Units 1-6 Tests: Answer Key and Audio Scripts

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Units 1–6 Tests: answer key and audio scripts

Units 1–6 General test

Answer key 1. of which
A 2. which
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 3. whom
4. of whom
5. of which
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A
1. haven’t
1. a better one
2. did
2. not to
3. doesn’t
3. the ones
4. didn’t
4. able to
5. do
5. any
6. am
6. want to
1. d     2. a     3. g     4. f     5. c     6. e
1. beyond me
2. don’t see the point of it K
3. stuck in my mind 1. not only
4. get something out of it 2. also
5. it’s on the tip of my tongue 3. both
4. and
5. neither
1. are reportedly being planted
6. nor
2. have widely been adopted / have been widely adopted
3. had not been accurately predicted L
1. ground 2. nest 3. lay
4. hatch 5. predator 6. burrow
1. integral
2. portable M
3. rudimentary 1. inevitably,
4. obsolete 2. on top of that,
5. compact 3. Having said that,
6. innovative 4. Granted,
5. aren’t there?
6. If not,
1. so
7. Absolutely,
2. even
8. even then,
3. only
9. Then again,
4. so
10. in any event,
5. such
6. even N
1. F 2. NG 3. T 4. F

1. F 2. NG 3. T 4. F

Viewpoint 2 • Units 1–6 Tests: answer key and audio scripts © Cambridge University Press 2014  photocopiable 
Audio scripts
Grant Hi, Julianne, I noticed that you haven’t posted any
Woman Have you finished your sociology assignment yet?
updates on your page lately. Are you OK?
Man No, I haven’t. Have you?
Julianne Yeah, I’m OK. I’m just trying not to use social
networking sites at the moment, you know. Woman Almost, but I’m finding it’s taking me a long time
to get my head around it.
Grant Oh, why’s that?
Man I am too. Don’t you think that’s a good thing,
Julianne Well, you know how everyone’s talking about
though? They’re supposed to be challenging. If
online privacy these days? Well, it got me thinking.
not, you don’t learn so much, do you?
And the more I think about it, the more I, like, feel
uncomfortable about having so much personal Woman Well, theoretically that’s true. But sometimes I’d
information out there. just like it to be a little easier!
Grant Yeah, I do too, sometimes. It can feel a bit creepy, Man Yeah, I know what you mean! But look at it this
can’t it? I mean the way all those people, most of way, if it were all really straightforward, then
whom you’ve never met, can not only find out you’d be bored, wouldn’t you?
about your life, but also see pictures of you online. Woman Maybe. . . . Anyway, what’s yours about?
Julianne Absolutely. Not to mention the fact that criminals Man Role models for young people.
can use this information, too.
Woman That sounds interesting.
Grant You’re right. Apparently a lot of cybercrime is
being carried out these days as a result of Man Yeah. It’s interesting to see how much influence
information found on social networking sites. But they have. I’m looking at famous sports people.
then, there’s a lot you can do to protect your Growing up, those were the people I admired, you
privacy, isn’t there? know. And it’s sports people that most of today’s
kids choose as their role models, too. Ironically,
Julianne I guess so, but it’s hard to figure out all the privacy far from having great qualities, many of them are
settings on a lot of these sites. It’s very hard to difficult, over-competitive people.
control all this stuff.
Woman Not necessarily, though. Most sportspeople have to
Grant I know what you’re saying. I mean, ideally, you work very hard for their success, and kids who are
should be able to delete anything you regret struggling often take heart when they hear about
posting. I have tried to, but I do think it’s the difficulties their heroes had when they were
impossible to remove everything. younger. A lot of kids have been given hope for
Julianne Absolutely. In any case, we’ll just have to come to the future, thanks to them.
terms with it. I mean, having become such an Man Granted, but in light of the fact that it isn’t always
integral part of our lives, all this technology isn’t their determination and skill that kids admire them
simply going to disappear. So I guess we’ll just for, but their luxurious houses and custom-built
have to learn to use it more carefully. cars, I do think we should be a little concerned
Grant Yeah, but I think your idea of taking a break for a about it. Just like other celebrities, many of whom
while is a good one. It must be possible to live have a very flashy lifestyle, they’re not exactly
without social media! setting a great example. And what’s more, most
kids can’t possibly expect to live like that when
Julianne Oh, definitely. I mean, I finally feel like I’m just
they grow up.
sharing my ideas and opinions and everything with
the people I choose – you know, rather than Woman Probably not. But look at it this way, it’s still a
everybody. And I’m taking responsibility for that, good thing for them to know that they can achieve
you know? I mean, it feels good. it if they make an effort, and to be able to dream . . .

