Piping Classes: Company Specification
Piping Classes: Company Specification
Piping Classes: Company Specification
Rev. 2
November 2010
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
CONFIDENTIAL document and sole property of ENI S.p.A. Division E&P. It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
Eni S.p.A.
Exploration & Production Division Rev. 2 November 2010
Sheet 2 di 8
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
CONFIDENTIAL document and sole property of ENI S.p.A. Division E&P. It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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1.1 Scope
2.1 General
2.3 Ergonomics
2.4 Safety
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
CONFIDENTIAL document and sole property of ENI S.p.A. Division E&P. It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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1.1 Scope
The aim of this specification is to assign to every pressure piping system a “Pipe
Class” which defines, together with the reference specifications, the procedures to
be used for welding and the amount of Non Destructive Examinations (NDE).
This specification is applicable to all pressure piping systems included in the scope
of ASME B31.3 “Process Piping”, as far as plants are concerned, and ASME
B31.8 code “Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems” for the terminal
section of subsea pipes installed for Gas service on off-shore platforms.
At the moment of this document issue doesn’t exist any applicable and substituting
European normative.
At the moment of this document issue doesn’t exist any applicable and substituting
national normative.
At the moment of this document issue doesn’t exist any applicable and substituting
1.2.4 Legislation
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
CONFIDENTIAL document and sole property of ENI S.p.A. Division E&P. It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Except where otherwise specified the welds and relevant Non Destructive
Examinations (NDE) shall meet all the requirements of the latest edition of general
ENI E&P specifications listed here below:
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
CONFIDENTIAL document and sole property of ENI S.p.A. Division E&P. It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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2.1 General
A “Piping Class” code is assigned to each plant pipe according to Table 1 in
paragraph 2.2.
Relating to the this code the general welding specifications mentioned in
paragraph 1.2.5 define the criteria for welding (such as operating technique, filler
metal etc.) and the qualitative and quantitative levels for the Non Destructive
Examinations to be carried out.
In attributing the "Pipe Class" the following factors have been considered:
(a) type of conveyed fluid;
(b) plant location;
(c) design conditions;
(d) costs resulting from plant shut-down for repairs.
Once it has been defined, the "Pipe Class" must be shown in the Line List.
Should the lines not be classifiable among the ones listed in the following
sub-paragraph, the project engineer has the authority to attribute the Pipe Class
on the basis of the above mentioned points (a), (b), (c) and (d).
Whenever the type of fluid request additional requirements for materials (e.g. post
weld heat treatment and/or hardness tests during welding procedure qualification),
the Pipe Class shall be followed by an alphabetic letter:
S: Sour service (wet H2S); sour service is defined whenever the process fluid is
characterised by PH2S≥0.3 kPa or otherwise stated by the designer (in any
case in service condition more conservative respect to above reported).
T: execution of Post Weld Heat Treatment for any weld and any piping thickness
(e.g. for particular services as Stress Corrosion Cracking inducing
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
CONFIDENTIAL document and sole property of ENI S.p.A. Division E&P. It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Table 1
Conveyed Fluid or Plant Type Pressure Pipe Class
Gas – crude oil Whichever Whichever 1
Dangerous fluids
Whichever Whichever 1
(“M” cat. per ASME B 31.3)
Safety valves discharge,
depressurization lines and lines Whichever ------------------ 3
to flare
Oil drain system Whichever ------------------ 3
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
CONFIDENTIAL document and sole property of ENI S.p.A. Division E&P. It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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2.3 Ergonomics
2.4 Safety
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
CONFIDENTIAL document and sole property of ENI S.p.A. Division E&P. It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.