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Exercise 1: For each group of words given below, state what semantic features
are shared by the (a) words and the (b) words, and what semantic features
distinguish between the classes of (a) words and (b) words.
The first is done as example.
1. (a) lobster, shrimp, crab, oyster, mussel
(b) trout, sole, herring, salmon, mackerel
The (a) and (b) words are [+edible water animal].
The (a) words are [+shellfish].
The (b) words are [+fish].
2. (a) widow, mother, sister, aunt, seamstress
(b) widower, father, brother, uncle, tailor
The (a) and (b) words are [+human].
The (a) words are [+female].
The (b) words are [+male].
3. (a) bachelor, son, paperboy, pope, chief
(b) bull, rooster, drake, ram, stallion
The (a) and (b) words are [+animate] and [+male].
The (a) words are [+human].
The (b) words are [+animal].
4. (a) table, pencil, cup, house, ship, car
(b) milk, tea, wine, beer, water, soft drink
The (a) and (b) words are [+inanimate] and [+concrete].
The (a) words are [+solid].
The (b) words are [+liquid].
5. (a) book, temple, mountain, road, tractor
(b) idea, love, charity, sincerity, bravery, fear
The (a) and (b) words are [+inanimate].
The (a) words are [+concrete thing].
The (b) words are [+abstract notion].

6. (a) rose, lily, tulip, daisy, sunflower, violet
(b) ash (taàn bì), oak (soài), sycamore (sung daâu), willow (lieãu),
beech (soài)
(c) pine (thoâng), cedar (tuyeát tuøng), jew (thuûy tuøng), spruce (vaân
sam), cypress (baùch)
The (a) (b) and (c) words are [+plant].
The (a) words are [+flowering plant].
The (b) words are [+deciduous tree].
The (c) words are [+evergreen tree].
7. (a) book, letter, encyclopedia, novel, notebook, dictionary
(b) typewriter, pencil, ballpoint, crayon, quill, charcoal, chalk
The (a) and (b) words are [+non-living thing].
The (a) words are [+thing to read or write].
The (b) words are [+thing used to write or draw with].
8. (a) walk, run, skip, jump, hop, swim
(b) fly, skate, ski, ride, cycle, canoe, hang-glide
The (a) and (b) words are [+motion] or [+way of movement].
The (a) words are [+movement made without the help of any means].
The (b) words are [+movement made with the help of a certain kind of means].
9. (a) ask, tell, say, talk, converse
(b) shout, whisper, mutter, drawl, holler
The (a) and (b) words are [+way of talking].
The (a) words are [+generic].
The (b) words are [+specific].
10. (a) alive, asleep, awake, dead, half-dead, pregnant
(b) depressed, bored, excited, upset, amazed, surprised
The (a) and (b) words are [+state closely associated with living things].
The (a) words are [+physical state].
The (b) words are [+emotional state].

Exercise 2: Identify the semantic features in each of the following words.

1. Child: [+human], [−
−mature], [±male], [+innocent]1

This semantic feature is optional.
2. Aunt: [+human], [±mature], [+female], [+father’s/mother’s sister (-in-law)]
3. Hen: [+animate], [+bird], [+fowl], [+fully grown], [+female]
4. Oak (-tree): [+plant], [+deciduous tree], [+tough hard wood]
5. Flower: [+part of a plant], [+colored], [+usually good-smelling],
[+bloom/blossom], [+fruit or seed is developed]
6a. Palm: [+part of a hand], [+inner surface], [+between the wrist and the fingers]
6b. Palm (-tree): [+plant], [+tree] [−branches] [+a mass of large wide
leaves at the top], [+in warm or tropical climates]
7. Bachelor: [+human], [+mature], [+male], [+stay single]2
8. Actress: [+human], [+female], [+professionally artistic], [+perform a role]
9. Plod: [+motion], [+walk], [+slowly and laboriously]
10. Ewe: [+animate], [+sheep], [+fully grown], [+female], [+producing wool
and meat]
11a. Fly: [+motion], [+through air or space], [+fast], [+wings or a means of
11b. Fly: [+animate], [+insect], [+two wings], [+in and around houses]
12. Stallion: [+animate], [+horse], [+fully grown], [+male], [+for breeding]
13. Police-officer: [+human], [±male], [+member of the police force],
14. Beauty: [+attractive feature], [+combination of shape, color, behavior,
etc.], [+giving pleasure to senses]
15. Imagine: [+mental state], [+form a concept or an image], [+thoughtfulness]
16. Doe: [+animate], [+deer, reindeer, rabbit or hare], [+fully grown],
17. Drive: [+motion], [+operate/direct], [+related to a vehicle]

