Meloidogyne Incognita Vigna Unguiculata .: Management of Root-Knot Nematode On Cowpea (L Walp.) With Oil Cakes

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Int. J. Biosci.


International Journal of Biosciences | IJB |

ISSN: 2220-6655 (Print) 2222-5234 (Online)
Vol. 5, No. 12, p. 413-419, 2014


Management of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita)

on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) with oil cakes

Frederick Kankam*, Elias Nortaa Kunedeb Sowley, Isaac Nkansah Dankwa

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University for Development Studies, P.O. Box
TL 1882, Tamale, Ghana

Key words: Cowpea, oil cakes, root-knot nematode, root galling. Article published on December 27, 2014


Nematodes pose a threat to cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) production. Since management of
phytopathogens by plant extracts are safer than agrochemicals, the efficacy of oil cakes of Indian almond
(Terminalia catappa), Palm kernel (Elaes guineensis) and Shea nut (Vitelleria paradoxa) against root-knot
nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) was tested in a Completely Randomised Design with four replications.
Cowpea plants were inoculated with 1000 root-knot-nematode eggs/100g of soil two weeks after sowing before
measuring plant height, number of leaves, canopy spread, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, root
galling and root-knot nematode population. Indian almond cake-treated plants had a significantly lower
(P<0.05) root-knot nematode population and infection index (root gall) and a significantly higher (P<0.05) yield
than the other treatments and the control. Since Indian almond cake was the most effective in reducing galling
and nematode population, farmers can use it as a soil amendment.
* Corresponding Author: Frederick Kankam 

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Introduction continuous nematicide application (Thomson, 1992).

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) is a popular There are instances where nematicides have been
and nutritionally important legume crop (Singh et al., found to contaminate the underground water and
1997) which is now widely cultivated throughout the thus they have potential to be toxic to human and
tropics and subtropics (Duke, 1990). In Africa, the farm animals (Alam and Jairajpuri, 1990). Plant
average cowpea grain yields vary from 50 to 550 kg products such as oil seed cakes have shown success in
per ha, typically being only about 10-20% of cowpea plant disease control and are known to be harmless,
yield potential under optimal growing conditions eco-friendly, non-phytotoxic and readily available
(Hall et al., 2003). Addition of cowpea in the (McSorley et al., 1999). The study aimed to determine
traditional farming system is most appropriate as it the effectiveness of oil cakes of Indian almond
supports sustainable land use by improving soil (Terminalia catappa), Palm kernel (Elaes
fertility and serving as rotation crop. However, guineensis) and Shea nut (Vitelleria paradoxa)
tropical conditions meditated by high temperatures as against root-knot nematode of cowpea.
found in Ghana, favour high reproduction rates of
plant parasitic nematodes particularly Meloidogyne Materials and methods
incognita (Bridge et al., 2005) and resulting high Experimental site
yield losses may be incurred. Yield losses of between Laboratory experiments were conducted at the
73-100% were reported in Northern Ghana due to Spanish laboratory of the University for Development
root-knot nematode (Hemeng, 1981) while Sawadogo Studies, Nyankpala, Ghana while other experiments
et al. (2009) reported that in the humid southwestern were conducted during the 2011 cropping season at
part of Burkina Faso, at least 90% of cowpea fields the screen house of the Faculty of Agriculture,
were infested with root-knot nematodes. In most of University for Development Studies, Nyankpala
West Africa, pests are reported to be the single most Campus. The area is located 16km West of Tamale
important constraint to cowpea production (Singh et with latitude of 9°25’N and longitude 0°58‘W (SARI,
al., 1990). Symptoms of damage induced by root-knot 2006). The screen house constructed with plant table
nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) include development net operates under natural conditions of 12 hours of
of chlorosis on leaves, stunted growth, root galling, daylight. No artificial light was used.
and excessive branching of the root (Adegbite, 2011).
Heavy infestation of cowpea by Meloidogyne spp. Source of seed and oil cakes
leads to early senescence of the crop (Olowe, 2004). Cowpea seeds of the ‘Paditua’ variety released by
Nematode infection impairs the function of the root Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (SARI),
system (Mishra, 1992). When nematodes build up on Nyankpala, Ghana were used for the study. Shea nut
the cowpea, they can cause damage leading to yield cake was obtained from Nyankpala market in the
loss (Gallaher and McSorley, 1993). Rose et al. (1989) Northern Region. Indian almond cake and palm
reported yield losses of more than 90 % in high kernel cakes were obtained from Kwahu-Tafo in the
population of root-knot nematodes. Eastern Region.

