Deral Z: Ra - TF"KF RG, T.:'FSNF
Deral Z: Ra - TF"KF RG, T.:'FSNF
Deral Z: Ra - TF"KF RG, T.:'FSNF
, ;J
~P't- IVH"~ qoo-}- <Il1'C Xc Oh:)-r->\'y t.,>?ot-t\Cf.? Jt T'h,t-I'LYCf.? tTllt'l.n 17'h Year No. 13
M.{) hWI ~'H' E 4', ~7ii. '}.9".
t'rh111l 1'a¥W"':r 9"nC fl,'} mCJ~~')' froffJ
ADDIS ABABA 10'h February 20 11
Regulation No. 193 /2010
Y.lll ~'l'C iin.U~7i.E
Ethiopian Standards Agency Establishment Council of
t'h.-rr-~'Y t'?lX9JCf- h:e:1I'L OTIeJ:eJ:lPJ..Y t'lPJ..''Cf- Ministers Regulation Page 5697
9"hC Il.-r t..lll 17\ 471?;.fJt
r_~<.'1...J)±kI _r"_bC J b.T.. ~ L1! ~.'f_C (j,Ji1E1ilif COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULAnON No. 193/20 I0
t'lPJ..''1- 9"hC fb-r t' h. -rr-W Y t.,>?ot-'l'P. This Regulation is issued by the Council of Ministers in
-'tT'ht-I'LYCf.? tTllftn Mlt.~lPJ.. hll"-rl Ft\ffJl'J accordance with Article 5 and 34 of the Definition of
Powers and Duties of the Executiv e Organs of the Federal
1''?CJC t'louro(}l fla>ffJro· hep'f: ~'l'C ?;fJMfrlE hlcf'7\
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No.
1; h'J 0§ OUlPl-r ,eUl t..lf1 ha>''l':tt\:: 69112010.
ZI "l1'1:.I,.T 'f.l.'.L~9l1: r6\n:r " i7Ti1l:r 9"C·F-'f 6/ " national standard mark " means a mark given for
,,'?Cll1~ ')' l-JI\~(D- vh. :rr- ~ Y
.l.'.O~>D~·· ;JC the substantiation that a product meets the
unfl O'} IT!] ;r7-'m'l fli7TiL ;J71' 'f{T'LJ"/fI. "J . requirements of the relevant Ethiopian standard;
r '(lj>:r i7TiL;J'J61.1 9"6\n'r '1ar ~
7/ "product" mean s any industrially manufactured or
'1,1 "rC1' " {T'M:r i7Tic;~ro'9" 'fh.l~fl:r;. CDf.9"
'f "111 Cc; CD' rn, :r '1 co- ! agricultural product;
1;I "A76\ '?It":r " i7Ti fl:r fl1' m .9> oYL CD- 1'1'9" 't\. ll A 8/ "service" means any work done for or to the
(l,rm.9>oYLw- l'J'(~ Otp ~'1'1:r fln~Y benefit of, and at the request of a recipient of
v oYLll c;(D 1 i7Ti C; ~ (I)-9" P-' I,. .,(J)' £ services and normally pro vided for remuneration ;
fl "'f7flY n:r:r r.\ " tTlM:r fl7flY 'f4'Lfl 9"C:r 9/ "market surveillanc e means a regulatory activity to
Wf!-9" A76\ dJtt<+ " ·'W.orl 'f .l.'.O~ un il &.. C'}·
check whether products or services supplied to the
flfltTIJa:J. 1\1: fli7TiL ;J'J'T' "oYL.e..L'? "4:'r'l'C
flt- ~CD' I market meet the relevant standard requirements ;
II "CTljl\CD:P" i7Tifl:r nu'rOD:r ar m,"'. 'f: 10/ "publicize" means making standards available by
. flA.t\.n·}·C 'l,h (} un17 ~: 09"·fl6\ lD,e9\l OIlA means of printing, electronic, photographic or any
U01c;c;: tl~ flu 'l. un fl h ;r ~ CD- Al-JI\ "" .l.'.LJ{'} other medium to those concerned bodies;
f!-4- i7Ti ,It;L "I 'ICD' ~
11/ "conformity assessment" means a process of
IIi I "f1'fl I77J I11J.'1'r 9" Ull " I77Jtl ''''' rc')" } -:
assuring that specified standards and legal
A'I . '?fl ')'1 lDJ'.,9 vP-'Ir fl nnt-C p"C n,,)··}
o D
\' I11J.onllh1: .l.'.L P,fP";fCJ ;1\ '1T OI){l.<.Cf.:r- requ irernents relating to product, service or
una:J.I\;r~CD'1 fi7TiL;J1'l' I/.Y.·}· '1CD- i management system are compli ed with;
nu "'f,t-il utICT1.'J.'f- rHCJ ~l)l - I11Jra· 12/ "conform ity assessment body" means a body that
