martian space vehicles that
come from deep space and vanish, only to reappear on landing pads
within these subsurface bases. These bases appear to be standby shel
ters, storage sites, and operations centers located mostly in caverns,
although some are under the sea. These shelters exist on both planets
and are mostly insurance against another planetwide catastrophe.
These Martians are angry at us right now, according to one
report. They’ve been waiting centuries for human civilization to
advance to the point where our technology might be able to help them
in their plight. They hoped to join with us in inhabiting the earth. But,
today, while both our technology and our consciousness have risen to a
point where the two races might work together, we humans have
almost wrecked this world through pollution and deforestation. The
Martians see no humor in the irony of being forced to abandon their
planet due to cosmic accident, and now seeing their hopes for Earth
being dashed due to our primitive ignorance.
This situation may explain why the remote viewers say the Mar
tians consider humans to be inferior to themselves, much as most
adults tend to discount the worth of children. But they also realize that
mutual cooperation between the races might vastly improve both’s sur
vival prospects. They are also well aware that man’s technology’ has
reached the capability to categorically detect their activity. They are
taking steps to postpone this eventuality.
Asked if these Martians are trying to take over the earth, More
house replied, “We don’t think so. If that was their purpose, they could
have done it years ago, before we developed the technology to resist. I
think they are biding their time, hoping that human consciousness will
evolve enough to accept the idea of sharing the planet with them.
Imean, look how the races of man can’t get along. What would hap
pened if every one suddenly became aware that Martians were among
us? No, I think we still have further to travel on the evolutionary'
Some of the viewers believe that, for now, the Martians are sim
ply using the earth for necessary raw’ materials. That’s where the
UFOs come in. Many are shuttle craft used to transport certain chemi
cal fertilizers—especially potash—plasticizers, milk, and other natural
resources back to the survivors on Mars. This work is being done with
the assistance of specialized organic beings that have become known as
the “greys.”
like area and below this, a blue body of water that seemed to be sur
rounded by a flat, open, grassy plain. It reminded me of pictures of
Lake Titicaca.
“Then I got the impression of a round structure located on the
flat top of what seemed to be something like a mesa. There were
streaking rays, like sun streaks, emanating from, or going into, this
structure. I wound up going into this structure through some sort of
inclined passageway, like a causeway. And I was moving forward
through this place. It was dark and cool and seemed to be made of
rough stone, like a cavern. At the end of the causeway was a long,
dimly-lit, rectangular corridor constructed of smooth, dressed stone
on all sides.
“At the end of the corridor was a steep incline with a very high
ceiling. This corridor ended in a large room with a very high, vaulted
ceiling. It appeared man-made because it was squared off—you know,
corners and angles and things of that nature. Now I’ve never been in a
pyramid, but it reminded me of that kind of thing.
“There was a polished-stone platform in this room, like a slab or
altar. And, for some reason, I had the urge to walk up there and lie
down on this slab. There were these white-robed people—entities, that
is—standing in a semicircle to one side. Some of them were in a line,
but one was behind me. A female, I think. The room was dimly lit and
there was a feeling of something sacred, or holy, there. It was like this
was a religious place. It also felt familiar, as if I been there before.
“And as I was lying on this slab or whatever, one of these enti
ties walked up to my side. Suddenly I was illuminated by a shaft of
white light—some type of beam—from head to toe. It was coming
from overhead. And as this was going on, the individual who had
walked to my side held his hands out over my abdomen, my solar
plexus. And that’s when it started fading out and the session was over.
“It was a very beautiful experience. I felt very calm and secure.
I’ve always had a feeling that there was something I should have
remembered about that. That something should come back to me,
something relating to that experience. Its almost as if I had been to
that place before. It’s like I should have remembered that place.”
In 1996, Ray Bordon, a Dallas-area linguist, began organizing
remote viewers with an eye toward promoting further public study of
the phenomenon. Bordon learned remote viewing in the 1970s while
working for a military contractor. But his education was unofficial and
he had no contact w ith the military-trained viewers. Although sensitive
about the reaction to his statements, Bordon too spoke privately about
alien life-forms—he called them “biokinds”—UFOs, and a catastrophe
on Mars millions of years ago. He too claimed to have seen the tran
contraption that molds to me. I hear a soft hum coming from every
where. Good God! We’ve taken off! There are greys—little ones—
three of them and two humans, soldier types. The greys know I’m here
and don’t seem to mind. One of the humans has a box-like thing on his
lap, larger than a laptop. The grey one I’m in is letting me steer this
thing. He—this one feels male—is quiet, almost sad inside, even
bored. This is a job for him. Hey, wait a sec! The soldier-boy just
found out I’m here. He doesn’t like it [and] is telling the grey to let me
go. He’s entering something into this box-like thing on his lap. He’s
seated close by... . These guys—the humans—are learning about the
craft. This is a crew. Wait! He’s doing something to me, this soldier
boy. What is that? Feels like I’m on fire, like a thousand ants are biting
me all at once. Uhuh ... I just lost it.”
uphold because they are like us and like you. We are caretakers and we
host advancement of your kind. Your forefathers are divided and you
are the prize. This does not uphold life and we preserve and protect
life. But you are not yet ready to face this and it is coming.”
like you would hold a rifle and he’s aiming it upward. This is strange.
It’s night time, I can see the stars and clouds and a rising half moon.
Oh, he’s also got some sort of earpiece on. He’s about to fire this
thing.... I am seeing a yellow-green something come out of the end
of this thing and going upwards. It’s going up into the night sky. Inside
this light-like stream coming out of this thing, there is a streak of light
that extends forever upwards. It looks like a wave of some kind, but it’s
real intense. I sense a great deal of heat and some kind of field coming
off this stream. The target is something up there, but I can’t tell. This
thing lasts for a very short while and then the whole thing is repeated.
There is a whirring sound around as this thing . . . powers up? I can’t
tell what the sound is, or where it comes from, but it’s all over this
opening. The door is interesting. There isn’t one! But you can’t go
inside unless invited. There are two Indian files of people dressed in
what I would call ancient dresses. Long flowing gown-like things. One
of the Indian files is made up of men, males, I mean.. . . Blond, all of
them, about the same height, can’t tell size. Their robes are a beautiful
gold color and have hoods, and they have hair, beautiful golden
hair. . . . They are walking slowly toward the entrance. I’m not allowed
to go past the portal, I’ve been told. But I’m welcome to be there w'ith
them.” One of the viewers who had indicated being an abductee wit
nessed nothing but the grey aliens in the context of a consensual work
program on Earth, while another former abductee said the viewing
was somehow' being blocked. “Someone or something was not wanting
me to see anything, hear anything, say anything about anything,” this
viewer reported. “I’m feeling like I’m being shut out of the loop, so to
or place they can go through but only with willing people in the world
calling for them. God, this gets complicated ... I’m going to termi
nate this session now.”
sometime during the day. I feel the heat of the sun. There is some sort
of airstrip, like an airport around here, close by I can tell. I’m hearing
the sound of aircraft, like jet planes. This is some sort of restricted area,
though. I see some guard or observation towers.. . . There is a convoy
of cars, dark cars, coming down this blacktop road where I was. No,
wait a minute! This is a base, a military base. An Air Force base. Peo
ple get out of the car and go inside this building. They are all dressed
in suits, dark suits.. . . Now this is interesting! There are two, no,
three saucer-shaped craft approaching. One of them lands while the
other two stay up. Another lands and the third lands. Then the third
lands. The first that landed opens up. One of the black cars and a cou
ple of jeeps go out to it. Two, no three, greys appear and descend from
the craft. They are not walking. They, like, are floating to the ground.
The door of the car opens and this tall, older man steps out, then a
couple of military guys and one other civilian type. This is a hot place,
the temperature is desert-like. . . . Two of these greys are small, one is
tall, but not as tall as the older human. Something funny about this
guy. Wait a sec! Holy shit! It’s one of our past presidents.” (The viewer
later acknowledged it was Eisenhower.) This viewer said the group got
in a big black Cadillac that took them to a nearby building. “They are
scooted in quickly by some people in blue and white helmets, big guy's.
The President and his party and the greys go into a room, conference
room it looks like. Just a minute! I’m sensing this whole thing to be
preplanned. This thing was supposed to happen. Both sides feel antici
pation, but the feeling tone is low-key, almost muted. The greys are
interested in opening and maintaining communication. This civilian
type asks how this can be done. The tall grey responds that they will
provide them with the means to communicate with them locally and at
a distance. This tall one also asks that they (the humans) not fear them.
