AU REX Comprehension SB Y3 Nonfiction

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Student Book nonfiction

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Reading Eggspress Comprehension Year 3 Student Book, Nonfiction
ISBN: 978-1-74215-456-5
Copyright © Blake eLearning 2020
Blake Publishing
Locked Bag 2022
Glebe NSW 2037
Publisher: Katy Pike
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Comprehension • Term 1 Date Completed

Page 1 Finding facts and information ......................................................... / /

3 Compare and contrast .................................................................... / /
5 Cause and effect .............................................................................. / /
7 Sequencing events........................................................................... / /
9 Word study ....................................................................................... / /
Comprehension • Term 2
11 Compare and contrast .................................................................... / /
13 Point of view ..................................................................................... / /
15 Drawing conclusions ....................................................................... / /
17 Main idea and details...................................................................... / /
19 Cause and effect .............................................................................. / /
Comprehension • Term 3
21 Finding facts and information ......................................................... / /
23 Making connections ........................................................................ / /
25 Cause and effect .............................................................................. / /
27 Visualisation ..................................................................................... / /
29 Main idea and details...................................................................... / /
Comprehension • Term 4
31 Point of view ..................................................................................... / /
33 Main idea and details...................................................................... / /
35 Sequencing events........................................................................... / /
37 Making inferences ........................................................................... / /
39 Point of view ..................................................................................... / /

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 iii © Blake eLearning

In this book
The Reading Eggspress Comprehension program shows students how to understand the the literal
meaning of a text and its vocabulary, and its inferred meaning. This workbook has 20 step-by-step lessons,
over four terms, that teach key strategies for students to use when they read. Each lesson uses a levelled
extract and focuses on a single comprehension strategy. The lessons align with the following components
of the Australian Curriculum:

Australian Curriculum content codes and descriptions

ACELA1478 – Understand how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their
purpose and context (for example, tense and types of sentences)
ACELA1482 – Understand that verbs represent different processes, for example doing, thinking, saying, and
relating and that these processes are anchored in time through tense
ACELY1675 – Identify the point of view in a text and suggest alternative points of view
ACELY1680 – Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate
texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features

Comprehension strategy overview

Comprehension type Strategy Pages

Main idea and details 17, 29, 33

Looks for explicitly stated answers in the texts. Sequencing events 7, 35
Answers Who, What, When and Where questions.
Finding facts and information 1, 21

Cause and effect 5, 19, 25

Inferential Drawing conclusions 15

Finds implied information in the text. Looks for text
clues and evidence that point to the correct answer. Making inferences 37

Compare and contrast 3, 11

Making connections 23
Asks for connections or opinions on information in Visualisation 27
the text. Uses text clues to support the connections.
Point of view 13, 31, 39

Uses context clues and own knowledge to Word study 9
understand key words in the text.

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 iv © Blake eLearning

Finding facts and information NONFICTION

Some answers are clearly seen in the text. Ask these questions:
Who? What? Where? When?

Read the passage.

Trees Underline where

Most species of tree are broadleaf trees. holly and orange
They often have flat, wide leaves. trees grow.

Colour what big, Big, flat leaves can catch lots of sunlight,
flat leaves can do. and they need lots of water. Some Circle what
broadleaf trees are deciduous and lose is often found
their leaves in winter. in broadleaf
Put a box around evergreen trees.
Broadleaf evergreen trees, such as holly
when some
deciduous trees and orange trees, grow in warmer areas.
lose their leaves. They do not lose their leaves. Broadleaf
evergreen trees have thicker, waxy leaves
that often contain oil. The leaves can
Highlight four be large, small, long or short.
words that
describe the size
Broadleaf trees are flowering plants.
of the leaves. New seeds grow from the flowers.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What are the big, flat leaves of broadleaf trees able to do? Catch lots of …
a rainwater b insects c seeds d sunlight

2 When do deciduous trees lose their leaves?

a in summer b in winter c in autumn d in spring

3 Where do holly and orange trees grow?

a in warmer areas b in cooler areas
c in very hot areas d in very cold areas

4 What do the leaves of broadleaf evergreen trees often contain?

a fruits b seeds c oil d roots

5 Where do the new seeds of broadleaf trees come from?

a the stems b the leaves c the flowers d the roots
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 1 © Blake eLearning
Finding facts and information

Read the passage.

Many small mammals live in

trees. Trees provide shelter from
wind, rain and other animals. Holes in
Colour three
trees become homes for squirrels, things that trees
and acorns are their food. Koalas live protect small
and feed in eucalyptus trees. mammals from.

Circle what Many birds live their lives in trees.

squirrels eat. They build their nests in the branches Put a box
or hollows of trees. Trees provide fruits, around the
things birds eat.
Underline nectar and seeds for birds to eat.
where koalas
Millions of insects live in trees. Underline
Many types of beetles, ants examples of
and butterflies depend on insects that
Highlight where depend on
birds build their trees for food and shelter.
trees for food
nests. and shelter.

6 What do squirrels eat?

7 Where do koalas live?

8 Where do birds build their nests?

9 What do birds find to eat in trees?

10 What types of insects depend on trees for food and shelter?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 2 © Blake eLearning

Compare and contrast NONFICTION

Finding the similarities and differences in a text helps us understand it.

Read the passage.

Plants as Food
Highlight the Stone fruits, fruits with pits, grow on trees.
words peaches Put boxes around
They have one hard seed covered with soft the information
and cherries.
Colour the key
flesh. Peaches, plums, cherries and apricots about the seeds in
words that tell are stone fruits. peaches and
us how they in pears.
Many fruits are quite small. Strawberries,
are similar.
raspberries and blackberries are all small
Underline the
fruits with lots of seeds. They grow on small
words that tell
Circle the words plants or bushes in cool areas. what kind of plants
that tell about the
kind of weather Apples and pears grow on trees in
and blackberries
raspberries and cool areas. They both have a core grow on.
apples prefer.
with small seeds inside. Some apples
are grown to make juice to drink.

