Maximum Retail Price List: Effective From 1 March, 2021
Maximum Retail Price List: Effective From 1 March, 2021
Maximum Retail Price List: Effective From 1 March, 2021
from 1st
March, 2021
SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Approved by: GH • Issued by: SM
• MRP 2021, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st March, 2021
6004-2RS1 269 61905/C3 266
6000/C3D8VG043 145 61906/D8S0VB578 312
6000-2RS1 197 6004-2RS1/C3 269
6000-2RS1/C3 197 6004-2Z 244 6200 134
6000-2RS1/C4HTF7 197 6004-2Z/C3 244 6200/C3 134
6004-RS1 242 6200-2RS1 191
6000-2Z 165 6200-2RS1/C3 191
6000-2Z/C3 165 6004-RS1/C3 242
6000-Z 158 6004-Z 227 6200-2Z 168
6000-Z/C3 158 6004-Z/C3 227 6200-2Z/C3 168
6005 233 6200-RS1 171
6001 141 6200-Z 151
6001/C3 141 6005/C3 233
6001/HN3C3VG043 141 6005-2RS1 296 6200-Z/C3 151
6001-2RS1 206 6005-2RS1/C3 296 6201 111
6005-2Z 271 6201/C3 111
6201-2RS1 160
6001-2RS1/C3 206
6001-2RSH 206 6005-2Z/C3 271
6001-2Z 164 6005-RS1 260 6201-2RS1/C3 160
6001-2Z/C3 164 6005-RS1/C3 260 6201-2RS1/C3LLHT23 160
6005-Z 256 6201-2Z 139
6001-2Z/GJN 164 6201-2Z/C3 139
6001-RS1/C3 178 6005-Z/C3 256
6001-Z 160 6006 301 6201-RS1 135
6001-Z/C3 160 6006/C3 301 6201-RS1/C3 135
6006-2RS1 361 6201-Z 128
6002 161 6201-Z/C3 128
6002/C3 161 6006-2RS1/C3 361
6002/C3H 161 6006-2Z 351 6202 123
6002-2RS1 220 6006-2Z/C3 351 6202/C3 123
6006-RS1/C3 321 6202/HN3C3 124
6002-2Z 197 6202/S00VG043 123
6002-2Z/C3 197 6006-Z 327
6002-RS1 202 6007 320 6202/VG043 147
6002-Z 177 6007/C3 320 6202-2RS1 171
6007-2RS1 406 6202-2RS1/C2LHT23 171
6002-Z/C3 177 6202-2RS1/C3 171
6003 190 6007-2RS1/C3 406
6003/C3 190 6007-2Z 407 6202-2RSH/C3 171
6003/C3HD8 190 6007-RS1 365 6202-2Z 153
6007-RS1/C3 365 6202-2Z/C3 153
6003-2RS1 248 6202-2Z/MT33F9 153
6003-2Z 221 6010 705
6003-2Z/C3 221 6010/C3 705 6202-RS1 153
6202-RS1/C3 153
SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Approved by: GH • Issued by: SM
• MRP 2021, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st March, 2021
6203-2RS1/C3HTF7 203 6206 TN9/C3VQ488 461
6203-2Z 190 6209-2Z/C3 737
6206/C3 454 6209-2Z/C3HTVT530 712
6203-2Z/C3 190 6206/HN3C3H 454 6209-Z 696
6203-RS1 178 6206-2RS1/C3 522 6209-Z/C3 696
6203-RS1/C3 178 6206-2RS1/C3MT33 523
6203-Z 174 6210 684
6206-2Z 524 6210 N 688
6203-Z/C3 174 6206-2Z/C3 524 6210 N/C3 688
6204 225 6206-RS1 492 6210 NR 718
6204 N 225 6206-RS1/C3 492
6204/C3 225 6210/C3 684
6206-Z 488 6210-2RS1 910
6204/D8 225 6206-Z/C3 488 6210-2RS1/C3GJN 910
6204-2RS1 292 6207 447 6210-2Z 779
6204-2RS1/C3 292 6207 N 436
6204-2RS1N 293 6210-2Z/C3 779
6207 NR 447 6210-2Z/C3HTVT530 752
6204-2RZ 297 6207 NR/C3 447 6210-Z 740
6204-2RZ/C3 297 6207/C3 447 6210-Z/C3 740
6204-2RZN/C3 297 6207/C3D8 447
6204-2Z 267 6210-ZNBR 1,092
6207/D8 447 6211 896
6204-2Z/C3 267 6207-2RS1 530 6211/C3 896
6204-RS1 259 6207-2RS1/C3 530 6211-2RS1/HTF7 974
6204-RS1/C3 259 6207-2Z 514
6204-Z 250 6211-2Z 993
6207-2Z/C3 514 6211-2Z/C3 993
6204-Z/C3 250 6207-RS1 480 6211-RS1 954
