Module 3 Villanueva

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VILLANUEVA June 1, 2021


Activity 1: After you read the article, write a one-paragraph reflection of the issues raised by the
public-school teachers. Make sure to address the following questions in your reflection:
(a) Are their claims valid?
(b) What specific rights and privileges of the public-school teachers are not fully addressed
by the government?
(c) Must the government address their demands?

My Reflection

a) The teachers claim are valid.To be a Teacher. They are suffering from being underpaid and overtaxed
and overworked.

b) Tthe right to have an appropriate amount salary that can compensate their daily living and tto lessen
the tax deducted from them.

c) The government must give attention to this matter.

Activity 2: Based on your initial understanding, what do you think are the rights and privileges a
public-school teacher could avail of? Mention at least 10.
The Rights and Privileges of a Public-School Teacher
The right to have an adequate salary
The right to have a salary even on maternity leave
Privileges to have freedom to transfer to other school
Uniform and chalk allowances
Right to be respected without discrimination
Right to be promoted
Privileges to be paid on their special contribution and hardship
Married teachers should be destined in the same locality
Right to have a freedom in conducting different teaching methods
Teachers have the right to on medical examination and assistance

Let’s EXPLORE: My Concept of a Professional and Professionalism

and Ethical Standards

Activity 1: Professional and Professionalism

What does it mean to be a professional teacher and to exhibit professionalism? Write
down your thoughts in the space below.

A professional teacher is
a professional teacher is a dignified and reliable person paid to teach a subject.

Professionalism means
Professionalism is the conduct, behavior and attitude of someone in a work or
business environment. Professionalism leads to workplace success, a
strong professional reputation and a high level of work ethic and excellence.
Dedication, integrity and responsibility are elements of professionalism that make a
person successful in her field. By taking ownership of their roles and duties,
professionals make names for themselves and usually find promotion, opportunities
and repeat business come easily to them.

Activity 2: Ethical Standards

There is no dichotomy of morality. Teachers, at all times, shall adhere to the
standards of morality and decency. Thus, a teacher, both in his official and
personal conduct, must display exemplary behavior.
Instructions: Read the news article entitled “A Decided Case on Immorality of a
Public School Teacher using this link:
Then, express your critical comment on the decision made by the Supreme Court on the case.
Do you think the decision given was fair and correct?

My Thoughts on the Case

Ateacher must follow the teachers’ code of ethics. Rene did a wrong thing and it is immoral.
The court decision for this matter is just right for him since he violated the law. As a
teacher you must be a person with good moral and integrity.

LET’S Apply What You Learned

Demonstrate your understanding of each topic by doing the
given tasks. Choose a partner to work with.
Name of Partner: ____________________________________

Activity 1: On Rights and Privileges of Teachers
A. Read and analyze the following situations and tell whether the right or privilege
requested is due to a public-school teacher or not. Cite provisions in the Magna Carta
Law to justify your answer.

Scenario  - due Rationalization

x - not
1. Teacher Jane, after her study No teacher shall be
leave, was not able to finish her allowed to accumulate
master’s degree due to financial more than one year of
problems. She reasoned that she study leave unless he
did not have enough money to needs an additional
finance her thesis. She now semester to finish his
requests to extend her leave for
thesis for a graduate study
another six months with
compensation. in education or allied
courses: Provided, further,
that no compensation shall
be due the teacher after
the first year of such
leave. In all cases, the
study leave period shall be
counted for seniority and
pension purposes.

2. Ms. Rica is a member of a X Teachers should held

teachers’ union that holds a protest rally outside the
protest rally against an erring local official time.
government official. She filed a
letter asking that she will be
excused from reporting to the
classroom every afternoon to
spearhead the rally.
Scenario  - due Rationalization
x - not
3. Teacher Bong is assigned to teach  Special Hardship
in a remote locality. Due to the Allowances. In areas in
shortage of classrooms, he starts which teachers are
teaching from 6 AM until 3 PM. exposed to hardship such
He requests additional pay for he as difficulty in commuting
has to hire a private tricycle just to to the place of work or
report to school very early in the
other hazards peculiar to
the place of employment,
as determined by the
Secretary of Education,
they shall be compensated
special hardship
allowances equivalent to
at least twenty-five percent
of their monthly salary.