'frJ1C1'6.h.7iT= 'fA : }fl1.' h ·i'i·) rof!- ?O ~'''{I&· ·f·~ delivers certification, inspection or laboratory
l'h1'7i A'I(.\'7/1-"'" \''''1.fI ' P " I-u~ ~CD' ~ testing service ;
lEI "'f P-'I.- hODt.-C /A ' .0·~r » "'III·i · 'l' t ··}·'}"
13/ " management system " means a proces s employed
IldTlflll1'1'lJ' ,,1~1 ~C~.'f- aN .:)<"'1
fli7Ti~L'? 'fCT'l.,f'il'rA f'AlJ.1IrC p' C /~ ''''' ~CD' i for attaining quality and productivity of an
IQI "11'1:.t- If 'f'l' Ir+ ODlJ.1 L'r 6\ {T'l'}'" t7TJII'},
fl.l.'.L)f9l"f HC~ -= flOJtrrC Il it Ile,: -: 14/ ""national qua lity infrastructure" means a system
fl1'fltTIJoYL~:r 9"Wj' i8 11 M1G,Pd : ' '} U Cll~ established for standardization, metrology,
'f l' HL ,'J 'f r. lJ.11r C fA' . (~ -'h '/CD' ~ conform ity assessment and accreditation;
1[;1 ·'LP C,r 6.h.7il " i7Ti1l:r n·'·fld'JdYJ.'1 ·)· 9° UC;
15/ "certification" means a process of certifying on the
ro-ffi,:r I\,e 1'ODP-'C ·..• f l11J.(\,l' 9ullhC', :,'
'1ar i basis of conformity assessment findings;
H I "h. lfl1:n7i1" U7fl:r 'f9"C+ 1~~ -= rc+-= 16/ " inspection" means examination of a product
'l..I.'.:r-= A7A'?Il~.'f- CDf!-9" 'f1'hl\ fllr h11Cl1C design, product, proces s, service or installation and
unflh-.Cf.~ flOD'Y~ rHCJ hlf~ .I.'. '?qr' determination of its conformity with specific
hm1'l\l\ unflh-.Cf.'f ;JC unfli7Tii7Ti;r~CD-l requirements or, on the basis of professional
/1,/ "\'''Ou--1',t <t:1"I'j" "'Ul7- n'}J': ose»: hn1J': 17/ "laboratory testing" means a test on whether or
(]"f, l'ln, l' 1'1l"'l"'l. ~7- 'l"11'j" IJUt$'7- not one or more conformity assessment
OD"J.." 7- MOD "J.." ;:J' T (TJ·1 tI"'It. ;J1 -r characteristics are in place through the use of
(]"IAj';' -j-t1f,'!'- l'1'(TJM l''l''CODt· P'C'~7-1 specified test procedures';
l' h 7-tI- l'"'l. f!.t. "I 'l" C ODu- ~ OJ-'
181 "accreditation" means evaluation and
! 1:/ "nil t. ,'VI; 7i 1" "'I tI7- l' i- Il"'I"'l. ~ 7- 'l" II 'j" certification of conformity assessment bodies
n 1l"7- M<j> J':'l0 l'1'(TJn~' l'l1"H,
OD /'" 6.C + 1-1 OD"J..,,;r 'f(TJ·1 tI"'It. ,?1'f' that they meet predefined competency
n"'l.lJ 'i J': "I'l" 1"'I \' "'l. 'f 'l" Ilh 0 7- ~ or , requirements;
1,'/ "h A A " "'ItI7- (]n. -'I' \"i\' J' 6.., J'... U-"
'f! 201 "State" means any State referred to in Article
It'lnhMlJ''f! tTl1l1.h rl-,1 <701"1p':t- 47(1) of the Constitution of the Federal
n 1<j>j';' ~'iWi) \'1'ODtlh1'(TJ' "'IW(TJ''l'' hA A Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and includes
n.lf1 l'nltll n(]IJ'j" l'J':MI'l' h1''f01- the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa city
Mi-}\f!.C'::h f,/,t\,'l" u-A , administrations;
'6 ?i/ n
" (TJ- " "'I tI7- "'IW m· 'l" l' 1'6. '1'C' rn- n 21/ "person" means any natural or juridical person;
mf,'l" (],),"I l'nor77- ODl17- l'1'nmm·
nlJA ~m·'
221 any expression 111 the masculine gender
?l~/ "'I1~:or'l" (]m1J': ?;r l'1'1M n~:J1C includes the feminine,
i\ 7-1'l" f,m'l" u-A ::
~I o.;I':11lor 1'mt~1: t1"'l. ~.Il-t<· f,lf'j" A:: 21 The Agency shall be accountable to Ministry.
