Physiology Eye: of The
Physiology Eye: of The
Physiology Eye: of The
Of The
* Index
I)- Transparency :-
Transparency of the crystalline lens is due to :-
II)- Accomodation :-
Mechanism :-
a)- Modified Helmholtz theory :-
- the lens is capable of changing its shape due to :-
→ elasticity of the capsule.
→ plasticity of the lens substance.
- At the equator, the capsule is maintained in lateral tension by the
suspensory ligament ( zonules ) & thus the convexity of the lens is
least ( eye at rest or un-accomodated ).
- Contraction of the circular part of the ciliary muscle will lead to
relaxation of the zonules by ↓ the circumlental space → ↓ lateral
tension on the capsule → lens bulge towards least resistance ( ant. →
aqueous & pupil – post. → vitreous ) → so lens bulge anteriorly → ↑ ant.
Curvature → ↑ power of the lens.
- Diopetric power of the eye is +14D in young age, ↓ with age till +1D at
60 years old due to ↓ capsule elasticity & ↓ plasticity of lens substance
with age.
- This theory is proved by changes in the eye that occur during
Center of Accomodation :-
- Occipital cortex in involuntary accomodation.
- Frontal cortex in voluntary accomodation.
Latent period is 0.5 sec. on change from near to far ( time is ↑ by age ).
Near Reflex :-
- Miosis – Convergence – Accomodation.
Types of Accomodation :-
a)- Physical :-
- depends on lens elasticity & compensibility.
- measured by Diopter.
- ↓ in old age due to lens sclerosis.
- Ciliary ms is normal.
- failure occur between 40 – 50 years old ( i.e. presbyopia ).
b)- Physiological :-
- depends on ciliary ms contraction.
- measured by Myodiopter.
- ↓ in debility → eye strain.
- lens is normal.
- failure occur at any age.
Amplitude of Accomodation :-
Def :- difference between diopetric power of the eye at near & far points
( fully accomodated eye & at rest ).
Amplitude of accomodation ↓ in night → night presbyopia ( lens is
flattened ).
Measurement :-
a)- Objective :-
- by Purkinje image on ant. lens surface ( accomodation α 1/size ).
- by Refractometer ( accurate ) or Optometer.
- Dynamic Retinoscopy at a far object then at a small near object ( target )
on the retinoscope then get the difference.
b)- Subjective :-
- determine the near point ( PP ) distance & the far point ( PR ) distance
Then amplitude of accommodation = 100/PP – 100/PR = Diopters.
Convergence :-
* Def. :- a process during which both visual axes are directed inwards
toward a near object.
* Types :-
a)- Tonic :-
- is the basic tonus of the medial recti with eyes in the 1ry position &
Range of convergence :-
- Distance between far & near points of convergence.
Amplitude of convergence :-
- Difference in diopetric convergence power of eyes at near & far
points of convergence ( normal amplitude 10.5 m.a. → 9.5 +ve & 1 –ve ).
- It may be :-
a)- positive :- part of convergence between near point & ∞.
b)- negative :- part of convergence beyond ∞ ( behind eyes ).
- Measurement of amplitude of convergence :-
a)- Meter angle :-
- def. :- angle through which eyes have to rotate from 1ry position to
fixate an object1 meter away in middle line.
- patient look at ∞ then look at 1 meter from baseline ( between the
two centers of rotation ).
- the eye willconverge by 1 m.a. = 1/distance & the same when if
patient look at 2 meters = 0.5 m.a. & at 0.33 meters = 3 m.a.
Measurement :-
a)- Heterophoria method :-
- by measuring heterophoria at 6 meters then at 0.33 meters
AC/A = IPD ( in cm ) + [ ( ∆a - ∆D )/ D ]
∆a → near deviation in ∆D ( 0.33 meters ).
∆D → far deviation in ∆D ( 6 meters ).
D → diopters of accomodation exerted at 0.33 meters.
I)- Carbohydrates :-
- Glucose coming from aqueous is the main substrate.
- Glucose enter the lens through lens capsule by facilitated diffusion.
- Glucose is phosphorylated into G6P inside the cells ( lens fibers ).
- Glucose metabolism :-
a)- Anaerobic glycolysis ( 80% ):-
- Glucose → G6P → 2 lactic acid + 2 ATP.
- Hydrolysis of ATP → ADP + P + Energy.
II)- Proteins :-
- Amino acids are actively transported inside lens at ant. surface & they
are the substrates for ptn metabolism.
- Ptns form 33% of lens wt ( > any other tissue in the body ).
- Ptns are non-opalescent.
- Types :-
Crystallins :-
- 85% of total lens ptns.
- Present mainly in cortex & has enzymatic activity ( protease &
peptidase ) → break lens ptns into amino acids.
- α- crystallins ( 15%) → high MW & high electrophoric mobility.
→ ppt at PH < 7.
→ as age ↑ → converted into albuminoid.
- β- crystallins ( 55%) → intermediate MW & electrophoric mobility.
→ ppt at PH = 7.
- γ- crystallins ( 15%) → low MW & electrophoric activity.
→ ppt at PH < 7.
Albuminoid :-
- 15% of total lens ptns.
- Non-soluble & present mainly in the nucleus.
- ↑ with age & cataract but it's not the cause of cataract.
Other proteins :-
- Glycoprotein present in cell membrane of lens fibers.
- Collagen present in lens capsule.
III)- Lipids :-
- Found in plasma membrane of lens fibers.
- Types :- sphingomyeline, cholesterole & saturated FA.
- Functions :- keep intercellular adhesions.
b)- Glutathione :-
- formed inside the lens → antioxidant.
→ disappear in cataract.
- Types :- reduced form ( 95% ) & oxidised form ( 5% ).
- Functions → antioxidant → so it's important in redox system
( oxidation – reduction ).
→ protect thiol group in ptns.
→ amino acids transport.
d)- Electrolytes :-
- Na+ & K+ → active transport ( ant. surface ) & passive diffusion ( post.
surface ).
- Cl- → passive diffusion.
- Ca++ → important for cell membrane permeability.
Phenothiazines :-
- Due to alteration of plasma membrane permeability & inhance UVR
2 )- The Pupil :-
Muscles of the iris :-
Constrictor pupillae ( iris sphincter ):-
-Circular & encircle the pupil.
-Stronger than dilator ms.
-Supplied by parasympathetic fibers ( short ciliary ns ) which arise
from EWN in midbrain.
- When contracts → dilator pupillae ms relax due to reciprocal
- If dilator & constrictor pupillae ms are stimulated together → the
constrictor is the predominant.
Dilator pupillae :-
- Radial & spread from iris radially.
- Weaker than constrictor pupillae ms.
