King Arthur in Irish Pseudo Historical T
King Arthur in Irish Pseudo Historical T
King Arthur in Irish Pseudo Historical T
An Introduction
© 2011 Dane Pestano. Historian, Sussex UK.
First published by
ISBN 978-0-9570002-0-9
Preface 4
Introduction. 12
The Sources 17
The Lebor Bretnach 20
The Yellow Book of Lecan 23
Ancestry 27
The Name 30
The two characters 37
The Annals of Innisfallon and Ulster 41
The Life of the Irish Arthur 46
The Violent Death 70
Conclusions 117
Appendix 119
Bibliography and cited works 126
The story of Arthur
In this work then, Arthur’s twelve battles 7 are mentioned for
the first time, where he is said to have defeated the Anglo Saxons
and won every battle including the famous battle of Badon hill.
We also get a glimpse of the mythology that has begun to
surround him as he became associated with the landscape due to
the similarity of his name to various rock formations. Therefore,
he is associated with a Neolithic tomb in Ercing in Wales and to
another stone associated with a giant mythical dog of his called
common enough one in Welsh poetry, suggesting, as many
scholars have done, that the Arthur battle list derived from a
Welsh poem of the seventh or eighth centuries. The HB was
appended to over many years, with some more information on
Arthur included, such as glosses to the main work. These made
more of his Christian links and offered some puzzling comments
concerning his wayward youth. The Irish then wrote their own
vernacular version of the HB in the mid eleventh century9.
See main thesis below for full details.
Willis, David. Old and Middle Welsh in The Celtic languages, edited by Martin Ball
and Nicole Müller. London: Routledge, 117-60. He refers to the poem as old Welsh.
(850-1150). The earliest MS is C13th but Isaac, Dumville, Higham and others date it to
the C10th or C11th based on the orthography. Whether it was orally transmitted from
the C7th is unknown.
He fed black ravens on the rampart of a fortress, though he was no Arthur.
See Higham, N.J. King Arthur, Myth Making and History, Routledge, 2002 who
discusses these issues.
Scotland in the late sixth century called Catraeth, which is
mentioned in the Irish annals as having taken place in 596AD 13
against Saxons incursions into far northern Britain. Also in the
tenth century, we find Arthur mentioned in the Welsh Annals as
having fought at Badon in the year 516 and having died in 537 in
battle, at the same time as one Medraut (Mordred) but it is
possible these are later interpolations to the annals.
Arthur where he says that Arthur was the subject of “fantastic
tales told by the Bretons”.15 This is then followed by the most
famous or infamous work to mention Arthur, the History of the
Kings of Britain written by Geoffrey of Monmouth in about
1139. This expands on the legends of Arthur and Geoffrey uses
him as a figurehead to appease the British and English who had
recently been conquered by the Normans with Breton help. He
does this by linking Arthur to Breton descent and envisages the
Bretons playing a major role in the conquest of the Saxons as
they did in helping the Normans of William the Conqueror defeat
Also in this century are other works from the Welsh such as
Culhwch and Olwen and other fairy tales that mention Arthur
from a group of works now called the Mabinogian. It was
Geoffrey’s work though which was to inspire the later romance
tales of Arthur, including as it does mention of Merlin and
Mordred and others that became linked with Arthurian legend. It
is in this work that Arthur was given a father ‘Uther’ 16, whose
deeds are merely a mirror of Arthur’s. It is here we find his wife
for the first time, Guinevere, his famous sword Caliburnus, later
Excalibur, his extended battles against the Saxons ( in various
places Geoffrey assumes they took place) an expanded version of
Arthur’s conquest of Gaul, southern Scotland and Ireland, his non
Loomis, R.S. Scotland and the Arthurian Legend. Columbia University. Proceedings of
the Society 1955/56.
Meaning the ‘horrible or terrible one’.
death as he sails away to Avalon to heal his wounds and much
power. At this Arthur returned from his campaigns and fought
against Mordred, which culminated in the great battle of Camlann
in 53717 where Arthur killed Mordred; but Arthur, mortally
wounded, was carried off to the isle of Avalon. Arthur was now
said to sleep in a cave waiting to return to save the Britons once
more in their hour of need. Unfortunately, to stop this idea that
the Britons had for salvation from the Norman conquest, the
Norman King of England decided to orchestrate the finding of
‘Arthur's’ bones buried under Glastonbury Tor, complete with
fake inscription. Arthur was now never to return but this did not
stop his legends growing to even greater heights over the
From the tenth century Welsh Annals. Geoffrey of Monmouth made the date 545 for
reasons best known to himself.
In various sources as Arthur, Artus, Arcturus, Arturius, Arturus and Artuir.
Littleton, C. Scott, Malcor, Linda, From Scythia to Camelot: A Radical Reassessment
of the Legends of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table and the Holy Grail ,
New York, Garland, 2000
leader who fought in 470AD against the Goths in Gaul and lost 20;
or Artuir Mac Aedan21 an insignificant Arthur of Irish descent
who died in the late sixth or early seventh century, as well as
others such as Arthur Ap Pedr, again of the seventh century.
Ashe, Geoffrey. "A Certain Very Ancient Book: Traces of an Arthurian Source in
then move onto his battles. After this the main story of his life
and deeds will then be presented as a narrative work.
great introduction to the Irish Arthurian subject. This lack of
interest and lack of evidence for an Irish Arthur has been the
received opinion of scholars for generations, long before Lloyd-
Morgan and following.
The Dal Riadic Artuir Mac Aedan is the closest anyone has
come to an Irish source for Arthur and was most recently
suggested by Maney (2004) 24 who pointed out that the source of
the Historia Brittonum battle list of Arthur may have had a
Strathclyde origin. Most commentators though dismiss Artuir as
the origin for the stories of Arthur as he was such an insignificant
character and his father Aedan, a famous warrior of the time,
would surely have entered Arthurian lore. The time period is also
wrong for Artuir who exists in the late sixth century, a time at
which recordable history was verifiable and hence there would
have been little doubt about him. Lastly, the Irish annals show
that Artuir’s entry in them was added much later using the late
seventh century Life of St Columba by Adamnan as a source and
hence the note of his death is unreliable.
Maney Laurence J, Looking For Arthur In All The Wrong Places, Proceedings of The
hold some truth, but overlooks the fact that the Irish did know of
an ‘Arthur’ and had their own traditions and legends concerning
him. However, they called him by a name completely different to
what anyone would expect. For this reason the Irish Arthur has
lain hidden; his legends scattered throughout Irish manuscripts,
waiting for the pieces to fall into place and the story of this
forgotten ‘Irish’ hero revealed and told again for the first time in
hundreds of years. Not only do the Irish have legends about an
Arthur figure, but also, contrary to the Welsh material, the Irish
actually link him to a confirmed historical sixth century king!
Even more astounding than this is that his descendants through
his sons’ daughter become kings of Saxon Northumbria in the
seventh century!
collection of manuscripts was a legend, so weird and so
outlandish27, that it was relegated to the appendix when the Irish
HB was examined and published by Todd and Herbert in 1848 28.
This tale of St Cairnech once occupied a place in the Ballymote
version of the Irish HB detailing events from an Irish perspective
following Roman withdrawal from Britain to the mid sixth
century. It was and still is relegated to a mere appendix and hence
became ‘lost’ to readers of the Irish HB and its significance
forgotten. It was in this discarded tale that the key to finding the
Irish Arthur lay. In these tales St.Cairnech is identical to the
British St.Carannog or Carantoc, both having the same feast day
of May 16th. Carantoc, in his Vita, is one of the few saints to be
associated with King Arthur.
‘Of The Miracles of Cairnech Here’.
Todd, J.H. and Herbert, A. The Irish Version Of The Historia Brittonum of Nennius’,
Irish Archaeological Society Dublin, Dublin, 1848.
Died circa 1072
Ibid Dooley Pg. 12
Ibid Dooley Pg. 12
centuries that may have influenced these tales or delve into the
many possibilities these tales engender apart from some footnote
suggestions. Dooley did know of this Irish hero and described his
story in her work but did not take the idea to its more obvious
Muircertach Mac Erca
“And then the power and strength of Britain was destroyed after him”
Muircertach Mac Erca, as Irish legend tells us, was a High king
of Ireland, son of Muiredach, son of Eoghan, son of Niall of the
Nine Hostages. Reputedly, he was the first Christian King of
Ireland32 who reigned from around 510 33 or 51334 until about 534
or 53735. He fought numerous battles, was in his early years a
murderous tyrant, exacted tribute, was in possession of the Lia
Fáil, conquered Ireland and Gaul and assumed the sovereignty of
Britain, Scotland, the Saxons, Denmark and the Orkneys; is
fostered by a Druid and is finally given the ultimate accolade of a
famous hero - the triple death. If this set of circumstances sounds
familiar you would be right; this is the same as King Arthur was
supposed to have accomplished as related by Nennius and
Geoffrey of Monmouth and exactly during the same time period!
His Christian leaning is suggested by the lack of a Feiss Temro (a pagan kingship and
marriage ceremony), during his reign. See Carney, James. ‘Studies in Irish Literature
and History’ Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1955 p. 338. See also Smith, P. J.
Imarcaigh sund ar gach saí : An Early Modern Irish Poem on the Contemporaneous
Emperors of Byzantium and the Kings and Ecclesiastics of Ireland, , University of
Ulster, Poem twelfth to fifteenth century in which Muircertach is mentioned : “The
death of Muircheartach son of Earc about that time - he was no heathen”.
Annals of Tigernach
Annals of Ulster
The Alternative dates occur in myth and the Irish Annals. He reigned for 24 years and
in Aided MM Erca 25 years. From the AU 513 this would give 537. Note Arthur is
supposed to have died in 537, according to the Welsh Annals of the tenth century or
Muircertach’s story is told in various existing ancient Irish
manuscripts. The fourteenth century Yellow Book of Lecan, the
sixth to twelfth century Irish Annals, the eleventh to twelfth
century Dinshenchas and Banshenchus, tenth to twelfth century
Book of Leinster and Laud Synchronisms, the twelfth century
Banquet of Dun Na nGedh and the fourteenth century Book of
Ballymote which includes the Lebor Bretnach or ‘Book of the
Britons’. Most of these books were compiled using earlier
sources and hence the provenance of the stories has a more
ancient origin. Muircertach was also mentioned in a now lost
work called Echtra Muircheartach Mac Erca - The Navigation
or Journeys of Muircheartach Mac Erca 36, mentioned in the Book
of Leinster which may have told the story of his Gallic campaign.
Cendfaeladh, a seventh century poet and possible descendant of
Mac Erca is attributed with various verses recording his
exploits37. His mythical death is mention in the tale called Aided
Muircertach Mac Erca - The Violent Death of Muircertach Mac
Erca (referred to as Aided from now on).
Another variation existed called Immram Luinge Murchertaig -‘Voyage of the Ship
of Muircertach son of Erc’. Moylan, Tom, Irish Voyages and Visions: Pre-Figuring,
Re-configuring Utopia, Utopian Studies 18.3, 2007.
Irish and Scottish Annals.
The Lebhor Bretnach
Of The Miracles of Cairnech Here.
ibid Todd, Herbert, Dublin, 1848. Pg.xiii
tenth century or later, explaining the ancestry of the various
characters; the second an earlier source detailing some of Mac
Erca’s adventures and the third being material about St Cairnech
himself. It is an interesting tale that does not appear to know of
Muircertach’s connection with the fairy woman Sheen or of his
mythical death at Cleitech, suggesting some essence of the tale
may have pre-dated the later myth making of the tenth century
onwards. It would seem inconceivable that a writer of a Vita
about St. Cairnech would leave out the story of his involvement
with Mac Erca’s death had it been known. In this story, Mac
Erca’s sin is that he has taken the wife of Lugaide, the British
king whom he had defeated earlier, whereas in the story of his
death his sin is that he takes on the concubine Sheen (Sin) and
throws out his wife Duinsech.
In this story there is no mention of the Danes or Vikings, instead
it features the Franks, Britons, Picts, Irish and Saxons suggesting
an early date for the parts about Mac Erca, possibly eighth
century as discussed below.
In their 1848 publication of the Irish version of the Historia
Brittonum, Todd and Herbert suggested this tale must be later
than the year 1079 as this was when Pope Gregory the VII
officially granted the primacy of the See of Lyons in writing. In
the story, Cairnech makes a pilgrimage possibly to Lyon 39.
However in reading Gregory’s letter confirming the primacy he
The place is named as ‘Lien’ in the story, so the identity of the place is still
states that it was already seen as such and also decreed by those
who came before him:
Riada. Therefore we can assume here that Alba here just means the
Gaelic western parts of Scotland. So a post tenth century date is
not required for this part of the tale.
genealogy of Mac Erca descending from a mother called Erc is a
late invention of the tenth to eleventh century when his name was
re-interpreted as a matronymic, although some parts of the
genealogy are original to the seventh century 43. In this genealogy
Muiredach, Mac Erca’s father is made a son of Eoghan, son of
Niall, which is an eighth century onwards innovation:
Adamnan - Mac Erca son of Muiredach, and his children Baitan, Domnal and Forcus
and grandson Echoid son of Domnal.
