Shopping Portal
Shopping Portal
Shopping Portal
Computer plays an important role in our daily life. Anything we want we can get
only in one mouse click. Speed, reliability and accuracy of the computer make it a powerful
tool for different purposes. A very important and basic need of today’s modern business
world is the quick availability and processing of information using computer. One can
easily get the type of required information within a fraction of a second. The project that I
have taken is also in this category which is used in our daily life whenever we want to
purchase some items we can easily get them at our home.
The objective of project on Online Shopping Portal is to developing a GUI based automated
system, which will cover all the information Related to the all products which is used in our
daily life. For example – Mobiles Phones, Laptops, Clothes, Books, Electronic Items and
many more. So by this GUI based automated system a user want to purchase something
then it only a mouse click away to purchase these products.
A Online shopping portal, who want to buy any product of their need, has to contact different
Shoppers, before deciding upon a particular Product that best suit his needs, requirements and
satisfaction. Moreover, most of the work involved in this development process has to be done
manually which is very time consuming and cumbersome and also, it reduces the efficiency,
To know the facts and understanding of the problem in detail, System Analysis is carried out.
It is the process of studying the business processes and procedures, generally referred to as
business systems, to see how they can operate and whether improvement is needed.
Before Login
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Administrator Login
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After Administrator Login
Edit Website Details
Add Brands
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Delete Brands
Delete Category
Delete Items
Manage User
See Users
Users Shopping
Add Users
Delete Users
The software development life cycle, as outlined by Edward Yourdon in his book
Modern Structured Analysis (1989) has been followed in this project with minor
modifications. The modified life cycle is shown overleaf:-
The objective of the system analysis activity is to develop structured system
specification for the proposed system. The structured system specification should describe
what the proposed system would do; independent of the technology, which will be used to
implement these requirements. The structured system specification will be used to
implement these requirements. The structured system specification will be called the
essential model (also know as logical model).
The activity deals with certain design issues, which are to be finalized in
consultation with the user. The two most important design issues of relevance to the user are
the automation boundary and the human –machine interface. The output of the activity is
the user implementation model. The major part of the user implementation model is the
specification for the user interface of the proposed system. The user implementation model
is also referred to as the physical model of the proposed system. The user implementation
model is also referred to as the physical model of the proposed system. The model, in
addition to the essential model, defines the following for the proposed system:
Automation boundary
Report layouts
Layouts of the source documents
Screen layouts for the data entry forms
System design involves transformation of the user implementation model into
software design. The design specification of the proposed system consists of the following:
Database scheme
Structure charts
Pseudo codes for the modules in structure charts
This activity includes programming, testing and integration of modules into a
progressively more complete system. Implementation is the process of collect all the
required parts and assembles them into a major product.
In this system, there is a registration process each for the Product buyer and seller. The
Administrator of the site verifies the Provider after his registration and if satisfied, assigns
him a user name and password.
Our site can be used by anyone who is searching for Products whether he/she is first time visiting our
site. Our site also provides some discounted Products as same u get on any shop.
The software covers the following point while keeping in mind user’s requirement-:
1. General User
2. Registered Users
Economic Feasibility
The cost centers in the system development as well as operation are trivial. The major can
benetwork, internet and the software required for coding.The software used for the
Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility centers on the current system and to what extent it can support the
proposed system, it includes current computer system specifications such as hardware,
software etc. it also involves financial considerations to accommodate the technical
enhancements. If the budget is serious constraint then the project is judged not feasible.
Though the system is developed in the generalized form, which covers all the procedures
and operations carried out in an internet based solution. The version used in the system is
PHP and MySQL.
MySQL can manage large amount of data and is simple and secure. Using PHP helps us to
design the look of our application.
Operational Feasibility
In this we determine what change will be brought in system, new skills required and other
human organization and political aspects.
Each user can easily use our site. However it is desirable that the user has the basic
knowledge of the computers.
Without making any changes in the rules and regulations of the existing system proposed
system can easily adopted.
Define a problem.
Justify the needs for a computerized solution.
Identify the functions to be provided by the systems along with the constraints.
Determine goal and requirements of the system.
Establish the high level acceptance criteria.
Outline several solution strategies. Do not consider constraints for the time being.
Conduct a feasibility strategy, including why the other strategies are rejected.
Develop a list of priorities for the product characteristics.
Lines Of Code
A line of code is any line of program that is not a comment or blank line,
regardless of the number of statements or fragments of statements on the line. This
specifically includes all lines containing program header, declarations and
executable and non executable statements.