The President asks why are they here and the tall one replies that they
are here in anticipation of future changes and that they will help accel
erate the rate of development. Not for war purposes, says one of the
little ones. They want an understanding with them, says the tall grey,
but not an alliance. The President wants to know how long they have
been around. The short one replies, a long time. He says longer than
your recorded history. He say s we were abandoned by our forefathers,
our makers.. . . The civilian type is visibly' upset, like he’s about to
have a heart attack. The three grey's turn and look at this guy. Wow!
He calmed down almost immediately. They like the President. They
feel he is steady. They don’t like the civilian type with him, no, actu
ally; they feel sorry for him. The President says he wants friendship
and cooperation with the aliens and the tall grey sayrs they too want the
same. He also says they will continue to observe and wait to see what
we do, how we act towards them. But, he says, they will continue to be
active here. The civilian type wants to know what changes are coming.
One of the small greys says they will tell us more when it is the right
time. Soon, he says. The tall grey turns toward me now. Whoaa! He
knows I’m here. One of the military guys kinda wakes up and wants to
know what’s wrong. Nothing, says the tall grey, just that we have a visi
tor. How can that be possible, asks the military guy. It is not yet time
[to explain], says the small one.” This viewer said his RV session ended
abruptly after this incident, as though his thoughts were being blocked
“as though there were still things to talk about in private, without
eavesdroppers around like me.”
Another viewer added details to the idea of coming changes
when he remote-viewed a meeting between yet another American
president and greys “sometime in the future from where we started
[the mid-1950s]).” “Can’t tell you when this happened but I’ll venture
to say a little before the year 2000,” reported the viewer. “There are
four greys here, two tall ones and two short ones. Besides the two men
in dark suits, there are others around in military suits and regular suits.
I don’t see a ship or anything like that, just some chairs . . . [which
look like they are] made out of grayish gum-like substance. When you
sit down on it, it molds around you and holds you very well. But it
doesn’t constrain your movements. These greys are sitting on them,
one to each of them. So they are talking. The greys are telling about
the orbit of something. They say it’s an anomaly, but it’s something
that was done to preserve life. It required a lot of energy, the tall one
that looks like a praying mantis says. He says they and others are going
to do everything to help avoid catastrophe on the surface. . .. He’s
speaking of models. He says the way it looks now is that they will have
to wait until the values can be entered when this thing gets nearer
because the gravitation of this thing is so disruptive that every time it
comes, it affects everything else differently each time. . . . He’s also
telling the guys in suits that they are staying out of the squabble. He’s
not specifying what this is. He’s also recommending that they—the
guys in suits—stay out of it. One of the men—the tall one, I think—
says that we will have to defend ourselves if any one of the parties
involved tries to enter secured zones. It is necessary; he says, to protect
our own development and it is in our best interest. [But he] does not
specify what development he’s talking about. But he also says we are
not taking sides and your vessels ... will be respected under the mar
itime and space human laws and treaties.”
Yet another viewer also envisioned a meeting between aliens and
human leaders in which coming geophysical changes were discussed.
“The changes, is saying the tall skinny grey, are going to affect the
planet. He says that every 25,000 revolutions around the sun, the
Earth is pelted by large stones from the sky. He must be talking about
meteors or asteroids. There is also a planet that crosses the orbits of
planets in this solar system and that, this grey says, causes a lot of
problems for Earth and the other planets. This thing’s apparently big
or at least bigger than Earth.. . . He just produced like a hologram of
the orbit of this thing cutting across the plane of the orbits of the plan
ets in our solar system. That’s neat! He’s showing the guys in suits that
this planet is going to be close to Earth as it begins to accelerate in its
own orbit going out of our solar system. This hologram also shows
them that there are asteroids from the asteroid belt that get dislodged
from their orbits and decay. Some get pulled in by the Earth and miss
it barely, others hit it head on. ... He tells them to get people involved
in putting up a—the best I can come up with here is ‘shield’ because
he’s talking about protection. He tells the honchos that there is not
much they can do now, meaning at this time. ... The guys in suits
have questions—how many will die? What can they do to plan for this
event? That sort of thing. The tall skinny grey speaks to them again.
He says they must build underground facilities for themselves and
their people—not just where they are but in other places where there
are mountains and bedrock. What about the rest of the people, asks
the guys in suits. The grey replies that there are humans who will the
because they are not prepared. He says that the job of the guys in suits
is to prepare the people for this event and to tell them how to prepare
themselves. Panic, he says, is inevitable but there are means of keeping
problems to a minimum and we will give you those means.” This
viewer went on to describe how humans in orange jumpsuits left with
the greys after a “ceremony of departure.”
The year was 1917, and the seventy thousand people gathered near a
small Portuguese town all saw the UFO. The rain, which had contin
ued all morning, suddenly stopped about noon. The clouds parted, and
the sun appeared to throw out shafts of colored light in hues of violet,
blue, and yellow.
There was a strange fragrance in the air, and some heard a soft
humming sound. Then came the revoking flat disk, spinning down
toward the earth in a zigzag pattern before reversing its course and
disappearing into the sun. The crowd—many of whom thought the
object was the sun—was shocked to realize that their rain-soaked
clothing was now completely dry;
Although fully documented by attending journalists and investi
gated thoroughly by the Catholic Church, this case is rarely acknowl
edged in the UFO literature. It is reserved for the religion shelf. It has
become known as the miracle of Fatima, a small hamlet located about
seventy miles north of Lisbon. According to believers, it represented
physical entity’ with mass, inertia, volume, and physical parameters that
we can measure, and a window into another reality.”
To support this thesis, Vallee noted several UFO traits that indi
cate that something other than simple space travel is involved:
UFOs not only travel through the air, often violating the laws of
motion as we understand them, but according to many accounts, they
can materialize and dematerialize—wink in and out of existence.
Vallee claimed the idea that UFOs are simply spaceships from
another planet is naive. “The explanation is too simple-minded to
account for the diversity of the reported behavior of the occupants and
their perceived interactions with human beings,” he explained.
New Yorker John Keel, a longtime student of UFOs who has
authored several books on the subject, reached similar conclusions. In
UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, Keel stated, “Thus, by all the standards
the planet was “approaching the end of a cosmic cycle and there was
going to be a form of transition into a new state.”
“He said they were primarily attempting to reach as many peo
ple as they could,” Miller recalled. “They had instrumentation on
board their ships, that as they flew around the planet, they could pick
up on individuals who had telepathic potential. The main reason they
were here was to help raise the general level of awareness of all life
forms on the planet Earth.”
Miller learned that, unlike the newborn of other worlds,
humans were bom with no memory of past lives or conscious tele
pathic powers. This deficiency was one of the basic causes of human
strife. “As a result of all this, they quarantined the planet Earth and it
has been quarantined ever since,” Miller stated in a compilation of his
communications published in 1979. In these detailed and intricate
messages, an astounding history of the earth was revealed, including
references to ancient civilizations such as Atlantis and Lumeria. One
part dealt with the Great Pyramids of Egypt, which, according to
Miller’s notes, were built by aliens as giant “motion stabilizers for the
planet,” eliminating a dangerous wobble in its rotation about forty-five
thousand years ago. In this account, the pyramids originally were built
on the earth’s equator but ended up on the thirtieth degree of north
latitude following a prehistoric axis tilt. This shift resulted in the Great
Flood of Noah, which nearly exterminated mankind.
According to Miller, these aliens used a form of energy surround
ing them even in deep space. “[Soltec] described it as being the electro
magnetic and electrostatic lines of force that they twisted or bent parallel
for a fraction of a moment. This provided them with all the energy they
needed,” he wrote. “Aboard this particular space ship, they did have a
small fusion generator, an atomic generator which was like a starter
motor. It generated the power to create a force field, which in turn, could
bend the lines of force and release the energy they needed.” Interestingly
enough, there has been productive modem research into just such
energy—called zero point energy: Research at the Institute for Advanced
Studies in Austin, Texas, has determined that the vacuum of outer space
is neither empty nor tranquil, but filled with phantom particles of energy'
and fluctuations only now being discovered. According to physicists John
Wheeler and Richard Feynman, there is enough energy in the vacuum of
a solitary lightbulb to boil all the earth’s seas. It has been speculated that
zero point energy may be “the Rosetta stone of physics, explaining every
thing from gravity' to atoms to the origin of the cosmos itself.”
Through telepathic communication, Miller recorded a variety
of messages from nonhuman beings with names like Hatonn, Korton,
Voltra, Ashtar, Mon-Ka and Lalur, who spoke on everything from a
the same poor house for a day—or for a year or five years—he knows
he has his mansion to return to. So you hide these things from yourself
so that you can relate. You forget your home so that you can return to
it enriched.”
He said scientists are only just now learning what some philoso
phers have espoused for centuries—that the mind can influence mat
ter. “Consciousness creates form. It is not the other way around. All
personalities are not physical. It is only because you are so busily con
cerned with daily matters that you do not realize that there is a portion
of you who knows that its own powers are far superior to those shown
by the ordinary self. You have lived other existences, and that knowl
edge is within you though you are not consciously aware of it.