Carefully read the following sentences. Put a T next to the statements that are true,
and an F next to the statements that are false.

1 Peaches and pears have the same number of seeds.

2 Peaches and pears grow on trees.

3 Cherries and strawberries are fruits.

4 Cherries and strawberries are both stone fruits.

5 Raspberries and apples prefer cooler weather.

6 Raspberries and apples are both small fruits.

7 Strawberries and blackberries grow on small plants or bushes.

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 3 © Blake eLearning

Compare and contrast
Read the passage.

Circle the key Many animals have a “sweet tooth”. Birds and
word that shows bees drink sweet nectar from flowers, and Put a box
how honey around the
bears eat honey. People eat sugar made from sentence
and sugar are
similar. the dried juice of sugar cane. that shows
how garlic and
Herbs and spices are used in cooking.
chillies are
Underline Herbs such as basil and parsley are used as different.
what herbs seasoning. Garlic adds flavour, and chillies are
and spices are
used for.
hot and spicy. Highlight the
Chocolate, vanilla and cinnamon are also plant difference
Colour the flavours. Chocolate is made from seeds. Vanilla chocolate and
words that tell is made from seed pods, and cinnamon is vanilla.
how chocolate
and vanilla are
ground from the dried bark of a tree.
similar. Many drinks are made using plants. Coffee Circle two
beans and tea leaves both come from plants. ways in which
tea and coffee
Lemonade is made from the juice of lemons. are similar.

8 In what way are honey and sugar similar?

9 How are herbs and spices similar?

10 What different results would a cook get from adding garlic and chillies to food?

11 How are chocolate and vanilla similar and different?

12 List two similarities between coffee and tea.

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 4 © Blake eLearning

Cause and effect NONFICTION

Writing describes actions and thoughts. Ask why something happens (the cause)
and what the result is (the effect).

Read the passage.

Underline what Grasslands

Put a box
forms when too Grasslands are environments in which grass around the
little rain falls.
is the main plant, rather than shrubs or amount of rainfall
trees. grasslands need
Colour what each year.
forms when lots
Grasslands need 25 to 100 centimetres of
of rain falls. rain each year. If they get less than this,
they turn into deserts. If grasslands get
much more rain, lots of trees grow and
they become forests.
There are two main types of grassland —
savannas (also called tropical grasslands)
and temperate grasslands.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What causes deserts to form?
a hot weather b fires c not enough rain d too much rain

2 What is the effect on the environment when too little rain falls?
a It turns into tropical grasslands. b It turns into forests.
c It turns into temperate grasslands. d It turns into deserts.

3 What causes forests to form?

a high rainfall b low rainfall c snow and ice d flooding rivers

4 What is the effect on the environment when it rains a lot?

a Deserts form. b Forests form. c Mountains form. d Savannas form.

5 What type of environment do we get when an area receives between 25 to

100 centimetres of rain a year?
a deserts b forests c grasslands d tundras
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 5 © Blake eLearning
Cause and effect
Read the passage.
Put a box around
what happens
Circle the cause The African savanna has cycles of dry when the
of the grasses and wet seasons. waterholes dry up.
dying off.
1. Dry season
Highlight the
Colour the effect Hot winds begin to blow. Grasses reason the grasses
the hot winds have die off at the surface, but the roots don’t completely
on the grasses. remain alive. Fires may burn whole die off.

areas. Waterholes dry up, causing many

Underline why
animals to migrate. There are often Colour the reason
many animals
violent thunderstorms before the wet the grasses start
migrate in the dry
growing again.
season. season starts.
2. Wet season
When the rain starts, grass can grow
2.5 centimetres in one day.

6 What causes grasses on the African savanna to die off?

7 What effect do hot winds have on the African savanna?

8 Why do many animals migrate in the dry season?

9 What happens when the waterholes dry up?

10 What causes the grass to start growing again?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 6 © Blake eLearning

Sequencing events NONFICTION

Numbers and words give clues to the order in which things happen.

Read the passage.

Anzac Biscuit Recipe what should be
added after the
Method rolled oats.
Underline what
the recipe says 1. Turn on the oven to 180° Celsius. Put
to do first. baking paper on the baking trays.
Put a box around
2. Place flour, sugar, rolled oats and what should be
Circle the time coconut in the bowl. done after
words in Step 3. melting the butter
3. Melt the butter and golden syrup in and syrup.
the small saucepan, and then add
bicarbonate of soda and water.
Underline the
4. Stir the wet mixture into the dry final step.
ingredients and mix well.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What does the recipe tell you to do first?
a put flour in the bowl b turn on the oven
c add the water d melt the butter
2 What should you do before you add flour to the bowl?
a put baking paper on the trays b add bicarbonate of soda and water
c add the coconut d melt the butter and syrup
3 Which of the following ingredients is added last in Step 2?
a rolled oats b flour c coconut d sugar
4 What should you do after you have melted the butter and syrup?
a put paper on the trays
b add the coconut
c combine the wet and dry ingredients
d add the bicarbonate of soda and water
5 Which is the fourth step in the recipe?
a melting the butter and golden syrup b turning on the oven
c adding coconut to the mixture d combining the wet and dry ingredients
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 7 © Blake eLearning
Sequencing events
Read the passage.

Underline 5. Roll teaspoonfuls of mixture into small

where the small
balls should be
balls and place on the trays. Leave about
Put a box
placed. 3 centimetres between them. around the
6. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Check the amount of time
the biscuits
Highlight biscuits frequently to make sure they should spend in
what should are not burning. the oven.
happen while
the biscuits are 7. Let the biscuits cool slightly before
baking. lifting them off with a spatula, to cool Colour the
on the wire rack. key words that
tell when to lift
the biscuits off
the tray.