4. Teacher Johnny was ordered by  Teaching Hours. Any

the principal to come to school on teacher engaged in actual
four consecutive Saturdays for the classroom instruction shall
training of students’ editorial staff. not be required to render
Consequently, he requests the more than six hours of
corresponding service credits for actual classroom teaching
the work rendered beyond class
a day, which shall be so
scheduled as to give him
time for the preparation
and correction of
exercises and other work
incidental to his normal
teaching duties: Provided,
however, That where the
exigencies of the service
so require, any teacher
may be required to render
more than six hours but
not exceeding eight hours
of actual classroom
teaching a day upon
payment of additional
compensation at the same
rate as his regular
remuneration plus at least
twenty-five percent of his
basic pay.

5. Mr. Cruz is assigned to an area  Special Hardship

where there are military conflict Allowances. In areas in
and difficulty in travel. He claims which teachers are
hazard pay. exposed to hardship such
as difficulty in commuting
to the place of work or
other hazards peculiar to
the place of employment,
as determined by the
Secretary of Education,
they shall be compensated
special hardship
allowances equivalent to
at least twenty-five percent
of their monthly salary.

B. Identify 3 provisions in RA 4670 that you believe have not been not fully availed of
enjoyed by the public-school teachers. Suggest actions or resolutions that the
government must undertake to address and implement the provision. Indicate your
answer in the table provided below.

Provisions Suggested
1. No Discrimination. There shall be no Teachers should be treated
discrimination whatsoever in the entrance to the equally especially those who
teaching profession, or during its exercise, or in the wants to enter in teaching
termination of services, based on anything other than profession. They should be
professional consideration. evaluated properly based on their
performance not on the
closeness towards school
principal or municipality politics.
2. Special Hardship Allowances. In areas in which Government should value the
teachers are exposed to hardship such as difficulty in hardships of teachers that are
commuting to the place of work or other hazards assigned in the hazardous place
peculiar to the place of employment, as determined by of remote are. Teachers that are
the Secretary of Education, they shall be teaching in such place should be
compensated special hardship allowances equivalent given an extra salary or
allowance for commuting and
to at least twenty-five percent of their monthly salary.
risking their everyday safety just
to teach.
3. Consent for Transfer Transportation Expenses. Government must considerate
Except for cause and as herein otherwise provided, enough to transfer teachers in
no teacher shall be transferred without his consent different places without their
from one station to another. Where the exigencies of consideration. It usually happens
the service require the transfer of a teacher from one where teacher is assigned in
station to another, such transfer may be affected by different location without their
the school superintendent who shall previously notify approval. This should be taken
the teacher concerned of the transfer and the reason seriously especially if the teacher
or reasons therefor. If the teacher believes there is no has a family. no teachers should
justification for the transfer, he may appeal his case to be transferred without their
the Director of Public Schools or the Director of approval.
Vocational Education, as the case may be. Pending
his appeal and the decision thereon, his transfer shall
be held in abeyance: Provided, however, that no
transfers whatever shall be made three months before
any local or national election. Necessary transfer
expenses of the teacher and his family shall be paid
for by the Government if his transfer is finally

Activity 2: On Professionalization of Teaching

A. Direction: Contrast the significant provisions in PD 1006 and RA 7836 in terms of the
aspects specified in the first column.

Aspects of Comparison PD 1006 RA 7836

Ex. Application of the Civil Service Professional Regulation
term “commission” Commission Commission
1. Application of the National Board for Board for Professional
term “board” Teachers Teachers

2. Qualification Except those who have A citizen of the Philippines

requirement for been engaged in or an alien whose country
takers of the teaching as herein has reciprocity with the
examination defined for at least five Philippines in the practice
years in schools in the of the teaching profession;
Philippines not organized
exclusively for nationals
of a foreign country at
the time of the effectivity
of this Decree, the
applicant must be a
citizen of the Philippines.