- Supplied by sympathetic fibers ( long ciliary ns ) which arise from
Parasympathetic pathway :-
Sympathetic pathway :-
- Center :- in hypothalamus →
hypothalamic spinal tract with
partial decussation in midbrain
→ so each hypothalamic center
supply both cilio-spinal center
of Budge mainly contralateral
one ( explain consensual
reaction ).
- Preganglionic sympathetic :-
from cilio-spinal center of
Budge of C8 – T1 – T2 ( in
anteromedial part of spinal
segment ).
- Preganglionic fibers emerge in
corresponding roots ( white
rami communicants ) then to
the sympathetic chain then pass
through inferior & middle
cervical ganglion to end in
superior cervical ganglion where
relay occur.
- Postganglionic sympathetic :-
from superior cervical ganglion enter the skull with carotid plexus to
trigeminal ganglion → ophthalmic nerve → nasociliary n. → long ciliary
nerves → dilator pupillae ms.
Normal Pupil :-
Diameter :-
- 2- 9 mm.
- ↑ with fear, excitement, interest & pain.
- ↓ with fatigue, sleep, at birth & old age.
Size & Shape :-
- At birth → very small because dilator pupillae is not well developed.
- Old age → very small due to sclerosis of sphincter pupillae.
- Sex, refraction & iris colour affect pupil size.
Pupil during sleep :-
- Small due to inhibition of sympathetic stimulation & inhibitory cortical
impulses to the sphincter pupillae ( parasympathetic is predominant ).
Pupil during anaesthesia :-
- 1st & 2nd stages → dilatation due to fear & emotional stimulation
( sympathetic ).
- 3rd stage → constriction.
- 4th stage → paralytic dilatation.
N.B. lacrimation, eye movement & corneal reflexes are present in 1st &
2nd stages while they are absent in 4th stage.
Pupillary reflexes :-
Constricting pupillary reflexes :-
- Light refex.
- Near reflex.
- Orbicularis reflex.
- Trigeminal reflex.
N.B. for every 1 axon leaving the ciliary ganglion for light reflex there
are 30 axons leaving for near reflex.
- Pathway :-
- Stimulus :- blurring of vision.
- Receptors :- rods & cones.
- Afferent :- retina → optic nerve → optic chiasma, where nasal fibers
crosses to the opposite side & temporal fibers remain uncrossed →
optic tract → LGB → optic radiation → area 17 in occipital lobe →
area 18 & 19 → area 8 in frontal lobe → fibers descend in internal
capsule to CN III nuclei in midbrain → EWN of both sides.
- Center :- EWN.
- Efferent :- through CN III to :-
1)- medial recti :- fibers come from CN III not EWN.
2)- ciliary ganglion :- where relay occur & postganglionic
parasympathetic fibers pass through short ciliary ns to ciliary ms
& sphincter pupillae ms.
3)- accessory ganglion :- where relay occurs & postganglionic
parasympathetic fibers pass to sphincter pupillae ms.
- Clinical applications :-
- near reflex is present in uncorrected myopia & in very old persons
who lost their accomodation.
- near reflex is absent in paralysis of convergence where accomodation
is normal.
- constriction of the pupil is equal on both sides even if one eye is
covered or has defective vision.
lesion is below the superior cervical ganglion & this is due to nerve
fibers of the face derived from plexus around external carotid artery
( impairment of sweating in ipsilateral face & neck ).
- Confirming tests :-
a)- Cocaine 4% drops in both eyes :-
- normal pupil → dilate.
- affected pupil → no dilatation.
b)- Exposure to dark :-
- slow dilatation of affected
pupil in relation to the normal
c)- Hydroxyamphetamine 1% in both eyes :-
- preganglionic lesion → both pupils will dilate.
- postganglionic lesion → affected pupil will not dilate.
d)- Adrenaline 1/1000 solution in both eyes :-
- preganglionic lesion → no dilatation of both pupils due to rapid
destruction of adrenaline by MAO enzyme.
- postganglionic lesion → dilatation of the affected pupil due to
absent MAO enzyme.
* Abnormal pupils:-
I)- Afferent pupillary defect :-
- causes :- macular disease, optic nerve disease, RD & CSR.
- loss or weak direct light pupillary reflex.
- when other eye is stimulated → consensual reaction on the affected
* Importance :-
- essential for corneal transparency.
- Na+ & HCO3 transported across the endothelium from stroma to aqueous
is mediated by Na+/K+ ATPase & carbonic anhydrase enzymes.
* Importance :-
- regulate corneal hydration which is essential for maintenance of corneal
- regulate diffusion of nutrients, O2 & metabolic products from tear film
& aqueous.
- transport drugs across the cornea to aqueous.
* Mechanism :-
1)- Passive mechanism :-
a)- Diffusion :-
- molecules move across epithelium & endothelium ( act as semipermea-
ble membranes ) to achieve equal concentration on the two sides
( stroma on one side & tears or aqueous on the other side ).
b)- Phase solubility ( dual nature of corneal permeability ):-
- the lipid content of the epithelium & endothelium is 100 times > that
of the stroma.
- How the cells & matrix components are organized within the tissue to
↓ the RI disparity :-
* Maurice theory :-
- arrangement of the collagen fibrils of uniform thickness form
a lattice structure that scattering of light is eliminated by
destructive interference from individual fibrils.
* Goldmann theory :-
- the stromal fibrils ( being tightly & regularly packed together )
are small with interference to light wavelength.
- fibril diameter is < 30 nm & the interfibrillar distance is 55 nm,
for light scattering this distance must be > 200 nm.
* 3rd neuron :-
- postero-medial ventral ( PMV ) nucleus of the thalamus.
- axons pass through the internal capsule to reach the face region
in the lower part of the sensory area in the post-central gyrus in the
parietel lobe.
* Reflexes :-
1)- Blinking ( corneo-palpebral ):-
- afferent → 5th CN.
- efferent → 7th CN.
- center → basal ganglia.
2)- Irido-constrictor :-
- efferent → 3rd CN.
3)- Vasodilator :-
- irritation of the eye → redness.
- efferent → sympathetic vasomotor fibers.
4)- Lacrimatory :-
- arc of innervation of the lacrimal gland.
- efferent → 7th & 9th CNs.
5)- Axon reflex :-
- mustard oil drops produce miosis & VD.
- disappear after topical anaesthesia.
- persist after 5th CN neurectomy behind the Gasserian ganglion.
6)- Trophic effect :-
- 5th CN neurectomy infront of Gasserian ganglion → keratitis due to
sympathetic nerve with its vasomotor effect joins the nerve infront
of the ganglion.
c)- Modilities :-
* Pain :-
- sensitivity to pain ↑ from periphery to the center which is richly
supplied by free nerve endings.
