Describe Feudalism As Seen During This Period? Feudalism Was A Three Part Concept That Revolved Around Lords
Describe Feudalism As Seen During This Period? Feudalism Was A Three Part Concept That Revolved Around Lords
Describe Feudalism As Seen During This Period? Feudalism Was A Three Part Concept That Revolved Around Lords
2. Discuss Charlemagne and his empire's influence on modern European History? Charlemagne’s driving
reason for the growth in is time as leader was his personal responsibility to spread Christianity. He was at war for
most of his reign and this was one of the reasons he was loved as a leader. Because of this it paved the way for the
expansion of his kingdom. He also felt it very important to keep his followers happy, and to do this going to war left
lots of possibilities to plunder and conquer lands for his followers. On Christmas day 800 pope Leo III named
Charlemagne emperor, which made him the first roman emperor since the fifth century. Charlemagne was also
responsible for making Europe the foundation for Christian civilization and changes it from roman civilization that it
was. He was also directly responsible for things such as cannon law and the reason many people learn Latin despite
it being a dead language because he did not believe that things should be translated but you should learn to read
them in their original form.
3. Describe feudalism as seen during this period? Feudalism was a three part concept that revolved around lords,
vassals, and fiefs. Lords were individuals who controlled others in a government type position. Their dependents
were called vassals. Vassals were commonly asked to give military assistance. In such occasion the lord would
supply the income for armor horse and other expenses with being warrior. Also while providing such benefits the
lord would also supply land grants to the vassals which were called fiefs. To become a vassal there was oath which
swore homely to the lord. The idea was to trickle down from the king. However, many times the vassals had more
land than the king or an equal amount of land, which made it very difficult for the king to force vassals to pay
homely to the king. In some cases this made for a very sticky situation in which two lords would go to war with the
same vassal.
4. Discuss the two polytheist tribes that invade Europe during this period? There were two polytheistic
civilizations that took advantage of the Christians in the West, and they were the Magyars and the Vikings. The
Magyars, who would eventually become the Hungarians, were nomads who conquered poor protected civilizations
throughout Western Europe. They mainly conquered for slave trading and other spoils of war. They would
eventually convert to Latin Christianity on Christmas day 1000. The more devastating and ruthless of the invaders
were the Vikings or Norsemen. The Vikings who very much sailors as well as warriors would travel long distances
do to their want of silver. They would plunder anything from town to monasteries. By the middle of the ninth
century the Vikings started staying in the British isle during the winter. With this location they were able to maintain
larger raiding parties. Eventually they were no longer parties and had grown to armies. This gave them the power to
no longer blunder cities but to over throw and occupy. This would eventfully play out so the Vikings would have
northern land called Duchy of Normandy, whose warriors would eventually conquer England, Sicily and most
southern Italy. The Vikings would eventually sail to Canada and North America five hundred years before
Christopher Columbus. Eventually under new leader ship the Vikings would convert to Christianity and become
farmers and shepherds.