2020 Outstanding Chapter Award Guidelines
2020 Outstanding Chapter Award Guidelines
2020 Outstanding Chapter Award Guidelines
1.2 Number of ASEAN/APEC/ACPE registered Civil 2 to 5 Applicants 6-10 Applicants 11-15 Applicants 16-20 Applicants More than 20 Certification list from
Engineers (1pts.) (2pts) (3pts) (4pts) Applicants (5pts) PICE National
more than 50
10 to 20 21-30 Participants 31-40 Participants 41-50 Participants Copy of certificates/
1.3 PICE Disaster Management Program Participants 5
Participants (1pt) (2pts.) (3pts.) (4pts.) pictures
more than 50
10 to 20 21-30 Participants 31-40 Participants 41-50 Participants
1.4 Participation in 2019 National Convention Participants Copy of certificates 5
Participants (1pt) (2pts.) (3pts.) (4pts.)
At least 1 FREE
1.5 Hold Seminars/ Trainings with Approved CPD 1 PAID Seminar 1 FREE Seminar & 1 PAID Copy of Attendance
Programs (2pts) (5pts) Seminars Sheets/Pictures
more than 50
10 to 20 21-30 Participants 31-40 Participants 41-50 Participants Copy of
1.6 Integrity and Values Formation Participants 5
Participants (1pt) (2pts.) (3pts.) (4pts.) certificates/pictures
Office/space is
2.4 Building/Office is owned by Chapter owned by the Title Photocopy 2
chapter (2pts)
Regular staff
2.5 Office has regular staff certificate SSS of 2
The website/FB
The website/FB has very
The website/FB The website/FB has
did not have The website/FB attractive
has attractive very attractive Screenshots of all
2.7 Website/FB or other online members site: enough looks nice but formatting, well-
formatting and formatting and well- pages of the 5
contents, quality and format information and needs a little more organized
well-organized organized website/FB account
the format was information (2pts) information and
information (3pt) information (4pts)
good (1pt) professionally
made (5pts)
3. Community Projects
3.1 Participation in a Community Housing Project At least 1 Photo, Certificates
(Gawad Kalinga, Habitat, etc.) site/event (2pt) and Attendance
Record (signed by
President and
Secretary of the
Photo, Certificates
At least 1
3.2 Medical/Dental Program and Attendance 2
site/event (2pt)
Photo, Certificates
100% completed
3.3 School Building Project and Attendance 3
Photo, Certificates
At least 1
3.4 CR Project and Attendance 2
site/event (2pt)
Photo, Certificates
3.6 Project Green Engineering Philippines (PGEP)
3+1 for every additional rainwater collector (maximum of 2 additional) and Attendance 5
Rain Water Collectors and Drinking Station
3.7 COVID-19 Activities 3+1 for every additional activity (maximum of 7 additional) Photos 10
4. Membership Growth
more than 20
1-5 new member 6-10 new 11-15 new 16-20 new Certification from
4.1 Number of new members new member 10
(2pts) members (4pts) members (6pts) members (8pts) National Office
more than 20
1-5 new life 6-10 new life 11-15 new life 16-20 new life Certification from
4.2 Number of new life members new life member 5
member (1pt) members (2pts) members (3pts) members (4pts) National Office
4.3 Members that are inactive for more than 5 more than 20 re-
1-5 re-activated 6-10 re-activated 11-15re-activated 16-20 re-activated Receipt of payment
years and decided to be actively involved in PICE activated 5
member (1pt) members (2pts) members (3pts) members (4pts) for membership dues
& with no arrears in there chapter member (5pts)
4.4 Update information in the New Membership 5-10 members 11-20 members 21-35 members 36-50 members 51 members and List from the PICE
Portal (2pts) (4pts) (6pts) (8pts) above (10pts) National
Activity/Programs 1 2 3 4 5 Evidence
The AVP is
The AVP is not The AVP is partly The AVP is fairly superior in
The AVP is effective
effective in effective in effective in quality and
in summarizing why
summarizing why summarizing why summarizing why effectively
the chapter should
Effectiveness the chapter the chapter should the chapter should summarized why 20
be awarded the
should be be awarded the be awarded the the chapter
best among
awarded the best best among best among should be
among chapters chapters chapters awarded the best
among chapters
Total 100