Viewpoint 2 • Units 1–6 Tests: answer key and audio scripts © Cambridge University Press 2014  photocopiable 
Units 1–6 Speaking test
Sample answers
Conversation 2
Student A
Questions and topics to discuss A It does seem that reading habits have changed a lot
1. I’d like to write a novel. I have an idea, and I’ve started it, in recent years. I know mine have.
but I can’t seem to finish it. I hope to sometime, though. B Yes, mine have, too. I used to get up every morning
2. I don’t usually buy things right away. I wait . . . and and read the newspaper over breakfast every day.
then invariably they come out with a new version just But now I don’t. I read parts of different papers on
after I buy something! my tablet . . . and I just do that whenever I feel like it.
3. Well, my older brother was both smart and athletic, so A Well, I never read newspapers much anyway. I
growing up I felt pressure to be like him. think I read more books now though. I download
4. Dogs are amazing. I’ve heard they’re using them to them, so when I travel I always have plenty to read.
help people who have seizures. Apparently, the dogs B Yeah, that’s nice. I do still like to read a regular old
can sense when someone is going to have a seizure. book sometimes, too. . . .
It’s remarkable! A Oh, I never do. I mean, why carry a book around
5. I once swam out really far in the ocean. There was a when you don’t have to?
strong tide, but I got back to shore OK. I probably
could have drowned! Student B
6. Well, one thing they could do is offer guarantees on
what they sell. Some do that now – you can return
Questions and topics to discuss
1. I guess I don’t read a lot. I’d like to, but I just don’t
things anytime – but others won’t take things back,
have time. Maybe a magazine when I’m waiting at the
even if they’re no good.
dentist’s office, but otherwise, not much.
7. I believe businesses are working very hard to make
2. Oh, definitely my GPS. I was always getting lost. . . . I
information secure. Unfortunately, I think criminals are
can never make heads or tails of maps and directions,
also working hard to figure out ways to steal
so it’s a lifesaver.
confidential data.
3. Yes . . . I check my email while I’m on the phone and
8. Yeah, probably. I mean, my parents worry about it a lot
things like that. But I do think it’s harder to pay
more than I do. They think it’s scary – that there’s so
attention to both things.
much identity theft and everything. But to be honest,
4. My family! I never want to take them for granted. They
I don’t worry about it too much.
take precedence over everything in my life.
Conversation 1 5. The reality is that humans have done a lot of damage
to the natural world, but the fact that there are many
A Well, I do it all the time. I’m not saying it’s good. . . .
people and organizations out there working on
Supposedly, you can’t really concentrate on more
conservation and protecting wildlife is very positive.
than one thing at once. But the fact is that I have to
6. It’s not so much that they’re being increasingly used,
do it in order to get everything done.
but more that cell phones are being continually
B Yeah, but are you sure it really helps you get things
developed, so people are relying on them more and
done? Apparently, it can actually lower your IQ.
using them in new ways.
A Really?
7. Definitely. If they have all kinds of flashy signs and
B Yes, I read an article about it. Evidently, it’s hard on
things like that. . . . They think it entices people, but it
your brain and causes stress.
just alienates me. I’ll go to a different store.
A Really? So you don’t multitask?
8. I think they may be pretty widespread. A friend of mine
B Yes, of course I do!
had an awful experience when her credit card information

Viewpoint 2 • Units 1–6 Tests: answer key and audio scripts © Cambridge University Press 2014  photocopiable 
was stolen. It took a lot of time and effort to get it all
Conversation 1
sorted out, and it was scary for her.
A Clearly more and more people shop online these
days. I know I do. It’s so convenient.
B Well, granted it seems convenient, but I’m not sure
it always is. It’s very appealing to shop in your
pajamas, but it’s frustrating when you get
something and then just have to return it.
A OK, but you have to admit that it has changed how
people shop these days.
B Oh, absolutely. It has to be the biggest change in
shopping in a long time. And I do think it puts
pressure on old-fashioned retail stores to look for
new ways to entice shoppers.
A Yes, definitely. Look at the local mall . . . they’re
always doing something special to draw people in.
B And I think there will always be shoppers who enjoy
walking around and touching things before they buy
A Yeah, probably.

Conversation 2

A Well, the fact that humans have taken and used so

many animals’ habitats is huge. A lot of animals
don’t have a place to live anymore because we’ve
taken the land.
B Right, and on top of that, humans have created so
much pollution that it has to affect how animals live.
A Not to mention oceans . . . we’ve done a lot of harm
there too. As a result of overfishing a lot of species
of fish have almost disappeared. And that could be
terrible for the fishing industry.
B Having said that, I do think people are becoming
aware of these issues and there are a lot of people
working to improve them.
A Oh, yes, definitely! I really hope they can find some
viable solutions. I’m afraid that many of these
problems are complicated.
B Yes, they are.

Student C
Questions and topics to discuss
1. I do think it’s important. I think we can learn something
from how enduring it is.
2. I’m not really sure. . . . Apparently, some people think
the concept of privacy is becoming obsolete. I hope
not, but maybe it’s true.