Circle where
the biscuits
should cool.

6 What should you do after you roll the mixture into balls?

7 What should you do after placing the balls on the trays?

8 What should you do while the biscuits are baking?

9 When should you lift the biscuits off the tray?

10 What is the final thing you should do before you can eat the biscuits?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 8 © Blake eLearning


Use clues in the text to work out the meaning of words you do not understand.

Read the passage.

Highlight the

Circle the word Hoaxes, Fibs and Fakes sentence that

tells us why many
that tells us where English people
the farmers got On April Fools’ Day in 1957, an English believed the April
the spaghetti from. TV program showed Swiss farmers Fools’ joke.
picking spaghetti from trees. Hundreds
Colour the word
of people called the TV station and
that tells us what asked how to grow spaghetti trees. They
nationality the were told to “place a sprig of spaghetti
farmers were.
in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for
the best”.
Underline how
Because spaghetti was an exotic food in
many people did
not know where England at that time, many people didn’t
spaghetti came know where it came from. They believed
from in the 1950s.
that it could grow on trees!

Circle the correct answers.

1 Some people in England wanted to grow their own spaghetti trees. A tree is a type
of …
a animal. b plant. c rock. d soil.
2 Based on question 1’s answer, we can infer that the word ‘sprig’ most likely means …
a tail. b string. c stem. d ribbon.
3 In the 1950s, how many people in England did not know where spaghetti came from?
a very few b one or two c everyone d many
4 In the TV program, who was picking spaghetti from the trees?
a English farmers b local farmers c Swiss farmers d children
5 Based on the answers to questions 3 and 4, we can infer that the word ‘exotic’ most
likely means …
a from a foreign country. b from the same country.
c from the earth. d from a factory.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 9 © Blake eLearning
Word study
Read the passage.

We often believe things we read,

especially things that sound scientific.
Circle three On 1 April 1976, astronomer Patrick
words that can Moore announced that Pluto would
help us work pass behind Jupiter. He said that this
out what an
astronomer does. would lessen the gravity on Earth.
If people jumped in the air at the
exact moment the planets were in line,
words that can they would be able to float—just like
help us work out astronauts in space. Some people said
what gravity is. they had floated up to the ceiling!

6 What does an astronomer do?

7 If you didn’t know the answer to question 6, which words would have helped you
work out the meaning of the word?

8 Which clues in the text can help you work out the meaning of the word ‘gravity’?

9 Now write a definition for the word ‘gravity’.

10 What does an astronaut do?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 1 • 978 1 74215 456 5 10 © Blake eLearning

Compare and contrast NONFICTION

Finding the similarities and differences in a text helps us understand it.

Read the passage.

Highlight the
It’s a Mystery
CSIs’ main job. Each member of the forensic team has
his or her own job.
Circle the
Underline the Crime scene investigators (or CSIs) names of the
lab-based different types
examine the scene of the crime and
forensic scientists’ of medical
main job.
collect evidence. forensic
Lab-based forensic scientists carefully scientists.

analyse this material, often using the

latest technology.
Medical forensic scientists, such as
pathologists and dentists, are called in if
they are needed.

Circle the correct answers.

1 How are members of a forensic team different? They …
a work in different cities. b wear different uniforms.
c do different jobs. d speak different languages.

2 How are CSIs and lab-based forensic scientists alike? They both …
a examine the scene of the crime. b try to solve a crime.
c analyse material using microscopes. d work in a laboratory.

3 How are lab-based and medical forensic scientists similar?

a Neither uses technology. b Both help CSIs collect evidence.
c Both work outdoors. d Both analyse evidence.

4 How are lab-based and medical forensic scientists different? Medical forensic
scientists are ...
a not always needed. b the first ones on the scene.
c always needed. d the most important members of the team.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 11 © Blake eLearning
Compare and contrast
Read the passage.
Colour the different
Archaeologists are like detectives. kinds of clues
They look for clues too. But they’re not archaeologists and
detectives look for.
Underline the looking for clues to a crime; they’re
similarity between looking for clues to the past. In 1991
archaeologists and Circle different
hikers in Austria’s mountains found
detectives. materials Ötzi’s
a body buried in the ice. Scientists clothes were made
discovered it was 5300 years old – the from.
best-preserved natural mummy ever!
the different things
Ötzi might have Archaeologists called the iceman ‘Ötzi’
used his cloak for. and set out to investigate his mystery.
Ötzi was wearing his cloak when he
died. It was braided from long grasses
and would have been a waterproof
layer over his fur clothes. He
probably also used it as a blanket
or a ground cover.

5 How are archaeologists and detectives alike?

6 How are archaeologists and detectives different?

7 What different things do archaeologists think Ötzi used his cloak for?

8 What different materials were Ötzi’s clothes made from?

9 In the following sentence, circle the correct answer.

Ötzi’s cloak and clothes were both made from natural / synthetic materials.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 12 © Blake eLearning
Point of view NONFICTION

To identify the author’s point of view, consider their choice of words and other
details. For example, in a review a writer might write ‘I believe’ or ‘we think’.

Read the passage.

Colour the event

TV Guide
that made Darren It’s Darren’s birthday, and he’s looking forward
change his mind
about his party.
to his party until he discovers Mother’s bunny
decorations! He asks Kerry the goldfish for help,
but Admiral Bubbles-in-a-Bowl has other ideas.
Circle two
adjectives that
Darren Eller Dressed in Yella helps children
help to show the see foreign lands—in their own rooms. With a
reviewer’s opinion new, crazy adventure each week, kids discover
of the program.
that there are magical worlds, full of funny
characters, right in their own homes.

Circle the correct answers.