The second is probably an earlier tradition and could be original
to the eighth century:
The first part of this tradition appears confusing. Mac Erca takes
Luirig’s wife who appears to be the daughter of the king of
France, ie of the Franks after defeating the Frankish king who can
be no other than Clovis at this time.
British tradition by Geoffrey of Monmouth, Constantine followed
Arthur as King of Britain!
The second son is Gaedhil Ficht, basically Irish Picts, who are
said to be the rulers of an independent Cornwall. This is not out
of the question as early medieval Irish links to the area are well
known. The Saxons didn’t make any headway into Cornwall until
the early ninth century when Ecgbert, the Wessex king invaded
and made it a dukedom, placing again then, this part of the tale to
the late eighth century as it wouldn’t make sense any later than
this as there were no Kings of Cornwall.
unknown but it is what the Uí Néills promoted when they merged
their ancestor with Mac Erca sometime in the late eighth to ninth
The earliest sources from the seventh century are the mention of
Mac Erca’s father and children and his defeat of Lugaide / Luirig.
The next oldest sources are the battles with the Franks, Saxons,
Britons and those of the Orkneys. So the eighth to ninth century.
Possibly here the mention of Alba could fall into this period as
well as the genealogical material concerning the defeat of the
Frankish king and the subsequent children - Nellan, Scannel,
Constantine and Gaedel Ficht.
This tale was written up from these sources sometime after the
tenth century when the name Mac Erca was reinterpreted as a
matronymic and when Alba was synonymous with all of Pictland
Scotland and Argyll. Much of the material concerning Mac Erc’s
battles and conquests and mythical offspring appears to be of
eighth century origin, before the Vikings had invaded and whilst
Cornwall was still an independent polity; when the Eogonachta
were still important in southern Ireland and when the Uí Néills
had become powerful in northern Ireland, i.e. the eighth century
The Yellow Book of Lecan
Aided Muircertach Mac Erca.
showing its older provenance. The story presented here is
generally dated to the twelfth century in this version in the
Yellow Book of Lecan although certainly the story pre-dates the
advent of the idea of purgatory in the twelfth century as hell is
here described as being cold46.
The original may be of the late tenth century following the
death of Muircertach Uí Néill in 943 who is described in the
annals of Ulster as the “Hector of the western world”. In this
story, Mac Erca is described in a similar way - “the high king of
the western world”. The triple death of Mac Erca at Cleitech is
also mentioned in a poem called Fianna Batar I nEmain by
Cinaed Ua hArtacain who died in 975. 47 The usage of old Irish
words such as Boind for the river Boyne, which had become rare
by the year 100048 also show the ancient provenance of the story.
However, the Danaraib, usually said to be Danes49 are mentioned
in the story dating this part to the latter part of the tenth century
when the first attestation of the word Danair appears in the annals
of Ulster between 986 and 990 50. This does not mean of course
that it had not been used earlier. Whoever they were in reality,
‘Fearful fearful is the coldness of hell’, Ibid Guyonvarc’h, pg.991, who also cites Le
Goff, Jacques. The Birth of Purgatory, University of Chicago Press, 1986.
Ibid Dhonnchadha pg. 10 who gives other instances of where the actual wounding is
included, as it is in this poem.
“The use of disyllabic Boind (river Boyne) is an early feature that had almost
entirely disappeared in Ireland by circa 1000”. Hudson Benjamin T. Prophecy of
Berchan - Irish and Scottish High Kings In the Early Middle Ages , , Praeger
Publishers, 1996 Pg. 13.
Dumville casts some doubt on this. Dumville, David N. Celtic Essays, 2001-2007,
possibly Scandinavians operating out of Orkney 51, after this they
are no longer mentioned. It is possible that as Mac Erca was said
in the story of St. Cairnech to have also ruled in Caithness and
Orkney that by the mid tenth century with the Danes operating
out of, or settled in the area, they were inserted into the story of
Mac Erca’s triumphs. Indeed, just like the brief mention of them
in the annals, in this story he rules them for only two years.
A more defined period for the composition of the tale may
come from the fact that the story gives equal footing to both the
Cenél Conaill and Cenél Eoghan 52 families of the Uí Néills. This
is surprising as Cenél Conaill power had waned to a significant
degree by the ninth century in favour of Cenél Eoghan as pointed
out by Brian Lacey in his 2006 dissection of the Cenél Conaill
kingdoms of the north. There was only a short period where their
influence resumed when they appear as the Ua Mael Doraid and
the Ua Canannain families in the mid tenth century 53. It was after
the death of Muircertach Uí Néill in 943 and Donnchad Donn in
944 - whom his daughter had married - that Ruaidrí ua Canannáin
assumed power and may have been High King of Ireland. He
died in 950. It is most likely therefore, that Aided was started
during this six-year period of Cenél Conaill resurgence. After
this, the Cenél Eoghan once more assumed the High Kingship
See Downham, Clare Viking Kings Of Britain and Ireland - the dynasty of Ívarr to
A.D. 1014, , Dunedin Academic Press 2007, who cites Barbara Crawford.
See Aided MME , para.12
Lacey, Brian. Cenel Conail and the Donegal Kingdoms, Four Courts Press 2006,
under Domnall ua Néill and Cenél Conaill power had come to a
final end. The story was then embellished and added to in the
eleventh and subsequent centuries.
Lil Nic Dhonnchadha54, in his presentation of the original
story considered that the tale was more folkloric in its earlier
form and more religious in its later, playing down the three fold
death aspect in the later, where the wounding by spear was
removed. It is a supernatural tale involving the fairy woman Sin
(pronounced Sheen) and her efforts to seduce and kill Mac Erca.
The Celtic form of his three fold death is not unique though, very
similar deaths being attributed to at least three other Irish kings -
Cormac Mac Art, Diarmait Mac Cerbaill and Aed Dub. Its roots
have very ancient origins in Indo European tradition. Arthur of
course nearly suffers the same fate, being wounded and taken to
water (only his sword symbolically drowns) but misses the last
fiery exit; instead much like Mac Erca’s tale, the pagan ‘three
fold death’ aspect is broken by later Christianisation of his story.
Layamon, writing his versified Brut in the early thirteenth
century concerning the history of Britain, appears to know of this
tale as he incorporates some of its symbolism into his work in the
‘fortunes wheel’ dream of Arthur where he symbolically makes
Arthur survive the triple death!55
The updated English translation used for this story of Mac
Erca’s death is based on that by Whitley Stokes, Aided
Ibid Donnchadha, see his introduction, pgs. (i) - x.
Layamons Brut, Loomis, Willard. Medieval English Verse and Prose, New York
Muirchertaig Meic Erca, Revue Celtique 23 (1902) pp. 395-437.
This translation however, leaves out most of the verses, which
add much more information than the narrative alone gives. I have
therefore endeavoured to translate the verses using the French
translation by Guyonvarc’h as a guide but with the help of
Dhonnchadha’s vocabulary list, eDill (Electronic dictionary of
the Irish Language) and with the help of the scholars of the Old
Irish Language discussion group. I have also left the paragraph
numbers intact to make referral to the original Irish source easier.
Therefore, presented here for the first time is the full English
translation of this story.
Mac Erca is said to have been either the son of a mother called
Erc, who was the daughter of Loarn, a king of Alba (Argyll,
Scotland), or the name Erc is said to have been applied to him
because he was blessed by Bishop Erc of Slane (a disciple of
St.Patrick) , a name much later Anglicised as Erth56 in Cornwall.
Erth in Welsh can mean bear57 the same meaning as Arth. In the
Irish Annals in the Cotton MS. Titus A. XXV Mac Erca’s name
is spelt Erta on the notice of his death but this is most likely just
scribal error. The idea that he was a son of a mother called Erc is
an invention of the tenth to eleventh century when the name Mac
Orme, Nicholas The Saints of Cornwall, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Erthgi -‘Bear Hound’ from the poem ‘The Gododdin’. Higham N. J. King Arthur:
Myth-making and History 2002. Also Koch, the name Erthyr -‘Bear King’, The Celtic
Culture Encyclodpedia, p. 121.
Erca was reinterpreted as a metronymic 58. Mac Erca was a
common enough name in ancient Ireland, there being Mac Erca’s
of Munster in county Kerry, others in Connaught, called the
‘mightiest and firmest’59 and even others in Anglesey, Wales60.
See Charles Edwards, T.M. The Chronicle of Ireland Vol.1, Liverpool University
Press 2006, pg.83 and Smith, B. Ed. Britain and Ireland, 900-1300 Insular Responses
to Medieval European Change University of Bristol 1999.
Ibid Byrne Pg. 232. “the mightiest and firmest of the Connachta, but they do not rule
like over-kings”
Bodedern parish church. Anglesey. See The Celtic Inscribed Stones Project.
His father Eoghan is said to have married a Saxon princess.
The Pictish form of this would be ‘Tarran’ and hence there is a suspicion here that
Néills - the Cenél Conaill and the Cenél Eoghan; the Cenél
Conaill actually having been the more powerful in the sixth
Mac Erca’s children, from his first wife include one Baedan
whose descendents become rulers of Saxon Northumbria in the
seventh century (Aldfrith). On a more mythical level, from his
second wife (the daughter of Clovis!!), he is made to be the father
of Constantine, the same as mentioned by the British historian
Gildas in the sixth century and hence the progenitor of the Kings
of the Britons. It appears the Irish wanted to cover all bases by
trying to make Mac Erca’s descendents the legitimate rulers of
Ireland, Scotland, Britain and France!! Much like Geoffrey of
Monmouth tried to do with King Arthur. This diversion to a
second wife allows Mac Erca to be the progenitor of Constantine
and so of future British Kings, of Gaedhil Ficht (Irish Picts) of
Cornwall, of Nellan and hence the Uí Néills of northern Ireland
and of Scannall and hence the Scannells of southern Ireland, who
in turn were part of the Eoganachta who dominated southern
Ireland from the seventh to tenth centuries.
See full discussion by Lacey, Brian. Cenel Conail and the Donegal Kingdoms 500-
800, Four Courts Press, 2006, pp.187 - 205.
The Name
The word Erc(a) can mean ‘heaven or sky’64 and so Mac Erca -
‘son of the sky/heaven’ 65 and hence literally a ‘star’. Erca is said
to be related to the Sanskrit ‘Arka’ - ray, sun, star 66 and possibly
also to Sanskrit arća, Greek Arktos, Latin Urcsus > Ursus -
‘bear’ and hence some association with the star Arcturus in the
constellation Boötes could be suggested. Arcturus is a red star
and indeed ‘Erc’ can also mean ‘red’ 67 suggesting Mac Erca
could have been the Goidelic form of this stars name.
John MacNeill in his work The History and Grammar of
Ogham Inscriptions says of Erca that the name is “frequent as a
female name in legendary material”.68 In the Proceedings of the
Royal Irish Academy 1931 (p.38) there is a suggestion that the
name Erca is associated with a Goddess:
personal name Mac Erce, MAQI ERCIAS, “son (by dedication?)
of Erca,” points to a protecting goddess.”
These words do suggest that Mac Erca was associated with a
star much like the Latin panegyrics of famous Romans that also
made such associations 73. In this poem, as well as being placed in
the sky, his body is described in much the same way as a star is,
‘bright’ and just like the star Arcturus which never sets, he is said
to be `forever on high’. Arcturus was a name frequently used in
place of the form Arthur by medieval writers such as Geoffrey of
Monmouth who did so in The Prophecies of Merlin. Arcturus is
also one of the few names that could naturally evolve into the
name Arthur quite regularly: Arcturus - Arthurus - Arthur.
The word Erc however, has many meanings in Goidelic each
of which we will examine in a later work and suggest how they
may have influenced Arthurian legends. In Welsh though Erc
/Erch(an)74 could mean ‘terrible’ or ‘horrible’. In the Sawley
Gloss75, a 13th century gloss in the HB, Arthur’s name was
glossed with the words:
“Mabuter, that is horrible son, since from his boyhood he was
cruel. Arthur translated into Latin means “horrible bear” or
“iron hammer”, with which the jaws of lions were broken”
See Claudians Panagyrics in The Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire, Vol.1,
The Visigothic Invasions. Thomas Hodgkin, The Clarendon Press 1880. Reprinted by
The Folio Society, London, 2000.
See Ercagni in Inscribed Stones Project where “White/1971-72, 46--51, cites
personal communications from K. Jackson and M. Richards, arguing that Ercagni is
from Latin *Ercagnus or British *Ercagnos giving Erchan in Welsh”. Of course, it
could just be the diminutive of Erce as in the Goidelic Ercéne. The point though is that
there would have been some confusion as there is now.
Gidlow, Christopher, The Reign Of Arthur From History to Legend, Sutton
Publishing Ltd., 2004. See also Dumville’s Pseudo Histories for fuller discussion.
The word Uther had a similar meaning of horrible or terrible.
MabUter therefore could have been a direct transliteration from
the Goidelic Mac Erca. Mac Erca’s wife is named in the sources
as Duinsech or Duibsech (brown haired girl/daughter) which in
Welsh would be Gwinau-verch. The similarity of this to the name
Guinevere requires no further elucidation at this time.