“You may think of your soul or entity ... as some conscious and
living, divinely-inspired computer who programs its own existences
and lifetimes. But this computer is so highly endowed with creativity
that each of the various personalities it programs spring into con
sciousness and song, and in turn create realities that may have been
undreamed of by the computer itself.
“The fact is that each of you create your own physical reality; en
masse, you create both the glories and the terrors that exist within
your earthly experience. Until you realize that you are the creators,
you will refuse to accept this responsibility. Nor can you blame a devil
for the world’s misfortunes. You have grown sophisticated enough to
realize that the Devil is a projection of your own psyche, but you have
not grown wise enough to learn how to use your creativity construc
Seth said some UFO sightings are instances where human and
nonhuman thought projections touch and represent only our percep
tions of “visitors from other realities.” “What happens is that you have
an attempt to exchange camouflage realities,” he explained. “The
beings entering your plane cannot appear within it as themselves.
Since their atomic structure is not the same as yours, distortions must
occur in order to make any contact possible. Thus you are greeted
with a certain set of sense data. You then try to figure out what is hap
pening but the sense data, you see, means that the event is already dis
torted to some degree. The physical vehicles that are often perceived
are your interpretation of the event that is actually occurring.”
A Ouija board also figured into another successful book based
on channeled information, this time from a collection of soul entities
claiming to bring messages from a higher plane of existence under the
name Michael. Michaels messages were compiled into a popular 1980
book by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro entitled simply Messages from Michael.
Michael, like Roberts’s Seth and Miller’s space friends, acknowl
edged one supreme force but refused to call it God. “We prefer not to
use the word God in speaking of the ultimate creative force of the uni
verse,” Michael explained, speaking through an unidentified California
woman. “Primarily because the word God in your society has become
masculinized and requires the use of the masculine pronoun, thus per
petuating the personification of the universal creative force. . . .
Unfortunately the word God gives rise to anthropomorphic fantasies
that have no place in this teaching. For our purposes we shall call this
constant creative force the Tao, for it is impossible for the Western
mind to construct any visual image around this word.”
Michael also stated that we are all parts of a greater whole, liv
ing in a “pandimensional universe.” The Michael entity explained that
each individual is a bit of sentient energy or soul that is separate from
the personality. This soul is “trapped” in a series of physical bodies
“for as long as it is necessary for them to experience all of life through
the cycles. ... There is growth on the higher planes as well, very like
those of the physical plane, and as the soul grows older on the physical
plane it becomes more aware of this higher evolution. .. . The contin
uous creative force that is universal casts out entities into physical
lifetimes. These entities fragment and become many different per
sonalities. Their integration is the evolutionary pattern for all souls.
You do not feel the desire to seek the remaining fragments of your
entity until the last physical cycle. Then, at that time, there is almost a
“Let us use an analogy,” Michael explained. “Imagine the
Atlantic Ocean as the whole; imagine filling 10 test tubes, then sealing
them so that they are both airtight and watertight, then imagine drop
ping them back into the ocean. They are part of the whole, yes, but
unless some outside force liberates them, they are remote from the
source and trapped in an effective prison. This same way the soul is
trapped in the body. The body is very limited in what it can do. The
soul in its true spiritual state has no limitations or handicaps.”
Like Seth, Michael warned against creating a new religion
around such messages, stating, “It is too easy for you to be lured by
your expectations into making this a new faith, which is in complete
opposition to our intention. Blind faith eliminates understanding, and
without understanding there can be no growth or agape, which is the
Wien asked if humans are the only ones to have souls that grow
through reincarnation, Michael replied, “There are two such species
on this planet. Human beings and cetaceans. This is, whales and dol
phins. I lowever, we think you should know that there are over 10 mil
lion ensouled species in this galaxy alone.”
and effect. The third dimension seems to be a realm for mastering lim
itations or victim consciousness. In victim consciousness, the ultimate
victim is one who doesn’t know that he or she is creating reality, and
believes than things just happen to them.”
An interesting twist to Drunvalo’s teachings is the idea that
aliens altered this planet’s predicted doom in 1972. According to this
story, Earth was subjected to a gigantic solar flare on August 7, 1972,
u'hich would have destroyed all life on the planet, since we had not yet
achieved the higher consciousness or vibration necessary to shift into a
higher and safer plane of existence. According to Drunvalo, intelligent
beings from Sirius, assisted by about a hundred other races, were given
permission by “Galactic Command” to experiment and try to avert
this disaster. They established a holographic energy field around the
earth and everything on it that not only protected life against the solar
flare but made everyone blissfully unaware of the event.
Indeed, in 1972 Science News noted, “The early days of August
saw a severe disturbance on the sun that produced four major flares
between August 2 and August 7 ... among the most major ever
recorded. . . . The August 7 flare ran the X-ray sensors off the scale.”
This event caused unforeseen results, according to Drunvalo,
who claimed all previous predictions regarding the future of Earth—
such as those of Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus—are no longer valid
due to the change of 1972.
“According to Drunvalo,” Frissell wrote, “extraterrestrials regu
larly visit a planet like ours. But it is against universal law for them to
interfere with us. For this reason they enter one overtone higher than
the one the planet sits on so that they are invisible to us. But they can
monitor us very clearly from this higher overtone. In fact, the next
higher overtone on our planet is right now so full of vehicles filled
with curious occupants that more recently arriving visitors have had to
go into the second overtone, and they have now almost completely
filled that one. There are even beings from distance galaxies here to
One alien race now on Earth that is mentioned frequently by
Drunvalo is the familiar “greys.” By his account, the greys are distant
ancestors of Martians, who are even now struggling with the loss of
atmosphere and environment on their own planet. Both the Martians
and the greys tried to cope with their realities by external intellect.
They built spaceships and other devices to help them in their evolu
tion, but lost the internal energy of love and emotion—the so-called
Christ-Consciousness—that allows all sentient beings to connect with
the universal whole.
“The Greys now' realize that to get out of the trap they created
evil manifestations, we are not able to tell the difference in any system
atic or definitive way. . . . Therefore, one could argue that the best
approach is to avoid any such manifestations.”
As every Christian fundamentalist has been taught, Satan is the
Great Deceiver. The New Testament book 2 Corinthians 11:14
(Revised Standard) states, . for even Satan disguises himself as an
angel of light.” “Those who look upon such phenomena as the UFOs,
contactees and the occult as benevolent are playing into his hands,”
wrote Weldon and Levitt.
Since the UFO researcher is told that from the human perspec
tive he cannot separate angels from demons posing as helpers, he is
trapped in a spiritual “hall of mirrors” just as confusing as the one
erected about UFOs by government deceit and disinformation. Small
wonder that so many people choose to ignore the UFO phenomenon
rather than deal with all its ramifications.
The problem is even more acute for those who have experi
enced a UFO sighting or an abduction firsthand. Some are awed and
excited by their experience, such as Lyn Buchanan, who said he almost
accepted an offer to become a UFO pilot. Others are frightened and
disoriented, such as Travis Walton.
“They [UFO visitors] respond to wrhat you give out to them,”
explained author and abductee Whitley Strieber in a recent interview.
“If you look at the experience with fear, it will be fearful. They are
projecting their subjective reality to us and we are projecting our sub
jective reality to them. They spent ten years playing games with my
fears.” Strieber said he has noticed that negative UFO experiences
tend to increase around military bases, where fear of attack and infil
tration is most intense.
This thesis seems to have been true for the military-trained
remote viewers, who voluntarily chose to take a mental look at UFO
occupants and had confidence in their RV expertise. None of them
apparently have suffered any ill effects simply from viewing what they
perceived as alien races.
But while religious fundamentalists may have trouble dealing
with the concept of aliens as opposed to angels and demons, many
clerics voice a certain equanimity w’hen it comes to the idea of life out
side the earth.
Speaking in reaction to the discovery of the meteorite said to
contain fossils of ancient Martian life, the Reverend James A. Wise
man, chairman of the Department of Theology at Catholic University,
said, “Personally, I’ve always believed we will find life on other plan
ets.” He said those whose faith might be shaken by aliens are those
who believe “God created life on Earth and Earth alone.” He added
ary movement into larger and more complex communities built upon
one conspiracy after another. From tribes to city-states to nations to
economic communities, the world has continued to move toward uni
fied, planetwide rule. While this movement may be inevitable, many
people today fear becoming a mere cog in some centrally' controlled
“New World Order” machine. Many fear that the people most likely
to represent Earth—due to their power and wealth—may not repre
sent the best interests of the average person. Many question whether
this fear is valid. Is there evidence of a history of conspiracies by elitist
individuals and groups?