Function Count
It measures functionally from user point of view that is on the basis of what the user
requests and receives in return. Therefore it deals with the functionality being
delivered, and not with lines of code, source modules etc. Measuring size in this way
has the advantage that size measure is independent of the technology used to deliver
the functions.
For any software project, it is necessary to know how much it will cost to develop and how
much development time it will take. These estimates are needed before development is
initiated. In many cases estimates are made using past experience as the only guide. A
number of techniques have been developed and are having following attributes in common:
The project is broken into small pieces which are estimated individually.
At Developer Side
During system development, i have to design both static and dynamic website
interfaces, create website functions and a database system, edit photos and pictures, so its
has a set of software and hardware requirements.
Hardware Used Software Used
Intel Dual Core Processor WAMP SERVER
160 GB Hard Disk Drive. MYSQL Database
O.S. – Windows XP SP2 MS PAINT
Front End tool is used for give a Graphical user interface to system. By this we can
make a system user friendly and more capable. I have chosen PHP as front end tool.
Because it is an Open Source Technology, freely available and more familiar with any type
of database.
Why PHP?
PHP is one of the most popular server side scripting languages running today. It is used for
creating dynamic WebPages that interact with the user offering customized information.
PHP offers many advantages; it is fast, stable, secure, easy to use and open source (free).
User friendly
Separation of work (designing &coding)
Written once run anywhere
Back end part of a system is more important because it controls all the internal
process of a system. I have choose oracle database as back end. Because it is word’s Most
Capable relational database and provide more security than others.
Why MySQL?
MySQL is the world's most popular open source database software, with over 100 million
copies of its software downloaded or distributed throughout its history. With its superior
speed, reliability, and ease of use, MySQL has become the preferred choice for Web, Web
2.0, SaaS, ISV, Telecom companies and forward-thinking corporate IT Managers because
it eliminates the major problems associated with downtime, maintenance and
administration for modern, online applications.
Many of the world's largest and fastest-growing organizations use MySQL to save time and
money powering their high-volume Web sites, critical business systems, and packaged
software — including industry leaders such as Yahoo!, Alcatel-Lucent, Google, Nokia,
YouTube, Wikipedia, and
MySQL is a key part of WAMP (Window, Apache, MySQL, PHP), the fast-growing open
source enterprise software stack. More and more companies are using WAMP as an
alternative to expensive proprietary software stacks because of its lower cost and freedom
from platform lock-in.
Draw context
Draw Prototypes
Draw Context Diagrams– The context diagram is a simple model that defines the
boundaries and interfaces of the proposed system with the external world. It identifies the
entities outside the proposed system that interact with the system
Development Of Prototype– One effective way to find out what the customer really
wants is to construct a prototype, something that looks and preferably acts like a part of the
system they want.
Model The Requirement – This process really consist of various graphical
representations of functions, data entities, external entities and the relationship between
them. The graphical view may help to find incorrect, inconsistent, missing and superfluous
Finalize The Requirements – After modeling the requirements we will have better
understanding of the system behavior. The inconsistencies and ambiguities have been
identified and corrected.
Functional requirements define the fundamental actions that must take place in the software
in accepting the inputs and in processing and generating the outputs. These are listed as
“shall” statements starting with “The system shall….
Login Module– This module is provided for administrator and users such as Product
buyer and seller who have registered themselves in the system. These login are provided
according to the need of the systems.
Input – User id and password
Process – After entering user id and password by user process of
validation occur to identify whether user id and password is available
in database or not.
Output – Registered user can access website and can use the
Search Module– In this module we are going to provide facility for Product buyer to
search for Products according to their specified categories so that users can search for
Products easily.
Input- Initial letter of Product, with the help of keywords and with
the help of Brand name.
Output- Information about Products.
Can order online books and pay via credit or atm card or PayPal.
Performance Requirement
The performance of the product mainly depends on the speed of Internet connection. If the
user wants hard real time response, then this is definitely not the product to go for.
Safety Requirements
The electrical connection to the devices is critical and should be done according to the
standards to avoid any short circuits.
Security Requirements
We aim to provide high security features like encryption to the user accounts to provide
security from illegal hacking and gaining access to the system.
The most creative and challenging phase of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is
Software Design. SDS is systematic documentation of design. A design process involves
“conceiving and planning out in the mind” and “making drawing pattern or sketch”. The
term “design” describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It assist in
System Design is a solution how to translate the system requirement into a blue print for
constructing the software. The goal of SDS is not only to produce a correct design but the
best possible one within the limitation imposed by the requirements and the physical and
social environment in which the system will operate.
The system architecture description found in this document provides the reader a clear
sense of how the system will be organized, how the components will interact and how the
users will interface with the running software.