- the horizontal meridian is more sensitive than vertical & temporal
> nasal.
* Touch :-
- proved by presence of touch with absence of pain after cutting
the trigeminal tract in the medulla to relieve pain in trigeminal
* Cold :-
- cold receptors are deeper than pain & touch receptors.
- patient may feel cold in his eye after topical anaesthesia.
- No heat receptors in the cornea, they are present only in lid margin
& caruncle.
d)- Test :-
- aesthediometer of Cochet & Bonnet :- nylon filaments are 0.12 mm
in diameter contained in a pencil like handle, the length & the
pressure exerted can be changed.
- the normal threshold is 4.5 cm length or 16 mg/mm2 pressure.
* Mechanism of vascularization :-
- unknown.
- corneal lesion produces X – factor that either stimulates :-
a)- limbal BVs proliferation.
b)- anti-vascularization barrier.
- Ashton claims that corneal trauma produces hypoxia that lead to
accumulation of lactic acid that stimulates vascularization ( abainst →
hyperoxygenation has no effect on vascularization ).
- Payrau claims that lesion produces a substance that diffuses to the
limbus, leads to rupture of mast cells liberating histamine that leads to
VD, ↑ permeability & corneal edema that allows invasion by new vessels
( against → antihistaminics has no effect on corneal vascularization ).
* Definition :-
- metabolism is a series of chemical processes mediated by enzymes by
which energy is obtained & utilized for growth, normal functions & in
certain abnormal conditions.
* Importance :-
energy is needed for :-
- maintenance of dehydration & transparency ( metabolic pump ).
- resynthesis of corneal tissue & healing after injury as wounds & ulcers.
- various cellular activity.
* Requirements :-
- carbohydrates :- glucose mainly & glycogen which is stored in epithelium
& used in emergency e.g. wounds.
* Metabolic pathways :-
- Glycolysis ( anerobic ):- mainly in the stroma ( cells contain no
mitochondria nor enzymes for Kreb's cycle ) & in the epithelium under O2
lack conditions ( glucose → 2 lactic acid + 2 ATP ).
- Kreb's cycle ( aerobic ):- in epithelium, endothelium & keratocytes
( glucose → CO2 + H2O + 38 ATP ).
- Hexose monophosphate ( Pentose ) shunt.
I)- Secretion of
tears :-
- 0.5 – 1.25 gms or ml is secreted over 16 hrs waking period.
- premature infants fail to secrete tears, while newborn babies secrete
tears in the 1st 24 hrs.
* Pharmacology :-
- ↑ secretion by parasympathomimetics.
- ↓ secretion by parasympatholytics ( e.g. atropine ), phenothiazine
drivatives, antihistaminics & ganglion blocker agents.
- tear film stability ( i.e. tear film doesn't fall by gravity ) is improved
by oral bromhexine.
- sympathetic denervation sensitizes the gland to both sympatho- &
parasympathomimetics due to ↑ cell permeability.
- parasympathetic denervation sensitizes the gland to pilocarpine not
* Tear film :-
- it covers the ocular
- thickness → 6.5 – 7.5 µ.
- volume → 7.4 µl in
unanaesthesized eye, 2.6 µl
in anaesthesized eye & ↓
with age.
- grossly visible at the
lower lid margin.
- optically clear &
continuosly renewed.
- composed of ptns & muco-
ptns to maintain its wetting &
viscosity necessary for health of the epithelium of the ocular surface.
* Parts :-
- marginal tear strip :- posterior to inferior lid margin, forms a tear
meniscus confluent with pre-ocular & pre-corneal tear film, carries debris
to puncta.
- pre-ocular tear film :- cover bulbar & tarsal conjunctiva.
- pre-corneal tear film.
* Functions :-
- optically → fill up irregularities in corneal epithelium.
- supply O2 from air to cornea.
- remove desquamated cells, debris & FB.
- lubricant.
- antimicrobial → lysozyme & immunoglobulins.
* Layers :-
I)- Oily ( lipid ) layer :-
- thickness → 0.1 – 0.2 µm.
- secreted by Meibomian, Zeis & Moll glands.
* Excretion :-
- the remainder of tears → lacrimal puncta → canaliculi → sac → NLD →
- Mechanism :-
a)- Passive :- gravity & capillary attraction.
b)- Active ( lid movement = suction pump ):-
- orbicularis contraction during lid closure :-
dilate the canaliculi & draw the lateral wall
of the sac laterally creating a –ve pressure
→ tears are directed to the sac.
- orbicularis relaxation during lid opening :-
ampulla of vertical part of canaliculus
dilate & the sac collapse → tears are
directed to the NLD.
- Folds or valves present in the NLD prevent
air within the nose from being drwn up into
the drainage system.
* Investigations of Epiphora :-
a)- Jone's two stages test :- instillation of fluorescein in the
cojunctival sac & notation of its appearance in the nose.
- if no stain appear in the nose → irrigate the sac with saline :-
* if stained saline appears in the nose → upper segment is normal &
lower segment failure.
* clear saline appears in nose → upper segment failure.
* no fluid appears at all → complete failure.
N.B. Upper segment ( lid margin, puncta & canaliculi ) – Lower segment
( sac & duct ).
b)- Dacryocystography :-
- radiographic appraisal of the emptying time for lacrimal drainage system
by injection of contrast medium of known viscosity into the lacrimal sac.
- the normal sac will be emptyied in < 15 min. & the normal duct within 30
- any residual dye in the sac after 30 min. → functional block ( even if the
system was patent ) as occurs in lacrimal pump failure due to orbicularis
paralysis, or partial obstruction in the sac or duct relieved by
* Functions :-
a)- Metabolism of avascular structures :-
- bring nutrients & carry away metabolites.
b)- Regulate IOP.
c)- Protective :-
- ascorbic acid & glutathione protect against damaging effect of free
radicals & peroxides that are continuously produced as by-products of
- rapid removal of PG & catecholamines.
- plasmoid aqueous bring more defense mechanisms in cases of
d)- Refractive medium.
b)- Systemic :-
- ↓ BP.
- general anaesthesia ( ↓ BP ).
- ↓ carotid blood flow.
- acidosis.
- hypothermia.
- adrenalectomy ( as catecholamines → ↑ adenylate cyclase ).
c)- Local :-
- pseudofacility ( ↑ IOP → ↓ aqueous formation ).
- inflammation e.g. iridocyclitis.
- RD.
- choroidal detachment.
- retrobulbar anaesthesia.
d)- Pharmacological :-
- topical :- epinephrine → 30% ↓.
- timolol ( β-blockers ).
- guanethedine.
- systemic :- CAI ( 50% ↓ ).
- hyperosmolarity.
