Midterm Solutions

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Computer Science 1026a


OCTOBER 27, 2019

2 Hours: 3:00pm-5:00pm


Student Number:_______________________________________________

Lecture Section (circle one): Tu-Th 9:30 (AH-1R40) Tu-Th 12:30 (MC-110)
Tu-Th 3:30pm (AH-1R40)

Instructions (PLEASE READ):

 Fill in your name and student number above immediately.
 Circle the lecture section that you attend.
 Have your student card out of its case and on the desk.
 For multiple choice and true/false questions, please circle the correct response on this exam
 For short-answer questions, provide your answer in the space provided.
 This is a closed book exam
 If you finish within 10 minutes of the end of the exam, you must wait until the exam ends before
leaving so as not to distract those who are still working.
 There is a blank page at the back of this exam for rough work. Additional sheets can be provided
upon request. All paper must be returned to your instructor along with your exam.
 No electronic devices are allowed.
 Please turn off your cell phone.

CS1026 Midterm Exam – October 2019 Page 1 of 16

Question Out of Mark

Section 1: Scantron
1. True/False 15

2. Multiple Choice 40

Section 1 Total Marks 55

Section 2: On Exam

3. Logic Errors 12

4. A Little Code 33

Section 2 Total Marks 45

Total 100

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Answer questions in PART 1 and PART 2

on the scantron provided. Any markings
you make on the pages on the question
booklet for PART 1 and PART 2 WILL
NOT be graded

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Question 1: True/False – 15 Marks (1 each)
For the following questions, please circle (or indicate as specified by the question) your answer
directly on the exam sheet. Note that questions are each worth one point unless otherwise indicated.

1) A variable in Python has a name but no location in memory. True False

2) Python can have variables that hold integer values. True False

3) Boolean variables have a value of True, False, or Null. True False

4) A string is an ordered sequence of characters. True False

5) The first position in a string in Python has the index 0. True False

6) The symbol ‘#’ is used in Python to indicate a comment. True False

7) 5X3yZ is a valid variable name in Python. True False

8) 9.7E05 is a floating number in Python. True False

9) The keyword def is used to define a function in Python. True False

10) The assignment operator in Python is == . True False

11) To divide two integers to get an integer result, you can use % . True False

12) The keyword elif can be used in if-statements in Python. True False

13) The operator + can be used to concatenate two strings together. True False

14) In Python, strings are mutable. True False

15) Both 45 % 8 and 45 // 8 produce the result 5 . True False

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Question 2: Multiple Choice – 40 Marks (2 each)

16) Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about the CPU?
a. CPU stands for Central Processing Unit
b. The CPU is what performs computation
c. The CPU processes machine language
d. At least two of the above statements are true
e. None of the above are true

17) In which decade was the Python language invented?

a. In the seventies
b. In the eighties
c. In the nineties
d. In the two thousands

18) Which statement(s) allows us to initialize the list numbers with 10 elements all set to zero?
a. numbers = [0]*10
b. numbers[10] = 0
c. numbers = [10] * 0
d. numbers[10] = [0] * 10

19) Which of the following subtracts a variable x from a variable y, divides their difference by 3 and
adds 11 to the result:
a. (x - y) / 3 + 11
b. x - y / 3 + 11
c. y - x /3 + 11
d. 2*(y - x) / 3 + 11
e. None of the above are true

20) What will be the values of the variables num1 and num2 after the execution of the following
num1 = 23
num2 = 18
num1 = num1 + num2 // 2
num2 = num1
a. num1 is 32, num2 is 32
b. num1 is 30, num2 is 30
c. num1 is 30, num2 is 21
d. num1 is 30, num2 is 18
e. None of the above.

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21) Which statement correctly creates a list that contains four elements?

a. values[4]
b. values = [0]*4
c. value[4] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
d. values == list.[4]

22) The following code snippet contains an error. What is the error?
cost = input("Enter the cost: ")
if cost > 100:
cost = cost - 10
print("Discounted cost:", cost)

a. Logical error: brackets missing around the condition in the if statement

b. Syntax error: incorrect print statement
c. Syntax error: missing an else statement
d. Logical error: error in converting input

23) Which of the following for loops will run the loop body 5 times?
a. for i in range(13, 9, -1) :
b. for i in range(14, 9, -1) :
c. for i in range(15, 9, -1) :
d. for i in range(14, 10, -1) :

24) Which one of the following instructions checks to see if there is a comma anywhere in
the string variable name?
a. if name.contains(",") :
b. if "," not in name :
c. if name.startswith(",") :
d. if "," in name :

25) Which of the following statements is true about functions and strings:
a. A function can be called with a string as an argument.
b. A function can return a string.
c. Only a. is true.
d. Only b. is true.
e. Both a. and b. are true.

