LAS 1 - in The World Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages
LAS 1 - in The World Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages
LAS 1 - in The World Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages
Name: Bea Andrea E. Bueno Grade / Score : _______________
Colleges: Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel Program/Course : BCSS2-1
Course Title: ________________________ Date : 09-06-2021
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below)
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills: Exercise / Drill Illustration Informal Theme ____________
The ancient times predates to the time when civilization is still in its baby steps. Most
human settlements such as tribes, kingdoms, and empires are spiritually inclined in their
lives; believing in various deities as to explain why certain phenomenon occurs. As
such, the scientific community of this era is still heavily influenced by rituals and
Since science in that era is heavily tainted with spiritualism, most scientists pursue
knowledge thru arts, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and astronomy.
Mathematics was considered as a major field during those times since it has a wide
array of application: from arithmetic in economy and war, to geometric principles in
architecture and engineering. Famous mathematicians from various ancient civilizations
were considered as founding fathers and authorities in various disciplines, and up until
now their works are still imminent in contemporary mathematics. For instance,
Pythagoras’s Theorem (Pythagorean Theorem) is a fundamental geometric principle felt
in engineering.
Due to the lack of awareness in the place of humanity in the vastness of the universe,
some pursue knowledge in Arts and Philosophy. Here, men tried to come up with
principles as to why we exist, our place and roles in this world, and where we are
heading once we out of the game. Since the value of human life is still explored, various
schools that teaches how one should carry on with his life emerges.
With the advent of human life’s value, the need to preserve it emerges. Prolonging
human life thru the pursue of knowledge became the primary objective of ancient
medicine. In the earliest civilization, so little was known about the human body and
pharmaceutical potentials of plant. Pioneering men in such fields were Aristotle, Galen,
and Hippocrates. Aristotle made a crude attempt in differentiating animals from plants
by pure observation. Galen made further studies on Aristotle’s crude plant science and
founded medicinal botany. Hippocrates, on the other hand, was known for his important
contribution in laying the foundation of medicine during these times.
Although we have selected men who could make a somewhat estimated attempt during
the ancient times, still the legitimacy of other fields is somewhat questionable. This is
because their data were derived from what they can only observe thru their eyes.
Another reason why is because microscopic and atomic concept, two of the core
dogmas of biology and chemistry, are yet well established.
What’s more, the authority of knowledge were temple men, priests, and shamans who
are inclined more in the spiritual world.
Alchemy can generally be defined as an ancient art form that seeks purification of the
soul and immortality in parallel with the transmutation of chemical elements where gold
symbolizes perfection. Alchemists made medicines and pharmaceuticals, and
endeavored to understand the material basis of the world. Although the alchemists
practiced actual chemistry and medicine, turning lead into gold symbolized a spiritual
transmutation equivalent to an awakened consciousness present in all forms and which
created the universe. In Western alchemy, perfection is achieved through the action of
the Philosophers Stone. Alchemists believed that it could turn any substance into gold,
prolong life and cure illness. The Philosophers Stone is created from “prima materia”,
which is the primitive formless base of all matter, similar to our modern concepts of dark
matter or chaos.
Alchemy was influential in the formulation of Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity. It is also
central to Jung’s idea of the collective unconscious. Much of the vast array of symbols
used in alchemy draws from the Collective Unconscious of the West. The history of
alchemy is very complex, and it is impossible to even scratch the surface in this article.
1. How did the past knowledge shape the progress of society and the growth of
technology as of today based on the discussion above?
Based on what I have understood from the discussion the past knowledge
is shaping us to expand more our technologies. In enhancing us to level up
more in terms of communicating and upgrading every day to create new on
that help us in our daily lives.
2. Why is it vital to look back upon past documents if are to advance with our study
is science and technology?
Science and technology are one of the most powerful tool that can lead us
to the new world. It is vital to look back and make choices if the decisions
and documents are from the past because it will be a hindrance or an
advantage and it will affect the future.