1 How does Darren feel about his birthday party before he sees the bunny
a He is nervous about it. b He is angry about it.
c He is looking forward to it. d He does not want a party.
2 When do Darren’s feelings about his party start to change?
a when he sees his mother
b when he speaks to Kerry the goldfish
c when Admiral Bubbles-in-a-Bowl arrives
d when he sees the bunny decorations
3 Which punctuation helps us to understand Darren’s feelings about the bunny
a . b , c ! d ’
4 In the second paragraph, the reviewer calls the show funny. This tells us the
reviewer thinks the program is ...
a boring. b entertaining. c exciting. d scary.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 13 © Blake eLearning
Point of view
Read the passage.

Underline The animation in this show is always

what the reviewer
thinks of the
bright, on the go, and very detailed.
animation. It doesn’t have the homemade look
that is popular in children’s television
Put a box
Highlight the
these days. As children follow Darren’s around the
things children adventures, they explore everyday reviewer’s overall
opinion of the
can learn from emotions, such as love, fear and
the program. program.
happiness, and see how Darren and
his family respond to challenges.
Highly recommended.

5 Does the reviewer think the animation is good, or bad? Support your answer with
evidence from the text.

6 Does the reviewer believe that children can learn something from the program?
Support your answer with evidence from the text.

7 Would you recommend this program to someone with a young child? Why, or
why not?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 14 © Blake eLearning

Drawing conclusions NONFICTION

Make your own judgements to draw conclusions from a text. Clues in the text will
help you.

Study the poster.

Circle the words Highlight the list

that tell when the of legends.
event is.

Put a box around

where the event
will be.

Circle the correct answer/s.

1 What is the best conclusion? Pick in the Park takes place in the …
a spring. b autumn. c winter. d summer.
2 Which word is the clue to question 1’s answer?
a Saturday b February c Park d Pick
3 What is the best conclusion? The performance will take place …
a outdoors. b on a boat. c on a beach. d in a hall.
4 Which word is the clue to question 3’s answer?
a legends b Tickets c Pick d Park
5 What conclusion can we draw from the list of legends?
a The concert will be over in minutes. b The concert will run for a few hours.
c The legends are mainly students. d The legends are mainly teenagers.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 15 © Blake eLearning
Drawing conclusions
Study the poster.

Circle the word Underline the

that is similar in words that tell us
meaning to exciting. where we can find

Highlight the
sentence that
gives the most
about books.

6 Which five conclusions can we draw from the words and pictures in the poster?
Circle the correct answers.
a Aliens like to read.
b There are books on many different topics.
c Aliens sometimes read scary books.
d Reading can be exciting.
e Aliens are nervous.
f People who read are wild (exciting).
g Some books are about unusual things.
h Libraries have a wide variety of books.
i Aliens scream when they are scared.
j There are libraries in most neighbourhoods.

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 16 © Blake eLearning

Main idea and details NONFICTION

The main idea or key point is what the text is about. Details support the main idea.

Read the passage.

Underline the
Circle all
the types of
Forests number of
animal species
Forests are full of animals. that inhabit
a square
There are more insects in a forest than any kilometre in a
Highlight two
other type of animal. They make up half the rainforest.
kinds of forest. mass of all animal life in a rainforest.
About half of all the world’s animal species Put a box
live in tropical rainforests. Hundreds of bird, around where
possums are
mammal and reptile species live in each commonly
square kilometre of tropical rainforest. found.
Most rainforest mammals and reptiles are
arboreal. This means they spend most of
their lives in trees.
Small animals, such as possums, are
common in temperate forests.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What is the passage mainly about?
a tropical and temperate forests b different kinds of insects
c what forest animals look like d different kinds of forest animals

2 Which sentence best supports the main idea?

a Most rainforest mammals and reptiles are arboreal.
b Forests are full of animals.
c This means they spend most of their lives in trees.
d They make up half of all animal life in a rainforest.

3 Colour the word or phrase that best supports the main idea.
a mass b insects
c live in trees d each square kilometre
e bird, mammal and reptile species f common
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 17 © Blake eLearning
Main idea and details
Read the passage.
Highlight the
diseases that
In paragraph 1, Forest plants contain chemicals that can medicines from
circle three be made into medicines. forest plants are
words that can used to treat.
help us identify Plants make these chemicals to protect
the main idea of themselves from diseases, pests and
the text. Put a box around
plant eaters.
the name of a
People living in forests make medicines specific drug that
Underline the from plants. They use seeds, leaves, comes from a
words that tell us forest plant.
fruits and bark.
what people in
forests use Scientists also make medicines from
plants for. forest plants. The medicines are used to
treat asthma, cancer and many other
diseases. The drug Taxol, which is used
to treat cancer, comes from the bark of
the Pacific yew tree.

4 What is the main idea or key point of the text?

5 Write down three details that support the main idea.


COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 18 © Blake eLearning

Cause and effect NONFICTION

Writing describes actions and thoughts. Ask why something happens (the cause)
and what the result is (the effect).

Read the passage. Underline the reasons

bilbies have become a
Marsupials vulnerable species.