- cardiac glycosides.
e)- Surgical :-
- cyclo-dialysis.
- cyclo-diathermy.
- cyclo-cryothermy.
- cyclo-laser photo coagulation.
g)- Gases :-
- O2 :- 50 mmHg, important for corneal endothelium & lens.
- CO2 :- 50 mmHg, important for HCO3 formation.
h)- Metals :-
- Fe++,Cu++ & Zn → as plasma.
i)- Vitamins :-
- act as co-enzymes.
II)- ↓ outflow :-
a)- physiological :-
- relaxation of accomodation ( ↓ trabecular outflow although ↑ uveo-
scleral outflow.
- ↑ venous pressure ( episcleral & jugular venous pressure ).
b)- pharmacological :-
- cycloplegic agents.
- steroids.
- estrogen.
c)- surgical & pathological :-
- trabecular swelling.
- inflammation of anterior segment.
- pigment, macrophages, fibrin & vitreous in the AC.
III)- Vitreous :-
- form 4/5 of the volume of the globe.
- rapid swelling → ↑ IOP.
- dehydration by osmotherapy → ↓ IOP.
* Measurement of IOP :-
I)- Manometry :-
- used in laboratory.
- a small hollow needle is inserted in AC.
- a reservoir of saline is raised no aqueous leave the eye & no saline
enter the eye.
- this hight → IOP in cm water.
II)- Tonometry :-
a)- applanation :-
- depends on the equation : Pressure = Force / Area.
- the pressure inside a flexible sphere can be closely approximated by
knowing the force necessary to just flatten ( applanate ) a given area.
- we can determine the pressure by measuring the force necessary to
flatten a fixed area ( Goldmann ) or by measuring the area flattened
by a fixed force ( Maklakoff ).
* Hypotony :-
- IOP < 8 mmHg → edema in retina, optic disc, choroid & cornea due to VD.
* Glaucoma :-
- IOP ↑ enough for long enough → characteristic visual field defect.
* Ocular hypertension :-
- ↑ IOP without field changes.
all transretionl
esterification ↓ detoxification
- Purkinje shift.
3)- Colour vision :- is photochemical in nature, evidenced by :-
- presence of 3 types of pigments with different maximum absorption
wave length → blue 450 nm.
→ green 540 nm.
→ red 575 nm.
4)- Retinal sensitivity :-
- bleaching of rhodopsin → ↓ sensitivity.
- reformation of rhodopsin → ↑ sensitivity.
5)- Diseases :-
- retinitis pigmentosa :- ↓ vit.A → suffering of rhodopsin metabolism
→ night blindness.
- sensory RD :- ↓ formation of rhodopsin from vit.A in blood.
- in retinal periphery. - in macula.
- responsible for scotopic vision. - responsible for photopic vision.
- highly sensitive to light. - less sensitive to light.
- little colour perception. - good colour perception.
- little details perception. - good details perception.
- convergence is very marked - no convergence of impulses ( every
( several rods are associated cone discharge to single bipolar cell
together & send impulses to single → single ganglion cell → single nerve
bipolar cell ) → high degree of fiber ) → high degree of
spatial summation. discrimination.
- Evidences :-
1)- dark adaptation curve composed of 2 parts :-
- 1st part → rapid, correspond to cone adaptation.
- 2nd part → slow, correspond to rod adaptation.
* Substrates :-
a)- Glucose :- from blood.
b)- Glycogen :- stored in Muller's cells & horizontal cells.
c)- sugar content of vitreous is higher in region near degenerated retina
than in region near healthy retina.
d)- O2 from blood flow to the retina.
e)- retina has the highest rate of respiration in the body.
N.B. Pentose shunt doesn't occur in the retina, because it needs G6P
which is not present in the retina ( present only in the cornea & lens ).
* Minimum visible :-
- is the ability to determine the smallest object in space with threshold
angle as small as 0.5 – 1 sec. of an arc.
- Example :- detection of thinnest black line ( e.g. thin telegraph wire )
against clear sky.
* Minimum resolvable :-
- is the ability to determine 2 separated points with threshold angle as
small as 60 sec. of an arc, this angle is subtended by a single cone, this
needs :-
a)- forced fixation.
b)- focused image.
c)- photopic illumination.
d)- integrity of visual system.
* Contrast sensitivity :-
- seeing involves not only detection of fine high-contrast detail ( as
measured in conventional tests of VA ), but also the ability to detect
coarser features of low contrast such as large objects seen through
a fog, or through edematous cornea or cataract.
- Measurement of contrast sensitivity :-
a)- sinusoidal grating :- i.e. parallel, equal width bright & dark bars in
which brightness changes in a sine wave manner are used.
b)- spatial frequency of grating :- is a number of cycles one bright plus
one dark bar per degree of visual angle, 30 cycles/degree is =
6/6 & 5 cycles/degree = 6/36.
c)- contrast between maximum & minimum brightness is also varied, the
least contrast required for a grating of a given frequency to be seen
is determined.
d)- for most objects, contrast sensitivity is greater for 5 cycles/degree,
less for higher or lower frequencies. Fine detail ( high frequency will
be seen only when the contrast is high ).
- the highest frequency detected when contrast is 100% ( B & W )
corresponds to VA as usually increased.
- reduced contrast sensitivity was found in :- D.S, diabetic maculopathy,
OAG & in patients with normal Snellen's acuity & inspite of this feel
that their vision is impaired.
D)- Adaptation :-
- def.:- is the ability of the visual system to adjust itself to different
levels of illumination.
* Mechanisms :-
I)- Pupillary light reflex :-
- regulates amount of light entering the eye.
- it's rapid ( one sec. ) but of limited value.
II)- Photochemical adaptation :-
- it's slow ( few minutes ):-
a)- dark adaptation :- in which reformation of rhodopsin → ↑ retinal
sensitivity to light.
b)- light adaptation :- in which bleaching of rhodopsin & iodopsin →
↓ sensitivity to light.
III)- Neural adaptation :-
- very rapid, all or none rule, depending on minimum threshold of
a)- central :- exposure of one eye to light → ↓ sensitivity to light.
b)- retinal :- stimulation of one area of the retina → inhibition of
surrounding areas ( lateral inhibition ).
- Characters :-
a)- ↓ retinal sensitivity to light ( objects must
be illuminated brightly to see their details.
b)- ↑ VA.
c)- possible colour vision.
- Phases :-
a)- α – phase :-
- rapid 0.2 sec. due to neural inhibition.
- correspond to a-wave in ERG.
b)- β – phase :-
- slow 1 min. due to photochemical decomposition ( related to adaptation
of optic nerve to continuous stimuli ).
* Adaptation disorders :-
- def. - night blindness due to - day blindness due to
impaired rod function & impaired cone function &
impaired dark adaptation. impaired light adaptation.