The record is clear—the answer is yes. And it is in this record of
conspiracies that the answer to who rules Earth may be found.
know, is that the big banks are controlled by other big banks. For
example, the largest voter of stock in J. P. Morgan & Co., the parent of
Morgan Guaranty; is Citibank, which has 2.6 percent of the votes. And
the largest stock voter in Citicorp, the parent of Citibank, is Morgan
Guaranty, which holds 3.2 percent of the votes.
“Morgan is also the largest voter of stock in three other giant
New York City banks, Manufacturers Hanover, Chemical and Bankers
Trust. Chase Manhattan is the largest voter of stock in one of
Chicago’s banking giants, First Chicago. And between them, Morgan
Guaranty and Citibank vote more than five percent of the shares in the
nation’s largest bank, the Bank of America, based in San Francisco.
Getting to the bottom of who controls is a little like a scene from
‘Alice in Wonderland’ or an Abbott and Costello comedy routine.”
While Moskowitz’s data is somewhat outdated today—Manufacturers
Hanover no longer exists, having first merged with Chemical in 1992,
which in turn merged with Chase Manhattan in 1996—the system has
only become more concentrated.
For the average citizen it is often difficult to conceive how a
handful of people could control a large nation or the ivhole world. Yet,
anyone who has lived in a small town easily understands that in each
community of people there exists a pecking order of power. In any
given city or town, a few individuals are the acknowledged decision
makers. These individuals may include the local politician, banker,
police chief, or maybe even the undertaker. But usually the person at
the top of the pecking order represents wealth and long standing in
the community. Sometimes this person makes the decisions, some
times he merely guides others to a consensus. But make no mistake
about it, the pyramid of command exists.
Every adult can understand this fact of life. We also understand
that sometimes, those decision makers can be criminals. Many recall in
the old grade-B westerns, it was the kindly banker who turned out to
be boss of the rustlers driving the settlers off their land so it could be
bought by the bank and sold to the railroad at great profit. Researchers
of this issue are puzzled that so many people cannot seem to extrapo
late this understanding to national and international politics. Of
course, the corporate media tell us daily that everything is really okay
and disparage any talk from “conspiracy’ theorists.”
The ruling elite makes its will felt in a variety of ways, not the
least of w'hich is ownership control over the major media of nations
such as the United States, which today is becoming concentrated in
fewer and fewer hands. No wonder six of the top ten “censored sto
ries” of 1995 as determined by Al ternet involved business issues such
as the monopolization of telecommunications, the worsening child
groups founded by Cecil Rhodes, who in the late 1800s grew wealthy
from his monopoly on South African diamonds thanks to the coopera
tion of the Bank of England and Rothschild banking interests. Carroll
Quigley, professor of history at the Foreign Service School of George
town University, wrote, “The Rhodes Scholarships ... are known to
everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes in five previous
wills left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself
to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire. And what
does not seem to be known to anyone is that this secret society . . .
continues to exist to this day.”
In his 1966 book Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our
Time. Quigley addressed the question of historical conspiracy by writ
ing, “There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an interna
tional Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way
the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network,
which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to
cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and fre-
quently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I
have studied it for 20 years and was permitted for two years, in the
early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aver
sion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been
close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the
past and recently, to a few of its policies—notably to its belief that
England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be
allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain iso
lated from Europe—but in general my chief difference of opinion is
that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is
significant enough to be known.”
Quigley added, “Since 1925 there have been substantial contri
butions from wealthy individuals and from foundations and firms asso
ciated with the international banking fraternity, especially the
Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and other organizations associated
with J. P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families. ... The chief
backbone of this organization grew up along the already existing finan
cial cooperation running from the Morgan Bank in New' York to a
group of international financiers in London led by Lazard
Brothers. ... At the end of the war of 1914 [World War I], it became
clear that the organization of this system had to be greatly extended.”
Quigley explained that “front organizations” were created for
the Round Table Group. In London, this was called the Royal Insti
tute of International Affairs. In America, it was the Council on Foreign
Relations, a “front for J. P. Morgan and Company in association with the
very small American Round Iable Group.”
xii “my long investigation”: Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens front Space: The Real Story
of Unidentified Flying Saucers (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1973), p. x.
xii Dr. James E. McDonald: Ibid., p. xi.
xii represents Smithsonian views: Author’s telephone interview' with Smithsonian
Institution Press editor in chief Alex Doster, February 12, 1996.
xii Peebles on Keyhoe: Curtis Peebles, Watch the Skies! A Chronicle of the Flying
Saucer Myth (New York: Berkley Books by arrangement with Smithsonian Insti
tution Press, 1995), pp. 44-45.
xiii “I am a skeptic”: Ibid., p. xii.
xiv Astronaut John W. Young: David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, “It’s a Bird,
It’s a Plane—What Is It?” In The People's Almanac #2, ed. Roy Sorrels (New'
York: Bantam Books, 1978), p. 596.
xiv Hermann Oberth: Antonio Huneeus, “Prof. Hermann Oberth: Confirmed
UFO Believer!” Unsolved UFO Sightings 4, no. 2 (summer 1996), p. 66.
xiv Wernhervon Braun: Ibid., p. 67.
xvi Kennedy quote: LeRoi Smith, ed., We Cante in Peace: The Story of Man in Space
(Chicago: Classic Press and Professional Press, 1969), p. 18.
xviii Lake Worth Monster: Jim Marrs, “Fishy Man-Goat Terrifies Couples Parked aL
Lake Worth,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, July 10, 1969, p. 2-A.
xviii “Some believe”: Mark Chorvinsky, “Our Strange World,” Fate, October 1992,
pp. 31-35.
xxi tens of thousands viewed the light: Paris Flammonde, UFO Exist! (New York:
Ballantine Books, 1976), p. 97.
xxi First “saucer” report: Jacques Vallee, UFO's in Space (New York: Ballantine
Books, 1965), p. I.
xxi first dirigihle flight: Peter Brookesmith, UFO: The Complete Sightings (New
York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1995), p. 23.
xxi continued news reports: Philip J. Klass, UFOs Explained (New York Random
House, 1974), p. 259.
31 One description of machines: Zecharia Sitchen, The Wars of Gods and Men
(New York: Avon Books, 1985), p. 67.
32 “admirable men”: Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods (New York: Crown
Publishers, 1995), p. 156.
32 return to stars: Ibid., p. 141.
32 Quetzalcoatl legend: Kolosimo, op. cit., p. 163.
32 “strange craft in the skies”: T. Lobsang Rampa, The Third Eye: The Autobiogra
phy of a Tibetan Lama (London: Martin Seeker & Warburg Ltd., 1958),
p. 140.
33 Tibetan kings: Andrew Tomas, We Are Not the First (New York: Bantam Books,
1973), p. 117.
33 “Flight of Etana”: Ibid., p. 113.
cave graves: von Daniken (1972), pp. 96-99.
33 “imprint of a shoe sole”: Serge Hutin, Alien Races and Fantastic Civilizations
(New York: Berkeley Medallion Books, 1970), p. 5.
33 “five-toed llamas”: Kolosimo, op. cit., p. 207.
34 vertical landing technology and “genuine mystery”: Hancock, op. cit., p. 38.
34 J. Alden Mason and navigation guides: Kolosimo, op. cit., p. 206.
34 Landing at Nazca: von Däniken (1972), p. 105.
35 “folk memory”: Tomas, op. cit., p. 121.
35 Maltese cross: Chatelain, op. cit., pp. 72-74.
35 Jacob’s story: The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version (London: Collins’
Clear-Type Press, 1948), Genesis 28:11-14.
37 “Escape for thy life”: Ibid., Genesis 19:17.
37 “brimstone and fire”: Ibid., Genesis 19:24-26.
37 “pillar of vapor”: Sitchen (1985), pp. 313-14.
37 “columns of smoke”: The New Layman's Parallel Bible (Living Bible) (Grand
Rapids, MI: Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1981), p. 45.
37 communities abandoned and radioactivity: Sitchen (1985), p. 315.
38 “visions of God”: 77>e Holy Bible (King James Version), Ezekiel 1:1.
38 Ezekiel’s description: The New Layman's Parallel Bible (New International Ver
sion), pp. 2108-10.
39 NASA official: Josef F. Blumrich, The Spaceships of Ezekiel (New York: Bantam
Books, Inc., 1974), foreword.
39 “technically feasible”: Ibid., p. 3.
39 “distinct from prophetic content”: Ibid., p. 7.
39 “does not interpret”: Ibid., p. 13.
39 phases of the landing: Ibid., p. 63.
40 visions not literal: Wilson, op. cit., p. 59.
40 Hou Yih’s moon travel: Tomas, op. cit., pp. 114-15.
41 past is a vacuum: Ibid., pp. 8-9.