1;. ~ 5. Objectives
o.;l':1l\.or l''''I.h1't\-7- 'I""'I}D1- f,,,<-.;rA:· The Agency shall have the following objectives:
?i/ . l'h.,·}-\"k s .£.01}D1-1 "'II1,:1;1':.i-'1 o"P}D1-'j" 1/ to develop Ethiopian standards and establish a
n'IA 0Jtl"+1- 1'6."'1.}D'f.1 .£.01}D1- system that enable to check weather goods and
n "J..A 1'or OD;P t. IJ 'f or 1 tI "'I t.;J'1'f' services are in compliance with the required
l''''l.f'1l ~:A l'Mu-C P'C'I7- onI1C,:I7-, standards;
t1V1C (]4'A 'l"C+~:'1 n1A"ItI-+~: 11'iu-'f! 3/ to develop national standards for local products
.£.01}Dr1 11"'111.:>;1':7- lI'ItI'l" 'I<j>tj: 1(]f' and services so as to make them competitive in
i-tD..'l..'l/. }'1Alf'r d'j J': I. "):: thp. infer-nat iorial mark-er
nt ~i"i.?;f t...~lrt\ ~;Jt'r .?IVT} ~'T'C IE \,I)-t+- E .p'; l!.fi.E "} .S"'. Federal Ncgarit Gazeta _No 13 February \0 ,II 2011 Page 5700
~I h I/'l l.: rAOT/'r ooC'I-"Jl1C ;JC rTfT}fT}oo 1/ develop, implement and follow up
f"'Yt--'). OT/{)4-4--r T"JI1Cl flOT/he; rol standardization strategy for the purpose 0 f
rOIJ. j'{)~A r.e.LJ{ 11"'J~:" il'h~"1: )1. quality promotion activities which are in line
f"O'/H;J:e:,7' : T"JI1t--ee rOT/J!: L "Je; ~i. qfJ oo·'~ with the country's developmental programs;
r ooh:r'h~\ ~
2/ develop, through stakeholders involvement,
~I rO'l. anflh:r:fro·1 ~ql\-r (lOT/I'\T~ r~ -rr-R- j' approve and publicize Ethiopian standards;
.e.LJ{ ?' ~··1 f"OIIH;J:(1::"; rOT/?l,~<pc; rOT/l'\ro<p i
3/ recognize any standard published by a national,
f/ r .e.L}:l9l:r IV t-- n~j'he;(J}o ~'
,ntll.,t-- Cf-: regional, international or any other
nUr t--'f ; ~tI~ ~<P4.'f ro~~ fbflu:f n l-t" -r standardization body" as Ethiopian standard, as
fl'Nl;J~ s.c }:l911- h l.e.r ~{)i. " 1.. ~.t: h 1,\1. may be relevant;
".,r\" ~, ! .e.L~ oro·;pe; roo{)m"r i
4/ establish national technical committees for the
QI i' f\. "rr- ~y .~ l :49J ~~ 1 r "'l. ,rt.?~ 1l1h,t-- Cf purpose of developing Ethiopian standards and
r,.t:h 'z,h
}1dll.' I:9J'f l rOfJoo{)l rc; r~l)J t-- c
un oo/.frm·"} rOD roi\1- i determine their working guidelines;
7;1 1I 11.t-- Cf r .e.L}:l9'1- 9"1:\ )1:"1 :"C1.c; .e ll·r 5/ determine the shape and content of the national
~OD (I) 'Pl' (l~t\hi: f'ooffi <f>r /...:J>J!: standard mark and authorize its use;
\' onilm')-- I
6/ establish national enquiry point and deliver
'!/ f Y.t,:4?' r -: ~) ·t {) att°1. ~-r 9" H ~' UDUD/.f fP~:C; services on standardization, conformity
\"l:hU, .e.1 tl:f ·nth.t·1f. UDl~ DTJohA assessment guidelines and technical regulations;
ft.rfl,~ /r"f.. '''''C; n1!:\"J/'ror f oof'lfwr i
7/ develop and implement awareness creation
Xl n-t·m.oJ>lJIl.lD· tn,~ f 'Pc::..l·" f .f.L1;P>:f "'J"Jlffl. strategies for consumers on quality and
O%/{)Q;bll nA ....:r·} oo1.e.~lJ rf'jCllrl(? standards;
r lPf ~L ah
8/ enable domestic industries to benefit from
tl J.L ~9J~"'1 rf·"Jl} /,·lf OIJl: l "J ftPf,,f'll:tfl' technology transfers through providing technical