18. Home: [+thing], [+place for human habitation], [+closely related to a

family or its life]
19. Elm: [+plant], [+deciduous tree], [+large rough-edged leaves], [+tough
hard wood]
20. Chalk: [+thing], [+limestone], [+soft], [+white or colored], [+for writing
or drawing]

This semantic feature is required.
21. Rose: [+plant], [+bush/shrub], [+sweet-smelling flowers], [+different
colors, usually pinkish or red], [+thorns], [+symbol for love]
22. Chick: [+animate], [+bird], [+fowl], [− −fully grown], [±male]
23. Pap: [+thing], [+food], [+soft or semi-liquid], [+for babies or invalids]
24. Tiptoe: [+motion], [+walk], [+on toes], [+silently]
25. Pine(-tree): [+plant], [+evergreen tree], [+needle-shaped leaves],
[+pale soft wood]
26. Owe: [+state], [+be in debt], [+obligation/duty], [+pay/repay]
27. Computer: [+thing], [+electric/electronic device], [+storing/processing
data], [+making calculations], [+controlling machinery]
28. Honesty: [+abstract notion], [+virtue], [+trustfulness], [+hard to evaluate]
29. Maid: [+human], [+mature], [+female], [+servant]
30. Spinster: [+human], [+mature], [+female], [+stay single]

Exercise 3: How can you distinguish the words given in the following table
from one another, considering their semantic features?

Malay English Vietnamese Chinese

anh huynh
sadara em
chò tyû

To distinguish the given words, their one or more prominent

semantic features must be considered with care:
• Sadara has one prominent semantic feature: [+born by the same parents].
• Brother and sister share their two prominent semantic features:
[+born by the same parents] and [±male].
• Anh and chò share their three prominent semantic features: [+born by
the same parents], [±male] and [+older] while em is marked by its two
prominent semantic features: [+born by the same parents] and
[+younger]. That is, to the Vietnamese people, it is unnecessary to
distinguish the sex of younger siblings though it is a must whenever they deal
with their older siblings.

• Huynh, ñeä, tyû and muoäi all share their three prominent semantic
features: [+born by the same parents], [±male] and [±older].

Exercise 4: Organise the given words (and probably those of your own) into
three semantic fields: shirts, end, short, forward(s), long, hats, lend,
coats, shorts, beginning, trousers, amble, out, limp, tiptoe, plod,
socks, trudge, borrow, stomp, in, stump, backward(s), and tramp.
(1) Articles of clothing: shirts, socks, hats, coats, shorts, trousers, etc.
(2) Ways of walking3: amble, limp, tiptoe, plod, trudge, stomp,
stump, tramp, etc.

Amble = ride or walk at a slow, leisurely pace: He came ambling down the road.

Limp = walk unevenly, as when one foot or leg is hurt or stiff:

That dog must be hurt — he’s limping.
Plod (along/on) = walk with heavy steps or with difficulty:
Labourers plodded home through the muddy fields.
Tiptoe = walk quietly and carefully on the tips of one’s toes/with one’s heels not
touching the ground: She tiptoed to the bed where the child lay asleep.
Trudge = walk slowly or with difficulty because one is tired, on a long journey, etc.:
He trudged along for more than 2 miles.
Stump = walk stiffly or noisily: They stumped up the hill. He stumped out in fury.
Stomp (about, around, off, etc.) = move, dance, or walk with a heavy step (in a
specified direction): She stomped about noisily.
Tramp = walk with heavy or noisy steps: We could hear him tramping about upstairs.
“Stomp, stump, plod, trudge, and tramp all indicate styles of walking with
heavy steps. Stomp and stump can both suggest making noise while walking in
order to show anger: She slammed the door and stomped/stumped upstairs.
Additionally, stump can indicate walking with stiffs legs: stumping up the garden
path. Stomp can suggest clumsy and noisy walking or dancing: He looked funny
stomping around the dance floor. Plod and trudge indicate a slow weary walk
towards a particular destination. Plod suggests a steady pace and trudge suggests
greater effort: They had to plod wearily on up the hill. We trudged home through
deep snow. Tramp indicates walking over long distances, possibly with no
specified destination: They tramped the streets, looking for somewhere to
stay the night.” [Crowther (ed.), 1992: 908]
(3) Items which form pairs of antonyms: long/short,
forward(s)/backward(s), in/out, beginning/end, lend/borrow, etc.