6204-Z/HN3 250 6207-RS1/MT 499 6211-Z 957
6204-Z/HN3C3 250 6207-Z 486
6205 301 6212 1,020
6207-Z/C3 486 6212/C3 1,020
6205 E/HN3VK374 306 6208 539 6212-2RS1 1,177
6205 NR/C3 306 6208 N 549 6212-2RS1/C3 1,177
6205/C3 301 6208 N/C3 549
6205/HN3 306 6212-2Z 1,175
6208 NR 568 6212-2Z/C3 1,175
6205-2RS1 377 6208 NR/C3 568 6212-2Z/C3HTVT530 1,135
6205-2RS1/C3 377 6208/C3 539 6212-Z/C3 1,162
6205-2RZ 366 6208-2RS1 631
6205-2RZ/C3 366 6213 1,116
6208-2RS1/C3 631 6213/C3 1,116
6205-2Z 353 6208-2Z 615 6213-2Z 1,195
6205-2Z/C3 353 6208-2Z/C3 615 6213-2Z/C3 1,195
6205-RS1 341 6208-2Z/C3HTVT530 594
SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Approved by: GH • Issued by: SM
• MRP 2021, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st March, 2021
6301/C3 114 6304-2RS1/MTF7 289 6307-Z 582
6301-2RS1 148 6304-2Z 268 6307-Z/C3 582
6301-2RS1/C3 148 6304-2Z/C3 268
6301-2RS1/C3VC5131 148 6308 809
6304-RS1 264 6308 N 814
6301-2RS1/VC5131F7 148 6304-RS1/C3 264 6308 N/C3 814
6301-2Z 140 6304-Z 255 6308 NR 840
6301-2Z/C3 140 6304-Z/C3 255
6301-RS1 137 6308 NR/C3 840
6305 340 6308/C3 809
6301-RS1/C3 137 6305 N 342 6308-2RZNR/C3 921
6301-RS1/C3MTF9 137 6305 N/C3 342 6308-2Z 900
6301-RS1/C3VC513F9 137 6305/C3 340
6301-RS1/MT33F9 137 6308-2Z/C3 900
6305/C3H 346 6308-2Z/C3HTVT530 870
6301-RS1/MTF7 137 6305-2RS1 403 6308-Z 861
6301-RS1/VC5131F9 137 6305-2RS1/C3 403 6308-Z/C3 861
6301-Z 133 6305-2Z 387
6301-Z/C3 133 6308-ZN 865
6305-2Z/C3 387 6308-ZN/C3 865
6301-Z/MT33F9 133 6305-RS1 375 6308-ZNR 894
6302 231 6305-Z 365 6309 1,323
6302/C3 231 6305-Z/C3 365
6302-2RS1 286 6309 N 1,332
6306 475 6309 N/C3 1,332
6302-2RS1/C3 286 6306 N 476 6309 NR 1,373
6302-2Z 256 6306 N/C3 476 6309 NR/C3 1,373
6302-2Z/C3 256 6306 NR 491
6302-RS1 256 6309/C3 1,323
6306/C3 475 6309-2RS1 1,439
6302-RS1/C3 256 6306/HN3CNP 470 6309-2RS1/C3 1,439
6302-Z 248 6306-2RS1 544 6309-2Z 1,439
6302-Z/C3 248 6306-2RS1/C3 544
6303 264 6309-2Z/C3 1,439
6306-2Z 524 6309-2Z/C3HTVT530 1,390
6303/C3 264 6306-2Z/C3 524 6309-RS1 1,382
6303-2RS1 328 6306-RS1/MT 514 6309-RS1/C3 1,382
6303-2RS1/C3 328 6306-Z 505
6303-2RS1/C3HTF7 328 6309-Z 1,398
6306-Z/C3 505 6309-Z/C3 1,398
6303-2Z 305 6307 552 6310 1,334
6303-2Z/C3 305 6307 N 554 6310 N 1,340
6303-RS1 298 6307 N/C3 554
6303-RS1/C3 298 6310 N/C3 1,340
6307 NR 575 6310 NR 1,382
6303-Z 289 6307 NR/C3 575 6310 NR/C3 1,382
SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Approved by: GH • Issued by: SM
• MRP 2021, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st March, 2021
6311/C3 1,956 2789/2729/Q 783 33005/Q 496
28580/2/28521/2/Q 936
6311-2RS1 1,992 33010/Q 892
6311-2RS1/HTF7 2,088 30203 J2/Q 330 33019/Q 2,580
6311-2Z 2,110 30204 J2/Q 363 330201/Q 1,544
6311-2Z/C3 2,110 30205 J2/Q 386 330356 B/Q 1,884
30206 J2/Q 511
6311-Z 2,054 330632 C/Q 2,549
6311-Z/C3 2,054 30207 J2/Q 557 33108/U4Q 724
6312 2,311 30208 J2/Q 867 33111/QVB500 1,253
6312/C3 2,311 30209 J2/Q 640 33112/Q 1,542
30211 J2/Q 1,178