t''f;tI'z.}l ;; ,'JC;:1-1 -: p"AmlJ fP:r,'1 f"011l11JhC
support, training and consultancy services in the
n'JA'7" "f. i :') nl1D{)m 'l' f V1C m·ilrr
h.1~1l:'·t?'i: r ·f; h 'i'/'ro:{ O"J"JC rf'm ,oJ·olJ. implementation of standards ;
"vun· try 1l:J:t\ I 9/ build the capability of companies through
iiI ,~ C ~ T :r f t--ftrCD ' ') .{J,l.Jt fl1lJU ,.'J. :•.,. h·l·~ technical support , training and consultancy
h 1~ Y ~~ ~ f ~ h th 1: ,'Jb:1-'} -: services for developing their own company
!-"Jt\m CJ)Dr '}CJ r01 011 ~ C ~ 1 t.\ j (r-r·l· 1 standards;
foollm:r ~
10/ promote the use of technologies, in the
II n91] C ·}, lLv..). "~ .(1 h " T ') c;' h ~ ,.,.. '}
fl dfJ il m1 .~:
f ~ . .e() :y. h- 1; h
If'' .
:et. SO :-,~ '}
fl h.. '}P,.fl1-t. P:f:.,: aHl'Y
industries, which help to reduce polution and
wastage during production process;
O1il4.4--r ; 11/ work In collaboration with the concerned
1M f'·f; h'1.h s: 1tl~: MI'] p. ~ ,}. f'Ul r ' ) Off; u'? ,.'J1· national and international institutions to ensure
ODtlt. Cf- "f') r ·t- h·b,\ h 1-'t lf1 f1t:FrJfl:tA that technical regulations are developed in line
hl11J.oofl h;l' To>- llfh.t· 'ft; tl/W'?l'''~
with world trade legal requirements;
+-;t:att:" ,.'JC :"Te:;rfJ? ' ''l lr Cl foooullL1' ~ 12/ undertake stud ies for the estab Iishment of
H/ ·nriblrlf ~"'l'lr1- 'lit\a<J'}' co,·} t\oPoP national quality award system and administer
lJ.Jl.r ft7'l, j'{):-",t\ 'l'lJ1- rl7fJ~II.,~C; il.t..,..~.9" same upon approval;
f 01Jfl r~J>.C I 13/ represent the country's interest in international
forums regarding standards and follow up the
lEi ~ L~SV :-': 1 o°,#.00 flh:"
WM 9 ~ .,. ~ OD~Lh U
/7:/ n.~l :q ,9J:r 1,LlJ1::I' : h 1'11l0r.t; Il D 'l.fll lS I undertake research on the .development,
~Y} n" '1 ' 1'IM'iCJ 1'l101J~ 1,Ar-"f t\~ application and impacts of standards and related
9"C9 DC':'f1
IT'J'rJ'lJ: ~ Issues;
itl t101l.nlTJrro' h1b'\"Jf\o.f. ~ nonl"J p'+ 161 charge fees for the services it renders in
Oi7li,ronl -ronl onUJL1' f.' h1b'\"Jf\o+ if;J accordance with the rate determined by the
f.' IT'J IIh s. b'\ ; government;
E I f.'1·nl+ fltln.+ {'onlfl: CD"b'\ f.'onififb'\: J 171 own property, enter into contracts, sue and be
nt,(t- {)9° f.'uonn{)'1 f.'onhnll I sued in its own name;
I:t;1 ~" o~a> ' 1 h"Jll t1lT'JStlll f.'i7li,l P. (\,f\o:-': 181 carry out other related activities necessary for the
" ' 11t71]~ 1'''JQt-rl f.''''1hCJ an::
attainment of its objectives.
g. rrbC {kf: bq"i·
II Members of the Council shall be drawn form the
f!/ 9ul1 r. 0.1: h ,,}flll 'l'Vf ill' 001"7 p ' ;r1!c; appropriate government and other bodies and be
lI.fl..:f ~ 'rJ,,~). ·hD·fT]~'f'lD· (l 0ll '} "?/ Ll
1' designated by the government.
t""l.t'lf.'on· xn :,. f.,CJ<, ;J-l.\::
21 The Director General of the Agency shall be
~I f i\.~ '}(\, (D. tp(j ~.e/..h'H~ f? t1 hC 'I: hCl A C; member and secretary of the Council.