Muircertach itself as a name is split into ‘Muir’ - ‘the sea’, or
‘from overseas’ and Certach/Certhach. Cert is an Irish word
meaning ‘correct’ or ‘right’ but as a compound with muir doesn’t
appear to make sense and cert always appears as a prefix, not a
suffix76. Certach could be the Irish version of the late Welsh
name Ceredig / Keretic from the earlier Careticus and the same
as St. Patricks Latin version Coroticus and the eighth-century
possibility Coirthech77. The meaning of the root of Careticus, is
loving, dear which is essentially the same root as in the name
Caratacus and the Irish equivalent names Carthach and Carthir 78
and their much later variations McCarthy and MacArthur.
Muircertach is later spelt Muircerthach79 showing the possibility
of this relationship. The meaning then, would be something like
Sea lover80. However, there are other possibilities which will be
eDil. Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language.
Dumville suggests some doubt to this being a genuine Irish name form. Saint Patrick
AD 493-1993.
Kenneth H. Jackson, "Queen Boudicca?", Britannia 10 p. 255, 1979, se also
discussed later concerning the name Muircertach which appears
very similar to the word Murchorthach glossed in MS as meaning
`a foreigner from overseas’, particularly a Briton81. In English the
name Muircertach eventually evolved into the name Moriarty.
Proving the historicity of Muircertach would be difficult based
only on the existing evidence from old Irish manuscripts and king
lists. Although one Mac Ercéne is listed as an early sixth century
king in the late seventh century Irish king list in the Baile Chuinn
Chétchathaig (The Frenzy of Conn of the hundred battles) it is
not clear that Muircertach Mac Muiredaig is meant even though
the later tales make them one 82. Certainly the exploits of Mac
Erca were known to Cenn Faelad, a seventh century poet and
descendent83 of Mac Erca if the attributions to him are sound. The
name ‘Muircertach’ appears to be a later addition to the name
and person of ‘Mac Erca’ instigated by the Uí Néill clan in the
eighth to ninth centuries. It is in the ninth century that we find the
next mention of the name Muircertach in the Irish Annals as
kings in Ireland84. This suggests that the story of Muircertach’s
Murchorthach, `coming from overseas’ eDill, gloss on the word ‘cu-glas’ from the
Law Tracts on Díre, early eighth century, also spelt muirchuirthe - literally vomit of
the sea - a man stranded from the sea. See Satirical Narrative in Early Irish Literature ,
Ailís Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh, School Of Celtic Studies 2007. Older form of cu glas
would be Cuneglase. See also The Social Background to Irish Perigrinatio, T.M.
Charles-Edwards pgs. 46-47
T. M. Charles-Edwards, Early Christian Ireland (Cambridge University Press, 2000)
p.490 calls him “..half legendary”. His Uí Néill pedigree is probably an invention of the
C8th - C9th. See High Kings and Pipe Dreams , Laurance J. Maney, Proceedings Of The
Harvard Celtic Colloqium 24, 2004.
Cen Faelad, son of Ailill, son of Baitan, son of Mac Erca., Ibid Lacey pg.300.
Annals of Ulster, year 805. ‘Muirchertach son of Donngal, king of Bréifne, died’.
heroic exploits were sufficiently known by the ninth century so
that kings would name their sons after him.
The earliest forms of the name ‘Mac Erca’ are from Ogham
inscriptions on standing stones in Wales and Ireland dated to the
fifth and sixth centuries. The name on these take the forms ‘maqi
Kevin Murray -‘Baile in Scail And Baile Bricin’, Eiglise , vol. XXXIII, 2002.
National University of Ireland. Also see CMCS, 55 Summer 2008 pgs 75-78 in a
review of ‘Baile in Scail ‘The Phantoms Frenzy’’,Kevin Murray, 2004, Irish Texts
society by Liam Breatnach, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies.
Prophecy Of Berchan, Benjamin T Hudson, Praeger Publishers, 1996, Pg 97.
‘Dáil de for Muircertach mac Ercoi, id est ingen Loairn.
Íer sin línfus co h-Érind airbiu. Benuid dubuirt hi mairt in cairb coscrach col-Laigniu.
Ercagni’ and ‘maqi Ercias’ which is reflected in the earliest
manuscript evidence for Mac Erca, the Baile Chuinn, from the
670’s which uses the diminutive Mac Ercéne. There is also
Ogham evidence for Erca but the dating of this can be as late as
the eighth century so is ignored. The form Ercéne then is quite
archaic in the Baile Chuinn MS and is a fairly rare diminutive in
old Irish showing its ancient provenance and the probability of it
being an authentic entry. The Ogham feminine a-stem Maqqi
Ercias is the form most likely to evolve into Mac Erce > Mac
Erca. 89
The suffix ‘ias’ is a feminine genitive termination90. A
masculine form if it existed, corresponding to Ercias, would be
*Ercas although Erc itself as a male name exists on an early
standing stone showing both the male and female aspects of the
similar names - ERC MAQI MAQI-ERCIA[S MU] DOVI[N]IA91,
which translates as Erc son of Mac-Erce of the tribe of Duibne. The
Corco Duibne are a county Kerry tribe and indeed this is where the
stone was found.
See The Celtic Inscriptions of Britain: Phonology and Chronology, c. 400-1200
Patrick Sims-Williams, Wiley-Blackwell, 2002 for fuller discussion on the various
forms of Erc.
History and Grammar of Ogham Inscriptions . By John MacNeil, Proceedings of the
phonological developments of the mid eighth century onwards 92.
This all suggests that the earliest Annal witness to the name is
from a mid seventh to early eighth century exemplar or this was
the time when some of the Annal entries were written.
Language of The Annals OF Ulster , Tomas O Maille, Manchester University Press,
1910, pgs 55-56. The development appears to be Ercias > Erce > Ercae > Erca. “ The
final -e of a-stems is not Indo-Germanic, but is an innovation in Irish. It comes from
-ias or es. There are certain analogies for both: Ogham g.Ercias (Macalister, iii. p.
152), g. of Erc ; cf. g. Erce 560. ibid O Maille.
Mac Erca and Muircertach Mac Muiredaig
Irish Kings and High Kings. Francis J Byrne, Four Courts Press 2001, pg. 102.
Ercéne is a diminutive form of Erca. Byrne calls Muircertach Mac Muiredaig a
shadowy figure.
The Annals of Ulster, AT and others. See Cenel Conail and the Donegal Kingdoms ,
Brian Lacey, Four Courts Press 2006.
Note the form ‘Ercae’ at 762 and 773 in the Annals of Ulster. Ibid O’Maille, Pg.79.
However an earlier spelling of ‘Erce’ exists in the AI relating to this battle but it
contains a mix of Latin and old Irish suggesting a similar or later date as it mentions
Muircertach in relation to Mac Erca. Mors da h-ua Muirchertaich, .i. Boetan macc
Meicc Erce & Eochaid mc. Domnaill meicc Meicc Erce
For most of the Annal material see Chronicles and Annals of Medieval Ireland &
Wales, Kathryn Grabowski and David Dumville, The Boydell Press, 1984.
How or why Muircertach Mac Muiredaig became associated
with Mac Ercéne is difficult to explain. If, as surmised by Byrne
(1973), Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (2003)97 and more fully by Maney
(2004) and Lacey (2006)98, it was an eighth to ninth century Uí
Néill ploy to link him with their Cenél 99 Eoghan dynasty then we
have the equally puzzling question remaining as to who exactly
was Mac Erca? Adamnan writing in the late seventh century
mentions Mac Erca twice:
“These kings were known as Ainmore, son of Setna, and the two
sons of Mac Erce, Domnall and Forcus”
Mac Ercae then, Maney suggests, as a separate entity to Cenél
Feradaig/Eoghan, did not exist at this time. In support of this
argument Maney shows that Cenél Mac Ercae were absent from
the list of guarantors 101 of Adamnan’s Law in the late seventh
century but the Cenél Feredaig were not.
The guarantors were, Cenél Conaill, Cenél Feradaig of Cenél nEoghan, Cenél
Cairpre, Eoganacht Aine, Eoganacht Locha Lein, Osraige, Deissi, Ui Fidgeinte, Deissi
in Tuaiscairt, Eogonacht Raithlind and Eogonacht Glendamnach.
Ibid Lacey Pg.272 and Maney.
Ibid Lacey p110. The Cenél Conaill were then excluded from the over kingship of
the ‘northern Uí Néill’ and the Cenél Eoghan territory known as In Fochla (the north)
increasingly became known as the ‘kingdom of Ailech’.
Ibid Maney, pgs. 256-260
In essence then, we have two shadowy figures that have been
merged; an early sixth century king called Mac Ercéne about
whom practically nothing is known apart from late seventh
century reports that his father’s name was Muiredach, he defeated
Lugaide in battle and according to the annals fought twelve or
more. He became king, his sons were kings and later legends
made him a great warrior; and Muircertach Mac Muiredaig about
whom again, nothing is known apart from his later merged
legends of the eighth to ninth centuries. The latter of these
appears to have been a sort of drunken gentle chap, the former a
martial hero adopted into the genealogies of the Uí Néill’s.
The Annals of Innisfallon and Ulster
Mac Erca’s Battles
attributed to Muircertach and another, Cenn Eich to Mac Erce as
though they were separate characters but this may just reflect an
error in the AI. The entry concerning these two battles in the AU
merges the two names as victors of both or this is how they were
originally. The battles then, which appear to be later attributions
to Mac Erca, are Ocha (484), Cell Osnada (489), and Detnae
It has been suggested by Lacey 109 and others that Mac Erca
son of Ailil Molt may instead have fought the early battles in 500
and 502. This seems unlikely, as this Mac Erca did not die until
548 according to the AU so he may have been too young in 500
For instance see Byrne, Francis J. Irish Kings and High Kings. Four Courts Press,
Bellum Gránaird Meicc Erce uictor, in quo cecidit Finnchad rí Laigen, & Corpre
uictor ut alii dicunt. “The battle of Gránaird, Mac Erce victor, in which Finnchad, king
of the Laigin, fell; and Cairpre [was] victor, as others say”
Ibid MacNeil -The language of the Annals of Ulster. 109
Ibid pp.168-170
to be a battle leader and he is always quantified as the son of Ailil
Molt in the Annals.
Aided Muircertach Mac Erca - para. 44, verse.
Demersio Muirchertaig filii Erce, .i. Muirchertaigh mc. Muireadhaidh mc. Eoghain
mc. Neill Naoighiallaigh, in dolio pleno uino in arxe Cletig supra Boinn
Demersio Muirchertaig filii Erce, .i. Muirchertaigh mc. Muireadhaidh mc. Eoghain
mc. Neill Naoighiallaigh, in dolio pleno uino in arxe Cletig supra Boinn
earliest Latin version being in the AU for the year 513 113. In the AI
there is no note of the start of his reign or of his death.
correct chronological order of the story and as all dates during
this period were retrospectively added, a reconciliation of dating
is full of pitfalls.
These tales are set in northern Ireland, Scotland and northern
Britain. In Ireland the main settings are Donegal, Ulster, Meath,
Leinster and Munster. The main families concerned are the Uí
Néills of Ireland both Southern and northern, descendants of
Niall of the Nine Hostages and his sons Eoghan and Conall, and
the respective descendants of these sons. In Scotland, the setting
is Argyll, Strathclyde and lowland Scotland as far as Whitehorn
and Cumbria. Of the Britons, those involved are of the family of
Sarran and Lew - Lugaide (Louie) in Goidelic and their
descendants and the descendants of Mac Erca in Northumbria
and Britain.
The Life of Muircertach Mac Erca
Sarran116, son of Colchu 117, King of Britain, who also held power
over the Picts and Saxons was betrothed to Erc daughter of
Loarn118 Mor Mac Erca, king of Alba 119 who had been blessed by
St. Patrick along with his brothers Fergus and Aengus. 120 Before
the betrothal could be cemented however, Muiredach 121 son of
Eoghan122, son of Niall fell in love with Erc and the two eloped
Sarran/Saran father of St Cairnech. In Welsh known as Carun or Corun (Tonsured) ,
father of St.Carannog in Harleian MS.4181, Hafod Ms.16, Iolo MSS and in Peniarth
MS.12’. In other MS and Vita, Corun is Caronnog’s brother. In this tale both these
saints are equated as will become evident. St Carranog or Carantoc is of course
associated in his Vita with King Arthur. Saran, in Tripartite life of Patrick, has 12 sons,
he rejected Patrick but his brother Connia received Patrick, has another brother
Nadslaugh. Saran bore off captives from Dal Riada and Bishop Olcan promised Saran a
place in heaven if he would release them. This angered Patrick who ordered his
charioteer to ride over Olcan but he refused.
See The Lives of The British Saints: The Saints of Wales, Cornwall and Irish Saints
Fer nAlban
Alban in M, Alba at first meaning all of Britain, then later Scotland - David
Dumville -"Ireland and Britain in Tain Bo Fraich", 1996, but in this tale meaning
mainly Scotland/Strathclyde and Argyll.