42 “a computing machine”- Ibid., p. 127.
42 “device could not exist”: Simon Welfare and John Fairly, Arthur C. Clarkes
Mysterious World (New York: A&W Publishers, 1980), pp. 65-66.
42 jet plane in tomb: Tomas, op. cit., p. 128.
43 Clarkes comments: Welfare and Fairly, op. cit., p. 67.
43 Wilhelm Konig: Ibid., p. 62.
43 Dr. Arne Eggebrecht. Ibid., p. 63.
44 “same human skull”: Ibid., p. 54.
44 “perfect skull emerged”: Ibid., p. 53.
44 screw and pavements: Frank Edwards, Strangest of All (New York: Ace Books,
Inc., 1956), pp. 100-01.
45 “intriguing items”: /Man and Sally Landsburg, In Search of Ancient Mysteries
(New York: Bantam Books, 1974), pp. 20-22.
46 Strabo and Senaca: Tomas, op. cit., pp. 84-85.
46 Vishnti-Purana: Ibid., pp. 85-86.
46 Bronislav Kouznetsov. Ibid.
46 Chinese map: Hancock, op. cit., p. 32.
46 Col. Harold Z. Ohlmeyer: Ibid., p. 3.
47 Charles I lapgood: Ibid., p. 10.
47 Columbus’s map: Tomas, op. cit., pp. 87-88.
47 “20 old charts”: Ibid., p. 89.
48 Mercator, Oronteus Finaeus and Buache: Hancock, op. cit., pp. 18-22.
48 “worldwide culture”: Tomas, op. cit., p. 90.
48 aerial photographs: von Daniken (1971), p. 15.
48 Voynich manuscript: Ibid., p. 91.
49 steel cables: Welfare and Fairly, op. cit., p. 87.
49 “liked a hard life?”: von Daniken (1971), p. 94.
49 Gerald Hawkins: 'Fomas, op. cit., p. 128.
49 “calculator”: Chatelain, op. cit., p. 150.
50 Newgrange and Maes Howe: Welfare and Fairly, op. cit., pp. 91-93.
50 Magnus Spence: Ibid.
50 energy pulses: Ibid., p. 96.
50 following historian’s footsteps: Hancock, op. cit., p. 294.
50 John Anthony West: Hancock, Ibid., pp. 418-19.
51 “ironclad evidence”: Ibid.
51 land-based cranes: Ibid., p. 342.
51 I. E. S. Edwards: O’Leary, op. cit., p. 100.
51 Col. Howard Vyse: Hancock, op. cit., pp. 302-3.
52 “archeological fraud”: Stichen (1985), p. 136.
52 no signs of burial. Hancock, op. cit., p. 313.
52 Kane, Edwards, Isler, and Faulkner; Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert, The
Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids (New York: Crow n Publish
ers, 1994), pp. 50-51.
53 British inches: Peter Lemesuricr, The Great Pyramid Decoded (New York: Avon
Books, 1977), p. 299,
53 “architectural symbol”: Ibid., p. 8.
53 pyramid as navigation tool: William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (San Jose, CA:
Dahlin Family Press, 1990), p. 64.
53 pyramid as time keeper: Chatelain, op. cit., p. 57.
54 Pyramids are Osiris: Bauval and Gilbert, op. cit., p. 122.
54 “airshaft”: Ibid., p. 173.
54 10,450 B.C.: Ibid., pp. 192-93.
54 “garbled nonsense”: Chatelain, op. cit., p. 64.
54 “radiation barriers”: Ibid.
55 “global influence”: Bramley, op. cit., pp. 188-89.
55 “global legacy”: I Iancock, op. cit., p. 32.
55 Japanese earthen statutes: Jacques Vallee, Dunensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact
(New York: Ballantine Books, 1988), pp. 9-JO.
56 story of Nibiru: Sitchen (1985), pp. 345-50.
78 V-173 “Fixing Flapjack”: David C. Knight, UFOs: A Pictorial History from Antiq
uity to the Present (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979), p. 34.
78 governments are lying: Harbinson (1991), p. xi.
78 CIA memo: Good (1993), p. 143.
78 Lt. Col. George Edwards: John Spencer, ed., The UFO Encyclopedia (New York:
Avon Books, 1991), p. 103.
78 Robert Dorr: Good (1993), p. 144.
79 Richard S. Shaver: Peebles, op. cit., pp. 4-7; Flammonde, op. cit., pp. 174-80.
79 “concise summary of flying saucer myth”: Peebles, op. cit., p. 7,
80 “Silence is the best thing”: Brookesmith, op. cit., p. 38.
80 "tremendously bright flash”: Flammonde, op. cit., p. 163.
80 Chinese kite tail: Brookesmith, op. cit., p. 45.
81 speed calculated: Peebles, op. cit., p. 10.
81 “guided missiles”: Flammonde, op. cit., p. 166.
81 "significance of this”: Spencer, op. cit., p. 25.
82 Davidson and Brown: Flammonde, op. cit., pp. 184—85.
82 Palmer and Crisman letter: Peebles, op. cit., p. 14.
82 Arnold’s second encounter: Flammonde, op. cit., pp. 185-86; Good (1988), p. 571.
82 hotel room, volcanic rock, and anonymous letter: Flammonde, op. cit., pp 186-89.
83 hoax or espionage: Ibid., p. 190.
83 “secrete a listening deuce”: Ibid., p. 191.
83 “fake” stuff: Ibid., p. 192.
84 “more rocky’and less metallic”: Ibid., p. 197.
84 B-25 crash and cause: Ibid., pp. 200-2; Peebles, op. cit., p. 16.
85 Harold Wilkins: Roger Ford, “A Secret Never to Be Told?” in UFOs: The Final
Answer, ed. David Barclay and Therese Marie Barclay (London: Blandford
Press, 1993), p. 110.
85 Crisman and “hardware”: Anthony' L. Kimeiy, “The Secret Life of Fred L.
Crisman,” UFO 8. no. 5 (September-October 1993), p. 35.
85 first man called: Ibid., p. 36.
86 Permindex and CMC: Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (New
York: Carroll & Graf, 1989), p. 499.
86 Crisman as “extended agent”: Extractions from CLA file: CRISMAN, Fred Lee,
Number OSS/CLA 4250ece, located at Control Records Dispatch, Davenport,
86 John Keel theory: Brookesmith, op. cit., p. 39.
87 air force report: Peebles, op. cit., p. 16.
87 “still ... a mystery”: Flammonde, op. cit., p. 206.
87 “intelligence . .. deeply immersed”: Kimery, loc. cit., p. 38.
87 first mention of outer space: Peebles, op. cit., p. 28.
139 rocket kept going: Editors, “Have We Sent a Rocket into Space?” Popular
Mechanics 103, no, 5 (May 1955), p. 112.
139 “Tombaugh is closed mouth”: Popular Mechanics (October 1955), p. 334.
140 John P. Bagby: Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, The Flying Saucer Conspiracy (New York:
Henry7 Holt and Company, 1955), pp. 260-61.
140 Captain Howard T. Orville: Ibid., p. 198.
140 NASA release, Stewart Alsop: Keyhoe (1973), pp. 161—62.
140 Tombaugh not published: Carl Sagan and Thornton Page, eds., UFOs-A Scien
tific Debate (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1972), p. 29.
140 bomber crew experience: Keyhoe, op. cit., p. 164.
141 Dr. Fritz Zwicky and rockets: Keyhoe (1955), pp. 105-7.
141 satellites as natural objects: Ibid., pp. 194-95.
142 NTCAP members: Peebles, op. cit., p. 139.
142 Keyhoe comment: Ibid., p. 157.
143 CBS censors Keyhoe’s statement: Ibid., pp. 154—55.
143 AF “special” briefing: Ibid., p. 157.
143 McCormack hearing and Peebles quote: Ibid., p. 158.
144 “one of the classics”: Hynek, op. cit., p. 144.
144 Zamora account: Brad Steiger, ed., Project Blue Book: The Top Secret UFO Find
ings Revealed (New York: Ballantine Books, 1976), pp. 115-21.
145 insignia as sign for Venus: Vallee (1988), p. 33.
145 “verified the marks and ... plants”: Hvnek, op. cit., p. 145.
145 attempts to break story “fruidess”: Ibid.
145 Hynek and Menzel’s theory: Steiger, op. cit., p. 134
145 “landing was a hoax”: Peebles, op. cit., p. 185.
146 La Medera landing: Brookesmith, op. cit., p. 81.
146 Rev. Gill letters and report: Hynek, op. cit., pp. 147^49.
147 Menzel’s theories: Ibid., p. 242.
148 no blackout explanation quotes: Keyhoe (1973), pp. 213-14.
148 news reports on UFOs: Ibid., p. 215.
