To Identify The Place The Derawan Islands Are An Archipelogo Located in Berau Regancy, East Kalimantan
To Identify The Place The Derawan Islands Are An Archipelogo Located in Berau Regancy, East Kalimantan
To Identify The Place The Derawan Islands Are An Archipelogo Located in Berau Regancy, East Kalimantan
1. Paragraph 1 1.condition
Compire 31 island,most known among
The Derawan archipelago compires 31 these are the island of
islands,most well known among these are the (derawan,maratua,sangalaki,and
islands of derawan,maratua,sangalaki,and kakaban)
kakaban.the best time to visit is during the The conservancy region covers a total
months of September and march.when area of no less than 1.27 million
temperatures are much cooler in the vicinity of hectares
27*C with pleasant sea breezes. Isolated island,white sand
beach,waving palm trees,pristine seas
2. Paragraph 2 that change color from green to deep
The entire marine conservancy region covers a Amazing underwater life.
total area of no less than 1.27 million
is the perfect tropical paradise with 2.visit time
warm,isolated islands,soft white sand beaches September and march,when
fringed with waving palm trees,pristine seas that temperatures are much cooler
change color from green to deep blue,and an
amazing underwater life of giant
turtles,dolphins,manta ray,dugongs and
bararcudas,stingless jelly fish and sometimes,you can find 460 different species
coral,rangking this area second only to the raja
ampat island in west papua.the nature
conservancy and a team of international experts
also found more than 870 species of fish here.
3. Fuction/benefit/activity Describe activity that can be do at the place
3. Paragraph 3 3.activity
Derawan island is a favorite place for Diving
exploring marine life.there are many rare Fishing
animals such as the green turtle,the scarlet Swimming
turtle,star fruit turtle and sea cow.this island Watch turtle lay their egg in the sand
is also home of many rare species of marine or
plants and coral is also good place for Swim to sea with turtle.
scuba diving,pearl And other water sports
diving,fishing,swimming,and other water 4.tranportation is indonesia’s largest nesting site Ship
of rare dan endangered giant green turtles airplane
and hawksbill turtles,where one can daily
watch turtles lay their egg in the sand or
swim to sea with turtles.