The DFD also known as the Bubble Chart is a simple graphical formalism that can be used
to represent a system in terms of the input data to the system. Various processing carried out
on these data, and the output data generated by the system. The main reason why the DFD
technique is so popular is probably because of the fact that DFD is a very simple formalism-
it is simple to understand and use. A DFD uses a very limited number of primitive symbols
to represent the functions performed by a system and the data flow among these functions.
Starting with a set of high-level functions that a system performs, a DFD model
hierarchically represents various sub functions. The five different types of primitive
symbols used for constructing DFDs are:
A directed arc or an arrow is used as a data flow symbol. A data flow symbol represents the
data flow occurring between two processes, or between an external entity and a process, in
the direction of the data flow arrow. Data flow symbols are usually annotated with the
corresponding data names.
The output symbol is used when a hard copy is produced and the user of the copies cannot
be clearly specified or there are several users of the output.
User can access the information about various Products and Brands.
User can become a member of site by registering himself.
User can buy a Product online.
Selected categories can be explored by user.
This subsection of SRS should describe whose characteristics of the eventual user of the
product that will affect the specific requirement.Our website will be intended not only for
authorized user but also for general user.
Administrator should know how to access internet and must have good knowledge
of English.
He must be aware of how to respond feedback and queries fired by user.
We assume that user knows English & user need not be computer professionals.
User should be aware of internet.
User can access information through hyperlink such that navigation of various
On this web site two type of user can search the book one is registered and another is
unregistered. Registered user have to fill the form and then he/she can search or buy the
Products but unregistered can only search the Products not buy the Product until they did
not get the registered user.
Registration Form
Shop will place registration form on the site. In this buyer interact with the shop. Buyer will
get registration form from the site and fill those forms and submit on the site. Shop will
store these registration forms in their database. In this we have to fill first name, last name,
address, e-mail, etc.
ERDs may also be more abstract, not necessarily capturing every table needed within a
database, but serving to diagram the major concepts and relationships. This ERD is of the
latter type, intended to present an abstract, theoretical view of the major entities and
relationships needed for management of electronic resources. It may assist the database
design process for an e-resource management system, but does not identify every table
that would be necessary for an electronic resource management database.
1. Entities
2. Relations
3. Attributes.
An entity is a concept or object in the database. Entities are concepts within the data
model. Each entity is represented by a box within the ERD. Entities are abstract concepts,
each representing one or more instances of the concept in question. An entity might be
considered a container that holds all of the instances of a particular thing in a system.
Entities are equivalent to database tables in a relational database, with each row of the
table representing an instance of that entity.
The Supplier Name, Supplier Address, Telephone Number etc. A given attribute belonging
to a given entity occurrence can only have one value. Therefore, if a supplier could have
more than one address or telephone number then this should be determined before
defining the attributes of that entity type. In this example the defined entity may require
two or three address and/or telephone number attributes. It is the maximum practical
instances of a given attribute that should be catered for in the entity type definition.
Relations are the connections between two or more entities. Relationship lines indicate
that each instance of an entity may have a relationship with instances of the connected
entity, and vice versa. Each entity type can always be described in terms of attributes, and
these attributes will apply to all occurrences of that given entity type
reply Request
Login / Shopping Portal Products /
Index Database Cart /
(Approved/Reject) (Acknowledgement)
(Acknowledgement) Payment /
Payment / Checkout
For Registration
Register Form
Username Exists
Login orm
For Login
Not Authenticate
Online Shopping Portal Page 26
For Buying Product:
Payment Details
Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors. Although
software testing is itself an expensive activity, yet launching of software without may lead
to cost potentially much higher than that of testing, especially in systems where human
safety is involved. Effective software testing will contribute to the delivery of higher quality
software products, more satisfied users, and lower maintenance costs, more accurate and
reliable results. Software testing is necessary and important activity of software
development process.
Structural Testing takes into account the internal mechanism of a system or component.
Fatigue Testing is carried out with the objective of determining the relationship between the
stress range and the number of times it can be applied before causing failure. So when your
product’s structural durability needs to be predicted, verified and validated, turn to DTB's
Structural Testing and Fatigue Testing experts. We provide you with the necessary structural
testing and fatigue testing equipment and personnel to test the design and manufacturing
integrity of your product. Call upon our vast experience in commercial and military
Course attendees will learn how to utilize various techniques for performing systematic
structural testing, including decision/condition coverage, loop testing and basis path testing.
Strategies for performing software and system integration testing are also covered.