Lebor Bretnach. Three sons of Erc who obtained the blessing of Patrick -Loarn,
Fergus, Aongus.
Mentioned by Adomnan so most likely historical :“A Prophecy of the blessed man
regarding two other kings, who were called the two grandsons of Muiredach; Baitan
son of Mac Erce, and Eochoid, son of Domnall.”
Eoghan’s wife Marb (which is a strange name meaning ‘Dead’ probably in a
spiritual sense, hence a pagan) is said to be the daughter of a Saxon King. Banshenchus
- ‘Lore of Women’ making Muiredach half Saxon. Niall, Eoghans father is also said to
be a son of a Saxon - Cairen but this is unlikely and more possibly Cairen was a
Romano Briton as suggested by T. F. O'Rahilly, Early Irish History and Mythology,
1946, Chapter 12. Metrical Dinshenchus call Cairen a Pict suggesting she was more
Brittonic as the Britons north of Hadrian’s Wall were all considered Picts or Cruithne.
together to Ireland where they had four sons, Muircertach,
Feradhach, Tigernach and Moan. King Sarran instead took
Babona the other daughter of Loarn and had many sons namely
Lugaide123, St. Cairnech124, Bishop Dallain, and Caemlach. Sarran
was king of Britain for ten years 125, after which he retired to the
church and died in triumph in the House of Martin at
Whitehorn.126 His son, St.Cairnech was then Bishop thereof.
Luirig in M. This appears to be composed of ‘Louie’ - Lugaide in Goidelic and ‘rig’
- king. In old Welsh personal names Liugui, Legui, Leui, Middle Welsh Llywy. Old
Breton Louui, Leugui. See The Celtic Inscriptions of Britain, Phonology and
Chronology c400-1200, Patrick Simms-Williams, December 2002, Wiley-Blackwell,
The Genealogies of the Irish Saints in Irish Texts iii. P.97, give fathers name as
Documents of Medieval Legend and Dark Age History / (Westport, CT: Greenwood
Press, 2002).
House of Martin in M = Whitehorn. The Place names of Argyle - H. Cameron
The race of Tigernach of rich domains
Are the Siol Tigernach Mac Erce,
Feradach too, a full ripe chief,
From whom are the Cenél Feradaig.
From a poem beginning “Enna the pupil of hardy Cairbre” cited by Tod and
Algernon in 1848 -The Irish Version of the Historia Brittonum. Poem probably by
Flann Mainistrech, Eleventh century.
with princess Erc to Ireland 128. When Muiredach had died, the
widowed Erc now married Fergus, son of Conal Gulban, son of
Niall and gave birth to more sons - Fedhlimidh, father of St
Columba, Sedna, Brendain and Loarn129.
Towards the end of her life, Erc in penitence went to Cairnech
to confess her sins and her penitence was so great that she knelt
at every second ridge from Tory Island all the way to where he
resided at Ross Ailigh. As she approached Cairnech, a due of
blood was appearing at the tips of every one of her fingers. He
saw her suffering and declared, “I hail thee O Erc, thou shalt
certainly go to heaven and one of every two worthy kings who
shall reign over Erin shall be of thine seed. The best women and
the best clerics shall be theirs and success in battle and combat
shall be upon them.” Shortly after, Erc’s spirit passed over into
eternal glory. In her Will, she had bequeathed her territory in
Drumleen in Tir Connell 130
to Cairnech; also, her gold, horses,
cattle, apparel, and she made sure that her sons paid tribute to
Cairnech and his Church every year in the same manner. This
they did honourably and it was even paid by descendants of
Eoghan for twenty years after Cairnech’s death.131
Aided Muircertach Meic Erca -Lil Nic Donnchadha, Dublin Institute for advanced
studies 1980. p12 citing a poem by Flann Mainstrech (Died circa 1056). See also
Poems by Flann Mainistrech on the Dynasties of Ailech, Mide and Brega : Flann
Mainistrech and John MacNeil, Archivium Hibernicum, Vol. 2 (1913)
As above p.12 citing Todd who cites Colgan and Ogygia. Probably though just a
Feargus, the son of great Muircertach,
With his noble, illustrious great sons,
Took the Druim132 subject to this tribute
Hence, they were called Fir Droma.
At the age of seven Mac Erca then spent ten years under the
tutelage of Saigen the Druid as his foster father. For two years
Druim Lighean - modern Drumleen.
Death mentioned in 513 in AT, AU and CS. ‘The Chronicle of Ireland’, T.M.
after this, he spent time with his father Muiredach 136, the great
and illustrious King of Ailech who reigned for twenty-four
After the retirement of Sarran, Lugaid 138 became king of Dal
Araidhe, Strathclyde and Britain and extended his power over the
Saxons but he was a pagan and did not fear God. He started to
build a fort within the grounds of the monastery of Cairnech his
brother which displeased Cairnech greatly.
Meanwhile, Muircertach Mac Erca as a young Lord of Ailech
of the northern Irish clan of Niall allied himself with his uncle
Lugaid of the Dál Aráidhe Clan to expand their territory into the
land of their own kin in Connaught. In Meath they allied with
Fergus Cerball and Fiachra Lon and defeated and killed Oilill
Molt of Connaught in the great battle of Ocha in 484. 139
Aided Muircertach Mac Erca. Para 44. Fosterage could begin as early as one year to
seven years old. Mac Erca would have been around seventeen when he had finished.
He then spent two years with his father. His first battle is supposed to be that of Ocha in
484 meaning he would have had to be finished with his fosterage by Saigen and spent
two years with his father leaning the ropes. So if he was 19 in 484 he would have been
born in around 465 and his age at death would be somewhere around 70-73 in 534-37.
In the poem though he states he lived one hundred and ten years, obviously mythical as
much of this work is.
Book of Leinster poem by Flann Mainistrech. Meaning Muiredach started his reign
in 466 and his father Eoghan who reigned for twenty years takes us back to 446, the
time that Niall died.
The ‘Loth/Lot’ of Geoffrey of Monmouth and ‘Lew’ of the Welsh Bruts.
Possibly from Ech / Eocha - horse, probably not Ocha - armpit? DIL Irish Lexicon.
It was gained by the Dál Aráidhe,
By Lugaide, by Fiachra Lonn,
And by the great, puissant Muircertach,
By Fergus, son of mild Conall—
By them fell the noble King Ailill;
And by Fergus of the blemish—
By them fell the noble Ailill Molt.140
Then with his other uncle Coirpre in 485 fought in the battle
of Grainne 141 where Finnchad fell.
Irish and Scottish Annals. First four lines attributed to Beg Mac De, sixth century
Possibly contraction of Magh Raighne - plain of the host? Or alternatively Grain? 142
Book of Leinster poem by Flann Mainistrech, so mid eleventh century.
Church of the deer/cattle?
The plain of the Barrow in Co. Carlow
Because she ate children. See The Expulsion of the Desi.
Irish and Scottish Annals
and also by Ailill and Illan sons of Dunlaing.. “By the plain of
Meath it was lost and won”, recorded Cenn Faelad a renowned
poet of Ireland. 147 These battles gave the clan Niall the high
kingship of Ireland at Tara under Lugaid and Mac Erca became
king of Ailech148 in 490.149
Grianan an Aileach.
7thC Irish poet who fought and was injured in the battle of Magh Rath and died in
Phases of Irish History by Eion MacNeill , Dublin 1920. Ailech - ‘rock’, referring to
the rock citadel of the Kings of Ailech (genitive) and then to the land of Ailech. In old
Irish genitive ‘Alo’ ‘Aloo’ See. A Grammar of Old Irish. Rudolf Thurneysen, D. A.
Binchy, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1946 - “ail 'rock', gen. alo (i-stem),
also makes a gen. Ailech”. Hence the 8 th century scribe who wrote `Rex Aloo’ in the
headings of Muircu’s Life of Patrick probably meant that Coroticus was the king of
Ailech in Donegal not king of Dumbarton. See Jackson and Dumville for discussions
on Rex Aloo, Alo, Ail. An early form ‘Ailgi’ comes from the seventh century
Terachan’s Life of Patrick. Petrie described a circular ring of ten stones laid
horizontally outside the main structure on a tumulus forming a stone platform or table,
now unfortunately and very disappointingly, the round table is broken in pieces and
probably buried.
Flann Mainistrech in the book of Leinster states that Mac Erca was king of Ailech
for 44 years. Counting back from 534 this gives a date of 490. “Twice twenty reigned
great Murchertach Mac Erca, chief of slaves, and four years for certain”. Cenél
Eoghan did not gain possession of the Grianan of Ailech until the late eighth century
having defeated the Cenél Conaill in 789. Mac Erca would have been king of the
territory known as Ailech, as apposed to the Grianan. He is usually associated with a
fortress called Cletech on the Boyne and I wonder if this is a remembering of a fortress
at Cloitech, modern Clady, As Cloitech sits on the river Finn, meaning ‘white’ and the
Boyne also has a similar meaning - ‘white Cow’ the association has potential. Ibid
Lacey for full details.
Who made this ring of rocks
With gates to enter and leave
And stairways to climb?
Some will say ‘twas built by the hand
Of no less than The Dagda, himself
Atop the ruin of an ancient earthen fort.
Why is it here on this high point
Where the wind blows constant
And the rain seldom falls?
Look around, out from the wall
Five counties of Donegal you see
And the waters to each side.
And what purpose does it serve
Sitting atop the barren rocks
Between Donegal and the rest of Eire?
‘Twas set to protect this far northern cape
And guard it safe from all intruders.
Who would take the kine and women of Uí Néill. 150
Metrical Dindshenchas.
‘Brunette’, ‘brown-haired girl’. ‘The Virgin St. Duinsech and Her Three Ulster
Churches near Strangford Lough, County Down’ , Centre for Irish and Celtic Studies,
University of Ulster at Coleraine A. J. Hughes, Celtica 23, 1999 . Welsh equivalent
would be Gwinau-verch. Welsh Lexicon.
Fergus, Domnall 152
and Baedan153. Duach his father in law had
shown Patrick respect when a young boy and so had been blessed
by him and Patrick had attended his inauguration as King 154.
Baedan, Muircertach’s son, was the father of Colman Rimid
whose daughter Fina married Oswiu, King of the Saxons and
their son was Aldfrid king of the Northumbrian Saxons 155.
In 499156 the brother of King Duach, Eochaidh Tirmcharna,
fell out of favour with Duach and so he was exiled and then
sought the protection of Muircertach who was persuaded to give
that protection by his wife Duinsech as Eochaidh was her foster
father157. Unfortunately, Duach was able to capture and imprison
Eochaide, which compelled Muircertach to war against his father
in law. A series of battles were fought to settle the matter
Banshenchus, Lore of Women, notes sons as Eochu Find and Domnall the tall but
this is in error as Eochid Find was a son of Domnal.. Books of Leinster, Lecan, Ui
Maine, Ballymote; TCD H 3.17; Nr VII Kilbride Coll.; Brussels MS 2542.
This is interesting as it is pronounced like Badon and indeed in Scotland there are
descendents of one Baedan who gave his name to a territory called in various sources
Kinelbathyn, Kinelvadon or Kinelbadon, later contracted to Cenalbin, now Morvern in
Argyle. Kinel meaning ‘people or tribe of.’ See The Life of St Columba of Hy by
Adamnan. By William Reeves, Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society 1857. . The
Spanish attributed an historical sixth century princess called Baddo/Badon with Arthur
as his daughter - see Miscellaneous Tracts Vol.II by Michael Geddes circa 1714, P.62.
G.Keating, History of Ireland, pg.29
Aldfrith of Northumbria and the Irish Genealogies . Colin Ireland, Celtica 22, 1990.
King 685-705
McCarthy places it at 500 and the following battle of Inde Mor in 502 and the death
of Fergus in 501 but this would spoil the chronology where Mac Erca is in Alba two
years before killing Loarn.
Annals of the Four Masters.
culminating in the battle of Seghais 158 near the Boyle river in
which Duach was killed.
This was followed by the battle of Inde Mor 164 in the year 500
when Muircertach fought the Leinstermen who were defeated and
Illan son of Dunlaing was killed.
destruction is `bath’.
Chronicon Scotorum. Tengumha - Bronze Tongue or sweet tongue. 163
Book of Leinster. Flann Mainistrech poem.
Great paddock?
In which a brave man was slain;
Men raged in the strife against the hero of the Lagin.165
The Book of Leinster. Flann Mainistrech poem. Lagin, modern Leinster.
Crossans or Cross bearers were poets, whose principal office was to compose
funeral dirges or family panegyrics, but who frequently degenerated into satirists
against those who had incurred Church censure, which brought them into conflict with
lawless chieftains. The Irish Version of the Historia Brittonum of Nennius , James
Henthorn Todd, Algernon Herbert 1848. Being satarised like this was akin to being
excommunicated and could result in the forfeiture of honour price and kingship. See
Irish Kings and High Kings, Francis J. Byrne, Four Courts Press 2001. pg.15.