The greater bilby is the largest

Highlight the reason
species of bandicoot. Bilbies are a
the greater bilby is
vulnerable species. Cattle, sheep and bred in captivity.
rabbits eat the food they need.
Foxes and feral cats prey on them.
To save the greater bilby from
extinction, they are bred in
captivity and then released back
into the wild.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What has caused bilbies to become a vulnerable species?
a predators and lack of food b diseases and fires
c air and soil pollution d climate change
2 What effect has farming had on the bilby population? It has caused …
a bilby numbers to increase. b bilbies to become extinct.
c bilby numbers to decrease. d bilbies to leave their habitat.
3 Why are greater bilbies bred in captivity?
a to keep them safe from rabbits
b to make sure they have enough food
c to try to domesticate them
d to prevent them from becoming extinct
4 What is the result of breeding greater bilbies in captivity?
a They lose their fear of humans. b Scientists can learn more about their habits.
c They are saved from extinction. d They become stronger.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 19 © Blake eLearning
Cause and effect
Read the passage.
Underline the
reason many
Since 1996, many Tasmanian devils have Tasmanian devils
Highlight what died from a horrible disease. Lumps grow have died.
happens to around the devil’s mouth that turn into
devils that have tumours. These spread across the face Circle two
tumours on their and body. The tumours make it hard for adjectives that
mouths. describe the
the devils to eat. Many starve to death. Tasmanian devils
Scientists are working to save the the scientists use
Colour the in their breeding
reason only
Tasmanian devil from extinction. They program.
healthy take healthy devils to wildlife parks. These
Tasmanian disease-free animals breed with other
devils are
allowed to healthy Tasmanian devils.
breed. In the future, they may be
released into the wild.

5 What has caused many Tasmanian devils to die?

6 How do tumours on the mouth affect the Tasmanian devils?

7 Why are scientists making sure only healthy Tasmanian devils breed with each other?

8 What are scientists hoping will happen as a result of their breeding program for
Tasmanian devils?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 2 • 978 1 74215 456 5 20 © Blake eLearning

Finding facts and information NONFICTION

Some answers are clearly seen in the text. Ask these questions: Who? What?
Where? When?

Read the passage.

Circle the name
Big things are big trouble. Enormous Highlight the
of Japan’s monsters cause chaos and destruction year of the first
Godzilla movie.
favourite monster. wherever they go. Godzilla is Japan’s
favourite monster. He first blasted onto
Japanese movie screens in 1954 and he’s Colour the words
Underline the that describe
phrase that tells still there today. Godzilla Godzilla’s
us where Godzilla slept on the bottom of appearance.
used to live.
the sea until an atomic
bomb forced him up to the
surface. He looks like a
giant Tyrannosaurus rex
having a temper tantrum.
He is angry because he
thinks people are destroying
the world.

Circle the correct answers.

1 Who is Japan’s favourite monster?
a a giant b a dinosaur c Tyrannosaurus rex d Godzilla

2 When did Japan’s favourite monster first appear on movie screens?

a 1945 b 1954 c 1956 d 1964

3 Where did Godzilla live before he was forced into the world?
a on an island b in a forest
c on the bottom of the sea d in the sky

4 What does Godzilla look like?

a a huge Tyrannosaurus rex b a giant
c an angry person d a sea monster
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 21 © Blake eLearning
Finding facts and information
Read the passage.
Colour Medusa’s
terrible power.
Every country has its own stories, or
myths, about monsters. Monsters were Underline
a good way to explain the unknown. the actions of
If people didn’t know what caused an Perseus.
earthquake, for example, they could say a
monster did it. Circle the key
Underline the
words that tell us When Native Americans first dug up to defeating
why people tell monsters.
dinosaur bones, they thought they were
monster stories.
the bones of giant lizards that lived
deep in the earth. When these giants
Highlight what shivered, the whole earth quaked!
Native Americans
believed Many myths tell of monsters
dinosaur bones with terrible powers. Medusa
to be.
had snakes instead of hair. Anyone who
looked at her was turned to stone. But
Circle words the hero Perseus was able to defeat her
that describe
by looking at her reflection in a mirror.
appearance. Every monster has a weak spot. The trick
is to find out where, or what, it is.

5 What are monster myths used for?

6 Which countries have monster myths?

7 What was Medusa’s terrible power?

8 Who defeated Medusa?

9 Which steps will help you defeat any monster?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 22 © Blake eLearning

Making connections NONFICTION

Linking a text to other texts you have read is a great way to build understanding.
Look for key words and phrases in the texts to make the connections.

Read the passages.

Circle the word in
each text that tells us Pollination is an important
Many animals feed on the what insects feed on.
nectar from flowers. As a part of the life cycle of
result, the animals carry plants. Insects such as bees,
pollen from flower to flower.
Underline the words butterflies and ladybugs
in each text that tell are attracted by the bright
Many insects feed on us what attracts colours and smells of
flowers. Flowers have insects to certain
certain flowers. They know
colour and perfume to flowers.
that these flowers contain
attract insects. As insects
the sweet nectar that they
feed on the nectar, they Highlight the word need to grow and lay eggs.
also pick up some pollen. in each text that tells
While sucking the nectar,
The pollen catches a ride us what insects carry
from flower to flower.
some of the pollen on the
to the next flower. After
flowers sticks to their legs.
being pollinated,
This pollen gets transferred
flowers make seeds. Colour the words in to the next flower they
Birds, bats and even each text that tell us move to. The pollen fertilises
some lizards are also what flowers produce the flower’s egg cells to
attracted to flowers. after they have been
make seeds.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What do both texts tell us?
a Many insects feed on the nectar from flowers.
b The bright colours and perfumes of plants help to attract insects.
c Insects lay their eggs in flowers.
d Insects play an important role in pollination.
e Bees and butterflies need nectar to grow and lay eggs.
f Some flowers grow into fruits.
g Insects carry pollen from flower to flower.
h Flowers make seeds after they have been pollinated.
i Birds and other animals also play a role in pollination.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 23 © Blake eLearning
Making connections
Read the passage.
Rainforests cover about
Flowering plants are able 6% of the earth’s surface
to live in many different but contain more than
parts of the world. half of the world’s plant
Rainforests, deserts and animal species.
and cold mountains are Underline all the Rainforests have hot,
words in both humid climates. They also
all home to different
texts that refer
flowering plants. have a very high annual
to the climate in
Rainforests get plenty of rainforests. rainfall. That’s why they
what plants need—rain, are called rainforests!
warmth and sunshine— At least two-thirds of the
Highlight all the
so plants grow in great words in both texts
world’s plant species grow
numbers. A huge variety that refer to the in rainforests.
of flowering plants, such number of plants
as trees, vines and other found in rainforests.
tropical plants, grow in

2 Use the information in the texts to write a short report about rainforests.
Use the headings provided.


COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 24 © Blake eLearning

Cause and effect NONFICTION

Writing describes actions and thoughts. Ask why something happens (the cause)
and what the result is (the effect).