It is very useful and convenient in support of functional testing. Although JMeter is known
more as a performance testing tool, functional testing elements can be integrated within the
Test Plan, which was originally designed to support load testing. Many other load-testing
tools provide little or none of this feature, restricting themselves to performance-testing
purposes. Besides integrating functional-testing elements along with load-testing elements in
the Test Plan, you can also create a Test Plan that runs these exclusively. In other words,
aside from creating a Load Test Plan, it also allows you to create a Functional Test Plan.
This flexibility is certainly resource-efficient for the testing project.
This will give a walkthrough on how to create a Test Plan as we incorporate and/or configure
its elements to support functional testing. This created a Test Plan for a specific target web
server. We will begin the chapter with a quick overview to prepare you with a few
expectations; we will create a new Test Plan, only smaller. The Test Plan we will create and
run at the end of this chapter will incorporate elements that support functional testing,
The objective of this step is to produce a set of test data that may be used to test the system.
Whenever a new system is developed it need to be tested to confirm its validity and to
determine whether it meets the user requirements. The system was also tested with some
sample records. The records were entered into the system and various reports were
generated to check the system.
Unit testing focuses on the modules independently locate the errors. This enables the tester
to detect errors in coding. It is the process of taking a module and running it in isolation
from rest of the software product by using prepared test cases and comparing the actual
result with the result redirected with the specifications and design of the module. One
purpose of testing is to find and remove as many errors in the software as practical. There
are number of reason in support of unit testing-:
The size of module single module is small that we can locate an error fairly easily.
The module is small enough that we can attempt to test it in some demonstrably
exhaustive fashion.
Confusing interactions of multiple errors in widely different parts of software are
There are problem associated with testing a module in isolation. How do we run a module
without anything to call it, to be called by it, possibly to output intermediate values obtained
during execution? One approach is to construct an appropriate driver routine to call it, and
simply stubs to be called by it, and to insert output statements in it. Stubs serve to replace
modules that are subordinate to the module to be tested. A stub or dummy subprogram uses
the subordinate module’s interface, may do minimal data manipulation, prints verification
of entry and returns.
This is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time
to uncover the errors associated with the interface. The objective is to take unit tested
module and build a program structure that has been detected by designing. The main
purpose of integration testing is to determine that the interfaces between modules are
correct or not. One specific target of integration testing is the interface: whether parameter
matches on both sides as to type, permissible ranges, meaning & utilization. There are 3
types of integration testing-
The proper selection of the data is very important. If the test data is not appropriate or
representative of the data to be provided by the user, the reliability of the output is
Using Live Test Data – Live test are those that are actually extracted from the
organization files. Use of the live data make testing easier by obtaining most
expected outputs and if it is found that the program can handle the entries processing
of the system accurately.
Using Artificial Test Data - Live data is difficult to obtain insufficient amount to
conduct extensive testing. It does not test all the combination or formats that can be
done by entering to the system. Therefore artificial test data were used at the time of
unit testing. Artificial test data was created solely for test purposes which provide
extreme values for testing the limit of candidate system.
System is properly linked or not - Whether they are redirected to desired page or
Information passed – If a page passes some parameter to another page then it
should be checked that the page get the correct information, whatever is passed by
the previous page.
Output should be correct – Every functionality of the system should be checked
properly whether it gives the right result or not generally test is performed with
Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into the
working system and is giving confidence to the new system for the users i.e. will work
efficiently and effectively. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system
and its constraints on implementation, design of method to achieve the change over, an
evaluation, of change over methods. A part from planning major task of preparing the
implementation is education of users. The more complex system is implemented, the more
involved will be the system analysis and design effort required just for implementation. An
implementation coordinating committee based on policies of individual organization has
been appointed. The implementation process begins with preparing a plan for the
Implementation is the final and important phase. The most critical stage is in achieving a
successful new system and in giving the users confidence that the new system will work and
be effective. The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it
found to working according to the specification. This method also offers the greatest
security since the old system can take over if the errors are found or inability to handle
certain types of transaction while using the new system.
Successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization using the
new system, but improper installation will prevent it. It has been observed that even the best
system cannot show good result if the analysts managing the implementation do not attend
to every important detail. This is an area where the systems analysts need to work with
utmost care.
Conversion Methods
A conversion is the process of changing from the old system to the new one. It must be
properly planned and executed. Four methods are common in use. They are Parallel
Systems, Direct Conversion, Pilot System and Phase In method.
Parallel systems:
This method is used when it is not possible to install a new system throughout an
organization all at once. The conversion of files, training of personnel or arrival of
equipment may force the staging of the implementation over a period of time,
ranging from weeks to months.