Exercise 5: Try to fill in the each of the two blanks with an appropriate word
to prove that there is no lexical gap in the given semantic fields.
sheep giraffe

ram ewe lamb male giraffe female giraffe baby giraffe

Exercise 6: What is identified by the word mean or meaning in the

following examples, i.e. reference or sense? Write R for reference and S
for sense.
1. R; 2. S; 3. S; 4. S; 5. R

Exercise 7: Identify all the possible connotations associated with the word
The word Christmas could call up “images of Christ trees, family
gatherings, presents and carols”; “these associations may be specific for a
particular culture or group of people; they may even be individual. [Asher
and Simpson, 1994: 2155].

Exercise 8: Interpret the meaning the following sentences and state what
kind of figure of speech (also called figurative language) used in each of
1. When he gets going, Jack is a streak of lightning.
Jack is a streak of lightning is a metaphor which means Jack is very
2. I found the fifty-two pounds of books you left for me to carry.
Your kindness really moved me.
Your kindness really moved me is an expression of irony which
means you were not kind to me at all.

3. The man is a demon for work.

The man is a demon for work is a metaphor which means the man is
an energetic person who works very hard.

4. When you take that course, plan to study thirty hours a day.
Study thirty hours a day is an overstatement/a hyperbole which
means study for a long time every day.

5. The wind howled angrily around the house all night.

The wind is [−animate] and/or [−human] while howled angrily is
[+animate] and/or [+human]. Therefore, howled angrily is an
expression of personification which means blew strongly.

6. When the White House called, the ambassador went at once.

The White House, which is [+sign], is a metonymy meaning the US
President, which is [+person].

7. My dormitory room is like a cave.

My dormitory room is like a cave is a simile which means my
dormitory room is small and uncomfortable. In this case, my
dormitory room is explicitly compared to a cave.

8. Come to the dormitory and see what a cave I live in.

A cave is a metaphor which means a small and uncomfortable room.
In this case, my dormitory room is implicitly compared to a cave.

9. Dick was fairly pleased when he won the brand-new car in the
Fairly pleased is an ironical understatement which means very

10. If you are not happy with the service, go and talk to the City Hall.
The City Hall, which is [+sign], is a metonymy meaning the city’s
Mayor, which is [+person].

11. Man does not live by bread alone.

Bread, which is [+part], is a synecdoche which means necessaries or
things needed for living, which is [+whole].

12. We now live under the same roof.

Roof is [+part] while house is [+whole]. Therefore, live under the
same roof is a synecdoche which means live in the same house.

13. Albert was as sharp as a tack this morning. He answered every

question as soon as it was asked.
Albert was as sharp as a tack is a simile which means Albert was
14. The river ate the bank away.
The river is [−animate] and/or [−human] while ate away is
[+animate] and/or [+human]. Therefore, ate the bank away is an
expression of personification which means eroded the bank or
gradually destroyed the bank.

15. Keep overeating like that and pretty soon you’ll weigh a thousand
Weigh a thousand pounds is an overstatement/a hyperbole which
means be too heavy or get too fat.

16. After she heard the good news, she grinned like a mule eating
Grinned like a mule eating briars is a simile which means smiled
17. The captain was in charge of one hundred horses.
Horses, which is [+instrument], is a metonymy which means
cavalries or soldiers fighting on horseback, which is [+agent].

18. Joe cried a little when he lost the thousand dollars.

Cried a little is an ironical understatement which means cried a lot.

19. You can depend on Gina; she is a rock when trouble comes.

She is a rock is a metaphor which means she is strong-minded or she
has strong nerves.