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26) What does the following code snippet output?
a = 7
b = 8
def fun(b,a):
return a


a. 9 8
b. 8 9
c. 8 8
d. 8 7
e. None of the above

27) What is the value of names after the following code segment has run?

names = []
names[0] = "Cy"
names.insert(0, "Ravi")
names.insert(4, "Savannah")

a. ["Amy", "Ravi", "Cy", "Peg", "Savannah"]

b. ["Ravi", "Cy", " Peg", "Savannah "]
c. ["Cy", "Bob", "Peg", "Savannah",]
d. ["Ravi", "Amy", "Bob", "Savannah", "Peg"]

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28) What is the output of the code snippet given below?
s = "zyxwv"
length = len(s)
i = 0
while i < length // 2 :
print(s[i], s[length – i - 1])
i = i + 1

a. zx
b. zy
c. zv
d. zx

29) What is printed by the following code snippet?

name = "This is London Ontario"
name = name.lower()
name = name.replace("o", "#")


c. "This is L#nd#n #ntari#"
d. "this is l#nd#n #ntari#"

30) What is printed to the screen when this loop executes?

for i in range(24, 3, -7) :

print(i, end = "-")

a. 24-17-10-
b. 24-17-10-3
c. 24 17 10
d. 24-17-10-3

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31) What is printed from the following code snippet?
prices = [[ 1.0, 3.50, 7.50 ],
[ 10.0, 30.50, 70.50 ],
[ 100.0, 300.50, 700.50 ],
[ 1000.0, 3000.50, 7000.50 ]]

a. 10.0
b. 30.5
c. 1000.0
d. 300.5
e. 700.5

Use the following code for the next three questions (i.e. questions 32 – 34 )
num1 = int(input("Enter a number: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter a number: "))
num3 = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if not (num1 > num2 and num1 >= num3) :
print(“First num is”, num1)
elif not(num2 > num1 and num2 > num3) :
if num2 % 10 == 0:
print(“The value is”, num2)
elif num1 % 10 == 0:
print(“The value is”, num1)
print(“The value is”, num3)
elif not (num3 > num1 or num3 > num2) :

32) Assuming a user enters 5, 10, and 15 as the input, what is the output of the above code snippet?

a. The value is 10
b. First num is 5
c. 15
d. The value is 15

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33) Assuming a user enters 15, 10, and 5 as the input, what is the output of the above code snippet?

a. First num is 15
b. The value is 10
c. 5
d. The value is 15

34) Assuming a user enters 7, 7, and 6 as the input, what is the output of the following code snippet?

a. First num is 7
b. The value is 7
c. 6
d. The value is 6

35) What is the output of the following code snippet.

def myCalculator(n):
i = 5
x = 3
y = 2
while i > 0:
y = y + n
x = x + y % 3
i = i-1
return x


a) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 13

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Answer questions in PART 3 AND PART 4

in this booklet. Answers recorded in any
other location WILL NOT be graded

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Question 3: Logic Errors - Correcting Code Segments – 12 Marks
The function substring determines the position in a given string where another string occurs
as a substring. For example, the string "ab" occurs in the string "abab" at positions 0 and 2.
The function takes two parameters: str which is the given string and s which is the substring
to look for. The function returns a list of the positions in str in which s occurs.

The function is syntactically correct but has four (4) incorrect lines of code which contain logic
errors that prevent it from computing correctly. Identify the lines and correct them Note: a line
may contain more than one logic error. Examples of a main program that uses the function, when
it is correctly implemented, and sample output are also provided. (12 Marks)

Each error is 3 marks

# Function to determine positions of a substring
# in another string
def substring(str,s):
posns = []
for i in range(len(str)-len(s)+1):
k = i + 1 # k = i 2 marks
j = 0
done = False
while j <= len(s) and not done: # j < len(s) 4
if str[k] == s[j]:
k += 1
j += 1
done = False # done = True 4 marks
if not done:
posns.append(i+1) # i 2 marks
return posns

# main program
str = "abab"
s = "ab"
lst = substring(str,s)

str = "abbbaab"
s = "bb"
lst = substring(str,s)