The shopping portal that I have build for our store makes use of several advance
features that the cart contain all the selected products until checkout and My Shopping by
which user can track their previous shopping on this portal. For doing so shopping portal
uses a Database by which all these information stored in this database and when required
then it is fetched from it. So I use MYSQL Database in this project.
So this shopping portal contains dynamic effects by using this database. Some parts
of this project which use database are following:
Firstly when user Register an account on this website the user give their information
which are stored in database.
Then when users want to login on this website then they give their username and
password as they choose at registration time, if both are matched with database’s
The project Online Shopping Portal System is GUI based system so that it is easy to
handle. It also increases the efficiency of the end user, because it will reduce the redundant
job, which is tedious to complete. The Online System also has automated capability to
complete job, so it reduces the work manually.
6) Accuracy
7) Reliability
8) Redundancy of information
The main objective of the new system is to provide for quick and efficient retrieval
of information. Any type of information would be available to the user whenever he
requires. Facility would be provided for online query to cut down on the response time
In the proposed system, it will be easy to store information at any given time at the
correct places. The location of storage would be easily available and user will face no
The computation of information will be quite fast in the proposed system. Not only
mathematical calculations, but also logical comparisons will be quick in the new system.
The working in the service center information system will be well planned and
organized. The data will be stored properly in the data store, which will help in retrieval of
information as well as in its storage.
The new system would provide for regular generation of reports, which would help
the management in decisions making work and in controlling the overall working of the
organization. The generation, of these reports would be possible only if the system is
organized such that retrieval of information can be made on conditions.
7) Accuracy
The level of accuracy in the new proposed system would be higher. All operations
and computations would be done correctly and this will ensure that whatever information is
coming from the center, it is accurate.
8) Reliability
The reliability of the proposed system would be high due to the above stated
reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be
proper storage of information, its maintenance would be well managed and retrieval would
be possible in the desired manner.
In the new system, utmost care would be taken that no information is repeated, any
usage of storage or otherwise. This would assure economic usage of storage or space and
consistency in the data stored. This will also help make those changes easily as the change
would have to be made only at that very place and no where else.
Note: These are some of the basic requirements, which the system should provide, but
1. This project does not give the information about the stock (quantity) present
within the shop.
2. This project does not create monthly, yearly Reports.
After removing these and other minor limitations I hope this project will very efficient and
Objective describes what the prospective users of the system want from the system. Being
an important part of the system development process, preparation of the requirement
specification has been done after studying the existing procedure and personal interaction
with prospective users.
The Online Shopping Portal is an Intermediate between Product Buyers and Sellers. The
purpose is to enable the Product Buyers to search for the Products from any remote
location. The Product Buyer can Search for the Productsfrom any remote location.
We are going to design an application which is beneficial for all those who wants to do
shopping from home. The main aim of this software is to provide Products according to
their area of need. It also provides information about various companies to users and
Products of those companies. The administrator will maintain the database and perform
all updation and deletion process.
Webpage: pages of information placed on network that may contain text, graphics,
images, moving pictures, sound files & other type of electronic information.
Website: Collection of files called webpage, which can contain text & images.
5) Online at
6) Murach’s-PHP/MYSQL
12) Murach’s-PHP/MYSQL
References :-
HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web.
It is the fifth and latest major version of HTML that is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
recommendation. The current specification is known as the HTML Living Standard and is
maintained by a consortium of the major browser vendors (Apple, Google, Mozilla, and Microsoft),
the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).
Unlike CSS 2, which is a large single specification defining various features, CSS 3 is divided into
several separate documents called “modules”. Each module adds new capabilities or extends
features defined in CSS 2, preserving backward compatibility. Work on CSS level 3 started around
the time of publication of the original CSS 2 recommendation. The earliest CSS 3 drafts were
published in June 1999.
Due to the modularization, different modules have different stability and statuses. Some modules
have Candidate Recommendation (CR) status and are considered moderately stable. At CR stage,
implementations are advised to drop vendor prefixes.
Bootstrap 4
Significant changes include:
Improved form styling, buttons, drop-down menus, media objects and image classes
Bootstrap 4 supports the latest versions of the Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer,
Opera, and Safari (except on Windows). It additionally supports back to IE9[contradictory]
and the latest Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR).
PHP 5.6
The main features of PHP 5.6.0 include:
MySQL 5.6
The general availability of MySQL 5.6 was announced in February 2013. New features
included performance improvements to the query optimizer, higher transactional throughput
in InnoDB, new NoSQL-style memcached APIs, improvements to partitioning for querying
and managing very large tables, TIMESTAMP column type that correctly stores
milliseconds, improvements to replication, and better performance monitoring by expanding
the data available through the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA. The InnoDB storage engine
also included support for full-text search and improved group commit performance.