20. Life is a dream.

There may be two possible ways to interpret this sentence:
Life is a dream is a metaphor which means life is short or life passes
Life is a dream is a metaphor which means life is as beautiful as a
21. He’s so hardheaded that he won’t listen to anyone.
Hardheaded is an idiom/a dead metaphor which means obstinate or
22. Research says that these methods are best.
There may be two possible ways to interpret this sentence:
• The first way: Research is [−animate] and/or [−human] while
says is [+animate] and/or [+human]. Therefore, the whole
sentence is an expression of personification which means
researchers say that these methods are best.

• The second way: Research, which is [+controlled], stands

for/substitutes for researchers, which is [+controller]. This is a
metonymy. The whole sentence means researchers say that
these methods are best.

23. Right at this minute, I could drink a barrel of water without

A barrel of water is an overstatement/a hyperbole which means a lot of
24. It is amazing what a great mind he is.
A great mind, which is [+part], stands for/substitutes for an erudite
scholar, which is [+whole]. This is a synecdoche. The whole sentence
means I am amazed by his intellectual power.

25. Alice came in gently, like a May breeze.
Alice is like a May breeze is a simile which means Alice is as young,
fresh, sweet and warm as a breeze signaling the beginning of a
26. Susie is a picture of loveliness in her new dress.
Susie is a picture of loveliness is a metaphor which means Susie is very
27. A thousand thanks are for your kindness.
A thousand thanks are for your kindness is an overstatement/a
hyperbole which means thank you very much for your kindness.

28. I walked past the big sad mouth which didn’t know what to say
Mouth, which is [+part], stands for person, which is [+whole]. This is
a synecdoche.
The whole sentence means I passed by the talkative person who was
then too upset to give an immediate response.

29. We are tired to death of such movies.

Tired to death is an overstatement/a hyperbole which means
extremely bored with.

30. Give every man thine ears, bid a few thy voice.
This sentence consists of two metonymies: give every man thine4
ears which means listen to everyone, and bid a few thy voice which
means talk to only a few people. The whole sentence means you
should listen to everyone but talk to only a few people.

31. There was a storm in Parliament last night.

Both thine and thy mean your. Respectively, thine and thy occur before a
noun beginning with a vowel and a consonant.
A storm is a metaphor which means a heated argument, a bitter
disagreement or a terrible conflict.

32. I’m afraid he has misrepresented the facts.

He has misrepresented5 the facts is a euphemism which means he
has lied or he has told lies.

33. He worked and worked until he breathed his last.

Breathed his last is a euphemism which means died.

34. We’ll just have to go our separate ways.

Go our separate ways is a metaphor which implies that life is a
35. They were vital, unforgettable matches that gave us a new window on the
A new window on the game is a metaphor meaning a new
understanding of the game.

36. I’ve told you a thousand times not to touch that again.
A thousand times is an overstatement/a hyperbole which means
more than one time.

37. He is as mute as a fish.

He is as mute as a fish is a simile which means he rarely speaks or he is
38. We stopped to drink in the beautiful scenery.
Drink in is a metaphor which means enjoy or admire. In other words,
the beautiful scenery is implicitly compared to a delicious drink.

39. His words can be trusted.

Mis- is a verb-forming prefix meaning ‘wrongly.’ Re- is another verb-
forming prefix meaning ‘again.’
His words stands for/substitutes for that person himself. This is a
The whole sentence means you can trust him.

40. The police team has cemented close ties with the hospital staff.
- Cemented literally means joined (the police team and the hospital
staff) together as with cement.
- Cemented in this context is a metaphor which means firmly
established or strengthened.
The whole sentence means close connections have been established
between the police team and the hospital staff.

41. The boss gave her a hot look.

A hot look is a metaphor which means an angry look.
The whole sentence means the boss looked at her angrily.

42. He could not bridle his anger.

- Bridle literally means put on a horse part of a harness, including
the metal bit for the mouth, the straps and the reins.
- Bridle in this context is a metaphor which means control or
The whole sentence means he failed to control his anger.

43. He attacked every weak point in my argument.

- Attacked literally means made a violent attempt to defeat
- Attacked is a metaphor which means criticized (somebody)
- Attacked every weak point in my argument is another metaphor
which implies that argument is war.
The whole sentence means he severely criticized every weak point
in my argument.