Or"6. .e,IJ'CJ 1:\ ::
UJ) 0,:f1t'Lar h(\t1-t~ a>1£)"~ ;JC e) represent the Agency in its dealings with
l1«tf ~C ;JTar ""J11-1-f.'f rrft- third parties;
h.:f1t'Lar1 K.a>h"A r
f) prepare and submit to the Ministry the
L) fh.:f1t'Lar1 f PJIr h'{'~71~e; 1f."11 performance and fm ancia I reports of the
tTC-f."f hH;J~-f. t'laJL 'z.t11;~ Agency.
f4'C()A: :
31 The Director General may delegate part of his
tI cpe; "iK.t.h-t~ t'lh.:f1t'Lar f PJ Ir ¥A £f'Et: e; powers and duties to other officials and
()1'Ii.t'l1 oom1 hPJAfT)1e; -t""J()<-' I1h&.,A employees of the Agency to the extent necessary
t'lh.:f 1t'Lrn- fbi\-> :y. )t\ &., 9' ~C; UJ Ir l' <1'"f for the efficient performance of the activities of
f1arhAC; I\.o£f' K.~t\A:: the Agency.
!!/ 1\0l}1<;<(])-?" rrc+ flrh,t-~ f'~L~9J~ 11 The use of the national standard mark with
rr£,\h,1,') t'\anm4>rr rrCi: ~O)q,m+ !"]t'\(]). respect to any product shall require the holding
of a permit issued by the Agency upon
f'h.+~~j' ~L~ ;JC au{)Ol}°'1i: ?,,~~+
ascertaining the conformity of the product to the
01'Om(])· f,t{)OlJUll. ~+ rr-:!"j' ~!l£'\ 1'L;JO)(D relevant Ethiopian standard by an authorized
nfn~ltLco· au6.1't: ,,1\0+:: conformity assessment body.
j/ "'I'Pic ·rr nfl(h,t-~ f'.£.L ~9J~ rr£,\h+ 21 Any person authorized to use the national
I\aum 4> ?O 6-~t: f'1'omm' OCO· rr£,\hi:l standard mark shall use the mark only for those
anm4>9 ftl1f. '·)"-tt (O- I\-r 6-4> .£.1\+ rrc+ 'Of products specified in the permit.
~(D': :
E/ h,~ltL(D· ,~. I, ;c: JoD :f rrAh + r (fU m 4> rr 31 The Agency shall keep a register showing
descriptions of persons authorized to use the r-to t1Fh n,", (l9Ji - 'IfC H l}- 'l.;J'
national standard mark, and the register shall be
f' Ull. r t) ,e IIU'Hfl he ~+ rtf~ au'H1fl
open to the public.
,e,et1A: :
41 Any permit holder shall display his permit within
§/ r&. '1: -tm:.1' ~J 'L en· r ' h~ m m,'} 6-~t:
his business premises at a conspicuous place and
f Y: C ~ -t:(l}'il'T" n·,."tt·
1\.:"'" ,e nUll.:rA nT
in such a manner that it shall be easily visible.
n;J·CJ ~tJ.: 1 lI'lli'C h ftO')' : :
[;/ n1,h,t- er. r~L~9J:r rr A h'} \' ao m <f' 51 The conditions of issuance, renewal, suspension
/..:1'1: . O'l' n'r -: f °1;1' ,It. (Ul-)' -: and revocation of permits for the use of the
rUll.;r?1: I1·}-«; f°'l. t1 l 'UO"}· lJ-'l.,rJ· -: {J9U ('\h '1: national standard mark, the manner of its use,
~,m ,4" l, ?\1 II'M .V·?" h~I ~tt. v, ,'JC n"' ,f ru and grievance handling procedures in relation
f dIJ.'I'C O· :,.t,.;J:PJ':):. rOlJ.fl,,·q'l~ n·}· .".;.r thereto shall be pr scribed by directive to be
n. : ')(\,(0 ' ClOlJ.,f'{D''lcn· ODdn {. ,.mflc;f.\ :: issued b the A cncy.