148 Power article: Ibid., p. 216.
148 fraud “preposterous”: Ibid., p. 217.
149 blackouts in Texas, New Mexico: Spencer, op. cit., p. 44
149 Fredrick E. Davids: Flammonde, op. cit., p. 357.
150 typical headline: Peebles, op. cit., p. 205.
150 Gerald R. Ford letter: Flammonde, op. cit., p. 360.
150 “worthy of scientific attention”: Hynek, op. cit., pp. 196-97.
150 ad hoc committee: Thompson, op. cit., p. 92.
151 “there is nothing to it”: Peebles, op. cit., p. 217.
151 “committee had come to a standstill”: Dr. Jacques Vallee, Dimensions: A Casebook
of Alien Contact (New York- Ballantine Books, 1988), p. 211.
151 Armstrong resignation letter: Hynek, op. cit., p. 244.
152 “confidential information” to Menzel: Ibid., p. 249.
152 “F.TI” does not exist: Ibid., p. 246.
152 Low’s memo: Peebles, op. cit., p. 211
152 “choice of data”: Hynek, op. cit., p. 195.
152 “problem” defined: Ibid., pp. 203-4.
153 Stewart Udall: Keyhoe (1973), p. 282.
153 Dr Paul Tyler: Author’s interview, August 16, 1993.
165 “lot of things that are not in my memo”: Good (1988), p. 96.
165 film delivered to HQ: Ibid., p. 93.
165 tape transcript: Ibid., pp. 89-90.
166 “a mechanical device of unknown origin”: Brookesmith, op. cit., p. 61.
166 Peter Robbins and lights: Terry Ecker, “UFOs Still Cavorting Around Bentwa
ters AFB,” UFO 6, no. 2 (March/April 1991), pp. 6-7.
166 no records on Warren: Ibid.
167 “a grave assault”: Michael Lindemann, “UFOs and the Alien Presence: Time
for the Truth,” Summary Report I, Visitors Investigation Project of the Democ
racy and Security Conference, a division of The 2020 Group, March 1990,
pp. 13-14.
167 Neilson per name for Kimery: Author’s interview, 1997.
167 “secret, centralized command structure”: James Neilson, “High-Level Disclo
sures: ‘Secret’ U.S./UFO Structure,” UFO 4, no. 1 (March/April 1989), p. 4.
168 Tad Sherburn: Editors, “U.N. Runs UFO Agency, Says Researcher,” UFO 10,
no. 3 (May/June 1995), p. 10.
168 UFO chain of command: Neilson, op. cit., p. 5, plus several sources who
requested anonymity.
169 NRO loses $2 billion: New York Times, “Secretive Agency Misplaces $2 Billion,”
Portland Press Herald, January 30, 1996, p. 5A.
169 secret underground facilities and locations: Richard Sauder, Underground Bases
and Tunnels: What Is the Government Tying to Hide? (Abingdon, VA: Dracon
Press, 1995), p. 11.
170 “Lunar Tunneler”: Ibid., p. 101.
170 projects like the “Chunnel”: Ibid., p. 84.
171 FEMA installation not in budget: Ibid., p. 49-50.
171 Oliver North, Arthur Liman, and FEMA plan: Alfonso Chardy, “Plan Called
for Martial Law in U.S.,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, July 5, 1987, section 1, p. 9.
171 how many not known: Sauder, op. cit., p. 52.
172 Alternatives 1 and 2: Keith, op. cit., p. 7.
172 X-33 space shuttle: Editors, “The Shuttle That May Put You in Space,” U.S.
New & World Report, July 22, 1996, p. 13.
173 gridlock and homeless people: Paul R. Ehrlich & Anne H. Ehrlich, The Popula
tion Explosion (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990), p. 11.
173 Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Associated Press, “As Population Grows, People Will
Live ‘Like Rats,’ Cousteau Says,” Los Angeles Times, June 6, 1992, p. A17.
173 second only to nuclear war: Ehrlich, op. cit., p. 18.
174 “actually a hoax”: Keith, op. cit., p. 14.
174 “very’ close to a secret truth”: Ibid.
174 Linda Howe and BBC producer: Authors interview, July 8, 1996.
175 Kurt Rebmann: Keith, op. cit., p. 56.
175 “infiltration by Nazis”: Ibid., p. 41.
175 “broad outline of controls”: Ibid., p. 159.
176 Norio Hayakawa and Gary Schultz: Don Ecker, “Dark Chopper 'Fries to Crash
S-4 ‘UFO Party,’” UFO 6, no. 4 (July/August 1991), p. 10.
176 Valentino Kent and Ken Brazell: Don Ecker, “Strange Camp-out at Area SI,”
UFO 8, no. 3 (May/Iune 1993), pp. 12-15.
177 “numerous secret aircraft”: Editors, “Multiple Sightings of Secret Aircraft Hint
at New Propulsion, Airframe Designs,” Aviation H eck & Space Technology, Octo
ber I, 1990, p. 22.
177 “illegal land seizure”: Don Ecker, “Strange Camp-out at Area 51,” UFO 8, no. 3
(May/June 1993), p. 12.
177 air force statement: Abe Dane, “Flying Saucers: The Real Story,” Popular
Mechanics 172, no. 1 (January 1995), p. 50.
177 Abe Dane: Dane, loc. cit.
178 sightings described: Editors, “Secret Advanced Vehicles Demonstrate Technologies
for Future Military Use,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, October 1, 1990, p. 20.
178 “guarded with undiminished vigilance”: Ibid.
178 Intelligence chiefs at Wackenhut: John Connolly, “Inside America’s Secret
Secret Police,” Spy, September 1992, p. 49.
179 armed employees, files and revenues: Don Ecker, “Corporate Spooks Ride
High at Wackenhut,” UFO 8, no. 1 (January/February 1992), pp. 9-10.
179 Anthony J. Hilder letter: Copy dated July 30, 1992, in author’s files.
179 Bob Lazar and Dr. Edward Teller: Lindemann, op. cit., pp. 89-90.
180 S-4 destination: Ibid.
180 gun to head: Don Ecker, “The Saucers and the Scientist,” UFO 5, no. 6
(November/December 1990), p. 17.
181 Element 115: Lindemann, op. cit., p. 106.
181 nine UFOs: Ibid., p. 18.
181 small “doll”: Good (1993), p. 208.
181 briefing papers and “containers”: Ibid., pp. 210—12.
182 UFOs gained by “friendly means”: Lindemann, op. cit., p. 105.
182 Paul Bennewitz letter; Good (1993), p. 210.
182 “unprofessional manner” and “buddy system”: Lindemann, op. cit., p. 108.
182 Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum: Thomas R. Adams, The Choppers—the and
Choppers, rev. ed. (Paris, TX: Project Stigma, 1991), p. 36.
183 “why I left S-4”: Ibid., p. 92.
183 Los Alamos phone listing: Ecker (1990), loc. cit., p. 16.
184 W-2 form and “E-6722MAJ”: Good (1993), p. 202.
184 “MAJ” and SCI clearance: Ibid., pp. 172-73.
184 Dr. Teller vacillated: Ibid., pp. 171-72.
185 “crime against the American people”: Ibid., pp. 194-95.
185 polygraph tests: Ecker (1990), loc. cit., pp. 17-18.
185 legal action: Author’s interview with Gene Huff, July 16, 1996.
186 Marion Leo Williams: Good (1993), p. 207.
186 George Knapp: Ibid., pp. 198-99.
186 “public indoctrination process”: Ibid., p. 212.
186 “chosen for release of this information”: George Knapp, “Lazar’s Story Un
changed,” UFO 5, no. 6 (November/December 1990), p. 19.
186 “wall of absurdity” and “theatre”: Vallee (1991), p. 227.
187 “huge amounts of disinformation”: Author’s interview with Don Ecker, July 16,
187 “story has some holes”: Peebles, op. cit., p. 329.
187 “I am telling the truth”: Good (1993), p. 213.
187 “I don’t care who believes me”: Ecker (1990), loc. cit., p. 19.
217 Sheriff Fred Diamond and tape recorder: Ibid., pp. 40-41.
217 Dr. James Harder: Peebles, op. cit., p. 242.
217 “very real, frightening experience”: Randles, op. cit, p. 41.
217 Klass argued: Peebles, op. cit., pp. 243-44.
218 Hickson declined money: Spencer, op. cit, p. 240.
218 Travis Walton account: Travis Walton, The Walton Experience (New York:
Berkley Books, 1978); Randles, op. cit., pp. 44 -46; Brookesmith, op. cit.,
pp. 111-12.
218 C. E. Gilson and polygraph test: Peebles, op. cit, p. 275.
219 Dalis feared self-incrimination: Randles, op. cit., p. 45.
219 humanoids description: Walton, op. cit., p. 106.