Aided Muirchertaig Meic Erca — “The Death of Muirchertach mac Erca. Dublin,
Trinity College, MS H 2.16 (cat. 1318) Yellow Book of Lecan and Dublin, Trinity
College, MS H 2.7 (cat. 1928)
Pictish Sourcebook By J. M. P. Calise, Greenwood Press 2002. Regnal Lists D,
F1,F, I, K..
Keating, History of Ireland, P.207 citing Hector Boetius. . I am uncertain as to their
original sources.
The Scotic nation,
Noble the race,
Unless the prophecy be false,
Ought to obtain dominion,
Where they shall find the Lia Fáil.170
Fergus however did not live long dying at the hands of his
brother171 in about 502 possibly following the struggles with Mac
Erca for the return of the Lia Fáil. One Domangart Réti (of
Riatai) son of Fergus is then said to have reigned in Argyll, again
only for a short time until around 506 when he retired to the
church and soon died172 His son Comgall took the regency. His
reign was a long and peaceful one with no battles after which his
brother Gabran took the regency.173
For the murder of Loarn, Muircertach was exiled from Alba
by Fergus’s men and so went to the Britons of Strathclyde under
the protection of their king Lugaid from whom he learned all the
science of weapons and warfare 174. It then came to the time when
Muircertach would have his weapons consecrated and so his
maternal uncle, Bishop Cairnech, was called to do his duty in this
Ibid.P.207. Also see Skene, ‘Celtic Scotland’, Edinburgh, 1890.
Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots. William F Skene, 1867, p.309.
Duan Albanach mentions Comgells lack of battles. Gabran reigned from 537 which
again is interesting as this is the time when Arthur is said to have died.
Banshenchus call him “ Murchertach, (of) the mighty weapon, son of Erc ”. C.
respect. He travelled to the British court and when he saw how
powerful Muircertach had become he decided on a plan to punish
his brother Lugaid for building his fort in the precinct of his
monastery. He said to Muircertach “Thou shalt be king of Ireland
and of Britain for ever, and shalt go to heaven after, provided
thou canst but prevent Lugaide from exercising his power against
the Church”. Muircertach later approached King Lugaid and said
“Build not thine city in the precincts of Cairnech the Bishop” but
Lugaid said in reply “I think more of the power of that pet wild
fawn he has, than of his power, or of the power of the lord God
whom he adores.” Muircertach related these words to Cairnech
who flew into a great rage and proclaimed “My prayer to my
Lord, to my God, let that very fawn be the cause of his death, and
by thy hand O Mac Erca!” Cairnech then commanded
Muircertach to destroy his brother and Mac Erca agreed to the
He approached Lugaid as the king was out with his assembly
in the grounds of his fort. God then worked a miracle for
Cairnech, for he sent a wild fawn from the mountainside into the
assembly and the whole host of nobles decided to chase it except
Lugaid and his women. Mac Erca said to Lugaid “If you had
been just my lord, towards your cleric, it is certain that it would
have given you increased happiness to have worn the royal robe”
and with that Muircertach thrust his spear right through the kings
body killing him instantly 175. He then cut off the head and took it
Baile Chuind Chétchathaig, circa 670 mentions after Lugaid “A glorious man upon
to Cairnech and proclaimed, “lo, here is thy brothers head for
thee O Cairnech”. Cairnech said “leave me the bone, eat thou the
marrow and every third coarb shall be thine for ever, here in
Britain and in Ireland”. Others say that a lightning bolt killed
Lugaide in the year 506 for denying the saint 176; either way,
Muircertach now had to establish his rule over the Britons of
Strathclyde and Alba with the help of Cairnech. Muircertach
immediately moved against the nobility of the land taking
hostages to guarantee allegiance and probably brought Comgall,
King of Argyll under his authority without a fight 177. With the
death of Lugaid, he now pursued his widowed wife who was the
daughter of the king of the Franks 178. After many battles with the
Franks he won her and then produced the children -
Chronicon Scottorum, ‘Death of Lugaide, son of Laeghaire, King of Temhair, in
Achadh Farcha. He was struck on the head with lightning from heaven, for denying the
Saint’. The Saint herein referred to is usually taken to be St.Patrick as mentioned in the
Annals of the Four Masters but this is a very late compilation of the seventeenth
century. The entry in the CS therefore is earlier. Interesting then that in this tale the
‘Saint’ is Cairnech and the person who struck him was Mac Erca. It seems too
coincidental to have two Lughaidh’s die at practically the same time so I have equated
them. I would suggest that Lugaidh son of Logaire was adopted into Irish genealogies
and was actually a king of the Britons, later known as Lew who may have held some
territory in Ireland as well as in Strathclyde. He also appears to have been Christian
having no Feis Temro mentioned. His absence of battles in the annals has always
puzzled commentators as well, as Lacey, ibid, mentions.
The very name in its earliest form by Adamnan - Comgell, means to `pledge or
`rig francg’ (also called Luirig - Louis in M, Louis is a variant of the name Clovis) -
quite an early spelling also used by Adamnan in the late C7th and in Cormac’s
Glossaries in the C9th
Constantine179, Gaedhal-Ficht180 (from whom are descended the
kings of Britain, and the kings of Cornwall); Nellenn and
Scannal181. He ruled together with Cairnech for seven years 182 in
which time he brought the Britons, Saxons, Picts, Irish 183,
Orkneys and Denmark under his sway. Muircertach later uttered
these words concerning his victories:
Appears to be the same Constantine of Gildas and Geoffrey of Monmouth! Relates
that Constantine was a king of Britain as were his descendents. Gildas’s Damnonia
could mean either Dumnonia or possibly Damnonia in the far north. Interestingly
Clovis was called the `new Constantine’ at his late baptism by Gregory of Tours.
Dudley Mac Firbis quotes this legend of Constantine et al in his C17th work saying it
came from “a very ancient book” and that the book said “nothing more about him
(Mac Erca) than that” so unlikely it was from the tale of St Cairnech.
Gaedhal - Irish, Ficht - Pict. Appears to mean the Cornish kings were descended
from Irish and Briton (Picts) mix which could indeed be true.
Descendants in Ireland.
Welsh Triads appear to reflect this - The Three Red Ravagers : “..Arthur was his
name. For a year neither grass nor plants used to spring up where one of the three
would walk; but where Arthur went, not for seven years. " In Goidelic ‘Erc’ can also
mean ‘red’.
Gerald Of Wales (12th Century) asserts that Arthur had many kings of the Irish
`tributarie to him’. James A. Knapp ‘Illustrating the Past in Early Modern England: The
Representation of History in Printed Books’, Ashgate Publishing; illustrated edition,
2003. Pg.222. Also see Culhwch and Olwen where the Irish kings and Saints submit to
Arthur, offering victuals and blessings, - The Mabinogian, Gwyn Jones, Thomas Jones,
Dragons Dream B.V. 1982, p.122.
I was myself twenty years
in the kingdom of Eogan, son of Niall; I
had every night without a doubt a head Of
Ulster and Connaught.
I was twenty-five years without fail
in the kingship of Ireland.
There was no night so far
Without the slaying of someone in Ireland.
Two years I was east in Alba,
I have killed my grandsire,
I have brought a host there into troubles,
By my deeds Loarn fell.
Two years I was afterwards
In kingship over Danes,
There has been no night there at
Without the heads of two on stakes.
Here is my true confession
In the presence of the king of kings.
I have been much of my days without weakness,
And I have not been near death.184
With the King of the Franks 185 defeated and dead by 511
Cairnech called a synod of Bishops186 at Tours of Martin where
From ‘Aided Muircertach Mac Erca,’ The Death of Muircertach Mac Erca.
The only ‘King of the Franks’ at this time would have been Clovis himself who did
indeed die around this time, between 511-513!
Clovis had called a synod of Bishops to Orleans shortly before his death in 511 or
attended three hundred and thirty seven bishops under the
authority of the Pope to cast out every heresy and to reduce every
country to the discipline of the Church. Cairnech then made a
pilgrimage to Léon187 in honour of Muiredach and Muircertach.
After this, he went to the Britons of Cornwall and founded a city
he built underground 188. Cairnech is said to have been in Ireland
before Muircertach so that he was the first bishop of the Clan-
Niall and of Tara and he was the first martyr and the first monk
of Ireland, and the first Judge of the men of Ireland.
‘Lien’ in M. Probably Léon in Brittany or Lyon in Frankia. I suggest Leon in
Brittany which had an early Bishopric as from there to Cornwall is only a short hop.
But Orleans could even be meant.
Very similar to story of St Carranog who built a city of the dead in Cornwall.
From the Metrical Dindshenchas.
where Muircertach and Cairnech ruled jointly. Then, in around
513190 he took his large fleet of ships and landed in Ireland at
Fan-na-long191 where he then defeated any opposition from the
Irish kings and was declared High King of all Ireland. Mac Erca
took their sovereignty by right forever, for himself and for his
McCarthy reconciles this to 510. The usual time given for the interregnum before
Muircertach’s High Kingship is five years but in this story it is seven meaning we must
date it to 513 agreeing as it does with the AU entry.
‘The drawing up in his ships’. M implies the meaning is that the ships were burnt but
this doesn’t appear to be correct.
Aided Muircertach Mac Erca.
Pun on his name Erca, which can also mean speckled. eDill.
By Flann Mainistrech from the Book of Leinster ( 7.10 and 11). Some of these lines
might have been taken by Flann from an earlier poem possibly about Mael Umai.
In the year 520 Muircertach sent messengers to demand the
Boru or cow tribute from the Leinstermen as normal but this time
it was refused and battle offered instead 195. He therefore
assembled the men of northernIreland 196 and the nobles of the
race of Conall Earrbreagh, the son of Niall. The Leinstermen
advanced to Bregia to challenge Muircertach and Colga, son of
Cloite, king of Airghialla. There in Bregia the battle of Detnae
was fought between them, in which were slain Ardgal, the son of
Conall Creamhthainne, and Colga, King of Airghialla. The
Leinstermen were defeated in this battle and others, so that
Muircertach raised the tribute without a battle afterwards. St.
Columba was born this year.
For ten long years there was peace in Ireland, Britain and Gaul
and the tribute was paid to Muircertach but then by 529 the men
of Leinster sought once more for an end to tribute and called their
people to war. Mac Erca answered the challenge. First was fought
George Petrie, ‘On the history and antiquities of Tara Hill’, Transactions of the
Royal Irish Academy 18 (1839), 25-232: 25, relates this story of the demand for the
Leath-Cuinn, meaning ‘Conn’s half’, the northernhalf of Ireland where Conn’s
descendants ruled particularly from Ailech in Tir Conell, the Land of Conn, later
Book of Leinster poem by Flann Mainistrech.
the battles of Cenn Eich198 and then Ath Sighe199 at Cerb on the
Boyne in which Muircertach was victorius. Sighe son of Dian
died in this battle, his daughter would one day seek revenge.
Bishop Cairnech was heard to prophesize:
Horse Head, meaning the Hill of the Horse? Kinneigh on borders of Kildare and
The bitter battle of Sliab204 Ebhlinn
Over the nobles of Munster
And over Echaid Sremm,
Where many heads of heroes were left.205
Ireland after him. He gave precedence of petition to O Cuinne 208
the Active, son of Ailill, son of Eoghan, son of Niall
Naoighiallach and to his descendants after him, and moreover
that they should be buried in every burial place of the kings of
Ireland in preference to every other line descended from Eoghan,
because it was Cuinne who went to the Munster war on behalf of
It is said of Mac Erca, of the great attacks, that he was no
heathen, that he ruled without exercising undue power and
without treachery; that he subdued powerful armies and was one
of two hereditary champions of his time the other being the
emperor Justinian210. Some say that Muircertach died naturally in
his bed211 but other traditions say his death was a violent one; and
then the power and strength of Britain was destroyed after him.212
O Cuinne is of course just the old name of the Uí Néills from Moccu or Ui Conn -
Keeting, History of Ireland
..‘and the power and strength of Britain was destroyed after him’… from ‘Of the
The Violent Death of Muircertach mac Erca.213
Based on translation by Whitley Stokes, edited and updated by myself and verse
translations with help of the French translation, Le Mort De Muirchertach, Fils De Erc ,
J Guyonvarc’h, Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations, Année 1983, Volume 38,
Numéro 5 pp. 985 - 1015 and with help from the scholars of the Irish L discussion list.
Also the use of Lil Nic Donnchadha’s vocabulary list in Aided was most helpful.
A 14th/15th Century reference indicates that it lay near the Sid in Broga (Newgrange),
opposite Knowth, Co. Meath. Possibly the current location of Rossnaree House.
Dindshenchas describe it as ‘the top of all houses in Erin’ - ‘Newgrange and the Bend
of the Boyne’, Geraldine Stout, 2002 pg.68
3. “I will tell you,” she said. “I am the darling of Muircertach
Mac Erca, King of Erin, and to seek him I came here.” That
seemed good to Muircertach, and he said to her, “Do you know
me, O damsel?” “I do,” she answered; “for skilled am I in places
more secret than this, and known to me are you and the other men
of Erin.” “Will you come with me, O damsel?” said Muircertach.
“I would go,” she answered, “provided my reward be good.” I
will give you power over me, O damsel,” said Muircertach.
“Your word for this!” rejoined the damsel and he gave it at once
and she sang this song:
O woman, do not say this.