Several investigators have reported a reduction in the Soil preparation and sterilization
population level of root-knot nematodes following the Top soil was collected from the experimental site and
addition of soil amendments, such as oil seed cake of sieved to remove large particles, stones, plastic
mung bean (Vigna radiata) (Tiyagi and Alam, 1994; materials and plant debris. It was then mixed with
Kolade et al., 2005). Generally nematicides are river sand in the ratio 3:1. The mixing was done on a
recommended for the control of nematodes but they concrete floor to obtain a uniform mixture. The soil
are harmful to beneficial flora and fauna of the soil. mixture was moistened, and then put into a cut drum
The environment is also affected as a result of before heating at 85°C for 20 minutes and then

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cooling overnight on a large metal sheet. Counting of root-knot nematode eggs

The suspension of eggs was stirred continuously to
After cooling, four 5 kg heaps of the sterilized soil ensure uniform distribution before aliquots were
were separately placed on thirty-two trays. Twenty- taken. Aliquots of 1 ml of suspension were drawn into
four of the heaps were each thoroughly mixed with 15 the Doncaster counting tray to determine the number
g of oil seed cakes whilst the remaining eight control of eggs per unit volume of the suspension. With the
pots received no oil seed cake. Five kilograms (5 kg) help of a hand tally counter and a stereo microscope,
of each of the resulting mixtures was placed into the eggs were counted. The counting was done three
cylindrical plastic pots of 18 cm radius. To allow times and recorded. The total number of eggs in 1 ml
proper decomposition before the cowpea seeds were was multiplied by the total egg suspension to obtain
sown, the mixtures were watered every 5 days for 3 the total number of nematode eggs in the suspension.
Inoculation of cowpea plants
Cultural practices Two weeks after sowing, each of the cowpea plants
Four seeds of cowpea variety ‘Paditua’ were sown per was inoculated with 1000 eggs/1ml of egg suspension
pot. One week after sowing, the seedlings were of Meloidogyne spp. The inoculum was introduced
thinned out to two healthy seedlings per pot. The pots into the soil with a pipette through three holes which
were arranged in a completely randomized design were 2 cm from the point of sowing. The holes were
(CRD) on benches in a screen house at a mean covered lightly with soil after the inoculation. A final
temperature of 28°C. Two weeks after sowing, each of application was carried out at four weeks after the
the treated cowpea seedlings was inoculated with first application. Watering was done during evenings.
1000 eggs/ml egg suspension of Meloidogyne
incognita. All plants of the various treatments and Experimental design
control received one liter of tap water daily for 3 The pots were arranged in a completely randomized
months. design (CRD). There were four treatments each
replicated four times. The treatments were the
Extraction of nematode eggs application of 15 g of Indian almond cake, palm
Extraction of Meloidogyne incognita from infested kernel cake, Shea nut cake, and a control (with no oil
cowpea roots was based on the method described by seed cake).
Hussey and Barker (1973). Galled root pieces of
cowpea containing egg masses were cut into small Data collection
pieces, and placed in a 500 ml beaker and mixed with Data were collected on the following parameters:
200 ml of 0.5% chlorox (NaOCl) solution by shaking plant height, total number of branches, canopy size,
vigorously for 3 minutes. This was done in order to number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod,
digest the gelatinous matrix encasing the eggs. The and estimation of root-knot nematode population in
solution was poured through two nested sieves; 200 the soil. To determine galling, at sixty days after
mesh (75 μm) and 500 mesh (25 μm). Eggs in the 200 inoculation, the plants were uprooted from the soil
mesh sieves were washed free of NaOCl solution with gently and pods harvested. The plants were then
cold tap water into a one liter beaker. The cut roots in washed in a bucket of water and dipped into a beaker
the original beaker were washed twice with tap water containing water. Galls and number of eggs in egg
to obtain additional eggs. The number of eggs per 2 masses were observed through the beaker and rated
ml of water was estimated by counting 3 samples of 2 with Bridge and Page (1980) gall rating chart.
ml each using a Doncaster counting dish under a
stereo microscope resulting in an average of 199.6 Data analysis
eggs/ml. Data were subjected to analysis of variance with

