Operational Research and Material Handling : Invited Review
Operational Research and Material Handling : Invited Review
Operational Research and Material Handling : Invited Review
Invited Review
tion are not necessarily bad, so long as they are some aspect of material handling. Only a brief
considered to be interim objectives in a phased amount of attention is given to the application of
implementation of an automated system. How- simulation in modeling material handling systems.
ever, to obtain an integrated factory system, the The imbalance in our coverage of simulation is
islands of automation must be tied together or due to our belief that more research attention is
linked. An obvious approach that can be used to needed in the development of analytical models.
physically bridge the islands of automation is the There have been many very successful applications
material handling system. of simulation in designing material handling sys-
Ver ~ittle basic research has been devoted to tems, Phillips [461, Rearick et al. [49], and Swain
issues related to the design of integrated material and Marsh [59].
handling s'~stems. Indeed, few have addressed the
subject of material handling at all. Those who
have studied explicitly material handling problems 2. Robotics
have tended to focus on a very narrowly defined
aspect of the subject; counter-examples would in- Robotic research has been directed toward either
clude large scale simulation efforts. the design of robot hardware a n d / o r software
Even though there has been a limited amount of systems or the integration of a robot in a manufac-
research performed that addresses explicitly turing or assembly environment. As examples,
material handling problems, mucl~ of the research Medeiros et al. [39] developed a simulation model
devoted to other, more generic, problems is appli- for a mare+facturing cell that included a robot with
cable to material handling. Some examples of re- vision; the production setting was assumed to be
search areas that realistically contribute to a better low-volume, batch manufacturing. A detailed
understanding of material handling problems in- simulation model was developed by Stold~ and
clude ergonomics, man-machine systems, vehicle Vukobratovi/: [58] to study the insertion of a peg
routing, facilities layout and location, scheduling into a hole; the model included the consideration
and sequencing, queuing theory, and computer of manipulator dynamics during the assembly pro-
storage systems design, among others. A brief de- cess; their analysis included trajectory control and
scription of some of the generic research areas of feedback in the case of interference. Nof et al. [44]
operational research that relate to material han- studied the comparative abilities and limitations of
dling is given by Maxwell [37]. industrial robots and humans; they developed a
In this review paper, the coverage of opera- robot oriented job and skills analysis method to
tional research applied to material handling is optimize the task performance for the robot and to
limited to the following ten categories: robotics, aid in the selection of specific robots for specific
conveyor theory, transfer lines, flexible manufac- tasks. Vereschagin and Generozov [61] used dy-
turing systems, equipment selection, storage alter- namic programmiag to determine the optimal
natives, automated storage and retrieval systems, trajectory of the robot arm in performing a given
warehouse layout, palletizing, and order picking task.
and accumulation. It is emphasized that the set of
ten categories does not represent a definition of
material handling; the set is neither exhaustive nor 3. Conveyor theory
m~ually exclusive. Furthermore, the coverage of
any specific category is not intended to be a In comparison with the other research cate-
comprehensive survey of the literature. gories, there exists a large literature devoted to
The objective of the review is to acquaint the conveyor theory. Muth and White [43] reviewed
reader with the breadth and depth of the research the conveyor theory literature through 19"/7; de-
that has been devoted to material handling. Addi- terministic and probabilistic models of conveyors
tionaUy, it is hoped that the review will stimulate were considered, as well as descriptive and norma-
additional research on material handling prob- tive approaches to modeling conveyor systems.
lems. The review focused on the study of operational
Mo~t of :he research described in the review characteristics of conveyor systems. The state-of-
deals with the development of analytical models of the-art for conveyor theory research is perhaps
J.O. Matson, J.A. White / Material handhng 311
general integer programming formulation. An ap- of determining the optimum lane depths for multi-
proximate solution procedure which provided in- ple products when there is a constraint on the
teger assignments was given. number of depths allowed.
Using simulation, Marsh [34] compared three
alternative policies for the operation of block
7. Storage alternatives stacking storage systems. He examined the effect
on space utilization of storing in longer or shorter
Examples of unit load storage alternatives ili- lanes when the optimum lane depth is not availa-
clude block stacking, pallet racks, and deep lane ble.
storage systems. Much of the research on the
design and evaluation of these storage alternatives
has been concentrated on the criterion of space 8. Automated storage/retrieval systems
utilization. Moder and Thornton [40], for example,
developed quantitative models for block stacking The design and operation of automated storage
to determine the effect of clearance between lanes and retrieval systems have been studied by a num-
and the angle of the storage lanes on space utiliza- ber of researchers. Hausman, Schwartz and Graves
tion, assuming maximum occupancy of the storage [21], Graves, Hausman and Schwarz [17], and
positions. Kind [30,31] demonstrated that space Schwarz, Graves and Hausman [53] studied the
utilization should be considered, not only at peak assignment of multiple items to the same pallet,
inventory, but over the entire inventory cycle of a the assignment of pallet loads to storage locations.
product; he proposed a formula for block stacking and the sequencing of storage and retrieval re-
lane depth which approximately maximized space quests. They considered both dedicated (fixed-slot)
utilization for a product whose inventory cycle was storage and randomized (floating-slot) storage.
characterized by uniform withdrawal of stock, in- White and Bozer [63] extended the research of
stantaneous replenishment, and zero safety stock. Graves, Hausman and Schwarz to include eco-
Kind's study [30] was the first of several to nomic considerations. Using cost estimates devel-
consider the design of storage systems for maxi- oped by Zollinger [66], an optimization model was
mum space utilization over a product's inventory developed to determine the number, length, and
cycle, given the assumptions of randomized stor- height of storage aisles to minimize the after-tax,
age, FIFO lot rotation, and unit load storages and present worth cost of the combination of storage
retrievals. Kooy [32], Kooy and Peterson [33], and racks, storage machines, building, and land.