6312-2RS1 2,458 33215/Q 2,534
6312-2RS1/C3 2,458 30214 J2/Q 1,556 344/332/Q 822
6312-2Z 2,470 30215 J2/QCLN 1,655 3585/3525/Q 1,273
6312-2Z/C3 2,470 30302 J2/Q 371 3780/3720/Q 1,418
30305 C 549
6312-2Z/C3HTVT530 2,386 3782/3720/Q 1,448
6312-Z 2,418 30306 J2/QCLN 644 387/382 A/Q 1,106
6312-Z/C3 2,418 30308 J2/Q 911 395/394 A/Q 1,329
6313 2,648 30309 J2/Q 1,275 395 A/394 A/Q 1,302
30312 J2/Q 2,341
6313/C2 2,648 395 S/394 A/Q 1,302
6313/C3 2,648 31309 J2/QCLN 1,346 39580/W/2/39520/2/Q 2,034
6313-2RS1 2,797 31594/2/31520/2 975 39581/39520/Q 2,034
6313-2RS1/C3 2,797 320/32 X/Q 441 3982/3920/2/Q 1,673
32004 X/Q 455
6313-2Z 2,814 3984/2/3920/2/Q 1,538
6313-2Z/C3 2,814 32006 X/Q 452 39585/39520/Q 1,339
6313-2ZNR 2,874 32007 X/Q 568 399 A/394 A/QVB079 1,267
6313-RS1/C3HTVT193 2,665 32008 X/Q 632 418/414/Q 931
32010 X/Q 770
6313-Z 2,757 42687/42620 1,661
6313-Z/C3 2,757 32012 X/QVB531 1,154 42690/42620/Q 1,982
BB1B 420204 105 32013 X/QVB533 1,226 462/453 X/VB535 1,342
BB1B 420205 161 32014 X/Q 1,433 47487/47420 X 1,615
32020 X/Q 2,410
BB1B 420206 281 47890/47820/Q 2,312
32205 BJ2/Q 456 482/472/Q 1,528
Tapered roller bearing 32207 J2/Q 740 497/492 A/Q 2,896
02872/2/02820/2/Q 765 32210 J2/Q 969 535/532 A 1,386
09067/09195/Q 530 32211 J2/Q 872
11590/11520 456 539/532 X 1,242
32212 J2/Q 1,349 566/563/Q 1,434
15123/15245/Q 524 32213 J2/Q 1,911 567/563 1,612
1888400/Q 1,796 32214 J2/Q 1,580 575/572/Q 2,017
SKF India Limited – Industrial Market
Maximum retail price list for SKF domestic industrial products
(Not to be photocopied and/or given to others without permission of the issuing authority)
• Approved by: GH • Issued by: SM
• MRP 2021, Edition No. 1, Effective from 1st March, 2021
580/572/Q 1,498
55200 C/55437/QVE807 2,252
6379/K-6320/Q 2,830
683/672/Q 2,742
687/672/Q 2,906
72212/2/72487/2/Q 1,583
HM 212049/011 2,076
HM 903249/2/210/2/Q 1,478
JLM 710949/910/Q 1,204
JM 716649/610/Q 2,911
LM 11949/910/Q 478
LM 29749 F/711/Q 534
LM 29749/710/QCL7CVA607 594
LM 48548/510/Q 432
LM 501349/310/Q 621
LM 501349/314/Q 816
LM 603049/011 797
LM 603049/012/Q 611
M 12649/610/Q 516
M 802048/011/Q 1,224
M 86649/2/610/2/Q 813
M 88048/010/Q 791
Price list serial no.:
MRP21/IM/Ed. No.1:
1. The Maximum Retail Price list (MRP) list is effective from
1th March, 2021 and supersedes all the previous price lists issued by us.
2. These prices are subject to change without prior notice.
SKF in India
North: 611-617, 6th Floor, Bestech Chambers,
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Tel: +91-124-4705 000, Fax: +91-124-4705 001
East: Ecostation, Flat No: 1203, 12th Floor, Plot No 7, Block BP, Sector V,
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Tel: +91-33-3986 1800
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Tel: +91-22-6633 7777, Fax: +91-22-2281 9074
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Tel: +91-44-6661 4000, Fax: +91-44-2250 1103
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