Hi Peter,
How are you? We haven’t meet for a long time, but here is a great opportunity because I moved into
a new flat and I want to invite you to my house-warming party.
I had to move out from my old flat because I got a new job, but it’s really far away from my old
home. It was difficult to sell my old home, because nobody wants to move out to a village and the
value of a house is less in here. than in a big city. The nw flat is not as huge as the old one, but it’s
eneough for me. We have only one bathroom and the kitchen is the american type.
I meet -yesterday with the new neighbours and they were really kind. They are an old couple with no
kids. The only problem is that the streets are really busy and noisy even at in the evenings. We have
to find out something. figure something out
Best regards
I know the hungarian universities don’t have a high rank in the ranking of european universities, but I
heard from a guy, who studied in oxford and in hungary,that the educationin hungary isn’t not worse
just different.
In most of the european country, you have the opportunity to learn in english, but you have to be on
a really high level to understans the lessons in english. In my opinion, you can’t learn the language of
the country where you study if you can communicate in english with local people.
To study abroad is a great opportunity to meet people, to build new relationships, but it can be
dangerous. Introverted people can’t build relationships well or quickly, they can feel really alone
The expenses are also important, because fees are extremely high in many countries compared to
the hungarian fees, and the living is also more expensive then in Hungary. It can be hard to find a job
or reach a scolarship.