Do not rebuke the people of the faith,
The Clerics who believe in Christ.
There is no one more skilful than they.
Thanks to Sean O’Connor and Neil McLeod of the Irish Language mailing list for
Sigh, Roaring, Storm without reproach
Rough wind and winter nights,
Tears, Lament, the silent Wail
And the sound of the weeping cow.
I will give you a hundred heads
Oh damsel without error,
If you would allow me oh maiden to utter your name,
To be saying each, one at a time.
What good would it be to suffer wounds?
Oh king of Ireland, ultimate ruler.
You will die if you say them oh king,
Your strength will come to nothing.
To be injured would not be pleasant at this time
Oh damsel of brightness to mine eyes.
Alas this is indeed too true,
Sigh, Roar and Storm.
You cannot speak this without weakness,
It would be an easy way to your early death,
And you would not be able to come to
The mother of your children, Duinsech.
I will happily to do your will,
Let your mind not be anxious.
Do not say any more words of foreboding,
I will not utter or speak [your names].
And give thou testimony as to this house,” said the king. So she
Brug - a plain.
Never has been built by a king above the waves
A house like thy home above the Boyne,
It will never be out done,
Until the final forces of doomsday.
Early name of Donegal or northern Ireland, related to Fochla meaning the North.
From one end of Ireland to the next. Carnd Ui Neit is Mizen Head at extreme west
of Ireland. Thoraid is probably Tory Island, at the northeast tip, now called Toraigh
(‘Thur-ri’ sorrowful head?)
She is desirable of form and of beautiful complexion.
There is no better wife around us.
Pleasant, pleasant is its agriculture,
To the man who lives in the country,
Lots of cattle and suitable work,
Without poverty, it is agreeable.
That everyone uses diligently,
Among the nobles, it is pleasing.
O woman, your fate will be good
You shall have heaven, no lie
The journey that you have undertaken,
You do not have to make again.
Dulane in Co. Meath.
Arise and go there yourself O Cleric
To the children of Eogan and Conall,
As we are under a yoke together
We are humbled on the hill.
Later you will go to Oenach Reil,
O Duinsech of good virtue,
It is you that will forever,
Prevail over that ancient tree of the fortress.
I thank the son of Mary,
And the king who sees everything,
That you believe in me,
I thank you, O Cleric.
The mound of these bells forever,
Henceforward everyone will know,
The grave of the champion Mac Erca:
Not slack have been his journeys.
A curse upon this hill,
On Cletech with hundreds of troops!
May neither its corn nor its milk be good,
May it be full of hatred and evil plight!
May neither king nor prince be in it,
May no one come out of it victoriously!
During my day I shall remember
The King of Erin’s grave in the mound.
12. Cairnech blessed them and left a grant to them, namely, to the
Clan Conall and the Clan Eogan, that whenever they had not the
leadership or the kingship of Ireland, their power should be over
every province around them; and that they should have the -
succession of Ailech and Tara and Ulster; and that they should
take no wage from any one, for this was their own inherent right,
the kingship of Ireland. That they should be without fetter or
hostage, and that there should be decay upon the hostages if they
absconded; and that they should gain victory in battle provided it
was delivered for a just cause, and that they should have three
standards, namely, the Cathach and the Bell of Patrick (i.e., of the
Bequest), and the Misach of Cairnech, and that the grace of these
reliquaries should be on any one of them against battle, as
Cairnech left to them, saying:
Unless to the king alone.
My blessing on your country,
To your men of bright virtue,
Yours will be Ériu forever,
And you have my blessing.
Each of them then went to their own stronghold and their own
good place.
13. Cairnech came on towards his monastery, and there met him
great hosts, namely the descendants of Tadg son of Cian son of
Ailill Olom. And they brought Cairnech with them to make their
arrangement and their treaty with Muircertach Mac Erca; and
when the king was told of this, he came forth from his stronghold
and bade them welcome.
14. But when Muircertach espied the cleric with them, there came
a great blush upon him, and he exclaimed, “Why have you come:
to us, O cleric, after cursing us?” “I have come,” he answered, “to
make peace between the descendants of Tadg son of Cian and the
descendants of Eogan Mac Neill.” And Muircertach said to
Over my royal grave.
The reason I am here,
Ignoring the curse,
Is to seal the treaty
Between the tribes of Eoghan and Tadg.
It will be as nothing.
Then a treaty was made between them, and Cairnech mingled the
blood of both of them in one vessel, and wrote how they had
made the treaty then.
15. Then when the treaty had been made, and when Cairnech had
blessed them all, and left shortness of life and hell to him who
should knowingly infringe the treaty, he quitted them and
returned to his monastery. And the king went to his stronghold,
and those hosts with him, to guard against the Clan of Niall.
16. The king sat on his throne, and Sin sat on his right, and never
on earth had there come a woman better than she in shape and
appearance. The king looked on her, and sought knowledge and
asked questions of her, for it seemed to him that she was a
goddess of great power, and he asked her what was the power
that she had. Like this he spoke and she answered:
Tell me, you ready damsel,
Do you believe in the God of the clerics?
Or from whom you have sprung in this world?
Tell us your origin.
I believe in the same true God
Helper of my body against death’s attack;
You cannot work in this world a miracle
Of which I could not work its like.
I am the daughter of a man and a woman
Of the race of Adam and Eve;
I am fit for you here,
Let no regret seize you.
I could create a sun and a moon,
And radiant stars:
I could create men fiercely
Fighting in conflict.
I could make wine—no falsehood—
Of the Boyne, as I can obtain it, And
sheep of stones,
And swine of ferns.
I could make silver and gold
In the presence of the great hosts:
I could make famous men now for you.
17. “Work for us,” said the king, “some of these great miracles.”
Then Sin went forth and arrayed two battalions equally great,
equally strong, and equally gallant. It seemed to them that never
came on earth two battalions that were bolder and more heroic
than they, slaughtering and maiming and swiftly killing each
other in the presence of every one.
18. “Do you see that?” said the damsel; “indeed my power is in no
wise a fraud.” “I see,” said Muircertach, and he said:
19. Then the king with his household came into the fortress.
When they had been a while seeing the fighting, some of the
water of the Boyne was brought to them, and the king told the
damsel to make wine of it. The damsel then filled three casks
with water, and cast a spell upon them; and it seemed to the king
and his household that never came on earth wine of better taste or
strength. So of the fern she made fictitious swine of enchantment,
and then she gave the wine and the swine to the host, and they
partook of them until, as they supposed, they were sated.
Furthermore, she promised that she would give them forever and
forever the same amount; whereupon Muircertach said:
Sufficient for the men of Ireland,
Forever you have this ford.
The beer and wine has made you weak,
Evil is the fairy troop.
Mac Erca:
Bless this green and our strength,
Oh beautiful maiden of magic.
Good fortune to whom it reaches,
If the maiden does not lie.
20. So the descendants of Tadg son of Cian, when the partaking
of the magical feast was ended, kept watch over the king that
night. When he rose on the morrow he was as if he were in a
decline, and so was everyone else who had partaken of the wine
and the fictitious magical flesh which Sin had arranged for that
feast. And the king said:
The wine you consumed, O King,
There is none that has been stronger.
It has consumed your wonderful body,
But it will do no harm to your soul.
We two people are meant to be,
You and me O lovely woman,
You are the damsel chosen for me.
21. Then the king said to her, “Show us something of your art, O
damsel!” “I will do so indeed,” said she. They fared forth, that is,
Muircertach and all the hosts that were with him. Then Sin made
of the stones blue men, and others with heads of goats; so that
there were four great battalions under arms before him on the
green of the Brug. Muircertach then seized his arms and his
battle-dress and went among them like a swift, angry, mad bull,
and forthwith took to slaughtering them and wounding them, and
every man of them that be killed used to rise up after him at once.
And thus he was killing them through the fair day till night.
Though great were the rage and the wrath of the king, he was
wearied thus, and he said:
Your sovereignty has come to an end, I
cannot deny it O noble king,
For each of those that your hand has destroyed,
It is fitting that they are still alive.
Mac Erca:
I say that I do not hack the heather,
This is not the combat of a strong champion.
I have defeated many hundreds of armies,
By the courageous struggles of my red sword.
To the Cleric who helped you,
Let him write about this brave struggle,
About the multitude who fell miserably,
The blue men with heads of goats.
Mac Erca:
I will deliver proper combat.
So do not revile the cleric.
My memory is recovering now,
I can see the battle.
22. So when the king was weary from fighting and smiting the
hosts, he came sadly into the fortress, and Sin gave him magical
wine and magical pig’s flesh. And he and his household partook
of them, and at the end he slept heavily until morning, and when
rising on the morrow be had neither strength nor vigour. And he
Even if my fortress were threatened with destruction,
I would be unable to raise my right arm in its defence,
I would be neglecting my duty, which would not be good.
The holy Cleric has spoken,
Your death has nearly come,
He will help you again,
Do not leave with ignorance.
Mac Erca:
It is good to recall completely,
What now the lovely maiden brings.
And today even in oppression,
I will not give up someone like you.
23. As they were saying this, they heard the heavy shout of the
hosts and the multitudes, calling Muircertach forth and
challenging him to battle. Then in his presence in the Brug were
two battalions equally great, to wit, blue men in one of the two
and headless men in the other. Muircertach was enraged at the
challenge of the hosts, and he rose up suddenly, but fell
exhausted on the floor, and uttered this lay:
Headless men who begin battle
In the glen to the south of us.
Weak is my strength: unto a host,
‘Twas many times that I have brought victory;
Great was the host, stark their division,
Rude their name, rough their shout.
24. Then he went into the Brug and charged through the hosts,
and took to slaughtering and maiming them long through the day.
There came Sin to them and gave Muircertach kingship over
them, and he rested from battling. And then the king fared forth
to Cletech, and Sin formed two great battalions between him and
the fortress. When he saw them he charged through them and
began to do battle against them.
25. Now when he was delivering that battle, then Cairnech sent
Masan and Casan and Cridan to seek him, so that he might have
God’s assistance, for the high saint knew of the oppression be
suffered at that time. The clerics met him in the Brug, while he
was hacking the stones and the sods and the stalks; and one of the
clerics spoke and Muircertach answered:
Why do you fell the stones,
O Muircertach, without reason?
We are sad that you are weak,
According to the will of an idolater working magic.
Mac Erca:
The cleric who attacked me,
I came into conflict with him:
I know not furthermore
That the stones are not alive.
Put Christ’s mysterious cross
Now over thine eyes:
Abate for a time thy furies:
For what reason do you fell the stones?
26. Then the soldier’s royal wrath ceased and his senses came to
him, and he put the sign of the Cross over his face, and then he
saw nothing there save the stones and sods of the earth. Then he
asked tidings of the clerics, and said, “Why do you come?” “We
came,” they answered, “to meet thy corpse, for death is near
thee.” And he said:
We have come to meet your body,
So that the stories can be told.
We will take you to Tuilén,
Oh good man without conscience.
Mac Erca:
My body should be beautifully cleaned.
Masan and Casan, in the morning,
Take my mutilated body to Cairnech.
We will carry your pitiable body
Until it reaches Tuilén.
It will be a major cause of sadness
In the noble land of Ireland.
Mac Erca:
Oh Clerics, I feel great pain,
As though my soul separates from my body.
Were it not for your guidance
I would be cold in a strange land.
By Cairnech and Tigernach the vigorous,
And the high and noble Saints of Ireland,
We would not let you be in cold hell,
O brave hero with the mighty sword.
Mac Erca:
I ask forgiveness from the king of heaven,
With all my heart.
My pure body is under your protection tonight,
Because you have come to me.
27. The clerics marked out a church there in the Brug, and told
him to dig its trench in honour of the great Lord of the Elements.
“It shall be done,” said he. Then he began digging the trench, so
that it was then for the first time that the green of the Brug was
injured. And he was telling the clerics his own tidings, and
making God a fervent repentance. He said:
I had every night without a doubt
A head Of Ulster and Connaught.
I was twenty-five years without fail
In the kingship of Ireland.
There was no night so far
Without the slaying of someone in Ireland.
Two years I was east in Alba,
I have killed my grandsire,
I have brought a host there into troubles,
By my deeds Loarn fell.
Two years I was afterwards
In kingship over Danes,
There has been no night there at
Without the heads of two on stakes.
Here is my true confession,
In the presence of the king of kings.
I have been much of my days without weakness,
And I have not been near death.
Now after this confession the clerics blessed water for him, and be
partook of the Body of Christ, and made to God a fervent
repentance. And he told them to relate to Cairnech how he had
made his confession and repentance. So then he said:
Fearful, fearful is the everlasting beast,
Cold, cold is the stone against my side.
29. The clerics remained for that night in the church of the Brug,
and the king went to Cletech and sat there at his lady’s right
hand. Sin asked him what bad interrupted his combat on that day.
“The clerics came to me,” he answered, “and they put the sign of
the Cross of Christ over my face, and then I saw nothing save
fern and stone and puff-balls. And since there was no one there to
fight me, I came away.” Then Sin spoke:
I will be always along with you,
O fair damsel without evil plight;
Likelier to me is your countenance
Than the churches of the clerics.