44. In 1940, after the fall of France, England had no defense left but
her ancient valor.
The fall of France is a metaphor which means the failure of France.
England is compared to a woman who had no defense left but her
former bravery in war. This is an expression of personification.
The whole sentence means after the failure of France in 1940,
England could not defend herself against her war enemy/enemies.

45. The fire snaps6 and crackles7 like a whip8; its sharp9 acrid10 smoke
stings11 the eyes. It is the fire that drives12 a thorn13 of memory in
my heart.
- In the fire crackles like a whip, the sound of fire is explicitly
compared to that of a whip. This is a simile.
- Smoke and fire are each given a human act: sting the eyes and
drives a thorn in the heart. These are two expressions of

Snaps = makes sudden sharp sounds


Crackles = makes small cracking sounds as when dry sticks burn


A whip = a length of cord or a strip of leather fastened to a handle, used


especially for urging on an animal (especially a horse)

Sharp (adj., usually attributive, of sounds) = shrill, piercing: a sharp cry of

distress, the sharp raucous cawing of a crow

Acrid (adj) = having a strong bitter smell or taste: acrid fumes from burning

A sting = a sharp pointed organ of some insects, e.g. bees, wasps, etc.,

used for wounding or injecting poison

Stings = pricks or wounds (somebody) with or as if with a sting; causes
(somebody) to feel sharp pain: A bee stung me on the cheek.
Drives = forces (something) to go in a specified direction or into a

specified position: drive a nail into wood

A thorn = a sharp pointed growth on the stem of a plant: The thorns on the

roses scratch her hands

- A thorn of memory is a metaphor which means some unpleasant
thing, event, situation, etc. that one can hardly forget.
The whole sentence means the fire, with its sharp acrid smoke and
small crackling sounds, reminds me of some unpleasant thing that I can
hardly forget.
46. The organization is keeping the brake on pay rises.
Keep the brake on pay rises is a metaphor which means control pay
The whole sentence means the organization is controlling the
increase in the amounts/sums of money paid for its current activities.

47. Her father is a captain of industry.

This sentence consists of an idiom/a dead metaphor — a captain of
industry, which means one who manages a large industrial
48. I am the captain of my soul.
This sentence consists of two metonymies:
(1) The captain, which is [+specific]14, stands for the leader, which is
(2) My soul, which is [+more abstract], stands for my life, which is
[+less abstract].
The whole sentence means I can decide my own life or I can control
49. To fall out of a tree in one’s early childhood is not a particularly
reassuring experience.
To fall out of a tree is a metaphor which means to be exposed to real

Captain (n) 1 person in charge of a ship or civil aircraft. 2 (a) officer in the
British Army between the ranks of lieutenant and major; (b) officer in the British
Navy between the ranks of commander and admiral. 3 person given authority
over a group or team: He was (the) captain of the football team for five years.
The whole sentence means it is terrible to be exposed to real life in
one’s early childhood without any parental protection.

50. No man is an island: entire of itself; every man is a piece of the

This sentence consists of two metonymies:
(1) An island, which is [+concrete], stands for isolation, which is
(2) The continent, which is [+concrete], stands for community, which
is [+abstract].
The whole sentence means no one can isolate himself from the
community he has been living in.

Exercise 9: Each of the following sentences presents a pair of words. Which

of them is a superordinate and which, a hyponym?
1. She reads books all day – mostly novels.
2. A crocodile is a reptile.
3. There’s no flower more beautiful than a tulip.
4. He likes all vegetables except carrots.

books novels
reptile crocodile
flower tulip
vegetables carrots

Exercise 10: Draw a chart to show the relationship between a superordinate

and a hyponym.