DeMars [12] reported on the solution of some Karasawa, Nakayama alld Dohi [29] developed
actual storage desi~n problems in industry. White, a non-linear mixed-integer programming formtda-
DeMars, and Matson [64] developed analytical tion of an AS/RS. Their cost model also included
models to determine the minimum space designs consideration of storage racks, storage machines,
for block stacking, single-deep and double-deep building, and land. However, their model differed
pallet rack, deep lane storage, and unit load significantly from that developed by Zoilinger [66].
AS/RS. Three storage-retrieval distributions were Bozer, Shieh and White [8] developed a proce-
considered including a uniform withdrawal rate, dure for determining travel time for both single
an increasing withdrawal rate, and a decreasing command and dual command cvcles for an AS/RS
withdrawal rate. Extending the analysis of [64], when horizontal and verucal travel occur simulta-
Matson and White [35] demonstrated the effect of neously and the storage/retrieval horizontal and
handling requirements on the optimum storage vertical addresses are independently distributed
design and developed a total cost model for block random variables. Additionally, they developed an
stacking incorporating both space and throughput interactive procedure for determining the dedi-
costs. In addition, block stacking models for prod- cated storage assignment of pallets to storage slots
ucts with bulk withdrawals were given. Matson, to maximize throughput under single command
Shieh and White [36] used a dynamic program- and dual command conditions; a colorgraphics
ming approach to determine the minimum space computer was used to display layout information
block stacking lane depths for the case of lot to the user.
splitting. In addition, they considered the problem A number of analytical and simulation models
314 J.O. Matson, J A. White /Matertal handhng
graphics computer terminals are used to display [3l B.G. Barrett, A further digression on the over-automated
outputs from simulation models and optimization warehouse: some evidence, Interfaces 8 (1977) 46-49.
[4l J.J. Barthoidi, Iii and UK. Platzman, unpublished re-
models. Flexible manufacturing systems, order search papers, Production and Distribution Research
picking systems, automated storage and retrieval Center, School of Industrial and Systems Engineenng,
systems, and warehouse layout problems have been Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
the subject of stuOies involving the use of color- 15] J.J. Bartholdi, II! and A.S. Rosenthal, Periodic scheduling
graphics computers. of a materials handling system, Prvc. 18th IEEE Con-
ference on Dectswn and Control, Fort L~uderdale, FL
Research is needed in developing large-scale (1979) 548-552.
models of manufacturing systems and warehous- [6] Y. Bassan, Y. Roll and M.J. Rosenblatt, Internal layout
ing systems. The work done on flexible manufac- design of a warehouse, AIIE Trans. 12 (1980) 317-322.
turing systems represents a first step in consider- [7] W,E. Biles and E.Y. Yang, A generalized model and
ing handling, storage, contrc!, and processing fea- simulation analysis of a multiple parallel conveyor system
for flexible manufacturing, in: T.I. Oren, C.M. Delfosse
tures of a m~aufacturing system. Previous research
and C.M. Shub, Eds.. Proc. 1981 Winter Stmulmwn Con-
on warehousing systems has failed to address the ference, Atlanta, GA (1981) 391-399.
integration of receiving, in-bound inspection, [8] Y.A. Bozer, J.S. Shieh and J.A. White, Modeling auto-
movement to storage, storage, retrieval or order mated storage/retrieval systems, TIMS/ORSA Joint Na-
picking, ord,:r accumulation, movement to ship- ttonal Meeting, Detroit, MI (1982).
[9] E.S. Buffa, G.C. Armour, and T.E. Vollmann, Allocating
ping, and shipping; storage, retrieval, and order
faciflties with CRAFT, Harvard Business Rev. 42 (1964)
picking problems are well studied, but the other 136-159,
areas have received ~attle attention. [10] J.A. Buzacott and L.E. Haniftn, Models of automatic
Research contributions in other, seemingly un- transfer lines with inventory banks - a review and com-
related, areas appear to be especially applicable to parison, AIIE Trans. 10 (1978) 197-207.
[! 1] J.A. Buzacott and J.G. Shanthikumar, Models for under-
material handling. For example, there exist~.'a
standing flexible manufacturing systems, AIIE Trans. 12
number of opportunities to apply network and (1980) 339-350.
graph theoretic concepts to the formulation of [12] N.A. DeMars. Computer-aided warehouse layout design
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ing problems. Additionally, much of the computer Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA (1980).
[13] E.A. Elsayed, AIgortthms for optimal material handling i.n
science research focusing on storage and process-
automatic warehousing systems, Internal. J. Productwn
ing systems has direct application in warehousing Res. 19 0981) 525-535.
and order picking. Research performed by techni- [ 14] R.L. Francis and J.A. White, Fac:hty Layout and Locatwn.
cal geographers and regional scientists concerning An Analytwal Approach (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
spatial relationships may prove to be useful in the N J, 1974).
study of layout problems. [15] S.B. Gersh/vin and O. Berman, Analysis of transfer lines
consisting of two unreliable machines with random
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[17] S.C. Graves, W.H. Hausman, and L.B. Schwarz, Storage-
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puters, Port Chester, NY (1980) 1146-1149.
[19] S.C. Graves and D.E. Whitney, A mathematical program-
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318 .I.0. Matson, J.A. White / Material handhn$
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