Summer 2021 Monthly Shot Final
Summer 2021 Monthly Shot Final
Summer 2021 Monthly Shot Final
Leeches In the
Page 3
ince its launch, there has been a lot of false information posted on Full Circle
social media and on the internet regarding COVID-19 vaccines, Page 4
which is causing some people to reject the shot. Here are some of the
“Is There Anything Else
1. “The vaccine was rushed and has not been tested properly.” You Need Before I Step
Usually, a vaccine takes up to 5-15 years to develop due to its complexity. Page 5
Thus, having had the development of the COVID-19 vaccines approved for
use within a year, many have expressed their concerns and skepticism re- Almost There!
garding its safety. However, although the vaccines were made quickly, Page 6
none of the clinical trials were rushed and most importantly- safety was
not compromised. One of the main reasons the vaccine was developed 4th Semesters, It’s the
readily is because there have already been decades of research regarding Page 8
coronaviruses prior to the outbreak. In fact, many scientists working on
other vaccinations refocused their attention entirely to solely develop the Campus Resources:
COVID-19 vaccines. The approval process, which would normally take Mental Health Matters
months, was also sped up to be completed in days. AMA member Peter Page 9
Hotez, MD, PhD says, “All that work we did over the last decade has laid
the groundwork for our current generation of COVID-19 vaccines,” adding Campus Resources:
Food Pantry and Pop
that “the vaccines for Operation Warp Speed build on our research, and
Up Pantry
my colleagues’ research over the last decade, showing how we can deliver Page 10
the spike protein—it’s a 10-year R&D program just like any other vac-
cine.” Although the time it took for development of the COVID-19 vaccines Announcements
seemed short, the research, efficacy of the vaccine and safety were not Page 11
compromised as the testing protocols remained.
(Continued from page 1)
What’s popping CNSA! Today I’m gonna learn y’all some leech therapy (also
called hirudotherapy) in the hospital setting. Reattachment operations such as
skin grafts and reconstructive plastic surgeries require microsurgical tech-
niques to reattach tiny blood vessels with tiny sutures and needles. On rare oc-
casions, the procedure may experience a complication called venous conges-
tion in which the tiny sutured veins are unable to carry blood back to the heart.
The blood pools in the veins and never gets reoxygenated and the accumulation
of carbon dioxide around the site can cause tissue death. This is where the bad
boy leech comes in.
As a final note, I would like to finish by saying that we have leech farms that
breed leeches specifically for hospitals. These bad boys are sanitized for attach-
ment and are only used once before disposed of. Imagine getting someone
else’s used leech on your wound… gross!
Full Circle
Calli Moore (2nd semester)
You stare through your face shield at the bustle before you.
You tell her it’s your first day and she gives you a smile.
That’s the phrase that’s been engraved in my head since the first se-
mester of nursing school--to always ask your patients if they need an-
ything else before you leave their room. I do that a lot in my clinical
rotations that I brought the habit home. The phrase is only meant to
ensure our patients are comfortable before we leave their room, but
lately it’s been making me have deep thoughts. In clinicals, I work
with all different types of
nurses. I’ve worked with ones
who play by the rules, ones
who play against the rules,
even ones where they forget
the rules completely. Every
time I meet a new type of
nurse I always wonder “Once
I graduate, what type of nurse
would I be?” Obvious answer would be a great nurse. The one who al-
ways knows what to do, knows how to communicate well to patients,
their families, and to coworkers, never makes a grave mistake. What
do I need to be a great nurse? To be honest, I'm not sure. I’m still in
school. Still learning, I’m still allowed to make mistakes without fear
of being fired from it. Being a student gives me that safety net. I have-
n’t walked out of the doors just yet. I feel like a patient right now. In
my own hospital room, hooked up with all types of IVs and needles
with huge amounts of textbook content being shot through my veins
that it makes my body ache. The school is my nurse and every time I
finish a semester, the school asks “Is there anything else you need be-
fore I step out?”
Almost There!
Alice Hoang (4th semester) - Undergraduate Representative IV
But even though we might’ve not had the nursing school experience
we expected, we were able to be a part of the battle against COVID-19!
Working in the school’s COVID Clinic has been an incredible oppor-
tunity that I didn’t expect to be given as a student. Even though online
schooling has been a continuous battle, we made it out victorious! No
matter how close or far you are from graduating, whether you are in
your first or fourth semester, nursing school will be over in the blink of
an eye. Surviving one difficult day after another might seem like an
endless journey but we are all almost there! And once we graduate, we
are going to be amazing nurses and I am very proud of all of us for sur-
viving nursing school through this pandemic!
counseling/counseling/ assistance-resource-education-support/
We offer confidential individual and group coun- The Sacramento State CARES office provides sup-
seling. If you would like to explore whether coun- port to students who are in crisis or experiencing
seling is right for you, the first step is to call us unique challenges to their education. They address
during business hours. a variety of issues including, but not limited to:
Transportation Barriers, Mental Health and Well-
If you are experiencing an urgent matter, you can
ness, and Physical Health and Wellness.
drop in during our business hours.
Location: Student Health & Counseling Services Location: University Union, 1st Floor, Room 1260
at The WELL Contact: (916) 278-5138 or
Contact: (916) 278-6461 Hours: Mon - Fri, 8am – 5pm
Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.