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Genstat (Discovery Edition 4), and treatment means There were significant differences (P<0.05) in plant
were separated using the least significant difference height at 2, 4 and 6 weeks after planting (WAP) (Fig.
(LSD) at 5%. 1). The palm kernel cake treatment produced the
tallest plants at 2, 4 and 6 WAP. However, at 8 WAP,
Results Indian almond cake produced the tallest plants
Effect of soil amendment with oil cakes on growth followed by those treated with palm kernel cake, Shea
and yield of cowpea nut cake and the control.
Plant height

Table 1. Effect of oil cake on number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pods.
Treatments Pods/plant Seeds/Pod
Control 2.67 9.33

Indian almond cake 3.67 15.67

Palm kernel cake 3.33 11

Shea nut cake 3.67 14

LSD (0.05) 0.99 2.28

Number of leaves Canopy spread

Plants grown in soil treated with palm kernel cake Palm kernel cake – treated plants produced wider
had a significantly higher (P<0.05) mean leaf count canopies than the other treatments and the control
than the other treatments and the control from 2 – 8 but the differences were not significant (P>0.05) (Fig.
WAP (Fig. 2). 3).

Table 2. Effect of oil cake treatments on root galling in cowpea.

Treatments Root galling index Egg mass
Control 5.25 3.43
Indian almond cake 0.00 0.00
Palm kernel cake 4.50 3.00

Shea nut cake 3.25 0.75

LSD (0.05) 1.57 0.80
CV% 31.4 25.39
Scale: 0-10, where 0 = no gall, 10 = severely galled and plant usually died.

Number of pods per plant and number of seeds per produced by other treatments and the control except
pod Shea nut cake (Table 1).
Plants treated with Indian almond and Shea nut cakes
produced the same number of pods per plant (3.67) Effect of soil amendment on root nematode
which was higher than those of other treatments and infestation of cowpea:
the control but the differences were not significant Root galling and egg mass
(P>0.05). Plants treated with Indian almond cake Plants treated with Indian almond cake produced the
produced a higher number of seeds per pod (15.67) least number of galls and egg masses followed by
which was significantly higher (P<0.05) than those those treated with Shea nut cake, palm kernel cake

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and the control and the differences were significant Indian almond cake-treated plants recorded a
(P<0.05) (Table 2). significantly lower (P<0.05) population of nematodes
Effect of oil cake on root-knot nematode population followed by Shea nut cake (1.89), palm kernel cake
(2.43) and the control (3) (Table 3).

Table 3. Effect of oil cake treatments on root-knot nematode population of cowpea.

Treatments Untransformed mean Transformed mean
Control 1005 3.00
Indian almond cake 22 1.36
Palm kernel cake 267 2.43
Shea nut cake 77 1.89
LSD (0.05) 92.6 1.97
CV (%) 17.5 1.27
Log (x+1) transformed, where x = mean count.

nut cake in terms of growth could be due to the

presence of oxalate, tannin and phytate, which are
anti-nutritional factors that can impede the
absorption of minerals like iron, magnesium,
potassium and calcium, which are essential for
metabolism of the plant.

Fig. 1. Effect of oil cake treatments on plant height.

Effect of oil cakes on plant growth and yield
Plants treated with palm kernel cake produced the
tallest plants from 2 to 6 WAP but Indian almond
Fig. 2. Effect of oil cake treatments on number of
cake treated plants were the tallest at 8 WAP. Plants
treated with palm kernel cake produced more leaves
and wider canopies than the other treatments and the
Plants treated with Indian almond and Shea nut cakes
control. Additions of oil cakes to the soil could have
produced a higher number of pods per plant but they
increased the organic matter content, thus favoring
were not significantly different (P>0.05) from the
growth of the plants and also increased the water
other treatments and the control. Indian almond
holding capacity of the soil. The promotion of growth
treated plants produced a significantly higher
by palm kernel cake confirms the findings of Kolade
(P<0.05) number of seeds per pod than the other
et al. (2005) who reported that palm kernel waste
treatments and the control except Shea nut cake. The
promoted plant growth parameters such as plant
control plants developed poorly probably due to
height, stem girth, canopy spread and number of
heavy infestation which could have resulted in lower
leaves. The relatively poor performance of Shea nut
numbers of pods per plant and numbers of seeds per
cake treatment with respect to growth could be due to
pod, a confirmation of Tiyagi and Alam (1994) report
the presence of some anti-nutritive factors such as
that nematode infestation can result in 50-80% yield
oxalate, tannin and phytate in the leaves and other
loss. Rachie and Lawal (1975) also reported that
parts of the tree (AOAC, 1999). A similar report was
Meloidogyne spp. is the most economically important
made by Sikora (1992) that poor performance of Shea

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