Read the passage.

Circle the
reason large
desert animals Desert animals conserve water. They
are able to
try to avoid very hot and very cold
stay cool.
Underline the
The fur or hair of large desert animals Highlight what
the marsupial
effect a fur keeps them cool. The outer layer of a mole does to
covering has on camel’s coat can be 30 degrees Celsius stay cool.
a large desert
animal’s body hotter than its body.
Some desert animals, such as the Colour the key
marsupial mole, burrow underground word that tells
why animals
to escape extreme temperatures. It is in cold deserts
cooler underground in hot deserts. In might burrow
cold deserts, it is warmer underground.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What causes large desert animals to stay cool?
a their skin b their fur c their tails d river breezes

2 How does a desert animal’s hair or fur affect its body temperature?
a It keeps it warm. b It causes it to overheat.
c It keeps it cool. d It causes it to freeze.

3 Why is the marsupial mole able to stay cool in the desert?

a It burrows underground. b It lies in the shade.
c It drinks lots of water. d It sprays water on itself.

4 What effect does burrowing underground have on the marsupial mole?

It enables it to …
a stay warm. b find water. c find food. d stay cool.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 25 © Blake eLearning
Cause and effect
Read the passage.

Put a box Deserts often contain oil and iron ore.

around the key
word that tells
Drilling for oil and mining can harm
us what drilling desert environments.
and mining Highlight the
do to desert Tourists can damage desert water effect vehicles
environments. supplies. Vehicles damage desert soils have on desert
and plants.
Circle the
word that
When farms are on the edge of a desert,
Colour the
tells us who they can damage the fragile desert soil. effect farms
causes damage have on desert
to desert
Farm animals pound the environments.
water supplies. soil with their hooves.
This breaks up the soil.
Colour the Underline what
It is then more likely happens when
words that
show how to be eroded by wind farm animals
farm animals and rain. break up
damage desert desert soil.

5 What human activities cause damage to desert soils?

6 What effect do tourists have on deserts?

7 Explain how farm animals cause damage to desert soils.

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 26 © Blake eLearning

Visualisation NONFICTION

Imagining images of people, places and events can help to build understanding
of a text.

Read the passage.

Highlight the words that
help you see how the In the 1960s, a few large computers in the USA
internet started in connected to each other.
the 1960s.
If one of the computers broke down, the others would
keep working. Universities began to connect computers
Underline the words that in the same way. This grew into the internet—lots of
help you see how the
computers connected to each other.
internet spread.
The internet spread as more people were
allowed to use it. Thousands and then
Colour the words millions of computers went online around
that help you see the world. The speed at which the internet
how people use the
internet today. sent information got much faster.
Today, billions of people use the internet
to find and share information, for
entertainment, and to buy and sell goods.

Read the passage again. As you do so, visualise what you are reading about.
Draw pictures of the images as you read about the different stages in the growth of
the internet.

The start of the internet—the 1960s More people are allowed to use
the internet

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 27 © Blake eLearning

Read the passage.

A storyboard artist turns a film script into a series Circle the

of drawings to help the people making the story words that help you
see what Humpty
imagine what it is going to look like. does in Scene 1.
Script for a short film about Humpty Dumpty
Scene 1: Humpty Dumpty is sitting on the castle wall.
Highlight the words
He waves to the crowd below. that help you see
Humpty: Hi everyone. what Humpty does
in Scene 2.
Scene 2: Humpty stands up. He loses his balance and
starts toppling forward.
Humpty: Aaaaaahhhhhh! Underline the
words that help you
Scene 3: The people in the crowd look down at Humpty’s see what Humpty
cracked body. Someone takes out a phone and calls an looks like after the
ambulance. accident.

Person in crowd: (talking on phone) Come to the castle

wall quickly. Prince Humpty’s had an accident. Colour the words
Scene 4: The paramedics patch up Humpty’s cracked body. that help you see
what the paramedics
Paramedic: You’re very lucky, Prince Humpty. do to Humpty.
If the cracks had been any deeper, you would
have needed a yolk transfusion.

Imagine you are a storyboard artist. Create a storyboard for the film about Humpty Dumpty.

Scene 1 Scene 2

Scene 3 Scene 4

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 28 © Blake eLearning

Main idea and details NONFICTION

The main idea or key point is what the text is about. Details support the main idea.

Read the passages.

Drama Underline the

things the stage
Many people work as a team to put on a manager is
play. The stage manager has one of the most responsible for
important jobs. when a play is in
The stage manager helps the director, actors
and stage crew. They plan and run rehearsals
the name of and set up the stage. They listen to the Colour the word
the person actors to check if they are following the that describes
who plays an how the play
important role should run.
in putting on When the play is in performance, the stage
a play. manager is in charge. They make sure the
stage lights go on and off when they need to.
They check that the set changes correctly.
In paragraph 2,
circle all the The smooth running of the play is the
verbs that tell us stage manager’s responsibility.
what the stage
manager does.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What is the passage mainly about?
a the director’s jobs b the stage crew’s jobs
c the stage manager’s jobs d the actors’ jobs

2 Which three details support the main idea?

a People work as a team to put on a play.
b The stage manager helps the director, actors and stage crew.
c The stage manager sets up the stage.
d The set changes between scenes.
e The stage manager sees that the play runs smoothly.

