CERN2009a - Unknown
CERN2009a - Unknown
CERN2009a - Unknown
Some years later it was realized that meson resonances in hadronic collisions
could be well described by the excitations of a quantum relativistic string.
This is described by the Nambu-Gotto action, i.e. the (Lorentz- and) reparametrization-
invariant area of the string trajectory [or worldsheet] , mutliplied by the string tension.
X µ (σ, τ ) where
X µ = (X 0 , X 1 · · · X d ) and
X · X = −(X 0 )2 + (X 1 )2 · · · + (X d )2
! "
SN G = T F dτ dσ (∂τ X · ∂σ X)2 − (∂τ X)2 (∂σ X)2
NB: This is not the unique invariant action, but it is the lowest-order term in
derivatives (higher-order terms involve extrinsic or intrinsic curvature).
When compared, say, to a violin string, relativistic strings have unusual properties:
! 1 1 "
SN G = T L 1 − (∂τ X⊥ )2 + (∂σ X⊥ )2 + · · ·
2 2
A violin string, by contrast, has mass density > tension ; it supports both
transverse and longitudinal waves traveling at subluminal speeds.
A more convenient parametrization is by conformal coordinates, in which the tangent
vectors are everywhere orthogonal and of equal (up to a sign) length. The induced metric
in such a coordinate system is conformally flat:
! " ! "
(∂τ X)2
∂τ X · ∂σ X −1 0
ĝab = = |∂τ X|2
∂τ X · ∂σ X (∂σ X)2 0 1
! !
α α!" 1 α1
α! " 1 µ in(τ +σ)
(∂τ2 − ∂σ2 )X µ = 0 =⇒ X =
p (τ − σ) + i
µ µ in(τ −σ)
an e + pµ (τ + σ) + i ã e
2 2 n 2 2 n n
n"=0 n"=0
right-moving excitations left-moving excitations
We may also write X µ = f µ (τ − σ) + f˜µ (τ + σ) , where f µ , f˜µ are independent
functions in the case of closed strings. Open strings have only standing waves, i.e.
! free-endpoint (Neumann)
f µ = ±f˜µ for boundary conditions.
fixed-endpoint (Dirichlet)
a closed string
an open string seen from far look like point particles with .....
X + = α ! p+ τ where
X± ≡ X0 ± X1 (=⇒ X · X = −X + X − + |X⊥ |2 )
Since (f + )! = (f˜+ )! = α! p+ we can solve the gauge conditions for f − and f˜− .
Thus, only the D-2 transverse oscillation modes are physical degrees of freedom.
Furthermore the gauge conditions give:
∞ ∞
4 ! ⊥2 4 ! ⊥2 positive definite
m 2
= −p 2
= ! |a | = ! |ã | . and continuous
α n=1 n α n=1 n mass spectrum
for open strings
Similarly, one can compute the angular momentum in the c.o.m. rest frame and show that:
! 2 (as compared with
J ≤αm J ∼ E for a rigid bar); try to prove this!
Of course the masses and spins of elementary particles must be discrete.
No problem, this is automatic upon quantization:
1 j 2
|an | → Nnj = 0, 1, 2 · · ·
number of excitations
with frequency n and
polarization j
What looks harder is: how to obtain massless particles, like the photon?
The ground state energy comes here to the rescue! e.g. for open strings:
! n D−2
α !
m20 = (D − 2) =−
2 24
NB: the divergence is unambiguously subtracted, because the (infinite) energy density
must be (by locality) ∝ 1/!2 , where ! is the short-distance cutoff.
Repeating the analysis for the closed strings one finds a tachyon |0!c at the lowest level,
and the following states at zero mass:
What about the problem of the tachyon? In ordinary field theory a scalar
tachyon field signals a perturbative instability of the vacuum:
V (φ) = −aφ2 + · · ·
In bosonic string field theory the ultimate fate of 26D Minkowski spacetime
is not well understood [the known stable backgrounds are in 2D].
NSR super-coordinate: (X µ , ψ µ , ψ̃ µ )
In the Ramond sector, there are anti-commuting zero modes acting on the states:
Neveu-Schwarz Ramond
! 2
− |0!N S .... plus massive states.
j |0, +!R
0 ψ− 1 |0!N S
2 |0, −"R
D=10 Weyl
Majorana spinor
The massless states are those of the D=10, N=1 supersymmetric Maxwell theory.
For closed strings, one must impose separate boundary conditions and GSO
projections on the left and right fermions. The massless states are:
j l
ψ− 1
ψ̃ − 1 |0!N S/N S
graviton, dilaton, NS-NS tensor
j l
! opposite (IIA)
ψ− 1 |0!N S/R
, ψ̃− 1 |0!R/N S
gravitini with chirality
equal (IIB)
These states are those of the maximal (N=2) supergravity theories in D=10 .
more precisely,
worldvolumes of
static p-branes
D-branes interact with the closed strings [e.g. an open string can emit a closed one].
They have in particular RR-charge and mass density (tension); they are solitonic
excitations of type II string theory, analogous to magnetic monopoles.
Polchinski ‘95
The simplest soliton is the kink. This is a domain wall in a scalar-field theory with a
double-well potential [in d spatial dimensions it is a p=(d-1) - brane]. As a toy example,
consider the following two-scalar model:
1 1 g 2 m2 2 g̃ 4
L(φ, χ) = (∂φ) + (∂χ) + [φ + χ −
2 2 2
] + χ
2 2 8 g 8
The two vacua are at (φ, χ) = (± √ , 0) , and a kink solution is
! "
m m(x⊥ − a)
φ̂ = ± √ tanh , χ̂ = 0 .
g 2
width ∼ 1/m
a x⊥ tension ∼ m3 /g
heavy at weak
The low-E excitations in the background of the kink are of two kinds:
(i) those of the field χ(x) , which is massless far from the kink;
(ii) the long-wavelength transverse excitations of the brane, φ(x) ∼ Y (x! )∂a φ̂(x⊥ ) .
This can be derived from the initial Lagrangian, by a decomposition of the scalar
fields in modes of the reduced transverse-space linearized equations:
Φ := φ + iχ = ψλ (x! )Φλ (x⊥ )
both continuous
(bulk), and discrete
(localized) modes
Unfortunately, we don’t know the Lagrangian of (second-quantized) string field theory.
Nevertheless, we interpret closed and open strings as the bulk and brane-localized
modes in the presence of solitons. In particular, the low-E excitations of a D-brane
are described by open strings with m2 ! 1/α! .
λa=1···16 gauginos
ij , Φ J , λa
ij ij
b! α!
Here, I will conclude with one last remark: the√type IIA theory has stable
supersymmetric D-particles with mass ∼ 1/gs α! . These become light
when the coupling is strong. But is it possible to add more light fields to
the highly-constrained N=2, 10D supergravity theory?