RPL Form 4 Learners Checklist of Skills 2013
RPL Form 4 Learners Checklist of Skills 2013
RPL Form 4 Learners Checklist of Skills 2013
This form is used to assess the learner’s skills/competencies in Communication Skills, Problem Solving and
Critical Thinking, Sustainable use of Resources and Productivity, Development of Self and a Sense of Community
and Expanding One’s World Vision as the basis for their Individual Learning Agreement.
This is completed as part of the development of the Individual Learning Agreement at the start of Learning
Group Sessions. It should be kept in the learner’s Individual Work Folder and be updated monthly.
Part I asks the learner to tell in his/her own words the reason/s for joining the ALS Accreditation and
Equivalency (ALS A&E) System.
Part II contains a list of skills and competencies based on the five (5) learning strands of the ALS A&E
Curriculum Framework. The learners with the help of the Learning Facilitator will discuss the skills and competencies
learners already possess and identify those which the learner wishes to learn.
The Learning Facilitator and Learner should read through the list of competencies and check the column (A,
B, C and D) which best matches the learner’s current abilities and interests.
A - I can do this well
B - I can do this but I want to learn more and improve
C - I want to learn to do this
D - I want to learn to do this but not now
Each month the Learning Facilitator and the Learner should review this list of learning goals along with other
contents of the Learner’s Work Folder and determine what progress has been made by the learner in developing the
skills and competencies which checks in columns B and C.
The final column of the form should be used to record any remarks and comments by the Learning
Facilitator regarding the status of the learner’s current competencies/skills.
Part III of the form required the learner to review the list of competencies with B and C checks and prioritize
the two and three most important competencies he/she wishes to start learning as part of his/her Individual Learning
Agreement. These priorities should be reviewed with the Learning Facilitator and updated each month as part of the
review of the Individual learning Agreement, Review of Learning Goals and Weekly Learning Log.
The Learner and Learning Facilitator should also identify any problems, and obstacles experienced while
accomplishing his/her individual learning goals and actions taken to address these problems.
1. This form is completed as part of the development of the Individual Learning Agreement at the start of Learning
Group Sessions. It should be kept in the learner’s Individual Learning Portfolio and be updated monthly.
Part I – The learner must tell in his/her own words the reason/s for joining the ALS Accreditation and Equivalency
(ALS A&E) System.
2. The learners with the help of the Learning Facilitator will discuss the skills and competencies learners already
possess and identify those which the learner wishes to learn.
The Learning Facilitator and Learner should read through the list of competencies and check the column (A, B, C
and D) which best matches the learner’s current abilities and interests.
A - I can do this well
B - I can do this but I want to learn more and improve
C - I want to learn to do this
D - I want to learn to do this but not now
3. Review this list of learning goals with the Learners along with other contents of the Learner’s Work Folder and
determine what progress has been made by the learner in developing the skills and competencies which checks
in columns B and C. This should be done at least once a month.
4. If the learner feels that he/she has successfully accomplished the listed competency very well, this should be
reflected in the Review of Learning Goal’s form.
5. If a competency was originally rated as letter D and the learner now changes his/her mind and wishes to start
learning this competency, a new Individual Learning Agreement should be prepared.
6. In the final column of the forms the Learning Facilitator should write any remarks and comments regarding the
current skills/competencies of learners and what needs to be done.
7. The learner and Learning Facilitator should sign their names at the bottom of the form with the specific date the
form was accomplished.
ALS RPL Form 4
Learning Goals
Learning Goals/Skills/Competencies/ I can do I can do this I want to I want to Remarks/Comments
this well but want to learn to do learn this but
learn more this not now
1 Communication Skills
Relay messages, commentaries and news accounts correctly
Fill out forms accurately like bio-data (EL&SL)
Follow oral instructions or directions
Participate in daily conversations using basic grammar in the acquired language
Compare new information gathered with information previously learned (EL & SL)
Conduct interviews (EL & SL)
Express ideas clearly in at least two languages
Use appropriate idiomatic expressions
Give constructive oral feedback (EL&SL)
Interpret newspaper headlines (EL&SL)
Identify important points in commonly found written materials at home or community
Give opinion on materials read
Interpret common written abbreviations and acronyms
Locate needed information in newspaper and magazines
Read and interpret maps
Sequence steps or events from print or non-print materials
Describe cause and effect of relationship derived from written passages about common
Analyze data from graphs, charts
Learning Goals
Learning Goals/Skills/Competencies/ I can do I can do this I want to I want to Remarks/Comments
this well but want to learn to do learn this but
learn more this not now
Learning Goals
Learning Goals/Skills/Competencies/ I can do I can do this I want to I want to Remarks/Comments
this well but want to learn to do learn this but
learn more this not now
scientific method of food preservation
common diseases and how to prevent them (EL & SL)
keeping the different systems of the body healthy (EL & SL)
simple techniques in the preparation of medicine from herbs growing in the
proper ways of caring for and conserving the environment
use of common healthful medicines available in the community for common illness
prepare and cope eyes with weather changes, calamities, and other hazards
make something new from something old using local materials (EL & SL)
identify contributions of local scientists in improving life situations in the community
3 Sustainable Use of Resources and Productivity
Keep farmland productive, reduce farm costs
Prepare a plan to form a cooperative
Understand the prevention of AIDS
Understand work related health
Prepare a plan for setting up a small business
Learn about Philippines labor laws
Prepare a plan for an income generating project
Improve productivity at work
Manage one's time better
Undertake the proper procedures in looking for a job
Use alternative technologies at work
Reduce wastage of resources at home and work
Undertake recycling of waste
Use composting
Undertake segregation in waste disposal
4 Development of Self and Sense of Community
Enumerate the factors that influence oneself
Identify ways of controlling negative feelings and put them into practice
Enumerate different social issues in the community
Explain the roles/duties of each member of the family
Learning Goals
Learning Goals/Skills/Competencies/ I can do I can do this I want to I want to Remarks/Comments
this well but want to learn to do learn this but
learn more this not now