- causes a)- congenital. a)- congenital :-
b)- retinitis pigmentosa. - monochromatism as a part
c)- vit.A ↓. of retinitis pigmentosa.
d)- major tranquilizers. - hereditary cone dystrophy.
b)- acquired :-
- macular toxicity.
- glaucoma ( destruct cones
1st ).
- clinical - night blindness. - bad day vision.
picture - peripheral field defect. - better night vision.
- normal VA. - central scotoma.
- good colour vision. - ↓ peripheral vision.
- ↓ VA.
- colour blindness.
d)- age :-
- fatigue, hypoxia & attention affect minimal light threshold.
III)- Adaptation :-
- as the stimulus continues, the sensation ↓ slowly due to adaptation.
= .
- Value of CFF :-
a)- test retinal function.
* Form sense :-
- the form sensation is affected by :- temporal summation & spatial
* After image :-
- def. :- they are visual sensations that are precieved after cessation of
visual stimulation.
- types :- +ve & -ve after images ( see before ).
- applied physiology :-
* Cupper's method ( -ve after image ) in ttt of eccentric fixation :-
- patient cannot fixate an object in space by the fovea with the aid of
euthyscope ( modified ophthalmoscope ) which can project white light on
the posterior pole of the retina in the form of disc with dark central
spot of 3o – 5o , this spot cover & protect the macula.
- the retina ( except the macula ) is dazzled for 10 – 30 sec. when the
eyes look at a light screen, the patient will see a –ve after image ( a clear
central disc surrounded by a dark ring ).
- the aim of this ttt is to prolong the period of appearance of this after
image, so that the patient is trained to recognize the position of his
fovea in space.
* Important definitions :-
- Luminosity :- subjective sensation of illumination.
- Luminance = candels/unit area.
- Brightness :- means ↑ or ↓ luminance.
- Hue :- subjective assessment of colours.
- Tints :- colour mixed with white.
- Shades :- colour mixed with black.
- Purity :- degree of freedom from mixtures with light of other wave
- Saturation :- contain multiple wave lengths of the same wave length i.e.
of the same colour.
- objections :-
a)- VA is not affected by different light colours i.e. VA with red light
( stimulation of some cones ) is not < VA with white light ( stimulation
of all cones ).
b)- psychologists consider white & yellow as distinct colours & not as
* Colour blindness :-
- def.:- loss of colour discrimination either partial ( common ) or complete
( rare ).
- the most common is difficult differentiation between red & green.
- in addition, there are major changes in the luminosity curves so that the
relative brightness of coloured surfaces is changed.
IX)- ERG :-
- ewcord bulk electrical response of the retina on exposure to light.
X)- VEP :-
- recording of electrical of visual cortex by stimulation of retina as the
macula representation is about 1000 that of the retina.
- macula represented area lie superficially in the occipital lobe while
peripheral retina lies deeper.
XI)- Flickering.
H)- Electrophysiology :-
* Resting potential :-
- it's the difference between electric potential in cornea & retina = about
6 millivolt ( cornea is +ve in relation to retina ) due to unequal
distribution of ions on both sides of the cell membrane.
- it' based on metabolic activity of RPE.
- it's independent of ERG.
- when discovered 100 years ago → the knowledge about electrical
response of visual retina developed.
* Principle :-
- voltage difference between outer &
inner poles of the eye ( cornea &
retina ) resting potential is about 6
- an electrical current continuously flows from retina towards the cornea
producing an electrical field around the eye.
- the algebraic sum of potential changes in the retina when recorded while
the retina is at rest is called EOG.
- the amplitude of the response depend on illumination :-
a)- dark adaptation :-
- response ↓ gradually till reaching dark trough after 8 – 12 min.
b)- light adaptation :-
- response ↑ gradually till reaching light peak ( spike ) after 6 – 10 min.
* Technique :-
- apply 2 electrodes, one on skin near
the inner canthus & one on skin near
the outer canthus.
- ask the patient to move his eyes by
changing fixation between 2 red
lights separated from each other by
30o, so when the +ve cornea approaches one electrode the –ve retina
approaches the other electrode & potential difference is recorded &
amplified by an amplifier or a pen recorder.
- all the above is done in dark & once in light & each has period of 15 min.
* Clinical significance :-
- any abnormalities detect abnormal presynaptic function of the retina :-
I)- EOG passes parallel to ERG :-
- i.e. any abnormalities in ERG, the EOG will be abnormal also except in
( early changes in EOG before ERG ):-
a)- vitelliform macular dystrophy ( Best's disease ):-
- ERG is normal but EOG is
b)- Albi punctate flavimaculatus.
II)- Abnormal EOG ( abnormal
Ardan ratio ):-
- vit.A ↓.
- retinitis pigmentosa.
- night blindness.
- chloroquine retinopathy.
III)- EOG used as a substitute for
ERG in :-
- pediatrics.
- intolerance to contact lens ( electrode ) used in ERG.
IV)- regulation of dose of chloroquine in ttt of malaria :-
- by detecting early toxicity in RPE.
* Technique :-
- patient is placed in a dark room for 30 min. ( dark adaptation ).
- full dilatation of the pupil not to affect retinal illumination by changing
pupil size.
- light is delivered uniformly throughout the entire retina to stimulate all
- record electric response of retina by using :-
a)- a corneal contact lens probe ( electrical ).
b)- other neural electrode over forehead or cheek.
- response in the form of waves are amplified & recorded on X – Y plotter.
* Components :-
I)- a – wave :-
- -ve wave.
- latent period is 2 millisec.( means that synapses are not involved ) →
this is confirmed by general
resistance of response to
poisons, alcohol & anoxia.
- amplitude is 100 µVolt.
- immediately follow ERP.
- originated from inner
segment of photoreceptors,
evidenced by :-
a)- feeding mice with
glutamate ( destroy bipolar
& ganglion cells ) → intact
II)- b – wave :-
- +ve wave.
- most important element in ERG & it varies with the intensity of the
- amplitude is 100 – 300 µVolt.
- follow a – wave.
- originates from bipolar cells directly or through Muller's cells in inner
nuclear layer.
- 2 parts → b1 → from cone dominated bipolar cells.
→ b2 → from rod dominated bipolar cells.
- related to intra-retinal diseases :-
a)- Na+ glutamate injection →
↓ amplitude of b – wave due
to affection of bipolar cells.
b)- CRAO & CRVO → absent
b – wave.
N.B. atrophy of ganglion cells & nerve
fibers have no effect on b – wave.
III)- c – wave :-
- +ve wave.
- affected by size of the pupil & level of dark adaptation.