31. Then Sin beguiled his mind and came between him and the
teachings of the clerics, and on that night she made a magical
wine for the king and his troops. The seventh night she was at her
magic, on the eve of Wednesday after Samhain (Halloween)
precisely. When the hosts were intoxicated there came the sigh of
a great wind. “This is ‘the sigh of a winter-night,”’ said the king.
And Sin said:
I am Rough-Wind,
A daughter of fair nobles:
Winter-night is my name,
I am everywhere at the same time.
32. And then she caused a great snowstorm there; and never had
come a noise of battle that was greater than the shower of thick
snow that poured there at that time, and from the northwest,
precisely it came. Then the king came forth and went into the
house again, and began reproaching the storm; and he said:
I will never see such a night again.
The energy of Cletech is cold,
Your age has been shortened.
Do not say my timeless names,
An evil fate threatens if you do.
Mac Erca.
I will not state them and
I will also avoid them all,
This I declare tonight,
I have no doubt that misfortune is evil.
33. When the feasting ended, then the hosts lay down, and in no
one of them was the strength of a woman in childbed. Then the
king lay down on his couch, and a heavy sleep fell upon him.
Then he made a great screaming out of his slumber and awoke
from his sleep. “What is that?” said the damsel. “A great host of
demons has appeared to me,” he answered; whereupon he said:
Round my head blazing forever,
The Clan of Niall in wrongful suffering
Through the spells of witches,
Their shields are wearily laid down
By arrangement of the curse.
Weapons that are crossed,
Wounds that come quickly,
The cry of a mighty host under red fire,
This is what has appeared to me.
34. The king rose up, for the vision which he beheld did not let
him sleep, and he came forth out of the house, and in the little
church of the Brug he saw a little fire by the clerics. He came to
them and said, “There is neither strength nor vigor in me
tonight.” And he related his vision and his dream. “And it is
hard,” said he, “to show prowess tonight even though hosts of
foreign enemies should attack me, because of the weakness in
which we are and the badness of the night.” So then the clerics
began instructing him. He came in at once and there he said:
Why do you say my name, O man,
O son of Erc and Muiredach?
You will find death—feast without disgrace—
Sleep not in the House of Cletech.
Tell me, you griefless lady,
What number of the hosts shall fall by me?
Hide it not from me, tell without commandment,
What number will fall by my right hand?
No one will fall by you to the floor,
O son of Erc of the high rank:
You, O king, have surely ended:
Your Strength has come to nothing.
A great defect is my being without strength,
O noble Sin of many forms,
Often have I killed a fierce warrior,
Though tonight I am under oppression.
Many have fallen by your effort,
O son of Loarn’s daughter!
You have brought a multitude of hosts to silence;
Alas, that you are in evil easel.
35. “That is true, O damsel,” said he; “death is near to me; for it
was foretold that my death and the death of Loarn my grandfather
would be alike; for he did not fall in battle, but was burnt alive.
“Sleep then tonight,” said the damsel, “and leave to me to watch
you and to guard you from the hosts; and, if it is your fate, the
house will not be burnt over you tonight.” “Truly, there is
coming, with designs upon us, Tuathal Maelgarb son of Cormac
Caich son of Cairbre son of Niall of the Nine Hostages.”
“Though Tuathal with all his hosts be coming with designs upon
you, have you no fear of him tonight,” said the damsel, “and
sleep now.”
36. Then he went into his bed and asked the damsel for a drink,
and she cast a sleeping charm upon that deceptive wine, so that
when he drank a draught of it, it made him drunk and feeble,
without sap or strength. Then he slept heavily and he saw a
vision, to wit, that he went in a ship to sea, and his ship
foundered, and a taloned griffin came to him and carried him into
her nest, and then he and the nest were burnt, and the griffin fell
with him.
37. The king awoke and ordered his vision to be taken to his
foster-brother Dub Da Rinn220 son of the druid Saignen221, and
Dub Da Rinn gave him the meaning of it as so: “This is the ship
wherein you have been, as such, the ship of your princedom on
the sea of life, and with you steering it. This is the ship that
foundered, and your life is to come to an end. This is the taloned
griffin that has carried you into her nest, the woman that is in
your company, to make you intoxicated, and to bring you with
her into her bed, and to detain you in the house of Cletech so that
it will burn over you. Now the griffin that fell with you is the
woman who will die as well because of you. This then is the
significance of that vision.”
38. The king then slept heavily after Sin had cast the sleep-charm
upon him. Now while he was in that sleep Sin arose and arranged
the spears and the javelins of the hosts in readiness in the doors
and then turned all their points toward the house. She formed by
magic many crowds and multitudes throughout the house and the
sidewalk, and then she entered the bed.
39. It was then that the king awoke from his sleep. “What is it?”
asked the damsel.
Dub Da Rinn - The dark spear??. Mac Erca’s foster brother a druid. Compare
“A host of demons has appeared to me, burning the house upon me
and slaughtering my people at the door.” “You cannot be hurt by
that,” said the damsel; “it only seemed so.”
40. Now when they were thus in converse, they heard the crash of
the burning house, and the shout of the host of demons and
wizardry around it. “Who is around the house?” asked the king.
Said Sin, “Tuathal Maelgarb son of Cormac Caib son of Niall of
the Nine Hostages, with his armies. He is here taking vengeance
on you for the battle of Grainne.” And the king knew not that this
was untrue, and that no human host was surrounding the house.
41. He arose swiftly and came to seek his arms, and found no one
to answer him. The damsel went forth from the house, and he
followed her at once, and he met a host in front of him, so that he
went heavily through them. From the door he returned to his bed.
The hosts thereupon went forth, and no one of them escaped
without wounding or burning.
42. Then the king came again towards the door, and between him
and it were the embers and hails of fire. When the fire had filled
the doorway222 and the entire house around, he found no shelter
for himself, so he got into a cask of wine, and therein he was
drowned, as he went under it every second time for fear of the
The piercing by spears placed by Sin in the doorway as well has been left out of this
fire. Then the fire fell on his head, and five feet of his length was
burnt; but the wine kept the rest of his body from burning.
43. The day after, when the morning came, the clerics Masan and
Casan and Cridan came to the king and carried his body to the
Boyne and washed it.
44. Cairnech also came to him and made great grief in bewailing
him, and said, “A great loss to Ireland today is Mac Erca, one of
the four best men that have gained possession of Erin without
trickery and without force, namely, Muircertach mac Erca, Niall
of the Nine Hostages, Conn the Hundred-Fighter, and Ugaine
Two years for him at the house of king
Muiredach the great, of good worth,
Until afterwards, with sorrow he parted,
Afflicting Muiredach with much grief.
The king of all Ireland [Mac Erca],
The descendent of Eoghan in High kingship.
Twenty five years without end,
Until his life was cut short.
46. Then Duinsech, the wife of Muircertach, met the clerics while
the corpse was among them, and she made a great, mournful
lamentation, struck her palms together, and leaned her back
against the ancient tree in Anach Reil; and a burst of gore broke
from her heart in her breast, and straightway she died of grief for
her husband. Then the clerics put the queen’s corpse along with the
corpse of the king. And then said Cairnech:
Twenty-five years of solid time,
In the high kingship of Ireland,
Until the king was caused to depart from us
Mother of his children, Duinsech.
47. Then the queen was buried and her grave was made. The king
was buried near the church on the north side, and Cairnech
declared the king’s character and uttered this lay:
Five feet having been burnt.
The wine in the vat was not deep enough.
48. When the clerics had finished the burial they saw coming
toward them a solitary woman, beautiful and shining, robed in a
green mantle with its fringe of golden thread. A smock of
priceless silk was about her. She reached the place where the
clerics were and saluted them, and so the clerics saluted her. And
they perceived upon her an appearance of sadness and sorrow and
they recognized that she it was that had ruined the king. Cairnech
asked tidings of her and said:
You have killed the King of Tara,
With many of his households, By
an awful, evil deed.
I can tell you,
I can make no denial,
Oh Clerics of power and knowledge,
In exchange for my body,
Give the sky my soul,
I will tell you then,
What I took with fierceness,
From the hero of the world.
If you do oh maiden,
Sorrowful shall be your confession,
Your penance shall be keen,
The irony is a great testimony,
Forgiveness to each man,
We bring to all things,
Through the supreme King of all,
God himself in this place.
49. Then the clerics asked her who she herself was, or who was her
father or her mother, and what cause she had from the king that
she should ruin him.
“Sin” she replied, “is my name, and Sige son of Dian son of Tren
is my father. Muircertach mac Erca killed my father, my mother,
and my sister in the Battle of Cerb on the Boyne, and also
destroyed in that battle all the Old-Tribes of Tara and my
fatherland.” So then Cairnech said and Sin replied:
Say, oh Sin, a statement without question,
Tell truly who was you father,
And what prompted you, oh woman
And who is your family.
I am the daughter of Sige the slender
Of the tribe of Tara above the Boyne I
will not hide the truth
I will put it in order.
Sige had mastered trickery,
With his speech he brought a host into trouble,
There was no one equal in battle,
No river in Banba so cloaked in red [blood].
Dearer to you is the father that loved you
Than to Muircertach descendant of Niall.
By no means feel forsaken ,
Oh gentle smooth and melodious maiden.
Myself, I will die of grief for him,
The high-king of the western world,
And for the guilt of the sore tribulations
That I brought on the sovereign of Erin.
Good fortune to you oh great Abbott.
50. Then she confessed to Cairnech, and to God she made fervent
repentance, as was taught her, and she went in obedience to
Cairnech, and straightway died of grief for the king. So Cairnech
said that a grave should be made for her, and that she should be
put under the award of the earth. It was done as the cleric
ordered, and he said
Of Sin (Sheen)
Many shall be her names who will put one astray.
Unloving is the woman whose name is Sheen,
For whose sake fire shall burn the king,
In the house of Cletty, wine shall drown him.
She was the wanton woman, who slew the heir of Niall,
Her name is in every place and road on a winter’s day,
The sigh of a rapid storm without reproach
And the groan of the milking cow.
Without doubt, these are where you will hear her name.
You have gone, forever on high,
With your bright body that belongs in hell.
I give thanks to Christ who loves me,
And the holy angel who watches over me,
It has been pleasant in my time,
To be in the presence of the good angel.
greatest victory of the Britons over the Saxons. Is this a
coincidence or do we really have the first evidence of someone
named after the great battle?
Whether Mac Erca was really the same person as Muircertach
Mac Muiredaig is a question that will take further study as would
be the question as to who Mac Erca really was if he wasn’t
identical to Muircertach. The name Muircertach itself appears to
be a late form and may not have existed anyway in the fifth and
sixth centuries. There is also the question as to whether Mac Erca
was an Irishman possibly of the clan of Conall, adopted by the Uí
Néills or whether he was a Briton adopted into Irish genealogies
much like St Ninian was by two separate Irish families and
genealogies by the late seventh century.
We know Mac Erca was historical, having been mentioned by
Adamnan in the late seventh century and by his mention in the
Bail Chuin of the early to mid seventh century, as well as the
Annal entries that show the older spelling of Erce.
Was Mac Erca the man known to the Welsh and Britons as
Arthur? I have made tentative links with the name and its
incarnations over the years, from its Ogham and early Latin
forms to the links with the Irish words for sky and heaven and for
the subsequent suggestion of a possible meaning of `son of
Ursus’ in effect `son of the bear’. As Arthur means bear in Welsh
and I have shown that Erc could evolve into Erth, also meaning
bear in Welsh, then the possibility that Mac Erca could have been
an Arthur is certainly a possibility.
In a larger work I will endeavor to answer some of the
problems mentioned above and come to conclusions concerning
Arthur, King of the Britons, but for now I hope you have enjoyed
the tales of the Irish Arthur, who accomplished everything that
the Welsh Arthur is said to have done and in exactly the same
time frame.
Appendix consisting of the original tales from the Irish HB and the
Baile Chuind Chétchathaig:
It happened that he was at that time getting his arms consecrated
by Cairnech, the son of his mother's sister; then Cairnech said to
him, ‘Thou shalt be king of Eri and of Britain for ever, and shalt
go to heaven after, provided thou canst but prevent Luirig from
exercising his power against the Church.’ Then Mac Erca went to
the king, and after he came he told his message, viz.: ‘Build not
thy city’ (said he) ‘in the precincts of Cairnech the bishop.’ ‘As
God is my judge,’ says Luirig, ‘I think more of the power of the
pet wild fawn he has, than of his own power, or of the power of
the Lord God whom he adores.’ Mac Erca returned to Cairnech,
and told him the result. Great wrath suddenly seized Cairnech, et
dixit, ‘My prayer to my Lord, to my God, is, that that very fawn
may be the cause of his death, and by thy hand, O Mac Erca!’