[0, 2]
[1, 2]

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Question 4: A Little Code - 33 Marks

4.1) Create a function countNines that counts the number of nines in an integer. For example, if the
integer is 90190, then the function would return 2. Provide your code for the function below (12

def countNines(n):

def countNines(n):
strInt = str(n) # 4 converting integer
count = 0
for ch in strInt: # 2 for loop
if ch == "9": # 4 for if and count
count = count + 1
return count # 2 for return

4.2) Create a function removePunc that takes a string containing letters, digits and punctuation and
removes all the punctuation and returns a new string with no punctuation. The punctuation to
consider is defined in the constant PUNC below. For example, if the word is "London’s.", then
the function would return "Londons". Provide your code for the function below (10 Marks).

PUNC = ".,:;'\"?!"

def removePunc(w):

def removePunc(w):
neww = "" # 1 for initialization
for ch in w: # 2 for loop
if ch not in PUNC: # 3 for if
neww = neww + ch # 2 for correct assignment
# and concatenation
return neww # 2 for correct return

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4.3) Create a function wordList that takes a line of text (a sentence) and splits it into words and
returns a list of words where each word has no punctuation. This function should make use of the
function removePunc that was defined above (4.2). Provide your code for the function below
(11 Marks).

def wordList(line):

def wordList(line):
words = [] # 1 for initialization
lst = line.split() # 2 for splitting like
for w in lst: # 1 for loop through list
w = removePunc(w) # 3 correct use
words.append(w) # 3 for correct append
return words # 1 for return

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Python string functions

Function Name Description

capitalize() Returns the String with first character capitalized and rest of the characters in lower case.
lower() Converts all the characters of the String to lowercase.
upper() Converts all the characters of the String to uppercase.
count( str[,beg,end]]) Returns the number of times substring ‘str’ occurs in range [beg, end] if beg and end index are
given. If it is not given then substring is searched in the whole String. Search is case-sensitive.
islower() Returns ‘True’ if all the characters in the String are in lowercase. If any one character is in
uppercase it will return ‘False’.
isupper() Returns ‘True’ if all the characters in the String are in uppercase. If any one character is in
lowercase it will return ‘False’.
isdecimal() Returns ‘True’ if all the characters in String are decimal. If anyone character in the String is of
other data-type, it will return ‘False’.
isdigit() Returns ‘True’ for any character for which isdecimal() would return ‘True and some characters
in ‘No’ category. If there are any characters other than these, it will return ‘False’.
isalpha() Returns ‘True’ if String contains at least one character (non-empty String) and all the
characters are alphabetic, ‘False’ otherwise.
isalnum() Returns ‘True’ if String contains at least one character (non-empty String) and all the
characters are either alphabetic or decimal digits, ‘False’ otherwise.
find(str [,i [,j]]) Searches for ‘str’ in complete String (if i and j not defined) or in a sub-string of String (if i and
j are defined).This function returns the index if ‘str’ is found else returns ‘-1’, where, i=search
starts from this index. j=search ends at this index.
index(str[,i [,j]]) This is same as ‘find’ method. The only difference is that it raises ‘ValueError’ exception if
‘str’ is not found.
rfind(str[,i [,j]]) This is same as find() just that this function returns the last index where ‘str’ is found. If ‘str’ is
not found it returns ‘-1’.
count(str[,i [,j]]) Returns the number of occurrences of substring ‘str’ in the String. Searches for ‘str’ in
complete String (if i and j not defined) or in a sub-string of String (if i and j are defined),
where, i=search starts from this index, j=search ends at this index.
replace(old,new[,count]) Replaces all the occurrences of substring ‘old’ with ‘new’ in the String.
If ‘count’ is defined then only ‘count’ number of occurrences of ‘old’ will be replaced with
‘new’, where, old =substring to be replaced, new =substring that will replace the old, count
=number of occurrences of old that will be replaced with new.
split([sep[,maxsplit]]) Returns a list of substring obtained after splitting the String with ‘sep’ as delimiter, where, sep=
delimiter, default is space, maxsplit= number of splits to be done.
lstrip([chars]) Returns a String after removing the characters from the beginning of the String.
Chars=this is the character to be trimmed from the String. Default is whitespace character.
rstrip() Returns a String after removing the characters from the End of the String.
where, Chars=this is the character to be trimmed from the String. Default is whitespace
len(string) Returns the length of given String

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