3. Obtaining Teachers who have The registration of a

eligibility for passed examinations professional teacher
teaching given by the Civil Service commences from the date
Commission or jointly by his name is enrolled in the
the Civil Service roster of professional
Commission and the teachers. Every registrant
Department of Education who has satisfactorily met
and Culture shall be all the requirements
considered as having specified in this Act shall,
passed the board upon payment of the
examinations for registration fee, be issued
teachers. The Board may a certificate of registration
consider their certificates as a professional teacher
of rating as certificates of bearing the full name of
eligibility or issue an the registrant with serial
entirely new certificate number and date of
upon registration of the issuance signed by the
teacher and payment of chairman of the
the corresponding fees. Commission and the
chairman, vice-chairman,
and members of the
Board, stamped with the
official seal, as evidence
that the person named
therein is entitled to
practice the profession
with all the rights and
privileges appurtenant
4. Passing the In order that a candidate (To be determined by the
examination may be deemed to have Commission)
successfully passed the
examinations, he must
have obtained a general
average of at least 70
percent in all subjects,
with no rating below 50
percent in any subject.

5. Prohibition in the Three years after the Except as otherwise

practice of effectivity of this Decree, allowed under this Act, no
teaching no person shall engage person shall practice or
profession in teaching and/or act as offer to practice the
a teacher as defined in teaching profession in the
this Decree, whether in Philippines or be
the public or private appointed as a teacher to
elementary or secondary any position calling for a
school, unless he is a teaching position without
holder of a Professional having previously obtained
Teacher Certificate or is a
considered a a valid certificate of
Professional Teacher registration and a valid
under this Decree. professional license from
the Commission.

Activity 3: On Ethical Standards

Instruction: Accomplish the matrix on The Teacher’s Ethics by extracting from the Code of
Ethics the List of Dos (ethical) and Don’ts (unethical) for Teachers. Provide 2 examples per