- originate from RPE ( hyperpolarization ) or from rods as spectral
sensitivity of dark adapted c – wave corresponds with absorption
spectrum of rhodopsin not that of melanin.
- abnormal RPE diseases → RPE separation & iodide toxins.
- c – wave persists in the atropinized eye & therefore obviously of
retinal origin.
IV)- d – wave :-
- +ve wave & of short duration.
- start after cessation of the stimulus denoting an off-effect.
- not present in human eyes except in cases of aphakia when more short
wave lengths can reach the retina.
V)- e – wave :-
- is oscillation in ascending limb of b – wave, originating from amacrine
cells & this e – wave is abnormal in microvascular abnormalities in
mid-retina ( inner nuclear layer ).
- diabetic retinopathy → abolish e – wave according to level of ischemia.
* Advantages of ERG :-
a)- testing retinal functions in pediatrics, malingering & in opaque media.
b)- since a, b & c – waves arise from cells distal to ganglion cells, ERG can
be combined with VEP to differentiate lesions involving outer layers of
retina from lesions involving visual pathway from ganglion cells to
c)- distinguish cone functions from rod functions :-
1)- use red flash → stimulate cones.
- use blue flash → stimulate rods.
2)- using flickering of light as rod can respond up to 20 cycles/sec., but
cones can respond up to 60 cycles/sec.
I)- Responses in ERG :-
- supernormal → irritative stage.
→ normal a – wave & high b – wave.
- normal.
- subnormal → only a – wave is present.
- extinguished → flat ERG.
- -ve response of ERG → absent b – wave → CRVO.
II)- ERG in Retinitis pigmentosa :-
- rods & cones ERG b – wave implicit times are normal in sector retinitis
- rods & cones ERG implicit times or both are markedly delayed in the
early stages of widespread retinitis pigmentosa before any fundus
changes are observed.
- normal cone implicit time with abnormal rod function is seen in
stationary forms of night blindness.
* Types of ERG :-
I)- Flash ERG :-
- media opacity – stimulus > 20 x 103.
* Principle :-
a)- Assessement of retino-cortical conduction :-
- from ganglion cells → visual cortex.
b)- Assessement of macular function :-
- as macula is represented in cortex by large area more than its retinal
size ( about 1000 times ).
* Components :-
I)- Flash VER :-
- stimulus is a flash of light.
- N1, P1 – N2 , P2 – N3 , P3.
* Technique :-
- 6 electrodes are placed on occiput.
- common reference more anteriorly each electrode give separate wave
of different amplitude.
- the amplitude is lower than that of ERG, so should be amplified &
isolated from ERG noise.
* Clinical significance :-
- detect VA in → malingering.
→ child & infants.
→ mental retardation.
- detect & locate visual field defects.
- confirm diagnosis of subclinical & clinical optic neuropathy as all
components are delayed & smaller ( delayed transmission → slow
transmission through optic nerve e.g. multiple sclerosis ).
- assess integrity of macular function & hence VA e.g. children before
- in association with ERG to differentiate between outer retinal lesion
from retinal lesion affecting ganglion cells up to visual cortex.
II)- Photoreceptors :-
- hyperpolarization of 3 µV which continue with the stimulus & disappear
with its disappearance.
- due to decomposition of visual pigments → liberate Ca++ ions which
enter the cell → ↑ polarization.
- rods hyperpolarization is slower than that of cones.
* Visual Field :-
- def.:- it’s the area in space in which objects are visible during fixation.
- it's limited upward, inward & downward by the prominence of the brows,
nose & cheek & also by the depth to which the eye is sunk in the orbit.
* Extent :-
- about 50o up, 70o down, 60o
nasal & 90o temporal.
- it's largest for blue, smaller for
red & smallest for green ( blue >
red > green ).
- this depend upon the light energy
reaching the retina.
* Blind spot :-
- it's the projection of optic nerve
head ( papillae ) inside the visual field.
- it's vertically oval, 5.5o width & 7.5o height.
- situated 15o temporal to the fixation point & 1.5o below the horizontal
- it's totally blind ( absolute –ve scotoma ) & surrounded by an amblyopic
area of 1o for white.
- it's not seen due to :-
a)- overlapping of the field.
b)- the blind spot is away from the visual axis.
c)- the eye is never steady.
* Field defect :-
- it's an area of ↓ sensitivity.
II)- Depression :-
- area within the field in which light
sensitivity depress.
III)- Scotoma :-
- isolated island of ↓ sensitivity within the
field ( e.g. blind spot ) surrounded by
normal visual function.
- it may be :-
a)- +ve → patient complains
of them as black spots in
the visual field.
b)- -ve → patient does not
feel them, but doctor can
find them as sign.
- –ve scotoma may be :-
1)- relative → loss of
perception of certain
colours over this area.
2)- absolute → loss of
light perception.
* Isopter :-
- represent the limits of where given stimuli of same intensity is
- the location where the stimulus is the threshold stimulus.
* Threshold :-
- represent intensity of light stimulus that is perceived as 50% of time
measured at a given retinal point.
* Perimetry :-
- def.:- testing & evaluation of the visual field.
* principle :-
- every point in the visual field has a certain visual threshold defined as
the weakest stimulus that is visible at that location.
- visual field testing consists of determining the visual threshold at
selected points throughout the field of vision as well as determining the
outside boundary of the visual field.
- in kinetic perimetry → selected test stimulus is moved until it crosses
its isopter.
- in static perimetry → a stationary test stimulus in a given location is ↑
until it's seen.
- either method determine the visual threshold at one location ( the
location where the stimulus is just visible ).
- the results are most often recorded in :-
a)- kinetic perimetry as isopters representing a contour map of the
" hill of vision ".
b)- static perimetry as a graph of profile representing a slice through
the " hill of vision ".
* Types :-
I)- Kinetic peimetry :-
- 2 dimensional measurement of the hill of vision to obtain its boundary.
- test object or light spot is moved from periphery to center till seen by
the patient's one eye.
- this is repeated in all principle meridians.
- the curved lines which join points of equal sensitivity is called isopters.
- several isopters are detected & measured.
- types :-
a)- arc perimetry.
b)- Goldmann or hemispherical. It's better as :-
- it's similar to space seen.
- test objects are controlled as regards size & brightness.
- can change condition of examination & therefore better test for
retinal sensibility & registering results.
III)- Campimetry :-
a)- Bjerrum screen :-
- a plane black 1 m2 scren at a distance of 1 meter
from the patient.
- diffusely illuminated.
- test objects are series of white balls fixed on
black sticks.
at 45o → angular size = 1/3 retinal size, so it's useful to test the
central 35o of field only.
b)- it's advised to do the test twice → one time under photopic condition
( for central scotoma ) & other time under mesopic condition ( to test
both rods & cones ).