1. luggage and suitcase

suitcase briefcase handbag (or purse) trunk rucksack (or backpack) ………
2. green vegetable and bean
green vegetable

cabbage lettuce Brussels sprout bean broccoli ………

3. animal and foal

fish bird insect bug mammal reptile ………

human animal (beast)

dog horse sheep ………

stallion mare foal

4. animal and child

fish bird insect bug mammal reptile ………

human animal (beast)

man woman child

5. fowl and rooster

turkey chicken goose duck ………

rooster (American)/cock (British) hen chick

6. plant and coconut

flowering plant bush/shrub tree moss grass ………

pine palm gum ………


coconut betle nut sago ………

7. plant and rose


tree bush/shrub flowering plant moss grass ………

lily daisy violet tulip rose ………

8. vocal organ and tongue tip

vocal organ

lip tongue nose larynx lower jaw ………

tongue tip tongue blade tongue front tongue back tongue root

9. head and eyelash


face hair skull brain ………

mouth nose eye cheek forehead chin ………

eyeball eyehole eyelash eyelid pupil ………

10. furniture and dressing table

seat table bed storage

wardrobe dressing table chest of drawers writing desk Welsh dresser ………

11. vehicle and convertible


bus truck car lorry bicycle train ………

hardtop convertible sports car ………

12. vocalize15 and croon16


speak read aloud sing articulate ………

croon yodel hum ………

Exercise 11: The following pairs of words are partial synonyms, i.e. they
do not share all their senses. For each pair, (a) gives a sentence in which
the two can be used interchangeably; (b) gives another sentence in
which only one of them can be used.

Vocalize = say or sing (sounds or words); utter
Croon (sth) (to sb) = sing or say (sth) softly and gently: croon a sentimental tune;
croon soothing to a child.
Yodel (also yodle) = sing (a song) or utter a musical call, with frequent changes
from the normal voice to high falsetto notes, in the traditional Swiss manner.
Hum (sth) (to sb) = sing (a tune) with close lips: I don’t know the words of the song
but I can hum it to you.
1. strong/powerful
(a) There are strong/powerful arguments for and against capital
(b) He loves strong coffee.

2. ripe/mature
(a) This cheese is ripe/mature enough for us to eat.
(b) We cannot eat this fruit because it isn’t ripe yet.

3. broad/wide
(a) The Thames is a broad/wide river.
(b) My boss is not broad-minded.

4. soil/earth
(a) We can plant the trees on this good soil/earth.
(b) The rocket fell back to earth.

5. edge/side
(a) This house is at the edge/side of the forest.
(b) I will be on your side.

6. permit/allow
(a) Photography is not permitted/allowed in this area.
(b) If the weather permits, we’ll go boating.

Exercise 12: Identify various meanings of each of the two given polysemous
words and then point out which meaning exemplify partial synonymy.
1. deep
(i) This is a deep well. (Deep means extending a long way from top to bottom)
(ii) He only gave a deep sigh. (Deep means taking in or going out a lot of air)
(iii) You have my deep sympathy. (Deep means profound)
(iv) With his hands deep in his pockets, he went away.
(Deep means far down in something)
The third meaning of deep is synonymous with profound.

2. broad
(i) The river is very broad at this point.
(Broad means wide or large in size from one side to the other.)
(ii) He just gave a broad smile. (Broad means clear, obvious or unmistakable)
(iii) Luckily, my boss is a man of broad views. (Broad means liberal, tolerant)
(iv) He speaks English with a broad Yorkshire accent.
(Broad means having many sounds typical of a particular region)
The first meaning of broad is synonymous with wide.

Exercise 13: Are the following pairs of words binary antonyms?

1. No; 2. Yes; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. No (Gradable)

Exercise 14: Are the following pairs of words relational antonyms?

1. Yes; 2. No (Gradable); 3. No (Binary); 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6. Yes

Exercise 15: Identify the continuous scale of values between the two given words.
1. love -- hate: love, like, be indifferent to, dislike, hate

2. hot -- cold: hot, warm, tepid (also called lukewarm), cool, cold

3. big -- small: big, rather big/fairly big, medium-sized, rather small/fairly

small, small
4. rich -- poor: rich, wealthy, meager, poor

5. none -- all: none, few/little, some (= a few/a little), half, most, almost all, all
6. possibly -- certainly: possibly, probably, quite probably, almost
certainly, certainly
7. never--always: never, rarely/seldom, occasionally, sometimes, often,
usually/frequently, always

Exercise 16: State whether the following pairs of antonyms are binary, gradable or
relational by writing B (binary), G (gradable) or R (relational):
1. G; 2. B; 3. B; 4. G; 5. R; 6. G; 7. B; 8. R;
9. R; 10. R; 11. G; 12. G; 13. B; 14. B; 15. G; 16 R


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pFad v4 Proxy