Article Title The Teacher’s Ethics

DOS (Ethical) DON’TS (Unethical)
ARTICLE II: THE Every teacher or school official Use his position or facial
TEACHER AND THE shall actively help carry out the authority or influence to
STATE declared policies of the state, coerce any other person to
and shall take an oath to this follow any political course of
effect. action.
Every teacher shall possess and Engage in the promotion of
actualize a full commitment and any political, religious, or
devotion to duty. other partisan interest, and
shall not. directly or
indirectly, solicit, require,
collect, or receive any
money or service or other
valuable material from any
person or entity for such
ARTICLE III: THE A teacher is a facilitator of Teacher will not involve
TEACHER AND THE learning and the development of
community in development
COMMUNITY the youth: he shall, therefore,
render the best service by of the youth and fail to
providing an environment
provide conducive learning
conducive to such learning and
growth. environment.
Every teacher shall provide Fail to provide leadership
leadership and initiative to
and initiative to actively
actively participate in community
movements for moral, social, participate in community
educational, economic, and civic
movements for moral, social,
educational, economic, and
civic betterment.
ARTICLE IV: A Every teacher shall actively Every teacher should not
TEACHER AND THE ensure that teaching is the
engage to any immorality
PROFESSION noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine enthusiasm that could bring dishonor to
and pride in teaching as a noble
Every teacher shall uphold the Every teacher should not go
highest possible standards of
to school unprepared all the
quality education, shall make the
best preparations for the career time it will most likely to
of teaching, and shall be at his
decrease the effectivity of
best at all times and in the
practice of his profession. the profession.
ARTICLE V: THE Teachers shall, at all times, be Entitled to claim credit or
TEACHERS AND THE imbued with the spirit of work, not of his own. and
PROFESSION professional loyalty, mutual shall give due credit for the
confidence, and faith in one work of others which he may
another, self-sacrifice for the use.
common good, and full
cooperation with colleagues.
When the best interest of the
learners, the school, or the
profession is at stake in any
controversy, the teacher shall
support one another.
A teacher shall hold inviolate all Divulge to anyone
confidential information
documents that have not
concerning associates and the
school, and shall not divulge to been officially released or
anyone documents that have not
remove records from the
been officially released or
remove records from the files files without permission.
without permission.
ARTICLE VI: THE Every teacher shall make it his Make a dishonest effort to
TEACHER AND HIGHER duty to make an honest effort to
understand and support the
AUTHORITIES IN THE understand and support the
PROFESSIONS legitimate policies of the school legitimate policies of the
and the administration
school and the
regardless of personal feelings
or private opinion and shall administration regardless of
faithfully carry them out.
personal feelings or private
opinion and shall faithfully
carry them out.
A teacher shall not make any Make any false accusations
false accusations or charges
or charges against superiors,
against superiors, especially
under anonymity. However, if especially under anonymity
there are valid charges, he
especially if they are not
should present such under oath
to the competent authority. valid charges.
ARTICLE VII: SCHOOL School officials, teachers, and School officials, teachers,
OFFICIALS TEACHERS other school personnel shall and other school personnel
AND OTHER consider it their cooperative doesn’t give importance to
PERSONNEL responsibility to formulate their cooperative
policies or introduce important responsibility to formulate
changes in the system at all policies or introduce
levels. important changes in the
system at all levels.
School officials shall encourage School officials will dismiss
and attend the professional or recommend for dismissal
growth of all teachers under a teacher or other
them such as recommending subordinates except for
them for promotion, giving them cause.
due recognition for meritorious
performance, and allowing them
to participate in conferences in
training programs.
ARTICLE VIII: THE A teacher has a right and duty to Accept favors or gifts from
TEACHERS AND determine the academic marks learners, their parents, or
LEARNERS and the promotions of learners others on their behalf in
exchange for requested
in the subject or grades he
concessions, especially if
handles, such determination undeserved.
shall be in accordance with
generally accepted procedures
of evaluation and measurement.
In case of any complaint,
teachers concerned shall
immediately take appropriate
actions, of serving due process.
A teacher shall recognize that Accept, directly or indirectly,
the interest and welfare of any remuneration from
learners are of first and foremost tutorials other than what is
concerns, and shall deal authorized for such service.
justifiably and impartially with
each of them.
ARTICLE IX: THE Every teacher shall establish Do not establish and
TEACHERS AND and maintain cordial relations
maintain cordial relations
PARENTS with parents, and shall conduct
himself to merit their confidence with parents, and shall
and respect.
conduct himself to merit their
confidence and respect.
A teacher shall hear parent’s Neglect parent’s complaints
complaints with sympathy and
and do not understand the
understanding, and shall
discourage unfair criticism. situation, and courage unfair
ARTICLE X: THE A teacher has the right to Give much more attention on
engage, directly or indirectly, in income generation not on his
legitimate income generation: work as a teacher.
provided that it does not relate
to or adversely affect his work as
a teacher.
A teacher shall maintain a good Teacher who unsatisfactorily
reputation with respect to
manage the settlement of his
financial matters such as in the
settlement of his debts and debts and loans in private
loans in arranging satisfactorily
financial affairs.
his private financial affairs.
ARTICLE XI: THE A teacher is, above all a human Teacher who doesn’t care
being endowed with life for about its own dignity outside
which it is the highest obligation school facilities and often
to live with dignity at all times show bad manners in public.
whether in school, in the home,
or elsewhere
A teacher shall maintain at all Teacher who practice
times a dignified personality that immorality and dishonor
could serve as a model worthy towards profession.
of emulation by learners, peers,
and all others.

Let’s Evaluate.

Test 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and analyze what is asked/required in each item and
write the CAPITAL letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each
number. (1 pt each)

_D__ 1. Teachers are persons in authority. This means __________________.

A. teachers cannot be accused
B. no person can assault a teacher
C. what the teachers say is always right
D. teachers cannot be questioned for the decision they make

__C_ 2. A group of public-school teachers held a strike to demand due salaries and
benefits. Is their act considered professional?
A. Yes, they have the right to peaceful assembly
B. No, they must not be after the salary or compensation
C. Yes, they have the right to express opinions and seek information
D. No, they show a bad example not worth emulating by the students

__D_ 3. Which activity of a teacher is considered to be UNETHICAL?

A. Having cordial relations with parents
B. Receiving due remuneration for tutorials
C. Imposing strict discipline to maintain order in the classroom
D. Exercising official influence to sell school commodities to the students

__A_ 4. Teacher Ben tutors his students who have difficulty coping with Math after
class hours. Is his act ethical?
A. Yes, provided he receives fair compensation.
B. Yes, provided he does not require a fee from the parents.
C. No, it is not fair to other students.
D. No, it is already beyond the school official time.