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 29 © Blake eLearning

Main idea and details
Read the passages.
Highlight the
definition of
William Shakespeare wrote plays more than interpretation.
Circle the 300 years ago. One of his most famous plays
name of is Romeo and Juliet.
Shakespeare’s Circle the
play. The play is set in Italy. It is the story of a part of a play
young man and woman who fall in love. Their that changes
families are enemies who don’t want Romeo with different
Underline the interpretations.
sentence that and Juliet to be together. The story has
tells us about sword fighting, love, sadness and humour.
the play’s Underline the
There have been many interpretations of
different ways
Romeo and Juliet. An interpretation is the way in which the
the play is presented. The story and words Romeo and
Colour Juliet story has
remain the same, but the setting changes.
two sentences been used.
that describe The Romeo and Juliet story has been
what the play is used in computer games, songs, operas,
ballets and more than 40 films.

3 What is the passage mainly about?

4 List three details that support the main idea.


COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 3 • 978 1 74215 456 5 30 © Blake eLearning

Point of view NONFICTION

To identify the author’s point of view, consider their choice of words and other
details. There are clues in the way they express what they think.

Read the passage.

Underline how
the boy feels
The First Snowstorm Colour the words
about the snow. Farewell, walks to Rivoli! Here is the that help us
understand how
beautiful friend of the boys! Here is the schoolmaster
the first snow! Ever since yesterday feels about the
Circle the
punctuation evening, it has been falling in thick
that helps us
understand how flakes as large as gillyflowers.
the boy is feeling.
It was a pleasure this morning at school
to see it beat against the panes and
pile up on the windowsills. Even the
schoolmaster watched it and rubbed
his hands.

Circle the correct answers.

1 How does the boy feel about the arrival of the first snow? He is …
a disappointed. b excited. c upset. d nervous.
2 Which phrase in paragraph 1 is a clue to how the boy feels?
a the first snow b falling in thick flakes
c beautiful friend of the boys d since yesterday evening
3 In paragraph 2, which word does the boy use to express his feelings about the
a beat b pile c pleasure d rubbed
4 How does the schoolmaster feel about the arrival of the first snow? He is …
a disappointed. b annoyed. c curious. d pleased.
5 Which phrase is the clue to how the schoolmaster feels?
a rubbed his hands b pile up
c at school d beat against the panes
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 31 © Blake eLearning
Point of view
Read the passage.

All the boys were glad when they

thought of making snowballs, and of the
Underline the ice which will come later. Stardi, entirely Put a box
words that tell us around the
how Stardi felt
absorbed in his lessons, and with his
words that
about the snow. fists pressed against his temples, was show you how
the only one who paid no attention to it. the boys felt.

What beauty, what a celebration there

was when we left school! All danced
down the streets, shouting and tossing
their arms, catching up handfuls
of snow, and dashing about in it,
like poodles in water.

6 Explain how the boys felt about the arrival of the first snow.

7 How did Stardi feel about the arrival of the snow?

8 What does the word ‘celebration’ tell us about how the writer viewed the events?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 32 © Blake eLearning

Main idea and details NONFICTION

The main idea or key point is what the text is about. Details support the main idea.

Read the passage.

Colour why insects Plants That Bite Back Underline what

are attracted to
the plant. Each leaf of the sundew plant has happens when
the insect tries to
hundreds of tentacles. Each tentacle free itself.
Circle what has a drop of sticky liquid on the
causes the insect end. When insects come to drink the Highlight what
to stick to the plant.
nectar, they stick to the liquid. As an finally happens to
the insect.
insect struggles to get free, the sticky
tentacles wrap around its body.
Now the plant begins to eat
the insect’s juicy flesh.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What is the key point or main idea of the text?
a to describe what a sundew plant looks like
b to explain how the sundew plant traps insects
c to explain why insects drink nectar
d to show how plants get their food

2 Which three details best support the main idea?

a The sundew plant is tropical.
b There is sticky liquid on the ends of the tentacles.
c An insect comes to drink the nectar.
d The insect sticks to the liquid.
e The insect struggles to get free.
f The sticky tentacles wrap around the insect’s body.
g The sundew plant eats the insect.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 33 © Blake eLearning
Main idea and details
Read the passage.
Circle the key
The giraffes don’t eat from one tree for word that tells us
how the acacia
Underline how very long. They munch away at a tree
tree protects itself
long a giraffe
for a short time and then they move on. from animals that
spends eating
want to eat its
from a tree. People watching may think the giraffe is leaves.
being nice to the tree. The real reason
Highlight what turns out to be very different.
happens when Colour how long
the giraffe starts The acacia tree has another way to it takes before the
to eat the leaves. leaves become
defend itself—poison. too poisonous
As the giraffe starts to munch on the to eat.

spiky tree, the tree pushes poison into

its leaves. Within 30 minutes the leaves
are too poisonous to eat.

3 What is the key point or main idea of the text?

4 Which three details support the main idea?


COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 34 © Blake eLearning

Sequencing events NONFICTION

Numbers and words give clues to the order in which things happen.

Read the passage.

Circle the key

word that tells Mountains are always eroding. This
us the source of is mainly due to the effects of ice,
rain and wind. Underline what
happens after
Colour what At the tops of mountains, water the frozen water
happens to the freezes in cracks in the rock. The expands in the
water in the cracks. cracks.
water expands when it freezes. It
causes the rock to split and pieces
to break off. This makes mountains

1 For jagged mountains to form, a number of things must happen. Number the
events below to show the order in which they happen.

The rock splits.

The rainwater in the cracks freezes.

Rain falls.

Jagged mountains are formed.

At the tops of mountains, cracks form in the rock.

Pieces of rock break off.

Rainwater trickles into the cracks in the rock.

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 35 © Blake eLearning

Sequencing events
Read the passage.