Cairnech then commanded Mac Erca to go forth and destroy his
brother, and he Mac Erca immediately took upon himself to fight
him; and he went forth at the command of Cairnech to destroy the
king. And God worked a great miracle there for Cairnech, viz. he
sent a wild fawn out of the mountain into the king's assembly,
and the host all went in pursuit of it except the king himself and
his women. Et dixit Mac Erca, ‘If you had been just, my Lord,
towards your cleric, it is certain that it would give increased
happiness to have the royal robe on Luirig.’ Then Mac Erca
thrust his battle staff into the king's side, so that it was balanced:
and he returned to his cleric, and the head of the king with him, as
a token; et dixit, ‘Lo, here is thy brother's head for thee, O
Cairnech.’ Et dixit Cairnech, ‘Leave me the bone, and eat thou
the marrow, and every third coarb shall be thine for ever, here
and in Eri.’
Then he (Mac Erca) took the hostages and the power of the
district into his own hands, conjointly with Cairnech, for seven
years, as also the supreme sovereignty of Britain, and Cat, and
Orc, and Saxonland.
And Mac Erca then committed an additional sin, that is, he took
to himself the wife of Luirig, after many battles and conflicts
with the king of France, to take his daughter from him, until at
last the daughter fell into Mac Erca's hands, and she bare him
four sons, viz. Constantine, and Gaedhal-Ficht (from whom
descend the kings of Britain, and the kings of Britain-Cornn);
Nellenn (a quo gens Nellan), and Scannal, the other son, a quo
gens Scannail; i. e. it is in Eri the descendants of the two last are.
Now a great synod of the clergy of Europe was made at Tours of
Martin, viz., three hundred and thirty-seven bishops, with the
coarb of Peter, to meet Cairnech, Bishop of Tours and Britain-
Cornn, and of all the British, to cast out every heresy, and to
reduce every country to the discipline of the Church. And the
chieftainship of the martyrs of the world was given to Cairnech,
because martyrdom was his own choice. And Cairnech found
thrice fifty bishops who made it also their choice to accompany
Cairnech in pilgrimage, and that number went to Lien in
pilgrimage for the sake of Mac Erca and Muiredhach.
Cairnech then set out to the Britons of Cornn or Carnticeon, and a
city was built by him under ground, in order that he might not see
the earth, nor the country, nor the sky; and he increased the
strength and sovereignty of Mac Erca for a year, and he (i.e.
Cairnech) came to Eri before him, so that he was the first bishop
of the Clann-Niall and of Temhar (Tara), and he was the first
martyr and the first monk of Eri, and the first Brehon of the men
of Eri also.
Now, after this the Franks and the Saxons made war against Mac
Erca, and he destroyed their country and their cities after a long
contest; and the country and the power of the territories adjacent
to him were also destroyed by the greatness of his power and of
his strength; and after this he came with a large fleet to take the
sovereignty of Eri. He landed at Fan-na-long on the Boyne,
where he burned his ships, from which circumstance comes the
name of Fan-na-long; and he killed the provincial kings of Ireland
afterwards, and took their sovereignty by right for ever, for
himself and for his descendants. And then the power and strength
of Britain was destroyed after him.
The Ecstasy of Conn of the Hundred Battles 223
RIA MS 23 N 10
Art shall drink it after forty nights, a mighty hero, until he shall
die at Mucruime. Mac Con of the race of Lugaid Loígde, who
shall play for a day and a week against Fergus Dubdétach, until
they shall die at Bri, through seeking a battle which he shall
deliver towards Crinnae. Corbmac shall drink it up; an ancient
drink; a pleasant warrior; he shall die at Scoilicc; he shall be a
glorious man over her; he shall wash her. Coirpre shall drink it, a
fitting contestant with righteousness of rule. Firachri shall
demand it; the great deceits of Meath shall advance to the distant
sea, till Broadfaced Dáire shall distribute it for a plenteous
month. Fécho, unwitting man of fire, from whom they shall be
assessed in regard to tax, shall demand it. Muiredach Tírech shall
be thirty-yeared. Glorious Crimthann shall bind her with a bond,
broad fierce shape beneath foot, till Níall shall be extolled; (...)
battles of boundaries, till fierce Loígaire shall be grieved by the
coming of the Adzeheads, crossbeams of houses, bent trees, they
used to carry blossoms, a rampart, a fort. An excellent champion,
Coirpre, shall drink it. Feirce Lugaid of noble great drinking
shall be approached: ordeal of battle. A glorious man upon
him, Mac Ercéne. Óengarb shall take it with fame of fierce
spear. Aíd, glorious champion, shall take it, Aíd Olláin who shall
smite a smiting. Diarmait's justice shall be on her: Diarmati, by
Murphey, G. "Two Sources in Thurneysen's Heldensage". Ériu 15 (1952) 144-56.
Thurneysen, R. (ed), 'Baile Chuind Chétchathaig nach der Handschrift von Druim
Snechta', Zu irischen Handschriften und Litteraturdenkmälern (Berlin 1912) 48-52.
whom forts shall be ruled with glorious (...), shall demand it, till
towards Irthine (?) (...) Féachno (...) over her. Noble Suibne shall
be better. Domnall shall be a glorious Óengus. Bláthmac shall
approach it, [and] Diarmait, the other's grandson. He who shall
celebrate the celebration, rule of exemptions, rule of guilts, rule
of slayers, is the two-hundred-yeared Éilimm who was: Snechta
Fína [, i.e. Fínṡnechta aliter Fínnachta] who shall pour shall drink
it: rule from Níall to Níall; the descendant of Níall is everyone's
Níall: hostages are pledged; fire approchaes thee; through him
bracken shall be red and rough; perhaps in the third month over a
year he shall die by the sea: great the gloom and loss to the
world's generations. A sixty-year king, after hosts it is his; he
shall die by blood; fierce battle shall injure them, loss, death.
Flann of Assal shall be over her, a glorious heir: he shall
powerfully bind her with a handful of hostages. Furbaide shall
approach it, better thane very man over her, a king good in regard
to judgement, good in regard to splendour, glorious ruler upon
whom shall be a heavy (...) smiting as a result for which there
shall be death at Brī. The rule of Cailech, strongly shall it be
known over her. Glúnṡalach shall be over her; a race who sides
are very red, he shall bind them with hostages; he shall seize
Ross; he shall rule Munster, good battle, first (...) of Irthine (?),
glorious ruler over Tara. A kin-slaying man, prone to unjust
judgements, shall approach it; he shall drink it to the pit of the
world; encircling Saxons, he shall drive them from Corc; he is the
king of Munster of great lordships in Tara.
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Cruithnians ...................................136 Forcus .................................45, 46, 47
Cuinne ............................................81 Forteviot ...........................................8
Cul Dreimne ...................................45 Franks ....................24, 73, 75, 76, 139
Culhwch and Olwen .........................9
Gabran ............................................70
Danes ....................12, 24, 29, 75, 111 Gailenga ..........................................98
Diarmait Mac Cerbaill .....................31 Geoffrey of Monmouth. .8, 11, 12, 21,
Dinshenchas ...................................21 38, 61, 73, 133, 144, 147
Domangart .....................................70 Gorlois ............................................33
Domnall30, 45, 46, 47, 48, 56, 66, 124, Gránaird ....................................50, 51
142 griffin .....................................118, 119
Domnall ua Néill .............................30 Guinevere ........................9, 10, 12, 39
Donnchad Donn ..............................30
doomsday .................................88, 95
Druid .................................20, 61, 122
Drumleen ..................................59, 60 Historia Brittonum ...4, 15, 17, 23, 24,
Duach ............................65, 67, 68, 83 58, 60, 69
Dub Da Rinn ..................................119
Duinsech 24, 39, 65, 67, 83, 85, 87, 89,
91, 92, 93, 123, 124, 147
Igraine .............................................33
Inní Móir .........................................50
E Iona .....................................35, 50, 69
Eblinne .....................................50, 80 Ireland...4, 5, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 29,
Echoid ............................................47 30, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 50,
Echtra Muircheartach Mac Erca ....21 52, 55, 56, 58, 60, 63, 66, 69, 71,
Eithne the hateful ...........................63 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
England 11, 69, 74, 144, 145, 146, 147, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94,
148, 151, 153 102, 109, 111, 121, 123, 124, 125,
Eochaidh Tirmcharna .....................67 137, 139, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149,
Eocho Abratchain Mac Ecuid ..........58 150, 151, 152
Erc. .21, 27, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 43, 44, Irish. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16,
55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 70, 73, 80, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27,
83, 117, 122, 134, 136, 147 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 39, 40,
ERCIAS ..........................................37 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 54, 55, 56,
Erin .....59, 74, 76, 83, 84, 89, 94, 110, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69,
121, 129 72, 73, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 86, 125,
133, 134, 135, 136, 144, 145, 146,
147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153
Fan-na-long .............................77, 139
Fedhlim ...........................................35
Fergus. . .35, 48, 55, 58, 62, 66, 67, 69, King Duach ................................63, 67
70, 124, 141
Fina .................................................66
Finn ..........................................16, 64
Muiredach. .20, 34, 47, 49, 56, 57, 58,
L 61, 75, 83, 117, 122, 123, 141
Laud Synchronisms .........................21 Munster 34, 50, 63, 66, 74, 80, 81, 82,
Layamon .........................................31 110, 143
Leabhar Buidhe Lecain ..................27
Lebhor Bretnach .......................17, 23
Leinster. 21, 55, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 74,
78, 79, 80, 81, 110 Nennius .......................17, 21, 69, 152
Lia Fáil .................................20, 69, 70 Niall 20, 34, 42, 47, 56, 58, 61, 62, 63,
Lil Nic Dhonnchadha .......................30 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, 87, 88, 91, 93,
Loarn33, 34, 43, 55, 57, 58, 59, 67, 69, 94, 95, 99, 111, 116, 118, 120, 121,
70, 74, 111, 118, 122, 136, 137 128, 130, 136, 139
Loch Febail ......................................96
Lucius Artorius Castus ...................11
Lugaide ..............23, 24, 49, 56, 71, 72
Luigne .............................................98 Uí Néill. .28, 30, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49,
Luirig ...............................56, 136, 138 50, 81
Of the Miracles of Cairnech Here...23,
M Ogham ...........36, 37, 43, 44, 134, 149
Mabinogian .........................9, 74, 148 Oilill Molt ........................................62
Mabuter .........................................39 Orkney ............................................29
Mac Erca 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 33, 36, Orkneys ...........................4, 12, 20, 73
38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, Oswiu ..............................................66
51, 52, 55, 60, 61, 64, 67, 70, 71,
72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 91, 93,
95, 98, 102, 104, 105, 106, 109,
110, 115, 119, 121, 123, 124, 125, Picts .........4, 10, 12, 24, 55, 56, 70, 73
131, 133, 134, 136, 138, 139
Mac Erce .. .37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, R
51, 56, 57
Mac Ercéne. 23, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, Riothamus .......................................12
142 Romans ....................5, 10, 23, 38, 147
MacArthur ......................................40
Ross Ailigh .......................................59
maqi Ercias .....................................43
Ruaidrí ua Canannáin ......................30
Mary ...............................................93
Masan ...........................107, 109, 121
McCarthy ......................40, 54, 67, 76
Medraut ............................................7 Saignen ..................................119, 122
Merlin .........................................9, 38 Sarran ..........................35, 55, 61, 136
Misach of Cairnech .........................94 Sawley Gloss ...................................39
Muircertach Mac Erca..20, 22, 27, 42, Saxons.4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 20, 24, 51,
46, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 62, 75, 77, 52, 55, 61, 66, 73, 76, 77, 123, 136,
84, 97, 132 139, 143
Muircertach Mac Muiredaig41, 45, 46, Scotland. .4, 7, 8, 9, 20, 55, 66, 69, 70,
48, 49, 134 147, 149, 150, 151
Muirchertach ...27, 28, 42, 53, 63, 68, Segaisse ..........................................50
69, 81, 82, 83, 125, 147 Seghais ......................................67, 68
Sheen ..........................24, 31, 79, 130 Tuathal Maelgarb ..........118, 120, 132
Sighe ...............................................79 Tuilén ............................................109
Sin31, 79, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 93, 99,
100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,
126, 127, 128, 129, 130 Ua Canannain ..................................30
Slane .........................................33, 60 Ua Mael Doraid ...............................30
St Cairnech...17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 55, 73 Uí Néill .........................64, 65, 82, 145
St Columba ......16, 35, 44, 59, 66, 151 Ulster. .3, 7, 20, 27, 28, 42, 44, 45, 50,
St. Patrick ..........................55, 60, 144 51, 52, 65, 70, 74, 82, 94, 111, 147,
St.Cairnech ..........................18, 27, 57 150, 152
St.Germanus .....................................5 Ursus .................................36, 37, 134
St.Patrick ..............................5, 33, 72 Uther ...............................9, 10, 33, 39
Strathclyde ......15, 55, 61, 70, 72, 149
Vortigern ..........................................4
Tara. 28, 48, 61, 63, 64, 76, 78, 81, 94,
126, 127, 128, 130, 139, 143, 151
The Gododdin’ ...........................6, 34
The Yellow book of Lecan ...............27 Whitley Stokes ..........................31, 83
Thoraid ...........................................88 wine 79, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 112,
Tigernach .......20, 35, 56, 57, 109, 132 114, 118, 121, 125, 130
Tir Connell ......................................59