_C__ 5. Dr. Gomez acted on the complaint filed by a group of parents against the alleged
misconduct of a particular teacher. He issued a memorandum requiring a teacher to
take a leave of absence for a week while the complaint is being heard. Was the action
of the superintendent legal?
A. Yes, because he is a superintendent.
B. Yes, the superintendent has disciplinary authority over teachers.
C. No, because the complaint has not been heard yet.
D. No, the superintendent has no disciplinary authority over teachers.
_C__ 6. When a Principal starts to exercise his/her powers over making and promoting
students, is his/her action acceptable?

A. No, grading and promoting students are exclusive functions of teachers

B. Yes, when there is an abuse of judgment on the part of the teacher.
C. No, teachers are more knowledgeable of their student’s performance.
D. Yes, when the teacher cannot decide on time.

__B_ 7. What should a teacher do when he/she falls in love with his/her student?
A. Propose and marry the student.
B. Act normally as if nothing happens and the student does not exist
C. Court the student at home.
D. Wait till the student is no longer under his/her tutelage.

__C__ 8. A school’s academic coordinator has been found to have engaged in

gambling which has caused him to be absent most of the time. Can his
certificate of registration as a teacher be revoked?

A. Yes, because he’s incompetent.

B. No, because he’s protected by his rights as a teacher.
C. Yes, because habitual gambling is dishonorable conduct and is against the
practice of teaching.
D. No, it is just a minor offense.

__C__ 9. Teacher S, a Science teacher has been accused of sexual harassment

by one of her students. What should the school principal do?
A. Advice the teacher to transfer to other schools.
B. Tell the teacher to stop reporting to school.
C. Create a committee to investigate the accusation.
D. Ask the teacher to surrender to the police.

___D__ 10. Teacher John receives a love letter from one of her third-year high
school students in English. What should Mr. Martin do?
A. Surrender the letter to the parent of the student
B. Let the student express her feelings through letters.
C. Read her letter to the class.
D. Return the letter to the student and tell her not to do it again.

___C_ 11. Is holding a rally to protest the delay of benefits due to a person ethically
A. Yes, when held together with parents and students.
B. Yes, when held with the approval of the principal.
C. Yes, when held outside the official time.
D. Yes, when held while on official time.

___A__ 12. Teacher Lolita, a teacher for forty years, refuses to attend seminars. She claims
that her forty years of teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to
attend. Are her actuation and thinking in accordance with the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers?
A. No, a professional teacher, regardless of teaching experience, ought to
go through continuing professional education.
B. No, non-attendance to seminars means no professional growth.
C. Yes, because she has taught for forty years and may have mastered the
D. Yes, provided she has an excellent performance rating.

___D___ 13. A principal asked her good teachers to write modular lessons in Science, and
then she had them published with her name printed as an author. Which is
unethical in this case?
A. She was the exclusive beneficiary of the royalty from the modules
B. She burdened her teachers with work not related to teaching
C. She had the modular lessons published when they were worth publishing
D. She got the merit which was due for her teacher-writers

___A_ 14. Is it ethical on the part of the teacher to proselyte in her classroom every Friday?
A. Yes, that strengthens values education.
B. Yes, that is religious instruction which is allowed by the Constitution.
C. No, a teacher shall not engage in the promotion of his/her religious
interest in the classroom.
D. No, proselyting is no longer necessary in this age.

__A___ 15. You want to report on a colleague's act of immorality. You don't have
the courage to confront her. To end her illicit affair with a married
man, you write and secretly distribute copies of your anonymous
letter against your fellow teacher. What should have been done

A. If the charge is valid; present such charge under oath before your
school head.
B. Ask a third party to write the anonymous letter to prevent yourself
from being involved
C. Talk to the married man with whom she is having illicit affair
D. Secretly give the anonymous letter only to the two people concerned

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