The Asiatic Society, Kolkata "Research Methodology For Indological Studies"
The Asiatic Society, Kolkata "Research Methodology For Indological Studies"
The Asiatic Society, Kolkata "Research Methodology For Indological Studies"
Workshop-1 will cover (i) Indological Studies : An Overview and Methods for Research (ii)
Studies in Language, Linguistics and Literature (iii) Folklore and Folk-Culture Studies (iv)
Sanskritic Studies including Manuscriptology (v) Some Aspects of General Research
Methodology (vi) Use of Libraries and Archives.
Workshop-2 will cover (i) Historical Studies (ii) Anthropological Studies (iii) Studies in Art,
Architecture and Aesthetics (iv) Some Aspects of General Research Methodology (v) Use of
Libraries and Archives.
Teachers and Ph.D. / M.Phil. Scholars from Universities / Colleges/ Research Institutes and the
Research Fellows and Research Assistants of the Asiatic Society are invited to apply for
participation in the Workshops.
Participation Certificates will be given to the Participants at the end of each Workshop.
All the participants will be expected to be present on all the days and in all the sessions of the
Registration Fee for External Participants is Rs. 500/- for each Workshop to be paid in
cash on the inaugural day of each Workshop.
Alternatively, one can submit the filled-in Application Form to Dr. Bandana Mukherjee,
Research Officer, (Academic Section, 3rd floor) at the Asiatic Society, 1 Park Street, Kolkata-
• Cost of boarding, lodging and transport, if any, will have to be borne by the participants.
• For any further information, please contact Professor Alok Kanti Bhaumik, Coordinator
of the Workshops : Mobile : 9830188765 / 7686924523 E-mail:
The Asiatic Society
Application for Participation in Workshops on
“Research Methodology for Indological Studies”
4. Mobile No. :
5. E-mail Id :
6. Academic Qualification (last) with subject :
7. Name of the Institution of Affiliation :
8. Teacher / Ph.D. Scholar / M.Phil. Scholar :
9. Department :
10. Title of the Research Project / Ph.D.topic / M.Phil. Dissertation (completed
or ongoing):
13. Vegetarian / Non-Vegetarian (Please tick and strike out the other)
Date………………… ………………………
Full Signature