Compare & Contrast Graphic Organizer Comparation of Covid - 19 Vaccines (Sinovac and Astrazeneca Vaccines)
Compare & Contrast Graphic Organizer Comparation of Covid - 19 Vaccines (Sinovac and Astrazeneca Vaccines)
Compare & Contrast Graphic Organizer Comparation of Covid - 19 Vaccines (Sinovac and Astrazeneca Vaccines)
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COVID-19 vaccination aims to reduce the transmission/transmission of COVID-19,
reduce morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19, achieve herd immunity, and
protect the community from COVID-19 to remain socially and economically
The provision of COVID-19 vaccination, accompanied by the implementation of strict
health protocols, is an acceleration effort in the context of dealing with the pandemic
COVID-19 vaccination activities include the stages of planning, implementation as
well as monitoring and evaluation, where all of these stages will be supported by an
integrated information system.
Comparation of Covid -19 Vaccines (Sinovac and AstraZeneca Vaccines)
Sinovac Vaccine is a Covid vaccine that was founded in 2001 in Beijing by our
CEO, Mr. Weidong Yin. Meanwhile, AstraZeneca Vaccine is a vaccine from the Oxford-
AstraZeneca collaboration, which is a vaccine capable of triggering an immune response
against diseases such as COVID-19.
Sinovac vaccine exclusivity is the best time to receive the second dose is 28 days
after the first injection, platform by inactivated virus and the number of doses of vaccine 2
is 0.5 per dose.
Whereas for the second dose of the AstraZeneca-produced COVID-19 vaccine was
received 12 weeks after the first dose, platform by viral-vector (non replicating) and the
number of doses 1-2 is 0.5 per dose.
Both vaccines have something in common, that is the purpose of the COVID-19
vaccine is given by intramuscular injection in the upper left arm, and vaccination is not
given to Covid-19 survivors (has been declared cured for at least 3 months), pregnant
women, breastfeeding, aged < 18 years, and some morbid conditions.
Thus, COVID-19 vaccination aims to reduce the transmission/transmission of
COVID-19, reduce morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19, achieve herd immunity,
and protect the community from COVID-19 to remain socially and economically
productive. The provision of COVID-19 vaccination, accompanied by the implementation
of strict health protocols, is an acceleration effort in the context of dealing with the
pandemic COVID-19 vaccination activities include the stages of planning, implementation
as well as monitoring and evaluation, where all of these stages will be supported by an
integrated information system.
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Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Kementerian Kesehatan.
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Dinamis Pada Efektivitas Dan Dampak Vaksin Di Indonesia. UBJ: Jurnal
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