h"}.';,elDm- fauhAhA;
II) f'10j' tl+;,.-t\ H OI1 .\~:L "1 1\'1I1Y r°'1. <f> Cfl· b) to undertake market surveillance and take
9"" r..f T «; il11:\ "}"" .f "f " "1 q fl ~ ". control measures to ensure the conformity
j't\ =far 1 ilfl 'l J{j!- f.£.L~ unflt. C.f:rl of products and services with the relevant
OlJ°J.."I;rrlD· "} f au$lTlffiC ~ mandatory standard requ irements;
rIl) /,~/q·m+ .r II 'I' (D'1 Ml1"l:e' ".~.L ):l c) in the case of products seized due to their
={l t. cH, I] fl "'I "/,;:r 'I' (D. 1'·1'?11· failure to conform with the relevant
9"(-1'- ;')', Mlt.rl? "'I tH' '1 h.r JD;'): mandatory standard requirements, to
.t-f.C1 m·fl'f (D' ~1,}.l'.1<;" II1ny authorize their re-introduction to the market
h v\'4'crr· I' an OJ: ." l: m~9" after taking the necessary corrective
/\.M- '1!1 fl- I' o'U·;·f fl- <;" IH m.4> "'l. rn- measures or to decide the manner of their
rib '}~+ (D,I'.9" .e. '"lTd' ....e' H:t- disposal where corrective measures are not
/\..l'(l h 7't'l' I' "'I,;'): t'l. (un· possible and that they may entail a threat to
l''''I.1D1-,:.fl·r1 lJ'\;I- l'onmO'}l ~1 <;" the health or safety of consumers; and
an) tI1fl.l' Cl4'LiJ. 'fro, fl9'1' IH'IM!(D. d) to engage the services of reliable conformity
m,l'.9" I' 'Hl"'l"'lYr 9"11"; /, '1 ... t- assessment bodies to ascertain whether or not
l'1'b-+ 9"t:\h+ flflm'fl+ l'uJ7l products and services available in the market
aniltlC+ OOIJJt'.7' fl1fl, ... ,1'. I"l't'l· conform [0 the standard requirements
9"C·f.'f fl1-llt'llP' l',~.Df oDl'l6.C+
declared by their suppliers or to that or the
anU'L'} tl1n.r /'ltlooil'Lil'fm,
quality [narks of conformity assessment
M 1''''1 "'I '1 /"It:\"It\·+ fl"'l,flm·
r -HI <>,/O"'/Yt· 9" t1 '> . I. '1'" + bodies they are using, and disclose the
""'IL;>'I1''I (JJ-rlb1:1 noo'I'I;;' 111l·..+,1 findings thereof to the public through the
fltnNI " "'I <\rn-} :: mass media.
~I "'I'}'i'm-l'" ':P'.':\( l'°'l.ootlh·htr (Wr 21 Any concerned person shall have the duty to
l',l,"/ Mt.l\"'i. 1.'1"'7' nn.u r,,}4'lr
cooperate with the law enforcement bodies in
l'./-f1tTJ 'fro· '} P't:\ tTJ'} n/'" b- ",I?,
n"'L.!'m·t'I,n+ roo}+ I'=rilnc '1f'.,;:r exercising their powers under this Article.
!lItU S-111 .:lC I''''i .e.:?t'.~. I' U:.1JDt· "'I1l'/-9"'> The provisions of the Standard Mark and Service Fee
Council of Ministers Regulation No. 13/1990 shall, in
I'M t:\"? tt+ 'P,:I I' "'i. 'z. il+CO '1'. 9"11 C n ,~. ,}11 + so far as they are not inconsistent with this Regulation,
1'1'C IEIlJn1!!f .\?:1.nJDt· nh-'til ,~.111 continue in force until replaced by new regulations.
Mh"'l.·/- h- s: L il rt.l\O"'/. ~ ;t-'1'ar .e, 4''1'" t:\::
17. Transfer of Rights and Obligations
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The rights and obligations of the Quality and Standard
h"'i.+C'tl-Jt .:lC hrnll'+ nflr4'C l'fi-+f-A-.l'
Authority of Ethiopia other than those relating to
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metrology and the rights and obligations of the body
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<>'/oht:\ nanilt:\ fl,;:rro'l' l'~nLar r*9 n an,M-'I known .astne Ethiopian Cleaner Production Centre are
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t T 111\.h m""',I? "'i. 'z. il-'t-C DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA