Impact of Covid-19 On Loan Performance A Study On Sonali Bank Limited (Savar Cantonment Branch)
Impact of Covid-19 On Loan Performance A Study On Sonali Bank Limited (Savar Cantonment Branch)
Impact of Covid-19 On Loan Performance A Study On Sonali Bank Limited (Savar Cantonment Branch)
Practicum Report on
Prepared For
M Shaikh Imran Akand
Senior Lecturer
Prepared by
Md Abdullah Al Mamun
ID: 17102049
Major: Accounting
1.1 Background
All the countries economy's stability is closely linked to its banking system's soundness. The
banking system plays a vital role in the advancement of economic development in a developing
country such as Bangladesh. In the economic structure a bank is like a heart. The bank is
considered as the heart of the economic structure. Different sectors like the agricultural sector,
the industrial sector is developing by the financing of banks. Now a day’s banks are financing
small, medium, and large organizations as well as personal loans to their customer. The loan
facilities help a customer to meet their personal needs and give benefit to the entrepreneurs to
increase revenue.
On the other hand, as a part of the academic curriculum, the Internship program is compulsory
for BBA students. It helps a student to use theoretical knowledge in real life. So I have found an
opportunity to do internship in Sonali Bank Limited and was authorized to prepare a report on
“Comparative Analysis of Loan Performance during COVID-19: A study on Sonali bank, Savar
Cantonment branch”.
In this report, I tried to focus on the functions and performance of consumer financing, consumer
loan procedure, and recovery procedures. This report is prepared based on my practical
internship experience and I believe this experience will help me in my future career.
1.2 Objectives of the report
Research objectives are basically divided into two parts, broad or main objective and specific
objectives. This report is also prepared based on these two objectives.
1.2.1Broad objective
The main objective of this report is to familiarize with the concepts of disbursement of loan,
performance of consumer credit and recovery procedure of Sonali Bank Limited, Savar
Cantonment Branch.
Specific objective:
To know different types of consumer credit.
To know the procedures & qualifications of consumer financing.
To know the procedures of recovering of consumer financing.
To identify the problems related to the consumer credit.
To critically analyze the performance of Sonali Bank Ltd. & other competitors.
Literature Review
Sanjida Afrin (2020) studied the intensity of Nonperforming loans and its adverse impact on the
performance and profitability of the banking sector of Bangladesh. The researcher finds NPL has
increased at a high speed. 5% to 10% of NPL ratio is the peak zone for the banking sector of
Bangladesh. Moreover, Tanbir & Kashfia (2009) discussed about the performance evaluation of
selected commercial banks in Bangladesh and finds that loan recovery rate are able to manage
the banks credit efficiently. It is observed that the classified loans of DBBL, DBL & PBL is very
low i.e. about 2%. It has been identified that almost every year’s loan & advances of private
commercial banks have increased from the previous year.
Research Methodology
To conduct this research I used Positivism as philosophy. Because the researcher used hypothesis
to measure the performance of consumer financing.
Research approach
Quantitative research approach has been used in this part to solve the research problem. At first, I
have to find out some problems and reach a conclusion by using the statistical tool. On the basis
of the respondent opinion and questionnaire survey, this study has been done.
Primary Data: Researcher has collected primary information by interviewing clients of loan
department of Sonali Bank Ltd, Savar Cantonment branch. Primary information is under
consideration in the following manner:
Secondary Data