* Humphery perimetry :-
I)- Reliability indices :-
- to what extent patient results are true & should be analysed 1st.
a)- fixation losses :-
- presenting a stimulus in the blind spot → if patient see it we record
a fixation loss.
- ↑ no. of fixation losses → ↓ reliability of the test.
b)- false +ve :-
- recording of sound not light.
c)- false –ve :-
- patient cannot respond to suprathreshold stimuli at a location where
sensitivity has been already recorded.
- types :-
a)- Mean deviation :-
- measures overall field loss ( elevation or depression ).
b)- Pattern standard deviation ( PSD ):-
- measures focal loss.
- it's more specific for glaucomatous damage > mean deviation.
c)- Short term fluctuation :-
- variability of threshold at one time i.e. measured twice at the one
time & get the difference.
d)- Corrected pattern standard deviation ( CPSD ):-
- variability of threshold after correction of short term fluctuation.
II)- Haloes :-
- def.:- coloured rings surrounding stimulating light with blue next to
stimulating light & the red is outermost.
- cause :- breakdown of white light by various media in the eye during
passage of light to the retina.
- it may be physiological or pathological :-
I)- Physiological haloes ( lenticular ):-
- due to diffraction by lens fiber arrangement ( radially grating ).
- occurs when one looks at a candle flame through a thin layer of
lycopodium powder enclosed between 2 glass plates ( act as
a trial lens ).
II)- Pathological haloes :-
- chronic conjunctivitis with mucous secretions specially in the morning.
- intense exposure to light ( e.g. snow blindness ) due to conjunctivitis
produced by exposure to UV rays.
c)- Phosphenes :-
- def.:- flashes of light or photopsia due to non light stimulus :-
1)- mechanical stimulus :-
- e.g. trauma applied to the eye.
- vitreous traction on the retina or retinal tear → phosphenes are
seen in the diagonal opposite side.
2)- electrical stimulus :-
- weak electrical current → blue phosphenes.
- strong electrical current → red or white phosphenes.
- phosphenes are seen in the same region of application of electrical
* Anatomical consideration :-
- there are 2 types of muscle fibers :-
I)- Twitch single innervated fibers ( thick ):-
- contain little mitochondria ( i.e. anaerobic metabolism ) → rapid
response to the stimulus with rapid contraction of high amplitude &
short duration.
- responsible for saccadic eye movement & help fixation & pursuit
II)- Tonic multiple innervated fibers ( thin ):-
- contain numerous mitochondria ( i.e. aerobic metabolism ) → slow
response to the stimulus with slow contraction of low amplitude &
long duration.
- responsible for gaze in all positions including 1ry position.
4)- Anesthesia :-
- early stages → side movement.
- anoxia with anesthesia → eye looks down with rapid jerky eye
- as the depth ↑ → ↓ movement & the eye is in the midline position.
5)- Alcohol :-
- diplopia due to release of the eye from visual fusional impulses.
* Actions of EOM :-
- All the above occur in the 1ry position when ms make 23o with vertical
meridian of the eye.
- When the eye is adducted farther 67o from its 1ry position → the
action will be intorsion & adduction for SR & extorsion for IR.
- When the eye is abducted 23o from its 1ry position → the action will be
only elevation for SR & depression for IR.
- When the eye is abducted > 23o from its 1ry position → the action will
be elevation, abduction & extorsion for SR & depression, abduction &
intorsion for IR.
* Eye movements :-
- def.:- any change from 1ry position ( 1ry position is the position when
the head is erect & eyes are looking straight ahead ).
- Classification :-
I)- Positions at rest :-
- absolute.
- relative.
II)- Uniocular :-
- ductions.
- torsions.
III)- Binocular :-
- conjugate → according to gaze.
→ according to spead → rapid ( saccadic ).
→ slow ( pursuit ).
- dysconjugate → convergence.
→ divergence.
N.B. the exact alignment of both eyes is obtained by fixation & to achieve
that 3 movements occur :-
1)- Jerky → every 1 - 15 sec.
2)- Oscillatory ( fine oscillation ).
3)- Minute variations in head position.
* Donder's law :-
- for any oblique movement there is a constant
& definite degree of torsion ( false torsion as
there's no real rotation around anteroposterior
axis ).
* Listing law :-
- when we leave the 1ry position to any new
position, the fixation line takes the shortest
possible route.
- during changing to fixation, the eye rotate
around a single axis of Listing plane which pass
coronal through equator & not rotate around
the anteroposterior axis.
٭latency 15 m.sec.
٭neutralized by saccadic movement when head & eyes move in the same
direction together.
٭Vestibulo-ocular reflex ( VOR ):-
٭Vestibular nystagmus :-
- occur as discussed in dynamic VOR by stimulation of semicircular
canals either by rotation or caloric test.
- Caloric test :-
1)- warm 40oC → stimulation of ipsilateral canals → slow movement
of eyes to the opposite side then fast movement to the same side.
2)- cold 33oC → inhibition of ipsilateral semicircular canals → slow
movement to the same side then fast movement to the opposite
٭Pathway of VOR :-
- Hairy cells in the semicircular canals → vestibular nerve → upper
medulla → ascending tract → vestibular nucleus → 3rd CN nucleus.
- Gaze centers :-
a)- they are located in the brainstem near the ocular motor nuclei &
lesion in these gaze centers lead to interference with binocular
* Nystagmus :-
- def.:- repetitive involuntary to & fro oscillatory eye movements ( usually
affecting both eyes ).
- Classification :-
I)- Jerk nystagmus :-
- slow defoveating ( drift ) movement followed by fast saccade
foveating movement.
- direction of nystagmus is described by the direction of the fast
saccadic component e.g. Rt., Lt., up, down or rotatory.
- example → vestibular nystagmus.
N.B. Eye movements that point the retinal fovea at an object of interest
are called foveating; those that move the fovea away from the object are
called defoveating.
- types :-
I)- Physiological nystagmus :-
a)- End point nystagmus :-
- fine jerk.
- when eyes look at extreme positions of gaze.
b)- Optokinetic nystagmus ( OKN or railroad nystagmus ):-
- jerk.
- induced by using optokinetic drums ( a small drum with black & white
stripes on its outer surface ) with repeated visual stimulation.
- applied :-
1)- lesion in the occipital cortex → homonymous hemianopia with
normal OKN.
2)- lesion in optic radiation → homonymous hemianopia with impaired
OKN on the same side due to loss of pursuit movement which
starts the OKN.
3)- fatigue, sedatives, anticonvulsants & excess alcohol impair OKN.
- def.:- it's the ability of both eyes to see one object as a single object at
the same time.
- Binocular single vision allows fusion of retinal images of the 2 eyes.