220 John J. McCarthy: Peebles, op. cit, p. 276.
220 Jeff Wells: Ibid., pp. 276-77.
220 Travis and lie detector: Quendrith Johnson, “Tire in the Sky’ Inquiry,” UFO 8,
no. 3 (May/June 1993), p. 21.
220 Lamont McConnell and test: Good (1993), p. 85.
220 Dr. Jean Rosenbaum: Ibid.
220 Lester H. Steward: Peebles, op. cit., p. 387.
221 Klass and Forest Service contract: Ibid., pp. 279-80.
221 Dr. James Harder: Johnson, loc. cit., p. 21.
221 Tracy Torme: Ibid., p. 22.
221 “some real insight”: Ibid., p. 23.
222 “pitch black” eyes: Budd Hopkins, Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley
Woods (New York: Ballantine Books, 1987), p. 17.
222 description of child: Ibid., p. 223.
223 “the patterns exist”: Ibid., p. 235.
223 Dr. John Burger: Ibid., pp. 253-54.
223 two possible lines of explanations: Ibid., pp. 267-68.
223 Tomey medical history and comment: Peebles, op. cit., p. 388.
224 “similarities with science fiction”: Ibid., p. 287.
224 “profoundly alien quality”: Ibid., p. 286.
224 unknown prior to 1987: Randles, op. cit., p. 162.
224 “no overt memories”: Peebles, op. cit., p. 288.
224 anyone can provide a story: Ibid., p. 289.
224 abduction stories from kids: Vicki Cooper, “Studying ‘Anomalous
Experiences,’” UFO 6, no. 4 (July/August 1991), p. 16.
225 “abuses perpetrated”: Whitley Strieber, “Technique Out-of-Control,” UFO 2,
no. 4 (May/June 1989), p. 22.
225 “break fear-amnesia”: Ibid., p. 23.
225 “All testimony . . . affected”: Budd Hopkins, “One UFOlogists Methodology,”
UFO 2, no. 4 (May/June 1989), p. 27.
225 “borderline . .. abduction cases”: Ibid.
225 “screen memories”: Ibid., p. 28.
225 “hypnosis parallels . . . reporting”: John E. Mack, Abduction: Human Encounters
•with Aliens (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994), p. 430.
226 “extraordinary experience” as template: Ibid.
226 no way to convey emotional authenticity: Hopkins, Intruders, p. 176.
226 “We were amazed”: Fowler (1980), p. 32.
226 one more investigative tool: Ibid., p. 304.
226 Thompson on hypnosis: Thompson, op. cit., pp. 152-53.
226 hypnotists are led: Dr. Thomas Bullard, “Hypnosis No ‘Truth Serum,’” UFO 4,
no. 4 (May/June 1989), p. 34.
226 potential for misuse undeniable: Ibid., p. 35.
226 “Clearly, hypnosis is not. . . foolproof”: Peebles, op. cit., p. 290.
227 “doubters ... create doubt”: Bullard, loc. cit., p. 35.
227 “it’s remarkable to me ... Richard Cutting, “Q&A: John Mack, M.D.,” UFO
9, no. 5 (September/October 1994), p. 26.
227 one young man troubled: Ibid.
227 They come . .. “at random”: Mack, op. cit., p. 4.
227 sexual abuse vs.... alien-related: Cutting, loc. cit., p. 28.
228 “concrete physical findings”: Mack, op. cit., p. 389-90.
228 no fetus disappeared: Ibid., p. 27.
228 “keep us ignorant”: Ibid., p. x.
228 entities from parallel universe: Cutting, loc. cit., p. 27.
228 Nicholas Spanos study: Thompson, op. cit., pp. 157-58.
229 Donna Bessett at CSICOP: Geoff Olson, “‘PSI-COPS’ Bite into Abduction
Claims,” UFO 9, no. 5 (September/October 1994), pp. 14-15.
229 Mack on Bessett: Cutting, loc. cit., p. 31.
229 Mack on Time: Ibid.
229 Daniel Sheehan on committee: Vicld Cooper, “Point Piece: Committee Targets
John Mack’s Work with Abductees,” UFO 10, no. 3 (May/June 1995), pp. 6 and 46.
229 Anne Taylor: Alex Beam, “Harvard Takes ‘No Adverse Action’ on UFO
Researcher,” Boston Globe, August 3, 1995, p. 1.
230 Arnold Reiman: Ibid., p. 22.
230 Strieber’s lie detector test: Ed Conroy, Report on Communion (New York:
William Morrow, 1989), p. 61.
231 Philippe Mora’s experience: Ibid., p. 210.
231 “We’ve won”: Author’s interview, Dallas, Texas, January 13, 1996.
231 family living by lake: Ibid.
232 “the crudest, nastiest”: Sean Casteel, “Q&A: Strieber Sounds Off,” UFO 8, no.
5 (September/October 1993), p. 21.
232 “I stayed away from all this”: Whitley Strieber talk, Unity Church, Dallas,
Texas, January 13, 1996.
232 “If this is ‘real’”; Djuna Wojton, “Whidey Strieber’s Journey Beyond Commu
nion,” UFO Universe 1, no. 1 (July 1988), p. 66.
232 “The message is clear”: Whitley Strieber, Breakthrough: The Next Step (New
York: HarperCollins, 1995), p. 281.
232 “We can choose”: Strieber talk.
232 psychedelic visitors: Jefferson R. Weekley, “Denizens of the Psychedelic,” UFO
8, no. 4 (July/August 1993), pp. 33-34.
233 “I reached out and touched him”: Authors interview with Charlene Adams,
August 11, 1996.
234 “Oz factor”: Randles, op. cit., p. 16.
235 Fred Youngren: Fowler (1980), p. 225.
235 “human/alien hybrid offspring”: Mack, op. cit., p. 24.
236 battles between “good” and “evil”: Ibid., p. 26.
236 Independent witnessing “rare”: Ibid., p. 20.
236 Richard Price account: Vicki Cooper Ecker, “Alien Implants, Part I: State of the
Evidence,” UFO 11, no. 2 (March/April 1996), p. 18.
237 substances from “old trauma site”: Ibid., p. 21.
237 Dr. Mack and twisted fiber: Mack, op. cit., p. 27.
237 Dr. Richard Neal’s study: Fowler (1990), p. 232.
237 “to monitor me”: Mack, op. cit., p. 111.
238 “alien monitoring device”: Fowler (1990), p. 55.
238 “cuts and small ulcers”: Mack, op. cit., p. 7.
238 “Scars have been observed”: Fowler (1990), p. 233.
238 no inflammatory cells and nerve cells: Vicki Ecker, loc. cit., p. 20.
239 “routing to the brain”: Ibid.
239 hemocyterin in membrane: Ibid.
239 stud finder stood on end: Ibid.
239 Derrel Sims and objects returned: Vicki Cooper Ecker, “Alien Implants, Part II:
Fate of the Evidence,” UFO 11, no. 3 (Alay/June 1996), p. 24.
239 keratin, green color, and “scant evidence”: Ibid., p. 26.
240 Budd Hopkins quotes: Ibid., pp. 27-28.
240 Linda Cortile account: Budd Hopkins, Witnessed (New York: Pocket Books,
1996); Randles, op. cit., pp. 132-35; Brookesmith, op. cit., pp. 136-37; “News
Notes: UFOologists Take Sides on Volatile ‘Linda Case,'” UFO 8, no. 1 (Jan-
uary/February 1993), p. 13.
242 “a geat deal of erroneous information”: Hopkins (1996), p. 389.
242 “... as for me”: Ibid., p. 389.
242 Linda’s retort to debunkers: Ibid., p. 381.
242 “most important in recorded history”: Ibid., p. xiii.
243 “manipulate the behavior”: Ibid., p. 376.
243 “complex breeding experiment”: Ibid., p. 378.
243 UFO pilot recruited: Authors interview with Lyn Buchanan, August 9, 1996.
246 1991 Roper poll: Mack, op. cit., p. 448; Dennis Stacy, “Millions of Americans
Abducted?” Fate 45, no. 9 (September 1992), pp. 60-61.
246 “more solid evidence”: Randles, op. cit., p. 104.
246 “five basic dimensions”: Mack, op. cit., pp. 28-29.
247 “All of these elements”: Fowler (1990), p. 353.
247 “These men and women are neither devoured”: Hopkins, op. cit., p. 277.
247 “It is possible”: Thompson, op. cit., p. 196.
247 “To me, it seems doubtful”: Ibid., p. 168.
247 “UFO abductions have to do ... ”: Mack, op. cit., p. 420.
270 parallel between mutilations and abductions: Steiner, loc. cit., p. 69.