Some animals survive the winter on a

Circle when
the black bear mountain by hibernating. This means they Colour the
hibernates. sleep through the coldest months, living on season that
comes after
food they have stored. summer.
Underline Black bears in the mountains of North
what the bear
does before America hibernate every winter.
Underline the
it goes into
The bear eats as much as possible in summer season that
its den. comes before
and autumn. In winter, when there is not much spring.
food left, the bear goes into a den to sleep.
how long the The den might be a cave, burrow, or the space
bear spends under some logs on the ground.
The bear’s breathing rate drops.
It can be as slow as one breath
Put a box
around when every 45 seconds. It sleeps from
the bear four to seven months.
comes out of
its den. The bear comes out of the den
in the spring.

2 What does the black bear do before the winter sets in?

3 What does the black bear do once the winter sets in?

4 How long does the black bear stay in its den?

5 Which season comes after winter?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 36 © Blake eLearning

Making inferences NONFICTION

Make inferences about a text by drawing on your own experiences, and looking
for information in the text that is implied, not directly stated.

Read the passage.

Underline the
sentences that
Visual Arts
tell us about the Oil paint is pigment mixed with oil. It Highlight the
liquids used in sentence that
oil and acrylic
takes a long time to dry. Acrylic paint tells us how
paints. is pigment mixed with a synthetic liquid. watercolour
paints are used.
It looks like oil paint but dries faster.
Colour the words Watercolour paints are pigment mixed
that show how Put a box
long it takes oil
with water. They are used on dry or
around the
and acrylic paints wet paper. different things
to dry. artists use to give
Some artists mix paint with things such their painting
as sand, cement or even straw. This an interesting
gives the painting an interesting texture.

Circle the correct answers.

1 Which is the best inference? Oil paint and acrylic paint …
a are exactly alike. b are made with different liquids.
c both dry quickly. d both take a long time to dry.

2 Which is the best inference? Pigment is mixed with liquid to …

a create the paint’s colour. b make the paint dry faster.
c give the paint texture. d make the paint easier to apply.

3 From reading the passage, we can infer that some artists use paint in creative ways.
What is the clue?
a They use paint on dry and wet paper.
b They mix pigment with different liquids.
c They mix paint with things like sand, cement and straw.
d They mix oil and acrylic paints.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 37 © Blake eLearning
Making inferences
Read the passage.

Underline the
A curator cares for a collection of
sentence that artworks. Every art gallery has a curator.
tells us what a
curator does. Curators make sure that artworks are
stored and shown properly. They often
suggest which artworks the art gallery Colour the
Circle the verb
should buy. sentence that
that is similar
tells us how
in meaning
to advise. Curators spend a lot of time studying curators share
their knowledge
art. They write about art in books. of art.
Curators plan exhibitions. They decide
which artworks to put in an exhibition. Highlight
Some artworks may need to be borrowed the sentence
that sums up
from other places. The curator asks to one of the
borrow the artworks and organises to curator’s most
important jobs.
have them brought to the gallery.

4 We can infer that curators know a lot about art. What are the clues?

5 We can infer that the curator plays an important part in the running of an art
gallery. What evidence is there in the text to support this statement?

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 38 © Blake eLearning

Point of view NONFICTION

To identify the author’s point of view, consider their choice of words and other details.
For example, a writer might write ‘I believe’ or ‘we think’ to express an opinion.

Read the passage.

Colour the
Tales of Invention phrase that
gives an
Voiceover: Ted Wren continues his series opinion of
about famous inventors. This week, he looks at Eliza Bell.
Alexander Graham Bell.
Put a box I believe Alexander Graham Bell was one
around Ted of the greatest inventors of the 19th and
Wren’s opinion 20th centuries. He was born in Scotland
of Alexander
in 1847. His father, Alexander Melville Bell,
Graham Bell.
was an expert on speech and how the voice works.
His mother, Eliza, had poor hearing but many
Highlight the say she played the piano very well.
words that Alexander Graham Bell moved to the United
tell us what
States in 1871. Five years later he developed
most people
believe about
the first successful telephone. During his life
Alexander he took out patents for many inventions, but
Graham Bell’s most people believe that the telephone was
inventions. his most important invention.

Circle the correct answers.

1 What is the author’s opinion of Alexander Graham Bell? Alexander Graham Bell
was …
a an expert on speech. b an excellent pianist.
c a great inventor. d a kind man.

2 Which is an opinion about Eliza Bell? Most people think Eliza Bell …
a played the piano very well. b had poor hearing.
c was Alexander Graham Bell’s mother. d invented the telephone.

3 How do most people feel about the invention of the telephone?

Most people believe it was Alexander Graham Bell’s most …
a dangerous invention. b useless invention.
c curious invention. d important invention.
COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 39 © Blake eLearning
Point of view
Read the passage.
Highlight the
phrase that
In 1865 Bell studied how the mouth was used shows that
to make sounds and speech. In 1870, the Bells the telephone
moved to Canada, then America. The next year, was only one
young Alexander began to teach at a school of Alexander
Graham Bell’s
for deaf people. He experimented with many
Underline a inventions. Bell came up with the ideas and his
sentence that assistant, Thomas Watson, made the equipment.
shows that They invented an electric speaking telegraph, Colour the
Alexander which we now call a telephone. phrase that
Graham Bell tells us how
wanted to help On March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell Alexander
people. made the first ever telephone. His diary from Graham Bell
that day records, “I then shouted into the felt when he
mouthpiece the following sentence: discovered that
In paragraph 1, his invention
‘Mr Watson, come here—II want
circle the worked.
role of to see you.’ To my delight he came
Mr Watson. and declared that he had heard
and understood what I said.”

4 In your view, which of the following words could be used to describe Alexander
Graham Bell? You may choose more than one word.
a curious b lazy c imaginative d talented

5 Now explain why you chose those words. Use evidence from the text to support your

COMPREHENSION • YEAR 3 • TERM 4 • 978 1 74215 456 5 40 © Blake eLearning

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