Viewpoint 2 • Units 1–6 Tests: answer key and audio scripts © Cambridge University Press 2014  photocopiable 
3. Oh, my robot vacuum cleaner, for sure. My husband
need in one place.
pointed out that it not only saves us time, but it also
A I know . . . and the prices can be pretty appealing.
does a better job than we ever did!
But then again, you just don’t get the same kind of
4. Probably the Antarctic because I’d love to learn about
all the work they do there. But then again, the Sahara service.
Desert would be interesting, too. B Oh, yeah, I needed help in one of the big box
hardware stores the other day. . . . I was looking
5. Maybe my wristwatch. I still wear one, but it’s only
and looking for someone to ask, and I never found
because I’m so used to it. I don’t really need it anyone. I just gave up. I stopped at the local
because I always have my cell phone with me. hardware store on the way home and the guy in
6. It seems like attempting to climb Mount Everest has the there was so helpful!
recently been growing in popularity. Many people have
been injured or killed. . . . I’m not sure how I feel about
that. Student D
7. I do worry about it, but I don’t know what I can do. It’s
hard not to give out your personal information. So Questions and topics to discuss
many businesses require it. 1. Hmm . . . nothing really comes to mind. Maybe when I
8. Some of my friends think having a nice car is important, was in college and went to Italy for the summer. It was
but I don’t. I mean, a car is practical, but it’s expensive the first time I’d ever traveled on my own, and I had a
to run. I’d rather spend my money on a vacation. fabulous time.
2. Sure! My custom-built robot would be all about making
Conversation 1 life easier and more pleasant. It would bring me
breakfast in bed in the morning and then do all the
A Well, I think 40 or 50 years ago, kids had to grow
chores I don’t like . . . taking out the garbage and
up faster . . . take responsibility and help the family
things like that.
out, things like that.
3. My new job. I started about six months ago. I love it,
B Yeah, growing up, my dad had to start working as
but it’s taken time to learn everything and adjust to my
soon as he could. It seems like it was hard.
new responsibilities.
A But, having said that, it’s not necessarily easier for
4. Dolphins seem really intelligent. Supposedly, they can
kids nowadays. I think there are just different
communicate with each other.
pressures. Now it seems like children grow up fast
5. I know a woman who ran in a 100-mile race in the
because they’re exposed to more at a younger age.
mountains. She ran through the night, so she could
B True. . . . Maybe we don’t even realize it, but with all
easily have been injured or something. But she
the technology we have, they really do learn a lot very
made it.
6. They’re pretty effective, I think. They draw me in and
A And then there are all the activities . . . between
make me pay attention to brands I might not have
school and sports and everything, it’s like kids
noticed otherwise.
today are so busy they don’t even have time to just
7. Maybe I should, but I have to admit that I don’t really.
be kids.
I guess I just shop at the most convenient place with
B Oh, yeah. My nephews were like that, but then my
the best prices.
brother and sister-in-law finally said they had to
limit some activities. It’s been good for them. 8. I think most of them are doing as much as they can.
It’s in their interest to protect sensitive data, after all.
Conversation 2 But it’s a complex problem, and I think we’re all
vulnerable to some extent.
A Well, I try to shop at my local stores. I want to support
small businesses in my area. I think it’s important.
B I do too, but having said that, sometimes it’s
tempting to shop at the big box stores. It’s really
convenient. You can usually find everything you

Viewpoint 2 • Units 1–6 Tests: answer key and audio scripts © Cambridge University Press 2014  photocopiable 
Conversation 1
the natural world to understand how things work
A Well, adults have to take responsibility for so many and look for ways to apply it to our lives.
things . . . money and jobs, cars and houses, B Yes, I think they are. . . . I think they now realize that
children. . . . there is considerable intelligence in the natural
B OK, but don’t you think that even though they don’t world. It may be different from human intelligence,
have to take that kind of responsibility, there are a but we might be able to learn from it.
lot of pressures on young people? There’s pressure A I’ve heard stories . . . like, the Wright Brothers
about how they dress, pressure to study. . . . apparently watched birds flying when they were
A Oh, yes, and additionally, there’s the issue of jobs. working on building the first airplane.
Nowadays, young people spend a lot of time and B Well, maybe it’s not quite as useful to the future of
money on education, but there’s no guarantee the world, but I know that competitive swimmers
they’ll find a job when they’re finished. now wear swimsuits that were designed based on
B Yeah, and on top of that, even if they do find a job, sharkskin. . . . Evidently, something about the
they often end up with a lot of debt to pay back. structure of the skin allows sharks to move through
That isn’t easy. water more easily. So they used that idea to make
A No, it’s not. the swimsuits
A Interesting! I know they’ve also designed buildings
using ideas from how animals build their homes.
Conversation 2 B Wow. Who knows what else they might come up
with by looking at the natural world?
A It seems like scientists are looking more closely at

Viewpoint 2 • Units 1–6 Tests: answer key and audio scripts © Cambridge University Press 2014  photocopiable 

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