270 Puerto Rico deaths: Scott Corrales, “Close Encounters with Puerto Rico’s Chu-
pacabras,” UFO Sightings 4, no. 2 (summer 1996), pp. 24-26.
271 Mayor Jose Soto: Fernando Del Valle, “‘Goat Sucker’ Fears Sweep South
Texas,” Dallas Morning News, May 7, 1996, p. 13 A.
271 Mexico fear: Washington Post, “Blood-Sucking Goat Killer Has All of Mexico
Talking,” Des Moines Register, May 13, 1996, p. 1.
272 “collective psychosis”: Ibid.
272 Sylvia Ybarra, Maria and Steve Edelstein: Del Valle, loc. cit.
284 guys couldn’t come up with the answers: Vicki Cooper, “NEWS: Experts Assail
Brits’ Hoax Claims,” UFO 6, no. 6 (November/December 1991), p. 6.
284 MBF owns copyright: Wingfield, loc. cit., p. 5.
285 “bogus private news agency”: Ibid.
285 “debunking campaign” and CIA: Pat Delgado, “LETTERS: Claimed Hoaxing
of Crop Circles,” The Cerealogist, no. 5 (winter 1991/2), p. 24.
286 “who finances these trips?”: Wingfield, loc. cit., p. 6.
286 a trick by two old jokers: Ibid.
286 major disinformation campaign: Cooper, loc. cit., p. 7.
286 Doug and Dave in Percy Hobbs Pub: Carl Sagan, “Crop Circles and Aliens:
What’s the Evidence?” Parade (December 3, 1995), p. 12-13.
287 “official doctrine”: John Michell, “Editorial Notes,” The Cerealogist, no. 5 (Win
ter 1991/2), p. 2.
287 magnetic disturbances: Charles Thomas, loc. cit.
287 cell pit changes: Howe (1993), p. 45.
288 “no way a hoxer can do this”: Ibid., p. 47.
288 Joe Rennick, Chad Deetken and porcupine: Ibid., pp. 67-68.
288 “Forty-five percent is astonishing”: Ibid., p. 49.
288 Bruce Rideout and splitting: Ibid., pp. 50-51.
289 unnatural radioactive isotopes: Marshall Dudley and Michael Chorost, “The
Discovery of Thirteen Short-lived Radionuclides in Soil Samples in an English
Crop Circle,” The Cerealogist, no. 5 (winter 1991/2), p. 25.
289 biochemistry of plants affected: Ibid., pp. 51 and 83.
289 George Wingfield and Barbury Castle: Ibid., pp. 4-5.
289 UFOs manipulate rotary force field: Delgado and Andrews, op. cit., p. 168.
290 Archie Roy: Howe (1993), p. 4.
290 “A ratio in the diatonic scale”: Howe (1993), p. 54; Editors, “Crop Circles: The
orems in Wheat Fields,” Science News 150, no. 15 (October 12, 1996), p. 239.
290 “accuracy required”: Ibid., p. 55.
291 Stonehenge approach: Ivars Peterson, “Euclid’s Crop Circles,” Science News
141, no. 5 (February 1992), p. 77.
291 Euclidean geometry and letter: Ibid, and p. 76.
291 “intricate information conveyed”: Howe (1993), p. 58.
291 Bryce Bond: Migliore, loc. cit., p. 24.
292 “borderland” quagmire or mother lode: Ibid., p. 22.
292 audible oddities: Ibid.
292 Dr. Wilhelm Reich: David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace, “Gallery of
Important Persons in the History of Sex,” The People's Almanac, ed. Ed Rehmus
(Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975), pp. 1002-3.
292 Tifinag Norse messages: Jon Erik Beckjord, “UFOs Did It: ‘Decoding’ the
Agriglyphs,” UFO 6, no. 5 (September/October 1991), p. 26.
293 “the latest such fruitless effort”: Dennis Stacy, “Counterpoint: A Faulty Transla
tion,” UFO 6, no. 5 (September/October 1991), pp. 27-28.
293 fairies, pixies, and elves: Peter Hewitt, “A ‘Question of Psychology’: Cosmic
Graffiti,” UFO 6, no. 5 (September/October 1991), pp. 31-33.
293 “The Circles are saying”: Dennis Stacy, “Crop Circles: Brief History and
Overview,” MUFON 1991 International UFO Symposium Proceedings (Versailles,
MO: 1991), p. 290.
293 “a promise from God”: Migliore, loc. cit., p. 24.
294 circle done in half hour: Andy Thomas, “Fields of Dreams. A Breathtaking
Phenomenon,” Sightings, no. 5 (fall 1996), p. 17,
Jacob. 35-36
Jacobs, David, 224 Leonard. George H.. 15-16, 17. 24-25
Jacobs. Robert, 25 Leslie, Desmond, 191
Jason group, 158-59 Levengood. W. C., 287-89
Jastrow, Robert, 1, 4 Levitt, Zola, 368, 369
Jefferson, Thomas, 384 Lewis. Berle and Nellie, 248-49
Jenkins, Peter, 63 Life (magazine), 129
Johannis. Rapuzzi, 189-90 Liman, Arthur. 171
Johnson, Quendrith, 221 Lindbergh. Charles, Sr.. 386
Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication Lindemann. Michael, 167
(JANAP) 146. 127 Lockheed Martin, 171, 172, 178
Jung. Carl. 195, 368 London Daily Telegraph. 65
Jupiter, 305-6 Lorenzen. James, 160
Lorenzo, Coral. 136
Kagan, Daniel, 262-63, 264 Los Angeles air raid (1942), 62-64
Kalevala (epic poem), 12 Low. Robert, 151, 152
Kammler, Hans. 68-69, 70-71 Lowe. Roger and Lynda. 283
Kane. James A., 52 Lowell Observatory. 5
Kasher. Jack. 23 Lubbock Lights, 127—28
Katson. Trisha, 392 Lunar transient phenomena (LTP). 13-14
Keel, John, 86,352-53 Luntz Research poll, 353
Keith, Jim, 75, 172. 174, 175 Lusar, Rudolph. 67-68
Kelley. Clarence. 178. 256
Kellev. P.X.. 178 Maccabee. Bruce. 116. 161
Kelly, Don. 393 MacDonald, Gordon, 6
Kennedy. John F„ 17. 85. 122, 123. 124 Mack. John E„ 225-26, 227-30, 235-36.
Kennedy. Robert. 123 237,238,246,247
Kent, Valentino. 176 MacLaine, Shirley, 207
Keyhoe, Donald. 127. 129, 131-32. Alalin, Michael, 206-7
133-34. 135. 137, 140-41. 142-44. Alarming, Paul. 74
148—49, 162 Alansmann, FlorenzJ.. 25
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 122-24 Alantell, Thomas F., Jr., 102-5
Kimball, Dan, 131, 132 Maps, in ancient world, 46-50
Kimery, Anthony, 87, 167 Marcel, Jesse A., 89. 90. 101
Kinder, Gary, 201. 206. 208. 209. 210 Marcy, Geoffrey, 370
King. Harry. 248, 249 Alars. 16,25.29, 172, 173.317,322-28
Klarer, Elizabeth. 195 Marshall. George C., 122
Klass, Philip. 110. 114. 115. 117, 118. 145, Mason. J. Alden, 34. 45
200,217-18.219.221 Masse. Alaurice. 200-201
Kline, Donald. 230 Maury Island mystery. 79-85. 86-87. 88,
Knapp. George, 183, 186 99. 189
Knox, Frank. 63 Alayans, 29, 30, 32
Knudsen. William S. J,. 380 Alays, Glen, 103
Kolosimo. Peter. 29. 32, 33-34 AlcCarthy, John J., 220
Konig. Wilhelm, 43 AlcCarthy, Joseph, 142. 154
Koran, 370 McClellan. John, 142, 143
Kouznetsov. Bronislav, 46 McClelland, J. H„ 63
Kozyrev, Nikolay A., 5 AlcConnell, Lamont, 220
Kremer, Gerard, 47 AlcCormack. John, 134, 143
McCoy, Howard, 161-62
Landrum, Vickie. 182-83 AlcDonald, James E., 154
Landsburg. Allan. 45 McDonnel Douglas, 171
LaParl. Bill. 161 AlcFadden, Louis, 386
La Paz, Lincoln. 139, 141 McFalls, David, 65
Law Enforcement Assistance AlcGee, Frank. 148
Administration (LEAA), 257 McKay, Christopher P., 327
Lawson. Alvin H., 224 McKee, Kenny, 259
Lazar, Robert Scott, 179-87 McMoneagle. Joe, 329
Lee, Ray, 251 McRae. Ron, 301
Leir. Roger K.. 238-40 Meaden. Terence. 278, 282
Lemesurier. Peter, 53 Aleggers. Betty, 29
Meier. Eduard Albert (“Billy”). 201-12