- minimal aberration ( optical defects in one eye are made less obvious
by the normal image of the opposite retina ).
- better depth perception ( stereopsis ).
- visual field defects in one eye are masked.
* Theories of fusion :-
I)- Terminal effector cell theory :-
- 2 images from 2 corresponding retinal points are fused in terminal
effector cells in the visual cortex area 17 ( Worth & Verhoeff ).
- sensation of both eyes = sum of sensation of each eye i.e. if one eye
sees white & the other sees black → the sum will be grey by binocular
* Dominant eye :-
- Rt. eye is dominant in 93% of population & image from the Rt. eye
dominates in case of retinal rivalry.
- visual axis of the dominant eye passes within the center of object &
visual axis of the other eye does not pass within the center of the
object, but vision still single & binocular due to Panum's area.
* Fixation disparity :-
- when an object is fixed ( looked at ), the visual axis of the dominant eye
passes in the center of the object, while the visual axis of the other eye
does not pass in the center of the object but still binocular vision is
obtained, this is called fixation disparity.
- it's due to Panum's area & marks the limit between physiological &
pathological situations.
- occur in very small angle heterophoria less than detected by cover test.
- it measures roughly 14 min. of arc ( 0.5 ∆ ).
- fusion becomes more difficult the more is the disparity or the
difference between the 2 images.
- slight difference is necessary to get the sensation of depth.
- if the 2 images are totally different, fusion does not occur, the images
are projected one over the other in the same visual direction.
II)- Confusion :-
- difficult fusion.
- 2 images are seen superimposed over each other in the same visual
direction i.e. diplopia ( 1st degree simultaneous macular perception ).
* Psycho-optical reflexes :-
- these reflexes maintain eye in correct position toward the object
despite movement of the object or the head :-
I)- Fixation reflex :-
- obvious at 2 – 3 month.
- types :-
a)- saccade → when object attracts one's attention, eye move rapidly
to fix it on macula.
b)- pursuit → maintain fixation at macula.
* Stereoscopic threshold :-
- it is the smallest binocular disparity than can be reliably detected.
- it is assessed on statistical basis.
II)- Confusion :-
- the result of stimulation of corresponding points in the 2 eyes by
dissimilar images.
- consequently they are perceived as located at the same place in space.
- the object of regard is not superimposed by a different object
projecting on the fovea of the squinting eye, this is due to presence of
an absolute scotoma of the macula of the squinting eye, it is
a physiological scotoma that prevents central confusion.
- Peripheral confusion :-
٭stimulation of corresponding retinal points ( other than 2 foveas )
in the 2 eyes by dissimilar images, this peripheral confusion is
overcome by abnormal retinal correspondence.
* The onset of squint in a person who has developed single binocular vision
produces 3 distinct symptoms :-
a)- central diplopia.
b)- peripheral diplopia.
c)- peripheral confusion.
- the patient is set on the synoptophore & asked to put the line in the
cage by moving the tubes of the instrument → this is the subjective
- the amount of deviation measured by the doctor is the objective
* Amblyopia :-
- def.:- defective vision without obvious cause or even after ttt of the
- Types :-
I)- Refractive amblyopia :-
- due to anisokonia or anisometropia.
II)- Stimulus deprivation :-
- due to media opacity or ptosis.
* Uveal circulation :-
I)- Ciliary body :-
- produces aqueous humour.
II)- Iris :-
- help aqueous drainage ( in & outflow ).
a)- source :-
- posterior ciliary artery → mainly ( long & short ).
- recurrent arteries from major circle → partially.
b)- anastmosis of choroidal arteries is poor & liable for degeneration.
c)- 4 regions can be identified → juxtacapillary, macular, equatorial &
d)- Choriocapillaries :-
- junction of arteries & veins.
- large capillaries 20 µ in diameter ( largest capillaries in the body ).
- have large pores in their wall near the retina.
- separated from RPE by Bruch's membrane.
- easy exchange of nutrients & metabolites.
- VD drugs ( as before ).
* Retinal circulation :-
a)- source :-
- inner 2/3 → CRA & its capillaries.
- outer 1/3 → nourishment by diffusion from choriocapillaries.
٭also RPE cells actively transport certain ions in & out of the retina
by an active metabolic mechanism.
٭this mechanisms acts also by pinocytosis & active secretion to
deturgesce the retina & supply essential substances for the retinal
- this BRB is disturbed by certain traumatic & pathological conditions
as DM, uveitis & intraocular inflammation resulting in :-
1)- Hemorrhage :- which may be :-
- deep from the deep capillary network.
- superficial from the superficial capillary network.
2)- Exudation of proteins & fluids :-
- lead to edema or lipid rich exudates → circinate or star shaped
3)- Leakage of serous exudates :-
- the BRB can be studied clinically by fluorescine angiography or
vitreous fluorophotometry.
- = 1/2 x constant.
- this difference is normally not > 10 mmHg.
- if ↑ → ↑ cerebral vascular resistance which is not adapted to ↑ BP
→ ↓ cerebral blood flow.
N.B. venous pressure is 2 mmHg > IOP → prevent collapse of the veins.
- venous pressure depends on → IOP.
→ CRA pressure.
→ intracranial pressure.
- disappearance of retinal venous pulsations → early sign of ↑ ICT.
- the arterial channel widens & collapse with systolic & diastolic
٭serpentine pulsations :-
- difficult to be observed.
- pressure of blood on the convexity of the arteries.
- it is favored by tortuous or dilated arteries, large pulse pressure
( in aortic incompetence or anemia ) & minimal blood viscosity.
2)- Venous pulsations :-
- absence of venous pulsations → early sign of ↑ ICT.
- ↑ ICT → pressure on the veins → ↓ blood flow → ↓ pressure inside
the veins until it becomes < IOP → venous collapse.
- frequently seen in young age.
- depends on the relation between the IOP & venous pressure.
- the venous pressure during diastole should be > IOP so as to be able
to see the venous pulsations.
IV)- Drugs :-
- vasodilators.
* Perfusion pressure :-
- def.:- difference in the pressure of the arteries entering & veins leaving
the eye ( almost equal to IOP ).
Blood flow =
* Aviation :-
I)- Gravitational effect :-
a)- effect of acceleration ( rapid ascending against gravity ):-
- will ↓ blood flow to the head → ↓ retinal supply → ↓ O2 to the retina
& brain ischemia :-
٭grey out :- ↓ vision due to rods degeneration as they are sensitive to
ischemia > cones.
٭blackout :- loss of vision as the cones are affected.
٭convulsions up to loss of consciousness.
N.B. ↓ blood → rods → grey out.
→ cones → blackout.
→ brain → convulsions & loss of consciousness.